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[CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/WWFNG.png[/IMG] WWF No Mercy Sunday 28th October 1993 Live from the Foxboro Stadium, MA – 63,870 attendance[/CENTER] A massive, red hot crowd welcomed the WWF to Foxboro Stadium in Massachusetts for No Mercy. The ongoing saga of Bull Nakano and Alundra Blayze started the night off with a bang as the outrageously violent Nakano hammered the crowd favourite from pillar to post. But Blayze had Nakano scouted and was able to avoid the worst of the Japanese woman’s offence, letting Nakano tire herself out before a late rally ended with a Bridging German Suplex to give Blayze a narrow win. Eddie Guerrero and the 123 Kid argued prior to their match, with Earl Hebner having to separate them before the bell rang. He might as well have saved himself the bother, as at least as much of the pair’s conflict was about posturing and posing as breathtaking action. Guerrero and the Kid traded innovative offence, but it was old-fashioned cheating that earned Guerrero the win, as he rolled Kid up in a cradle and held the ropes for the three. Doink The Clown made an unscheduled appearance, coming out to ringside and laughing at random members of the crowd. Seizing the house mic, his whoops and cackles were heard throughout the arena. Ludvig Borga decimated Koko B. Ware in their matchup, bringing to mind memories of Koko’s demolition by the Undertaker at Survivor Series three years back. The match was short, brutal, and brought to an end by a series of hard blows that left Ware down and out. After the match, Borga was jumped from behind by Tatanka, who tore into the stunned Finn, earning a measure of revenge for the loss of his undefeated streak. Lex Luger and Giant Gonzales squared off in the next match, and the fans expressed their vocal hatred of the Giant as he dominated the American Patriot in the early going. When Luger mounted a rally, however, the 63,870 in attendance roared their approval, nearly lifting the roof off as Gonzales fell to a Running Forearm. The Genius hyped the Beverley Brothers to the heavens before they faced Canada’s finest. The Harts in turn promised the fans a display of true brotherly teamwork. The match itself saw the Beverleys seeming the more accomplished team, while the Harts were individually more skilled. It was a closely fought battle, and a mistake by Owen seemed certain to give the Beverleys the win, but Bret was able to make the save and toss Beau, while Owen recovered to trap Blake in the Sharpshooter. Money, Inc were quick to promise that they would take the tag team titles in their triangle tag team match. After all, as IRS put it, they were used to handling gold... The match itself was a see-saw affair – with six men see-sawing! No one team seemed to hold the advantage for long, but it was clear as time went on that the Steiners were taking the worst of the punishment, and they were in no position to take advantage as the match turned on its head. The Quebecers seemed on course for a successful defence when an intruder in a leather jacket vaulted the security rail and slid into the ring, before drilling both Canadians with vicious DDTs while the referee checked on the Steiners. Brother Love nearly had a heart attack as DiBiase made the cover and won the titles – has the Million Dollar Man’s money bought another follower? The answer wasn’t to be found with Razor Ramon, but Terry Taylor was able to discover that the Bad Guy was seething. The rightful Intercontinental champion was beltless, while Diesel, we learned, had been parading around with the belt – protecting it for ‘its rightful owner’. The match that followed had the fans on the edge of their seat as the two titans tore into one another with wild and reckless abandon. The two brawled in and out of the ring, and the Bad Guy was split open above the eye when he was rammed into the guard rail. But he kept slugging, with the crowd’s support behind him, and when Diesel dragged him into the ring to deliver a Jackhammer, Ramon was able to roll the bigger man up for a three count. But even despite losing, Diesel was the quicker to react. Furious at the shock defeat, he picked up the Bad Guy and drove into the mat with not one, not two, but three Jackhammers – and once more walked away from the ring with the Intercontinental belt. The Undertaker made his usual dramatic entrance to the ring, but when the time came for his opponent to make his appearance, Ted DiBiase appeared at the top of the ramp. [QUOTE]MDM: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“No, Undertaker... It’s not me you’re facing. I’ve already had a match tonight, and I’m satisfied with winning a title. I don’t need to come down there and prove my superiority again. No, the man I have lined up for you is altogether more... unrefined, I believe would be one way of putting it. He is nothing short of a force of nature, an uncontrollable, rampaging whirlwind of destruction set to tear apart the WWF at my word. Only the Million Dollar Man has enough money to control the twisted, maniacal, ruthless beast ever to set foot in a wrestling ring. Undertaker, tonight you will face the only being on God’s green earth more fearsome than you. Undertaker, tonight you face... CACTUS JACK!”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] DiBiase’s latest client, a bruising, unkempt, wild-eyed man with a shambling gait and a beard and hair that looked as though they hadn’t seen the inside of a barber’s this decade charged down the aisle to the classic Steppenwolf anthem, Born To Be Wild and no sooner did he enter the ring than he proved that it was nothing less than the truth. Even the Undertaker seemed somewhat nonplussed by him as Cactus charged straight at the Dead Man. But Undertaker used his own momentum against him, hoisting him up by his throat and driving him into the mat with a thunderous chokeslam. While that alone might have finished a lesser man, Cactus was on his feet before Undertaker could even drop to one knee – and the lowering of Taker’s head merely presented Cactus with the perfect opportunity to drill Taker with a Double Arm DDT that scored a breathtakingly close near fall. That was the last the match would see of the standard wrestling rules, as the two men regained their feet and tore into one another even more viciously than Diesel and Ramon had moments before. The fight spilled out onto the floor where the two ignored the referee completely. Cactus was every inch the Undertaker’s equal as the two men traded thunderous blows, and it wasn’t long before the fight progressed beyond mere grievous bodily harm as Cactus grabbed at a loose chair and crashed it down on the Undertaker’s back as he lay prone on the floor. With the Dead Man down, Cactus clambered up onto the ring apron and sprinted along it, launching himself into space just before he ran into the ring post, aiming his elbow at the centre of Undertaker’s chest – only to miss by inches as Undertaker sat up. Cactus crashed and burned, and Undertaker seemed to be on the verge of going after him once more, but Paul Bearer lunged between the two and, as Cactus once more rose to his feet, dragged the Undertaker away. But as Cactus stood – unsteadily, but nonetheless impressively – in front of the awestruck crowd, the Undertaker watched over his shoulder as Cactus mimed pointing a pair of pistols at him, and in a deranged voice squealed “Bang bang!” loud enough to spook the folks in the nosebleed seats. Undertaker paused at the top of the ramp to look down on his unbeaten foe, who was still staring maniacally at him, apparently unaware of the damage his own body had taken. It was a busy night all around for Ted DiBiase as another of his clients, Bam Bam Bigelow, tried to follow the stunning debut of Cactus Jack in his match with Mr Perfect. Bigelow seemed perturbed by Cactus’ appearance, as the Million Dollar Corporation has suddenly gained additional firepower seemingly even more indestructible than the Beast from the East. Bigelow argued with DiBiase right up until bell time, but proceeded to put on an advert for his considerable talents, beating the Perfect One around the ring and generally overpowering him. When Perfect tried to take the match to the mat, Bigelow showed impressive technical skills of his own, always finding a way to escape without too much damage being taken, and when Perfect tried for a desperation Perfectplex, Bigelow broke free and countered with a Greetings from Asbury Park for an impressive win. Terry Taylor had another scoop, interviewing the WWF Champion Yokozuna and his manager Mr Fuji, who was adamant that not even the former two time champion Randy Savage would topple the Japanese leviathan. Randy Savage had a different take on things. [QUOTE]RS: [COLOR="Red"]“Oooooh, yeah... Mr Fuji talks the talk, and I guess you could say that Yokozuna walks the walk. But there’s one man who does them both – and better than anyone else. And that’s the Macho Man. Yokozuna, the stars are in alignment, the planets have danced their eternal dance, and the gods have looked kindly on the Macho Man. Tonight, the belt is coming home. Tonight, all the angels and devils will dance together in celebration. Tonight, the Macho Man will once again climb to the top of the WWF and reign supreme over all he surveys. I was once a king, twice a champion, and tonight is my third time lucky. Dig it!”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] The night’s main event saw the Macho Man giving the champion everything in his armoury. But no matter what Savage threw at Yokozuna, he couldn’t get the former sumo champion to stay down. Savage used every inch of the ring to his advantage, flying off the ropes, leaping from the turnbuckles, even at one point tying the champion up in the strands and laying into him with a series of vicious chops and punches, but in the end it wasn’t enough – Yoko whacked Savage into near unconsciousness with a Savate Kick, smashed the life out of him with a Samoan Drop, and left him motionless with a Banzai Drop, putting him down for the three count. The night came to a close with Yokozuna once more triumphant over one of the best that the WWF has to offer. Can anyone hope to challenge the champion? * [I][QUOTE]Quick results: Alundra Blayze defeated Bull Nakano – C+ Eddie Guerrero defeated The 1-2-3 Kid – C+ Ludvig Borga defeated Koko B. Ware - C Lex Luger defeated Giant Gonzales – C+ The Hart Brothers defeated The Beverley Brothers – B- Money Inc. defeated The Steiner Brothers and The Quebecers to win the WWF Tag Team Titles – B- Razor Ramon defeated Diesel – A The Undertaker drew with Cactus Jack following a double disqualification – A* Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Mr Perfect – A* Yokozuna defeated Randy Savage – B-[/QUOTE][/I] * Monday Night Raw preview Smoking Gunns vs. Money, Inc Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarrett El Matador vs. Cactus Jack Scott Steiner vs. Diesel Jim Neidhart vs. Rick Martel Owen Hart vs. Jerry Lawler Rick Steiner vs. Yokozuna Bret Hart and Lex Luger vs. Crush and Ludvig Borga [I]Housekeeping: Try as I might, it seems there’s nothing to be done with Gonzales. If he doesn’t improve by Survivor Series, when there could be seven other people to cover for him, then he’s gone. Bastion Booger gets a better response... As for that main event... Bang go any plans for a Savage/Yoko feud. Suggestions? Also, I've had problems with my save game, which Adam is looking into. It shouldn't be serious, but it's just a bit of a pain - and might mean that Superstars gets missed out in Week 1 of November. Anyone able to suggest an American sport that'd see Superstars off-air? :p [/I]
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Adam fixed my game - he is a legend! * Around The Ring Damien Demento a star of the future? – Bushwhacker Luke suspended – AAA scouting new signings * [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/WWF_Monday_Night_RAW.jpg[/IMG] WWF Raw Monday November 1st 1993 Corpus Christi Center, TX – 10,000 sell out![/CENTER] Razor Ramon defended his Intercontinental title against Jeff Jarrett in Raw’s opener, after Jarrett won a battle royal before No Mercy last night. The wannabe country singer mocked the beltless champion before the match, which may have lead to his own downfall – Ramon planting the J-A-Double R-Ha ha-E-Double T-Ha ha with a Razor’s Edge for the pin. But Ramon was once more kept off-centre by the appearance of Diesel at the top of the ramp, toting a mic. [QUOTE]D: “Another successful defence. I have to say, greaseball, I admire a fighting champion. Although given that you don’t have physical possession of the title,” he paused, and stroked the title belt over his shoulder, “and you’re not even the rightful champion...”[/QUOTE] Ramon cut him off. [QUOTE]RR: [COLOR="Purple"]“Diesel, you’re full of bull, esse. You’re the thieving pig who stole my title, not the rightful champion. Come down to the ring right now, and give me back what’s rightfully mine.”[/COLOR] D: “Oh, I never claimed to be the rightful champion. And as for what’s rightfully yours, you’ll get that soon enough – courtesy of the man who is the rightful champion.” RR: [COLOR="Purple"]“And who’s that supposed to be?”[/COLOR] D: “Him.”[/QUOTE] Diesel pointed to the far side of the arena, and Ramon turned flush into a superkick as a familiar figure in a pair of chaps and a cowboy hat knocked the champion cold. Taking Razor’s mic, he struck a pose and swept the hat from his head, revealing a face instantly recognisable to everyone in attendance. [QUOTE]HBK: [COLOR="Red"]“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Miss me? I know everyone’s been asking ‘Whither Shawn Michaels? What’s become of the Heartbreak Kid?’ Well, after I was unjustly stripped of my title, I went out and had some fun. A bit too much fun, maybe, because I woke up in Holland with no money and no idea how I got there. So I had to earn my fare home – and over in Holland, there’s only one way to do that. Of course, I was earning top dollar – it’s just taken me a while to,”[/COLOR] he slapped his thigh, [COLOR="Red"]“recover. But now I’m back, and first things first, I want my title back. And then it’ll be time to step up and take the WWF title as well.”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Rick Martel demanded respect from an audience still buzzing about the surprise return of Michaels, and was clearly miffed at their lack of attention. He took this out on Jim Neidhart in a battle of former tag champions. The two men’s styles could hardly be more different, and on commentary Bobby Heenan championed Martel’s technical superiority – and wily tactics, which earned him a tainted victory as he pulled Neidhart’s tights to get the win. By virtue of their recent success, the Smoking Gunns had earned a shot against new champions Money, Inc, something that the champs weren’t happy about. They used every tactic possible to try and walk out with their belts, but referee Jim Cordaris broke up every cheating attempt. Still, the continued onslaught kept the Gunns from taking a clear lead in the match, and when DiBiase caught Bart in the Million Dollar Dream, the champions walked out with an undeserved win. The veteran El Matador challenged newcomer Cactus Jack in Cactus’ Raw debut, but it was the raw intensity of the debutant that decided the match as he powered through Matador’s assaults, before pitching him over the top rope and dropping a successful Bang Bang Elbow (his name, not ours) from the apron to the arena floor. The pinfall was academic. How do you beat a man who has even less regard for his safety than his opponent’s? The Million Dollar Corporation gathered in mid-ring, and DiBiase made it clear that the four of them would be at Survivor Series, ready to accept the challenge of any four ‘lesser competitors’ who wanted the beating of a lifetime. [QUOTE]MDM: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Whether it be my technical excellence, the savvy and persistence of my good friend Irwin, the indestructible Cactus Jack, or the sheer brute power of the Beast from the East, there is nothing you can find that will be able to overcome all our many advantages.”[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] The Undertaker appeared on the big screen before the echoes from DiBiase’s proclamation had faded, and in his typical concise and eerie manner made it clear that he would take the challenge – and would have a team ready by the following week. Backstage, Bret Hart offered Owen some advice before the Rocket’s match against Jerry Lawler, but Owen said he knew all he needed to beat the King. Big mistake – the canny veteran weathered Owen’s attacks and drilled him with a Piledriver almost from nowhere, leaving Owen furious at the shock defeat. Returning to the locker room, he passed Bret and Lex Luger, on their way to the ring for their tag match. Before Bret could say anything, Owen shoved past him, leaving Bret surprised and concerned. Owen’s behaviour seemed to weigh heavily on his older brother in the next match, leaving him prone to a heavy beating from Ludvig Borga and Crush. The Hitman was isolated for long spells, leaving Luger frustrated, and even when Hart did tag out, his punishment wasn’t over as Borga pursued him outside the ring, planting Hart with a big boot, before smashing him into the ringpost. Borga’s single-mindedness cost his team the match, though, as while he was distracted Luger caught Crush with the Running Forearm for the win. Backstage, Brother Love and the Quebecers exited their locker room and ran into their leather-jacket wearing attacker from last night. They immediately attacked, but the young man seemed prepared and fended off their assault before seizing a chair and doubling the former champions over with a pair of shots to their stomach, and then dropping them to the floor with twin blows to the back. He then advanced on Love, who turned and waddled away, leaving the youngster to drop the chair and walk away, the Quebecers apparently forgotten already. Diesel returned in the next match, Shawn Michaels at his side, sporting the feloniously obtained Intercontinental title around his waist. Diesel’s opponent was Scott Steiner, in a rare singles outing, and the two proceeded to tear the house down, leaving the fans on the edge of their seats as the two fought tooth and nail, neither asking nor giving any quarter. Diesel seemed to have underestimated his opponent, and seemed on the verge tasting a Frankensteiner, only for Michaels to intervene, grabbing Scott’s leg. Steiner made a grab for the Heartbreak Kid, only to be seized from behind by Diesel and rolled up for the win. Scott’s brother Rick had more success – sort of. Facing the World Champion Yokozuna, he blitzed the behemoth with a series of punches and clotheslines prior to stunning the crowd by knocking the champion down with a wickedly hard Steinerline. Before he could cover, though, Mr Fuji dived into the ring and whacked him with the Japanese flag, drawing the DQ. Yokozuna recovered his feet and joined in the assault, bringing out first Scott, then Randy Savage, and finally Razor Ramon, all of whom tasted the champion’s wrath, until the combined forces of all four men seemed to have him in retreat. Seemingly eager for any chance to attack Ramon, however, Diesel and Michaels joined the fray, and the seven men seemed to be set for an almighty brawl when interim president James Casey made his presence felt. [QUOTE]JC: [COLOR="Blue"]“One more punch, and you’re all suspended and stripped of any and all titles,”[/COLOR] he snarled. [COLOR="Blue"]“And Michaels, we’ll be having words about your theft of the Intercontinental title. One night back from injury, and you’re already in my bad books. I’m sick of seeing you and your lackey stick your noses where they don’t belong. Not that that gives Razor Ramon any excuse to come out here. Now, I could almost forgive Scott Steiner for helping his brother out, but I’m in charge here, and I wont put up with vigilante justice. And Randy Savage, you lost last night. Get over it. Still I guess the seven of you make up a pretty decent chunk of the WWF’s upper echelon. It seems that we’ve already got one match set for Survivor Series, so let’s make another – Randy Savage, Razor Ramon and the Steiners against Yokozuna, Diesel and Shawn Michaels. You can get a fourth teammate if you want...”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] The seven men stared uneasily at one another – and no small amount of tension visible between the World champion and his new teammates as Raw came to a close. * [QUOTE][I]Quick results: Razor Ramon defeated Jeff Jarrett – B- Rick Martel defeated Jim Neidhart – B- Money Inc. defeated The Smoking Gunns – B- Cactus Jack defeated El Matador – B Jerry Lawler defeated Owen Hart – B Bret Hart and Lex Luger defeated Crush and Ludvig Borga – B- Diesel defeated Scott Steiner – A* Rick Steiner defeated Yokozuna by disqualification – B+[/I][/QUOTE] * WWF Superstars has been pre-empted for a special football game this week, so instead of the usual preview, we bring you the ultra-early WWF Raw preview! Rick Steiner vs. Diesel Jacqueline and Ivory vs. Candi Devine and Leilani Kai Tatanka vs. Ludvig Borga Robbie V vs. Eddie Guerrero Owen Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett Bart Gunn vs. Irwin R. Schyster Undertaker and a partner to be announced vs. Bam Bam Bigelow and Cactus Jack Plus Shawn Michaels will be making his return to action against an opponent hand-picked to give him a real challenge!
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Rick Steiner vs. [B]Diesel[/B] [B]Jacqueline and Ivory [/B]vs. Candi Devine and Leilani Kai Tatanka vs. [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] Robbie V vs. [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] Owen Hart vs. [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] [B]Bart Gunn [/B]vs. Irwin R. Schyster [B]Undertaker and ??? [/B]vs. Bam Bam Bigelow and Cactus Jack [B] Shawn Michaels[/B] vs.???
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Rick Steiner vs. [B]Diesel[/B] [I]Big Daddy Cool will take out the Dog Faced.[/I] [B]Jacqueline and Ivory[/B] vs. Candi Devine and Leilani Kai [I]I can't say I even remember Candi Devine to be honest unless it was that "other chick" that team with Kai at that Wrestlemania, which I am guessing it is but even if it ain't - I am going with Ebony & Ivory.[/I] Tatanka vs. [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] [I]I just don't care for Tatanka and I saw Borgia get his butt kicked in UFC once and he ruled in Die Hard 3![/I] Robbie V vs. [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] [I]This is a toughie. I am gonna go with Eddie though.[/I] [B]Owen Hart[/B] vs. Jeff Jarrett [I]I hate Jeff Jarrett.[/I] Bart Gunn vs. [B]Irwin R. Schyster[/B] [I]I hate Bart Gunn too. [/I] Undertaker and a partner to be announced vs. [B]Bam Bam Bigelow and Cactus Jack[/B] [I]I REALLLLLLY don't hate this teamup. I know I am wrong and I don't care. [/I] Plus [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] will be making his return to action against an opponent hand-picked to give him a real challenge! [I]HBK wins against whomever.[/I]
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Not sure how this went a week without updates - but here I am. Thanks for the comments and predictions - always interesting to see what people think of the story. * [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/WWF_Monday_Night_RAW.jpg[/IMG] WWF Raw Monday 8th November 1993 Live from Memorial Auditorium, Des Moines, Iowa – 10,000 sell out![/CENTER] Des Moines, Iowa played host to a sell out night of World Wrestling Federation action, kicked off by a back and forth display of catch-as-catch-can wrestling from Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett, the two young superstars seeming to read each other’s minds as counter met counter and hold met hold. With brother Bret coaching him from ringside, however, Owen had a decided edge. The two had clearly put last week’s fracas behind them, and this enabled Owen to come out on top with a Rocket Launcher for the win. However, after the match the edge lay with Jarrett – and Jerry Lawler and Rick Martel, who stormed the ring and overwhelmed the brothers, beating them down. The burgeoning women’s division in the WWF was on show in the following match, as Jacqueline and Ivory faced the veteran pairing of Candi Devine and Leilani Kai. Devine bossed the match, showing her ring smarts as she schooled the younger fan favourites, before tying Ivory up for the win. More young studs in action as the crowd favourite Robbie V tested his flexibility to the limit against the ingenious wit of Eddie Guerrero. The Latino youngster showed off remarkable skills as he matched V move for move and athletic feat to athletic feat. But he reverted to type as he claimed victory by catapulting V into an uncovered turnbuckle for the win. How long before the WWF referees wise up to Guerrero’s ways? One man who is wise to Eddie is the 123 Kid, who cut Eddie off at the top of the ramp, and challenged him to put a four man team together for Survivor Series. Eddie accepted, and claimed that he already knew which three men he could rely on – and that one of them would be ready to face the Kid and a partner of his choice the following week! Tatanka made his long-awaited return to action against his nemesis, Ludvig Borga. The two enemies tore into one another from bell to bell, and Borga realised early on that the match would not be as one-sided as their previous affair. After finding himself unable to put the Native American away, he resorted to bailing out of the ring and grabbing a camera cable, with which he tried to whip Tatanka, drawing the DQ. After the match, Borga snatched Howard Finkel’s microphone and declared that he and Tatanka would meet again – in a survivor match at Survivor Series! Next up was Shawn Michaels, making his return to action with Diesel (and the Intercontinental title) in tow. [QUOTE]HBK: [COLOR="Red"]“Sit down everyone, please, ladies, you’ll get your turn, if not tonight than when the show next comes to town. Yes, its true, Shawn Michaels is back – the highlight of the night, the showstopper, the best damn thing to hit the ring... This is the moment you’ll be telling your grandkids about, when Des Moines, Iowa, for the first time in its existence, was host to something important – my first match in a very long time indeed. So, who have I picked as my challenger? Well, he was once a member of one of the most promising tag teams in the WWF, but of late he has been on a solo run. He is an incredible talent, with whom I am very familiar... Ladies and gentlemen, the Young Stallion, Jim Powers!”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] The fans weren’t expecting Powers, and Powers wasn’t expecting to walk into an ambush, but that’s what happened as almost before the bell had rung he tasted a superkick that sent him flying from the ring. Michaels went airborne from the top rope to the arena floor, splattering Powers with a crossbody block that left him prone to a second superkick once Michaels and Diesel – ignoring the referee’s admonishments – had manhandled him back into the ring. And that was all she wrote for Jim Powers tonight. Before their match, IRS warned Bart Gunn about the dangers of keeping unregistered steers on his farm – an accusation that provoked Gunn to a fury as he battered the tag champion from pillar to post, unleashing a series of hard right crosses before landing a Gunn Slinger for the slight upset victory. Diesel and Michaels were back as Diesel took on one of his team’s Survivor Series opponents in Rick Steiner. Steiner was out to avenge the previous week’s actions on the part of Diesel’s team, and pounded the bigger man mercilessly. But a desperation big boot turned the tide in Diesel’s favour, and he was able to gain an advantage with a face drop onto the top turnbuckle. However, Steiner is as tough as old boots, and wouldn’t lie down – until Michaels tipped the match in his protégé’s favour, distracting Steiner and leaving him open to the match-ending Powerbomb. Backstage, and interim president James Casey was watching the show in his office when Jack Tunney entered unannounced. [QUOTE]JC: [COLOR="Purple"]“Tunney, what are you doing here? You’re suspended!”[/COLOR] JT: [COLOR="Navy"]“I can be backstage if I want – although you, of course, are in charge.”[/COLOR] JC: [COLOR="Purple"]“You’re right about that. Well, was there something you wanted?”[/COLOR] JT: [COLOR="Navy"]“I was wondering about Diesel and Shawn Michaels. Are you intending to let them continue to run around with the Intercontinental title?”[/COLOR] JC: [COLOR="Purple"]“There’s a matter of ownership to be settled – a problem dating from your tenure, I note.”[/COLOR] JT: [COLOR="Navy"]“You may want to settle it soon. I doubt that a hothead like Razor Ramon will settle for watching Michaels and Diesel rub his face in their theft for much longer.”[/COLOR] JC: [COLOR="Purple"]“Thank you for your wise words Pres- Oh, I’m sorry, Mister Tunney. I’ll be sure to take them under advisement. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”[/COLOR] JT:[COLOR="Navy"] “Don’t get too comfortable in my chair – I’ll be wanting it back when this bribery nonsense is cleared up.”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] The Undertaker’s bravery can never be questioned, in your reporter’s opinion, as he willingly entered the ring with Bam Bam Bigelow and Cactus Jack without his partner by his side. He stood for several long seconds, staring unblinkingly at his opponents, before raising one gloved hand to point at the stage – onto which stepped Mr Perfect, his partner for the night, and teammate at Survivor Series. The four men contested a high-powered brawl that also featured some technical wizardy from Perfect and, more surprisingly, Bigelow. None of the competitors are easy men to beat, and when a wild Cactus clothesline took him and Perfect over the top rope and out of the fight, it was left to Undertaker and Bigelow to settle the match alone. Even this appeared impossible, as they too spilled onto the arena floor, and as all four men fought with each other, the referee was left with no choice but to throw the match out. It seemed that this was a signal that had been waited on, as immediately the bell rang, Ted DiBiase and IRS reinforced their troops in battle, demolishing Perfect with a well-timed double team assault, and adding their strength to that of Cactus and Bigelow. A barrage of devastating offence brought the show to a close on the unprecedented sight of the Undertaker flat on his back, unmoving in the centre of the ring, as his four Survivor Series opponents stood tall over him. * [I]Quick results: Owen Hart defeated Jeff Jarrett – B Candi Devine and Leilani Kai defeated Jacqueline and Ivory – D+ Eddie Guerrero defeated Robbie V – C- Tatanka defeated Ludvig Borga by DQ – B- Shawn Michaels defeated Jim Powers – C+ Bart Gunn defeated Irwin R. Schyster – B Diesel defeated Rick Steiner – A The Undertaker and Mr Perfect drew with Bam Bam Bigelow and Cactus Jack – B+ Housekeeping: Robbie and Eddie – no chemistry. And still better than the women’s tag match. Sigh...[/I] * [U]Around The Ring[/U]: Moondog Rex breaks ribs – FMW TV cancelled – Terry Funk fatigued, leaves WWC * [U]WWF Superstars preview[/U]: Men On A Mission vs. The Fraternity The Smoking Gunns vs. The Heavenly Bodies Marty Jannetty vs. Diesel Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Crush Bret Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett Owen Hart vs. Irwin R. Schyster Shawn Michaels vs. Koko B. Ware Lex Luger vs. Rick Martel * [QUOTE][CENTER]WWF Survivor Series - card to date Tatanka’s team vs. Ludvig Borga’s team 123 Kid’s team vs. Eddie Guerrero’s team Undertaker and Mr Perfect’s team vs. Ted DiBiase, IRS, Cactus Jack and Bam Bam Bigelow Randy Savage, Razor Ramon and the Steiners vs. Yokozuna, Shawn Michaels, Diesel and a mystery partner Plus many more matches to be announced! [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/superstarslogouz2.jpg[/IMG] WWF Superstars Saturday 13th November 1993 – 8,634 in attendance[/CENTER] The build-up to Survivor Series continued apace, with The Fraternity tangling with Men On A Mission. The rappers had the definite size advantage, but the upstart keggers were able to overcome the odds, dropping Mo with a Pi Iota Nu. Backstage, Crush planted “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan with his own two-by-four, before dragging him to the ring and battering him with a series of power moves, culminating in a chokeslam for the win. The Bushwhackers were consoling Men On A Mission on their defeat when the Beverely Brothers began to taunt them. The six men got into a pull apart brawl, which the Headshrinkers, passing by, decided to join in on. The eight men laid waste to the backstage area before security eventually managed to break them up. After Monday’s fake-out, Shawn Michaels promised a match against Marty Jannetty – but it was Diesel who would face Michaels’ former partner. The giant dominated the match, overpowering the one-time Rocker, who could only offer moderate resistance, having clearly prepared to face Michaels. Still, Jannetty did enough to show his class – coming close to upsetting Diesel with a top rope double axe handle, but an attempted Rocker Dropper was reversed into a Jack-knife Powerbomb for a painful defeat. In the locker room, the 123 Kid and Robbie V approached El Matador and Koko B. Ware. [QUOTE]123: “[COLOR="Blue"]Guys, listen, we’re looking for partners for Survivor Series to go against Eddie Guerrero’s team. We could do with some experience. You up for it?”[/COLOR] KBW: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Is that experience like valuable, learned knowledge that could be crucial to the team’s success at Survivor Series, or experience like you kids need someone to buy you beer in bars?”[/COLOR] RV: [COLOR="Green"]“Well, both.”[/COLOR] EM: [COLOR="Cyan"]“You paying for the beer?”[/COLOR] 123: [COLOR="Blue"]“Okay.”[/COLOR] KBW: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Then we’re in.”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Bret Hart and Jeff Jarrett argued backstage, leading to Jarrett challenging the Hitman to a match. Bret accepted, only for Owen to stop him leaving the locker room. [QUOTE]OH: “Weren’t you telling me the other day that I can’t let my heart rule my head? That’s how Lawler beat me, after all – and now you’re doing it!” BH: [COLOR="Magenta"]“Owen, sometimes you have to act. It’s a matter of learning when.”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] The Hitman left, leaving Owen deep in thought. Bret and Jarrett put forth a highly competitive offering, with the second-generation stars evenly matched. Bret had the edge in experience, which showed at the end of the match as he reversed a figure-four attempt into a Sharpshooter for the win. After Monday’s attack, it was clear that Bret had prepped his troops, and when Jerry Lawler attempted to attack after the bell, Owen was right on hand to break up the attack before any damage could be done. Taking a mic, Bret challenged Lawler and any cronies he might round up to a match at Survivor Series. Next up was tag team action as the Smoking Gunns faced the Heavenly Bodies. The Bodies have always looked good since their debut, but the Gunns have been on a roll of late, and continued their fine form when Billy pinned Jimmy Del Ray after a Famouser. Jerry Lawler wasted no time in finding a recruit for his team. Tracking down Doink the Clown, he approached with caution. Doink, who is now sporting a thick head of green hair instead of his normal wig, was sitting on a packing crate and staring at a black wall, giggling to himself as he bounced a rubber ball on the floor. [QUOTE]JL: [COLOR="Red"]“Hey, uh, Doink? Listen, I need a fourth man to join me, Jeff Jarret and Rick Martel against the Hart family at Survivor Series. What do you say, sound like fun?”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Doink stopped bouncing, laughing and staring and snapped his head round to face Lawler. The King shifted uneasily under his gaze, before Doink grinned widely under his makeup. [QUOTE]DtC: [COLOR="Purple"]“Sure! Chaos, treachery, madness all around. Sounds like fun to me! Put it there, partner!”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Lawler was hesitant to shake hands with Doink – and he was right to be so, for as soon as he took the clown’s gloved hand, there was an almighty bang and Lawler yelped in pain, snatching his hand away, the fingers smoking as the camera zoomed in on a firecracker sticking out of Doink’s sleeve. Doink peered curiously at his own burned hand, before turning an even wider grin on Lawler. [QUOTE]DtC: [COLOR="Purple"]“Whoops! Ahahahahaha!”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Lawler quickly turned and ran, in search of cold water, while Doink sat and cackled to himself, once more bouncing his ball with his injured hand. Shawn Michaels was back in action (IC Title update: Still with HBK), this time against Koko B. Ware, who managed a little more offence than Jim Powers had, but still fell short, tasting the superkick that Michaels calls Sweet Chin Music en route to defeat. IRS was somewhat frustrated by Owen Hart – being a Canadian, he falls outside IRS’ jurisdiction. But the taxman was happy to offer his assistance to his Canadian brethren, if needed. The Rocket seemed to have taken his brother’s words (if not actions) to heart, as he was unfazed by IRS’ tirade, putting him away with a Sharpshooter in around fifteen minutes. With Rick Martel aligned with Jerry Lawler, Lex Luger took a moment to announce that he would be allying his patriotic might to Tatanka’s team at Survivor Series. First things first, though, a match with the Model to bring an end to this week’s show. Both men are veterans, who have been around the horn many a time, and there was little to choose between the two. Where Luger had the clear power advantage, Martel was the superior technician, and as often as not they cancelled each other out. But where Martel can’t conjure power from thin air, Luger does have the devastating Torture Rack in his arsenal, leading to a submission victory and a triumphant American Made as Superstars went off the air. * [I]Quick results: The Fraternity defeated Men On A Mission – D+ Crush defeated "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan – C+ Diesel defeated Marty Jannetty – B+ Bret Hart defeated Jeff Jarrett – B The Smoking Gunns defeated The Heavenly Bodies – C Shawn Michaels defeated Koko B. Ware – B+ Owen Hart defeated IRS – A Lex Luger defeated "Model" Rick Martel – B[/I] * [U]Raw preview[/U] 123 Kid and Robbie V vs. Eddie Guerrero and ??? Men On A Mission vs. Money Inc Bret Hart vs. Rick Martel Scott Steiner vs. Shawn Michaels The Smoking Gunns vs. Cactus Jack and Bam Bam Bigelow Rockin’ Robin vs. Luna Vachon Marty Jannetty vs. Ludvig Borga Jim Neidhart vs. Doink The Clown
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[B]123 Kid and Robbie V [/B]vs. Eddie Guerrero and ??? Men On A Mission vs. [B]Money Inc[/B] [B]Bret Hart [/B]vs. Rick Martel Scott Steiner vs. [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] The Smoking Gunns vs. [B]Cactus Jack and Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] Rockin’ Robin vs. [B]Luna Vachon[/B] Marty Jannetty vs. [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] [B]Jim Neidhart [/B]vs. Doink The Clown
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/WWF_Monday_Night_RAW.jpg[/IMG] The Raw Report for Monday 15th November, 1993[/CENTER] Raw was served up hot and fast, live from Georgia and a capacity crowd. The Smoking Gunns had the crowd on their feet as they kicked off the show, facing the fearsome Bam Bam Bigelow and Cactus Jack in tag team action. The Gunns looked to continue their fine run of recent form, but in Bigelow and Cactus they faced perhaps their toughest test yet. With Bigelow’s friend Luna Vachon on the outside, the Gunns were always wary of interference – quite apart from Bigelow’s brute strength and Cactus’ unorthodox style. When it came, though, it came from the Million Dollar Man, who slipped Bigelow his tag team title belt, allowing the Beast From The East to score a home run on Bart’s skull, leaving him easy prey for the pin. Before the assault could continue, though, The Undertaker and Mr Perfect made their presence felt, Perfect athletically taking the millionaire trio down, while Undertaker drilled them with a series of hard rights. Cactus seemed to be ready to fight all four men, but contented himself with helping his employer backstage, as Perfect took the mic and announced that the four men would be aligned against the Million Dollar Corporation at Survivor Series. Doink continued to torment members of the Hart clan in the next match, upending Jim Neidhart with a string of quick strikes that showed that the funnyman is all business in the ring – sometimes. Eddie Guerrero’s mystery partner was a fellow second-generation star, the promising Dean Malenko, who is a technical wizard. The two paired off against Robbie V and the 123 Kid in a Survivor Series preview, and the crowd were treated to a fine match that one day could main event pay-per-views. Malenko capped off an impressive debut by trapping V in a Texas Cloverleaf for the submission win. The tag team title match between Money, Inc and Men On A Mission was cut short by outside interference – and for a moment it seemed that the leatherclad young man who’s made such an impression of late was indeed in DiBiase’s employ, as he earned Money, Inc a win – unconventionally. But his opportunistic briefcase attack on IRS was only a prelude to yet more attacks: A flowing DDT for Mo, another for Mabel, and when DiBiase attempted to buy his way out of trouble, a piledriver for him to complete the massacre. The youngster stood tall in the centre of the ring, arms stretched out to form a cross, before taking a mic. [QUOTE][COLOR="Gray"]“This business does bad things to a man. You trust, and that trust is shattered. You act, and people try and claim responsibility and credit for your actions. You fight for yourself, and people say why? Let me say this, and let no-one doubt me: I have given my life for this business. I have tried to fight with honour, to act as a man should. And everywhere I have gone, I have been told that that’s not enough. You have to stand out from the crowd. Be larger than life. Be a snob, a rich kid, a bodybuilder, be anything other than who you really are. “I guess it worked. I don’t know who I am anymore. Maybe someone can tell me, someday. In the meantime, I guess I’ll do what it takes to stand out, to be noticed, to find myself... I’ve settled some scores...”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Here he pulled back his long hair from his face, revealing the unmistakable features of none other than Johnny Polo! [QUOTE][COLOR="Gray"]“Now it’s time to be me. I’m not a puppet, I know that. I won’t be jerked around anymore. Quoth the raven, nevermore.”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Luna was back to square off against former Women’s champion Rockin’ Robin in the next match, but the strange Vachon was unable to match her sweetheart’s success, falling to a Flying Cross Bodyblock as it was announced that both women would be at Survivor Series, partnering Alunda Blayze and Bull Nakano. Raw’s wild night continued, as Ludvig Borga and Marty Jannetty barely managed to get going before Giant Gonzales strode down the aisle and entered the ring over the ropes. Tatanka was hot on his heels, and as the match degenerated into a four-way brawl, Lex Luger, the Quebecers and “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan all made their presence felt. Atferwards, it was confirmed that the Tatanka and his allies would be facing Borga and his friends in their Survivor Series match. Diesel and Shawn Michaels were all set to announce Michaels’ latest ‘top-quality’ opponent when they was interrupted by interim president James Casey. [QUOTE]JC: [COLOR="Purple"]“So, who’ll it be tonight, Shawn? Vince McMahon? Or have you talked Diesel into laying down for you? Or did you give Hunter Hearst Helmsley enough beer that he’d come out and be your running buddy? Well, sorry Shawn. You and that title that you haven’t earned... You’re making me look bad. The WWF Board of Directors want a resolution, and I’m determined to let them have it – after Survivor Series. In two weeks time, I’ll be announcing exactly what will be done with the Intercontinental title. In the meantime, you’ve upset a few people lately with your antics. So tonight you’ll be facing Scott Steiner. And the guest referee... Razor Ramon!”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Give Ramon credit, he called this match down the middle – except when he punked Michaels out for trying to run away from the match, title belt in hand. Razor reclaimed the belt, but had to set it down to focus on the match, allowing Diesel to snatch it back. Ramon looked frustrated, but made it clear that he was not playing favourites in the match, despite Steiner being on his team at Survivor Series. He even counted his teammate down, fair and square, when the savvy Michaels landed Sweet Chin Music for the three count. After the bell, Diesel made the mistake of entering the ring to celebrate with his mentor, only for Ramon to blast him with a hard clothesline, taking him back over the ropes, hard. Ramon and Michaels then stood nose to nose, their enmity beyond words. Backstage, and the three members of the Hart clan promised the unveiling of their final team member at this week’s Superstars. Before that, though, Bret had a match against Rick Martel and the two men put on a technical clinic as good as you’d expect from these two. These two have been WWF superstars for many years, and know each other inside and out going back to their days in the Hart Foundation and Strike Force, battling it out for the tag team titles. Tonight saw no title at stake, just pride – and that gave Bret the edge, as Martel is always on the lookout for a shortcut. Tonight saw him try and spray Hart with Arrogance, only for Hart to have that well scouted, and he was nowhere to be seen, slipping behind Martel to nail a backbreaker, followed by an elbow drop and a Sharpshooter to end the night on a high note for the Hart clan. [QUOTE][I]Quick results: Bigelow and Cactus defeated The Smoking Gunns – B- Doink the Clown defeated Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart – C+ Dean Malenko and Eddie Guerrero defeated The 1-2-3 Kid and Robbie V – C Money Inc. defeated Men On A Mission by DQ – C Rockin Robin defeated Luna Vachon – D Marty Jannetty and Ludvig Borga fought to a DDQ – C Shawn Michaels defeated Scott Steiner – A Bret Hart defeated "Model" Rick Martel – A[/I][/QUOTE] * Around The Ring: Taz snubs WAR, WWC, BCW, ECWA – Hawk enjoys curtain jerking – Kuni Kobayashi topples Jushin Liger for IWGP Junior title * [U]Superstars Preview[/U] Alundra Blayze and Jacqueline vs. Bull Nakano and Candi Devine Billy Gunn vs. Ted DiBiase Owen Hart vs. Jerry Lawler Rick Steiner vs. Raven Lex Luger and Tatanka vs. The Quebecers Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart vs. Rick Martel and Doink Randy Savage and Razor Ramon vs. Diesel and Shawn Michaels Plus the fourth member of Team Hart takes on Jeff Jarrett, and a huge announcement from interim WWF president James Casey!
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[B]Alundra Blayze and Jacqueline[/B] vs. Bull Nakano and Candi Devine [B]Billy Gunn[/B] vs. Ted DiBiase Owen Hart vs. [B]Jerry Lawler[/B] Rick Steiner vs. [B]Raven[/B] Lex Luger and Tatanka vs. [B]The Quebecers[/B] [B]Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart[/B] vs. Rick Martel and Doink Randy Savage and Razor Ramon vs. [B]Diesel and Shawn Michaels[/B] Plus the fourth member of Team Hart takes on [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B], and a huge announcement from interim WWF president James Casey!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/superstarslogouz2.jpg[/IMG] [U]The Superstars Report for Saturday 20th November 1993[/U][/CENTER] Bret Hart was in the centre of the ring as Superstars hit the airwaves, and together with Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart he introduced the fourth member of Team Hart, a man who has received training in the infamous Hart Family Dungeon – Japanese superstar Ultimo Dragon! The masked man cut an impressive figure as he entered the ring by vaulting over the top rope, and in his debut match against Kings’ Court member Jeff Jarrett he showed that his small stature need be no bar to future success in the WWF. Although he received an early education from Jarrett on cheating, Dragon rallied and forced Jarrett to submit to the vicious-looking Dragon Sleeper. Team Hart congratulated their colleague after the match. The announcers debated the upcoming match – Jim Ross was keen to see the WWF’s women go all out, while Bobby Heenan was, as ever, dismissive of their efforts. Vince McMahon was keen to see Alundra Blayze in action, at least. He got his wish, as Blayze and Jacqueline were victorious over Bull Nakano and Candi Devine in a hard fought battle. Rick Steiner was set to give us his always interesting thoughts, but before he could speak the music of the man called Raven played over the speakers. We seemed certain to here more from the leather clad philosopher – but instead he threw his mic in Steiner’s face and blitzed him with a series of punches. The ref quickly called for the bell, but for Steiner the match never quite got started as he was pummelled from pillar to post, the man called Raven dominating the tag specialist with shocking ease, before finishing his foe with a flowing DDT. Before the referee could raise his hand, though, Raven slid from the ring and made his way to the back, apparently unemotional about his big win. Your correspondent asks your forgiveness, but Brother Love had something to say next about the Quebecers and their match with Lex Luger and Tatanka – but I muted the TV so didn’t hear anymore. The match was a lot more enjoyable, as the American duo looked impressive, but lacked the experience as a team to take the win – while the Quebecers made up for what they may lack individually with their fluid teamwork, leading to Jacques pinning Tatanka while Pierre held his legs to prevent the kickout. Jerry Lawler always has something to say – and Owen Hart was on the receiving end this time. Lawler was quick to point out that his last match against Owen ended up with his victory. WWF Superstars, he was quick to assure us, would be no different. [QUOTE]JL: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“In fact, it’ll probably be easier – I mean, if Owen’s relying on his brother Bret for advice... Pfff... This’ll be over quicker than Neidhart buying pants at a hurricane relief stall.”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] However, the reality was rather different. Owen seemed wiser and more aggressive even since his last match, and while Lawler was able to hold his own at times, he never quite managed to go on the offensive, eventually baling out and taking the count-out loss as Bret restrained his brother from chasing after him, to the Rocket’s evident annoyance. The it was time for a reunion that proves that occasionally nostalgia ain’t what it used to be – it can be better. The Hart Foundation, together for the first time in almost three years, battled Doink and Rick Martel. The green-haired clown mixed pratfalls and buffoonery as he kept the Harts off centre during the opening stages of the match. But the Harts massive experience began to tell, as Doink ate a Hart Attack, leading to a close fall – only for Martel to interfere clouting Neidhart with the Arrogance canister and allowing Doink to score the pin in another upset. Ted DiBiase had a lot to say about cowboys and their lack of class, style and, of course, money. Gunn fired out of the blocks – or the dressing room – and immediately tried for a Famouser, but DiBiase used Gunn’s anger against him, the wise old veteran taking the young stud to school in the opening section of the match. Gunn eventually rallied and seemed to have DiBiase on the ropes, but it became clear that the Million Dollar Man had been pacing himself, and when Gunn’s second wind faded DiBiase was quick to clamp on a Million Dollar Dream for the win. Interim president James Casey was in his office, with a big announcement: [QUOTE]JC: [COLOR="Purple"]“Tonight, we’ve seen the debut of a Japanese superstar in Ultimo Dragon. However, at Survivor Series our colleagues in All Japan Pro Wrestling and New Japan Pro Wrestling have been good enough to agree that three wrestlers from each of the companies will temporarily join our ranks. Monday night on Raw will see the debuts New Japan’s Wild Pegasus, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, while from All Japan we have been lucky enough to secure Tsuyoshi Kikuchi, “Dr. Death” Steve Williams and Kenta Kobashi. At Survivor Series we will see an inter-promotional six-man tag team match, while on Monday night, and next Saturday, these six men will compete in matches against the World Wrestling Federation’s finest as I show you, our fans, why the WWF board would be right to name their international vice-president as the full time head of the company.”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Randy Savage and Razor Ramon – who will face Williams and Kobashi on Monday night – squared off against Diesel and Shawn Michaels in the main event. The four men put on a stunning display of action. The advantage see-sawed back and forth before Diesel planted Razor with a Jackknife Powerbomb, leaving Savage vulnerable. The Macho Man fought valiantly, and even took Diesel over the top with a hard clothesline, but this left him vulnerable to a back suplex from Michaels, setting him up for a elbow drop from the top – a calculated insult from the Heartbreak Kid, using Savage’s own finisher against him. Michaels stood alone in the centre of the ring, making a belt gesture across his waist as the show came to an end. [I][QUOTE]Quick Results: Ultimo Dragon defeated Jeff Jarrett – C+ Alundra Blayze and Jacqueline defeated Bull Nakano and Candi Devine – C- Raven defeated Rick Steiner – B- The Quebecers defeated Lex Luger and Tatanka – B- Owen Hart defeated Jerry "The King" Lawler by count-out – B+ "Model" Rick Martel and Doink the Clown defeated The Hart Foundation – B+ Ted DiBiase defeated Billy Gunn – A Dudes with Attitudes defeated Randy Savage and Razor Ramon – A[/QUOTE][/I]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/WWF_Monday_Night_RAW.jpg[/IMG] [U]The Raw Report for Monday 22nd November 1993[/U][/CENTER] With six days to go until Survivor Series comes to you live on pay-per-view, Monday Night Raw came to you live from Guaynabo, PR. And the show kicked off with a sizzling start, as Japanese superstar Jushin Liger tore the house down with the Latino hothead, Eddie Guerrero, who showed little respect for the highly regarded Liger. He mocked Liger’s extravagant, horned costume, and tried to tear off the mask, but Liger showed the form that has made him an internationally feared and respected opponent, dropping the youngster with a Brainbuster for the win in a stunning introduction to the New Japan workers. Backstage, and James Casey was showing off his new secretary – a very attractive woman named Miss Sullivan. Sullivan and Casey discussed a few prospects for matches in the weeks after Survivor Series, but Casey’s attentions seemed to be focused on something other than his job. The Fraternity showed they were undaunted by two long-time WWF stars in their next match, as they tore into El Matador and Koko B. Ware, two of their Survivor Series opponents. After team captain Eddie Guerrero came a cropper in his match, it fell to the preppy twosome to restore team momentum, as they planted Ware with a Pi Iota Nu for the win. Leilani Kai seemed to enjoy the warmer climate of Puerto Rico, rolling over Ivory in short order. Ivory seemed to have other things on her mind – she kept asking the referee what time it was. Alundra Blayze is highly unlikely to put up with those sort of antics on Sunday night, but Ivory checked the time with several fans after the match as well, seemingly unconcerned at her loss. Next Robbie V took the mic: [QUOTE] RV: [COLOR="Purple"]“So, this Sunday night is the big show – my first time on pay-per-view! It’s all kinds of exciting backstage. Now, Guerrero brought in his friend Dean Malenko to help out, and it seems like he’s pretty good. So I guess I can scout him out tonight, and see what he’s made of. Seems like a plan.”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Malenko seems to be made of good stuff – having travelled the world, there’s not much he hasn’t seen. The stony-faced veteran was weary in facing the rubber-legged V, but was able to take control of the match up to catching the youngster in a Texas Cloverleaf for the win. Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, Tatanka and NJPW’s Wild Pegasus came to the ring for their Survivor Series preview. Bret mentioned how proud he was to team with these men – and revealed that he’d helped train Pegasus, and that he was double proud to see him in WWF. The foursome were pitted against Jerry Lawler, AJPW’s Tsuyoshi Kikuchi, Bam Bam Bigelow and Giant Gonzales. Although only fought to a single fall, the match gave an idea of the chaos fans can expect on Sunday night. The match broke down into four individual brawls, with Gonzales in particular tossing Tatanka around the ring like a rag doll. But it was Gonzales who would cost his team the match, as Tatanka was not the legal man, and when the massive wrestler followed his Survivor Series foe onto the arena floor, he was counted out of the match, something none of his team-mates were impressed with. Ted DiBiase is no fan of Japanese wrestling, and made it clear before his match with Hiroyoshi Tenzan that he was expecting a short and easy victory. A victory he got, but it was neither short, nor easy – Tenzan pushed the Million Dollar Man to the limit for nearly fifteen minutes, before finding himself caught in the centre of the ring in a Million Dollar Dream. Randy Savage and Razor Ramon then faced off against All Japan’s Steve Williams and Kenta Kobashi. The Japanese pairing looked impressive, controlling much of the match through superior teamwork, and weren’t above cheap tactics, which had the fans cheering Savage and Ramon on. However, the match ending was inconclusive, as Diesel, Shawn Michaels and Yokozuna all swarmed the ring, attacking the fan favourite duo and leaving them lying. However, Michaels and Diesel fell prey to overconfidence, celebrating their ambush for too long and allowing their fallen foes to recover and regroup, before sending their attackers over the top rope to a pair of hard landings on the floor below. Is this the fate that awaits them come Sunday? The Quebecers wanted the crowd to believe they would be triumphant, both over the Steiners that night, and in their match on Sunday. Before they could say why, the Steiners stormed the ring, and the night’s main event began with a throw-down donnybrook as all four men tore into one another – Brother Love hightailing it to safety as fast as he could. An excellent match followed, with the Steiners keeping the Canadians on the defensive with their superior strength, and the Quebecers employing liberal cheap tactics and dazzling double-team moves to help the momentum swing back their way. However, Pierre was left in no man’s land late on, and when Rick came off the top rope to deliver a thunderous Bulldog, it was all over for the Canadian duo. Randy Savage and Razor Ramon joined their Survivor Series teammates in the middle of the ring to celebrate a successful night as the show went off the air. [QUOTE]Quick results: Jushin Liger defeated Eddie Guerrero – B- The Fraternity defeated El Matador and Koko B. Ware – C+ Leilani Kai defeated Ivory – D+ Dean Malenko defeated Robbie V – C Bret Hart, Wild Pegasus, Mr Perfect and Tatanka defeated Jerry "The King" Lawler, Tsuyoshi Kikuchi, Bam Bam Bigelow and Giant Gonzales – B- Ted DiBiase defeated Hiroyoshi Tenzan – B- Randy Savage and Razor Ramon defeated Kenta Kobashi and Steve Williams by DQ – B- The Steiner Brothers defeated The Quebecers – B+ [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/superstarslogouz2.jpg[/IMG] [U]WWF Superstars report for Saturday 27th November 1993[/U][/CENTER] With one night until Survivor Series, Superstars kicked off with an eight-man tag team teaser match. It was The Bushwhackers, 123 Kid and Koko B. Ware against The Headshrinkers and The Fraternity, as Bobby Heenan made the exclusive announcement that the Whackers and Men On A Mission would be teaming against the Shrinkers and the Beverley Brothers on Sunday night. The match was a barnstorming affair, with the referee fighting hard to maintain order, and in the end the Kid staked a claim for his side’s chances, pinning Hunter Hearst Helmsley after a Spinning Wheel Kick. James Casey had an announcement to make: [QUOTE]JC: [COLOR="Indigo"]“I don’t like to see big shows without any title matches, and I think that it’s fair to say that Survivor Series matches give our wrestlers a bit of a chance to take a break when they’re not in the ring. So I don’t think it’s unfair to expect our World champion to take part in two matches tomorrow night. The man who scores the quickest elimination – as timed by an impartial official backstage – in the matches tomorrow night, will also be wrestling twice: They’ll have a WWF title match against Yokozuna in the main event!”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Alundra Blayze made a successful defence of her Women’s title in the next match, narrowly squeaking out a win over old rival Bull Nakano. The two will meet in Survivor Series action, and after the bell Blayze took a mic and proclaimed herself confident. The New Japan pairing of Wild Pegasus and Hiro Tenzan impressed as they faced their All Japan rivals Steve Williams and Tsuyoshi Kikuchi next. Pegasus and Tenzan showcased their innovative, hard-hitting offence en route to a momentum boosting victory gained when Tenzan trapped Kikuchi in an Anaconda Vice. Backstage, Jack Tunney confronted James Casey. Tunney wanted to know if the WWF was covered against a lawsuit if Yokozuna was injured in his surprise second match on Sunday. Casey brushed him off, but Miss Sullivan pursued the subject after Tunney left, and Casey agreed to beef up the company insurance – Casey seems to be picking up the requirements of his job, but Tunney would surely have had the eventuality covered a lot quicker. Bret Hart had the microphone in the centre of the ring: [QUOTE]BH: [COLOR="Magenta"]“I’ve had a great time, these last few months. Teaming with Jim, and Owen, and Ultimo... But I’ll be glad, tomorrow, when all this is over. Jerry Lawler, it has to be time for us to call a halt to our rivalry. I don’t even remember what we’re arguing about anymore. So tomorrow, win, lose or draw, let’s forget our disagreements and move on with our lives. I want a chance to win back the WWF title, and I’m sure you have better things to do as well.”[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] Before it’s all over, there was the small matter of a match against Jeff Jarrett and Rick Martel, who proved themselves worthy opponents. Hart and Ultimo Dragon were finetuning their teamwork ahead of Survivor Series, and the rulebreaking duo were quick to take advantage, isolating Hart for long spells, while Dragon looked on in frustration, his attempts at intervention only giving Jarrett and Martel the chance to cheat without needing to try and disguise the fact. When Dragon did make it in, the referee was too busy shepherding Bret to his corner to see the blast of Arrogance spray making it through Dragon’s mask, leaving him easy prey to a Jarrett pinfall. Backstage, Owen Hart was waiting with Jim Neidhart: [QUOTE]OH: “And Bret’s the one telling me how to wrestle? I don’t know, Anvil, sometimes I think it should be the other way around. I mean, at least I know when to get out of the ring!”[/QUOTE] Neidhart shrugged, and maintained a diplomatic silence. While we here at WWF.com are unashamedly partial in our support of Tatanka’s team at Survivor Series, we have to admit that Ludvig Borga’s selection of the Quebecers for his team is beginning to look like a masterstroke – the Canadian duo continuing their impressive recent run with a big win over Marty Jannetty and “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan that saw Jannetty falling to a Pierre Cannonball. Backstage, and a furious sounding Yokozuna was sounding off in the direction of Shawn Michaels and Diesel. Michaels was making placating sounds. [QUOTE]HBK: [COLOR="Red"]“Big man, big man, calm down. Yes, I know we need a fourth man – I’ve got it well in hand! It’s okay, really. And yes, Casey is out of line making this match for you tomorrow – but it’s fine. One of us will get the fast elimination tomorrow night, and even if you lose, you’ll be losing to a friend, right?”[/COLOR] Yokozuna replied in a stream of angry Japanese. HBK: [COLOR="Red"]“Well, I certainly see your point. But I’ll go get us our partner, and we’ll be all set for tomorrow night. And really, big man, who’s going to be able to beat you anyway?”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] The champion seemed placated by this, and he stomped off. Diesel looked impressed. [QUOTE]D: [COLOR="Navy"]“I didn’t know that you understood Japanese.”[/COLOR] HBK: [COLOR="Red"]“You know me, D. I always have been a cunning linguist.”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Mr Perfect wanted to talk next, but he was interrupted by Cactus Jack and his, well, handler Ted DiBiase. There was no need for words, as the two titans tore into one another immediately. The match was a typically wild affair, as all Cactus matches seem to be, and the referee never had control at all, until finally he had no choice but to disqualify Cactus, who shamelessly brought a chair into the ring to waffle Perfect. The bell had no effect on DiBiase’s crazed monster, who slammed home the chair again and again until the gongs rang out and the lights dimmed. The Undertaker stalked down to the ring, and easily tore the chair from Cactus grip. An almighty swing dented the chair across Cactus’ back, but the madman barely seemed fazed, staring wildly at the Dead Man before DiBiase summoned him to the back, leaving IRS to come down for his match with the Undertaker as the EMTs attended to Perfect. Undertaker took his frustrations out on DiBiase’s tag team partner, battering the taxman from pillar to post, before finishing him with a Tombstone. Backstage, and Michaels and Diesel were making their way along a darkened corridor. [QUOTE]D: [COLOR="Navy"]“Who are we looking for, exactly?”[/COLOR] HBK: [COLOR="Red"]“Someone who doesn’t like bright light.”[/COLOR] D: [COLOR="Navy"]“We’re teaming with an albino?”[/COLOR] HBK: [COLOR="Red"]“I’ve told you about thinking first, right?”[/COLOR] D: [COLOR="Navy"]“Sure.”[/COLOR] HBK: [COLOR="Red"]“Well, then. No, our guy just likes to suit his surroundings to his mood. A lot like me, really – I’m all bright lights, loud music and beautiful women. He’s... gloomy.”[/COLOR] R: [COLOR="DimGray"]“Looking for someone?”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Diesel and Michaels jumped, before turning. Diesel turned on a torch, illuminating the man called Raven. [QUOTE]HBK: [COLOR="Red"]“Hi. Free tomorrow night?”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Yokozuna didn’t have the best of nights, all things considered. So a chance to defend his title against Scott Steiner seemed to be just what the doctor ordered. The Michigan amateur champion threw his athletic all at the champion, but more often than not just bounced off Yokozuna’s bulk. A Frankensteiner was out of the question, so Scott followed his brother’s lead and threw a series of Steinerlines at the World champion. But eventually, Yokozuna caught Steiner and drove him hard into the mat with a belly to belly suplex. A big splash was followed by a corner charge and a mighty legdrop that allowed him to retain the title. The champion stood tall over his fallen challenger, the last thing Superstars viewers saw as the show went off the air. [QUOTE][I]Quick Results: The Bushwhackers, 123 Kid and Koko B. Ware defeated The Headshrinkers and The Fraternity – C Alundra Blayze defeated Bull Nakano – C+ Wild Pegasus and Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Tsuyoshi Kikuchi and Steve Williams – B- Jeff Jarrett and "Model" Rick Martel defeated Bret Hart and Ultimo Dragon – B+ The Quebecers defeated Marty Jannetty and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan – C+ Mr Perfect defeated Cactus Jack by DQ – A The Undertaker defeated Irwin R. Schyster – B- Yokozuna defeated Scott Steiner – B[/I][/QUOTE] * [B]Around The Ring[/B] Yokozuna enjoys debuts – Flex Kavanah offered new USWA contract – Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Brutus Beefcake teaming in NJPW – Terry Funk to leave ECW? * [QUOTE][CENTER]WWF Survivor Series preview [B]The Party Team vs. The Multiculturals[/B] The Bushwhackers and Men On A Mission vs. The Headshrinkers and The Beverley Brothers [B]NJPW vs. AJPW[/B] Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Jushin Liger and Wild Pegasus vs. Tsuyoshi Kikuchi, Steve Williams and Kenta Jobashi [B]Team Blayze vs. Team Nakano[/B] Alundra Blayze, Jacqueline, Ivory and Rockin’ Robin vs. Bull Nakano, Candi Devine, Leilani Kai and Luna Vachon [B]The 123s vs. The First Among Equals[/B] The 123 Kid, Robbie V, El Matador and Koko B. Ware vs. Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko and The Fraternity [B]Team America vs. The Rest Of The World[/B] Tatanka, Lex Luger, Marty Jannetty and Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Ludvig Borga, The Quebecers and Giant Gonzales [B]Team Stampede vs. The King’s Court[/B] Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart and Doink the Clown vs. Jerry “The King” Lawler, Jeff Jarrett, Doink the Clown and Rick Martel [B]The Tombstones vs. The Money Clip[/B] The Undertaker, The Smoking Gunns and Mr Perfect vs. Money Inc, Cactus Jack and Bam Bam Bigelow [B]Unstable vs. The Alpha Males[/B] Razor Ramon, Randy Savage and The Steiners vs. Yokozuna, Shawn Michaels, Diesel and Raven [B]Plus: WWF World Heavyweight Title match[/B] Champion Yokozuna will defend against the man who scores the quickest elimination in the night’s Survivor Series matches [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/SurVivorSeriesLogo.png[/IMG] The wwf.com Survivor Series report Sunday, 28th November 1993[/CENTER] Survivor Series kicked off with a glimpse at the future of the WWF, as the 123s faced off against the First Among Equals. The Equals entered with pomp and circumstance, coming down to the ring in a vintage limousine tricked out with glistening hubcaps and with enough female companions to make Bobby Heenan on commentary decide to try and join the upstart group after the match. The 123s also entered as a team, their only companion Koko B. Ware’s parrot, Frankie. Their businesslike approach paid dividends in the early going as, with everyone’s eyes on the clock, a surprise flying bodypress on David Darryl Dumont gave El Matador the early lead in the quest to challenge Yokozuna. Dumont fell at 2:35, and the challenge was set. The next elimination was a lengthy affair, with the 123 Kid and Eddie Guerrero one-upping each other again and again, until Dean Malenko made a blind tag and dumped the Kid over the top rope, before trapping Matador in a Texas Cloverleaf to even the sides. But the balance tipped even further to the Equals a few minutes later, as Ware tasted a barrage of quick blows from Helmsley, only for the frat boy to tag out to his captain, who pounced from the top with a Frog Splash to make it 3-2 in his team’s favour. Robbie V entered from the top as well, diving across more than half the ring to plant his foot in the side of Guerrero’s head, knocking the young Latino goofy, and bringing Malenko into the ring. Malenko has made a career of having a counter for every move, and a hold to tie up any opponent, but he’s never met anyone like Robbie V, who flipped and slipped and eventually launched his own Frog Splash from the top to make it two-all. Guerrero, by now recovered, was clearly offended by this, and dived straight for V, but the youngster brought in his own captain to try and settle the dispute between the two men. The two tore into one another before Guerrero seemed to lose his temper, leading the Kid out to the arena floor, where he pounced with a chair to the stomach – he was immediately disqualified, but threw Kid into the ring where he was easy prey for a pin by Helmsley. Left alone, V and Helmsley went at it for several minutes, but whereas Helmsley was relatively rested, V had worn himself down by his previous energetic efforts, and for Helmsley it was only a matter of time before he could plant V with the double underhook driver he calls the Pedigree. * It was a tale of four tag teams in the second match of the night. The Bushwhackers and Men On A Mission faced the Beverley Brothers and the Headshrinkers in a match that Jim Ross stated had bowling shoe tendencies. Never a truer word... In the end, Mabel ended the resistance of Blake Beverley to become the sole survivor of his team – and was joined by his fallen teammates for a rap-soundtracked whacking party. * The six-man match between the teams of All Japan and New Japan saw a display of power, balletic grace, outstanding technique and incredible speed, with all six men bringing their unique talents to bear with company pride on the line. Wild Pegasus in particular impressed, mixing power moves that belied his small frame, with a smooth technical wrestling style that gave clear evidence of his early days in the Hart family dungeon. But it was his team’s captain, Hiro Tenzan, who would settle the match after all six men piled into the ring to trade blows. Tenzan floored his main rival Kenta Kobashi with a Shining Wizard, before going to the top and showing his light heavyweight teammates a perfect Diving Headbutt to pick up the win. * The Women’s division was on display in the next match, which was fought to a single fall. The eight competitors each showed their form in the match, with Ivory once again looking to have something other than the match on her mind. While tangling with Luna, she suddenly looked shocked at finding herself in a wrestling match, and bailed for the aisle, from which she ignored the entreaties of her partners as she headed backstage. Left at a disadvantage, Team Blayze suffered somewhat at the vicious hands of Luna and Bull Nakano, while the veteran savvy of Candi Devine and Leilani Kai swiftly cut short any resurgence. In the end, Devine planted Blayze with a Running Dropkick, staking once more her claim for a title shot in the near future as she taunted the vanquished Women’s champion after the bell for good measure. * Backstage, Team America promised the Pittsburgh crowd a pleasing victory over their foreign foes. The match itself saw the American team working to a focused game plan that perfectly countered that of Ludvig Borga and his team. Giant Gonzales was unleashed at the bell, but the American foursome used quick tags and quicker attacks to wear the giant down, before a Three Point Stance from Hacksaw Jim Duggan took him over the ropes to the outside. Sacrificing himself for his team, Marty Jannetty dived from the ring apron onto Gonzales, carrying him into the aisle and a hard landing on the bare concrete. It was enough to take Gonzales out of the match via countout – at the cost of Jannetty who re-entered the match in obviously poor condition, before quickly falling prey to Borga’s Powerslam – an elimination quick enough to but the mighty Finn in the lead for the night’s title shot, at 1:47. But that was the only thing to go right for the Rest Of The World team, as Tatanka’s boundless energy and Lex Luger’s incredible strength put paid to the Quebecers in short order. Borga was left alone to face three men, and after tasting a Flying Forearm from Luger, and a Three Point Stance from Duggan, finally fell prey to a Tomahawk Chop from Tatanka as the Native American warrior finally gained revenge for his torment at the Finn’s hands in recent months. The team captain was hoisted on his teammates’ shoulders to celebrate the victory. * From the sublime to the ridiculous, as Jerry Lawler took one last stab at the Hart family: [QUOTE]JL: [COLOR="Purple"]“Let me see, Stu and Helen Hart are so old that the funeral home is charging them late fees. Bret Hart’s hair is so oily that Saddam Hussein wants to invade his bald spot. Owen Hart is so stupid that he thought failing fourth grade three times meant that he’d passed twelfth grade. And don’t get me started on how fat Jim Neidhart is – let’s just say that he’s called the Anvil because of what happens in the bathroom each morning, okay? And Ultimo Dragon... Anyone who has to hide behind a mask has got something to be ashamed of – in this case, his choice in teammates.”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] The King let out a long sigh. [QUOTE] JL: [COLOR="Purple"]“That felt good. Okay, I’m ready to send these commoners crying back to Calgary.”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Team Stampede were shown marching to the ring, Owen in particular looking psyched and eager for battle. * Jerry Lawler went to considerable pain to bring Doink onto his team for Survivor Series – we here at wwf.com are sure that it wasn’t worth it. Doink spent the first minute of the match showing off his new purple overcoat to the folks at ringside, before entering the ring and eating a dropkick from Owen. Doink looked stunned, and promptly rolled out of the ring. The clown made his way backstage, massaging his jaw and looking thoughtful as he was counted out, to the stunned disbelief of his partners, and the delight of the Rocket, who scored the night’s quickest elimination thus far at 1:22. Left with a four on three disadvantage, it can be fairly said that Lawer’s team tried their best – and worst as they threw everything in their arsenals at their opponents. But Owen was on fire, and having scored one elimination he would claim the scalps of Rick Martel and Jeff Jarrett with a flying bodypress and a Sharpshooter, respectively. At that point, though, he apparently grew overeager as he tried an Ali shuffle and a little shadow boxing at the isolated Lawler, who responded with the hardest right hand in the business, knocking the eager youngster for six and allowing Lawler to mount an offence that ended with a vicious Piledriver, putting the spent Rocket down for three. Bret entered the ring, and Lawler looked ready to try and beg off. But Bret was having none of it, and as Ultimo and Neidhart tended to Owen, Bret unleashed so many months of frustration, shrugging off Lawler’s own attacks and responding with a fire that showed his eagerness to put his foe down, and move on. But it was a measured eagerness, and Bret was in control, before he finally put the King down and wrapped him up in a Sharpshooter for the victory. After the bell, the victorious team celebrated, Owen joining in tentatively, his neck clearly bothering him. * The members of the Money Clip and the Tombstones all took their turns to hype their upcoming match. And their was a definite something in the air as the teams lined up. It was Bam Bam Bigelow who opened the offensive, knocking Billy Gunn from the ring. The tattooed monster threw Mr Perfect around the ring as the referee gained some degree of order in the match, and only Undertaker seemed to have any defence against him, standing toe-to-toe with the Beast from the East. Bigelow eventually tagged out, bringing in IRS who had a back-and-forth exchange with Bart Gunn. It was Bart who would taste the first elimination, squashed by a Bigelow dive from the top. But the move wounded Bigelow as well, leaving him prey to a Famouser that Bart’s brother delivered from the top rope himself. Although not enough to put him down for three, Bigelow was dazed and when he rolled from the ring, he stayed down, unable to clear the cobwebs as he was counted out. Undertaker’s team would go on to take a clear advantage as IRS tangled with Perfect, only to fall prey to a Perfectplex. But almost as soon as the bell rang, Cactus Jack entered the fray for the first time, barrelling through Perfect and Undertaker, before driving Billy Gunn into the mat with a Double Arm DDT that put the cowboy out of the match. Cactus brought his captain into the match, the Million Dollar Man putting on a technical masterclass with Perfect before trapping the former Intercontinental champion in a Million Dollar Dream. But if DiBiase had designs on eliminating the Undertaker, so the Dead Man had plans on surviving the match. DiBiase had no answer to his former charge’s power and resilience, and his efforts only prolonged the inevitable before he fell prey to a Tombstone, and once more we were left with Cactus Jack and The Undertaker in the ring. As at No Mercy last month, the two men tore into one another with wild abandon, with no quarter asked for or given. Undertaker seemed to have the upper hand at first, but a wild clothesline by Cactus took both men out onto the arena floor, and to the shock of the crowd Cactus unleashed a second Double Arm DDT on the man from Death Valley. Grinning widely, Cactus mounted the ring steps and sprinted along the apron, launching himself into the air and dropping his whole body weight onto the Undertaker’s prone body with a pinpoint elbow drop. Rolling the Undertaker back into the ring, Cactus made the cover, only for the Undertaker to somehow raise his shoulder at two. Screaming with frustration, and tearing at his hair, Cactus lifted the Undertaker upright and delivered not one, not two, but three consecutive Double Arm DDTs. And that, to the amazement of the crowd, was enough. The Undertaker had been vanquished. Cactus Jack stood alone, the sole survivor of the match. * Both teams had their say once more before the final Survivor Series match of the night. Raven was as silent as Yokozuna, but Mr Fuji and Shawn Michaels had enough to say for any four men – and more besides. Randy Savage, Razor Ramon and the Steiners were democratic in their warning of their opponents – the match would see personal issues set aside for the greater good of the Unstable team, and whoever got to hand out the butt kicking, the whole team would benefit. Despite their profession of unity, each member of Unstable proved themselves worthy of their team’s title. Rick Steiner immediately went after Raven, who nailed him with a chair a couple of weeks back. Razor Ramon tried to settle his grievances with Michaels and Diesel all in one go. Savage went after the champion – and Scott Steiner hit anyone who came in reach. Almost inevitably, Ramon suffered the brunt of the damage in the early going, as he was beaten down by the Heartbreak Kid and his bodyguard. However, he rallied to bring in Scott, while Michaels and Diesel finally conformed to the referee’s instructions and let Raven into the match. The long-haired one showed speed and resilience in his tangle with the former amateur champion, before bringing Yokozuna into the mix. Savage begged to be let in, but it cost him as the champion showed his deceptive turn of pace to drop his nemesis with a hard clothesline before dropping the heavy leg for a near fall. Savage tried to recover, but he was struggling for breath, and after being pounded into the mat with a belly to belly suplex, he was eliminated by a Shawn Michaels elbow drop from the top rope. Ramon tried to level the sides by going straight after the Heartbreak Kid, but Michaels wisely brought Diesel into the fray, and the big man tossed the Bad Guy around with stunning ease, before Ramon escaped a Jackknife attempt and brought Rick Steiner into the match. It was Steinerlines all round as Diesel took two of the five thrown – the rest were for his teammates. It was enough to convince Diesel to bring the champion back in, and a groggy Yokozuna wasn’t happy about it. He fell victim to the Steiners’ rapid-fire teamwork, before tasting twin Steinerlines to the front and back of his head as Mr Fuji went ballistic at ringside. Grabbing a handful of ceremonial salt, he caught Rick full in the face with it, blinding him and getting the champion disqualified. With one eye on his title match, Yokozuna didn’t seem very bothered. Michaels entered the fray once more, and taunted the wounded older Steiner, mimicking his stumbling gait, and when Rick turned blindly into Sweet Chin Music the Alpha Males advantage was swiftly restored. Scott tried to gain immediate revenge, but Raven blind-tagged himself into the match, and when Scott went for a Frankensteiner Raven blocked the move, rescuing Michaels, and setting Scott up for a flowing DDT. Raven then brought in Diesel, who planted Scott with a Jackknife, the combined impact of the moves proving too much for the clean-shaven Steiner. But Raven’s contributions to the match were brought to an abrupt halt as he was dragged into the ring by a fuming Ramon who threw him around with wild abandon. Michaels and Diesel showed no inclination to help their teammate, even cracking jokes as Ramon set him up for the Razor’s Edge, with which he gained the three count. But with the bell came a return to business as Michaels and Diesel entered the ring, ignoring the referee. Unsure which way to turn, Ramon seemingly instinctively made a grab for Michaels, but this only allowed Diesel to grab him. Diesel held Ramon in an unbreakable grip that allowed Michaels to hit his second Sweet Chin Music of the night. For good measure Diesel followed up with a Jackknife, and to add insult to injury Michaels once more went up to the top and launched himself off with a picture perfect elbow drop to end the match with himself and Diesel as the survivors. * Backstage, and trouble was brewing in the Hart locker room. [QUOTE]BH: [COLOR="Magenta"]“I’m just saying, go talk to Casey – he might let you postpone-“[/COLOR] OH: “No! Tonight’s my shot.”[/QUOTE] Owen was laying on a treatment table, an ice pack on his neck as a physio worked on him. A buzzer went off in the background. [QUOTE]OH: “I’ve got to go. Bret, you have to trust me.” BH: [COLOR="Magenta"]“You’re putting your health on the line for one match, Owen!”[/COLOR] OH: “Not just one match. The title’s at stake. Tell me you wouldn’t do the same.”[/QUOTE] Bret was silent. [QUOTE]OH: “That’s what I thought.”[/QUOTE] Owen and Yokozuna stared one another down across the ring. In the opposing corners, Bret and Mr Fuji glared daggers at one another. * Yokozuna took immense pleasure in sadistically targeting the Rocket’s wounded neck as the match began. A series of chops and nerve holds quickly wore Owen’s resistance down. He rallied with a blizzard of offence, but it was clear that it was lacking the impact necessary to trouble the champion unduly. Owen’s remarkable will to win kept him in the match long after most people would have given up, but it was clear to all in the arena that Owen was fighting a losing battle. His fire was fuelled by the champion’s disrespectful taunting of the fighting challenger, but it was clear that Yokozuna was pleased to have a wounded opponent. The champion seemed to be stalking his challenger, apparently at liberty to choose how and when the match was ended, but Owen had one last shock up his sleeve as he avoided a corner charge and with his last reserves of strength leapt up onto the corner ropes, grabbed the champion around the head and planted him with a thunderous Tornado DDT. The entire 50,000 strong crowd screamed for Owen to make the cover and he did – but painfully, slowly, and with only one arm. It wasn’t enough – the champion kicked out at two. Hauling himself to his feet, Yokozuna shook the cobwebs clear and dragged Owen upright with barely a grunt of effort. With a fearsome yell, he planted the challenger with a belly to belly suplex, before leaping into the air and crushing the Rocket with a leg drop. The pay per view came to an end with the champion triumphant, and once more the question must be asked: Who can stop Yokozuna? * [QUOTE][I]Quick results The First Among Equals defeated The 123s – Sole Survivor: Hunter Hearst Helmsley – C The Party Team defeated The Multiculturals – Sole Survivor: Mabel – D+ Team NJPW defeated Team AJPW – C+ Team Nakano defeated Team Blayze – D+ Team America defeated The Rest Of The World – Survivors: Tatanka, Lex Luger and “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan – C+ Team Stampede defeated The King’s Court – Survivors: Bret Hart, Ultimo Dragon and Jim Neidhart – C The Money Clip defeated The Tombstones – Sole Survivor: Cactus Jack - B The Alpha Males defeated Unstable – Survivors: Shawn Michaels and Diesel – B+ Yokozuna defeated Owen Hart - B[/I][/QUOTE] [I]Author's Note: And we're out of time... I was hoping to do a speed run through Wrestlemania on this, but the way it worked out, it just didn't happen. With TEW08 coming in under a month, I may revisit this diary then, but I plan to do a new MAW diary. We'll have to see... Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed two months back in 1993.[/I]
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