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What makes a good manager?

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Generally, depending on the type of promotion you are running, You want Charisma, Mike Skills, and acting if you have an entertainmnet based company. Respect would be good, and overness if they have it is great. Mostly, a manager is there to provide the speaking ability for wrestlers with great skills or overness, but no charisma or ability to cut a promo. Rarely, there is a manager good enough to overshadow his wrestlers, i.e. Bobby Heenan, but that is uncommon. In game, what a manager can do is help a wrestler improve their charisma, acting and mike skills. for example Steve Flash is a great in ring performer, but has E's across the board for entertainment skills. Since he had good chemistry with Karen Killer in my game, I paired them up and used them in a bunch of angles over a couple of game years. The angles stunk at first, but I got a message that flash improved in entertainment or acting or charisma after almost every segment, and eventually I had him up to C's across the board for his entertainment skills.
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What makes a good manager? First of all, the promotion. If you have a promotion like NOTBPW or ROH, having a manager has no effect on your performance whatsoever. So don't bother signing them. @sudo nym: that's pretty retarded lol. You might as well sign someone who sucks, since you don't use them anyways. :).
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I actually have a follow up question for this... I have a worker who has all B or greater in mic, charisma, and acting. I actually chose to push him as an authority figure, (was this a bad idea? should an authority figure have different traits?) and he has not gotten any increase in popularity. Recently I had this heel authority begin managing a tag team and every match it says he does great work and ringside and works very well with the team I have him with. Yet still he is not gaining popularity... I am sure there is a simple solution to this. I am inclined to change him to a manager as he obviously is not well suited to be an authority. What kind of worker is well suited as an authority?
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[QUOTE=lordprimeau25;377318]I actually have a follow up question for this... I have a worker who has all B or greater in mic, charisma, and acting. I actually chose to push him as an authority figure, (was this a bad idea? should an authority figure have different traits?) and he has not gotten any increase in popularity. Recently I had this heel authority begin managing a tag team and every match it says he does great work and ringside and works very well with the team I have him with. Yet still he is not gaining popularity... I am sure there is a simple solution to this. I am inclined to change him to a manager as he obviously is not well suited to be an authority. What kind of worker is well suited as an authority?[/QUOTE] Generally a popular retired wrestler with good promo skills is your best bet for authority figures. People like Rip Chord and Sam Strong are perfect at the start for their feds.
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