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Title Prestige

Guest Ransik

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Just an idea, and maybe it's mentioned... but how about if the actual Title Prestige determines what level of wrestlers would be best suited to hold it? Say something like; 0-10: Enhancement 11-25: Opener 26-40: Lower Card 41-60: Mid carder 61-80: Upper Card 81-100: Main Event
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If it worked like that then your main belt could fall below where it's meant to go... what would your main eventers compete over? Surely they'd then be too good for the main belt and then things would just get silly..... Having said that I do think there should be spillover areas between belt levels. Like... 0-50: Low level 40-80: Midcard 70-100: Main Event Hardly game breaking but I'd like it to be possible through my booking for a midcard belt to become better or equal to the main belt, just like ECW's TV belt was.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;370934]Just an idea, and maybe it's mentioned... but how about if the actual Title Prestige determines what level of wrestlers would be best suited to hold it?[/QUOTE] Isn't that the way it worked in EWR? I didn't really like that system, because most of my belts eventually came at or close to Main Event level. Of course, even with the World Heavyweight Title at 100 Prestige (IIRC), the game would tell me things like "Chris Jericho is too good for the World Heavyweight Title. It is better suited for someone like Mark Jindrak." That always pissed me off to no end.
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There's nothing to prevent you from altering a maxed out Undercard/Midcard title so that it moves up a level, particualrly if the worker holding it is growing with the belt. Your midcard title is at 70%? Change it to a Main Event level and see if your champion can carry it to 100%. This would be similar to the IC title in the 80s/90s, when being given the belt often marked the start of a sustained push (Warrior, Perfect, Hart) which would see the worker rise up the card. However, if you then decide to drop the belt back down to the original level, I'm not sure if the prestige would change to the maximum or minimum for that level.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;370972]There's nothing to prevent you from altering a maxed out Undercard/Midcard title so that it moves up a level, particualrly if the worker holding it is growing with the belt. Your midcard title is at 70%? Change it to a Main Event level and see if your champion can carry it to 100%. This would be similar to the IC title in the 80s/90s, when being given the belt often marked the start of a sustained push (Warrior, Perfect, Hart) which would see the worker rise up the card. However, if you then decide to drop the belt back down to the original level, I'm not sure if the prestige would change to the maximum or minimum for that level.[/QUOTE] Good idea. And I don't think it matters if the prestige will drop back down when you switch it back. Once you start putting it on lesser guys again, it'll lost prestige, maybe pretty quickly, too.
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I think that you should be able to push a midcard worker to the main event, and if he is carrying the midcard title still, it should give that title a bit of a boost. My worrie has been stated above as in EWR. I had a TNA game where the X-Divison title became more over than the world title(like 99 and 100), so that Angle and Christian wanted to feud over that title now insted. the problem was that it made my X-Division wrestles look stupid. By the time that game ended though Daniels held both and owned the roster, like he should be doing now :-p.
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I think titles should keep growing even after the 100 prestige is achieved, it might not be in numbers. But how about titles reaching the legendary status, kinda like the event importance. That I think would definitely represent the importance of some titles in real life, titles like the NWA Hwavyweight belt, or the WWE belt. As a sub-suggestion, players should be able to unify titles from promotions they bought and increase the above said importance. This would drive players to look for and buy other promotions out.
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[QUOTE=derek_b;370938]If it worked like that then your main belt could fall below where it's meant to go... what would your main eventers compete over? Surely they'd then be too good for the main belt and then things would just get silly..... Having said that I do think there should be spillover areas between belt levels. Like... 0-50: Low level 40-80: Midcard 70-100: Main Event Hardly game breaking but I'd like it to be possible through my booking for a midcard belt to become better or equal to the main belt, just like ECW's TV belt was.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I wouldn't mind something like that too... Only much broader. 0-50: Low 25-75:Mid 50-100:Main Event Just feel that their should be a possibility that you could screw up your main event bad enough/do the low belt good enough, that somehow they can become close to equal.
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How about something where Prestige begins to drop slowly the longer a champion holds the belt without defending it. eg. If it's not defended say at least every 8wks it loses prestige due to it stagnating. Much like Jeff Hardy and the IC belt. I have no problem with him holding it, but he should be defending it against anyone good enough to challenge for it. Actually could make a good storyline. Uppermidcarder holds belt and feuds with Main Event Title holder while being distracted by those below wanting his belt. The ME could also use it to pull-the-strings of midcarders wanting a shot, which gives the ME a clear advantage when it comes to him defending against the UM. Just a thought.
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Though that would make a great storyline T-Jay, I'd say that the percepton has much more to do than who holds the title and the feud they are in than whether they are actually defending it or not. In the case of Hardy, people don't view him as a worthy world title contender so the fact that he is not defending the IC title is magnified. However do the same storyline but replace Hardy with someone like HBK and the prestige of the IC title would most likely increase rather than stagnate... such as what took place throughout the Hogan vs. Warrior classic feud going into WMVI. I'd like to see belts have two separate ratings, a long term prestige rating that determines the title's overall standing in the eyes of the wrestling world based partly on the credibility of those that make up the lineage of the title and a secondary prestige rating that determines the current view of the champion and the title. The long term prestige should be fairly difficult to raise and lower and do so much, much slower than the short term prestige level, but would be done so by having the short term prestige be very high or very low for an extended period of time - at least five if not 10 years. Look at the WWE tag team titles, they have been nearly worthless for years so their short term prestige would be almost non existent, however if the WWE were to implement a real tag team division with good storylines and credible champions the prestige of the titles would still be seen as fairly high and the short term prestige would rise very quickly due to the long term prestige the title has held. Another example is the WWE World Title, the last few years of WCW were very harsh to the legacy of the title's short term prestige, however when it was resurrected by the WWE it had instant credibility due to the long term prestige and title lineage it carried.
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