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World Level Wrestling - LuchaResu Goodness!(C-Verse)

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My new favourite typo... suspectator. I'm not sure what that is, but I love it. A very fun LuchaRu dynasty so far... here now, some predictions... 1.[B]Panda Power(Panda Mask II & Hijo del Panda Mask)[/B] vs Evil Spirit & Ketsueki Karasu [I]- Two Pandas no waiting. I wonder if Harrison Hash is back under the mask?[/I] 2.WLW Tap Out Title Match*: [B]UK Dragon(c)[/B] defends against Silver Shark 3.[B]Split Personality[/B] vs Beetle Kimura & Toyokuni Hardcore [I]- They continue to win while suffering this extended break up. It's so sad. *sniffle*[/I] 4.WLW Streetfighting Title Match: Hell Monkey(c) defends against [B]The Great Hisato[/B] [I]- Because unlike everyone else, I don't mark hard for the Monkey and Hisato is super LuchaRu! And chances are the Monkey is about to be signed away.[/I] 5.Torneo Cibernetico: Team Bairei Yasujiro: Bairei Yasujiro, Emerald Angel, Americana & Power Trip vs Team Circle of Blood: The Circle of Blood & [B]Awesome Thunder[/B] [I]- I'm not sure I've got the stips right, but I think Thunder picks up the win and the title to further infuriate everyone else in the match.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="2"]World Level Wrestling presents...[/SIZE] [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]Happy Waterslide Fun Tour Day #3[/COLOR][/SIZE] Week 2, January 2007 Live infront of 820 people at the Iwata Hall[/B] [B]Key: [COLOR="Red"]o = winner[/COLOR], [COLOR="blue"]x = loser[/COLOR] Rules of World Level Wrestling: Singles matches will be fought under 1 fall, 60 minute time limit bouts. If a wrestler gets thrown or steps outside of the ring, they have up to the count of 20 before being counted out. Weapons of any nature are ilegal and will result in an immediate disqualification.* Multiple-man tag matches will have two referees, one on the inside of the ring and one on the outside. If the outside referee sees fit to reverse the decision then he may do so. Tags can be made by either making full contact with the wrestler's tag partner or by rolling outside of the ring. There can only be 1 wrestler from each time inside of the ring at a time.* *Unless otherwise noted.[/B] [B][U]Torneo Cibernetico Batting Order[/U][/B] Team Captains, Bairei Yasujiro & Dark EAGLE walk out and announce their tagging order for tonight's Tonrneo Cibernetico. [B][U]Team Bairei Yasujiro:[/U][/B] 1.Bairei Yasujiro 2.Americana 3.Koji Kojima 4.Emerald Angel 5.Haru Kurofuji [B][U]Team Circle of Blood:[/U][/B] 1.Awesome Thunder 2.Magnum KOBE 3.The Incredible KOYAMA 4.KOKI Ishibashi 5.Dark EAGLE [B]Rating: D+[/B] vs [B]Match 1: Panda Power vs Evil Spirit & Ketsueki Karasu[/B] The crowd once again was vocal about not wanting to see the Panda duo. Evil Spirit and Ketsueki Karasu beat the living hell out of Hijo del Panda Mask, almost making the fans feel sorry for him...almost. Hijo tags out to Panda Mask II who cleans house. After taking his opponents out with a furry of strikes, Panda Mask II falls to a knee, trying to catch his breath. Evil Spirit sees his opportunity and nails PMII with a Shinning Wizard. [B][COLOR="red"]o[/COLOR] Evil Spirit{W} & Ketsueki Karasu defeated Panda Mask II{L} & Hijo del Panda Mask [COLOR="Blue"]x[/COLOR] (11:53 - Shinning Wizard) E+[/B] vs [B][COLOR="blue"]WLW Tap Out Championship Match[/COLOR] Match 2: Silver Shark vs UK Dragon(c)[/B] Silver Shark and UK Dragon take the match to the ground, exchanging holds, trying to make each other submit. Shark manages to apply his Jaws of Life submission but UK Dragon manages to fight his way to the ropes. The Tap Out Champion gets clotheslined over the top rope and onto the outside. The referee urges them to return into the ring but they decline, fighting around ringside. After a long 20 count the ref calls for a double countout. [B]DRAW(19:44 - Double Countout) D+[/B] vs [B]Match 3: Split Personality vs Toyokuni Hardcore & Beetle Kimura[/B] Insane Machine gets ambushed by Hardcore and Kimura right after the bell opens the match. They isolate Machine away from his partner, hitting him with multiple tag team moves. Insane Machine fights back, suplexing both of his opponents then rolling out of the ring, making an offical tag. Dean Daniels cleans house then hits Beetle Kimura with a Cradle Piledriver to end the match. [B][COLOR="Red"]o[/COLOR] Dean Daniels{W} & Insane Machine defeated Toyokuni Hardcore & Beetle Kimura{L} [COLOR="Blue"]x[/COLOR] (15:11 - Cradle Piledriver) D[/B] [B][U]Dean Daniels slaps some aggression into Insane Machine[/U][/B] Dean Daniels blames Insane Machine for nearly losing the match for him and slaps him across the face. Daniels warns him that if he ever screws up again, he'll kick him out of the team. Insane Machine doesn't look to pleased by the way Daniels is treating him as of late. [B]Rating: D-[/B] vs [B][COLOR="blue"]WLW Streetfighting Championship Match[/COLOR] Match 4: Hell Monkey(c) vs The Great Hisato[/B] Hell Monkey takes down Hisato right off of the bat, brawling with him to the outside. Hisato rams Monkey's head into the guardrail, busting him open. Hisato tries to Powerbomb Monkey on the enterance ramp but it gets countered into a Backdrop. A loud thud could be heard throughout the entire arena as Hisato's body collided against the steal ramp. Monkey grabs a chair but Hisato punches him in the stomach and breaks the chair over Monkey's back. Back inside of the ring, Hisato beats him down then turns his attention to the referee, who he feels counted a bit too slow. Monkey recovers a bit and nails Hisato with a Hurricanrana out of nowhere. The referee counts to 3. [B][COLOR="Red"]o[/COLOR] Hell Monkey retains against The Great Hisato [COLOR="blue"]x[/COLOR] (21:48 - Hurricanrana) C-[/B] [B][U]The Great Hisato flips out[/U][/B] Hisato completely flips out after his loss. He complains about a quick count and attacks the referee. Hisato warns Hell Monkey that he will take his Streetfighting Championship away from him. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Rules of Torneo Cibernetico:[/COLOR] The Torneo Cibernetico will consist of two teams, both teams having team captains. The team captains will choose their members and the order that they must be tagged, if any team members tags out in the incorrect order then it will result in a Disqualification. Eliminations can occur by pinfall, submission or TKO. If a team is completely eliminated it doesn't mean the match is over, if there's any remaining team members on the opposite team, they must compete against each other untill there is only one man left. The last wrestler standing will be rewarded the WLW Universal Champion and declared as the winner.[/B] vs [B][COLOR="Blue"]Torneo Cibernetico for the WLW Universal Championship[/COLOR] Bairei Yasujiro, Americana, Koji Kojima, Emerald Angel & Haru Kurofuji vs Awesome Thunder, Magnum KOBE, The Incredible KOYAMA, KOKI Ishibashi & Dark EAGLE[/B] Bairei Yasujiro, who's sporting an arm cast, and Awesome Thunder start things off. Yasujiro smartly keeps the match grounded, avoiding any impact on his injured arm. The Universal Champion gets ontop of Awesome Thunder, tossing him into the ropes. Awesome Thunder holds on, Yasujiro charges at him and gets backdroped to the outside. Americana jumps in, he armdrags and headscissors Awesome Thunder all around the ring. Americana climbs to the top for a highrisk move, he dives off, Thunder ducks and Americana crashes hard. Awesome Thunder nails Americana with a Brainbuster then follows up with a Thunder Driver. 1...2...3. [B]Americana is ELIMINATED[/B] Koji Kojima jumps in and dropkicks Awesome Thunder out of the ring. Magnum KOBE sneaks up from behind and knocks Kojima across his back. KOBE stomps away on Kojima, keeping him down. KOBE clotheslines Kojima to the outside and goes out with him as well. Emerald Angel and The Incredible KOYAMA jump in. Angel takes it to the sky, hitting some unbelievable highrisk offense. Emerald Angel Hurricanarans KOYAMA to the outside and goes out with him. Haru Kurofuji and KOKI Ishibashi are in next, Kurofuji and KOKI start nailing each other with hard strikes. Neither man goes down from each others strikes. Kurofuji tries to run the ropes, getting some momentum to take his opponent down, KOKI kicks Kurofuji across his face when he bounced back toward him. Kurofuji rolls to the outside. Bairei Yasujiro slides inside of the ring. KOKI beats him down. Bairei finds himself trapped in the corner, getting chopped untill his chest was cut wide open. Yasujiro fights back, eventualy suplexing KOKI over his head to the outside. Bairei nails KOKI with a Suicide Dive on the outside. Dark EAGLE and Koji Kojima step inside. Kojima hits EAGLE with some quick Armdrags. Unfortunately, EAGLE catches Kojima with a strong Lariat. He pins him for a 3-count. [B]Koji Kojima is ELIMINATED[/B] Emerald Angel takes EAGLE out of the ring with a Tilt-a-whirl Headscissors. Awesome Thunder attacks Angel from behind, knocking him out of the ring. Awesome Thunder rolls to the outside, ramming his head into a guardrail. Haru Kurofuji and Magnum KOBE are in next. KOBE kicks Kurofuji in the mid-section and slams him hard on the mat. Magnum KOBE slams him again, this time harder. The Circle of Blood member calls for another slam, Kurofuji counters the slam into a quick roll-up. [B]Magnum KOBE is ELIMINATED[/B] The Incredible KOYAMA and KOKI Ishibashi jump into the ring and double team Kurofuji. They toss him into the ropes and hit him with a modified 3D. KOYAMA pins him for a 3 count. [B]Haru Kurofuji is ELIMINATED[/B] Bairei Yasujiro jumps inside and fights off KOYAMA and KOKI. Yasujiro tosses KOKI to the outside then nails KOYAMA with a Powerslam. Yasujiro quickly climbs to the top rope and hits a Frogsplash. KOYAMA stays down for a 3-count. [B]The Incredible KOYAMA is ELIMINATED[/B] KOKI Ishibashi slides back in but Yasujiro see's him coming. The Universal Champion fights KOKI off and ends him German Suplexing him into a Bridge. [B]KOKI Ishibashi is ELIMINATED[/B] Dark EAGLE jumps in and Axe Handles Yasujiro's injured arm. EAGLE stomps away at his arm, like a shark who smells blood. EAGLE attempts to apply an Armbar but Yasujiro manages to roll out of the ring before his arm is ripped off. Emerald Angel slides in, hurt from getting attacked on the outside by Awesome Thunder. Dark EAGLE beats Emerald Angel into a bloody pulp. EAGLE attempts a Powerbomb but Angel counters it into a Snapping Hurricanrana. EAGLE rolls out of the ring, trying to re-group. Awesome Thunder jumps in and kicks Angel across his face with a Yakuza Kick. Angel staggers right into a Thunder Driver, he is unable to kick out before 3. [B]Emerald Angel is ELIMINATED[/B] Awesome Thunder continues where Dark EAGLE left off, beating down on Bairei Yasujiro's arm. Awesome Thunder holds up a helpless Yasujiro and calls in EAGLE, telling him to knock him out with a cheap shot. EAGLE winds up, Yasujiro ducks and Dark EAGLE accidentaly nails Awesome Thunder with a Diving Lariat. Yasujiro tosses EAGLE out of the ring then pins Thunder. 1...2...3!! [B]Awesome Thunder is ELIMINATED[/B] Dark EAGLE quickly slides back in and knocks Yasujiro down to the mat. EAGLE applies an Armbar, trying to rip the Universal Champions arm out from it's socket. Yasujiro crawls to the ropes but EAGLE drags him back into the center. Just when Yasjiro was about to tap-out, Awesome Thunder rolls back in and attacks Dark EAGLE. He knocks him out with a Thunder Driver. Both Dark EAGLE and Bairei Yasujiro lay motionless in the middle of the ring. After 7 long seconds, EAGLE and Yasujiro slowly get back to their feet. EAGLE charges at Yasujiro but he dodges him. Bairei Yasujiro nails Dark EAGLE with a Brainbuster, 1...2...3!!! [B]Dark EAGLE is ELIMINATED[/B] [B]Bairei Yasujiro retains the Universal Championship in the 2007 Torneo Cibernetico[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]o[/COLOR] Haru Kurofuji, Koji Kojima, Bairei Yasujiro{W}, Americana and Emerald Angel defeated KOKI Ishibashi, The Incredible KOYAMA, Dark EAGLE{L}, Magnum KOBE and Awesome Thunder [COLOR="Blue"]x[/COLOR] (27:53) C+[/B] [QUOTE][B]Quick Results:[/B] -Evil Spirit & Ketsueki Karasu def. P.P. -UK Dragon and Silver Shark fought to a Double Countout -Split Personality def. Beetle Kimura & Toyokuni Hardcore -Hell Monkey retained against The Great Hisato -Bairei Yasujiro retained the Universal Championship in Torneo Cibernetico [/QUOTE] [B]Final Rating: C-[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="2"]World Level Wrestling presents...[/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]Happy Waterslide Fun Tour Day #4[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Bairei Yasujiro did the unthinkable by retaining his WLW Universal Championship in a Torneo Cibernetico with an injured arm. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy for him... "Bairei Yasujiro, I had you defeated. If it wasn't for that no good Awesome Thunder I'd be WLW Universal Champion! Yasujiro, prove to the world that you aren't a coward and give me the title shot which I deserve!" Within moments of hearing Dark EAGLE's challenge, Bairei Yasujiro informed us that he has accepted. "I will fight you any time, any place. Dark EAGLE, you'll have to break my arm to take the Universal Championship away from me!" [B][U]Prediction Key:[/U][/B] Match 1: Toyokuni Hardcore & Beetle Kimura vs Panda Power Match 2: [B]Tag Team Championship Match-[/B] The Avalanche Effect(c) defends against Power Trip Match 3: [B]Tap-Out Championship Match (Falls Count Anywhere, No Countouts)- [/B]UK Dragon(c) defends against Silver Shark Match 4: [B]Tornado Rules Match-[/B] Awesome Thunder & The Great Hisato vs Hell Monkey & Emerald Angel Match 5: [B]Universal Championship Match-[/B] Bairei Yasujiro(c) defends against Dark EAGLE[/CENTER]
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Prediction Key: Match 1: Toyokuni Hardcore & Beetle Kimura vs [B]Panda Power[/B] I like the Pandas Match 2: Tag Team Championship Match- The Avalanche Effect(c) defends against [B]Power Trip[/B] Power Trip is a great team Match 3: Tap-Out Championship Match (Falls Count Anywhere, No Countouts)- UK Dragon(c) defends against [B]Silver Shark[/B] After the draw it looks like you are trying to get the belt off of Dragon so I'll go Shark. Match 4: Tornado Rules Match- [B]Awesome Thunder & The Great Hisato[/B] vs Hell Monkey & Emerald Angel Awesome Thunder and Hisato are a dominant duo and I like this feud with Monkey and Angel. Match 5: Universal Championship Match- Bairei Yasujiro(c) defends against [B]Dark EAGLE[/B] Eagle deserves a run before her retires.
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[I]Was meaning to predict on the last event but never quite got round to it, was actually genuinely surprised that Yasujiro retained the belt.[/I] Match 1: Toyokuni Hardcore & Beetle Kimura vs Panda Power The CPU fans don't know a good gimmick when it hits them in the face, Panda Power all the way !! Match 2: [B]Tag Team Championship Match-[/B] The Avalanche Effect(c) defends against Power Trip [I]Owner and Head Bookers perogative, as they put some gold around their waists.[/I] Match 3: [B]Tap-Out Championship Match (Falls Count Anywhere, No Countouts)- [/B]UK Dragon(c) defends against Silver Shark [I]I personally think the draw was a bit of a stall to keep this mini feud going for a little longer, and in my opinion U.K Dragon is the ideal guy for this belt.[/I] Match 4: [B]Tornado Rules Match-[/B] [B]Awesome Thunder[/B] & Hell Monkey vs Hell Monkey & Emerald Angel [I]I'm with Apu, a little confused here, regardless of who is fighting who and with whom, I'm tipping Awesome Thunder to get the win.[/I] Match 5: [B]Universal Championship Match-[/B] Bairei Yasujiro(c) defends against [B]Dark EAGLE[/B] [I]I see Barei's luck finally running out, as the Circle of Blood leader makes him tap out to claim the title.[/I]
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[CENTER]Just to avoid confusion, there isn't a second Hell Monkey. Apparently WLW promoters drank a little too much Sake and made yet another typo. Here's the correct match... Match 4: Tornado Rules Match- Awesome Thunder & [B]The Great Hisato [/B]vs Hell Monkey & Emerald Angel Enjoy! [/CENTER]
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Match 1: Toyokuni Hardcore & Beetle Kimura vs [B]Panda Power[/B] [I]- Panda Powah n' Paint! And if this gets hardcore... I suggest the Pandas use bamboo canes as their weapons of choice.[/I] Match 2: Tag Team Championship Match- The Avalanche Effect(c) defends against [B]Power Trip[/B] [I]- A quick gripe. It's small but I don't know all the Japanese Tag Teams, so unless it's something obvious like Panda Power, letting readers know who makes up which team would be helpful, especially at the start of this dynasty. But Power Trip due to a better name.[/I] Match 3: Tap-Out Championship Match (Falls Count Anywhere, No Countouts)- UK Dragon(c) defends against [B]Silver Shark[/B] [I]- UK Dragon is likely better, but also likely working 18 of the next 15 nights, so letting him run long term with the title is always a risk.[/I] Match 4: Tornado Rules Match- [B]Awesome Thunder & The Great Hisato[/B] vs Hell Monkey & Emerald Angel [I]- Most of these are still pure preference, until the whole roster starts to gel around your booking style. So since I like Thunder and Hisato and the Monkey annoys me for some inexplicable reason, I'm going with Thunder and Hisato.[/I] Match 5: Universal Championship Match- Bairei Yasujiro(c) defends against [B]Dark EAGLE[/B] [I]- I suspect Yasujiro loses by chicanery and shennanigans! And I think Dark EAGLE steals the belt and then uses the Circle of Blood to hold off all opponents, until an uber-face is built up and end his bloody reign.[/I] My only gripe with the last card was it was a great way to hotshot the title to someone else and you missed an opportunity. I liked the concept of the match, just felt it was rushed into being used. That seems like something that needs to be built to a bit better. Instead of a throwaway match in the middle of a tour. That's a minor thing and other than that, it's a strong entry to the GDS boards.
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Prediction Key: Match 1: Toyokuni Hardcore & Beetle Kimura vs [B]Panda Power[/B] Match 2: Tag Team Championship Match-[B] The Avalanche Effect(c)[/B] defends against Power Trip Match 3: Tap-Out Championship Match (Falls Count Anywhere, No Countouts)- [B]UK Dragon(c)[/B] defends against Silver Shark Match 4: Tornado Rules Match- Awesome Thunder & The Great Hisato vs [B]Hell Monkey & Emerald Angel[/B] Match 5: Universal Championship Match- [B]Bairei Yasujiro(c)[/B] defends against Dark EAGLE
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Match 1: Toyokuni Hardcore & Beetle Kimura vs [B]Panda Power[/B] Match 2: Tag Team Championship Match- [B]The Avalanche Effect(c)[/B] defends against Power Trip Match 3: Tap-Out Championship Match (Falls Count Anywhere, No Countouts)- [B]UK Dragon(c)[/B] defends against Silver Shark Match 4: Tornado Rules Match- [B]Awesome Thunder & The Great Hisato[/B] vs Hell Monkey & Emerald Angel Match 5: Universal Championship Match- [B]Bairei Yasujiro(c)[/B] defends against Dark EAGLE
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="2"]World Level Wrestling presents...[/SIZE] [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]Happy Waterslide Fun Tour Day #4[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Week 3, January 2007 Live infront of 680 people at the Iwata Hall[/B] [B]Key: [COLOR="Red"]o = winner[/COLOR], [COLOR="blue"]x = loser[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rules of World Level Wrestling: Singles matches will be fought under 1 fall, 60 minute time limit bouts. If a wrestler gets thrown or steps outside of the ring, they have up to the count of 20 before being counted out. Weapons of any nature are ilegal and will result in an immediate disqualification.* Multiple-man tag matches will have two referees, one on the inside of the ring and one on the outside. If the outside referee sees fit to reverse the decision then he may do so. Tags can be made by either making full contact with the wrestler's tag partner or by rolling outside of the ring. There can only be 1 wrestler from each time inside of the ring at a time.* *Unless otherwise noted.[/B] vs [B]Match 1: Panda Power vs Toyokuni Hardcore & Beetle Kimura[/B] The Pandas use some quick double team moves to stay ontop of their opponents. Hijo del Panda gets caught by a running Knee from Beetle Kimura, knocking the wind out of him. Hijo del Panda fights back and tags out to his partner. Panda Mask II is a house of fire. He knocks Kimura and Hardcore around the ring with some heavy strikes, he's looking great untill he gets extremely tired and passes out in the center of the ring. Hardcore quickly jumps ontop of him for a quick 3-count. [COLOR="red"]o[/COLOR] [B]Toyokuni Hardcore{W} & Beetle Kimura defeated Panda Mask II{L} & Hijo del Panda Mask [COLOR="Blue"]x[/COLOR] (9:40 - Lateral Press) D-[/B] [B][U]Split Personality throw out a challenge[/U][/B] Dean Daniels walks out towards the ring with Insane Machine lagging behind him. Daniels points at the Panda's and starts asking Insane Machine if he wants to be as weak as them. Machine lowers his head and doesn't say a word. Panda Power lets Dean Daniels know that they aren't weak, just out of shape from all of their late night Bamboo snacking. P.P. challenge Daniels to a tag match, Dean Daniels accepts. [B]Rating: D+[/B] vs [B][COLOR="blue"]WLW Tag Team Championship Match[/COLOR] Match 2: Power Trip vs The Avalanche Effect(c)[/B] Avalanche Effect double team Haru Kurofuji, tossing Koji Kojima outta the ring before the match even started. The Incredible KOYAMA and KOKI Ishibashi really take it to Haru Kurofuji, pounding him into the ground. Kurofuji somehow manages to escape the grasp of the tag team champions and tags out to his partner. Koji Kojima takes out the champions with a pair of Running Lariats. Kojima pins KOKI Ishibash but only gets a 2 count. Kojima clotheslines KOKI out of the ring. KOYAMA drags Kurofuji back inside of the ring, KOYAMA attempts a Brainbuster but Kurofuji counters it by flipping onto his feet. Haru Kurofuji attempts a desperation Hurricanrana but gets Powerbombed, 1...2...3. [B][COLOR="Red"]o[/COLOR] The Incredible KOYAMA{W} & KOKI Ishibashi retained against Koji Kojima & Haru Kurofuji{L}[COLOR="blue"] x[/COLOR] (20:20 - Powerbomb) C-[/B] vs [B][COLOR="Blue"]Falls Count Anywhere - WLW Tap-Out Championship Match[/COLOR] Match 3: Silver Shark vs UK Dragon(c)[/B] The match started off slow but it quickly picked up when both men started brawling on the outside. UK Dragon tries to force Silver Shark to submit after wrapping a television cord around his neck and choking him. Shark nails Dragon across the top of his head with a neck, forcing him to let go of the cord. Back in the ring, Shark suplexs Dragon ontop of his head, folding him in half to the crowds delight. The challenger calls for the end, signaling for his Jaws of Life Submission hold. UK Dragon quickly rolls to the outside before he could get caught in the submission. Silver Shark rolls to the outside to grab ahold of his opponent, UK Dragon nails him with a Water Cooler. Dragon applies his Dragon Sleeper on a knocked out Silver Shark, the referee calls for the bell. [B][COLOR="Red"]o[/COLOR] UK Dragon{W} retained against Silver Shark{L} [COLOR="blue"]x[/COLOR] (20:17 - Dragon Sleeper) D+[/B] vs [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tornado Tag Team Match[/COLOR] Match 4: The Great Hisato & Awesome Thunder vs Above & Below[/B] This match was an all-out brawl. All four men potatoed each other with stiff punches and forearms. Hell Monkey Hurricanranaed Great Hisato out of the ring then quickly followed up with a No Hands Halo Dive ontop of him. Monkey continued to dominate Great Hisato by tossing him into the steal guardrails. Back in the ring, Emerald Angel nails Awesome Thunder with a flurry of Forearm strikes then knocks him off of his feet with a Roaring Elbow. Angel gets a 2-count. Thunder gets his second wind and knocks Angel out with a Palm Strike then follows up with a Thunder Driver. 1...2...kick out!! Awesome Thunder picks up Angel and hits him with another Thunder Driver, 1...2...kick out!!! Awesome Thunder can't believe it. Awesome Thunder sets Emerald Angel on the top rope and hits him with a Super Thunder Driver, 1...2...3! [B][COLOR="Red"]o[/COLOR] The Great Hisato & Awesome Thunder{W} defeated Hell Monkey & Emerald Angel{L} [COLOR="blue"]x[/COLOR] (24:31 - Super Thunder Driver) C[/B] [B][U]FINALLY a true sign of respect[/U][/B] After the match, Awesome Thunder helps Emerald Angel up to his feet. Thunder finally shows his respect for Emerald Angel by shaking his hand. Awesome Thunder raises Emerald Angel's hand to the delight of the fans. They get a standing ovation. [B]Rating: B-[/B] vs [B][COLOR="Blue"]WLW Universal Championship Match[/COLOR] Match 5: Dark EAGLE vs Bairei Yasujiro(c)[/B] EAGLE and Bairei start off the match with tons of fire, exchanging Forearms. Yasujiro gets the upperhand, snapmaring his opponent and kicking EAGLE across his back. EAGLE rolls to the outside to re-group, Bairei dives ontop of him with a Suicide Dive. Yasujiro tosses his opponent back inside of the ring but gets his injured arm kicked while sliding in. Dark EAGLE focuses his attack on the injured arm of Yasujiro, attempting to break it in half. Yasujiro is forced to use kicks to attack the challenger. After a combo of kicks to EAGLE's mid-section, Yasujiro knocks out EAGLE with a jumping side-kick to the back of his head. Both men are laid out in the middle of the ring. Bairei Yasujiro gets to his feet first, he charges at Dark EAGLE and kicks him across his face with a deadly Yakuza Kick. 1...2...EAGLE kicks out! Bairei Yasujiro calls for a Brainbuster, unfortunately his arm gives out on him and he is unable to do the move. Dark EAGLE quickly applies an Armbar. The Universal Champion tries to fight off the hold but he is unable to. Bairei Yasujiro is forced to tap-out. [B][COLOR="Red"]o[/COLOR] Dark EAGLE{W} defeated Bairei Yasujiro{L}[COLOR="blue"] x[/COLOR] to win the Universal Championship (19:44 - Armbar) B-[/B] [B][U]The Awesome save[/U][/B] Dark EAGLE refuses to let go of the Armbar, WLW officals try to get EAGLE off of Yasujiro's already injured arm but they are unsuccessful. [B]Awesome Thunder [/B]runs out and slides into the ring, Dark EAGLE sees him and quickly rolls to the outside. Awesome Thunder checks on Bairei Yasujiro as EAGLE runs to the back with his newly won Universal Championship. [B]Rating: B[/B] [QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Quick Results[/B] Toyokuni Hardcore & Beetle Kimura def. Panda Power The Avalanche Effect retained against Power Trip UK Dragon retained against Silver Shark Awesome Thunder & The Great Hisato def. Hell Monkey & Emerald Angel Dark EAGLE def. Bairei Yasujiro[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B]Final Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]World Level Wrestling presents... [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]Cats say the Darndest Thangs Tour! Day #1[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Bairei Yasujiro has informed us that his injury has gotten far worse and he wont be able to compete untill he fully heals. Yasujiro apologizes to his fans and vows to seek revenge on the Circle of Blood. New WLW Universal Champion, Dark EAGLE, took some time off of his glamorious victory celebration to pass on a few words to Awesome Thunder. "I have no grudges against you Awesome Thunder but if you want to stick your nose in my business then you'll have to take on the Circle of Blood and we won't think twice about destroying you! MUAHAHAHAHA!!" Awesome Thunder replied by requesting a match against Magnum KOBE, apparently he wants to take out the Circle of Blood one by one before getting to Dark EAGLE. WLW would like to welcome [B]Japanese Phoenix, Hypnos & White Samurai [/B]to our new Tour. [B][U]Prediction Key:[/U][/B] 1.Panda Power vs Split Personality 2.Silver Shark, Hypnos & Japanese Phoenix vs UK Dragon, Evil Spirit & Ketsueki Karasu 3.Awesome Thunder vs Magnum KOBE 4.White Samurai vs Toyokuni Hardcore 5.Koji Kojima, Haru Kurofuji & Emerald Angel vs Dark EAGLE, The Incredible KOYAMA & KOKI Ishibashi 6.[B][COLOR="Blue"]Lights Out Match for the Streetfighting Championship:[/COLOR][/B] Hell Monkey(c) vs The Great Hisato [/CENTER]
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1.Panda Power vs [B]Split Personality[/B] 2.Silver Shark, Hypnos & Japanese Phoenix vs [B]UK Dragon, Evil Spirit & Ketsueki Karasu[/B] 3.[B]Awesome Thunder[/B] vs Magnum KOBE 4.White Samurai vs [B]Toyokuni Hardcore[/B] 5.Koji Kojima, Haru Kurofuji & Emerald Angel vs [B]Dark EAGLE, The Incredible KOYAMA & KOKI Ishibashi[/B] 6.[B][COLOR="Blue"]Lights Out Match for the Streetfighting Championship:[/COLOR][/B] [B]Hell Monkey(c)[/B] vs The Great Hisato
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1.[B]Panda Power[/B] vs Split Personality 2.[B]Silver Shark, Hypnos & Japanese Phoeni[/B]x vs UK Dragon, Evil Spirit & Ketsueki Karasu 3.Awesome Thunder vs [B]Magnum KOBE[/B] 4.[B]White Samurai[/B] vs Toyokuni Hardcore 5.Koji Kojima, Haru Kurofuji & Emerald Angel vs[B] Dark EAGLE, The Incredible KOYAMA & KOKI Ishibashi[/B] 6.Lights Out Match for the Streetfighting Championship: [B]Hell Monkey(c)[/B] vs The Great Hisato
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1.Panda Power vs [B]Split Personality[/B] [I]I think the tension between Daniels and Machine will continue, as Machine nearly loses the match but Daniels finds a way to get the job done against the Panda's. [/I] 2.Silver Shark, Hypnos & Japanese Phoenix vs [B]UK Dragon, Evil Spirit & Ketsueki Karasu[/B] [I]Bit more 'star' power on Dragon's Team.[/I] 3.[B]Awesome Thunder[/B] vs Magnum KOBE [I]Thunder goes manages to negotiate his way past the first member of the Circle of Blood[/I] 4.White Samurai vs [B]Toyokuni Hardcore[/B] [I]Toyokuni seems a little more established and could be built up as someone to eventually make a solid challenge for the Streetfighting Title, after all he is called Toyokuni Hardcore.[/I] 5.Koji Kojima, Haru Kurofuji & Emerald Angel vs [B]Dark EAGLE, The Incredible KOYAMA & KOKI Ishibashi[/B] [I]Circle of Blood stay strong, by winning the Six-Man, especially as I feel fellow member KOBE will do the job. [/I] 6.Lights Out Match for the Streetfighting Championship: Hell Monkey(c) vs [B]The Great Hisato[/B] [I]Smart money would be on Hell Monkey, as this sort of match seems more up as his street, but I think Hisato will find a way to win and cause a semi-shock by beating Monkey, in the Hellacious ones own environment.[/I]
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Prediction Key: 1.[B]Panda Power[/B] vs Split Personality I'm not big on a split between Daniels and Machine I do like them as the Dysfunctional Functional team. Plus the Panda's seem to be your jobber team. 2.Silver Shark, Hypnos & Japanese Phoenix vs [B]UK Dragon, Evil Spirit & Ketsueki Karasu[/B] [I]I agree with TK a lot more star power on the Dragon team.[/I] 3.[B]Awesome Thunder[/B] vs Magnum KOBE [I]Not sure on this one but I just think Awesome Thunder is a better worker.[/I] 4.White Samurai vs [B]Toyokuni Hardcore[/B] [I]With his tag win on the last show Toyokuni seems to be moving forward while we've seen very little of White Sumurai.[/I] 5.Koji Kojima, Haru Kurofuji & Emerald Angel vs [B]Dark EAGLE, The Incredible KOYAMA & KOKI Ishibashi[/B] [I]Circle of Blood don't start taking any big losses till toward the end of the store.[/I] 6.Lights Out Match for the Streetfighting Championship: [B]Hell Monkey(c)[/B] vs The Great Hisato SOrry TK I'm gonna take the Smart Money. Actually I just really like Hell Monkey.
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  • 3 weeks later...
[CENTER][B]World Level Wrestling presents... [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]Cats say the Darndest Thangs Tour! Day #1[/COLOR][/SIZE] Week 1, February 2007 Live infront of 1,040 people at the Miyagi Athletic Field[/B] [B]Key: [COLOR="Red"]o = winner[/COLOR], [COLOR="blue"]x = loser[/COLOR] Rules of World Level Wrestling: Singles matches will be fought under 1 fall, 60 minute time limit bouts. If a wrestler gets thrown or steps outside of the ring, they have up to the count of 20 before being counted out. Weapons of any nature are ilegal and will result in an immediate disqualification.* Multiple-man tag matches will have two referees, one on the inside of the ring and one on the outside. If the outside referee sees fit to reverse the decision then he may do so. Tags can be made by either making full contact with the wrestler's tag partner or by rolling outside of the ring. There can only be 1 wrestler from each time inside of the ring at a time.* *Unless otherwise noted.[/B] vs [B]Match 1: Panda Power vs Split Personality[/B] Panda Power try their hardest but they're just no match for Split Personality. Dean Daniels nails Panda Mask II with a Cradle Piledriver and picks up the win for his team. [B][COLOR="red"]o[/COLOR] Dean Daniels{W} & Insane Machine defeated Panda Mask II{L} & Hijo del Panda Mask [COLOR="Blue"]x[/COLOR] (14:20 - Cradle Piledriver) D[/B] [B][U]Slap![/U][/B] After the match, Dean Daniels viciously attacks the Pandas. Daniels demands that Insane Machine join in on the attack but he refuses. Dean Daniels slaps his partner across his face, calling him a coward. Insane Machine clinches his fist as if he's about to strike back but he decides against it and just walks away. [B]Rating: D-[/B] vs [B]Match 2: Silver Shark, Japanese Phoenix & Hypnos vs UK Dragon, Evil Spirit & Beetle Kimura[/B] Tons of high flying action from Japanese Phoenix and Hypnos, impressing the crowd with their WLW debut. Silver Shark and UK Dragon get each other in various submission holds with neither man getting the clear advantage. Hypnos applies the Cyclops Clutch on Beetle Kimura, forcing him to tap-out quickly. [B][COLOR="Red"]o[/COLOR] Silver Shark, Japanese Phoenix & Hypnos{W} defeated UK Dragon, Evil Spirit & Beetle Kimura{L} [COLOR="blue"]x[/COLOR] (14:34 - Cyclops Clutch) D-[/B] [B][U]Tap-Out Challenge[/U][/B] UK Dragon seemed to be extremely angry after suffering another loss. Dragon grabs a microphone and challenges Silver Shark to a Submission match for his Tap-Out Championship, he warns him that this will be his last title shot. [B]Rating: D-[/B] vs [B]Match 3: Awesome Thunder vs Magnum KOBE[/B] Both men put on a wrestling clinic. Magnum KOBE looked strong in this match, showing tons of fighting spirit by not backing down from Awesome Thunder. KOBE gets hit with the Thunder Driver, keeping him down for a 3 count. [B][COLOR="red"]o[/COLOR] Awesome Thunder{W} defeated Magnum KOBE{L} [COLOR="Blue"]x[/COLOR] (25:04 - Thunder Driver) C[/B] vs [B]Match 4: White Samurai vs Toyokuni Hardcore[/B] Samurai tries to impress us with some quick offensive moves but Toyokuni quickly turns this match into an all-out brawl. After missing a shoulder block in the corner, Toyokuni Hardcore turns right into White Samurai's Art of War. Samurai covers his opponent for an easy 3-count. [B][COLOR="Red"]o[/COLOR] White Samurai{W} defeated Toyokuni Hardcore{L} [COLOR="blue"]x[/COLOR] (19:35 - The Art of War) D[/B] vs [B]Match 5: The Circle of Blood vs Power Trip & Emerald Angel[/B] Both teams came out of this match looking great. Power Trip and the Avalanche Effect brawled into the crowd, knocking over fans and chairs in the process. This left Emerald Angel and Dark Eagle alone in the ring, Angel showed tons of heart, hitting various near falls. In the end, Dark Eagle nails Emerald Angel with the Eagle Shock to win the match. [B][COLOR="red"]o[/COLOR] Dark Eagle{W}, The Incredible KOYAMA & KOKI Ishibashi defeated Haru Kurofuji, Koji Kojima & Emerald Angel{L} [COLOR="Blue"]x[/COLOR] (19:39 - Eagle Shock) C[/B] vs [B][COLOR="blue"]Match 6: Lights Out Match for the Streetfighting Championship[/COLOR] Hell Monkey(c) defends against The Great Hisato[/B] Both men stand toe-to-toe with each other, exchanging stiff forearm shots to the side of the head. Neither man shows any sign of weakness, nailing each other as hard as they possibly can. Hisato runs into the ropes, trying to get some momentum, Hell Monkey see's him coming and Overhead Suplexs him. The Great Hisato rolls to the outside, trying to catch his breath, Hell Monkey dives ontop of him with a Suicide Dive. Both men collide with the steal guardrails. Hell Monkey grabs a chair but Hisato Superkicks it into his face. It seems as if Hell Monkey is busted open. Hisato gets ontop of him and starts to pound away at his bloody forehead. Hisato tries to ram Hell Monkey's head into the turnbuckle pole but the Streetfighting Champion blocks it, Hell Monkey drives his opponents head into the pole. It now looks as if Great Hisato is bleeding as well. The challenger finds a chair and slams it across Monkey's mid-section then smashes it across his back. The Great Hisato clears the announcers table then attempts to German Suplex Hell Monkey off of the apron and through the table. Monkey blocks it, he elbows his way out of danger. Hell Monkey grabs ahold of Hisato and puts him through the table with a Belly-to-Back Suplex. Both men lay motionless. The referee starts to count both men out, they have a count of 10 to get to their feet. Hell Monkey gets to his feet first and slides into the ring, The Great Hisato gets to his feet by the 9 count and rolls into the ring as well. Both men go back to exchanging strikes. Hell Monkey finds some fire, nails Hisato with a knife edge chop to the side of his neck then charges at him, Hisato kicks him across the face with a Yakuza Kick. The Great Hisato hits a flurry of kicks to Hell Monkey's head, kicking him as hard as he possibly can. Hell Monkey looks as if he's knocked out. 1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... 6.... 7.... 8.... 9.... 1...Hell Monkey gets up to a knee.... The Great Hisato grabs Monkey's head then kicks him with a stiff Soccer Kick. Hell Monkey falls over. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10... Hell Monkey was unable to beat the 10 count. [B][COLOR="Red"]o[/COLOR] The Great Hisato{W} defeated Hell Monkey{L} [COLOR="blue"]x[/COLOR] for the Streetfighting Championship (29:45 - Soccer Kick Knock Out) C+[/B] [QUOTE][B]Quick Results:[/B] Split Personality def. Panda Power Silver Shark, Hypnos & Japanese Phoenix def. UK Dragon, Evil Spirit & Beetle Kimura Awesome Thunder def. Magnum KOBE White Samurai def. Toyokuni Hardcore The Circle of Blood def. Power Trip & Emerald Angel The Great Hisato def. Hell Monkey to win the Streetfighting Championship [/QUOTE] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="2"]World Level Wrestling presents...[/SIZE] [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]Cats say the Darndest Thangs Tour! Day #2[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] The Submission Challenge has been accepted, Silver Shark has informed WLW offices that he's willing to fight UK Dragon for his Tap-Out Championship in what could be his very last title shot. "I believe I can beat UK Dragon, all I need is one last opportunity. If I leave empty handed then I don't deserve another title shot.", Silver Shark told local news reporters. It's no secret that Dark EAGLE was very dissapointed in Magnum KOBE's loss. The Universal Champion has informed us that Awesome Thunder's next opponent will be KOKI Ishibashi. EAGLE has promised us a win for the Circle of Blood. [B][U]Prediction Key:[/U][/B] 1.Hijo del Panda Mask w/Panda Mask II vs Dean Daniels w/Insane Machine 2.Japanese Phoenix & Hypnos vs Evil Spirit & Ketsueki Karasu 3.Awesome Thunder vs KOKI Ishibashi 4.White Samurai vs Magnum KOBE 5.Haru Kurofuji & Koji Kojima vs Dark EAGLE & The Incredible KOYAMA 6.[B]Do or Die Submission Match for the Tap-Out Title:[/B] UK Dragon(c) defends against Silver Shark[/CENTER]
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