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not enough stars?

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Ok, here is the question. Everytime i run a good show b+ or better i get a message saying i don't have enough big stars for my level. I don't get this when i run a show below b+. I still get the increased popularity but not that message. I am international right now, does it mean i am about to go global but don't have enough main eventers? I am trying my hardest to get main event people but everytime i "auto push" it keeps trading my upper mid and main eventers. Should i push a few more main eventers beyond what auto push does? I know alot of diffrent question in this one sorry.
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if you go to the creative screen and click on "ideal roster" what does it say? If it tells you that you don't have enough of a certain number of workers for a specific push, then you need to sign more people to fill the spots. Each popularity level requires a certain amount of workers bare minimum. If you don't have enough people you lose overness gradually until you get the minimum.
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I think it's actually to do with Star Quality, rather than purely Overness. Check a few of your main event guys; do any of them have much Star Quality, or are they all around a C or below? That could be it. I wouldn't know, I've never got a promotion high enough to need stars ¬_¬ Hell, I've barely got a sky :p
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here is a list of my main eventers and upper mid card guys..... i am playing as swf by the way. main eventers: christain faith b- in all of us and c+ through b- in canada elmo benson b- in all of us and c in canada enygma b- in us and d in canada human arsenal b in us and d in canada jack bruce b- in us and b in canada joe sexy b in the us and d in canada liberty b- in us and d in canada lobster warrior b through b- in us and c in canada marc dubois b in us and b in canada runaway train c+ in us and mexico and b+ in canada skull debones *world champion* C+ in us canada and mexico *has had a great run as world champ so i don't get this one* upper mid. they are all around the same level in popularity so i don't understand why they are upper and others are main eventers. akima brave angery gilmore *very surprised as he has been a dominating tag champion* jumbo shrimp remo rich money robbie retro sam keith squeeky mcclean steve frehley
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Holy crap!! How have you managed to destroy SWF's main event scene's overness like that?! You need to get someone up to around A level overness, that's almost certainly what you are lacking. Here's a couple of good ways to get people over with the SWF. 1. Long segments. Get people like Jack Bruce, Angry Gilmore, Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy in segments at least 5 minutes long. This should help them get over. 2. Use "keep strong" and "dominate" road agent notes on people you want to get over. Even if they are beating midcarders this can help your main eventers get more over. The match grade will suffer a bit, but you need star power and you can put these matches earlier in the card. 3. Managers. If you can, find someone who has good chemistry with your top guys... even if the manager isn't over the chemistry can boost the ratings of segments a lot and help you get people over quickly. Angles are your friend. With some of the top talents you have you should be able to get people over based solely on that. In my SWF game Dermot O'Logical is up to A overness based on segments with Persephone (manager, E-) and Jack Bruce (A*). Dermot almost never wins matches but long, entertainment based angles have elevated him further than I could have ever hoped. And as a result, he's excellent for getting other people over too. :D Seriously though... how have you managed to drag SWF's top guys so far down in overness?
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I didn't realize he was playing SWF, holy crap.. Now he's got me scratching my head too. He'd have to post his save game so we can see what he did wrong. It's hard to venture a guess of how he was booking and what the booking strategy was merely from looking at the overness of his roster. Like, was he using storylines and angles at all? Was he mis-using him. Was he just throwing matches together and making top guys lose for no reason? There's a simple process. openers beat enhancement talent and other openers, low-midcarders beat openers and other low-midcarders, midcarders beat low-midcarders and other midcarders, upper-midcarders beat midcarders, other upper-midcarders, and main eventers beat each other and uppermidcarders. The only exception to the rule is talent your trying to establish. Following this basic formula keeps your roster in check.
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If I were to make a guess I'd say he's been using battle royales on TV/PPV and having one of the less over guys win it... the lower guy gains overness and if booked badly EVERYONE else loses overness. That ought to damage the overness of any roster pretty badly. Not that I've ever done that.... obviously... :rolleyes:
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every show i put out is atleast a b show, get some b+ and a's some times. I do a mix of long and short segments. I have three shows, two hour and a half shows where i use all my main eventers and upper mid card guys. and one three hour show where i use everyone. I think the problem i have is i want to keep all my main eventers strong. The storylines i run stay in the b to a range of heat.
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this is what i use for my "booking sheet" 65/25 swf supreme tv / SWF Impact pre-show match *10 min* pre-show match *10 min* segment *3 min* segment *2 min* match *7 min* match *8 min* match *8 min* segment *3 min* segment *2 min* segment *3 min* segment *2 min* match *10 min* match *10 min* segment *2 min* segment *2 min* segment *3 min* segment *3 min* match *10 min* match *12 min* Overdrive 126/54 pre-show pre-show segment *3 min* segment *3 min* match *8 min* match *8 min* match *8 min* match *8 min* match *8 min* segment *3 min* segment *3 min* segment *3 min* match *10 min* match *10 min* segment *4 min* segment *4 min* segment *4 min* segment *4 min* segment *6 min* match *10 min* match *10 min* match *10 min* segment *6 min* segment *6 min* segment *6 min* match *10 min* match *10 min* match *10 min* 126/54 BIG SHOW pre-show pre-show segment *3 min* segment *3 min* match *10 min* match *10 min* match *10 min* segment *3 min* segment *3 min* segment *3 min* match *13 min* match *13 min* segment *6 min* segment *6 min* segment *6 min* match *15 min* match *15 min* segment *7 min* segment *7 min* segment *7 min* match *20 min* match *20 min*
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