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New Universal Background

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Ok, so I've decided to concoct a new background for TEW when 08 is released. However, unlike Kyky, CVBG, Crychon Cage, Bobinc, etc. (all of which I love) this background will be in DOTT tradition, in that instead of cutting a wrestler out it will be more of a photo. I've decided to do this because after getting back into DOTT, I've fallen in love with that image style. It's also worth noting that this image type allows for a lot more diversity in the shots you can use and makes it easier to find picture worthy cuts of guys from different points in their careers, different gimmicks, etc. So, my thread is started to ask if anyone has any ideas first. Secondly, to gage the interest level from the community. I've already committed to working on it to help out with a mod that will be released for 08 with a projected 1300 workers or so. Please give your input. For those who haven't seen DOTT type photos, here is one: [IMG]http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/DOTT/BradArmstrong_tex.jpg[/IMG] I hope to make something a little less dark, and I intend to make the worker photo slightly larger. Current dimensions are 100x110, and I'm thinking something more like 125x135 or so. Haven't figure it out entirely. Edit: One of my reasons for this is that with TEW 08 it appears we'll have one image folder. This will allow me to do cuts of all workers on one bg from all eras and have it in one folder.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;391293]Question is, will all the cut addicted masses take to it? Hopefully people will see the light, especially with the universal pic folder '08 will employ for like databases.[/QUOTE] Probably not. I mean, I like Kyky a lot personally as my photobucket will indicate. This pic type is for some and not for others. I think a lot of people will grow to like it though once they see how easy it will be to keep updated pics for all their workers.
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i personally don't like KyKy any more, but because of the sheer amount of cuts that i have personally on that background, coupled with the constant stream of new cuts being put out on the background as well, it means people will forever be wanting pics on KyKy. I would love to see a new background take off and become a brand new favourite, but it's the thing of, would someone be willing to convert over 10,000 images from KyKy onto a new background? Whichever way we look at it unfortunately, KyKy came at the right time, and everyone now somewhere within their people folders have that background, so it's going to be very hard to convince people to change over.
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Just a random thought but... wouldn't it be cool if the next TEW worked pictures a little differently.. like once you make the cut of the character, you can just import it in with a transparent background and then have another space for what background picture you want to use.. that would save a lot of time on cuts.. yessir, and it would be even cooler if you can pick different ones to be wrestler specific..
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I don't understand what is so hard about cutting pics. Once you do it if you do right you can make it super easy to put them on any background your heart desires. I think I have 5-6 files and between them are about 4000 wrestlers without backgrounds.
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[QUOTE=bobinc;391441]I don't understand what is so hard about cutting pics. Once you do it if you do right you can make it super easy to put them on any background your heart desires. I think I have 5-6 files and between them are about 4000 wrestlers without backgrounds.[/QUOTE] Yeah, but not every worker has a photo floating around of them which is high enough quality to make a decent cut. The DOTT style pics look much better for lower quality pics and black and white pics, are quicker to make and have an audience too. I like justtxyank's pics personally and if he doesn't get around to doing some worker who is in whatever mod I am playing, it's much easier for someone like me (talentless cutter) to make a picture myself and stick it in there.
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You know... I can't freaking stand the standard backdrop pics. Hate 'em. Always have, always will. Any wrestler I hire in-game, I go on-line and find a photo of them in real 3D surroundings. I get more interesting poses that way, and I don't get tired of looking at the same bloody background all the time. So, yeah. I'd replace my current pic pack in a heartbeat.
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[QUOTE=bobinc;391441]I don't understand what is so hard about cutting pics. Once you do it if you do right you can make it super easy to put them on any background your heart desires. I think I have 5-6 files and between them are about 4000 wrestlers without backgrounds.[/QUOTE] unless you're a DOTT mod player, I doubt the rest would "convert". There's various different bgs out there now. Some like certain ones, others still prefer the kyky bg.
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This sounds like a good idea. I always preferred the DOTT picture cuts anyway. They are much less time consuming to produce en masse. I think, however, that you should retain a darker background for your new cuts. As a bright background may conflict with the wrestler image. A dark blue or grey will allow it to stand out more.
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