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CornellVerse vs. Real World?

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[QUOTE=Midian;370875]I notice a lot of people on these forums play the default data instead of a using a real world mod, In you opinion is this more fun? also how can i get the data back once delleted.[/QUOTE] The game is designed to run with the default data. It plays like it was intended to. There are some revisions to real world mods that are taking the way the game actually plays into focus. I think some frustration from some in playing a real world mod is that the game does not function like the WWE. Which is perfectly fine with me as it is not intended too. Is it more fun? That is a matter of opinion I guess. I play mostly in the DOTT mod which I find functions quite well in the game. I have played other real world mods as well as the C-Verse. Can I ask why you deleted the original data? :eek:
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;370883]The game is designed to run with the default data. It plays like it was intended to. There are some revisions to real world mods that are taking the way the game actually plays into focus. I think some frustration from some in playing a real world mod is that the game does not function like the WWE. Which is perfectly fine with me as it is not intended too. Is it more fun? That is a matter of opinion I guess. I play mostly in the DOTT mod which I find functions quite well in the game. I have played other real world mods as well as the C-Verse. [B]Can I ask why you deleted the original data?[/B] :eek:[/QUOTE] You need to buy an extra licence if you want to get the original data back. You could buy mine though, just mail me at [email]BIGSMACKSCOTT@C-Verse.com[/email] to get a discount.
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[QUOTE=Midian;370875]I notice a lot of people on these forums play the default data instead of a using a real world mod, In you opinion is this more fun? also how can i get the data back once delleted.[/QUOTE] Too me it's all fun i've got games running in the Cornelverse, Montreal Aftermath, DOTT, 1 Ring Circus, T-zone and Scifi Chaos all fun to play depends on my mood or which i have ideas for that day on which i play.
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I've mixed the real world mod with the C-verse, imported all companies and future companies and workers/future workers. Some things work better in other mods that C-verse...locations, dojo's...just because there are more. C-verse is a real world of its own of course and just because of that, it's probably the most fun. If you're familiar with TNM, just ask the question: what's the most fun? Booking matches between real wrestlers or guys you created yourself? Depending on that answer...choose your mod. Now pay the piper at [email]BIGSMACKSCOTT@C-Verse.com[/email]
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[QUOTE=Midian;370875]I notice a lot of people on these forums play the default data instead of a using a real world mod, In you opinion is this more fun? also how can i get the data back once delleted.[/QUOTE] Personally I find the C-verse funner then most real world mods. The biggest exception being D.O.T.T. As for getting your data back. [url=http://www.greydogsoftware.com/cornellverse/index.html]CornellVerse site[/url], click downloads then TEW2007 Data File Package, that will give you all the data files then there are downloads for the pics, and logos.
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I actually enjoy real-life mods better. I think it s because I enjoy the realism that comes with ACTUAL workers. I just can't find myself invested enough in made up workers to care about them. With real-life I can try to rise up and overcome the WWE and though SWF is much like the fed I just want to take down the WWE so much more!
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Thanks for all the replies :).. and the link to the database. [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;370883]Can I ask why you deleted the original data? :eek:[/QUOTE] Well when i purchased TEW, I never realized that you could have multiple databases at the same time (was used to EWR) so when i downloaded a real world mod i just replaced the default one, not thinking about backing up the C-Verse data:( [QUOTE=BlueStar;370887]You need to buy an extra licence if you want to get the original data back. You could buy mine though, just mail me at [email]BIGSMACKSCOTT@C-Verse.com[/email] to get a discount.[/QUOTE] What? Why would you need to do this? even if a link wasn't provided for the orginal data... surely this would just come back anyway if you re-downloaded TEW.
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[QUOTE=BlueStar;370912]I was just kidding man...if you look at the e-mail address and the C-verse character, you'll know why...:D[/QUOTE] Haha, nice one :D After actually looking at the C-Verse world im deffiently going to try it seems very interesting.
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I like the C-Verse better becaue when I first tried to play the real world data I found that especially playing WWE I had all the characters already pigeonholed into what their gimmicks are now. Witht he C-Verse I find I have more leeway with character and direction since baring what little you can read in the Bio and from his perfered gimmicks you don't really have a definative set of who this person is so you can make and develope the characters as you like. Also even with the great strides made by mod makers I still find that the real world data doesn't quote fit to work where as the C-Verse is designed to work within the game mechanics.
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I've barely touched any real world database since I started with 07. Mainly because I got hooked on my Local-Global game with MAW, but partly it's the thrill of exploring a new universe, which I'd not really done with 05 when I played it. What I'll do when 08 comes out, and I know the C-Verse better than I do the real world, I don't know - maybe hunt down another fictional mod :D
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I very much prefer The CornellVerse myself; the real world just doesn't make for that interesting of a game to me. You've got WWE with a stranglehold on the number one spot, TNA sitting at a distant second, ROH holding steady at third, and the rest of the indies falling in behind that. The CornellVerse has the constant battle between TCW and the SWF, with DAVE closing in on the both of them, not to mention NOTBPW and CGC up in Canada. Just makes for a more exciting game world if you ask me. The CornellVerse also gives me complete control over a wrestling universe, which is pretty darn fun, and I've definitely been able to get into the characters. It's just fun to build my own wrestling history, and in TEW, the real world just doesn't feel as authentic to me in that regard, for whatever reason. The CornellVerse is just more fun to me. :)
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whenever i play "real world" mods, i tend to mod them myself so that they are fun to play. No offense to the creators of the mod, but the wrestling industy as it is right now makes for a boring game. I find the balance of the promotions in the real world mods just does not work. WWE falls, TNA never pull in anything better than a C+ show and ROH just can't seem to get anywhere. The problem is that in the C-Verse the booking always seems to make sense, where in my current game Bubba Dudley has been the world champion in TNA for 6 months while Angle and Christian hold a A overness and Booker a A+(thats my doing, been using Booker at my champion for a month or so and his popularity is just crazy). So, till we can make a mod where WWE does not fall apart and TNA can compete with them, the real world mods will never be able to simulate correctly. On the other hand, i can never get into a C-verse game because of the lack of talent in a lot of ways. I`v had games where SWF and TEW both sunk fast, signed up every good piece of talent on the indy`s and killed everyone. By the end, the big 2 had franky P, Remme, McFly, R.K. Hayes, Dark Angel... along with their already good roster...
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[QUOTE=takertitan;371006]On the other hand, i can never get into a C-verse game because of the lack of talent in a lot of ways. I`v had games where SWF and TEW both sunk fast, signed up every good piece of talent on the indy`s and killed everyone. By the end, the big 2 had franky P, Remme, McFly, R.K. Hayes, Dark Angel... along with their already good roster...[/QUOTE] That's a part of the CornellVerse fun to me, though. I like to pick out some younger wrestlers, Flash Savage is one of the first to come to mind for me, and mold them into great talents. It takes some time, sometimes it even becomes something of a game within itself, and if you do it right, the worker might even develope a loyalty to you. It's a pretty fun ride, and there's almost always an eager young upstart looking for a big break. :)
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I haven't really ever played with the cornellverse, but after reading this thread and my general frustration of real world mods I've decided to give it a shot. The problem is I don't know what promotion I should start out with? The requirements I have are that the promotion shouldn't be any bigger than regional, smaller than regional are ok. I don't want to start out in Japan, but other locations are ok... preferably USA. Then for one last thing I would like if you guys could tell me reason for why I should start out with a certain promotion, not just list the promotions that match my criteria. I have looked at the promotion quite a bit, but I'm not familar with the workers in the cornellverse so it would be fun if you guys could give a couple of options for fun promotions to play with. All help is appreciated! PS. You can also recommend japanese promotions if you think one of them would be best suited for me and would be really fun to play with... Maybe you'll get me interested in japanese promotions :)
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[QUOTE=Greek;371144]I haven't really ever played with the cornellverse, but after reading this thread and my general frustration of real world mods I've decided to give it a shot. The problem is I don't know what promotion I should start out with? The requirements I have are that the promotion shouldn't be any bigger than regional, smaller than regional are ok. I don't want to start out in Japan, but other locations are ok... preferably USA. Then for one last thing I would like if you guys could tell me reason for why I should start out with a certain promotion, not just list the promotions that match my criteria. I have looked at the promotion quite a bit, but I'm not familar with the workers in the cornellverse so it would be fun if you guys could give a couple of options for fun promotions to play with. All help is appreciated! PS. You can also recommend japanese promotions if you think one of them would be best suited for me and would be really fun to play with... Maybe you'll get me interested in japanese promotions :)[/QUOTE] I think we might need more information about what you want to play. There are a lot of Local, Small and Regional programs to choose from in the US, Canada, Mexico and the UK but we'd need to know more about what kind of promotino you'd like for us to know what would be fun for you. Like personally I like fast paced high flying so playing North America I usually play CZCW or 4C. Beyond being my play style they also have a lot of the most athletic young talent in the game. So like I said we'll need to know what kind of promotion you're looking for.
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Go for CGC in Canada. I'm currently doing a Dynasty with them - they have established tag teams, an established main eventing fued, some excellent main eventers and four people on lifetime contracts who will always be present who are fantastic workers and almost guarantee you good results.
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Well, I'll always be partisan to MAW - a figurehead in Rip Chord who can put on good angles when required (although they may start with 90% matches, so angles aren't going to be required), while Des Davids, Jean Cattley and Steven Parker make up a talented main event scene. The undercard needs work, but MAW is supposed to be about developing the younger workers, so that's fine. If you can get Jay Chord when he comes in, you have a ready made storyline with him and Rip. Otherwise, you have the pick of nearly all of the new workers - only Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Jay Chord (*sob*) turned me down when they debuted. Oh, and your first or second show should see you rise up a level. It's a nice feeling :D
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Well I would like a nice balance of angles and matches. I don't want to play a Ring of Fire type of promotion... Basically a promotion where there is some Vince McMahonism (looks play a role on workers sucsess), but at the same time technical/high flying workers can do reasonably well. Basically I would like my Main Event to be a bit "rumble" based, but a few technical wrestlers could get on to the mix as well... That is the ideal situation. Is there any challenge in running a promotion like CZCW or 4C? And when running a promotion like NYCW can you actually have good match ratings? PS. The reason why I didn't give to much info on what kinda promotion I would like to run was because I wanted to get all kinds of opinions on what are fun promotions to run.
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[QUOTE=Greek;371205]Is there any challenge in running a promotion like CZCW or 4C? And when running a promotion like NYCW can you actually have good match ratings?[/QUOTE] There is definitely a challenge in running either promotion. I find CZCW a little easier the 4C because the roster is a bit more talented and the spill over for South West US is better than that for Ontario. You also have a TV company that will pick you up at regional and help you gain overness in Mexico. The biggest issue ofr cZCW is that as soon as your stars start to blossom a bigger fed will come along and pick them up. I'm not big into the pageantry that is more than a 90% match ratio so CZCW and 4C more fit my style of play. NYCW is a huge challenge and in TEW 2004 one of the first feds I played because I'm from New York. The challenge for NYCW is building up your future stars before your current main event seen leaves for bigger pastures (Phunk), you can no longer afford (Flash) or retires (Bailey). The problem with the promotion to me is it is mostly limited to brawlers and some technical wrestlers. 4C barring the 90% ration might actually be to your liking. Their main event is well rounded (Jacob Jett, Joey Poison and Barry kingman) with some fliers and a brawler following up close behind (Canadian Dragon and Sayeed Ali) Their product is just about intensity which means brawlers, fliers and technician can all shine if they fight hard. they've got soem young talent to develop and between money and two major feds (CGC and NOTBPW) to poach your stars as they grow it can prove quite a challenge.
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[QUOTE=Greek;371205]Well I would like a nice balance of angles and matches. I don't want to play a Ring of Fire type of promotion... Basically a promotion where there is some Vince McMahonism (looks play a role on workers sucsess), but at the same time technical/high flying workers can do reasonably well. Basically I would like my Main Event to be a bit "rumble" based, but a few technical wrestlers could get on to the mix as well... That is the ideal situation. Is there any challenge in running a promotion like CZCW or 4C? And when running a promotion like NYCW can you actually have good match ratings? PS. The reason why I didn't give to much info on what kinda promotion I would like to run was because I wanted to get all kinds of opinions on what are fun promotions to run.[/QUOTE] Having run two long dynasties on NYCW , yes you can get good match ratings as I have gotten C range matches and shows out of the gate, which is good when their starting popularity is E. Doing monthly shows, withing two years I was getting some B level matches, and now I can get those consistenly with a variety of stars.
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