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SOTBPW: Mucha Lucha!

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[SIZE="6"]South of the Border Pro Wrestling: Under New Management?[/SIZE] Since it’s foundation in 1998, South of the Border Pro Wrestling has been widely recognised as one of the ‘Big Three’ promotions in Mexico, boasting it’s own TV show on Los Deporte Hoy and one of the biggest stars in Mexico in the form of Champagne Lover. Now, 15 months short of their tenth anniversary, the company have announced that they will be undergoing a period of ‘creative renewal’ [COLOR="Sienna"]“As most of our fans will be aware, since the draft in 2005 SOTBPW has been booked by ‘The Priest of Pain’ Pablo Rodriguez”[/COLOR] announced SOTBPW owner Jorge Ibanez in a statement read out today at a packed press conference [COLOR="sienna"]“Pablo’s done a great job, and we really have no issue with the way things have been run during his tenure as booker here. However, with the promotion’s tenth anniversary looming, it was decided that a new creative director was required to help the promotion develop further”[/COLOR] That new ‘creative director’? None other than English wrestling legend ‘High Flying’ Adam Reeves. Reeves, widely recognised as the first British Wrestler to work in Mexico, and one of the first non-Mexican luchadores, has been living in Mexico since he retired in the year 2000 at the age of 46, due to the wear and tear of accumulated injuries. A former worker with OLLIE and GCG in Japan, Reeves has promised that his regime will maintain continuity with Rodriguez’ whenever possible. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Pablo’s done a fantastic job for the last hear and a half, and it would be just stupid to make any major changes at this stage” [/COLOR]announced Reeves at the press conference [COLOR="darkorange"]“I can, however, announce that I’m looking at adding to the SOTBPW roster. Right now, we’re in negotiation to bring names like Canadian Dragon, Black Eagle and Tempest Appleby into the promotion, plus homegrown names like Velocidad and Amo Del Gato. Of course nothing is set in stone at this stage, but I’m hopeful that some or all of these names can help us take South of the Border Pro Wrestling to the level where it receives the same kind of recognition as Japanese Companies like Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods or INSPIRE”[/COLOR] Dansigny has been outspoken in the past about his desire to get Mexican Wrestling the same kind of recognition as Japanese wrestling has received, is undoubtedly passionate about his job, but questions remain over his abilities, as he has never booked so major a promotion. His first major test will be 2007’s first episode of SOTBPW Lucha Libre, broadcast at 8:00 Fridays on Les Deporte Hoy. Advertised so far are: Hysteria vs. Charron [I]The Psychopathic Campeón de Menor faces off against the heroic Charron for his title. Will Charron be able to end Hysteria’ reign of evil, or will the powers of evil prevail?[/I] Verdugo Estupendo, Pirata Malvado and Junior Youth vs. Blood Raven, Mexican Beast and Mexican Ghoul [I]La Alianza Del Terror have announced that they are seeking a new member, and Junior Youth is the first applicant as he joins Pirata Malvado and Verdugo Estupendo in an attempt to unseat The Redemption as Campeónes de Trios. Will Youth prove the X factor, or will righteousness win out?[/I] Los Sickness vs. Los Jóvenes [I]The Tijuana Vampire and Enrique ‘The Virus’ Merino have reigned supreme as Campeónes de Parejas for some months now, and the youngsters of Los Jóvenes will be attempting to unseat them. Who will carry the day?[/I] Champagne Lover and Axxis Jnr vs. El Demonio and Mario Heroic [I]SOTBPW’s two biggest stars will face off against each other as the leader of La Alianza Del Terror El Demonio battles Champagne Lover. In Demonio’s corner is the mysterious Mario Heroic, whilst Champagne Lover will be joining forces with the Iron Luchadore Axxis Jnr. In this ultimate battle of good and evil, can the tecnicos start 2007 as they hope to go on, or will the powers of evil prove too strong for them? [/I]
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[B]Hysteria[/B] vs. Charron [I]Charron sucks job him out to everyone you can then fire him[/I]. [B]Verdugo Estupendo, Pirata Malvado and Junior Youth[/B] vs. Blood Raven, Mexican Beast and Mexican Ghoul [I]La Alianza Del Terror will take a lot of wins before a big event and will probably even take a few big event wins before The Redemption can overcome them.[/I] [B]Los Sickness[/B] vs. Los Jóvenes [I]Los Jovenes just isn't ready for any big wins and Los Sickness is a big win.[/I] Champagne Lover and Axxis Jnr vs. [B]El Demonio and Mario Heroic[/B] [I]This will be a good match up but El Demonio and Mario Heroic will take a tainted win.[/I]
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[FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="6"]SOTBPW Lucha Libre[/SIZE][/FONT] Coming to you from the Auditorio del Estado, to a sold-out crowd of 2,000 people in the building. No pre-show, since we needed to fill 120 minutes of TV time with 90% matches. I’ll see if I can’t sort that out after the show. [B]Canadian Dragon vs. Cyclone[/B] Dragon came straight into the midcard (he’s still familiar from his time here a couple of years ago), so I put him over Cyclone in the opening match. Not too terrible, I guess, and Eduardo did a good job playing up CanDrag’s history and ‘cheat to win’ ethos, but I thought this could’ve been better. [B]Winner:[/B] Canadian Dragon [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]D-[/I] [B]Rebelde Loco vs. Tempest Appleby[/B] My other new signing was on display here, jobbing to Rebelde Loco. This match was better than the opener, but Mario was struggling to keep up here, which was extremely disappointing: this was the second match on the card, for heaven’s sake! [B]Winner:[/B] Rebelde Loco, by two straight falls [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]D[/I] We then see El Demonio and Mario Heroic, on hype duty for the main event. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Champagne Lover, Axxis Jr…tonight, you witness the beginning of the end. Tonight, you witness the beginning of a new era in SOTBPW, the era of La Alianza del Terror. Champagne Lover, when I pin your shoulders to the mat 1-2-3, not once but twice, you will realise that nothing you can do will stop me. I will take you championship belt, you spirit and you soul. Nothing can withstand the power of darkness. Abandon all hope, Champagne Lover…for you face El Demonio.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Mario Heroic will destroy you both, for I am the greatest wrestler to step inside the ring. Do not stand in my way.[/COLOR] Not at all bad. I get the feeling it would have been even better if the crowd was more accustomed to seeing promo’s and other angles. [B]Rating:[/B] [I]C[/I] [B]Hysteria vs. Charron[/B] This match sucked. Okay, so it was no worse than the opener, but Hysteria’s a champion, and he should be better than this. I’m not quite sure what went wrong here: there was no bad chemistry, and Eduardo did a good job putting in some history for these guys, but it just didn’t work. [B]Winner: [/B]Hysteria, by two falls to one [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]D-[/I] [B]The Redemption (Blood Raven, Mexican Ghost and Mexican Ghoul) vs. La Alianza Del Terror (Verdugo Estupendo and Pirata Malvado) and Junior Youth[/B] This was a fun clusterf*ck of a match. Six men, all absolutely determined to get their spots in, led to a total spotfest, although I’d worked out a script with them in advance to help them put it in context. There was a lot of improvement here too: Ghoul unleashed a barrage of impressive clotheslines at one point, and the spot where he applied an armbar to Pirata Malvado in mid-air was pure awesomeness. Mexican Beast worked a couple of good mat-based spots in too, and just about everybody improved their performance skills. Things just got more madcap at the finish when Gonzalo Rubio made a run in to attack Junior Youth (remember the whole ‘auditioning new member’ story? We had the story that Rubio was deliberately spoiling Youth’s chances so that Rubio could get the spot), before Blood Raven capitalised with an armbar on Youth for the win. [B]Winner:[/B] The Redemption [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]D+[/I] [B]Los Sickness (Tijuana Vampire and Enrique Merino) vs. Los Jóvenes (Leon Jóven and El Diamante Azul)[/B] Have you ever heard of Tank Bradley? He’s this American worker who is legendary for being cr*p. Well, Leon makes him look like Dan Stone Junior. Seriously, there is no upside whatsoever to him, as was shown by his poor performance tonight: he gimped it out there, and was gasping for breath by half way through (although to be fair this was a long match for us). What’s worse, Diamante, who’s not actually that bad, was off form tonight, dragging it down even further. So it’s a bloody good thing that Los Sickness brought their A game out tonight. Seriously, they looked so damn good out there: the taunting, the threatening, the incredible double teams: Los Sickness saved this match. Of course, Hidalgo couldn’t keep up at all, which spoiled things. [B]Winners:[/B] Los Sickness [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]D+[/I] After the match, Los Sickness add insult to injury by laying it their foes with a vengeance. And this didn’t go over well: evidently the crowd aren’t into angles for the lower card workers. [B]Rating:[/B] [I]E[/I] We go backstage, so the Tecnicos can hype the main event. [COLOR="Green"]El Demonio! Mario Heroic! You can stand there and talk all you like about the power of darkness and the reign of darkness like a couple of gringo’s locos, but I have news for you…You're Gonna Get Your Ass Kicked Tonight! You’re not just facing the Party Animal Champagne Lover, you’re not just up against The Iron Luchadore Axxis Jnr, you’re up against two thousand screaming fans! We’re gonna put you down, we’re gonna watch you drown, then We’re Gonna Rock and Roll All Nite and Party Every Day! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Mario Heroic, El Demonio, I’ll ask you just one question: can you keep up with the Iron Luchadore?[/COLOR] Alright, so our crowd doesn’t expect angles: doesn’t mean they don’t love Champagne Lover, and he definitely kicked it up a notch tonight. [B]Rating: [/B][I]B[/I] [B]Champagne Lover and Axxis Jr vs. El Demonio and Mario Heroic[/B] This is a classic example of how a good match can be dragged down by incompetent announcing: Mateo was lost here, and even Eduardo wasn’t great: he was doing his usual history stuff, but it was coming in at all the wrong points, and taking away from the action rather than adding to it. Still, the action was pretty damn good if you muted the sound: the rudos took the first fall with some impressively dirty tactics, before the técnicos made the traditional storming comeback in the second fall. Then we had the usual action packed third fall that ended when Heroic hit Axxis Jr with an illicit piledriver (which is just about as evil as you can get in Mexico), before El Demonio rolled up Champagne Lover and got the win. [B]Winners:[/B] El Demonio and Mario Heroic [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]C[/I] [B]Overall Rating:[/B] [I]C-[/I], enough to get out names more out there, but we can do much better.
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