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The Road to Discovery (C-Verse)

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Many of you, ok none of you are going to know me. My name is Clayton Adams and I’m a brand new prospect to the exciting world of wrestling. I’ve been an amateur wrestler since I was 10 years old and have always wanted to one day be headlining SWF. Of course my mom and dad thought this was a stupid waste of a dream and because of it refused to pay for wrestling school. So I focused on real wrestling until I graduated from high school. I was a solid wrestler won state my junior and senior year even got scholarships to wrestle at all the big universities, but I turned them all down. Professional wrestling was my passion and I wanted to pursue it. So using all the money I had saved up through high school jobs I packed up a trunk full of stuff and headed to wrestling school. That was 5 years ago and since then I’ve been touring the independent circuit trying to catch a break. I’d sent types to all the promotions and was waiting for a call back that day finally happened Jan 1, 2007. It was a day like any other I was sitting in my one bedroom apartment with the other 2 guys that were helping split rent when the phone rang. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Yes I need to speak to a Mr. Clayton Adams please.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“This is him.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Hey Clayton how you doing, my name is Jean Cattley and I’m the head booker for Mid Atlantic Wrestling.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Um…ok?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“The reason for the call is because we received a type of you and would like to have you come in for a try out.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Ok…when?”[/COLOR] My heart was starting to race. MAW was perhaps the smallest promotion out there, but it could be the foot in the door I was looking for. [COLOR="Red"]“We are having the annual Rip Chord Invitational on the 26th of January. Rip would like you to be involved in the event. If you put on a good showing there could be a contract involved.”[/COLOR] I heard the word contract and my heart leapt from my chest. Could it be that I would no longer have to share a 1 bedroom apartment with 2 other wrestlers? I hadn’t had a place to myself since…well I’d never had one and the room was starting to spin I was so excited. [COLOR="Blue"]“That sounds great, who will my opponent be?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“That is still undecided Rip likes to extend invitations to several new wrestlers on the circuit and usually decided to keep maybe one or two a year. You’ll need to come in for a face to face interview with myself and Rip on the 18th and more details will be given at that time.”[/COLOR] We said out goodbyes and I dropped the phone with a tear in my eye…this could be the big times. [B]O.O.C. Note: This is in fact a TEW diary not a WriSpi diary. It’s main focus will be to follow the career of our main character but it will still feature all the things a TEW diary offers. I hope this clarifies any questions anyone has, and if it doesn’t please ask. Other than that enjoy…and of course feedback is appreciated good or bad.[/B]
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The 18th came in a flash and as I walked down the long corridor to the conference room where I was scheduled to meet Rip and Jean I could hear my knees knocking. I tried to get a grasp on myself but I was horrified. Finally I made it to the end of the long hallway took a deep breath and opened the door. Inside at the end of a long table sat Rip and Jean they grinned as I made my entrance and I soon realized there were already three other people sitting at the table. [COLOR="Green"]“And there’s the final applicant now. Clayton come on in and have a seat.”[/COLOR] That was Rip I was in a room with a legend and I suddenly felt the urge to vomit, lucky for me it passed. As I took my seat I quickly realized I had no idea who these other 3 men were then I realized…they were the competition. [COLOR="green"]“Real quick let’s get everyone acquainted shall we. You all know me I presume I am Rip Chord the owner of MAW and to my left here is my head booker and right hand man Jean Cattley. “[/COLOR] Jean nodded his long hair covered his narrow eyes and he looked very intimidating. [COLOR="green"]“Alright, to the right hand side of the table is Keith Vegas. Keith is a rookie here at only 22 years of age and hails from Kansas. Next to Keith is Mark Smart. Mark is a fairly gifted flyer who actually started out in the business as a towel boy for USPW.”[/COLOR] Neither one of these two applicants scared me. They were very plain looking and didn’t have any type of excitement factor to them at all. This next guy though… [COLOR="green"] “Sitting across from Mark is John Campbell or Chicken Boy. He has a very extravagant gimmick that could very well help make the show more enjoyable for the crowd.”[/COLOR] I nearly jumped back when this guy smiled at me. He was missing what looked like his front 6 teeth and he literally had a rubber chicken in his hand. At first I thought it was some kind of joke but Rip seemed to be very pleased with him. [COLOR="green"]“And last but not least we have another rookie in the business Clayton Adams who has a very impressive technical wrestling background. And was the state champion of Ohio 2 years in a row.”[/COLOR] I turned a little red by tried my best to hide my embarrassment as I nodded to the other applicants. [COLOR="green"]“Gentlemen first let me be the first to say congratulations on getting the opportunity to be part of the Rip Chord Invitational. This has proven to be a very prestige’s event, and I expect this one to be no exception. Each of you will fight in a first round matchup with a MAW superstar. If you prove to have the dedication, talent, and sheer luck then you may be asked to sign a formal contract. Let me make this clear none of you will be paid for this event, and there’s a good chance none of you will get a call back either. Now with that being said if this doesn’t sound like it’s for you then please leave now.”[/COLOR] The room turned quite for several minutes and everyone examined the next when it was clear that no one was leaving Jean broke the silence. [COLOR="Red"]“Good now listen up I’m going to run through the matches and I’m only going to do it once. After that I will match you up with the person you will be wrestling and the 3 of us will go through the planning stages from there.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Keith you’re going to be going head to head against last year’s winner Mainstream Hernandez.”[/COLOR] Keith had a smug grin on his face, and it was well placed. Everyone here knew how good Mainstream was, and more importantly how good he could make you look if he wanted to. [COLOR="red"]“Next up is Mark Smart, you’re going to be going up against a personal friend up mine and the current MAW champion Steven Parker.”[/COLOR] Another solid match up here and I was starting to get a little unnerved. While it was true I didn’t know much about the MAW roster I could see the chances of me getting someone truly gifted was slipping away. [COLOR="red"]“Next up is Stretch, you’re going to be facing Des Davids. Should be an interesting match.”[/COLOR] This was it I was last picked, now I know what all the fat kids feel like in gym class. [COLOR="red"]“And Clayton you’re going to be facing…me.”[/COLOR] Chatter instantly filled the room and I could tell I was the envy of everyone in there. Rip quickly got everyone settled down and explained to us we were to come back on the dates that Jean assigned us to go over our matches with our opponents and Jean himself. Then he whisked us all away as quickly as we got there. [B]O.O.C. If someone knows the real name to Stretch The Chicken Boy please fill me in lol. Aside from that I hope you're enjoying so far and here's the prediction card.[/B] Round 1: Keith Vegas Vs. Mainstream Hernandez Mark Smart Vs. Steven Parker Stretch the Chicken Boy Vs. Des Davids Clayton Adams Vs. The Mean Machine Round 2: (Winner of match 1) Vs. (Winner of match 2) (Winner of match 3) Vs. (Winner of match 4) Round 3: (Winner of match 5) Vs. Winner of match 6)
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I got to the gym around 5:30 4 days before the invitational. Jean was already there and wearing a smile. [COLOR="Red"]“I have big ideas for ya kid, now get in the ring.”[/COLOR] Instinctively I got in the ring and he started laying out the story for me. He was going to get the early advantage using underhanded tactics, he was of course one of the biggest heels in the company. As we walked through our program it occurred to me that he was the most stiff person I’d ever worked with. I think he got a kick out of beating me senseless because the whole time there was an odd grin on his face. After about 30 minutes of me getting punched in the face and being DDT’d it was finally my turn to show him some offense. [COLOR="red"]“Alright kid show me what you got. I’m going to slip up here and throw a hard right you duck it give me three stiff jabs then start your comeback.”[/COLOR] We weren’t 10 seconds into it when Jean stopped me a stern look on his face. [COLOR="red"]“What the hell is that I said to jab me now throw a ****ing punch and stop hitting like Nicole Kiss!”[/COLOR] Apparently I wasn’t stiff enough and Jean was afraid I’d blow the show with my “fake” punches. We ran it again and this time after the third jab I split Jean wide open. [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh man, I’m so sorry.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Sorry for what? You still hit like a damn women now are you going to show me some offense or is this going to be a squash?”[/COLOR] We started for a third time I got blood all over my fist and shirt but I knew better than to slow down against Jean. After the three punches I sent him to the ropes and took him to the mat with a quick hip toss. Once he was on the ground my high school wrestling kicked in and before we knew it we were sparring. The session ended after a solid 2 hours and I had never been so exhausted before in my life. As I lay there almost motionless on the mat Jean told me I had 20 minutes to showers and change it was my turn to buy drinks at the local pub. Overall it was the best session I had ever been involved with. I got about 4 minutes of offense in which isn’t bad since it’s only planned on being about an 8 to 13 minute match depending on how the fans liked it. My only hope now was that Jean was as impressed as I was.
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[CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS… [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]THE RIP CHORD INVITATIONAL[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Stanley Hall in Baltimore, MD Attendance: 51[/B] [B]Keith Vegas Vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [quote]The four of us were told before the show we would have no entrance of any type we are basically just to come to the ring and wait for the stars to come out, it may sound cruel but really that’s how most jobbers are treated in this business. I watched the show from a small monitor in back and I could tell from the small 13 inch TV. Keith looked nervous, almost horrified. Mainstream, the defending champ of the cup, came out to a huge pop that made it seem like there were 5,000 in attendance. As the match got underway Keith got the first shot in and handled himself pretty well through about 2 minutes of offense. We all knew it was just a matter of time however and soon Mainstream was back on his feet firing away at the poor kid. Overall I think Keith put on a good show, the only problem was the match only lasted about 8 minutes and towards the end of it Keith was looking really winded, maybe Rip wouldn’t notice.[/quote] Mainstream Hernandez defeated Keith Vegas in 8:22 by pinfall with an Apparition #14. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] Notes: This match brought the crowds mood down, and as previously stated Keith Vegas was visibly tired toward the end. [B]Mark Smart Vs. Steven Parker[/B] [quote]As Mainstream played into the crowd a bit Mark was able to sneak past them. This was actually a very veteran move because it can really be hell walking down the ramp with no music and everyone staring at you. Parker was next out with the MAW World Title strapped around his waist for everyone to see, and his crony Ricky Douglas by his side. Parker almost looked like he belonged somewhere bigger. He was larger than life with the smug confidence that only the really gifted get. When he made it to the ring he and Douglas jumped Mark before the bell and Mark did a nice job at selling it. The entire match was all Parker though with the exception of about 2 minutes there in the middle where Mark started to make a comeback but Douglas was quick to interfere and put a stop to it.[/quote] Steven Parker defeated Mark Smart in 8:01 by pinfall with a Future Shock. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] Notes: Steven Parker looked good out there. [B]The Mean Machine Vs. Clayton Adams[/B] [quote]It was my turn next and I tried to look as cool as possible as I made my way out to the ring. I bounced off the ropes once to test the give and actually lost my footing falling flat on my face. The crowd erupted with laughter and I thought for sure that was the end of me. The Mean Machine was next out and he walked like a man on a mission out to the ring. I’m sure it was his gimmick that made him walk like that but I couldn’t help but feel like he was just going to drag me out of the ring by my neck like a scolding father and tell me to get lost. He hit the ring and the bell rang then instincts just took over and we ran through the show we had planned a week ago. The Mean Machine beat the hell out of me for about 5 minutes straight then it was suppose to be my turn to get in some offense. I blocked his punch hit with the first jab, then another, then…I missed. I couldn’t believe it I missed the jab and stumbled out of the corner. The crowd roared with laughter and I was starting to sink. I had to save this match some how and the only was possible was to become the comic relief. I didn’t know how to tell Jean what I was doing, but I went for it anyway. I spun around and saw him charging at me so I threw another right. It landed square on his nose and for anyone else it would’ve been a perfect time to throw another, not me though I played like his nose broke my hand and the crowd loved it. This went on for another few minutes until we finally got back on track and ended the match properly.[/quote] The Mean Machine defeated Clayton Adams in 8:02 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] Notes: A bad rating really, and I may be in the unemployment line after that. The Mean Machine looked really good out there though. The Mean Machine is improving in Flying skills. Clayton Adams is improving in Technical skills. Clayton Adams is improving in Performance skills. After I made it to the back a few of the vets actually passed me and said they enjoyed the segment. The good news there was I sold it enough to make it look like that’s how it was suppose to go down, the bad news was I’m sure Jean would set the story straight with a quickness. [B]Stretch the Chicken Boy Vs. Des Davids[/B] [quote]Stretch actually got somewhat of a small pop as he made his way to the ring. He even handed out a few rubber chickens to the crowd which I thought was disturbing to say the least. The match itself was much like the 3 before it Des dominated 90 percent of it with Stretch making a small comeback in the middle. An amusing note here though was the way he lost his momentum was while he had Des on the ground he stopped to do the chicken dance! The crowd loved it, but Des was back on his feet and waiting for him when he finished.[/quote] Des Davids defeated Stretch The Chicken Boy in 7:41 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] Notes: Des Davids is improving in Performance skills. [B]Semi-Finals:[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez Vs. Steven Parker[/B] [quote]Now that the “jobbers” were out of the way the tournament could really kick off. And boy did it ever, the pop these two got almost blew the roof off the place. This was the future of MAW here and everyone knew it. As the two mega stars stood nose to nose it wasn’t until Mainstream slapped that c0cky smile off Parker’s face that the action really got underway. Mainstream started things off quick and really used his aerial skills to his advantage completely taking Parker by storm. However, Parker had the numbers game on his side and when Mainstream went up top for a frog splash Douglas was there to greet him and pushed him off allowing Parker to get back to his feet. It looked like that was all she wrote for Mainstream after that. Parker fired hard rights then set him up for a future shock. However, Mainstream was able to wiggle free and put Parker back on the mat. With momentum on his side he hit the top rope but instead of going for the Apparition #14 he turned his attention to Ricky Douglas on the outside and nailed him with a missile dropkick. He then went back up top and put the icing on the cake.[/quote] Mainstream Hernandez defeated Steven Parker in 12:46 by pinfall with an Apparition #14. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] Notes: The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. Mainstream Hernandez is improving in Performance skills. [B]Des Davids Vs. The Mean Machine[/B] [quote]There’s been a lot of buzz on the internet about this being Des Davids’ year. If he could win this match and make it into the finals that could very well be true. These two men hit the ring running and the action never seemed to slow down. Davids would floor The Mean Machine with a hard clothesline, then The Machine would pop right up and hit him with a DDT. It was a good match it was just not sold at all. These two were like tanks running each other over then they would just pop up as if nothing happened. Eventually though The Mean Machine would hit a Mood Swing and keep Davids down for good.[/quote] The Mean Machine defeated Des Davids in 13:30 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] Notes: The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. Des Davids is improving in Performance skills. After the match a 10 minute clip is shown documenting the success of Mainstream and The Mean Machine and showing what they had to do to get to the finals. [COLOR="red"]Rating: F+[/COLOR] Notes: The crowd hates anything but wrestling, guess it’s a good thing I don’t need to speak in front of them. [B]Finals:[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez Vs. The Mean Machine[/B] [quote]This was the match for the cup and while exhausted neither man was going to back down. Mainstream had been here before so he knew what was at stake. As for The Mean Machine he was a grizzly vet who a lot of people thought was past any type of title run, perhaps after tonight they would change their minds. This was a really fun match to watch The Mean Machine was the stronger of the two and used his bruit force to his advantage. Hernandez on the other hand was a top rope junky and he knew to win this match he had to use his speed. This match almost ended a few times. Once only about 5 minutes into the match The Mean Machine had Hernandez set up for a Mood Swing, but Hernandez wiggled free and got back on the offensive. Then at the 13 minute mark The Mean Machine looked to have been done for but as Hernandez came soaring through the air to hit an Apparition #14 he moved at the very last second and really dodged a bullet. Now these two were trading punches again and neither man wanted to give any ground, until the crowd popped and Steven Parker came running down to the ring. The ref was quick to prevent Parker from entering the ring, but what he didn’t see was Ricky Douglas making his way out of the crowd behind him. Together Douglas and The Mean Machine made little work of Hernandez and after two mood swings The Mean Machine told Parker and Douglas it was enough at the ref was none the wiser.[/quote] The Mean Machine defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 17:35 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] Notes: The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. After the match the three friends celebrated in the ring when Rip’s music hit. He came out onto the ramp trophy in hand but looking none to happy about it. [COLOR="Blue"]“In all my years of wrestling, I have never been as ashamed as I am now. The Rip Chord Invitational is suppose to be a place where young athletes can showcase their talents, but instead the three of you have tainted it with your antics.”[/COLOR] The Mean Machine looked at Parker then to Douglas, as if to ask what he was talking about then grabbed a mic of his own. [COLOR="Red"]“I don’t know what you’re babbling about old man, but how about you get your ass in the ring give me my damn trophy then go back to that bottle you have on your desk.”[/COLOR] Rip looked outraged and the fans were asking for more. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m afraid I can’t do that Jean. In fact I’m going to have to make an executive decision and rule this tournament undecided.”[/COLOR] The fans were chanting Rip’s name now, he could do no wrong. Meanwhile Jean was beside himself. [COLOR="Red"]“First of all old man you call me The Mean Machine. And second, you have 10 seconds to bring me my cup before I make a decision to beat you sober!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m afraid what you did tonight was unacceptable Jean. And it would be a crime to name you the victor over Mainstream when it took three of you to put him away. No instead I think we are going to have to have a rematch next month at Bloody Valentine!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“You stupid son-of-a…”[/COLOR] The Mean Machine then dropped the mic and him Ricky, and Steven ran after the owner of MAW as the show came to an end. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] Notes: And again the fans hate non-wrestling segments. [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: D+[/COLOR] Notes: The show can be considered a success and should improve our popularity. [B]Up Next: Will I get the job, or will it go to one of the other three candidates.[/B] [/CENTER]
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Four days had passed since The Invitational and the four of us were called back to the office to see how our evaluation went. The meeting was held in the same conference room as before and the seating was identical. Looking around the room I could tell I wasn’t the only one who was scared to death I wasn’t going to have a job, but everyone did a pretty good job keeping a smile on their face. After about 10 minutes of complete silence it was Rip who broke the ice. [COLOR="Red"]“Gentlemen, first off all let me start off by saying the invitational was a huge success and I thank you all for the effort you put into it. I believe you all have a ton of untapped talent still and if we had the financial capabilities of SWF we would keep you all around for some polishing. With that being said let’s go ahead and get this underway shall we?”[/COLOR] Everyone nodded in agreement with Rip and after he cleared his throat he began what I’m sure was a very painful process for him. [COLOR="red"]“Keith we’ll start with you. You put on a very good match with Mainstream, which isn’t always the easiest thing to do. You demonstrated some great wrestling knowledge and you seem to have a good sense of where you are in the ring at all times. That’s something that takes years for some people to develop and you should be proud of that. One thing I noticed was you were noticeably tired after only about 5 minutes of ring time. I encourage you to go out and really work on your endurance. A 8 minute match is pretty standard in this business and if you really want to be successful you should be able to at least do 10-12 minutes without fatigue. Another flaw is your personality really. I mean you’re a likable guy, you’re just dull. You don’t seem to connect with the crowd at all and I don’t think they would really care about you one way or another. With that being said I wish you the best of luck in the future and perhaps our paths will cross again sometime.”[/COLOR] Keith nodded, it was obvious he was holding back tears. He stood from the table shook hands with Rip and Jean and thanked them for the opportunity then left the room. The rest of us looked back and forth from one another, were we going to share similar fates? [COLOR="red"]“Mark we’ll move to you next. You’re match with Steven went really well. I spoke to both him and Jean and they said you were very helpful in the planning of your match. It’s obvious to me and a few others that you really learned a lot in your tenure over at USPW. One thing I am concerned with however is your lack of technical skills. While we have more than a few fliers here at MAW he tend to pride ourselves on the technical side of things and I’m not sure you’re far enough along to fit in just yet. However, if you’re serious about learning and prove your dedication I would like another look at you. I would like you to do one more show for us so we can decided if we like you enough to sign you or not.”[/COLOR] A huge smile formed on Mark’s face and he agreed to do one more show for free before either being extended a contract or let go. In a way I felt sorrier for Mark than I did Keith. At least Keith knew where he stood, where as Mark is still no closer to knowing now than he was a month ago. [COLOR="red"]“Clayton…”[/COLOR] I held my breath this was it the moment of truth. [COLOR="red"]“I heard an interesting story about you. Jean here tells me that little comedy act you put on wasn’t part of the plans at all, what happened?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well sir, I just botched my first couple of spots and decided instead of trying to play like they didn’t happen I should just play into it and make it look like part of the show. I know it isn’t what MAW stands for and I promise…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“It was brilliant son!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“It was?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Indeed, being able to think on your feet is something not everyone has. You were able to connect with the crowd and even though they had no idea who you were they stayed entertained because you made it about more than just what was scripted. Now with that being said, the one place we really need to beef up our roster is the tag division. And with the comedy you put on and the great gimmick of Chicken Boy over here, I think you would make a good pair. We’ll have to get you over to the makeup department of course so we can make you fit in more with your partner here, but what do you think of debuting the team of The Quackers?”[/COLOR] Personally I hated the idea. I didn’t want to be some silly tag team who went around with rubber chickens, but what choice did I have really? It was a foot in the door at least, maybe after a few months I can change gimmicks, God please let me change gimmicks. [COLOR="Blue"]“Sounds great sir, but um, chickens don’t quack they cluck.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“I know it goes great with your shall we say not so bright gimmick though huh.”[/COLOR] I looked over at my new tag team partner who was beaming, then as a sign of good faith he handed me a rubber chicken, how could I refuse? We ended up signing a 9 month contract worth all of 200 dollars per appearance. Not exactly living money, but Jean told me about a gym down the street that was hiring, and I was hoping that could give me the rest of the money I needed to survive.
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Over the course of the next couple week me and my new found “friend” John began hanging out more regularly. Now for those of you who don’t know, John is a pretty weird guy even outside the ring. For one he always wears a dark yellow shirt and yellow aviators. I don’t think it’s the same yellow shirt every time, I just think those are all he owns. Another weird thing is he always has a damn rubber chicken hanging out the back of his pants, I don’t know if he thinks it’s going to score with the ladies, but he never leaves home without. We had sat down with the creative team a few times already about our act and entrance music, and John was the driving force behind the makeup department hiding my true identity. I’m actually ok with that last past though maybe once I actually change my gimmick maybe they won’t realize it’s me. Like John I make it so that it looks like my front few teeth are missing. I then put on a hair net with a feathered cap so it almost looks like I am in fact a chicken, very awkward. Then last but not least they put me in an old stained t-shirt that read “eat beef not chicken.” With the picture of a rubber chicken with a circle cross through it. Personally I hated it, but John was beaming with delight and just like that The Quackers were born. John and I had been practicing our moves together for about 2 weeks when word came down the card for Bloody Valentine came down, sadly we weren’t on it. [CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS... [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]BLOODY VALENTINE[/COLOR][/SIZE] LIVE FROM STANLEY HALL FRIDAY WEEK 4 FEBRUARY[/B] RIP CHORD INVITATIONAL REMATCH: MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] VS. THE MEAN MACHINE [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] Also is Action... Antonio Vs. Des Davids Rockin' Ryan Turner Vs. Erik Strong Ricky Douglas Vs. Mark Smart [/CENTER] Quick Picks: Mainstream Hernandez Vs. The Mean Machine Antonio Vs. Des Davids Rockin' Ryan Turner Vs. Erik Strong Ricky Douglas Vs. Mark Smart Predictions, Comments, and all other feedback welcome
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[B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Vs. The Mean Machine Antonio Vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] Rockin' Ryan Turner Vs. [B]Erik Strong [/B] [B]Ricky Douglas[/B] Vs. Mark Smart A lot of this is from having done my own MAW diary, but Hernandez beats Jean to position himself for a title match against Parker, Davids beats Antonio to get back on track, Erik Strong has potential and Turner doesn't (and you will grow to hate him), and it looks like you're keeping the Firm strong so Douglas gets the win.
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[CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS… [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]Bloody Valentine[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Stanley Hall in Baltimore, MD Attendance: 49[/B] One advantage to actually being employed by MAW is that I didn’t have to pay to get into the event. I sat back stage watching the event take place along with another MAW employee who wasn’t wrestling tonight Curtis Jenkins. Curtis, or CJ, was a young old school wrestler who got picked up by Rip after drifting around the independent scene for awhile. He was actually really good company early on in the night and even offered me a few of the beers he had sitting in his cooler as the action got underway. [B]Ricky Douglas Vs. Mark Smart[/B] [quote]This was an important match for Mark because he still had the chance to go under contract with MAW. His odds increased slightly this month because Pro Wrestling Magazine declared MAW a “small” company after last month’s event. Watching Mark in the ring it was clear, to me at least, that he had some wrestling background. He was crisp and fluent in the ring and sold Ricky Douglas to be a lot better than he probably is. Even though I didn’t know the guy personally I was really pulling of him.[/quote] Ricky Douglas defeated Mark Smart in 8:19 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] Notes: This match brought the crowd's mood down. Ricky Douglas is improving in Technical skills. After the match Curtis and I got to talking and he had informed me that he felt a little threatened by Mark. This was curious to me so I asked what he meant by it and Curtis went on to tell me how he was near the end of his contract and he wasn’t sure if it was going to get renewed or not because Rip hadn’t used him in a few months and Mark could very well be his replacement. I’d never seen Curtis wrestle so I couldn’t make a solid decision personally about who would be better to keep around, but I hoped it would be possible to keep them both. [B]“Rockin” Ryan Turner Vs. Erik Strong[/B] [quote]This was a fun match to watch. I’d heard a lot of bad things going into this match about Ryan Turner’s attitude problem and lack luster dedication, but watching him in character really made me envious. He had a pretty sweet gimmick added to the fact that he wasn’t half bad at actually playing guitar and I felt like he should be a hit with the fans. Erik Strong on the other hand was another man in fear for his job in my eyes because his main focus in MAW had been a tag career with Mainstream Hernandez, but after Mainstream’s recent singles success it looked like that path was fading fast.[/quote] Erik Strong defeated Rockin' Ryan Turner in 7:57 by pinfall with a Strong Sault. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] Notes: This match brought the crowd's mood down. After the match The Mean Machine made his way down to the ring. Machine: [COLOR="red"]“Last month the head alcoholic of this great company came out after my dominating defeat of Mainstream Hernandez and screwed me out of my Invitational Cup.”[/COLOR] The fans boo Mean Machine but he only seems to feed off of it. Machine: [COLOR="red"]“Don’t think for a second that’s going to slow The Mean Machine down, all that did was piss me off and make me want to destroy The Company Child even more tonight. Rip I hope you brought a stretcher, because after tonight that’s the only way your boy is going to be able to make it!”[/COLOR] After a few more boo’s and jeers The Mean Machine feels pretty good that he did what he set out to do and leaves. [COLOR="red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] [B]Antonio Vs. Des Davids [/B] [quote]Antonio is suppose to be the golden son of MAW, while Des seems to be a fan favorite for reasons unclear to me. His skills seem to be lacking and I don’t see any use for him, but who can argue with the fans. Antonio plays a cool Mafia gimmick that could actually go somewhere if played correctly in MAW, we’ll see what the guys in the office want to do with him though.[/quote] Des Davids defeated Antonio in 13:08 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] Notes: Antonio is improving in Performance skills. [B]Rip Chord Invitational Cup Match: The Mean Machine Vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [quote]A rematch of last month’s main event and these two didn’t hold anything back. Jean came out firing before Hernandez even made it in the ring and it was clear he was going to be relentless all night long. Mainstream managed a good amount of offense later in the match, that is until once again Ricky Douglas hit the ring to get involved. He swung at Mainstream who saw him coming and ducked it before hitting him with a standing drop kick. This prompted Mainstream’s partner Erik Strong to hit the ring and before you knew what happened the ref lost complete control of the match and called it a draw.[/quote] The Mean Machine drew with Mainstream Hernandez in 12:45 following a double disqualification. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] Notes: It seems the fans hate Double DQ finishes and we either need to stay away from them or convince Rip to tweak the product. Mainstream Hernandez is improving in Rumble skills. Mainstream Hernandez is improving in Technical skills. [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: D-[/COLOR] Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. [/CENTER]
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March came a lot quicker then I had expected. I had started working full time at the gym and spending less and less time at MAW. Don’t get me wrong I kept the ring rust off, and I was even starting to get into this whole Quacker idea. Sure it was perhaps the most ridiculous gimmick ever invented, but at least I was employed right. John and I were at the gym this afternoon going over our team finisher The Pecker. It was actually a fun move it starts with the legal man head butting his opponent then clucking around the ring so to speak and head butting him again. At this point the opponent should be on the mat giving the not legal man time to climb to the top and land the flying peck putting the opponent out. Granted chances are we were never going to get to use it, but it’s fun to practice. While we were practicing we got word that MAW had successfully made money over the last two consecutive shows and Rip was so happy about the streak he decided to keep both Curtis and Mark on the roster. This brought a smile to my face and I knew it was going to be a great day…this was confirmed 30 minutes later when Jean walked into the gym and announced The Quackers had a match at MAW Marching into War.
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[CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS... [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]Marching Into Battle[/COLOR][/SIZE] LIVE FROM STANLEY HALL FRIDAY WEEK 4 March [SIZE="5"]MAW Heavyweight Championship Match:[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Steven Parker [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] Vs. D.C. Rayne [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] Plus... Antonio Vs. Huey Cannonball Stan "The Man" Manna Vs. Curtis Jenkins The Canadian Blondes Vs. The Quackers [/B][/CENTER] Quick Picks: Steven Parker Vs. DC Rayne Antonio Vs. Huey Cannonball Stan "The Man" Manna Vs. Curtis Jenkins The Canadian Blondes Vs. The Quackers Predictions, Comments, and all other feedback welcome Bonus Points for picking The Quackers :D
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[CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS… [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]Marching into Battle[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Stanley Hall in Baltimore, MD Attendance: 108[/B] With the huge increase in attendance this month I could only think of one thing…everyone’s here to see The Quackers in action! Alright, so that isn’t true, but still the arena was packed more tonight than ever before and I had a match. John and I had gone over what we were supposed to do a million times before tonight and I never felt more ready for anything in my life. [B]The Quackers Vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] [quote]The Blondes hit the ring first to a chorus of boos. Then what happened next was like something out of the twilight zone. Our music hit, that’s right we decided on entrance music, and everyone in the arena was on their feet. What were they doing you ask… The Chicken Dance! That’s right here was an arena with men in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s and all of them were doing the chicken dance as if it was second grade all over again. To say the universe had started spinning backward would be an understatement. We had an instant connection with the fans that I didn’t know was possible and I could feel it, tonight was going to be special. Once we hit the ring we decided to give each other a running high five, except we missed and ended up crashing into one another and hitting the mat. The Blondes decided to kill the comic relief at this point and begin their assault on us while we were down. They began a two on one against myself and really worked me over. We got a small amount of moment back however after Stretch clocked Oscar Golden in the head with a rubber chicken. Granted it wasn’t enough to knock him out but it sure shocked the hell out of him which gave me enough time to make the hot tag. And that’s when Murphy’s Law struck. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, Murphy’s Law is what people in the military say when a good thing is going for you then everything bad that can happen does happen. It started with Stretch running off the ropes at Oscar, Oscar used his momentum to perform a nicely executed vertical drop. However, the drop didn’t go as planned and Stretch hit the mat shoulder first and broke his collar bone. He was a sport about it however and ended up finishing up the last couple minutes of the match without much regard to his own safety. Then to add the icing to the cake when I was in the back going over the match with Rip he informed me that watching us we looked completely out of sync as a time and we weren’t were we should be as far as timing was concerned. I asked if that meant the end of The Quackers and he just gave me that look that meant…we’ll see.[/quote] The Canadian Blondes defeated The Quackers in 12:47 when Oscar Golden defeated Stretch The Chicken Boy by pinfall with a Golden Shower. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR] Notes: Oscar Golden was visibly tiring toward the end. Clayton Adams and Stretch The Chicken Boy don't work well as a team, their timing is all over the place. The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Initial X-rays on Stretches shoulder revealed that their wasn’t a break and he should only miss 1-2 months of action. [B]Stan “The Man” Manna Vs. Curtis Jenkins[/B] [quote]This had proven to be a good month so far for Curtis not only did he get his contract extension, but he also got a match against a decent opponent. Stan is more known for his tag team work with Ryan Turner so the booking team (that’s right it’s more than one person) felt like Stan could lose this match without looking to bad. Curtis showed a nice array of technical wrestling throughout the match and proved that if he can find himself he could end up being a decent wrestler and asset to this company.[/quote] Curtis Jenkins defeated Stan 'The Man' Manna in 7:52 by submission. [COLOR="red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] Notes: The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Stan 'The Man' Manna is improving in Performance skills. Curtis Jenkins is improving in Performance skills. After the match Rip hit the stage. Rip: [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m out here tonight to talk about one man. A man who use to stand for values, morals, and wrestling etiquette. A man who used to be a friend of mine and always put the needs of the company above the needs of himself. Then one day all that changed. You see that man started getting older and realizing he may not be the best wrestler this company has to offer, hell he may not even be in the top 5. So then he got worried and to compensate for this man’s lack of talent he got his little band of thugs together and the three of them decided to try and put this company in a choke hold. That man of course, is The Mean Machine.”[/COLOR] The crowd starts to boo and hiss at his name. Rip: [COLOR="blue"]“Well Jean you crossed a line a couple months ago when you and your band of freaks messed up the flow of my Invitational. You put a stigma around the Rip Chord name, a stigma that I don’t appreciate!”[/COLOR] Suddenly “The Firm’s” music hits and The Mean Machine walks out. Machine: [COLOR="Red"]“A stigma? Rip you created your own stigma the minute you decided to put alcohol before the good of your friends. Or how about that time we were out drinking together and I got jumped by two street thugs who thought they were tough. Where were you then, that’s right Rip you were knee deep in a keg of Jack with regard to no one but yourself!”[/COLOR] Rip’s face starts to turn bright red as some of his most personal skeleton’s are reveled and the crowd is speechless. Rip: [COLOR="Blue"]“Shut the hell up Jean! You don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just envious because of my accomplishments in pro wrestling mean time TCW and SWF won’t give you the time of day. Face it Jean, you’re a nobody, a has been”[/COLOR] Jean: [COLOR="Red"]“You better be careful old man your mouth’s writing checks your ass is going to have to cash!”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Blue"]“You think I’m scared of you son? I made you! And to prove that you and that band of rejects of yours is powerless in this company next month at annihilation we are going to see a 6 man tag match with “The Firm” taking on “Call to Action” and Des Davids, maybe then you’ll realize what it means to have real talent!”[/COLOR] Before another word is said Steven Parker and Ricky Douglas snuck up behind Rip and all three men began kicking the hell out of him. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR] [B]Antonio Vs. Huey Cannonball[/B] [quote]Huey Cannonball is like the groupie of The Canadian Blondes and he’s hoping a win here will get him further into their good gracious. Of course Antonio is Mr. Mafia himself and for him to lose to a groupie well that would just be a shame now wouldn’t it, not to mention it might put the booking team on a list they didn’t want to be on.[/quote] Antonio defeated Huey Cannonball in 7:31 by pinfall with an Italian DDT. [COLOR="red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] Notes: Murphy’s Law continues in this one Huey Cannonball was visibly tiring toward the end. Huey Cannonball and Antonio don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Huey Cannonball is improving in Flying skills. [B]MAW Championship Match: Steven Parker Vs. DC Rayne[/B] [quote]Parker hits the ring with the smugness that only comes after you beat the hell out of your boss. Meanwhile DC Rayne came out trying to prove himself as a singles wrestler. For awhile it worked, DC was firing hard rights and lefts at Parker and you could almost sense the upset in the air. Of course with The Mean Machine and Ricky Douglas hanging about one could never be to sure. Parker got the momentum back in this one without the help of his friends after reversing a power bomb into a back body drop. DC Rayne fought hard to get back on the offensive side of things but Steven Parker is a proven warrior and just when it looked like Rayne was getting some momentum a low blow counteracted all his efforts and put the final nail in the coffin.[/quote] Steven Parker defeated D.C. Rayne in 12:37 by pinfall with a Future Shock. Steven Parker makes defense number 1 of his Mid Atlantic Championship title. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] Notes: D.C. Rayne is improving in Flying skills. [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: D-[/COLOR] Final Notes: For the love of God people send in a petition demanding that Rip doesn’t break up The Quackers, think about all the heart broke people in the world! O.O.C. Hope everyone enjoyed the show. Feedback and comments of any sort are welcome. Also I haven’t been posting any happening around the C-Verse mainly because it’s all the usual stuff. AAA increases in size to Regional, TCW and SWF fall to Cult Etc. If you would like me to still include this I will just let me know. [/CENTER] Congrats to [B]Foolinc[/B] for getting all 4 matches correct in the pick'em! And also to [B]Emark[/B] for getting 3/4 correct. Unfortunatly for the two of you, you both picked against The Quackers after fair warning not to, there for upon adjustment of the score the final tally is: [B]Foolinc: 0/4 Emark: -1/4[/B] Better luck next time fellas :p :D
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[CENTER][B]News and Notes from around the C-Verse[/B] NOTBPW is in a world of hurt after reports came in late last night of the serious injury of two of their most prominant wresters. [B]Dan Stone Jr.[/B] will be out for at least 3 weeks after claiming to have a kidney infection. The report comes just days after Stone was seen out partying until the early morning hours drinking Moonshine straight from the bottle. As if that wasn't enough for the Stone family just days after Dan's announcement [B]Duane Stone[/B] was involved in a serious car accident where his 1975 Pinto was totalled and Stone was rushed to the hospital. It was later discovered that he suffered a serious injury to his spinal column and will be out of action for a minimum of 14 months. We wish Duane a speedy recovery and hold the entire Stone family in out prayers. In other wrestling news BSC wrestling is expecting a huge crowd at this month's event after one half of their tag team champions [B]Kathey Neptune [/B]posed nude for Naked Ambition Magazine. The shoot was considered to be very successful, and BSC is really optmistic about the positive press. In shocking news MAW was said to habe released one half of their tag team champions after management said they couldn't come to terms with [B]Eddie Howard[/B]. Howard was rumored to have said he was fed up with the direction the company was going and had no desire to renew his contract. MAW continued to trim their roster after they decided to not renew the contract of [B]Randy Maxx[/B]. No one from MAW was available for comment at the time of this release, but it is said they are franticly working on replacing the talent.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS... [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Purple"]Annihilation[/COLOR][/SIZE] LIVE FROM STANLEY HALL FRIDAY WEEK 4 APRIL[/B] The Firm [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/RickyTurner.jpg[/IMG] Vs. Call to Action and Des Davids [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/ErikStrong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] Plus... D.C. Rayne Vs. Flash Savage Rockin' Ryan Turner Vs. Curtis Jenkins Huey Cannonball Vs. Mark Smart[/CENTER] Quick Picks: The Firm Vs. Call to Action and Des Davids D.C. Rayne Vs. Flash Savage Rockin' Ryan Turner Vs. Curtis Jenkins Huey Cannonball Vs. Mark Smart
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