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I just put on a Supercard

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Wow... Here's the story. I'm playing as TCW and I am a year and some change in. With the intent of reaching Global in 2008, I put in motion the seeds for a huge storyline, culminating in the newly re-christened PPV TCW World Wrestling Invitational (formerly Just Another Day?). To set this up, I struck a Working Agreement with NOTBPW, PGHW, OLLIE, UCR, and ROF. I then arranged for a massive talent exchange with them all. At Malice In Wonderland, during a triple threat between Rav Umaga, Tom Gilmore, and Jack Griffith for the TCW International title, I had Duane Stone, Jeremy Stone, and Sean McFly run in and interfere with the match, ending it in a draw. They showed up again at The War To Settle The Score and interfered yet again as Tom Gilmore and Rav Umaga wrestled for the International title, costing Gilmore his title shot. Afterwards, Jack Griffith and Rav Umaga were defeated in a handicap against the Canadian trio. Soon other wrestlers from around the world began invading TCW, protesting TCW's International title by claiming that only American wrestlers competed for it. As part of TCW's push for Global domination, TCW extended an open challenge for a brand new PPV in March, The World Wrestling Invitational, a special 3-man tag tournament for a brand new, highly prestigious title named after the event. Over the course of the month of March, wrestlers from all over the world battled with the TCW roster, culminating in the tournament to settle once and for all who the greatest wrestlers in the world were. The night of the tournament was one of great excitement. Representing the U.K. was Walter Morgan, K'Lee Hawkins, and Don Henderson. Representing Europe was Sergei Kalashnov, Byron, and Poppa Punisher. Representing Mexico was El Leon, Marcos Flores, and Championa Jr. Representing Canada was Duane Stone (!), Jeremy Stone (!), and Sean McFly (!). Representing Japan was Bryan Vessey (!), Eisaku Kunomasu (!), and Yoshimi Mushashibo (!). In the end, Team America eliminated Team U.K. and Team Europe and Team Japan eliminated Team Mexico. Unfortunately, Team America was eliminated by a fresh Team Canada, who had earned a by to the semi-finals. This led to the main event: Duane Stone, Jeremy Stone, and Sean McFly vs Eisaku Kunomasu, Bryan Vessey, and Yoshimi Mushashibo. After a long, hellacious bout, Team Canada was victorious and emerged as the first ever winners of the World Wrestling Invitational. Adding to the excitement of the card were matches including Tommy Cornell, Acid, Wolf Hawkins, Troy Tornado, and Aaron Andrews. I can honestly say that there was probably more wrestling greats at my show than have ever been, at any show, ever in the history of the C-Verse. Things I learned during the absolutely frantic, and nail-biting build to the PPV... Bryan Vessey is a colossal dick. Seriously. If he formed a tag team with his ego he'd be unstoppable. Borrowed talent tend to frown on you trying to stick them in several 30+ minute matches in the same night. :o Canadians rock. Kunomasu and Mushashibo rock. I was very impressed with the other teams (Europe, UK, and Mexico) as well. They actually put on passable (albeit short) matches and didn't embarrass themselves or me. I picked my talent exchanges well. Working with 5 other wrestling companies to put on a supercard, especially when 2 of them are NOTBPW and PGHW, is hard work and highly risky business. But in the end, it was a rewarding experience. I'm already thinking about who to invite next year... :D
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I never had that much of a set up ;)......but i do something like that with the swf. I made a supream cup tournament and invite the best from the world. It is hard yes to deal with some of the other promotions but i only have them show up on one night.......i like the idea of building up to it though. very good job man,
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I did a similar thing with PGHW called the World Glory GP, a 16-man tournament featuring 3 each from the UK, Mexico, Japan, US and Canada (and one from Australia), though it was more about nationality than place of employ. Japan: Nobuatsu Tatsuko, PRIDE Koiso, Mito Miwa US: Buddy Garner, Wrestling Machine #1, Wrestling Machine #2 UK: Jack Giedroyc, UK Dragon, JD Morgan Canada: Duane Stone, Steve DeColt, Bryan Holmes Mexico: El Bandito, Championa Jr, Tricolor Jr Australia: Bruce the Giant I held one round and show each in the UK, Mexico, Canada and the US (in that order), ending with Tatsuko beating Stone in an A-rated final. The attendances were okay considering my practically non-existent popularity in all of these places, but I lost alot of money paying for all the outside talent, and the match quality wasn't the greatest (outside of the final). I don't think I'll be doing that again.
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  • 1 month later...
Not meaning to just bump an older topic, but since it's something associated with this, I kinda wanted to ask... How did you manage to do this considering the 3 wrestler limit on talent trade? Does it change as your promotion increases in size?
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[QUOTE=Jouzy;393525]Not meaning to just bump an older topic, but since it's something associated with this, I kinda wanted to ask... How did you manage to do this considering the 3 wrestler limit on talent trade? Does it change as your promotion increases in size?[/QUOTE] It's three per fed so you can get 3 from each fed you have a working agreement with.
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[QUOTE=lordprimeau25;393753]What types of angles did you use for the invaders?[/QUOTE] At the two PPV's before the Invitational, I had Sean McFly, Jeremy, and Duane Stone run in and interfere during the International title match, disputing that title's legitimacy. At that point, frustrated at the constant interference, TCW management created the World Wrestling Invitational, telling wrestlers all around the world to put up or shut up. The month leading up to the Invitational, workers from around the world arrived in TCW and started making trouble. Team Japan (Vessey, Kunomasu, and Mushashibo) were particularly destructive. Lots of interference, lots of brawls, the occasional teaser match. [QUOTE=Michael Wayne;393758]interesting idea. I would have loved to see this unfold. Just for the sheer amount of people you brought in for this.[/QUOTE] It was pretty big. The hardest part was working with everyone's Creative Control. The event was going to be even bigger, but traded workers refuse to wrestle for more than an hour on a show, so the matches had to all be shortened considerably and some bonus exhibition matches were cut. And Vessey is still a colossal dick.
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I did something similar in DOTT. Hulk Hogan got arrested for assaulting an officer and was out of my game for 1 year. So I did the KOTR as an international spectacle where my storyline was workers from all around the world wanted in on a shot at the WWF title now that it was vacant. I did talent exchanges with nearly ever promotion in the game I could for the KOTR. I couldn't get Inoki because he's the owner, but luckily Giant Baba had been removed as Head Booker so he was in.
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