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TNA impact story mode info (spoilers)


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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;387419]Other anvil victims of mine: Ric Flair, Kane. PvP is okay, but everyone keeps getting frustrated trying to take me out. I remember using a particular running elbow drop that I was always try to get heat for (ELBOW DROP OF DOOM!), which was a lot of fun. And we'd always end up talking over the promo segments for our people. It got the point that my girlfriend was playing with us; our characters were dating, but Eddie Guerrero kept on going on dates with her as well. So, yeah... that opened up quite the feud. Man, I miss that game. Has anybody tried running RAW2 on the XBOX360? Does it work decently, and can you still use custom music? I forget what level I am in the Hall of Fame. Pretty far, though, although my XBOX has been replaced by an XBOX360 so that data is long dead. Kind of a shame, but I'm willing to start from the top.[/QUOTE] Our one anvil victim was RVD - Mister Whitey dropped one on him accidentally, and then next week he teamed up with him. I think the next thing we'll do now that we've stolen everything is to set traps all the time. Absolutely I get the tlaking over promo segments - especially Call Outs and Manipulations, it's great doing those characters. The other big thing we do is muck around with character edits - dressing Kane like 2002 Triple H, and making UT the "Kanedertaker", it's good stuff. Oh, and Pimp Daddy Flair, with a custom track of "Miss Jackson" by Outkast with Flair's "Whoo" over their own. I don't remember if it works with X360, I think it might have been added to the compatibility in an update. But I'm pretty sure that custom tracks don't work on XB games on the 360, sadly. [QUOTE=sebsplex;387455] Ah RAW 2... I think I still have that somewhere. It's sad when I remember some of the great features to that game (even if it wasn't that good overall) such as the huge roster, ability to edit superstars, setting random traps in the strangely disjointed story mode where you could win a triple threat match, yet one of the losers would somehow acquire the title for the next scene... then they made SvR a multiplatform game and ditched the far more enjoyable Day Of Reckoning series to boot.[/QUOTE] Absolutely. The gameplay was SO close to being great, but it just wasn't there and it ended up subpar. But at the same time, it's actually more fun than SvR games outside of maybe 06. The match types largely were very good (Ladders get points for the grapples but lose them for the insanely mysterious way of winning), the season is endless and fun and MULTIplayer. Seriously, **** Online. I want to sit in my lounge with my friends and play a damn game together. It's what consoles are for. Raw 2 showed so much promise, that if they hadn't fired Anchor I'm sure Raw 3 would be held in the same revere as No Mercy. WM21 by Studio Gigante (Hey Tobias, guess who lost when you left Midway?) was awful. DoR2 is the other game we always still play. It is absolutely excellent gameplay wise and is a hell of a lot of fun. Incidentally, that game also has a 1player CaW only story mode. It wasn't as good an experience as Raw 2, SD 2, Attitude... all those multiplayer seasons, but it was still pretty good.
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