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WWE: How It Could Be

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[B]Monday, Week 2, May, 2008[/B] [IMG]http://pauked.com/blog/files/WWE_2DRaw_2DLogo.jpg[/IMG] [I]We kick off this evening's show with the Intercontinental Champion on the way to the ring for his Championship match. He is soon joined by the man who will wrestle Chavo Guerrero at Judgment Day, Randy Orton.[/I] [B]WWE Intercontinental Championhip: Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho (c)[/B] These two competitors shake hands before the title match begins as the athletes show their respect towards each other. Orton grounds Jericho in a headlock for the majority of the match-up, and soon gains the crowd's boos as they cheer for Jericho, as he begins to battle back. Jericho is building momentum and is about to signal for the Codebreaker before Shawn Michaels enters the ring, and hits both men with Superkicks, as the referee rings the bell. [B]This Match is a DRAW at 15.11 due to Interference for the Double DQ[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]We cut backstage to see Todd Grisham standing by with Funaki, the SmackDown! Superstar:[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Funaki it's great to see you here on RAW, and tonight, for one night only, you will battle Santino Marella. How do you feel about this? [B]Funaki:[/B] Santino is the Number One Contender with Carlito for the Tag Championships. I can beat him though. [B]Todd:[/B] Well Funaki I certainly hope everything goes OK for you in your match, which is coming up next. [I]Funaki looks awkwardly at Todd Grisham, but looks confident enough as we head to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Funaki versus Santino Marella[/B] This match is very one-sided at first, with Carlito looking on from ringside laughing as his partner does damage to the SmackDown! cruiserweight. Eventually, Funaki begins to mount a come-back, at one point knocking Santino out of the ring. Funaki follows Santino out of the ring and the two battle around the announce table. Carlito, when the referee isn't looking, spits apple in Funaki's face, whilst Santino is down. The referee counts to ten as both men can't reach the count. [B]This Match is a DRAW after a Double-Count-Out at 15.22[/B] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]We cut backstage to see the former Tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch:[/I] [B]Murdoch:[/B] Did you see what I did to Jericho last week? I really think I could be getting a title shot soon, Lance. [B]Cade:[/B] There you go again. Thinking about yourself. I've got to wrestle John Cena next and all you can think about is you. You haven't got the look to achieve anything here in the WWE. [I]Just as Murdoch is about to reply JBL comes out of nowhere and knocks Murdoch down with a huge clothesline. Lance Cade walks away from JBL, leaving his partner on the floor. JBL looks into the camera:[/I] [B]JBL:[/B] All that matters tonight is the Main Event, where I reclaim my Championship. [I]JBL looks down at Murdoch and lets out an eery, toothy grin as we cut to a commercial.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]John Cena versus Lance Cade[/B] Lance Cade comes out by himself for this match, clearly showing little sympathy for the attack that just happened to Trevor Murdoch. Cena looks impressive in this contest, hitting several power moves to Lance Cade. Suddenly though, as if out of nowhere, Cade trips Cena up, knocking Cena's head into the turnbuckle. Cena turns away from the steel as the fans see the blood now erupting from his forehead. Cade rolls Cena up, and holds the tights to gain the cheap victory. [B]Winner in 8.29: Lance Cade[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]We cut backstage to see Todd Grisham standing by with yet another SmackDown! Superstar, this time Montel Vontavious Porter:[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] MVP, what a surprise. Earlier we saw Funaki, and now we get the presence of another SmackDown! Superstar. [B]MVP:[/B] Let's cut to the chase Grisham. Coming up next I'm going to beat one of your RAW jabronis in Hardcore Holly. [B]Todd:[/B] You say he's a jabroni MVP but Hardcore Holly's one half of the World Tag Team Champions. [B]MVP:[/B] You didn't let me finish. At Judgment Day I challenge any of you monkeys from RAW to a match. [I]Jeff Hardy walks past, and the crowd erupt as we haven't seen Jeff Hardy since Wrestlemania. Hardy takes the microphone from Grisham:[/I] [B]Jeff:[/B] You're on Porter. I'm going to beat you at Judgment Day just like my brother beat you to take the US title. [I]The crowd pop for Hardy as MVP smiles, nods his head and walks off, his match is next.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Hardcore Holly versus Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] MVP impresses in his first match on RAW, making an excellent guest appearance. Hardcore Holly however soon shows his toughness and as his protege Cody Rhodes cheers him on from ringside Holly begins to hit MVP with tough chops. Before long Santino and Carlito make their way to the ring, and Carlito spits apple in Cody Rhode's eyes. Holly gets distracted, and MVP is allowed to hit the Playmaker followed by an arrogant cover to win the match. [B]Winner in 8.29: Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]We once again cut backstage following a commercial break to find Ashley standing by with the WWE Womens Champion, Mickie James:[/I] [B]Ashley:[/B] Mickie I wish I was as accomplished as you. You really have done it all here in the WWE. [I]Before Mickie can begin to give advice ECW's Vixen Layla strolls up the two. She looks Ashley in the eyes:[/I] [B]Layla:[/B] You think you can just step over the rest of us? Just because I'm on ECW, doesn't mean I'm not good enough for that title. [B]Ashley:[/B] Yeah, you wanna go do you? Little dancing bitch? Meet me in that ring, I'll show you a thing or two. [I]Mickie soon has to separate the two divas, before they both walk off in preparation, for their match is next.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Ashley versus Layla[/B] Mickie James accompanies Ashley to ringside for this match, and cheers her friend on. The two go at it, pulling eachother's hair and slapping eachother in an extremely physical way, for several minutes. Eventually Ashley regains control of the match-up, hitting several moves from the top rope. Just as she is about to connect with an elbow drop, Layla rolls out of the way. Katie Lea then makes her way to the ring, with her brother Paul Burchill clapping her. Just as she slides into the ring and tries to attack Ashley, Mickie runs up to her and mounts her, connecting with several punches as the referee soon throws the match out. [B]This Match is a DRAW due to Interference for the Double DQ in 15.22[/B] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [I]We now view a split-screen of Triple H and John Bradshaw Layfield. They soon cross paths and stare each-other eye to eye, as the General Manager approaches them:[/I] [B]Regal:[/B] Gentlemen coming up next you battle for the WWE Championship. I'm informing you now that the winner of this match will have to defend your title at Judgment Day against John Cena. [I]The two both look at Regal and accept the proposition, and continue to walk in the same direction towards the ring as we head to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]WWE Championship: Triple H (c) versus John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] These two put on an exceptional television match, with both men trying to use their strength and power over the other. JBL hits clothesline after clothesline on The Game, and several shoulder-blocks. After every one he frantically crawls into the cover, but Triple H kicks out everytime. Within moments of one of these kick-outs, JBL tries to hit Triple H with a Clothesline from Hell, but Hunter ducks and JBL catches the referee. JBL runs at Triple H again, but is soon tripped up when he reaches the ropes. He turns around to find Trevor Murdoch holding his foot. JBL kicks Murdoch off but turns into a Pedigree. Murdoch rushes into the ring to help the referee to his feet, and he counts the cover made by the Game, which reaches three. [B]Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Triple H in 12.18[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]After the conclusion of the match Triple H leaves the ring, shaking hands with Trevor Murdoch before he does so. JBL angrily leaves the ring and grabs a microphone:[/I] [B]JBL:[/B] You're going to pay for that you little bitch. That was my Championship to win, and you damned went and runied it for me. [B]Murdoch:[/B] This goes to show why you shouldn't play bully JBL. I've already spoke to Regal. He said that if you lost this match, I could get my revenge at Judgment Day. [B]JBL:[/B] You really think you can take on me? I'm a former WWE Champion. At Judgment Day, your ass is mine. [I]The two stare eachother down, with JBL in the ring and Murdoch outside it, as the show comes to a close.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Show Rating: C[/B] [B]Current WWE Judgment Day Card:[/B] World Tag Team Titles: Holly & Rhodes (c) versus Santino Marella & Carlito RAW versus ECW: Randy Orton versus Chavo Guerrero WWE Tag Team Titles: Miz & Morrison (c) vs Jesse & Festus vs Yang & Moore World Heavyweight Championship: Edge versus The Undertaker RAW versus SmackDown!: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Jeff Hardy WWE Championship: Triple H (c) versus John Cena Trevor Murdoch versus John Bradshaw Layfield
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[B]Tuesday, Week 2, May, 2008[/B] [I]Linda McMahon is in her office looking over fan reviews from last night's show:[/I] It was nice to see MVP on RAW, and his match against Jeff Hardy should be a cracker. [I]She receives an email, and rushes to the computer to check what it says, and who it is from:[/I] Mrs McMahon, Thank You for all of my oppurtunities these past few years, but I have decided to accept ROH's offer as being a manager is better for me. [B]Linda:[/B] It seems we've lost another diva. Not to worry though we we're building them well. Here's tonight's ECW card: [B][COLOR="Teal"]ECW on Sci-Fi[/COLOR][/B] "Wonder of the World" Chyna versus Kelly Kelly Chavo Guerrero versus Kofi Kingston ECW Championship: Kane versus The Ox
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[B]Tuesday, Week 2, May, 2008[/B] [IMG]http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/brands/0003/0783/brand.gif[/IMG] [I]We kick off tonight's show with the former ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero making his way towards the ring, accompanied by The Ox, for his upcoming match. He is soon joined by his opponent this evening, Kofi Kingston:[/I] [B]Chavo Guerrero versus Kofi Kingston[/B] Chavo does a good job at building momentum before his upcoming inter-promotional match with Randy Orton at Judgment Day. Kingston also impresses following his win over Shelton Benjamin last week. Before long it is evident that The Ox will play a part in this match-up, and he eventually trips Kofi Kingston, allowing Chavo to hit the Gory Bomb followed by a Frogsplash to attain the pinfall victory. [B]Winner in 15.31: Chavo Guerrero[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]We cut backstage to find Chyna, in only her third appearance since returning to the WWE. She walks up towards Jake, who is reading a magazine, minding his own business:[/I] [B]Chyna:[/B] I hear you like this Kelly girl. You know I destroyed her in my first match back? [B]Jake:[/B] She's a nice girl, but I'm sure she can fight her own fights Chyna. You can't try to intimidate me? [I]Chyna laughs at Jake and walks off towards the ring. Her match is up next as we head to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Chyna versus Kelly Kelly[/B] Kelly puts on a valint effort, with the young Brit in her corner, however the power of Chyna is just too much and she dominates her for over ten minutes. At one point, it looks as if Chyna is to pin Kelly and end the match but at the last moment she pulls Kelly up by the scruff of her neck, forcing her to endure more pain before her eventual downfall comes when Chyna hits a huge Powerbomb, finally pinning Kelly to get the three count. [B]Winner in 19.27: Chyna[/B] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]We cut backstage to see CM Punk walking towards Armando Estrada's office. Punk walks through the door:[/I] [B]Estrada:[/B] Eh, Mr. Punk. How are you? I haven't seen you around here for a week or two. [B]Punk:[/B] That's the thing Armando. Since winning the Money In The Bank I haven't been featured much here on ECW. [B]Estrada:[/B] I'll tell you what. I know you have that briefcase, but how about the winner of tonight's title match, you get a shot at their title at Judgment Day, free of charge. No need to cash in the briefcase. [B]Punk:[/B] Wow thanks Mr. Estrada. You know, I can feel the title coming back to me again. [B]Estrada:[/B] Don't thank me kid. Those two are big guys. It's not like you have a chance of winning. [I]Estrada laughs and turns to light a cigar as the fans boo. Punk leaves the room as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]ECW Championship: Kane versus The Ox[/B] The Ox continues to impress in his first Championship match, and continues the shows of strength he has used since his debut on ECW. Before long, Chavo Guerrero walks down towards ringside, and begins to clap his bodyguard, assuming it is merely minutes before the title returns to the Guerrero family. Kane continues to fight back, however, and after a clothesline from the top rope, hits a Chokeslam on the big man to win the match via a pinfall. [B]Winner and STILL ECW Champion in 20.42: Kane[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]Following the conclusion of the match Chavo runs into the ring and directs traffic as The Ox lays the boots to the Big Red Machine. Chavo grabs a microphone from ringside:[/I] [B]Chavo:[/B] You see this? You see this Orton? I hope you're watching because this is going to be you come Judgment Day. [I]Suddenly the Straight Edge Superstar's music hits, and Mr. Money In The Bank runs to ringside. He takes the microphone off of Chavo:[/I] [B]Punk:[/B] That's not going to happen anymore Chavo. You need to realise that you're out of the title picture. I'm the new Number One Contender. [I]Chavo tries to strike Punk with the microphone, but Punk blocks it and strikes Chavo in the head. He then runs into the ring and The Ox soon leaves. Punk and Kane stare eachother down as the show comes to a close, Kane holding his Championship belt and Punk intently gazing at it.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Show Rating: C[/B] [B]Current WWE Judgment Day Card:[/B] World Tag Team Titles: Holly & Rhodes (c) versus Santino Marella & Carlito RAW versus ECW: Randy Orton versus Chavo Guerrero WWE Tag Team Titles: Miz & Morrison (c) vs Jesse & Festus vs Yang & Moore World Heavyweight Championship: Edge versus The Undertaker RAW versus SmackDown!: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Jeff Hardy WWE Championship: Triple H (c) versus John Cena Trevor Murdoch versus John Bradshaw Layfield ECW Championship: Kane (c) versus CM Punk
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[B]Wednesday, Week 2, May, 2008[/B] [I]Linda McMahon is down at Florida Championship Wrestling, having a conversation with the Sports Broadcaster Mark Madden:[/I] [B]Linda:[/B] So you're finding it alright down here? I hear that not only have you been commentating, you've got involved in a few angles aswell? [B]Madden:[/B] Well Mrs. McMahon I've always been a fan. Any ideas when you'll need me to commentate on the main shows yet? [I]Linda is interupted by her telephone ringing. She picks up the phone, and answers:[/I] [B]Linda:[/B]They signed him...but I was hoping to use him some more...that damn TNA...OK let's do this on Friday: [B][COLOR="Blue"]WWE Friday Night SmackDown![/COLOR][/B] The Big Show versus Chuck Palumbo Finlay versus Edge US Championship: Matt Hardy (c) versus Mark Henry
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[B]Thursday, Week 2, May, 2008[/B] [I]Linda McMahon is sending an email to Diamond Dallas Page, regarding contract talks:[/I] Mr. Page. Whilst I understand your desire to bein working for Ring Of Honor, if you ever need any more cash, you are welcome to ply your trade here. [I]The telephone soon begins to ring and she answers it. She seems very excited at the news she receives:[/I] [B]Linda:[/B] Dusty...he's arrived...really? Wow...such a big name I know...OK well let me know how he does...how's this for tomorrow? [B][COLOR="Blue"]WWE Friday Night SmackDown![/COLOR][/B] The Big Show versus Chuck Palumbo Finlay versus Edge US Championship: Matt Hardy (c) versus Mark Henry
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[B]Friday, Week 2, May, 2008[/B] [IMG]http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/2004/09/23/smackdown_logo.jpg[/IMG] [I]We begin this evening's show with one of the Number One Contenders to the vacant World Heavyweight Championship making is way to the ring. Edge stuts towards the ring arrogantly with Vickie Guerrero at his side. He is soon joined by his opponent, the Fighting Irishman Finlay, who has Hornswoggle at his side:[/I] [B]Finlay versus Edge[/B] These two put on a physical display of aggression onto eachother as they both try to win the match. Finlay hits Edge with several Suplexes as his son Hornswoggle looks on happily. Vickie Guerrero soon grabs Hornswoggle by the scruff of his jacket, and Finlay walks towards the ropes to warn her to stop. Edge capitalises and hits a Spear on Finlay, followed by the cover, to gain the win. [B]Winner in 17.14: Edge[/B] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [I]We head backstage to find The Miz and John Morrison grasping their Championship belts:[/I] [B]Morrison:[/B] Miz coming up next we have a non-title match with Jesse and Festus. [B]Miz:[/B] You don't even need to say anything John. We beat them last week and we'll do it again tonight. [B]Morrison:[/B] Yes we will. I won't be using the Wave of the Future though. The time has passed, and I am no longer the future. I'm today. The Moonlight Drive will ride for the first time tonight. [B]Miz:[/B] Awesome. We deserve our own reality TV show or something. Let's go buddy. [I]Morrison nods at his tag team partner and the two make their way towards the ring as we head to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Non-Title: Miz & Morrison versus Jesse & Festus[/B] The Miz keeps Jesse grounded for a large proportion of this match-up, as he is unable to get the hot tag to Festus. Moirrison and Miz both work over the arm of Jesse, until he finally gets the tag to Festus. Festus unloads on both Champions, as Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore make their way to ringside. Festus loses concentration and focus though, and Morrison is able to hit the Moonlight Drive and pin Festus whilst Miz holds back Jesse. [B]Winners in 17.22: Miz & Morrison[/B] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]Following a commercial break we cut backstage, where Eve Torres is standing by with The Big Show:[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Big Show you've been back on SmackDown! for a couple of months now, how do you feel your time back is going? [B]Show:[/B] I've been back four months, and have still not had a Championship match. [B]Eve:[/B] Well Show at Judgment Day Edge and The Undertaker will battle it out for the vacant title, but coming up next you face Chuck Palumbo- [I]Eve is interrupted as Palumbo walks towards her. He takes the microphone and addresses the big man:[/I] [B]Palumbo:[/B] You need to learn some respect Show. You want a title shot? Get to the back of the line. I'll see you out there. [I]Palumbo then walks off, flexing his arms as he does so. Big Show simply shakes his head as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]The Big Show versus Chuck Palumbo[/B] The Big Show seems taken aback in this match at the strength that Palumbo has, and is at one point knocked down by an impressive left hand from the bike-riding Palumbo. The Big Show soon begins to mount a comeback however, after cheers from the fans, and eventually hits a Chokeslam. Big Show mounts Palumbo to attain a three count for the win. [B]Winner in 17.31: The Big Show[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]We cut backstage to find Vickie Guerrero talking to the former Major Brothers, Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins. MVP walks into the room:[/I] [B]MVP:[/B] Vickie I can't believe it. The audacity of Jeff Hardy to accept my challenge on RAW? [B]Vickie:[/B] You beat Hardcore Holly though, and at Judgment Day MVP, you'll show why you're better than Jeff Hardy. [I]Vickie Guerrero returns to her discussions with Hawkins and Ryder, and turns to see MVP still standing there. She addresses him:[/I] [B]Vickie:[/B] Actually MVP. Now you're here. I want The Undertaker hurt, and you're the guy who's going to do it. You against The Undertaker, coming up next. [I]MVP looks astonished, as Hawkins and Ryder look relieved that they won't have to get involved with The Undertaker as we cut to a commercial break before the match.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Montel Vontavious Porter versus The Undertaker[/B] MVP looks a little concerned as the former World Heavyweight Champion makes his way to ringside, however his confidence soon returns as he grounds The Undertaker with several big boots in the contest. The Undertaker eventually sits up though, before being hit with yet another big boot. Just as MVP is poised to hit the Playmaker, Jeff Hardy's music hits. MVP turns around to gaze at the titantron but no one makes their way to ringside. He turns around to find The Undertaker back to his feet, as he Chokeslams MVP to gain the victory through a pinfall. [B]Winner in 17.40: The Undertaker[/B] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [I]We view a split-screen of Matt Hardy and Mark Henry as both of these accomplished athletes make their way towards the ring for SmackDown!'s Main Event. We are then treated to a video of the destruction Mark Henry has enforced on people along with the successes of Hardy since winning the title, before heading to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]US Championship: Matt Hardy (c) versus Mark Henry[/B] This match becomes a tale of David versus Goliath as both men put it all in the line in the hopes to securing the Championship gold that so many legends have held. Towards the half-way point of the match, Henry locks in a Bear Hug, which Hardy succumbs to, eventually fighting out but the damage already being done. Hardy begins to hit a few punches, forearms and kicks to Henry, and tries to clothesline him from the top rope. Henry catches Hardy though, and tries to slam him, before Hardy lands on his feet, finally hitting the Twist of Fate to win the match after covering the big man,. [B]Winner and STILL WWE United States Champion in 17.46: Matt Hardy[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]Following the conclusion of the contest, Mark Henry slowly rolls out of the ring as Matt Hardy celebrates with his fans at ringside. Before long, the music of MVP blares through the speakers, and he makes his way to the entrance-ramp, a microphone in hand:[/I] [B]MVP:[/B] Hardy I now know that your brother Jeff isn't here tonight. I won't have the two of you trying to play mind games with me though. I know it was you that set that up earlier. You hurt me, and you stole my title. I hope your brother Jeff's watching, because now I'm going to hurt you. [I]MVP makes his way to the ring, as Hardy tries to re-cooperate following his long title defence against Mark Henry. When the two collide, Hardy tries to hit MVP with right hands, but MVP eventually gets the upper hand. MVP hits Matt Hardy with his own Championship belt and poses with it as the show comes to a close.[/I] [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Show Rating: B[/B] Current WWE Judgment Day Card: World Tag Team Titles: Holly & Rhodes (c) versus Santino Marella & Carlito RAW versus ECW: Randy Orton versus Chavo Guerrero WWE Tag Team Titles: Miz & Morrison (c) vs Jesse & Festus vs Yang & Moore World Heavyweight Championship: Edge versus The Undertaker RAW versus SmackDown!: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Jeff Hardy WWE Championship: Triple H (c) versus John Cena Trevor Murdoch versus John Bradshaw Layfield ECW Championship: Kane (c) versus CM Punk
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[B]Saturday, Week 2, May, 2008[/B] [I]Linda McMahon is in her office eagerly awaiting the arrival of someone. She hears a knock at the door and quickly gets to her feet to answer the important guest:[/I] [B]Linda:[/B] Mr. Mayweather, Thanks for Coming. Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee? [B]Mayweather:[/B] Sorry Mrs. McMahon but let's get straight to the point. I enjoyed working Wrestlemania for you, and I'm not ruling out any other possible appearances. [B]Linda:[/B] So you want to work Judgment Day? Imagine the shock on people's faces. [B]Mayweather:[/B] I think I'd like to hold out until I get more of a pay-day. Look, I'll talk to you later. [I]Mayweather leaves the room, leaving Linda to look a little irritated. She updates the RAW card for Monday:[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]WWE Monday Night RAW[/COLOR][/B] "Wonder of the World" Chyna versus "The Glamazon" Beth Phoenix RAW versus SmackDown!: Non-Title: Randy Orton versus Matt Hardy SmackDown! Invades: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Funaki
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[B]Sunday, Week 2, May, 2008[/B] [I]Linda McMahon is looking down at tomorrow night's card. With the USA Network complaining over dwindling ratings this has to be a good show. She receives an email, which reads:[/I] Mrs. McMahon, Thank You for the offer of another Guest Appearance, wrestling has served me well these past few months. However, as you may have heard, I am contracted to appear for TNA in a match against Kevin Nash on Thursday night, so am unable to enter into contract talks with you. [B]Linda:[/B] Damn. TNA are signing all of the minor celebrities I was looking into. That deal with FOX News about a feature fell through aswell. Oh well, here's what we're doing for RAW tomorrow night: [B][COLOR="Red"]WWE Monday Night RAW[/COLOR][/B] "Wonder of the World" Chyna versus "The Glamazon" Beth Phoenix RAW versus SmackDown!: Non-Title: Randy Orton versus Matt Hardy SmackDown! Invades: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Funaki
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[B]Monday, Week 3, May, 2008[/B] [I]Linda McMahon is at the arena. She is in a bad mood considering USA are close to pulling the plug and ESPN, Spike TV and the CW Network have all rejected negotiations. She gets a phone call:[/I] [B]Linda:[/B] Yes...Mr. Mayweather I understand this but...the publicity's always good...OK...talk another time then. [I]Linda looks furious as she hurredly scribbes a contract extension for Layla. It was all down to tonight's show. She has a look at the card:[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]WWE Monday Night RAW[/COLOR][/B] "Wonder of the World" Chyna versus "The Glamazon" Beth Phoenix RAW versus SmackDown!: Non-Title: Randy Orton versus Matt Hardy SmackDown! Invades: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Funaki
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[B]Monday, Week 3, May, 2008[/B] [IMG]http://pauked.com/blog/files/WWE_2DRaw_2DLogo.jpg[/IMG] [I]We begin this evening's show with the former Womens Champion, Beth Phoenix making her way to the ring. She is soon joined by her opponent, Chyna, who receives a mixed reaction:[/I] [B]"Wonder of the World" Chyna versus "The Glamazon" Beth Phoenix[/B] Beth soon rallies the fans towards her as they begin to cheer the unexpected underdog. Chyna hits several power moves on Beth, however, and the fans soon take her side, perhaps due to nostalgic feelings. Just as Beth begins to fight back, and signals for the Glamaplex, Melina's entrance hits, and she makes her way towards the ring. She does her signature stretch on the ring apron, allowing Beth to get distracted. Chyna tries to hit a powerbomb on the distracted Glamazon, but Beth rolls Chyna up to get the win. [B]Winner in 17.06: Beth Phoenix[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]We cut backstage to find Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly discussing their upcoming match:[/I] [B]Cody:[/B] Man Santino and Carlito did a number on us last week. How do we know they won't do something like that when we take on those Highlanders? [B]Holly:[/B] Sure, they may have won the battle kid. They did not, however, win the war. [B]Cody:[/B] You've got such an inspiring attitude Bob. At Judgment Day, we're going to kick their asses back to where they came from. [B]Holly:[/B] Damn right we will. Oh and Cody, don't forget, it's Hardcore. Never call me Bob. [I]Cody smiles as the two walk off with their title belts in preparation for their match, which is next.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Non-Title: Rhodes & Holly versus The Highlanders[/B] The Highlanders are clearly pleased to be teaming together again and look as if they will actually get the upset victory for several parts of the match-up. Half way into the contest, Carlito and Santino make their ways to ringside, taunting the tag team Champions. The veteran reminds Cody to remain unphased though, and the two pick up the win when Cody hits Rory with a DDT for the pinfall victory. [B]Winner in 17.11: Rhodes & Holly[/B] [I]We cut backstage where Todd Grisham is standing by with Jeff Hardy, who receives a big pop from the crowd:[/I] [B]Grisham:[/B] Jeff last night we saw you return to RAW to answer the open challenge from MVP. [B]Jeff:[/B] Yeah, that's right, and first of all, it's good to be back. I need to introduce someone here tonight, that's my brother. Come here Matt. [I]Sure enough, Matt Hardy enters the screen, holding his United States Championship. Jeff gives Matt the microphone:[/I] [B]Matt:[/B] MVP last week on SmackDown! you attacked me. You tried to send a message to Jeff. That's not going to work. We'll watch you next, and you better watch your back. [I]The two brothers high-five eachother and then leave the interviewing area as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]SmackDown! Invades: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Funaki[/B] MVP begins dominating Funaki, refusing to pin him for alot of the match, as he shows his dominance in his second match on RAW. Before long, the Hardy Boyz enter the arena to a huge effort of pyro, and the two shake hands with the fans. This distracts MVP, and Funaki begins to build some innovative offense. This is still not enough, however, as MVP moves out of the way of Funaki's crossbody and hits the Playmaker, covering Funaki for the win. [B]Winner in 17.17: Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]We cut backstage to find the WWE Champion, Triple H, talking to the General Manager:[/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] What the hell do you think you're playing at Regal? I'm all for competition and don't mind wrestling Cena, but what's the deal with the next match? [B]Regal:[/B] I simply find it will be interesting to watch you wrestle JBL again, this time non-title of course. [I]John Cena walks into the office, and looks the WWE Champion in the eyes as he speaks to him:[/I] [B]Cena:[/B] What's wrong, Triple H? Cat caught your tongue? You're not worried about being in a bad condition come Judgment Day, are you? [I]Before Triple H can even answer, Cena salutes the two men and leaves the office, as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Non-Title: Triple H versus John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] The fans intently boo JBL and still cheer for the WWE Champion, despite his previous confrontation with fan-favourite John Cena. Trevor Murdoch is on commentary for this match, making preparations and scouting Layfield before the biggest match of his young career at Judgment Day. Lance Cade comes to ringside during the match, and shakes his head at Murdoch. Murdoch runs at Cade and the two brawl. The distraction by JBL, who is wary given Murdoch's interference last week, allows Triple H to hit a Pedigree for the win. [B]Winner in 17.22: Triple H[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]Randy Orton is in his locker-room preparing for his upcoming match with Matt Hardy. Funaki enters the room:[/I] [B]Orton:[/B] What the hell do you want? Shouldn't you be in the medical room after that beating you took earlier? [B]Funaki:[/B] I'm not hear to argue. Listen, on the way here, I share a plane with Chavo, from ECW. [B]Orton:[/B] I don't want to hear about that nobody until Judgment Day, when I beat him, anything else? [B]Funaki:[/B] He just told me to warn you. He says at Judgment Day, you are finished. [I]Orton gets frustrated and throws Fuanki into a wall, almost crippling him. He then leaves for his match as we head to another commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]RAW versus SmackDown!: Non-Title: Randy Orton versus Matt Hardy[/B] The Main Event of tonight's contest sees the United States Champion excel in his first match on RAW for over a year. Hardy hits several high-impact moves, such as the elbow from the top rope. Just as Orton begins to fight back, and as he has a headlock on Hardy, the lights go out in the arena. Suddenly, a count-down clock hits the screen. The referee can be heard throwing the match out, as he can not see what's going on in the ring. [B]This match is a DRAW due to Interference in 17.48[/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] [I]The clock reaches zero and the lights come back on to find the Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho at the top of the entrance-way, holding a microphone:[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] Welcome to RAW is Jericho! Orton, nevermind messages from Chavo Guerrero, this is a message from Y2J! [I]Orton, clearly frustrated by his match being thrown out, grabs a microphone from ringside to address Jericho:[/I] [B]Orton:[/B] What the hell do you want Jericho? You have no business being out here. [B]Jericho:[/B] It's just a little reminder to my people. Never forget about Chris Jericho. Randy, I'd turn around if I were you. [I]Orton turns around into the Twist of Fate from Matt Hardy, knocking him down to the mat. Jericho claps the United States Champion as the show comes to a close.[/I] [B]Rating: A*[/B] [B]Show Rating: B+[/B] OOC: This was one of my better shows in a while. Any comments from the people? [B]Current WWE Judgment Day Card:[/B] World Tag Team Titles: Holly & Rhodes (c) versus Santino Marella & Carlito RAW versus ECW: Randy Orton versus Chavo Guerrero WWE Tag Team Titles: Miz & Morrison (c) vs Jesse & Festus vs Yang & Moore World Heavyweight Championship: Edge versus The Undertaker RAW versus SmackDown!: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Jeff Hardy WWE Championship: Triple H (c) versus John Cena Trevor Murdoch versus John Bradshaw Layfield ECW Championship: Kane (c) versus CM Punk
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[B]Tuesday, Week 3, May, 2008[/B] [I]Linda McMahon is in her office looking at fan's opinions on the build up to Judgment Day:[/I] I think the build's going quite well so far. The main event of RAW last night was different, and made Jericho seem a threat, despite not being involved in the Judgment Day card. [B]Linda:[/B] OK guys, tonight let's put over the ECW title match. This is Punk's first title shot on Pay=Per-View, and we need to make sure he's ready before he eventually cashes in the briefcase. Here's what I want to see tonight: [B][COLOR="Teal"]ECW on Sci-Fi[/COLOR][/B] Non-Title: Kane versus Chavo Guerrero CM Punk versus The Ox Kofi Kingston versus Shelton Benjamin
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[B]Tuesday, Week 3, May, 2008[/B] [IMG]http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/brands/0003/0783/brand.gif[/IMG] [I]We kick off tonight's show with CM Punk making his way to the ring for his match with The Ox. The Ox soon enters the ring as we are set to get underway:[/I] [B]CM Punk versus The Ox[/B] CM Punk receives huge ovations from the crowd in this contest, similar to the chants that Triple H receives. Punk shows a little more gratitude than Paul Leveque though, perhaps, as he clearly shows excitement at the crowd rallying behind him so much. Punk continues to show just how much he has come on since his debut in the WWE, and shows why he could become a future symbol such as "The Game" is, and potential to be a multiple-time WWE Champion. Punk wins the match with a move seemingly taken from Triple H's moveset, a Pedigree-type manouvre, followed into what many indy fans realise is the Pepsi Plunge. Punk makes odd pirate noises such as "Rargh" as the crowd continue to cheer for him following his victory. [B]Winner in 14.57: CM Punk[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]Following a commercial break we cut backstage to find Triple H standing by, a sledgehammer in hand. He walks up to Shelton Benjamin, who is preparing for his match:[/I] [B]Benjamin:[/B] Triple H, what are you doing here on ECW? You going to do an abduction on me or something? [B]Triple H:[/B] What? Like kidnap you are throw you into my car? Why would I want to do that Shelton? [B]Benjamin:[/B] I'm not sure, but I've been a victim to your attacks before. I'm going to go and wrestle my match now. [I]Benjamin waringly backs off from the WWE Champion, as the crowd cheer in the surprise of seeing Triple H on ECW.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Kofi Kingston versus Shelton Benjamin[/B] Shelton Benjamin continues to show the type of progress he has shown ever since he graduated from OVW in 2002, and eerily similar offense to that shown by Randy Orton since he graduated from the same Ohio Valley Wrestling training centre in 2001. Benjamin however misses a splash in the corner which allows Kingston to hit the Trouble In Paradise to gain the victory. [B]Winner in 12.01: Kofi Kingston[/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] [I]Following a commercial break we cut backstage to find Chavo Guerrero holding a Championship belt:[/I] [IMG]http://www.midwestwrestling.com/championshipbelts2/ovw1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chavo:[/B] You see this Orton? It wasn't easy for me to find this. The Ohio Valley Wrestling Championship belt. [I]Estrada walks into the room to find Chavo talking to the camera man and holding the former developmental territory's title belt:[/I] [B]Estrada:[/B] Ever since 1995 I wanted to hold that belt. I was there. I soon realised I wasn't cut out to wrestle though. They're still active. [B]Chavo:[/B] What the hell are you doing here Estrada? I don't care, all it took was a few phone calls to the Great Lakes in the USA to bring this belt here. [I]Chavo throws the belt to the floor and walks off, clearly irritated that his attempts at getting through to Orton were interrupted. Estrada picks up the belt as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Non-Title: Kane versus Chavo Guerrero[/B] Kane continues to show dominance as ECW Champion in this encounter. The European Fans currently experiencing WWE's "European Navigation" tour show respect for the Champion, with many choosing to be here as opposed to NOAH's show in the UK next month. The arena is huge and the fans are packed to the rafters. This show is four hours long, due to a two-hour house show preceeding the live boradcast. Clearly still in shock from seeing Triple H earlier, the crowd rallies behind the Big Red Machine, who shows his normal power and establishes why 2008 may be his year. May shows dominance, and he clearly looks onto CM Punk at the end of May before seeing what June lies ahead of him, as his reign as ECW Champion reaches three months. On Saturday he will wrestle Punk at a house show in their first one on one match. Despite interference from The Ox, Kane wins this match with a Chokeslam. [B]Winner in 13.08: Kane[/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] [I]Following the conclusion of the match the Number One Contender, CM Punk enters the arena, holding a microphone:[/I] [B]Punk:[/B] When I was younger every year I would watch a WCW Pay-Per-View, called the Crockett Cup. [I]Chavo rolls out of the ring and grabs a microphone, to address the new Number One Contender:[/I] [B]Chavo:[/B] You clearly wasted three hours of your life watching that, none of your early life was spent training it seems. [B]Punk:[/B] Shut the hell up. Your family name may be legendary, but you mean little to me. 2008 is the year of CM Punk. [I]Chavo shakes his head and throws the microphone to the floor as Kane simply looks on at his Number One Contender as the show comes to a definite close.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Show Rating: C+[/B] [B]Current WWE Judgment Day Card:[/B] World Tag Team Titles: Holly & Rhodes (c) versus Santino Marella & Carlito RAW versus ECW: Randy Orton versus Chavo Guerrero WWE Tag Team Titles: Miz & Morrison (c) vs Jesse & Festus vs Yang & Moore World Heavyweight Championship: Edge versus The Undertaker RAW versus SmackDown!: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Jeff Hardy WWE Championship: Triple H (c) versus John Cena Trevor Murdoch versus John Bradshaw Layfield ECW Championship: Kane (c) versus CM Punk
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[B]Wednesday, Week 3, May, 2008[/B] [I]Linda McMahon is in her office, reading fan reviews from last night's show, when the WWE Champion Triple H walks in:[/I] [IMG]http://www.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/562/562798d999f4821d9b510b37310e997eedae1a.jpg[/IMG] [B]Linda:[/B] Paul Levesque, what can I do for you? Is this about the barbeque on Sunday? [B]Triple H:[/B] No, Linda, this is WWE business. I now want 75% of my merchandise sales. Basically everything that says Triple H on it. [B]Linda:[/B] Well, all of "The Game" T-Shirts are selling well, and you are a multiple-time WWE Champion. Your moveset's slowly improving aswell. [B]Triple H:[/B] Well, I've got to keep getting better or I'll be lumbered with that pirate gimmick. Thanks Linda. [I]Triple H leaves the room and Linda smiles. She returns to her SmackDown! card, making a few changes:[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]WWE Friday Night SmackDown![/COLOR][/B] RAW versus SmackDown!: Non-Title: Triple H versus Edge US Championship: Matt Hardy (c) versus Chuck Palumbo The Big Show versus Mark Henry
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[B]Friday, Week 3, May, 2008[/B] [IMG]http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/2004/09/23/smackdown_logo.jpg[/IMG] [I]Just two days before Judgment Day and we kick things off with RAW's Triple H making his way to the ring. Paul Levesque carries a sledgehammer with him as well as his WWE Championship:[/I] [IMG]http://www.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/562/562798d999f4821d9b510b37310e997eedae1a.jpg[/IMG] [I]He is soon joined by his opponent, one of the Number One Contenders to the World Championship, Edge, who is joined by Hawkins and Ryder, as our opening contest gets underway:[/I] [B]RAW versus SmackDown!: Non-Title: Triple H versus Edge[/B] Triple H, or The Game as he is otherwise known, shows why he is a multiple-time WWE Champion in this one. He hits several high-impact moves from his moveset. Eventually Hawkins and Ryder try to get involved, to which Triple H can be heard telling them to "get lost, you filthy pirates". They disobey the WWE Champion, however, and enter the ring and attack him as the referee rings for the bell. [B]Winner via Disqualification in 17.45: Triple H[/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] [I]We cut backstage to find The Miz and Morrison sneaking around, they ambush Jesse and Festus, who are sitting in their room. The two attack them, and tie their hands behind their backs:[/I] [B]Miz:[/B] What now John? We could get in serious trouble for this, this isn't just abduction, this is kidnap. [B]Morrison:[/B] Let's put them in the boot of our car. That way this Sunday they won't be much of a problem. [B]Miz:[/B] You're right, and our victims Jimmy Yang and Shannon Moore tonight won't receive any help from their friends. [I]The two continue to toss Jesse and Festus into the boot of Morrison's porsche as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Non-Title: Miz & Morrison versus Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore[/B] Miz and Morrison look prepared for their Championship defence on Sunday as Morrison especially shows promise that he showed in Ohio Valley Wrestling in 2001, the very same year that Randy Orton graduated. The match ends when the referee is distracted with The Miz and Morrison hits Shannon Moore with the mysterious belt we saw on ECW: [IMG]http://www.midwestwrestling.com/championshipbelts2/ovw1.jpg[/IMG] [I]The Miz lets the referee return to the action, but holds back Jimmy as Morrison pins Shannon Moore to gain the victory for his team.[/I] [B]Winners in 20.01: Miz & Morrison[/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] [I]We cut backstage to find Eve Torres standing by with The Big Show, who is scheduled to face Mark Henry tonight:[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Big Show coming up next you take on the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry. [B]Show:[/B] Never mind that. Those punks Miz and Morrison just took Ohio Valley Wrestling's belt and used it as a weapon. [B]Eve:[/B] Ah, is that what the belt was? The former developmental territory of the WWE. [B]Show:[/B] Yeah. It was founded in 1995, around the time I entered wrestling. [B]Eve:[/B] On ECW Estrada mentioned the belt was still active, as was the promotion. It's based in the Great Lakes isn't it? [B]Show:[/B] One of the most beautiful places in the USA. 5 years ago I visited there, it was a sight to behold. Right, I'm off to beat Henry. [I]With this The Big Show walks off to face his opponent as Eve Torres stands confused as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]The Big Show versus Mark Henry[/B] The fans in Europe continue to be impressed by the European Navigation tour, with this show in Britain far surpassing the attendance records that NOAH are trying to reach with their show of the same name later on a Saturday in June. These two huge men battle it out competitively in this contest, and the crowd are still hot, despite some sitting and watching dark matches for almost four hours. When Mark Henry asks what his name is, almost none of the crowd respond as they show their dislike. The match surprisingly reaches levels that are above the normal average for contests such as this one, and Mark Henry perhaps achieves his greatest performance this year. Big Show eventually wins the contest with a thunderous Chokeslam followed by a big cover as the referee counts the three, though. [B]Winner in 13.43: The Big Show[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]Following a commercial break we find Montel Vontavious Porter making his way to ringside. He takes a microphone:[/I] [B]MVP:[/B] On ECW Punk mentioned The Crockett Cup. I remember this WCW Pay-Per-View. A three hour show I watched, but none of the competitors, ever, had the same talent that I do. Coming up next I have to wrestle the legendary Undertaker. I th- [I]MVP is interrupted by a gong, and soon the man that has one at Wrestlemania every year he has competed makes his way to the ring. On Sunday Undertaker will have a chance at getting his title back, and he looks sure that by the end of June he will once again hold Championship gold. MVP once again grabs the microphone:[/I] [B]MVP:[/B] You think I'm scared of you Deadman? I was victorious on RAW, and on Sunday I will beat Jeff Hardy. [I]The Undertaker, clearly having heard enough, strikes MVP in the head as the referee rings the bell, the match getting underway.[/I] [B]Rating: A*[/B] [B]Montel Vontavious Porter versus The Undertaker[/B] This match proves a better contest than all of TNA's recent Pay-Per-Views have showcased, including their April extravaganza that was TNA Sacrifice. Despite SmackDown! being only two hours long and not three hours, it has proved that when it comes to pure wrestling, nothing can compete with it. MVP looks to the back when Undertaker starts rolling with the right hands, perhaps looking for friends, but the loud-mouthed Superstar has none. Undertaker displays his normal offense, just as he has all year, but the fans continue to lap it up. In April he reigned through the entire month with his Championship, and he looks more and more like he wants to regain it. Undertaker hits a Tombstone Piledriver here to get the win. [B]Winner in 13.34: The Undertaker[/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] [I]We cut backstage where Chuck Palumbo walks up to his opponent tonight, Matt Hardy:[/I] [B]Palumbo:[/B] You know I'm more experienced than you right? I've wrestled at WCW Pay-Per-Views, such as Bash At The Beach. [B]Hardy:[/B] It doesn't matter what the promotion is Chuck. A three hour show is a three hour show, and I've wrestled in plenty. [B]Palumbo:[/B] I've got so many advantages over you, and you have none. Tonight will go down in history as the historic night where I captured my first US Championship. [B]Hardy:[/B] Tonight will only go down in history for the year of Hardy continuing. [I]The two sqaure off, eye to eye. Both men want to show they deserve shots and matches on important cards, and want to be holding the US title in August so that they can showcase their skills through the Summer on the highest possible level. We fade to black as the Main Event is next.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]US Championship: Matt Hardy (c) versus Chuck Palumbo[/B] Palumbo shows just why he was featured on so many WCW Pay-Per-Views, such as SIN, here, and shows he has the advantage over Hardy when it comes to power. On Sunday, despite it being a three hour show, neither of these men have scheduled matches, which is why it is important that receive the Main Event spot here. None of the fans want to see Palumbo walk away with the gold, and continue to cheer Matt Hardy. Hardy, despite being injured at the start of the year, has come back and impressed many with his US title run. In June and throughout July there are more shows, and many hope Hardy will be a highlight of them, just as he has been. By the end of July many see Hardy reaching the next level, and perhaps challenging for the World title. Hardy eventually gets the better of Palumbo in this contest, hitting a Twist of Fate for the win. [B]Winner and STILL US Champion in 13.43: Matt Hardy[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]Hardy begins to celebrate but is soon interupted by the General Manager, Vickie Guerrero, who is being wheeled out by Hawkins and Ryder. Vickie has a microphone:[/I] [B]Vickie:[/B] Ever since I became General Manager WWE Pay-Per-Views have improved. Wrestlemania, Backlash and Judgment Day on Sunday will go down in history. [I]Hardy takes a microphone from ringside, he looks tired, as if he has just wrestled for three straight hours:[/I] [B]Hardy:[/B] None of that was down to you Vickie. All of these shows are already highly regarded by many, and have been great every year. [B]Vickie:[/B] They've been great because ever since April, I haven't had you wrestle in any of them. It's going to stay that way throughout the coming months Hardy. Don't disrepect me. See you Sunday. [I]Hardy throws his microphone to the floor in irritation, and collapses to the ground in anger. He looks furious as Vickie laughs cruelly as the show comes to a close.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Show Rating: B[/B] [B]Final WWE Judgment Day Card:[/B] World Tag Team Titles: Holly & Rhodes (c) versus Santino Marella & Carlito RAW versus ECW: Randy Orton versus Chavo Guerrero WWE Tag Team Titles: Miz & Morrison (c) vs Jesse & Festus vs Yang & Moore World Heavyweight Championship: Edge versus The Undertaker RAW versus SmackDown!: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Jeff Hardy WWE Championship: Triple H (c) versus John Cena Trevor Murdoch versus John Bradshaw Layfield ECW Championship: Kane (c) versus CM Punk
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[B]Saturday, Week 3, May, 2008[/B] [I]Linda McMahon is in her office. Tomorrow night she has decided to put Triple H versus John Cena on first, to really excite the crowd. She takes a look at the final card:[/I] [B]Final WWE Judgment Day Card:[/B] World Tag Team Titles: Holly & Rhodes (c) versus Santino Marella & Carlito RAW versus ECW: Randy Orton versus Chavo Guerrero WWE Tag Team Titles: Miz & Morrison (c) vs Jesse & Festus vs Yang & Moore World Heavyweight Championship: Edge versus The Undertaker RAW versus SmackDown!: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Jeff Hardy WWE Championship: Triple H (c) versus John Cena Trevor Murdoch versus John "Bradshaw" Layfield ECW Championship: Kane (c) versus CM Punk
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[B]Sunday, Week 3, May, 2008[/B] [IMG]http://www.wwfchamps.com/images/JudgmentDay06/jdwp.jpg[/IMG] [I]We begin this evening's Pay-Per-View with an unadvertised Intercontinental Championship bout, as "HBK" Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring. His opponent, the Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho, also makes his way towards the ring for the opening contest:[/I] [B]Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho (c) versus Shawn Michaels[/B] Michaels looks determined to win Championship gold in this one, he's been absent from the last two RAW's and wants to prove he can still hang with the best in the business. Jericho looked tired in this contest, and Michaels showed his age as the two men use several rest holds early in the match. The psychology shown in this one is great, with Jericho working on the back of his foe. It isn't the best match the two have ever had, but JR puts over the athleticism involved. Towards the end of the match Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho, and Mike Chioda asks if Michaels wants to tap, which he says he doesn't. Jericho eventually hits the Code Breaker to gain the pinfall victory. [B]Jericho defeats HBK in 17:33 by pinfall with a Code Breaker[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]We cut backstage to see John Bradshaw Layfield preparing for his match against Trevor Murdoch, which is next.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]John Bradshaw Layfield versus Trevor Murdoch[/B] The fans intently boo John Bradshaw Layfield as he makes his way to ringside in his white limousine. JBL looks a little tired out there, perhaps due to his recent high-level matches with Triple H. Trevor Murdoch impressed in his first singles Pay-Per-View effort, and the crowd were mainly behind him as a face. Towards the end of the match JBL has Murdoch in a body-scissors, to which Murdoch eventually breaks out, telling Mike Chioda that he will not quit. JR puts over the determination of Murdoch, however he falls short to a Clothesline from Hell. [B]JBL defeats Trevor Murdoch in 17:33 by pinfall with a Clothesline[/B] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]We cut backstage to find Beth Phoenix walking into the dressing room of Carlito and Santino Marella:[/I] [B]Beth:[/B] I just wanted to wish the two of you good luck in your match next. [I]Beth Phoenix leaves the room as Carlito and Santino look at eachother and smile as we head back to the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]World Tag Team Titles: Holly & Rhodes (c) vs Santino Marella & Carlito[/B] Holly and Rhodes look at determined as ever to keep their titles. Carlito eventually gets on the offensive, and the two look to use under-handed tactics as a team before Jake runs to ringside, and begins to cheer on the Champions. The distraction allows Rhodes to hit a DDT on Carlito for the win. [B]Holly & Rhodes defeat Carlito & Marella in 7:53 by pinfall with a DDT[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]We cut backstage to find Jeff Hardy standing by with Todd Grisham for an interview:[/I] [B]Grisham:[/B] Jeff coming up next you will wrestle Montel Vontavious Porter. How confident are you? [B]Jeff:[/B] MVP came over to RAW to make an open challenge. How dare he be so obnoxious? Tonight, I show why the Hardyz are better. [I]Jeff makes a sign with his hands and leaves Todd Grisham alone as we head back to the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]RAW versus SmackDown!: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Jeff Hardy[/B] Hardy excels in this match, hitting several high-impact moves, before hitting the Swanton Bomb for the win. [B]Jeff Hardy defeats MVP in 7:39 by pinfall with a Swanton Bomb[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]We cut backstage to find Randy Orton sitting down with Melina and Jilian Hall at his side:[/I] [B]Orton:[/B] I hope you two ladies will be watching me in my match tonight, I'm going to destroy Chavo Guerrero. [I]Jilian and Melina simply giggle like school-girls and kiss Orton on each cheek as he stands and walks towards the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]RAW versus ECW: Randy Orton versus Chavo Guerrero[/B] Both Jilian and Melina are in Orton's corner for this match, as The Ox stands by Chavo's side. The fans are split between who they want to win, with the majority cheering Randy Orton. Despite Chavo putting up a valiant effort, Orton is able to hit an RKO to gain the victory. [B]Orton defeats Chavo in 7:39 by pinfall with an RKO[/B] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]Miz and Morrison are walking backstage towards their Triple Threat title defence. They stop as they walk past JBL:[/I] [B]Morrison:[/B] JBL, it's good to see you. You're sorely missed on SmackDown! [I]JBL smiles, and nods at the two brown-nosers as he continues on his way. The Tag Team title match is next.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Tag Team Titles: Miz & Morrison vs Jesse & Festus vs Yang & Moore[/B] Miz and Morrison both do all they can to keep their Championships, despite several big moves from the two challenging teams. Morrison shows off his abs at one point after he knocks Jesse down to the floor with a kick. Festus cleared house at one point, but turned into a Moonlight Drive from Morrison as the Champions once again keep their titles. [B]Miz & Morrison defeat Jesse & Festus and Yang & Moore in 7:50[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]We once again cut backstage where John Cena is walking towards his title match. He is stopped in his path by Paul Burchill, with his sister Katie Lea beside him:[/I] [B]Burchill:[/B] Why William Regal, an honourary Brit, decided to give you a title shot is beyond me. [I]Before Cena can even answer Burchill and his sister walk away, leaving Cena to simply shrug his shoulders, and keep on walking.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]WWE Championship: Triple H (c) versus John Cena[/B] This match is highly competitive, so much so that the physicality means that one point Mike Chioda is knocked down. Burchill suddenly runs to the ring, and hits a Curb Stomp on John Cena. The referee doesn't see it, neither doe Triple H, who returns to his feet and hits a Pedigree to retain his title. [B]Triple H defeats John Cena in 7:50 by pinfall with a Pedigree[/B] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]Lena Yada is standing by with CM Punk backstage, for an interview. Punk is holding his briefcase:[/I] [B]Lena:[/B] CM Punk not only can you cash in that briefcase at any time, but tonight you have a title shot. [I]Before Punk can even answer the WWE Champion Triple H walks into the interviewing area. He takes Lena's microphone:[/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] Did you see what I just did out there? Don't think about cashing that thing in against me kid. I- [I]Triple H is interupted by Randy Orton, who knocks Triple H down with a Clothesline. CM Punk slowly walks away as Orton punts the WWE Champion in the head. We cut back to the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]ECW Championship: Kane (c) versus CM Punk[/B] Despite Punk's smaller frame, he puts on a decent effort against the Champion, and looks set to win the ECW Championship at one point when he shows an unbelieveable amount of strength by lifting Kane onto his shoulders, poised for a GTS. He suddenly receives a kick to the head though, and the cameras show a returning Rob Van Dam staring at Kane. The referee rings the bell as Punk is knocked out from the kick. [B]CM Punk defeats Kane in 7:31 by disqualification, interference from RVD[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]We once again cut backstage to find Santino Marella entering the dressing room of Edge. He enters to find Edge, Hawkins and Ryder, and Vickie Guerrero:[/I] [B]Santino:[/B] Santino just wants to fish you the best of luck out there. I hope you win the title. [I]Edge nods, and takes a gulp, as he walks past Marella and leaves the room, ready for his title match. He walks past HBK, who shakes his head.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]World Heavyweight Championship: Edge versus The Undertaker[/B] Both Edge and The Undertaker put it all on the line in this one. At one point the referee is down, and Umaga makes his way to ringside. The RAW Superstar lays out The Undertaker with a Samoan Spike. William Regal then makes his way to ringside, a microphone in hand: [B]Regal:[/B] Umaga what the hell are you doing? You're a RAW Superstar, get to the back. Umaga leaves to the back as the match continues. Regal smiles as he makes his way to the back. The refere comes to, as does Edge, and he rolls over and pins The Undertaker to win the match and the title. [B]Edge defeats Undertaker in 7:35 after interference from Umaga[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]Following the conclusion of the contest Vickie Guerrero, Hawkins and Ryder all make their way to ringside and celebrate with the new World Champion. We suddenly cut backstage however to find Randy Orton kicking Triple H in the head. Orton grabs a microphone:[/I] [B]Orton:[/B] You see that Triple H? That's what's going to happen to you at One Night Stand. You're going to lose your title to me in a No Holds Barred match. [I]Orton smiles and flexes his arms in the air, holding Triple H's WWE Championship, and we cut back to Edge in the ring, holding the World Championship as the show comes to a close.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Show Rating: B-[/B] OOC: I really think this is my best show to date, with so many developments happening. Any feedback or comments? [B]Current WWE One Night Stand Card:[/B] No Holds Barred: WWE Championship: Triple H(c) versus Randy Orton
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