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Left the business? For good?

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So, I have a question. I have searched the forum but can't find a reference to this. If a worked leaves the business, or the database has them set on start-up to left the business, is there a chance of them returning, or are they as good as dead? Cheers.
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[QUOTE=derek_b;378976]If someone has left the business then they will never return.[/QUOTE] which is silly and something I think should be changed. Just like with hiatus, they should be able to return. Terri Runnels is a recent example of this. One that immediately comes to mind, although given time I'm sure I could think of more.
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[QUOTE=derek_b;378999]Then she hadn't left the business, she was on hiatus. Hiatus is out the business for now, might come back. Left the business is, out the business now, won't come back. It's hardly rocket science.[/QUOTE] Yes but ... To me hiatus is when someone says something like "I'm taking a break from wrestling to make a movie/let wounds heal etc. but I'll be back when the time is right." Left the business is more like "I'm done with wrestling for good, I'm not coming back in any way." But once in a while someone does come back. The right offer, whatever else they are doing for money failing, just a change of heart and someone can return. Problem as it stands now is since we cannot look into the future and see who is legitimately out of wrestling for good and who is going to come back, the choice whether someone should be listed as on hiatus or left the business is a hard one for mod makers to make. It's not a huge deal, but it would be nice if sometimes it was possible in the game for someone to come back in rare circumstances just to make things a little less predictable.
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So there'd be a medium setting between Hiatus and Left? I don't think it's necessary - I hardly ever see workers on Hiatus returning to the ring, and the only way they can be tempted back is with a massive financial offer. Really, Left The Business is just in so that the appropriate relationships can be added - for example so that Jennifer Cornell is in as Tommy's wife. Mod makers occasionally use it so that Rock and a few others who have incontrovertibly left the business are available for reactivation.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;379225]So there'd be a medium setting between Hiatus and Left? [/QUOTE] No, just the ever so slight possibility that someone who has left the business has a change of heart and returns. I mean The Rock has left the business, but nobody (not even The Rock himself) can say for certain that he won't appear at Wrestlemania in 2013 if the money is right and his movie career is dead. It's unlikely, but not impossible.
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That is what I don't get about it. On hiatus i understand, many guys say, I just need a break, etc. therefore hiatus is right for that, but many more people have said, I am leaving the business, etc, or something similar, and then later return becuase $$ speaks louder than anything to these guys, or most of them anyway. So am i right in thinking, that if I eventually want The Rock vs CM Punk vs Mesias, then I will have to [I]cheat[/I] and use the editor to Finally Bring 'The Great One' back to Wrestling? Cheers
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Pretty much. Left The Business is final. No coming back. We can say pretty certainly that Rock has left the business - he doesn't need the money, loves the movie business, and has accomplished everything he possibly could in the business. If you're that bothered, then you can set him (or anyone retired) to Hiatus. They'll be gone for a long time in all likelihood, but can be summoned if you're rich enough. Left The Business is for people you can be certain have, well, left the business. Its for people who have... left the business. The clue's in the name :p I understand that you might want them back - but that would make the setting the same as Hiatus. So just set them to Hiatus to start off with.
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James I see what you are saying but like ..... What if you left the country? Does that mean you can never return to that country? Or you left your job? Or your house? Anything that you leave can generally be returned to. Doesn't mean you have to return to it, but the option is there in reality but not in the game. Hence why sensible people consider it a bit silly. As for your hiatus argument, people on hiatus pretty much always return to action at some point don't they? What I want is the option for someone to maybe come back, maybe not. Makes things more interesting when there is an element of surprise involved.
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;379574]As for your hiatus argument, people on hiatus pretty much always return to action at some point don't they? What I want is the option for someone to maybe come back, maybe not. Makes things more interesting when there is an element of surprise involved.[/QUOTE] That is exactly how I would have assumed it would work. Let's face it, you start a real life game with WWE, and it doesn't matter if people are on hiatus, you want them, you get them, no 2 ways about it. What would be cool though, only occassionally, would be if I get a message 1 day saying "The Rock has got bored at home burning all his money and has returned to the Wrestling world for 1 last run" or something like that. Lets look at HBK, most people thought he was finished, that he had left the business, but he came back just as good as ever. I am not saying that I want it to be the users decision, but if it was one of the random events that [I]may[/I] happen, it would add a lot more interest to the game for me. So answer is basically no then, no-one has ever seen it in their game for a wrestler to return to the business? Adam, if you are reading this, could you clarify if it is a possibility, or should I just cheat now rather than waiting 10 years for something that has 0% chance of happening? Cheers
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[QUOTE=wilts;379579]Lets look at HBK, most people thought he was finished, that he had left the business, but he came back just as good as ever.[/QUOTE] HBK didn't "Leave the Business". He ran a wrestling school, and made appearances on WWF/E programming as commissioner for quite a while after the injury. Besides that, though, I'm 99% sure that Left the Business is final; there's no coming back. I agree, that there should be a [i]very[/i] small chance that these people could return.
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