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NYCW: The Buyout

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[I]Taken from [url]www.NYCWREVIEWER.com[/url][/I] [SIZE="5"][B]NYCW Rush Hour[/B][/SIZE] Att: 300 Jan. 2007 [B]Rock Downpour[/B] and [B]Herb Stately[/B] open the show talking about the upcoming main event between [B]Daniel Bling[/B] (formerly Grandmaster Phunk) and [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]. They welcome the crowd to “The New NYCW”, whatever that’s supposed to mean. The camera pans across the crowd where the split between the old school NYCW fans and the new Disney fans is obvious. Rating: C [B]Sign of the night:[/B] Some guy who is either an old school NYCW fan or a pedophile (I assume the former) had a sign that said “NYCW: Not Your Children’s Wrestling”. Bravo, sir. Very creative. [B]Wiley Coyote defeated The Sting[/B] in 5:26 when Coyote Dynamite defeated Roger Dodger by pinfall with a Spinebuster. Wiley Coyote make defense number 1 of their NYCW Tag Team titles. For those of you who didn’t see the match… thank God. Remember how we heard about the “character makeover”? Yeah, well, Sammy The Shark was dressed up AS a shark. And not even in a cool way like Silver Shark over in WLW. I’m talking about a costume you’d expect to see in a Disney amusement park. Roger Dodger couldn’t keep a straight face as they walked down the ramp. Sammy looked humiliated. I will say this though, he is looking good out there regardless. Wiley Coyote defended their titles. Rating: E [B]Steve Flash defeated Elijah Harris[/B] in 6:50 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defense number 1 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title. A good match. Steve Flash really knows how to deliver but it was overshadowed by the fact that the “creative geniuses” from Disney decided to give Flash this obnoxious red jumpsuit that made him look like some sort of weird ass cosmonaut from the 3rd millennium. At least he didn’t have a huge foam alien costume…. Rating: D- The lights dim and a song that seems vaguely familiar starts to play. It sounds like pop, but I’m sure I’ve heard before, either while being tortured or in a nightmare. Pyro explodes from the ramp and standing at the top is…. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.aolcdn.com/red_galleries/zac-efron-400ds0814.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Oh God… it’s [B]Zac Efron[/B]. Yeah, the guy from High School Musical who thinks he can sing… God damn it. I’m going to get a drink… Whatever, the segment is over but here’s what I gathered after my shot. Zac was talking about how since he’s graduated high school, he wants to fulfill his dreams and whatnot. The young fans eat it up while you can hear the older fans booing loudly. Zac then goes on to say that three of his friends will be there next month and the young fans completely mark out. He then talks about how he intends to be a big part of the company. Finally, that Bullet For My Valentine song came on and the old crowd marked out for [B]Isaac Storm[/B] as he walked down to the ring, dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt which read “NYCW Original”. Isaac asked who he thought he was just going to the ring with a mic. Zac replied that he’d been signed by Disney and sent here. Zac continues to say that he will realize his dream and not only become the Empire Champion, but bring joy to the children of the world. Isaac’s reaction to that was perfect it was like he just drank sour milk, but soon turns serious when Zac says that Isaac’s time at the top of the mountain terrorizing people is over. Rating: B- [B]Whistler defeated Honest Frank[/B] in 9:53 by pinfall with a Rebel Yell. Whistler looked horrible out there, but I can’t really blame him after everything that’s happened so far. Whistler got the pinfall after a decent match. Rating: E+ “[B]Daniel Bling[/B]” is backstage dressed in his ring gear which is a modest silver with black stripe. The Ebonics is gone from his voice and he speaks in proper English. He cuts a promo talking about how he recently made a lot of money on… of course! Wall Street! He then talks about how with the new money comes a new responsibility and he will exercise it against [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]. Even though I’m not to hot on this new gimmick… he knows how to cut a promo. Rating: C [B]Daniel Bling defeated Black Hat Bailey[/B] in 12:48 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. Daniel Bling makes defense number 1 of his NYCW Empire title. Isaac was right; he wouldn’t sacrifice quality because of Disney. This main event proved it. A good old school wrestling match between two grizzled veterans. Danny managed to win by holding onto the ropes while pinning BHB. Good, I don’t think a face Daniel Bling would’ve been a good idea. Rating: C- Show Rating: D+ Final Thoughts: Disney is making their presence felt. It’s subtle but I’m worried that it might get more and more as the months go on.
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[QUOTE=mad5226;392078]wow zac efferon... i can already see hannah montana making an entrance.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Sonfaro;392015]I don't know whether to laugh or cry. This is going to be fun. Although if they make you hire that Hannah Montana girl, then all hope is lost. :( - Sonfaro[/QUOTE] Haha, why all the hate for Hannah (other than the obvious list of reasons?) Unfortunately, she's Disney's current biggest star. [QUOTE=Dragonmack;392092]I am voting for the surprise return of the ATHF!! :D[/QUOTE] I actually thought about that when I gave him that costume! Trust me, I reread your diary (took me a long ass time) so it was kind of in the back of my mind.
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[I]Taken From [url]www.NYCWREVIEWER.com[/url][/I] [SIZE="5"][B]NYCW Fallen Warriors[/B][/SIZE] ATT: 300 Feb. 2007 [B]Rock Downpour[/B] and [B]Herb Stately[/B] welcome the fans to NYCW Fallen Warriors. They hype tonights main event of [B]Daniel Bling[/B] against [B]Rick Sanders[/B] and go on to hype up Zac Efron to the point where I just wanted to shut my live cast off. I don't care how lucky I am to have gotten one. Rating: D [B]American Machine defeated Elijah Harris[/B] in 3:38 by pinfall. Decent opening match, giving American Machine some momentum obviously. He puts away Elijah Harris with not much of a problem. Rating: E+ [B]Steve Flash defeated Sammy The Shark[/B] in 11:52 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defence number 2 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title. Good match. Very good match. Though, with Steve Flash in it, it's no surprise. He made Sammy look good (though Sammy does that on his own too) and sold his offense. Flash looked strong in the end though, knocking out the Flash Bang. Rating: D After that great match, of course Disney has to send out his poster boy, [B]Zac Efron[/B]. What would a show be without Zac? Zac says that he brought three of his friends to NYCW, as if just him wasn't enough. Those friends? [CENTER][IMG]http://mog.com/pictures/wikipedia/4593415/JonasBrothers.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Of course! [B]The Jonas Brothers[/B]! Obviously they'd be here. The show was actually good so far. Rating: B [B]The Jonas Brothers[/B] thank Zac and then play their "hit song" "SOS" in the ring. Preteen girls went crazy while NYCW fans went to the bathroom. Rating: B [B]Isaac Storm drew with Whistler[/B] in 9:34 due to ref stoppage I'm happy Isaac's back in the ring, putting on good matches. Whistler and Isaac sold each other great and had the NYCW fans on their feet the whole time. Near the end, [B]Zac Efron[/B] ran in and attacked Isaac. This was weird as the Disney fans seemed to cheer this and the NYCW fans booed. The ref called for the bell as Whistler tried to get Zac off Isaac. Rating: C The crowd went silence and then the NYCW fans erupted in cheers. The camera caught a glimpse of a man with a chair. He slides into the ring and smacks Zac in the back with the chair. Once, twice then three times. He helps Isaac up and it's none other than [B]Lee Wright[/B]! Wait... I thought he was on strike... what the hell is going on? Rating: C- [B]Daniel Bling defeated Rick Sanders[/B] in 10:57 by pinfall. Daniel Bling makes defence number 2 of his NYCW Empire title. Decent match, though after seeing Isaac and Whistler, you have to be a little disappointed in this match. Nonetheless, it was a good match and Sanders put on a good show. Rating: D Show Rating: D+ Final Thoughts: Jonas Brothers? Boo. Zac Efron? Boo. Lee Wright coming out of no where and beating the hell out of Zac? Hell yeah.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Press Conference [/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://photos-a.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v64/217/124/1226190601/n1226190601_30156556_9987.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="1"][CENTER]Isaac Storm Answers Questions[/CENTER][/SIZE] Storm: OK, I called this press conference together to get some things straight about what has happened and to put everything on the record. [I]Reporters snap pictures as other clamor for a pen and pad.[/I] Storm: First of all, we are very thankful hat Mr. Efron has not pressed charges against Lee Wright after the assault last month. We apologize that such a situation materialized, though we DO ask for the public's support as we go through these growing pains. It's not easy to assimilate to new management and this is no different. Storm: Secondly, to address the rumors that I am quitting, the answer is no. I have two years left on my contract and I will not leave NYCW at the least, until those two years are up. I don't know how that got started, but I've been receiving a lot of mail regarding it. Storm: Next month at "Redemption", instead of having the Crucifixion Match like we would usually do, I've decided to make an open-weight battle royale and the winner gets a shot at Steve Flash's Tri-State Regional Title on the next show. Storm: As for the rest of the card, I will be facing Rick Sanders and Black Hat Bailey will get one more shot at the Empire Title against Daniel Bling. Now, are there any other questions? [I]A young girl raises her hand. Isaac reluctantly calls on her.[/I] Storm: Yes? Girl: I'm Melissa Hart, with Radion Disney- Storm: I kind of figured. Girl: My question is, when will we see Zac Efron in the ring? Storm: Honestly? When he decides to stop being a coward and go toe to toe with someone who might smash his pretty little face in. That's when. Next. [I]A man in the back stands up.[/I] Man: I'm Marcus Rio with the Unofficial NYCW Newsletter. What is the state of the locker room like. Storm: When it comes to connecting with the fans, I'm an honest man. The locker room has been better, I wont lie. After all, we saw what Lee Wright did. I'm sure though that we can all come to an agreement to what direction this company should go in. Yeah, little Disney girl. Girl:Will the Jonas Brothers be playing any of their new songs in the coming shows? Storm: Does it really matter? All their songs sound the same. Honestly. Listen to them and tell me I'm wrong. Their entire discography is just one big cliche. Girl: Follow up. Storm: Go ahead... Girl: Do you have any big stars who'll make guest appearances? Storm: No, because Disney wont let us work in conjunction with DAVE. I wanted to bring Johnny Martin or... [I]The girl looks confused.[/I] Storm: Who do you want to see? Hannah Montana? [I]The girl looks happy. Isaac covers his face.[/I] Storm: God damn it... OK, that's it. Thanks for coming.
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[SIZE="4"][B]NYCW Redemption[/B][/SIZE] ATT: 300 Mar. 2007 A video package is played to open the show, playing clips of [B]Zac Efron[/B] in High School Musical 2 and from the past 2 months. Surprisingly, they showed Lee's attack, making Zac out to be a victim. Rating: B+ [B]American Machine won a battle royal in 10:06.[/B] A decent battle royal that gives American Machine some much needed momentum. The man is a beast and I'm surprised that he wasn't given a push to the main event. He eliminated [B]Land Mass[/B] of all people last and will fight Steve Flash for the Tri-State Regional belt next month. Rating: E+ [B]The Jonas Brothers[/B] play a cover of KISS' "Rock 'N Roll All Night". It was horrible. But the disney fans loved it. Rating: B After the set, [B]Isaac Storm[/B] runs from the crowd and beats down [B]The Jonas Brothers[/B], destroying their instruments after laying them out. Isaac grabs a mic and tells them the crowd that he wants [B]Zac Efron[/B] in a special match that he will announce next month. He got the suspected reaction. Boos from Disney fans and cheers from NYCW fans. Then, Zac himself walks out and says that first Isaac must prove himself by facing one of Zac's friends next week. The Disney fans cheer, leaving me wondering who he could possibly be friends with... Isaac then responds that Rick was injured the previous day in a freak gardening accident and could not be at the show. He then issues an open challenge to the locker room. "Fortunate Son" hits and [B]Whistler[/B] walks out carrying the American Flag, getting a nice pop from the NYCW fans. Rating: C [B]Whistler defeated Isaac Storm in 10:58 by pinfall[/B] A great match that showcased both men's talents. Whistler looks good for a man past forty and manages to keep up with the younger Storm. The crowd erupts into a chorus of cheers and boos as [CENTER][IMG]http://www.backcloths.com/images/mickey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Micky Mouse[/B] runs into the ring and hits Isaac with what looked like a scepter. Suddenly out of nowhere a [B]rabid fan[/B] jumps the barricade and has to be subdued by security before he could jump into the ring. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/03_02/drogba20_468x402.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] He was escorted out, screaming obcenities towards Micky. Micky Mouse takes off his head as Whistler gets the pin revealing [B]Zac Efron[/B]. Rating: C- [B]Daniel Bling defeated Black Hat Bailey in 14:21 by pinfall[/B] Bailey doesn't have much time left. He was tired after only a few minutes but still pulled out a decent effort against Bling. Danny won the match cleanly, I guess putting an end to Bailey's championship run. After the match, the lights go out. When they turn back on, the American flag is affixed to a ring post. Bling looks at the ramp and sees [B]Whistler[/B] beckoning for the belt. Rating: D+ Show Rating: D+ Final Thoughts: Zac Efron has friends? They must be clones of himself or something. Whistler/Bling looks to be good and I'm actually excited to hear what the match will be for Efron/Storm.
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  • 3 weeks later...
[I]A/N: Sorry about the lack of updates. Personal real life stuff came up.[/I] [SIZE="4"][B]NYCW Zero Hour Card[/B][/SIZE] Lee Wright vs. Land Mass NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote (c) vs. The Sting NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match: Steve Flash (c) vs. American Machine Isaac Storm vs. Zac's Friend
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[B]Lee Wright[/B] vs. Land Mass [I]Land Mass is utterly, totally worthless. Seriously, can him already.[/I] NYCW Tag Team Title Match: [B]Wiley Coyote (c) [/B]vs. The Sting [I]Dodger isn't much better than Land Mass, in all honesty, and costs a lot more than he's worth[/I] NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match: [B]Steve Flash (c)[/B] vs. American Machine [I]Isn't this face/face? They don't work too good in NYCW, unless something's changed here. Anyway, Flash is better than Machine, so he takes it.[/I] Isaac Storm vs. [B]Zac's Friend[/B] [I]If it is Donald Duck, then he will squash you like a bug. If not, then it's probabyl gonna be by inteference[/I]
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