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three hour tv show?

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Ok here is my question, as i posted in the past a little bit i basicly killed swf :(. I started a new game with them. I think one thing i did wrong was have a three hour tv show. Is that what did it? can you run a three hour se show and still keep people strong? I found that maybe it was my roster size, or that i wanted to use everyone on the show.
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[QUOTE=alden;372724]I guess i might have asked that wrong. Is it realistic to book a three hour show each week *along with two other two hour shows* a week on top of a three hour ppv a month?[/QUOTE] How long are the other shows? Is the same workers being used on every show? If so you MAY have burned them out that way, but you would have got some warnings in your E-Mail.
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The longer your show the more folks you have to use on it and the more you start using your undercard your going get low rated match. So even if you get a really good Main Event and secondary main event the show is still weighted down by all these crappy lowercard matches. You'll see this difference even in small feds try running an hour long show as a small fed and then a half hour show as a small fed, some one pointed it out in another thread D+ for the half hour show and a D for the hour long show.
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I reckon so long as you're mixing and matching, you should be fine. Say for the sake of argument you're an SE fed with a 60:40 match ratio. 1. Segment - ME hypes feud w/ interruptions (6 mins) 2. Match - UMC vs MC (12 mins) 3. Segment - Authority Figure (4 mins) 4. Segment - MC vs MC (2 mins) 5. Match - MC vs MC (9 mins) 6. Segment - UMC (2 mins) 7. Segment - MC vs UMC (4 mins) 8. Match - LMC & MC vs LMC & UMC (11 mins) 9. Segment - UMC beat down Op/LMC (3 mins) 10. Segment - AF (3 mins) 11. Match - UMC vs LMC (8 mins) 12. Segment - UMC vs ME (4 mins)... And so on. The final few segments should all be MEs and upwardly-mobile UMCs to get you your best ratings, and there's no harm in chucking the lowercard workers the odd bone here and there, but the bulk of your segments in any show should feature the most popular Midcarders and upwards, with an increasing amount of time featured depending on popularity.
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