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[CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS… [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Purple"]Annihilation[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Stanley Hall in Baltimore, MD Attendance: 57[/B] [B]Mark Smart Vs. Huey Cannonball[/B] [quote]Mark Smart comes out to the ring with a chain around his neck that looked like it weighed more than he did. He didn’t have any entrance music instead he carried a mic and blew into it like a human beat box. [B]“Yo Yo, my name is Marky Smark and I'm here to say I'm not like them other dawgs who bark and run away I'm street smart and I'm good from the start And yo you know all my raps come straight from the heart.”[/B] After the crowd calmed down from all the laughter the match got underway and Mark looked like a whole new man. He was throwing hard rights at Huey and got him in a series on arm bars and leg locks. He then hit a wicked moved called a Rapper’s Delight (think RKO) gave him his first professional victory.[/quote] Marky Smark defeated Huey Cannonball in 7:35 by pinfall with a Rapper’s Delight. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] Notes: Huey Cannonball was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. [B]Rockin’ Ryan Turner Vs. Curtis Jenkins[/B] [quote]Ryan Turner is known backstage as having an attitude problem. But in the ring the fans really seem to enjoy his rocker gimmick. Of course he can’t really play guitar for crap, but that will come soon enough. As long as he stays out of trouble he might find himself having a decent push.[/quote] Rockin' Ryan Turner defeated Curtis Jenkins in 8:24 by pinfall with a Six String Shooter. [COLOR="red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. [B]Flash Savage Vs. DC Rayne[/B] [quote]After the sudden departure of Eddie Howard DC Rayne is hoping he can make it in the singles world. Him and Flash put on a great wrestling match and really seemed to click in the ring. Flash tried to get the advantage late in the match by hitting a flying body press off the top ropes, but Rayne caught himin midair and hit a huge power slam. [/quote] D.C. Rayne defeated Flash Savage in 7:37 by pinfall with a Storm Damage. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] Notes: Flash Savage and D.C. Rayne have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. [B]The Firm Vs. Call to Action and Des Davids[/B] [quote]This was the match everyone wanted to see. Des and Steven Parker started things off with Parker almost immediately going for a low blow. Once he had established control he made it a point to get him in the corner of The Firm and keep him there. The three heels took turns kicking Des and taking pop shots every chance they got. After about 10 minutes of this Des finally made the hot tag to Eric Strong who began clearing out the ring. Strong looked to have things well in hand until Parker snuck up from behind him while everyone was on the outside and hit him with a lead pipe. Parker went to make the ****y cover but failed to realize Mainstream Hernandez was right behind him on the top rope and nailed him with an Apparition #14. Then made the cover for the huge victory.[/quote] Mainstream Hernandez, Erik Strong and Des Davids defeated The Mean Machine and The A* Alliance in 16:53 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated Steven Parker by pinfall with an Apparition #14. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] Notes: Ricky Douglas was visibly tiring toward the end. The Mean Machine shone in this match. The champs storyline has continued with this match. The Mean Machine is improving in Performance skills. [quote]As Mainstream got his arm raised in victory The Mean Machine attacked him from behind ensuring everyone knew this was far from over. He beat Mainstream to a bloody mess until officials and other backstage personal ran into the ring and pulled him off.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: D-[/COLOR] Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. [/CENTER] Pick Em Results: Astil: 3/4 Emark: 2/4 juggaloninjalee: 3/4 foolinc: 2/4 Thanks to everyone for playing. All feedback is welcome
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;390447]I am surprised at the low ratings you seem to be getting for matches.[/QUOTE] Phantom is right its just because of the guys im using. If I were smart I would match them up against my vets to help average it out a bit. But I'd rather have a good semi main, and main event then a mediocre show all the way through. Plus I only have like 15 guys on the roster makes it hard to mix things up. Things for the reply though
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[QUOTE=mad5226;390566]Phantom is right its just because of the guys im using. If I were smart I would match them up against my vets to help average it out a bit. But I'd rather have a good semi main, and main event then a mediocre show all the way through. Plus I only have like 15 guys on the roster makes it hard to mix things up. Things for the reply though[/QUOTE] I'm running trainer matches of the lowbies/vets in the dark. It's why the dark matches only get ratings logged.
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I have been part of the company for about 5 months now and this was the first time in my employment that we've had a meeting with everyone on the roster. Rip met us in the locker room at about 10:30 and I couldn't get a read on his mental stage. That's the thing about Rip he's very hard to read. No one told us what the meeting was about and after asking some of the guys in the locker room I was no closer to figuring out the answer. [COLOR="Blue"]"Some of you are wondering why you're here. Other's are probably to drunk or hung over to realize the differance."[/COLOR] We all glanced around the locker room to see who that was directed at, but as far as I could tell no one was guilty. [COLOR="blue"]"As some of you may have noticed over the course of the last few months we've gotten some new faces in the locker room, while some old ones have disappeared."[/COLOR] I looked around, if this was about me Mark and John he was a little behind the curve. We'd been there long enough I didn't really consider us new anymore. [COLOR="blue"]"As some of you may have heard Eddie Howard left us, because he felt like we were bringing in new talent and not using what we had. I want to assure all of you that's just not true."[/COLOR] There was some grumbling in the locker room and I was starting to think maybe things were a little more tense than I thought. [COLOR="blue"]"I have brough in two more young wresters who I hope can really make a splash here in MAW and help you guys gain further popularity."[/COLOR] I looked around, so that's what this was all about more new guys. The grumbling grew louder and I thought someone may charge Rip soon. It was Jean that spoke up next. [COLOR="Red"]"Will everyone just shut the hell up!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Easy for you to say when you're getting the push of you're life"[/COLOR] that came from the back of the room and I have no idea who said it. [COLOR="Red"]"Look here's what you guys have to ask yourselves, would you rather work every show and be a jobber, or allow these new guys to come in and give you some much needed wins. Perhaps, and this is a long shot, but perhaps the fans may actually think you're decent and you'll get a real push! Ryan Turner, when was the last time you won a match before these guys came along? Or Curtis Jenkins? These guys are jobbing to the stars so you don't have to and you want to complain?"[/COLOR] Spit was flying every which way as Jean spoke, but no one had the balls to say anything to him, plus he made valid points these guys were actually getting momentum they should be thankful. The grumbling slowed then Rip continued. [COLOR="Blue"]"Good, now i would like everyone to welcome TJ Bailey and Jeremy Jazz."[/COLOR] The two walked in beind Rip looking pretty shook up, and no one bothered greating them. "The card is posted for MAW Bulletproof, and we are going to have a qualifing match for a tag team tournament. I expect everyone to practice hard and give these new guys a chance." With that Rip walked away and I grinned knowing I was going to be in that tournament.
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[CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS...[/B] [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"][B]Bullet Proof[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]LIVE FROM STANLEY HALL FRIDAY WEEK 4 May[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]MAW Championship Match:[/b][/SIZE] [B]Steven Parker [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] Vs. Des Davids[/B] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] Plus... DC Rayne Vs. Antonio Tag Team Qualifing Match: The Quackers Vs. The Rock City Stars Curtis Jenkins Vs. Jeremy Jazz[/CENTER] Quick Picks: Steven Parker Vs. Des Davids DC Rayne Vs. Antonio The Quackers Vs. The Rock City Stars Curtis Jenkins Vs. Jeremy Jazz
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[CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS… [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]Bullet Proof[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Stanley Hall in Baltimore, MD Attendance: 57[/B] [B]Curtis Jenkins Vs. Jeremy Jazz[/B] [quote]This was Jazz’s first match here in MAW and him and Curtis had been working hard for the past two weeks to make their match perfect. Jeremy actually came out playing the saxophone, and to my amazement he wasn’t bad at all. His technical skills were pretty impressive and he had a pretty nice arsenal of moves. Of course in the end the fans still had no idea who he was, and he fell victim to Curtis, but he may be pretty good in the future.[/quote] Curtis Jenkins defeated Jeremy Jazz in 7:48 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] Notes: Jeremy Jazz seemed off his game tonight. Jeremy Jazz was visibly tiring toward the end. Jeremy Jazz and Curtis Jenkins have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Of course that meant me and John were up next. I was a little scared about how our match would go. Even though we’d practiced for god knows how many hours, Rip already didn’t think we belonged together so now we really had to go the extra mile. [B]The Quackers Vs. The Rock City Stars[/B] [quote]I was even more nervous to be facing The Stars, just because of all the bad things I’d heard about them. I knew they would only be out for themselves and this match meant to much to me and John for them to blow it for us. I thought about going against the outcome of the match, but John convinced me nothing good would come of that. So I went ahead with how the match was suppose to go. And after our usual 5 minutes of playing the fools for the crowd we went ahead and let The Stars take care of business. They were actually really professional and made us out to look fairly well, of course in the end it didn’t matter what I thought only what Rip and Jean though, so I hoped that was enough.[/quote] The Rock City Stars defeated The Quackers in 7:54 when Rockin' Ryan Turner defeated Stretch The Chicken Boy by pinfall with a Six String Shooter. [COLOR="red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Rockin' Ryan Turner is improving in Technical skills. After the match Rip sat of from the booth and made his way to the ring mic in hand. [COLOR="Blue"]“Last month the world saw the so called MAW champion Steven Parker get pinned in the middle of the ring by Mainstream Hernandez.”[/COLOR] The crowd begins to cheer. [COLOR="blue"]“Because of that, I have no choice but to make Mainstream the number one contender and grant him a title shot next month at Summer Smash.”[/COLOR] The chanting for Mainstream begins to get louder, when suddenly The Firms’ music hits and out walks Parker and The Mean Machine. Parker: [COLOR="Red"]“Not so fast there Rip, there’s one flaw with your perfect little plan.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“And what’s that Steven?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“You see last month I never technically lost?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Don’t even try to pull that Parker everyone saw you laying their helpless as Mainstream pinned you for the 1,2,3.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“That may be so, but there’s one thing you failed to notice. You see Mainstream was never the legal man, therefore the pin never counted.”[/COLOR] Rip thought about this for a minute then you could see the smile on his face disappear and his cheeks turn flush. Jean: [COLOR="green"]“That’s right old man, it seems you’ve failed again. In fact it seems the only thing you’re good at anymore is drinking.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] “Jean I don’t know what the hell you’re trying to prove but…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“It’s simple old man. You see there’s been a petition passed around the locker room, and it’s been decided you’re no longer fit to run this company.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You son of a bitch, you can’t run me out of my own company!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I’ll tell you what old man, I’m a reasonable man. And I’m willing to do what any man would do, and that’s fight you for it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m retired God Damn it. And I still make the rules. And the rules are, next month at Summer Smash Steven Parker will defend his title against Mainstream Hernandez, but that isn’t all. Jena you’ll also be in action against Des Davids and Eric Strong. And if you some how come away from that match alive then I’ll consider your offer. No get the hell out of my arena!”[/COLOR] Parker and The Mean Machine leave the stage with grins of their faces. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] [B]Antonio Vs. DC Rayne[/B] [quote]I was in the shower during this match so I don’t have all the details. Antonio is trying to establish a winning streak. And DC is trying to prove himself as a singles wrestler. DC started out on a tear, but then Antonio scored a low blow to get the upper hand. DC fought his way back on top but then a masked man appeared from out of the crowd and attacked DC while the ref’s back was tuned. Handing Antonio the match on a silver platter and also raising the question, who was the masked man?[/quote] Antonio defeated D.C. Rayne in 12:32 by pinfall with an Italian DDT. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] Notes: none [B]MAW Championship Match: Steven Parker Vs. Des Davids[/B] [quote]Parker made his way out to the ring with the same ****y smile he had on last time we saw him. Des came out to a huge pop that was really like no other I’d ever heard. Parker tried to act cool at the beginning of the match but after a hard right hand from Davids connected that smugness went right out the window. The two traded punches for what seemed like forever, but eventually it was Des who got the upper hand and really started handing it to the champ. Parker battled back however, and he did so without any help from the outside. Davids was almost stunned by the unexpected comeback and Parker continued to show why he was in fact the champ, eventually even putting the nail in the coffin.[/quote] Steven Parker defeated Des Davids in 13:26 by pinfall with a Future Shock. Steven Parker makes defense number 2 of his Mid Atlantic Championship title. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] Notes: None [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: D[/COLOR] Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.[/CENTER] Pick Em Results: [B]Emark: 2/4 juggaloninjalee: 3/4[/B] thanks for the picks guys, let me know how you think things are going.
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[CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS... [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]Summer Smash[/COLOR][/SIZE] LIVE FROM STANLEY HALL FRIDAY WEEK 4 June[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]MAW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH:[/SIZE] Steven Parker [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] Vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] Plus... The Mean Machine Vs. Des Davids and Eric Strong The Canadian Blondes Vs. The Rock City Stars Jeremy Jazz Vs. Ricky Douglas[/CENTER] Quick Picks: Steven Parker Vs. Mainstream Hernandez The Mean Machine Vs. Des Davids and Eric Strong The Canadian Blondes Vs. The Rock City Stars Jeremy Jazz Vs. Ricky Douglas
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[CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS… [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]Summer Smash[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Stanley Hall in Baltimore, MD Attendance: 87[/B] After being with the company for about 6 months I’ve started making a few friends within the company. Me, Antonio, and Mark all sat in the back sharing a case of Bud while watching the small television in the locker room. None of us had a match tonight but we decided to stay in the back and share a beer instead of going downtown just in case someone was to notice us. Anyone who has ever been around professional wrestlers know that when it comes to things business related everyone stays pretty tight lipped about it unless they think telling others will benefit them in some great way. However once the alcohol starts flowing they tend to get a bit less cautious about the things they let slip, and that’s when I learned some interesting things about my fellow workers at MAW. [B]Ricky Douglas Vs. Jeremy Jazz[/B] [quote]The master in blues came to the ring with a mixed reaction. A few of the older fans loved the gimmick and the fact that he was so gifted on the saxophone, the younger audience hated it however and they made sure Jeremy knew it by tossing popcorn and soda at the poor kid. There was no mixed reaction for Ricky Douglas just straight boos from everyone in the arena. Even the guys backstage with me were booing him and I wondered if it was for fun, or because they really didn’t like him. Jeremy had a pretty good showing in this one getting around 3 minutes of straight offense before finally doing the job for Ricky.[/quote] Ricky Douglas defeated Jeremy Jazz in 7:33 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. [COLOR="red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR] Notes: Jeremy was visibly tired after only 7 minutes. That’s a bad sign for anyone in this company, and I was sure Rip would have something to say about that. We were about half way into our case already with only the first match taken place and already Antonio was starting to slur his words. The things I could make out though sounded very very good to me. Antonio: [COLOR="Green"]“Man those asses Ryan Turner and Stan Manna are u next. Anyone with half a brain knows they aren’t worth a damn. I don’t know why Rip had you guys put them over.”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s no big deal man, it’s business we are still new to the company, he just wants us to pay our dues to keep the moral high.”[/COLOR] Antonio: [COLOR="Green"]“No way man, Rip is like a father to me. In fact I’m going to bring it up to him. He’ll listen to me you know, stick with me and you’ll start winning matches.”[/COLOR] This was my first taste of any real “backstage” politics in MAW. While I was sure most of it was the beer talking, I had to at least consider how I would react if I were to suddenly start winning matches here. [B]The Rock City Stars Vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] [quote]Rock music versus a boy band here tonight, and you know Rappers everywhere are watching something else. This was actually a very amusing match to watch however. First of all Ryan and Stan have no clue how to play guitar and I thought perhaps I would get them guitar hero for Christmas. Then to make matters worse The Canadian Blondes decided to sing a song “for the ladies” before the match, and I swear I think I saw more than a couple older people turn their hearing aids off. Once the wrestling actually got underway however it wasn’t nearly as bad and The Rock City Stars looked to be a head and shoulders better than their advisories. The Blondes did of course have some offense but in the end they just couldn’t match up with The Stars.[/quote] The Rock City Stars defeated The Canadian Blondes in 7:36 when Rockin' Ryan Turner defeated Flash Savage by pinfall with a Six String Shooter. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] Notes: Rockin' Ryan Turner is starting to become a little stale in his current role. The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Flash Savage is improving in Technical skills. [B]The Mean Machine Vs. Des Davids and Erik Strong[/B] [quote]We all knew from the start this was going to be an up hill battle for The Mean Machine, but he didn’t back down for a second. He hit the ring running and opened up with a barrage of rights and lefts to both Davids and Strong. Of course they eventually were able to slow him down, but he was able to come back on more than one occasion. Late in the match he actually was able to isolate Des Davids, but as he set him up for a mood swing everyone in the arena was stunned as Rip jumped from the announcer booth and took out the leg of The Mean Machine right in front of the ref. Obviously at this point he had no choice but to call the match, and I think Rip failed to realize he had just sealed his faith by interfering in the match.[/quote] The Mean Machine defeated Erik Strong and Des Davids in 12:57 by disqualification [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] Notes: There are no specific comments to be made about this match. After the match all hell broke lose as the rest of The Firm hit the ring to help out their fallen brother in arms. This of course lead to a 3 on 3 riot until security was able to break the whole thing up. It was then announced to ensure this didn’t continue right after the next bout everyone was being ejected from the building except for Mainstream Hernandez and Steven Parker. This of course enraged the members of The Firm, but there is only so much three men can say to 7 security guards. [COLOR="red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]MAW Championship Match:[/SIZE] Steven Parker Vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [quote]Without the other members of The Firm to back Parker up he looked pretty nervous about his match. Mainstream on the other hand looked as cool as the other side of the pillow. The match was slow to start with each man talking smack to his opponent. Once it did get underway however it was all action. Mainstream is perhaps one of the best athletes MAW has to offer and he demonstrated this by risking his life more than once off the top rope. This of course had huge payoffs for him in the match, but it was nothing Parker couldn’t counter. He fired back on Mainstream and it looked like he had the match well in hand until Hernandez countered a Future Shock attempt that left Parker on the outside and barely moving. The champ eventually made it to his feet on the outside and instead of getting back into the ring with Hernandez decided to call it a night early by grabbing his title and running back up the ramp to a chorus of boos.[/quote] Mainstream Hernandez defeated Steven Parker in 12:38 by count out. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] Notes: Mainstream Hernandez could use something to freshen his character up. [COLOR="red"][B]Final Rating: D[/B][/COLOR] Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. After the show the three of us were about to head home when Mark, who can’t hold his alcohol, decided to strike up one more conversation. Mark: [COLOR="red"]“You know the main reason I came to MAW was because Sam wanted me to spy on Rip.”[/COLOR] Antonio and I looked blankly at each other then back at Mark unable to form any real words. [COLOR="red"]“That’s’ right, I’m still under USPW contract. See Sam is terrified of Rip succeeding and overshadowing him yet again in the wrestling business.”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“No way man, that has to be the beer talking. Rip and Sam are great friends, in fact don’t they have a working agreement or something?”[/COLOR] Mark:[COLOR="Red"] “I’m telling you, that’s all just a front. He sent me here with the intent of shutting MAW down. He wants me to report back to him after every show and tell him what Rip has planned and if there’s any talent that’s worth Sam stealing away from MAW.”[/COLOR] Me:[COLOR="Blue"] “Why are you telling us this?”[/COLOR] Mark: [COLOR="Red"]“You guys are the first real friends I’ve ever had in the wrestling business. Before it was all about the money, but now…well now it’s more.”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Alright well by the looks of things Sam hasn’t done any real damage, why don’t you just stop reporting to him and call it a night.”[/COLOR] Mark: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s just it, he has done damage. Eddie Howard leaving wasn’t a mistake, it was a well thought out plan by Sam. He paid Eddie off. In fact from what I understand Eddie is actually under contract with USPW, Sam just doesn’t want that to go public because then the cat will be out of the bag.”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“We have to tell Rip!”[/COLOR] Mark: [COLOR="Red"]“We can’t. He said if I do he’s going to ensure that I never step foot into a wrestling arena again. USPW may not be that big of a company, but Sam Strong has some standing in the business, and he could make that happen. I just started wrestling, I can’t lose it now.”[/COLOR] I thought about this for a minute, it was a lot to take in, especially with 7 or 8 beers in my system. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Alright, for now this stays between the 3 of us until I can figure something out. Agreed?”[/COLOR] The two of them agreed and it wasn’t spoke of again for the rest of the night, or on the cab ride home. [/CENTER] Pick Em Results: juggaloninjalee: 3/4 Good job man, I know this was some stiff competition this time out, glad you pulled through! :D O.O.C. Just wanted to take this time to thank everyone who has been reading the diary. Its been a lot of fun to put together. I also want to thank you for your diary of the month nomination. There are some great writers out there and just to be mentioned with them is amazing. That being said once the actually voting comes out I better win, or else I've have to get The Quackers after all of you :p But seriously thanks for reading....and leave feedback!
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[CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS... [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]FIREWORKS[/COLOR][/SIZE] LIVE FROM STANLEY HALL FRIDAY WEEK 4 JULY[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]DC Rayne [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG] Vs. The Mean Machine [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="1"]PLUS...[/SIZE] Des Davids Vs. Ricky Douglas Antonio Vs TJ Bailey Stan "The Man" Mana Vs. Mark Smark[/CENTER] Quick Picks: DC Rayne Vs. The Mean Machine Des Davids Vs. Ricky Douglas Antonio Vs TJ Bailey Stan "The Man" Mana Vs. Mark Smark
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[CENTER][B]MAW PROUDLY PRESENTS… [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]Fire Works[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Stanley Hall in Baltimore, MD Attendance: 105[/B] [B]Mark Smark Vs. Stan “The Man” Manna[/B] “Yo, yo, yo. Listen here. Yo, I don’t drink beer And you may think I’m queer. Ii don’t really care Cause I have cool hair!” [quote]While it’s obvious this isn’t a gimmick that’s going to last long with Mark, he seems to be having fun with it. The good news about the gimmick is that it’s given him a sudden urge to win and he showed that tonight against Stan Manna. Stan tried to come out firing on Mark, but he wasn’t as quick as the “rapper” and it ended up back firing on him. He then got the bright idea to use his guitar as a weapon, but Mark got out of the way of the attack and Stan ended up bouncing his guitar off the ropes and hitting himself in the face.[/quote] Mark Smart defeated Stan 'The Man' Manna in 7:44 by pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR] Notes: This match brought the crowd’s mood down. [B]Antonio Vs. TJ Bailey[/B] [quote]Bailey is another new comer to the company that’s showing a lot of promise. He put on a solid showing with our Mid Atlantic Gangster and has a pretty wide range of moves at his disposal. Of course he was still no match for Antonio and in the end did the job.[/quote] Antonio defeated TJ Bailey in 8:08 by pinfall with an Italian DDT. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] Notes: TJ Bailey was visibly tiring toward the end. This match brought the crowd's mood down. [B]Des Davids Vs. Ricky Douglas[/B] [quote]Ricky and “The Firm” has been on a tear here in MAW in large part thanks to some of their underhanded tactics. Des has been victim of these tactics on more than one occasion and is looking to avenge that tonight. Des started out on a role but of course late in the match The Mean Machine came out looking to help his buddy. He was in for a rude awakening however, as Des was ready for him this time and nailed him with a flying body press on the outside. [/quote Des Davids defeated Ricky Douglas in 13:21 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] Notes: Des Davids and Ricky Douglas just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. This match brought the crowd's mood down. [B]The Mean Machine Vs. DC Rayne[/B] [quoteRayne has been getting a lot of attention since joining the singles ranks, and with a win tonight we could really set himself up for some big things. The Mean Machine was like a man on a mission tonight however, he wants a shot at Rip and no one not even a former tag champ can get in his way. [/quote] The Mean Machine defeated D.C. Rayne in 12:50 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] Notes: The Mean Machine and D.C. Rayne don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. D.C. Rayne is improving in Performance skills. [quote]After the match The Mean Machine jumped the top rope and came barreling over the announcer table towards Rip. Rip was shocked by this and couldn’t mount much of a defense at all as The Mean Machine threw right after right at the retired champs face.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: D-[/COLOR] Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. [/CENTER]
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