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WWF vs WCW : The Monday Night Wars REBORN!!!!

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[B]Dudley Boyz[/B] vs K-Kwik & Crash Holly [B]Raven[/B] vs Funaki [B]Matt Hardy[/B] vs Steven Richards RhYno vs [B]Hardcore Holly[/B] [B]Billy Gunn[/B] vs Haku [B]Chris Benoit[/B] vs Edge Kane vs [B]Christian[/B]- [B]The Undertaker [/B]vs Steve Austin
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Thunder.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live From Silver The Dodge Arena in Hidalgo, TX Attendance: 5,000 (SOLD OUT)[/B] Hudson: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to WCW Thunder! I’m here with my partner Stevie Ray, and Stevie what did you think of the announcement of Hulk Hogan being named the new Commissioner?”[/COLOR] Stevie: [COLOR="Red"]“Well Scott, I think that Sucka Hulk Hogan has a lot to answer for, for the way he treated my brother. What comes around goes around you know what I’m saying?”[/COLOR] Hudson: [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ll that remains to be seen, but right now we have singles action about to take place.”[/COLOR] [B]M.I. Smooth Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] [quote]Smooth is a decent brawler and not much else. I’m hoping that with a little bit of work he’ll be able to hold his own in the ring, we’ll see.[/quote] Bam Bam Bigelow defeated M.I Smooth in 7:51 by pinfall with a Greeting From Asbury Park. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] Notes: Bam Bam is a beast, no pun intended. And according to the road agent notes, his performance really stood out. [B]Tank Abbott Vs. Jason Jett[/B] [quote]Rumor has it Tank Abbott was almost the WCW champ once upon a time. I can assure you that will never happen under me. But he could still be a solid performer if used correctly.[/quote] Tank Abbott defeated Jason Jett in 7:49 by pinfall with a Right Uppercut. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] Notes: Tank is improving in Rumbling Skills. After the match we go to a commercial break and when we return we see Pamela Paulshock and Stacey Keibler backstage. Pamela: [COLOR="red"]“So Stacey, I heard it’s you’re birthday and I decided to get you a little something.”[/COLOR] Stacey: [COLOR="Blue"]“Really? You didn’t have to do all that, I’m so embarrassed.”[/COLOR] Pamela: [COLOR="Red"]“Don’t be. Now close your eyes.”[/COLOR] (Stacey closes her eyes and Pamela hit’s the play button on a boom box. As the music starts to play we see Pamela walk off and a male stripper come dancing into the room. Upon closer review of the stripper we see that it’s actually Kid Romeo. Stacey opens her eyes just as he rips off his jacket revealing his chest. A big grin then comes across her face and the camera fades black,) [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] Hudson: [COLOR="Blue"]“I had no idea it was Stacey’s birthday Stevie did you?”[/COLOR] Stevie: [COLOR="Red"]“Hell no sucka, but now that I do I’m thinking about going to give her a little present of my own.”[/COLOR] [B]Air Raid Vs. The Perfect Event[/B] [quote]A couple of my younger tag teams here, with a lot of potential on both of them. AJ Styles impressed me the most out of the four. He wasn’t afraid to put his body on the line at all and the fans really responded to him.[/quote] Air Raid defeated The Perfect Event in 7:45 when AJ Styles defeated Chuck Palumbo by pinfall with a Styles Clash. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] Notes: The performance of Shawn Stasiak stood out as being good. Shawn Stasiak is improving in Technical skills. Shawn Stasiak is improving in Performance skills. Chuck Palumbo is improving in Performance skills. After the match the camera flashes backstage to an office that reads: Hulk Hogan WCW Commissioner/ Living Legend Kevin Nash walks up to the door, reads the sign, then with a grin walks in. Nash: [COLOR="Blue"]“Wow Hollywood, you sure have come a long way. Look at this office.”[/COLOR] Hogan: [COLOR="Red"]“Isn’t it great brother. I have all the control I want in this company, I’m finally getting recognized for all the great things I did to make this company number one.”[/COLOR] Nash: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah that’s really great Hollywood, I just hope you don’t forget who your friends are.”[/COLOR] Hogan: [COLOR="Red"]“Of course not brother. I’ve already made a call to bring Scott Hall back to WCW.”[/COLOR] (Small pop) Hogan: [COLOR="red"]“And after your victory here tonight next week on Thunder you’re going to be fighting for the WCW USA title.”[/COLOR] (Nash grins then him and Hogan shake hands as he turns and leaves the office.) [COLOR="red"]Rating: A[/COLOR] Hudson: [COLOR="Blue"]“I can’t believe it. Nothing has changed in WCW, we are going to be bankrupt by the end of the month.”[/COLOR] Stevie: [COLOR="Red"]“That sucka Hogan is going to get what’s coming to him, ya feel me?”[/COLOR] [B]Ernest Miller Vs. Disqo[/B] [quote]Ernest Miller always seemed awkard to me, and I loved the 70’s gimmick played by Disqo. Having said that, this was still a great match and Miller actually got a lot of offense in it.[/quote] Disqo defeated Ernest Miller in 12:50 by pinfall with a Last Dance. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] Notes: This match lifted the crowd. Ernest Miller is improving in Performance skills. After the match Disqo makes his way backstage and runs across Stacey Keibler straddling Kid Romeo, who has stripped down to his thong, her back is to the camera but it’s obvious she’s only wearing a bra. Stacey: [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh my God I’m so embarrassed.”[/COLOR] Disqo: [COLOR="Red"]“Don’t be baby. In fact, don’t stop on my behalf.”[/COLOR] (Disqo starts to undress and Stacey turns ghost white. Romeo has seen enough and jumps up from underneath Stacey chasing Disqo down the hall, in nothing but his thong.) [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Kevin Nash Vs. Mike Awesome[/B] [quote]Mike Awesome is probably a head and shoulders better than Kevin Nash in all honesty. But the problem is Nash has one thing Awesome didn’t…friends. And we all know that while I’m playing to win (and I will win) I want it to feel semi-real.[/quote] Kevin Nash defeated Mike Awesome in 7:49 by pinfall with a Jacknife Powerbomb. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] Notes: An outstanding match, and a rating I really didn’t expect to get. Nash’s overness helped I’m sure, but Awesome more than carried the match. Hudson: [COLOR="Blue"]“I can’t believe it. And with that we are going to see Kevin Nash go for the US Championship next week, but the big question is, with who?”[/COLOR] [B]Diamond Dallas Page Vs. Buff Bagwell[/B] [quote]A couple of WCW’s best here. The fans were really into this match mainly because of DDP’s ability to connect with them. The one down fall is neither of them are very good at selling the other so it looked a little amateurish. Still, the fans stayed on the edge of their seat on this one and went nuts when Buff “felt the bang”.[/quote] Diamond Dallas Page defeated Buff Bagwell in 18:08 by pinfall with a Diamond Cutter. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: A[/COLOR] Notes: Nearly a perfect match that only the lack of selling hurt us on. Still a great way to end the show, and hopefully leave everyone wanting more. After the match DDP grabbed the mic. DDP: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hogan! Hogan, I always knew you were a coward, but what you did on Nitro was low even for you. How could you keep the people’s champ out of the tournament for the WCW title? Hogan, I’m going to make it my sole purpose in life to make you…feel…the…bang!”[/COLOR] DDP drops the mic, and when it’s clear Hogan’s not going to make an entrance he leaves the ring. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: A*[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B+[/COLOR] Notes: A great show, especially for being Thunder. They say I used Stacey Keibler to much, but have you seen her? That’s impossible.[/CENTER] Pick Em Results: tizzyt: 3/5 RatedHBK79: 2/5 Lexa90: 3/5 [B]Winner: Lexa90[/B] Yeah I know it was a tie but tizzyt losses points for being the enemy :p OOC Thanks for reading everyone. Let me know what you think about the writeups/format. If you want to see more detail in the match writeups, or dont like the colors. Whatever, just let me know so I can make this more enjoyable for everyone.
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[CENTER]In dark match action : Gangrel defeated Taka Michinoku in 2:32 with the Impaler DDT - C Dean Malenko forced Essa Rios to submit to the Texas Cloverleaf at 2:36 – C- Al Snow defeated Justin Credible with the Snow Plow in 2:51 -B- X-Pac soundly defeated Spike Dudley with the X-Factor in 2:43 – B- [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/150px-SmackDown21original.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"]Week 1, May 2001[/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"]Cole : WWF Smackdown is on the air! Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m Michael Cole and along side me is without a doubt a future Hall of Famer, I’m talking about of course, none other than the “Original Freebird” Michael “PS” Hayes[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Hayes : Thank you Michael and let me tell you daddy, the PS is for Purely Sweet and that’s just what Smackdown is going to be this week! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] Cole : After Monday night on Raw, I can only imagine the things that we will see tonight on Smackdown! Let’s get things kicked off with a bang! [/COLOR] [I][Cole is saying as The Dudley’s intro pyro goes off][/I] [B] Dudley Boyz vs K-Kwik & Crash Holly[/B] In a fairly quick squash match, The Dudley Boyz made short work of K-Kwik and Crash when Bubba pinned Crash after the 3-D at 2:52 C [I][Backstage Essa Rios having a conversation with a person not seen, he is speaking Spanish, when he apparently shakes their hand and walks away, he turns a corner and is met with a quick boot to the gut and an Evenflow DDT as Raven stands above him with his arms in a crucifix pose] [/I]– C- [B] Raven vs Funaki[/B] – Raven dominated the entire match, the only offense Funaki got in was a few kicks at the beginning, an irish whip reversal and Raven was all offense, ending the match with an Evenflow at the 2:50 mark C+ [B] Matt Hardy vs Steven Richards [/B] Excellent contest, Steven Richards was on top of his game for this match, he and Hardy showed great chemistry working together, at one point, Ivory, in Richards’ corner distracted Matt long enough to allow a near fall, but after a failed Censor Kick, Matt hit the Twist of Fate and retained the European title at the 7:36 mark B+ [I][Jericho is waiting in the ring, “The Game” hits and Triple H comes out, without Stephanie, wearing street clothes, carrying the Intercontinental Title, Triple H takes a mic from the ring announcer : [/I] [COLOR="Green"]Triple H: Jericho, I’m gonna make this short and sweet, like I said on Monday night, you’re gonna have to go through an obstacle, I honestly don’t think that you’ll ever be able to do it, but if you are, mark my words, at Judgment Day, it’s gonna be GAME OVER for you! [/COLOR] [I] “Yo! Ya dealin wit da X-Factor!” – Albert and Justin Credible come out laughing as Jericho watches on nearly expressionless][/I] – B [B]Chris Jericho vs X-Factor [/B] Albert had quite a bit of offense in this one, a great display of tag team ability as Justin Credible and Albert kept Jericho from mounting any kind of offense for a good portion on the match, Jericho nails a step up enziguiri on Albert knocking the big man into the ropes where he would be tied up, while the ref was tending to Albert trying to release him, Jericho grabbed a chair that was at ringside, slamming Credible in the head, Lionsault and the ref made the count at 7:50 B- [I][an exhausted Jericho celebrates as much as he could when Triple H took a mic again, obvious panic on his face, [/I] [COLOR="Green"]Triple H : Ya know Chris, after seeing that display, I just hope you don’t think that my little “challenge” is over for you yet, you see, I found earlier tonight that in order to eliminate your foes effectively, it would take a little bit of money….”[/COLOR] [I]The APA theme music hits and Farooq and Bradshaw come storming out to the ring walk around the side of the ring to the announce table where Triple H is and collect a wad of cash from him, both men roll into the ring and stare down Jericho][/I] B+ [B]Y2J vs The APA [/B] [I][Bradshaw and Farooq both look at each other, huddle in the corner and Bradshaw pulls the wad of cash out of his pocket, both men roll out of the ring and they take turns counting the money all the while, the ref is counting them out, Triple H is losing his mind at the announce booth, Jericho grabs a mic as the count out is completed, Triple H throws his headset down and starts screaming at the APA, he gets up close and Farooq and Bradshaw corner Triple H at the ringpost, Bradshaw lifted up the wad of cash and audible yells “You shorted us chump!”, Triple H with a double face rake and hightails it out of the arena through the crowd] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]Cole : It’s official! Chris Jericho is going to Judgment Day to challenge Triple H for the Intercontinental Title! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Hayes : And I’m not sure if Triple H will ever show his face in a WWF arena again with the APA looking for him[/COLOR] C+ [I][A Raw highlight reel is shown, showing all of the happenings on Raw, Big Show – Test, Austin/Hunter vs Too Cool, etc][/I] - C [B] Hardcore Holly vs Rhyno[/B] Great back and forth match, Hardcore Holly seemed to have the match won, however, Rhyno speared the Hardcore one against a table and picked up the win at the 8 minute mark C+ [B]Haku vs Billy Gunn[/B] These two seemed to work decently together, Haku no selling a lot of Gunn’s offense, however, Gunn got the upper hand after a stomp on Haku’s bare feet, Gunn had climbed to the top rope going for a Fameasser when Rikishi got involved and dropped the multi-time tag team champion’s throat across the top rope allowing Haku to hit a side crescent kick and pink up the pinfall at the 7 minute mark C+ [B]Edge vs Chris Benoit[/B] What a battle, this was without a doubt one of the best matches of the night, Edge had thrown all of the offense that he had at Benoit, however, couldn’t bring the Wolverine down, at nearly the 13 minute mark, Benoit locked Edge in a sharpshooter and that’s when Kurt Angle hit the ring and nailed Benoit with a steel chair handing the Rabid Wolverine a D-Q win B [I][Another video package aired, this time with a small history on Steve Austin and the Undertaker and their many battles throughout the years] [/I] B+ [B]Kane vs Christian[/B] Kane showed off his power throughout the match, however, Christian showed that he was resourceful enough to be able to contend with the big man, the finish came when Kane went up to the top rope for his flying clothesline spot, Edge appeared from under the ring and shoved the big man off, Christian quickly rolled on top of the Big Red Machine and grabbed a handful of tights and picked up the win. B [B] Chyna vs Ivory[/B] Chyna was out wrestled in this match, growing obviously frustrated by Ivory, Chyna eventually hit a Chynabomb and picked up the win retaining her Women’s Title C- [B]Steve Austin vs The Undertaker[/B] A great back and forth contest, Stone Cold hit all of his signature spots, no matter what Austin did though, The Undertaker kept coming back for more, after a big shift of momentum, The Dead Man had Austin in his sights, lined him up for the Last Ride and when lifted, Austin, who had reached into his tights a few moments prior, nailed Taker with a foreign object, the ref saw this happen and immediately called for the bell allowing The Undertaker to pick up the win and make himself the challenger for the WWF Title at Judgment Day B+ [I][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Purple"]Quick Results : Dudley Boyz over K-Kwik & Crash Holly Raven over Funaki Matt Hardy retained the European Title against Steven Richards Chris Jericho defeated X-Factor when Y2J pinned Justin Credible Chris Jericho defeated The APA via Count-out Rhyno defeated Hardcore Holly to retain the Hardcore Title Haku over Billy Gunn with Rikishi’s help Chris Benoit via DQ over Edge Christian over Kane Chyna over Ivory The Undertaker defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin via DQ[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I] [B][I][U][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Final Rating – C[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B][/CENTER] --Tips? Things you'd like to see change? Criticism is always welcome
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[QUOTE=mad5226;396954]great show man. I like the way the JEricho stuff went down. It seemed very Vince McMahonish to me. I was a little shocked however that the Chyna match was so high up the card.[/QUOTE] Thanks, I also enjoyed yours with the Stacy stuff... The only reason Chyna - Ivory was that high up was filler pre-main event... I goofed with that one, but eh... that's the way things go sometimes
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[B][SIZE="5"][CENTER]WCW week in review[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] The week of 1 May 2001 - 7 May 2001 has been one of hope and prosperity for the once dying company WCW. Their flagship show WCW Nitro started out with a bang with the announcement of Hulk Hogan being named the Commissioner. Hogan’s first plan of action was to institute a tournament for the vacant WCW title which showed great matches from Booker T taking on Jeff Jarrett to Scott Steiner defeating the impressive Goldberg. Nitro drew a gate of over 8,000 screaming fans. Numbers that the company had failed to reach in recent months. They also saw success in their TV rating drawing a 6.12 on TNT. This is almost a full point higher than anything they’ve seen for the past 6 months. Their success carried over into Thunder where Diamond Dallas Page defeated Buff Bagwell in the main event, then went on to call out Hulk Hogan for not placing him in the WCW Championship Tournament. We also saw Kevin Nash and Hulk Hogan continue their friendship by Hogan setting the big man up to compete for the WCW United States Championship. Thunder drew a sellout crowd of 5,000 and hit television bliss by scoring a 30.46 on TBS more than doubling that of competitor WWF Smackdown which draw a rating of 14.64. WCW President Eric Bischoff then went on and secured the contract of youngster AJ Styles signing him to a written deal worth nearly 5,000 dollars a month for the next 2 years. There are also rumors that he signed wrestling dark man James Mitchell to a deal working as the mouth piece to an undisclosed wrestler. Things certainly appear to be turning around for the company that just one month ago was losing over 30 million dollars in a single month. But insiders say not to get to optimistic yet. As we all know this is the final month both Nitro and Thunder are going to be Turner broadcasting and Eric Bischoff is running around franticly trying to get another company to pick up the two shows. At this time it’s said that no one has made an offer for them yet, and without the television backing WCW could still head under. Insiders also say that the great television rating could be a fluke. A number of people were very excited that WWF wasn’t able to acquire WCW and could’ve been tuning in last week just to see what had changed. Once all the hype starts to die down however, WCW could be stuck in the same bad spot it was not to long ago.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/banner_WWF4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] wwf.com has recently learned that the World Wrestling Federation and David "Gangrel" Heath and Essa Rios have come to terms on their contracts, the company wishes both well in future endeavors. Also released from their WWF developmental contracts were Chaz Warrington and Tiger Ali Singh. It has been also reported that Alexis Laree has been signed to a developmental contract and been assigned to report in Ohio Valley Wrestling. More news as it becomes available.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/banner_WWF4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m43/jamesy06uk/rawiswarwtitantronresized.jpg[/IMG] Official Preview[/CENTER] With Judgment Day just a couple of weeks away, the World Wrestling Federation present Monday Night Raw! This past Thursday night on Smackdown! we found out that after Stone Cold himself lost the match to The Undertaker, he would then have to face The Deadman at Judgment Day for the World Wrestling Federation Title! Also on Smackdown! we found out that, due to an error in counting, Triple H is also set for action at Judgment Day and his opponent, he is no stranger to The Game, "Y2J" Chris Jericho. We know that both men will be on hand this Monday on Raw, but in what capacity will Triple H be after his cheap shot on the WWF's own "Guns for Hire" The APA? Last week we saw two vicious attacks by former WWF Hardcore champion, Raven, when will these attacks end? And why are they taking place?! Hopefully we will find out an answer to these questions tonight It has been brought to the staff of wwf.com's attention that tonight will mark the return of TWO superstars, who are they? Find out tonight! After bashing him in the head with a cinder block and then mocking him in front of the entire world, and an IHOP restaurant, we've learned that Test and Shane McMahon will be in the building tonight as Test faces Spike Dudley, The Big Show is also scheduled to be on hand as he faces off with The Goodfather, will these two big men cross paths tonight? There's only one way to find out! Join us LIVE! tonight on TNN! [CENTER][B][U]Full card[/U][/B] X-Factor vs Kaentai Raven vs Jeff Hardy The Big Show vs The Goodfather Tazz vs K-Kwik Spike Dudley vs Test Edge & Christian vs Chris Benoit & Kane Two Man Power Trip vs The APA[/CENTER]
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[B]X-Factor[/B] vs Kaentai [B]Raven[/B] vs Jeff Hardy [B]The Big Show[/B] vs The Goodfather [B]Tazz[/B] vs K-Kwik Spike Dudley vs [B]Test[/B] [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Chris Benoit & Kane Two Man Power Trip vs [B]The APA[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/nitro.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Hulk Hogan [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/HollywoodHogan.jpg[/IMG] Vs. Sting [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Sting1998.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] Scott Steiner Vs Booker T Lex Lugar Vs. Billy Kidman Rick Steiner Vs. Konnan Romeo and Skipper Vs. The Jung[/B] Plus much more[/CENTER] Quick Picks: Hulk Hogan Vs. Sting Scott Steiner Vs Booker T Lex Lugar Vs. Billy Kidman Rick Steiner Vs. Konnan Romeo and Skipper Vs. The Jung Dragons
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj298/beantha/Rawiswar1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"][I]Target Center in Minneapolis, MN Week 2 May 2001[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]JR: Only a couple of weeks away from Judgment Day, we’re coming to you live from The Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, I’m Jim Ross and the man to the right of me is Paul Heyman [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Heyman : Tonight’s going to be great JR! Two returns are supposed to take place tonight and I know who they are! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] JR: Forgive me if I doubt you Paul, but you have been wrong in the past, what will happen tonight on Raw? What will Mick Foley have in store for the Bionic Redneck and The Cerebral Assassin? [/COLOR] [B]X-Factor vs Kaentai [/B] Funny spot to start the match off with both Taka and Funaki running the ropes with Justin Credible in the middle, this lasted until Albert hit the blind tag, destroyed both members of Kaentai and nailed a Baldo Bomb on Taka for the win C+ [B]Jeff Hardy vs Raven [/B] Decent match, they didn’t seem to click together that well, however, there were some good spots, a twist of fate and Hardy was up top for the Swanton, from under the ring comes a masked man who pulls Raven out of the ring as Hardy sets flight, Hardy hits hard, Raven slow to get over for the cover and the three count. B [COLOR="Red"]JR : Who in the hell is that masked man? What the hell?! [/COLOR] [I] [Raven and the masked man continue their attack on Jeff Hardy until Matt Hardy came running from the back to save his brother, Raven and the masked man escape through the crowd][/I] B- [COLOR="Red"]JR: What in the hell has gotten into Raven? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : Raven is a tortured soul, JR and he’s made it his business to torture other souls[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] JR : Judging by the look in Matt Hardy’s eyes, I don’t think that Raven will be the one torturing soul for too much longer[/COLOR] [I][Back from commercial and we’re in a dark corner of the backstage area where there sits a desk, a gavel and an office plate that reads “COMMISIONER”… Camera pans back and Mick Foley is sitting behind his desk playing a handheld game of some sort talking to it [/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Foley : Whoa! Ha Ha! Yes! I just beat that boss like everyone in the WWF has beaten Al Snow! Ha Ha! Oooh! You’re goin down Snowman! [/COLOR] [I](enter Kurt Angle, Edge and Christian)[/I] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Kurt : Mick, Mick, I know this has to be a mistake, you’ve got me facing both Kane and Chris Benoit in a handicapped match?! What the heck? [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Mick: You see Kurt, I figured after all that has happened, you know, last week on Raw the three on one, this past week on Smackdown when you interfered in both singles matches, I guess I figured that there would be a little sense of retribution amongst the WWF fans right here in MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA! [/COLOR][I](goofy thumbs up) [/I] [COLOR="SlateGray"]Edge : Hold on a sec Mick, I can understand where you’re coning from, but what about us? I mean, on Smackdown, we didn’t get our retribution, we fought tooth and nail with Chris Benoit and Kane and we only went one for one[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]Christian : What Edge is trying to say is, this totally reeks of sucktitude! We should be in that match tonight with the Toothless Wonder and the Big Red Retard! Us! Not Kurt! So Mick, we’re aski- no, we’re begging! Let us have our moment of glory, that would totally reek of awesomeness! [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Kurt : Mick, I already went to Mr McMahon and I got a match signed for this Thursday night on Smackdown and Mr McMahon and I agreed, that if I won the grueling contest this Thursday night, I would have the night off from Judgment Day, but, if I lose this Thursday night on Smackdown, I’ll face both Kane and Chris Benoit in a match of their choosing at Judgment Day, so, what do you say?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Mick : Kurt, I see your little weasely attempt to get out of the match tonight, however, I’ll tell you this much, if you lose on Smackdown this week, I PICK your matches at Judgment Day, so I’ll grant you your little tag team match tonight but don’t try anything funny, or you’ll pay and THAT’S FINAL! (Foley slams the gavel down and Kurt, E & C all look satisfied, the trio are walking away from the desk and can be overheard[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]Edge : So Kurt, did Mr McMahon really give you that stipulation? [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Kurt : It’s true, all I have to do is beat Spike Dudley to have a night off at Judgment Day[/COLOR]] B+ [CENTER] [/CENTER] B- [COLOR="Red"]JR: MR PERFECT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Heyman : I KNEW IT JR! The former two time WWF Intercontinental champion is making his return to the WWF! [/COLOR] [B] Big Show vs Goodfather[/B] Decent match from the two big men, match was hurt by the lack of selling shown, finish came with Big Show dodging the avalanche in the corner, nails The Show Stopper and picks up the win. C+ [I][Post match, Test and Shane McMahon come from the crowd and wail on The Big Show, Shane grabs a chair and Test tattoos Big Show with it numerous times eventually putting The Big Show in the corner where he wraps the chair around his knee while Shane holds the chair from the outside, Test with a running boot to the chair around Big Show’s knee, Big Show hits the mat screaming in pain as medics comes running out to assist him, Test and Shane leave through the crowd][/I] B [B]K-Kwik vs Tazz[/B] Really good back and forth match, Tazz showing shades of the old Human Suplex Machine days from ECW, K-Kwik goes for an axe kick which Tazz catches and rocks K-Kwik with a Tazzplex before locking on the Tazzmission for the win. B+ [I][we see the previous attack by Test and Shane McMahon on The Big Show][/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : [I](over the tape)[/I] Earlier tonight ladies and gentlemen, The Big Show, who was just in a contest with The Goodfather was brutally attacked by Test and Shane McMahon, as you can see now the WWF cameras are backstage as The Big Show is being loaded into an ambulance and he will be checked out at a local hospital. [/COLOR] [I][Big Show is taken out of the arena in an ambulance][/I] B+ [I] [Kevin Kelly backstage with Spike][/I] [COLOR="Sienna"]Kelly : Spike Dudley tonight you face Test, and it’s also been told to us that this Thursday night on Smackdown you’ll face off with the Olympic Gold medalist himself, Kurt Angle, do you have a death wish? [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Spike : Are you saying that I can’t take down either man Kevin? I mean, I am the runt of the litter and as it’s always been said, it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog, right? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Kevin : Well, yeah… But no one really believes that! [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Spike : Well then, I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment I guess, we’ll see.[/COLOR] [I] [Spike leaves the interview area and heads to the ring] [/I] [B]Test vs Spike Dudley[/B] Spike gets thrown around like a rag doll, running big boot about three minutes in and Test picks up the easy win C+ [I][Spike is walking in the back when we return from commercial with a defeated look on his face, he walks past Kevin Kelly who gives a sorrowful look, Spike obviously frustrated by this slams into a locker room door, out of nowhere comes Raven who tears into Spike knocking him against the wall, kicking him repeatedly and then DDT’s him on the concrete locker room floor, Raven hops to his feet, gives the crucifix pose and leaves the locker room before anyone can get in there to help][/I] B- [COLOR="Red"]JR: What in the hell is wrong with Raven?! That’s the second damned person that he’s attacked tonight! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : I told you JR, he is a tortured soul who lives to torture other’s souls, whether physically or psychologically. [/COLOR] [I][I’M AN ASS MAN!!][/I] [COLOR="Red"] JR : What? We haven’t heard that music in awhile! [/COLOR] [I][Billy Gunn comes dancing out in his “Bad Ass” tights, the crowd pops for him, ] [/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : Billy Gunn hasn’t had very much success these past couple of weeks, being defeated by both Rikishi and Haku on Raw and Smackdown respectively, I guess he thought he needed an extra edge to help him get over this funk[/COLOR] [QUOTE][COLOR="Pink"]Billy Gunn : You know, both last week on Raw and this past Thursday on Smackdown, I’ve had to deal with a couple of big, fat, ugly smelly Samoans by the name of Rikishi and Haku and what I’ve learned this past week is, I’m not “The One” to mess with, so Rikishi, Haku, how about you two pieces of garbage come down here and try a real “Bad Ass” out?! [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [I][Rikishi and Haku come out from the back, the fans are booing, Gunn starts lacing Rikishi with boots as soon as he hits the ring, Rikishi to his feet Gunn starts nailing him with shot after shot after shot, irish whip and Rikishi reverses right into Haku who nails Gunn with a side crescent kick, Riksihi and Haku put the boots to Gunn, when suddenly the crowd pops huge as a black streak flies down from the back][/I] [I] JR : BAH GAWD! IT’S ROAD DOGG! ROAD DOGG IS BACK IN THE WWF! [/I] [I][Road Dogg goes to work on Haku, nailing shot after shot after shot, does his little funny dance legs and then nails Rikishi with a shot to the dome, meanwhile Gunn is slowly up and the Outlaws take turns with Haku, double irish whip and Rikishi, who rolled outside, stops Haku and pulls him out of the ring, The Outlaws embrace][/I] [COLOR="DimGray"]Road Dogg : Whoa whoa whoa big fellas, where you think you’re going? You see, it’s me, it’s me, it’s that D-O-DOUBLE G and since you seem to think that you can double team the A- to the Double crooked letter all the time, why don’t you try to come get some when it’s two on two?! Cause as you can see, The Outlaws are back and if you didn’t know… YO ASS BETTA CALL SOME-BOD-AYYYYYYY!!! [/COLOR] C+ [COLOR="Red"]JR : The New Age Outlaws reformed Paul! What will this mean for the tag team division?! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : Look who the tag team champions are, JR, do you really think that it matters to them? [/COLOR] [I] [Video runs showing the last few weeks of The Kane/Benoit/E & C/Angle happenings][/I] B+ [B]Edge & Christian vs Chris Benoit & Kane[/B] By far THE match of the night! Great double team action from both teams, Kane looked strong early on nailing a chokeslam on Edge only to have the pin broken up, the match went nearly 20 minutes, Kurt Angle hit the ring and nailed an Angle Slam on Benoit as the ref was getting to his feet after being knocked out and calls for the DQ A+ [I][All 5 men are still brawling in the ring, Kane nails a chokeslam on Angle, Christian and then gets a spear from Edge and officials get in to break up the melee] [/I] B+ [I][Video is shown hyping up The Undertaker vs Austin at Judgment Day][/I] B+ [COLOR="Red"]JR: We’ve got two matches in the books so far Paul and we’ve just been informed of two more, due to incidents that took place tonight here on Raw the WWF Commissioner, Mick Foley, has announced that at Judgment Day we would see The New Age Outlaws take on the duo of Rikishi and Haku in tag team action [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : That’s right and we’ve also found out that at the request of Matt Hardy himself, at Judgment Day we would see a match for the WWF European Title as Matt Hardy will go one on one with Raven! [/COLOR] [I][“The Game” hits and Triple H comes out with Stephanie, shortly followed by Steve Austin.. [/I] Austin : I got a bone to pick with the WWF officials, especially that damn sorry sum-bitch Mick Foley! Last week on Smackdown, I was put in a damned dangerous situation and I acted as I saw fit to get out of danger, but some little scrawny bastard in a zebra shirt saw fit to ring the damn bell and make it so that I would have to fight The Undertaker at Judgment Day! (pop from the crowd) Yeah, you can cheer all you damn well want, but the fact remains that after Judgment Day, I’m still gonna be the WWF Champion and can’t nobody do nothin about it! [COLOR="Green"]Triple H: Austin, I have to agree with you, I too, was screwed this past Thursday night on Smackdown, all because a couple of drunken morons can’t seem to count money right, now, I have to face Chris Jericho at Judgment Day (another pop) I don’t think it’s fair, but hey! Who says that anything that happens in the WWF is fair? We have a Commissioner with one ear, an announcer with half a face [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Hey now dammit[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Triple H: Putting us in matches with a guy with one leg, what’s next? We fire the one eared commissioner only to gain one with a walrus mustache? [I][COLOR="Black"][crowd boos yet laughs, Austin laughs as well mocking Hogan behind Triple H][/COLOR][/I] I mean for god sake, what do we have to do to get something decent going on around here for once?! [/COLOR] [I][Car crash and The WWF commissioner comes out, with a chuckle on his face, Triple H’s face drops as he realizes he’s messed up][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Mick : What do you have to do Triple H? What do you have to do? Well the first damn thing that you have to do is be damned grateful that you’ve got a job in the best damn company in the industry! [I][COLOR="Black"](pop, sign can be seen in the distance that says “Stephanie = Job Security”)[/COLOR][/I] And then Triple H, all you have to do is ask for it, because unlike last week AND earlier tonight, I’m not going to let Mr McMahon screw with my night again, so I decided to wait until right before the match was to begin to let you know that Mick Foley’s Tag Team Worth challenge is still going and tonight, you’re going to be facing a pair of former tag team champions that you might be familiar with Triple H! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] JR : That can only mean one team! [I][COLOR="Black"][APA music hits, crowd pops][/COLOR][/I] IT’S THE APA! We’re about to see a Slobberknocker folks![/COLOR] ] B [B]Two Man Power Trip vs The APA[/B] Great brawling from all around, Bradshaw nailed a Clothesline from Hell on Hunter only to have the pin broken up, finish came after Farooq hit a spinebuster on Austin, Triple H hit him with the Tag Team title, Bradshaw gets the same, the ref comes to and sees Austin on top of Farooq and makes the count for the pinfall A [I][Post match, as Triple H gets a sledgehammer from under the ring and goes to take it to the fallen APA, Y2J comes running out, Triple H runs off but Jericho chases him out of the ring and through the crowd into the back of the arena][/I] B+ [I][As all of this is going on, Austin gets to his feet, taunting the crowd double middle fingers, from the other side of the crowd comes the Undertaker, Austin turns and the brawl starts][/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR: WE’RE OUT OF TIME FOLKS! TUNE IN THIS THURSDAY NIGHT ON SMACKDOWN! [/COLOR] B+ [B][I][U]Overall rating : B[/U][/I][/B] [I][CENTER][U]Quick results :[/U] X-Factor def Kaentai Raven def Jeff Hardy Big Show def Goodfather Tazz def K=Kwik Test def Spike Dudley Chris Benoit & Kane def Edge & Christian via DQ Austin & Hunter def The APA [/CENTER][/I] [QUOTE]-Mr Perfect is coming back and The Road Dogg returns[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Updated WWF Judgment Day Card : WWF World Title Match Steve Austin vs The Undertaker WWF Intercontinental Title Match Triple H vs Chris Jericho The New Age Outlaws vs Rikishi & Haku WWF European Title Match Matt Hardy vs Raven [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/nitro.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live From Irvin J. Nutter Center in Dayton, OH Attendance: 7,802[/B] Schiavone: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello and welcome to Monday Nitro! We’re live in Dayton, Ohio where tonight the Championship Tournament continues when Booker T takes on Scott Steiner and Hogan takes on Sting.”[/COLOR] Zbyszko: [COLOR="Red"]“I can’t believe all this is going to be on free TV Schiavone. Vince McMahon must be kicking himself for not completing the purchase when he had the chance.”[/COLOR] Schiavone: [COLOR="Blue"]“Right you are Larry. And now let’s go to tag team action.”[/COLOR] [B]Romeo and Skipper Vs. The Jung Dragons[/B] [quote]A great match with a lot of spots to really get the fans worked up early on in the night. Romeo and Skipper have a great look and while the Jung Dragons have been used almost as comic relief you can’t deny their in ring ability.[/quote] Romeo and Skipper defeated The Jung Dragons in 7:40 when Kid Romeo defeated Jimmy Yang by pinfall with a Romeo Relaxer. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] Notes: The color commentary gave the match a boost. Elix Skipper is improving in Performance skills. Kid Romeo is improving in Performance skills. Kaz Hayashi is improving in Technical skills. Kaz Hayashi is improving in Performance skills. After the match Romeo and Skipper were heading back to the locker room when Stacey Keibler came down the ramp with flowers. Her face was blood red as she handed them to Romeo and gave a school girl laugh before heading up the ramp. Smitten Romeo ran after her but as he turned the corner he was leveled by Disqo who had Stacy in one arm. It was unclear if she was to stunned to be fighting to get free or if she was enjoying where she was, but she did have a look of concern on her face for Romeo. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] Schiavone: [COLOR="Blue"]“Now what the hell was that all about Larry?”[/COLOR] Zbyszko: [COLOR="Red"]“Now how should I know? But it seems to me Stacy is love struck.”[/COLOR] Schiavone: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah but by who, Disqo or Romeo?”[/COLOR] [B]Konnan Vs. Rick Steiner[/B] [quote]Rick has been in a steady decline since The Steiner Brothers broke up all those years ago. The bad ass gimmick just isn’t working for him and I’m going to sit down with my creative team in the coming weeks and think of ways to possibly repackage him.[/quote] Konnan defeated Rick Steiner in 12:36 by pinfall with a 187. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] Notes: Konnan and Rick Steiner don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. This match lifted the crowd. Rick Steiner is improving in Rumble skills. Rick Steiner is improving in Technical skills. After the match the Canadian National Anthem plays and Lance Storm comes out to a chorus of boos. Storm: [COLOR="red"]“If I can be serious for a moment.”[/COLOR] (Storm waits for all the boos to subside.) Storm: [COLOR="red"]“Seriously, seriously, Last week on Nitro I placed a challenge to everyone here in this filthy country!”[/COLOR] (more boos followed by USA chants) Storm: [COLOR="red"]“Last week I beat that American piece of trash Shane Helms into an inch of his life, and I did it without even breaking a sweat. So tonight I will issue to same challenge to anyone in the back that’s man enough to accept it. And I’ll prove to the world why Canada is the best country in the world!”[/COLOR] (After a few minutes it looks like no one is going to take Storm up on his 10 minute challenge. Then unfamiliar music hits and “The Cajun Superstar made his way to the ring. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Lance Storm Vs. Lash LeRoux[/B] [quote]Lash got the upper hand early on drawing off the crowds energy. Storm proved his intelligence though sliding under the ropes to regain his composure. Lash fueled off adrenalin came out after Storm, but was greeted by hard right hands. It was all the Canadian after that and he continued his streak.[/quote] Lance Storm defeated Lash LeRoux in 7:41 by submission with a Straightshooter. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] Notes: I didn’t think it was possible for Lash to be involved in a B+ match. The crowd is red hot at this point and it’s looking to be a very good night. After the match the camera pans backstage where Sting is preparing for his match. The fans roar in excitement, but then disaster hits as he’s assaulted by Hogan, Nash, and a masked 3rd person. The punish Sting throwing him into lockers and beating him with a chair. Soon it’s obvious what they set out to do as Nash Powerbomb’s him through not only a chair but a 2nd Powerbomb actually breaks the bench in the middle of the room in half. Paramedics rush into the room as we go to commercial. [COLOR="red"]Rating: A*[/COLOR] Schiavone: “I can’t believe what I just saw! Folks if you’re just visiting us we are going to look back and see the destruction and carnage that was just cause by the despicable Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and…Larry who was the third person?” Zbyszko: [COLOR="red"]“Come on Schiavone wasn’t it obvious?”[/COLOR] Schiavone: [COLOR="Blue"]“No, it wasn’t. Do you know who it was?”[/COLOR] Zbyszko: [COLOR="red"]“Of course I do. Isn’t it obvious it was Scott Hall?”[/COLOR] Schiavone: [COLOR="blue"]“Scott Hall? No way he isn’t under contract with WCW.”[/COLOR] Zbyszko: [COLOR="Red"]“Don’t you pay attention Schiavone? Last week Hogan said he was in contact with Hall, they obviously came to an agreement and are trying to recreate the NWO.”[/COLOR] Schiavone: [COLOR="blue"]“Folks, we can’t confirm what was just said, but it’s certainly a good possibility. Let’s go to the ring now as Lex Lugar makes his way.”[/COLOR] [B]Lex Lugar Vs. Billy Kidman[/B] [quote]Kidman never got the push he deserved in WCW. Part of that was of course because of the politics. Lex Lugar is getting up there in age, and should be passing the torch to youngsters like Billy. But we all know that wasn’t the case and while it may change, it didn’t happen tonight.[/quote] Lex Luger defeated Billy Kidman in 13:12 by pinfall with a Flying Forearm. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] Notes: This match lifted the crowd. Lex Luger is improving in Performance skills. [COLOR="red"]Booker T Vs. Scott Steiner[/COLOR] [quote]Booker T is like a man on a mission in this match and it seems like he’s going to dominate the entire match. He was on a roll until Midajah pulled down the top rope and sent Booker to the outside. She then continued to assault him with hard kicks to the ribs. Booker made it back into the ring, but Steiner took control of the match after that and didn’t look back. He set up Booker for the Steiner recliner, but the crowd popped when Goldberg came flying down the ring. He went straight after Midajah, but Steiner saw him and tried to cut him off. This of course allowed Booker to get back into the contest and to then hit a scissor kick.[/quote] Booker T defeated Scott Steiner in 17:48 by pinfall with a Scissors Kick. During the match we also had Bill Goldberg run in and attack Steiner. [COLOR="red"]Rating: A*[/COLOR] Notes: The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. This match lifted the crowd. Scott Steiner is improving in Performance skills. After the match Bill Goldberg continued his assault on Steiner ending it by Jack Hammering him out of the ring! [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] Hulk Hogan hit’s the ring next, with Kevin Nash is tow and immediately starts to get trash tossed down on him. Hogan: [COLOR="red"]“Listen up, and listen good!”[/COLOR] (More boos, as Nash claps mockingly) Hogan: [COLOR="red"]“It seems there’s been a slight change to the card brother! It seems there was an unfortunate accident backstage that has deemed him unavailable here tonight!”[/COLOR] (Nash has a “look of concern” on his face) Hogan: [COLOR="red"]“But don’t worry all you Hulkamaniacs will still get a chance to see yours truly in action tonight.”[/COLOR] (Nash jumps up and down over come with joy.) Hogan: [COLOR="red"]That’s right tonight I’m going to face…”[/COLOR] (Hogan is interrupted by the entrance music of Rey Mysterio who rushes the ring and takes Hogan by complete surprise. Unsure of what to do the ref calls for the bell and we have a match. [COLOR="red"]Rating: A[/COLOR] [B]Hulk Hogan Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] [quote]Rey is out to prove that size doesn’t matter in pro wrestling. And he made a hell of a statement tonight. He took Hogan to the limit and didn’t slow down until he missed a moonsault on the outside. This gave Hogan valuable time to recover, but more importantly gave Nash time to attack. As the match continued Rey couldn’t over come the numbers game and eventually Hogan was just to much for him to over come.[/quote] Hulk Hogan defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. in 7:43 by pinfall with a Big Boot. [COLOR="red"]Rating: A[/COLOR] Notes: This match lifted the crowd. Hulk Hogan is improving in Technical skills. After the match Hogan and Nash celebrate their victory when the arena goes dark. The fans cheer because they know what that means. As the lights come back on Sting is standing in the center on the ring just inches from Hogan. The look on his face is priceless as he stumbles backward out of the ring and him and Nash high tail it out of there. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B+[/COLOR] Notes: A great show, even with the swerve of Sting not fighting. A B+ is probably the best I’m going to see in a long time, so I’m really relishing in it. Feed back please.[/CENTER]
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[center][b][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Thunder.jpg[/IMG] United States Title Match: [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/WCWUnitedStates.jpg[/IMG] Kevin Nash [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/KevinNashWCW.jpg[/IMG] Vs. Hugh Morris [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/BillDeMott.jpg[/IMG] Karagias And Moore Vs. The Filthy Animals (Mysterio And Konnan) Disqo Vs. Elix Skipper Chavo Guerrero Jr Vs Christopher Daniels Big Vito Vs Michael Modest[/b][/center] QUICK PICKS: Kevin Nash Vs. Hugh Morris Karagias And Moore Vs. The Filthy Animals Disqo Vs. Elix Skipper Chavo Guerrero Jr Vs Christopher Daniels Big Vito Vs Michael Modest
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QUICK PICKS: [B] Kevin Nash[/B] Vs. Hugh Morris Karagias And Moore Vs. [B]The Filthy Animals[/B] [B] Disqo[/B] Vs. Elix Skipper Chavo Guerrero Jr Vs [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] [B]Big Vito[/B] Vs Michael Modest
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/banner_WWF4.jpg[/IMG] BREAKING NEWS : The World Wrestling Federation have come to terms on the contract of Michael Cole, the World Wrestling Federation wishes him well in his future endeavors [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Thunder.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live From The Patriot Center in Fairfax, VA Attendance: 8,088[/B] Hudson: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello everybody and welcome to another great WCW Thunder. I’m your host Scott Hudson, alongside Stevie Ray. And what a great show we have in store for you tonight. With the United States Title being claimed as Kevin Nash takes on Hugh Morris.”[/COLOR] Stevie: [COLOR="Red"]“It’s a shame Hogan has continued his backstage antics. Kevin Nash in no way deserves to be fighting for any title sucka, especially one that was stripped of my brother for no reason.”[/COLOR] [B]Mike Sanders Vs. M.I. Smooth[/B] [quote]This was nothing more than a filler match, with hopes that Smooth could develop a little more wrestling skills. “Above Average” Mike Sanders was clearly dominate throughout the match.[/quote] Mike Sanders defeated M.I Smooth in 7:53 by pinfall with a 3.0. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] Notes: Not much to say here. The color boosted the match, and Smooth didn’t destroy it which is a huge plus in itself. [B]Big Vito Vs. Michael Modest[/B] [quote]This was a pretty decent match, Modest has a great look and plays the heel well. Vito would get the advantage midway through the match as Modest looked to the sky and began mumbling to himself, as if God were speaking to him. Modest would regain focus however and come back to win scoring a huge upset victory.[/quote] Michael Modest defeated Big Vito in 7:52 by pinfall with a Reality Check. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] Notes: The color commentary gave the match a boost. Big Vito is improving in Performance skills. After the match Modest left the ring looking even more confused than before. He would stop on the ramp a few times looking to the sky and spinning around in circles acting like a complete psycho. As he neared the top of the ramp he began hitting himself in the head violently for no apparent reason at all. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] Hudson: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well that was bizarre, what do you make of Michael Modest’s behavior Stevie?”[/COLOR] Stevie: “I’m not sure, it seems to me that sucka needs to lay off the drugs, before he goes crazy.” [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr. Vs. Christopher Daniels[/B] [quote]Daniels came to the ring with a bible in hand, and Chavo was quick to smack it out of his hands drawing all kinds of boos from the fans. These two would end up standing toe to toe and trading punches. Eventually it was Daniels who got the upper hand and knocked Guerrero to the outside. Daniels then sacrificed his body by diving over the top rope onto Guerrero. These two would continue brawling on the outside and eventually end up getting themselves counted out.[/quote] Chavo Guerrero Jr. drew with Christopher Daniels in 8:07 following a double count out. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] Notes: This match lifted the crowd. Christopher Daniels is improving in Performance skills. [B]Disqo Vs. Elix Skipper[/B] [quote]Disqo danced his way down to the ring with a huge grin on his face that was wiped off when Skipper flew to the outside and began assaulting his opponent before the bell even rang. Once inside Skipper continued his assault that didn’t stop until Disqo raked his eyes and began his attack. It was soon clear that Skipper would be outclassed in this one, but before Disqo could put the nail in the coffin Kid Romeo hit the ring and attacked Disqo causing Skipper to be disqualified.[/quote] Disqo defeated Elix Skipper in 12:43 when Elix Skipper was disqualified when Kid Romeo ran in and attacked Disqo. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] Notes: The color commentary gave the match a boost. Disqo looked good out there. Disqo is improving in Performance skills. After the match Disqo and Romeo continued to battle it out in the middle of the ring when Stacey Keibler ran out to try and break it up, unfortunately her small stature wasn’t enough and she ended up catching a wild elbow and being knocked unconscious. Both men immediately stopped brawling and bent down to help the fallen beauty. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] Hudson: [COLOR="Blue"]“What in the world is going on with these three Stevie? Does Stacey like Disqo or Romeo?”[/COLOR] Stevie: [COLOR="Red"]“I’m not sure she even knows playa, but if those two fools hurt her again I’m going to have to go out there and teach them some manners, ya feel me?”[/COLOR] Hudson: [COLOR="Blue"]“Indeed I do Stevie, indeed I do.”[/COLOR] [B]Karagias and Moore Vs. The Filthy Animals[/B] [quote]Mysterio and Konnan got a huge pop as they came down to the ring and dominated the match from the start. Moore got a little offense in as Karagias held Konnan in the corner while his partner began his assault. In the end though, they were clearly out classed and Rey picked up the win much to the delight of the fans.[/quote] The Filthy Animals defeated Karagias and Moore in 12:34 when Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Shannon Moore by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] Notes: The performance of Rey Mysterio Jr. stood out as being good. Evan Karagias is improving in Performance skills. Shannon Moore is improving in Performance skills. Rey Mysterio Jr. is improving in Rumble skills. Konnan is improving in Performance skills. After the match the camera flashes backstage to Gene Okerlund who is in the office of WCW commissioner Hulk Hogan. Gene: [COLOR="Blue"]“Thanks guys I’m backstage with the current WCW commissioner Hulk Hogan. Hulk it was your idea to run a tournament for the WCW title and the final two left in that tournament are yourself and Booker T, when can we expect to see this match up?”[/COLOR] Hogan: [COLOR="Red"]“Gene, let me tell you something Brother. I’ve been catching a lot of flack about this tournament and I’m unsure why. People have came to me and said Hogan Brother why wasn’t I in the tournament why couldn’t I have a shot at the WCW title Brother.”[/COLOR] Gene: [COLOR="Blue"]“You’re referring to DDP?”[/COLOR] Hogan: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s right, Page you call yourself the people’s champ, but we all know that Hollywood Hulk Hogan is the true people’s champ.”[/COLOR] (The crowd boos) Hogan: [COLOR="red"]“But to prove how great of a commissioner I really am I’m going to give you a shot at the title Brother?”[/COLOR] Gene: [COLOR="Blue"]“You mean on Nitro following the title match, DDP can face the winner?”[/COLOR] Hogan: [COLOR="Red"]“I didn’t say that brother. You want a shot at being a WCW champion. Next week on Nitro you’ll get your chance Brother. You see I’m not convinced Booker T has really proven himself in this tournament. It’s obvious I’ve had the tougher schedule. So to even things out, Diamond Dallas Page will get a chance to take on Booker T next week on Nitro and the winner of that match will face me, Hollywood Hulk Hogan at Slamboree.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] Hudson: [COLOR="Blue"]“I can’t believe it Stevie, Hogan is at it again.”[/COLOR] Stevie: [COLOR="red"]“Booker T is a true champion, not like that sucka Hulk Hogan. He’ll do what he has to do to get the job done. Then he’ll take care of that scum Hogan.”[/COLOR] Hudson: [COLOR="Blue"]“I hope you’re right, but the odds seem to be against him.”[/COLOR] [B]United States Championship Match: Kevin Nash Vs. Hugh Morris[/B] [quote]Nash came into this one a heavy favorite, and you can’t help but think it was planned this way. Hugh held his own early on getting the big man down then keeping him down. He started to encounter problems however once Nash got to his feet. There wasn’t much offense on his behalf just a few big punches, a huge boot to the face, and an attempted jackknife Powerbomb to end it. However Morris some how overcame this and turned it into a back body drop then was once again on the offensive. He then set the big man up for the No Laughing Matter, but Hulk Hogan caught his attention when he ran down the ramp. Morris quickly turned his attention to Hogan to ensure the ref wouldn’t let him interfere in the match up. Hogan never actually interfered, but he didn’t have to the presence of Hogan was all that was needed giving Nash time to recover then hit his jackknife Powerbomb.[/quote] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/WCWUnitedStates.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/KevinNashWCW.jpg[/IMG] Kevin Nash defeated Hugh Morris in 17:51 by pinfall with a Jacknife Powerbomb. During the match we also had Hulk Hogan run in and attack Morris. Kevin Nash wins the WCW United States title. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] Notes: Hugh Morris was visibly tiring toward the end. Kevin Nash was visibly tiring toward the end. The performance of Kevin Nash stood out as being good. As Nash and Hogan celebrated in the ring with the US Championship belt, the fans exploded in cheer. Nash and Hogan were bewildered on what the cheers were about and had no idea “The Icon” known as Sting was making his way down from the rafters behind them. Eventually Nash turned around and was met with a DDT by the Stinger. Hogan then turned and began battle with Sting. Sting got the advantage but Nash eventually made it to his feet and the numbers over powered Sting. Nash then set Sting up for a Jackknife Powerbomb, but DDP appeared almost out of nowhere from within the crowd and quickly cleared the ring. The screen went black with DDP and Sting standing back to back in the middle of the ring. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: A*[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B-[/COLOR] Notes: Not the best show we’ve ever had, but it continues to draw out some of the storylines I’m hoping to draw out. The fans thought Michael Modest was over used, but overall the show was still considered a success. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/banner_WWF4.jpg[/IMG] As reported earlier this week, Michael Cole is no longer with the World Wrestling Federation, what does the future hold for the Smackdown lead announcer position? Hopefully we will find out this Thursday! Eddie Guerrero will be in action tonight, his first match since losing the European title two weeks ago to Matt Hardy as he meets X-Pac in singles action. This past Monday on Raw saw a destruction of sorts, as Test and Shane McMahon attacked The Big Show after his match with The Goodfather, it’s been reported that Big Show may be out of action for a little while after this, however, Test and Shane McMahon will be in the arena and we’ll hear from them. Also Monday night on Raw we found out in an attempt to weasel out of a handicapped match, Kurt Angle was booked by WWF chairman Vince McMahon in singles action with the stipulation that if he were victorious, he would have a night off at Judgment Day, however, should he lose, he would have to face both Chris Benoit and Kane in separate matches at Judgment Day, Commissioner Foley put his own twist on things by stating that if The Olympic Gold Medalist were to lose, then it would be Commissioner Foley who chose the stipulations of the matches that he would be competing in, however, first he will have to overcome Thursday night’s opponent, Spike Dudley. Raven is still up to his path of terror as this week he attacked Jeff Hardy after his match with him and the assistance of a masked man and then again when he attacked the “runt of the litter” Spike Dudley after his match with Test, will Raven be at Smackdown this week? Will he finally give an explanation as to what his motives are for these random attacks? Speaking of Raven, his Judgment Day opponent, Matt Hardy will be in action this week defending his European Title against a former European champion himself, William Regal As a pre-Judgment Day warm-up, The Undertaker will be in action this week facing former Intercontinental and European champion, D’Lo Brown. Commissioner Foley has also made a tremendous Main Event this week as he has decided to give Triple H a warm-up for his WWF Intercontinental Championship match at Judgment Day as Triple H will be facing none other than “The Rabid Wolverine” Chris Benoit in singles action and the Intercontinental Title will be on the line. [CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/BenoitvsTripleH.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/CENTER] Quick picks : Crash Holly vs Steven Richards Hardcore Holly vs Perry Saturn vs Rhyno Spike Dudley vs Kurt Angle The New Age Outlaws vs X-Factor X-Pac vs Eddie Guerrero Edge & Christian vs The APA Matt Hardy vs William Regal The Undertaker vs D'Lo Brown Triple H vs Chris Benoit OOC : Should I start using graphics? Would that make things a little bit better?
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Crash Holly vs [B]Steven Richards[/B] Hardcore Holly vs Perry Saturn vs [B]Rhyno [/B] Spike Dudley vs [B]Kurt Angle[/B] [B]The New Age Outlaws[/B] vs X-Factor X-Pac vs [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs The APA [B]Matt Hardy[/B] vs William Regal [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs D'Lo Brown Triple H vs [B]Chris Benoit[/B]
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