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WWF vs WCW : The Monday Night Wars REBORN!!!!

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y131/maxsimple/rawiswar.jpg[/IMG] Live from Bank of America Arena Seattle, Washington June Week 1, 2001[/CENTER] [I] [Crowd signs all over, camera pans cutting to different portions of the crowd][/I] [COLOR="Blue"] Paul : Smell that JR! It’s Monday Night, it’s Raw, it’s Seattle, Washington! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Indeed it is Paul and we’re live on TNN! On a night whe-[/COLOR] [I][Shattered glass and out comes Stone Cold, wearing blue jeans and a Stone Cold T-shirt to a mixed reaction] [/I] [COLOR="Red"] JR : A night where business is picking up already! It’s the Bionic Redneck and I’m sure he’s got nothing good going on in his mind. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Paul : What Commissioner Foley has done to him in the past two months, I’d have to agree with everything that he has to say. [/COLOR] [I] [Austin hits the ring, no middle fingers, just snatches the mic and starts smacking it until he hears it pounding] [/I] Austin : I ain’t out here to listen to your little boos or cheers, I don’t give a damn, the only thing that I want is for that damn one eared Commissioner Foley to bring his ass out here to this ring right damn now cause I got something to say, and I’m gonna say it face to damn face! [COLOR="Red"] JR : Stone Cold means business tonight and I’ll bet that Commissioner Foley does as well, and here he comes! [/COLOR] [I][Foley’s music hit as JR was talking and Foley comes walking out, serious look on his face, gets to the ring and rolls in, walking around Austin, who doesn’t take his eyes off of him, Foley takes a mic from The Fink][/I] Austin : Before you even try to weasel your way out of this little mess, let me tell you something “Commish” [I][Austin glares at Foley waiting for any response from him][/I] You got a lot of damn guts trying to make a match different than what it should be at King of the Ring, just last week, The Undertaker and Me, well, we beat the hell out of each other and as a result of that, you decided to strip me of my damn WWF Title! Now, on Smackdown last week, while you’re talking to that little pissant Kurt Angle, you tell him you’re “qualifying” people for a chance at the WWF Title at King of the Ring, something don’t smell right here Foley and I’ll be damned if it ain’t you! [COLOR="Blue"] Paul : Amen Austin! [/COLOR] [I][COLOR="DarkOrange"] [Foley smells under his arms, then pulls his shirt out and takes a whiff before cringing] [/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"] Foley : First of all Stone Cold, I want to apologize for that smell that you’re talking about, it seems that I forgot the Right Guard before I came to Seattle, Washington tonight! [/COLOR][I][cheap pop, Foley thumbs up][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Now as far as the other matters at hand, firstly I have to say, it’s really none of your damn business what decisions I make when I’m the Commissioner[/COLOR] [I][crowd pops][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]However[/COLOR] [I][Foley holds his hand up putting up one finger as Austin looks on pissed off][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]However, I will dignify your comment with a response, and my response is, at King of the Ring, there WILL be a match for the Vacant WWF World Title and it will be, Stone Cold Steve Austin[/COLOR] [I][mixed reaction][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]taking on The Undertaker[/COLOR] [I][pop][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]and as we grow closer to the King of the Ring event, there will be more individuals added to the match[/COLOR] [I][pop from crowd, Austin starts yelling at Foley and then “American Bad Ass” kicks up and out comes the Undertaker flying down the ramp on his motorcycle] [/I] JR : Well Paul, it looks like we’re going to get a response from “The American Bad Ass” tonight, and he doesn’t look too happy getting off of his bike [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : And rightfully so! Mick Foley knows deep in his heart, that the RIGHT match for King of the Ring would be The Undertaker and Stone Cold to finally settle all of this nonsense! [/COLOR] [I][Taker has gotten into the ring by now, mic is in hand and he’s staring at Foley when he takes off his glasses and hangs them on his shirt] [/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] Undertaker : Mick, I’m telling you right now, this ain’t right, you want to play your cute little games with Austin? Fine, so be it, but you ain’t… gonna play… with me[/COLOR] [I][Taker steps closer][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]If there’s anyone that deserves that WWF title, it’s ME [/COLOR][I][small pop][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]The only way that you can make things “right” around here, is one on one, Austin – Undertaker, one last time, HELL…. In a CELL [/COLOR][I][pop from the crowd] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : HELL IN A CELL?! What in the hell?! [/COLOR] [I] [Foley has a small smirk on his face] [/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Foley : You know, Undertaker, you’ve just given me one hell of an idea, as much as I would love to be bullied into giving you what the both of you want, I can’t… However, as the Commissioner of the WWF, I’m all about compromise, so how about this for an idea… at King of the Ring, it will be Stone Cold Steve Austin[/COLOR] [I][mixed reaction][/I], [COLOR="DarkOrange"]The Undertaker[/COLOR] [I][pop][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]and three WWF Superstars to be named later, Hell in a Cell ELIMINATION Match!!! [/COLOR][I][pop][/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Wow! What big news! But who will the other three superstars be? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : I don’t like it one bit, JR, Mick Foley is just playing God in the ring right now and if the Board of Directors had any damned sense in their heads, they’d get him out of here right now! [/COLOR] [I][Foley starts to walk away with Undertaker and Austin arguing and yelling at Foley, but he turns back around] [/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Foley : By the way, that’s FINAL… oh yeah… Have a Nice Day! [/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Mick Foley still not making any friends in the WWF, I sure wouldn’t want to have his job! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Paul : You couldn’t handle his job JR and as much as I don’t agree with what Mick Foley is doing, he’s sticking to his guns when it comes to the WWF Superstars, he won’t be intimidated. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Indeed he won’t, there has to be something to say for that Paul, fans, we’re going to commercial break, but when we come back, Raven’s Things that go Bump in the Night will be in action against Grandmasta Sexay and K-Kwik, don’t go anywhere! [/COLOR] [QUOTE][B][U]The B.I.N. vs Sexay & K-Kwik [/U][/B] [I][joining the match in progress as K-Kwik jumps to make a hot tag to Grandmasta] [/I] [COLOR="Red"] JR : And Grandmasta Sexay is on fire, clotheslining Crimson down, Nyx enters and gets met with a dropkick, Crimson met with a dropkick, K-Kwik is back in the ring and a double dropkick to Crimson sending him to the apron! Nyx is up, K-Kwik off the rope and he’s going for the Ax-Kick Paul! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : The Grandmasta and K-Kwik have been a good pairing this evening [Nyx moved out of the way of the ax-kick] However, the B.I.N. seem to have the teamwork thing down[/COLOR] [I] [Crimson hops the top rope taking out K-Kwik with a clothesline] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : And K-Kwik is out of it! Grandmasta Sexay didn’t see what happened, he turns around and Nyx with a huge elbow to the temple, irish whip, Sexay ducks a clothesline attempt from Nyx, only to be caught in the back of the head with a kick from Crimson on the apron, Sexay stumbles in to Nyx, who tags in Crimson, Nyx sets Sexay up in a suplex position[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : This is a move I’ve only heard about but have never seen[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Stalling suplex, Crimson up top, what in the world is he doing? [/COLOR] [I][Crimson jumps from the top rope grabbing Sexay’s legs as Nyx drops down in a brainbuster, the crowd “ooohs” at the sick thud when Sexay hit] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Bah Gawd! He just killed him! Crimson covers and the ref counts – one… two… three, this one is all over. [/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] [I][B.I.N. roll out of the ring and walk to the back without allowing the ref to raise their hands] [/I] [COLOR="Blue"][/QUOTE] Paul : I’ve heard some people talk about that move, it’s certainly one of the most effective that I’ve seen in a long time[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : You’d have to go back to The Road Warriors and their Doomsday Device or even The Midnight Express’ Veg-o-Matic to find another move as devastating as that one seems to be[/COLOR] [I][cut backstage to the Big Show walking in the doors carrying his bags, Kevin Kelly catches up with him] [/I] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]KK : Big Show! Big Show! Commissioner Foley announced just a little bit ago that you would be involved in a triple threat match with Triple H and Test for the Intercontinental title, any comments? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Show : Me? Intecontinental title match? [Big Show gets a smirk on his face] Well Kevin, the only thing that I can tell Triple H is to polish that title up for me and Test? Heh, twice in one week that I get to beat up on you? Even better! [/COLOR] [I][Big Show walks off chuckling] [/I] [B]B+[/B] [QUOTE][U] [B]Dean Malenko vs Ultimo Dragon[/B] [/U] [I][joining this match near the end, Tammy Sytch and Chris Candido came down ringside about two minutes into the match] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Dean Malenko knocks away a punch from Ultimo Dragon following up with an elbow, OH! Three fast elbows and Dragon is in the ropes, irish whip, Malenko telegraphs the back drop attempt, Dragon kicks him off and follows up with a clothesline[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : These two are no strangers of each other JR, as they have met in Japan on numerous occasions, not a single one a disappointment! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Dean Malenko and Ultimo Dragon fighting for position here, Dragon is backed into the ropes, Malenko with a chop but NO! Ultimo Dragon ducks out of it, two kicks on Malenko, Dragon with an irish whip, Malenko on the rebound and Ultimo Dragon with a ran-NO! Dean Malenko stopped himself mid run and has countered with a powerbomb! He wraps Dragon’s legs up, Texas Cloverleaf[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : And just like that, Dean Malenko again has proven why he is destined to become the greatest Light Heavyweight champion in the WWF’s history [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : And Malenko’s hand raised by the referee, what are Tammy and Chris doing? [/COLOR] [I][Tammy Sytch and Chris Candido are cheering, they climb into the ring applauding, and go to shake Malenko’s hand, however, he just drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring leaving the Hot Shot founders to look shocked, however, still applaud] [/I][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : It looked as though they wanted to congratulate him on a great match, but Malenko wanted nothing to do with them[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Indeed it seems that way Paul, alright fans, next up, we’ve got a 2nd round King of the Ring match-up when Spike Dudley goes one on one with Rikishi, don’t go anywhere! [/COLOR] [B]C+ [/B] [QUOTE][U] [B]Rikishi vs Spike Dudley – [/B][/U] [I][joining the match in progress, Spike Dudley is in the corner] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : And Rikishi putting the boots to Spike in the corner, three chops and Rikishi sends Spike into the opposite corner with great force[/COLOR] [I][Spike hits the turnbuckle hard, folding in half, the crowd “oohs”][/I] [COLOR="Red"]and Rikishi looks proud of himself here [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Paul : Of course he does JR, he’s in total control! Who wouldn’t be proud of that? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : And Rikishi is getting himself ready and comes running across the ring for that backside avalanche! OH! Spike moved! Spike moved! I think the ring shifted, if he would have connected, Spike would surely be dead! Rikishi stunned, Spike grabs him by the head, DUDLEY DOG! DUDLEY DOG! Spike covers! ONE…TWO…THREE! HE DID IT! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : I can’t believe that! Rikishi kicked out! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : He didn’t either, Paul, the runt of the litter has taken down the Samoan behemoth! [/COLOR] [I][Spike celebrates by rolling out of the ring as fast as he can and escaping through the crowd] [/I][/QUOTE] [B] B+[/B] [I] [Cut backstage, Shane is slapping Test on the shoulders as Test is lacing his boots up] [/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Shane : It’s gonna be a great match tonight, a GREAT match! I can feel it, can you feel it? I can definitely feel it, I can hear The Fink now, “The winner and *NEWWWW* Intercontinental champion! T-[/COLOR] [I][Shane gets interrupted by a laugh, the camera pans back and Triple H and Stephanie are standing behind Shane, Hunter is stroking his beard, laughing at Shane’s comment, then his face turns serious, Steph to his right has her hands on her waist] [/I] [COLOR="Green"]Triple H : You know what I find really funny, Shane? The fact that this whole thing, the match tonight, was all YOUR doing.[/COLOR] [I][Shane nods his head, looking pretty please with himself][/I] [COLOR="Green"]So, the way I see things is, this guy over here, who, I’ve been done with for the last two years, is not only going to get dropped on his head with the Pedigree, but he’s going to get pinned by me, and the only announcement The Fink is going to make is when he declares ME the man who STILL holds the I-C strap! [/COLOR] [I][Triple H and Shane stare each other down, Test steps in front of Shane and glares at Triple H, cut to commercial] [/I] [B]B+[/B] [QUOTE][U][B]Raven vs Rhyno [/B][/U] [I][joining in the match, Rhyno just hit Raven with a powerslam] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Tremendous action so far, Paul, these two are going at it to try to procure their spot in the semi-finals of the King of the Ring tournament! Rhyno hooks Raven’s leg, but Raven kicks out after a long one and a half[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : Being a champion gives Rhyno the edge, but what’s more is we’re seeing two former ECW World Champions going at it in the ring right now[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : And Rhyno and Raven trading shots back and forth right now, Rhyno gets the upper hand, follows up with a head butt, Raven reeling into the ropes, Rhyno irish whips him, BIIIIIG back body drop and Raven hit hard on his tailbone, [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : And look at Rhyno, he’s got himself ready in the corner, he’s waving Raven up! He’s getting ready for the Gore, JR! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Raven slowly to his feet, he turns around, here- WHAT THE HELL! [/COLOR] [I][Rhyno starts off for the gore on Raven, however, Stevie Richards slid into the ring and took the shot for Raven as Crimson pulled Raven out of the way][/I] [COLOR="Blue"][COLOR="Blue"]Paul :[/COLOR][/COLOR] [silence for a second] [COLOR="Blue"]GORE! GORE! GORE! GORE![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : That damned Stevie Richards![/COLOR] [I][Rhyno spits on Stevie and kicks him out of the ring][/I] [COLOR="Red"]Raven’s behind Rhyno! Watch out! [/COLOR] [I][Rhyno turns around directly into a boot and a jumping DDT from Raven] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : HE JUST PLANTED RHYNO INTO THE MAT! Raven covers… one…two…three and this one is done. [/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : The outcome would be much different, had Stevie Richards not sacrificed himself for his boss, Raven [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Regardless, Raven moves on in the King of the Ring tournament and he’ll be at the King of the Ring, live on Pay Per View in just 13 days. [/COLOR] [B]A [/B] [I][Video shown for King of the Ring, highlighting the tournament, Austin-Undertaker issue and the Tag Team titles] [/I] [B]B+[/B] [QUOTE][U] [B]Mr Perfect vs Justin Credible [/B][/U] [I][joining the match with Justin Credible hitting Mr Perfect with a suplex, followed up by a knee drop to the chest] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : The European champion is being worked over, surprisingly by Justin Credible here[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : Why is it surprising, JR? Justin Credible is so much more than the WWF has ever allowed him to be. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : And Justin Credible now with a rear chin lock on Perfect, Perfect to his feet, two elbow shots, Perfect shoots Credible to the ropes, Credible off with a shoulder tackle, Perfect down, Justin hits the ropes, over Perfect, the other side, Perfect up, hip toss and Credible quickly back to his feet, collar and elbow tie up, Credible quick arm drag on Perfect and Mr Perfect retreats to the outside[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Paul : As much as I enjoy Mr Perfect and his brash, arrogant style, I have to say, he is being PERFECTLY out wrestled here tonight, JR. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Perfect is back in the ring, we’re back to a collar and elbow in the center of the ring, Credible overpowered, back to the corner, Perfect unleashes a mighty chop![/COLOR] [I][the smack is sickening][/I] [COLOR="Red"]and another! And another! Cross corner irish whip, reversed, Perfect hits the turnbuckles, Credible rushes in and meets an elbow, he staggers back, Perfect comes running out with a knee lift to the face! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Paul : Mr Perfect finally seems to have things under control here[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] JR : And Perfect with snapmare, he backs up and flipping snapmare! Did you see Justin Credbile’s head snap back? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : Ever the opportunist, JR, Mr Perfect is showing that he seems to be just that[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : And what’s this? Mr Perfect going for that Absolute Perfection, but Justin Credible is able to get a foot in the ropes, Perfect not letting go of the hold… ref counts one…two…three… four… and Earl Hebner and Mr Perfect are arguing, Credible to his feet, Perfect turns around[/COLOR] [I][SMACK! The sound echoes][/I] [COLOR="Red"]SUPERKICK! Justin Credible just hit a Superkick! Cover! ONE….TWO… THR- NO! Mr Perfect kicks out just in time! And Justin Credible laying in shots to Mr Perfect, Perfect back to his feet, stumbling into the corner, Justin Credible follows in and is putting the boots to him[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : If Justin Credible wants to end this match, he needs to finish Mr Perfect off right now, quit toying with him [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : And Justin Credible seems to be ready to do just that Paul, irish whip in, Credible ducks down, WHOA![/COLOR] [I][Perfect stops mid-rebound, hooks Credible up and nails a snap-Perfect Plex][/I][COLOR="Red"] PERFECT PLEX! HEBNER COUNTS! ONE TWO THREE! THIS ONE IS OVER! [/COLOR] [B]B[/B] [I][Perfect rolls out of the ring, at about this time X-Pac comes walking out on the stage, pointing to the ring, laughing at Justin Credible, he reaches behind the curtain and holds up a big sign that says [B]“JUST – A – LOSER!”[/B] Credible slowly getting to his feet glares at X-Pac who continues to laugh and we fade to commercial] [/I] [B]B+[/B][/QUOTE] [I][Back from commercial with a King of the Ring video again, as well as a reminder that The Rock will be on Smackdown this Thursday night][/I] [B]B+[/B] [QUOTE][U][B]Triple H vs Test vs Big Show [/B] [/U] [I][Joining the match – Big Show just took a big boot from Test and falls out of the ring, Test turns around into a kick from Triple H and a Pedigree] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : PEDIGREE! Triple H covers! ONE-TWO- [/COLOR][I][BIG pyro goes off and “BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!” Triple H gets up raising his hand][/I] [COLOR="Red"]I don’t think the ref finished the count, I think he was thrown off by the explosion! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : The bell hasn’t rung! Triple H needs to turn around and finish the cover![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : And Triple H sees Y2J, the two are locked in a glare as Y2J is walking down to the ring! Uh oh, The Big Show is back in the ring! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : TURN AROUND TRIPLE H! TURN AROUND! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] JR : Test is very slowly getting to his feet, he turns, BIG SHOW HAS HIM! CHOKESLAM! Triple H turns around but it’s too late![/COLOR] [I][Y2J grabs Triple H’s foot and pulls him from the ring][/I] [COLOR="Red"]Big Show covers! ONE…TWO….THREE!!! WE HAVE A NEW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION! [/COLOR] B[/QUOTE] [I] [The crowd is exploding with cheers, Triple H and Y2J are fighting on the outside, Y2J rolls Triple H into the ring, who quickly gets to his feet, turns around and is met with a chokeslam of his own from The Big Show] [/I] B+ [COLOR="Red"]JR : We haven’t seen much of Chris Jericho since his match with Triple H at Judgment Day two weeks ago and tonight he’s come out and cost Triple H the Intercontinental title! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : Triple H should have won this match on a disqualification, but instead, the biased refereeing has caused one of the greatest Intercontinental champions of all time to lose that title! [/COLOR] [I] [Y2J gets into the ring with a mic standing over Triple H] [/I] [COLOR="Purple"] Y2J : Don’t think that I’ve forgotten about you Triple H, I don’t forget very much, and just so you know, I’ve already talked to Commissioner Foley tonight, next week on Raw, Triple H, it’s Jericho – Helmsley with the winner going to King of the Ring to compete for the WWF Title.. [Jericho drops the mic, throws his arms up in the air and hits the ropes, coming off with a lionsault on Triple H, before Jericho’s music hits and he celebrates, leaving the ring] [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : What big news! Next week Y2J versus Triple H for one of three spots at the King of the Ring WWF Title match! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Paul : Chris Jericho should be fined and suspended, the outcome of this match should be overturned! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Well fans, coming up next is our main event, it’s Six Man Tag Team action as Edge, Christian and Kurt Angle will meet The New Age Outlaws and Chris Benoit, what’s going to happen? [/COLOR] [B] B+[/B] [QUOTE][U][B] Edge and Christian & Kurt Angle vs The New Age Outlaws & Chris Benoit[/B][/U] [I][joining the match near the end, Christian has Road Dogg in a rear chin lock, with Gunn and Benoit on the apron trying to get the fans behind Road Dogg] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : And this match has been a classic display of tag team action at it’s finest, Edge, Christian and Kurt Angle have had the ring cut in half and have been working over both Outlaws, Chris Benoit has seen minimal action yet, and the fans are starting to get behind Road Dogg, he’s getting to his feet, elbow to Chrisitan, another elbow, Chrisitan releases the hold Road Dogg, three quick jabs, but Christian with a knee lift, tags Edge in and a double irish whip, Road Dogg ducks under a double clothesline attempt, rebounds the other side and a jumping double clothesline! [/COLOR][I][fans cheer] [/I] [COLOR="Blue"] Paul : Edge and Christian have dominated most of this match, that’s why THEY should be tag team champions right now, JR. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] JR : Road Dogg slowly crawling to his corner, Edge coming after him, Road Dogg leaps, TAG TO BENOIT![/COLOR] [crowd pops] [COLOR="Red"]Benoit comes in firing off chops and headbutts, Christian irish whipped to the ropes! LOOK OUT![/COLOR] [I][as Benoit whipped Christian in, Kurt Angle slid in from the outside][/I] [COLOR="Red"]OH MY! Kurt Angle just took out Chris Benoit’s knee! What in the hell! Benoit has fallen right down in his corner, Billy Gunn tags him in and Benoit is slowly rolling out of the ring! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : That looked like his knee bent the other way JR, Benoit might really be hurt and it gives Kurt Angle nothing but pleasure and it looks like Billy Gunn is the only one that seems to be healthy[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Billy Gunn and Edge, collar and elbow tie –up, Gunn takes Edge down with an arm drag, Edge back up, hip toss, but kicks Billy off, Edge scrambles to the corner and tags in Kurt Angle – Gunn and Angle right away attacking each other, Angle gets behind Gunn, elbow to the back of the head, and three more times, roll-up, but Gunn kicks right out, Angle all over Gunn again, elbows, knees, he lifts Gunn off the mat, irish whip, Gunn ducks under a clothesline, rebounds, Kurt ducks for a backdrop FAMEA- NO![/COLOR][I] [as Gunn went for the Fameasser, Kurt Angle slipped his head out and used the momentum to turn the attempt into an Angle Slam] [/I] [COLOR="Blue"] Paul : That’s why Kurt Angle is an Olympic Gold Medalist! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : And Kurt Angle quickly with the cover, Edge and Christian stopping Road Dogg’s save attempt, the ref counts, ONE…TWO…THREE and Kurt Angle picks up the win for his team! [/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [B]A+[/B] [I][JR & Paul still go on about the match while Angle, Edge & Christian celebrate, paramedics are assisting Benoit, putting him on a stretcher and taking him out of the arena] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Fans, you have to wonder what will happen this Thursday on Smackdown, will Benoit be able to compete? We’re out of time! [/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [B][U]Final Rating : B[/U][/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/NitroUSA.jpg[/IMG] Live from The Max Bell Center in Calgary, Alberta, CN Attendance: 1,736 The show starts off with Air Raid making their way to the ring for their match against The Perfect Event before the match however AJ Styles asks for a mic. Styles: [COLOR="Blue"]“Last night on Slamboree my partner and I went toe to toe with what many consider the greatest tag team in the world.”[/COLOR] (The fans applaud Air Raid’s efforts.) Styles: [COLOR="Blue"]“Now, I’m not making excuses and I don’t want to take anything away from Kronik, because they beat us fair and square. But after the lose we got to talking and we decided Air Raid is missing something. You see what we need is an edge, what we need is something that is going to put us over the top. So we decided what better way to get an edge than to bring in the most dedicated manager in wresting history!”[/COLOR] (With that very familiar music hit and Jimmy Hart came walking down the ramp.) Hart:[COLOR="Blue"] “That’s right baby, Jimmy Hart is going to take Air Raid straight to the top. Let me tell you something, AJ Styles and Air Paris are the best athletes in the world today, and it won’t be long until they are the biggest name on the planet baby!”[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B]Air Raid Vs. The Perfect Event[/B] [quote]A good match here to start off Nitro. Air Raid looked like a completely different team with Jimmy Hart in his corner and took care of The Perfect Event in relative short time.[/quote] Air Raid defeated The Perfect Event in 7:59 when Air Paris defeated Chuck Palumbo by pinfall with a Moonsault Press. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] After the match the camera cut backstage where a limo pulled in. After several seconds the door opened and out stepped Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, and Hulk Hogan. They were all dressed in 3 piece suits and looked like they were made of a million bucks. It was clear their was a 4th person in the limo but the camera couldn’t get a clear shot of who it was before the door was shut and Nash muscled the camera out of the area. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [B]Alex Wright Vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/B] [quote]These two men really gave it their all just hours after a battle royal that took them to the limit. Alex Wright went for the win with a back flip off the top rope, but Chavo moved at the last minute and got back on the offensive.[/quote] Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Alex Wright in 7:57 by pinfall with a Gory Bomb. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] After the match Chavo grabbed a mic and called out the new WCW Cruiserweight Champion Christopher Daniels. Chavo: [COLOR="Red"]“Listen up Esse. I’ve fought you twice holmes, and never beat me, not once. Now you have the balls to say you’re a champion? Well if you’re a real champion Esse, then you’ll fight me one on one, with that title on the line.”[/COLOR] (After a few seconds, Chris Daniels’ music hits and the champ comes out to the ramp with the gold around his waist.) Daniels: [COLOR="Blue"]“Chavo you come out here with a chip on your shoulder talking about how I never beat you and how I don’t deserve this title. Not only will I accept your challenge Chavo, I’ll do you one better, why don’t we make it a 2/3 falls match at Great American Bash”[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Vampiro Vs. Jamie Knoble[/B] [quote]Vampiro dominated this match and really made quick work of Jamie Knoble. Knoble tried to mount a small comeback but Vampiro was a man possessed and got right back on the offensive.[/quote] Vampiro defeated Jamie Knoble in 12:35 by pinfall with a Vampiro Spike. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] After the match Vampiro rose to his knees and flames shot out of the turnbuckles as James Mitchell made his way to the ring. Mitchell: [COLOR="Red"]“Rise, Rise my price. Our army grows stronger with each passing day. And our day of reckoning will soon be at hand. Now go and find the sinners that judgment will be passed upon.”[/COLOR] (Before Vampiro rose to his feet he grabbed the hand of James Mitchell and kissed a bright red ring on his finger before then getting to his feet and leaving the ring.) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Buff Bagwell Vs. Chris Kanyon[/B] [quote]Buff took control of this match early but his flexing and strutting around the ring only got him in trouble and soon Kanyon had control. Buff tried hitting a low blow to get back in the match but it was like it didn’t even effect Kanyon. [/quote] Chris Kanyon defeated Buff Bagwell in 12:47 by pinfall with a Flatliner. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] We cut to commercial and when we get back the ring has been laid out with a red carpet and a podium in the middle of the ring. Before long we hear the all to familiar music of The Canadian National Anthem and Lance Storm comes to the ring to a huge ovation. Storm: [COLOR="Red"]“Finally an audience with some class. Seriously, it’s only fitting I be named the greatest wrestler of all time in the greatest nation of all time!”[/COLOR] (More cheers for Storm and it’s obvious we can never come to Canada again.) Storm: [COLOR="Red"]“Before we get started I just want to say that it was only a matter of time before I received this award, I mean seriously let’s face it who was the last great wrestler to come out of Canada? I mean…”[/COLOR] (Almost on cue some all to familiar music hit and Lance Storm looked Petrified.) Bret: [COLOR="Blue"]“You know something, I’ve sat back week after week and listened to you make a fool of yourself while claiming it was in the name of Canada. I said nothing when you sang that horrible rendition of O Canada and dubbed yourself the greatest singer of all time. But I won’t just sit back and listen to you try to steal what I worked so hard to become.”[/COLOR] (The fans roar as Bret and Storm are nose to nose.) Bret: [COLOR="Blue"]“I am The Best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. And if I wasn’t retired I’d kick your ass all over the great country of Canada!”[/COLOR] (The fans roar again as Storm trembles in fear.) Bret: [COLOR="Blue"]“Now I’m going to give you a chance to leave here with your dignity, if you get the hell out of this ring right now!”[/COLOR] (Storm looks humbled and turns to leave the ring, but just before exiting he turns and flies at Bret taking him to the mat and pummeling him with lefts and rights. The crowd boos and hisses at Strom but he just has that “what” look on his face as he leaves the ring with Bret Hart down in the ring.) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Rick Steiner[/B] [quote]These are a couple of guys we haven’t seen in a couple of weeks. Both guys came out with fists flying, but it was Bigelow who got the upper hand. Early on it looked like it was going to be nothing more than a slugfest, but Bigelow hit the top rope and proved that being multi-dimensional pays off.[/quote] Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Rick Steiner in 13:02 by pinfall with a Diving Headbutt. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rey Mysterio Jr. Vs. Mike Sanders[/B] [quote]Rey started this one off explosively hitting a 2nd rope moonsault followed by a missile dropkick. Sanders would get back into the match however with a great display of technical wrestling. Mysterio was able to somehow turn a DDT into a Hurricanrana that nearly got the win. Sanders was able to fight back, but only for a matter of time.[/quote] Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Mike Sanders in 18:05 by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] We cut backstage now where Hogan, Nash, and Flair are standing next to their limo. Flair: [COLOR="Red"]“Whoo! The Nature Boy, the international superstar has arrived in the great Calgary Canada. You know all night people have been walking up to me and asking who’s the fourth member Nature Boy, and finally that time has arrived.”[/COLOR] Hogan: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s right brother, you see tonight the four horsemen stood back and got ready for war brother, but come Wednesday Night on Thunder the Horsemen are taking over brother. And now we bring the last piece of the puzzle together brother, get out of the limo!”[/COLOR] (Slowly the limo door opens and out steps…The Franchise Shane Douglas!) Douglas:[COLOR="Red"] “Ha, ha, The Four Horsemen and The Franchise. You see The Horsemen stand for something, and they wanted The Franchise! You see I built this business, on this back! And now I have been rewarded the greatest gift of all a chance to be part of the greatest group of wrestlers in the world The Four Horsemen.”[/COLOR] (The screen fades black with the image of Flair, Nash, Hogan and Douglas throwing up the four horsemen sign.) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: B- TV Rating: 17.69[/COLOR][/B] Final Notes: I guess the opening segments hurt me more than I expected. Still not a bad rating, and hopefully we can improve.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Bravothunder.jpg[/IMG] [B]Non-Title Match[/B] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/KevinNashWCW.jpg[/IMG] Kevin Nash Vs. Diamond Dallas Page [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/DiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG] Rey Mysterio Jr. Vs. Scott Steiner Disqo Vs. Elix Skipper Kronik Vs. The Mamalukes Shawn Stasiak Vs. The Wall[/CENTER] Quick Picks: Kevin Nash Vs. Diamond Dallas Page Rey Mysterio Jr. Vs. Scott Steiner Disqo Vs. Elix Skipper Kronik Vs. The Mamalukes Shawn Stasiak Vs. The Wall
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Kevin Nash Vs. [B]Diamond Dallas Page[/B] - Nash will probably win but DDP used to be one of my favorites so I gotta go with him. Rey Mysterio Jr. Vs. [B]Scott Steiner[/B] Disqo Vs. [B]Elix Skipper[/B] [B]Kronik [/B]Vs. The Mamalukes [B]Shawn Stasiak[/B] Vs. The Wall
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Bravothunder.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from the Carver Arena in Peoria, IL Attendance: 8,081[/B] [B]The Wall Vs. Shawn Stasiak[/B] [quote]Pretty good brawl in this one, with Stasiak getting the upper hand before The Wall fought back then shocked the world with a Chokeslam then a pin.[/quote] The Wall defeated Shawn Stasiak in 8:08 by pinfall with a Chokeslam. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] Notes: The Wall and Shawn Stasiak just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. The color commentary gave the match a boost. After the match we go backstage where Elix Skipper is talking to Kid Romeo about his upcoming match. Skipper: [COLOR="Red"]“We are suppose to be a team. I need to know you’re going to have my back against that freak Disqo.”[/COLOR] Romeo: [COLOR="Blue"]“Both of you are my friends man, I’m not going to double cross you baby, you have nothing to worry about.”[/COLOR] (Skipper nods at his friend then heads out to the ramp for his match.) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Disqo Vs. Elix Skipper[/B] [quote]A lot of fast paced action in this one. Disqo got the upper hand early on, but Skipper wouldn’t stay down and continued to fight back. The ending came when Disqo whipped Skipper into the corner and he sandwiched the referee. With the ref down Skipper grabbed a chair and went after Disqo, but Romeo ran down the ramp and grabbed the chair so Skipper couldn’t use it. While Skipper was trying to get the chair back Disqo made it to his feet and hit him with a vicious double arm DDT that set him up for the true most electrifying move in sports entertainment The Village People Elbow.[/quote] Disqo defeated Elix Skipper in 7:57 by pinfall with a Village People Elbow. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Disqo looked good in this match. After the match Romeo helped Skipper to his feet, but Skipper was outraged and it turned into a shoving match before Skipper finally just walked away. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B] Kronik Vs. The Mamalukes[/B] [quote]Kronik dominated in this match. Their sheer experience alone is something that really puts them a head above the competition. Add their physically dominating strength and it’s hard to see anyone beating them.[/quote] KroniK defeated The Mamalukes in 13:22 when Bryan Clark defeated Big Vito by pinfall with a Meltdown. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] After the match Eric Bischoff hit the ring to a huge pop, yes Bischoff is a face again. Eric:[COLOR="Blue"] “Last week on Slamboree someone I considered a close friend turned his back on me. Not only did he turn his back on me, but he made the comment that I needed him more than he needed me. So I was sitting in my office tonight and I decided to test that theory. Let’s test how much The Four Horsemen really depend on one another.”[/COLOR] (A small pop for trying to screw the horsemen.) Eric: [COLOR="Blue"]“As everyone knows later tonight Kevin Nash has a rematch against DDP. Well it’s real simple see if anyone from the horsemen decide to get involved in the match then Hulk Hogan will be stripped of his title.”[/COLOR] (A huge pop for that and the crowd goes wild.) Eric: [COLOR="Blue"]“Now on to business. I think WCW has had vacant tag team titles for long enough, and next week on Nitro we are going to crown a new tag champion. Now I have only seen 2 teams prove they have what it takes to be called champions, so next week on Nitro we will see another Slamboree rematch as Kronik takes on Air Raid.”[/COLOR] (Bischoff exit’s the ring to a chorus of cheers something we haven’t heard in a very long time.) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] Backstage now Booker T is sitting there with the lovely Pamela Paulshock Pamela: [COLOR="Green"]“Booker, last week on Slamboree you were so close to being named the WCW champion, until the four horsemen made their presence felt, what are your thought on that?”[/COLOR] Booker: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hogan, listen up sucka. Sunday night at Slamboree you showed how big of a coward you really are. I had you beat in the middle of the ring until the rest of the boys 60 and over got involved. My momma told me to always respect my elders, but for you I’ll make an exception playa. Don’t think Booker T is just going to go down without a fight, that’s my title and I plan on getting it back.”[/COLOR] (Booker walks back to his room looking very upset.) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Scott Steiner Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] [quote]Another great match with Mysterio using his athleticism to get the upper hand. It looked like Rey was going to score a huge victory here, until Steiner caught him in midair and toss him like a doll to the outside. From here it was all Steiner simply overpowering the smaller Mysterio.[/quote] Scott Steiner defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. in 17:49 by submission with a Steiner Recliner. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Scott Steiner and Rey Mysterio Jr. don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. This match lifted the crowd. After the match Steiner grabbed a mic. Steiner: [COLOR="Red"]“As Bill Goldberg learned at Slamboree size matters! Bill Goldberg found out what happens when you mess with the man with the biggest arms in the world, and now he’s being fed in out of a straw at some redneck hospital! So now all the freaks are asking Big Daddy who’s ass are you going to kick next, and I think it’s clear. You see Scott Steiner is a genetic freak and it’s time the world knew that by naming me the World Heavyweight Champion!”[/COLOR] (Steiner tosses down the mic and heads up the ramp.) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Kevin Nash Vs. DDP[/B] Great back and forth match here. Nash's weaknesses really showed without his boys at ringside to back him up, but he was still able to put a hurting on DDP through powerful right hooks. He went for the Jacknife but DDP was able to get out of it bu hammering away at Nash's head. This gave DDP the momentum that he needed to defeat Nash for the second time in a row. Diamond Dallas Page defeated Kevin Nash in 18:22 by pinfall with a Diamond Cutter. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Kevin Nash was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. Diamond Dallas Page came out of the match looking good. This match lifted the crowd. After the match DDP celebrated his victoy with the fans but it was interrupted by Hogan, Flair, and Douglas storming the ring. DDP fought them off the best he could, but the numbers game quickly became an issue. That is until Booker T and Sting raced down to the ring clearing it of the horsemen. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] Notes: They think Skipper was used to much, but other than that another great show that will one day end the reign of WWF.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Quick Smackdown preview/prediction key Matt Hardy vs D'Lo Brown [KOTR Quarterfinal match] Dean Malenko vs X-Pac [Light Heavyweight title] Eddie Guerrero vs Tazz [KOTR Qualifying Match] Big Show vs Test [Intercontinental Title] The APA vs The Dudley Boyz Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle [Hell in a Cell qualifying match][/CENTER] Show will be up tonight, I'll give some time for people to predict (if anyone does) and what not... sorry on the delay, personal things going on at the moment
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[B]Matt Hardy[/B] vs D'Lo Brown [KOTR Quarterfinal match] [B]Dean Malenko[/B] vs X-Pac [Light Heavyweight title] Eddie Guerrero vs [B]Tazz[/B] [KOTR Qualifying Match] [B]Big Show[/B] vs Test [Intercontinental Title] The APA vs [B]The Dudley Boyz[/B] Chris Benoit vs [B]Kurt Angle[/B] [Hell in a Cell qualifying match]
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[B]Matt Hardy[/B] vs D'Lo Brown [KOTR Quarterfinal match] [B]Dean Malenko[/B] vs X-Pac [Light Heavyweight title] [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] vs Tazz [KOTR Qualifying Match] [B]Big Show[/B] vs Test [Intercontinental Title] The APA vs [B]The Dudley Boyz[/B] Chris Benoit vs [B]Kurt Angle[/B] [Hell in a Cell qualifying match]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/logo2.jpg[/IMG] [I][SIZE="1"]Thursday, Week 1, June 2001 Portland, Oregon[/SIZE][/I][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : Portland, Oregon has turned up tonight and we’re coming to you from the sold out Portland Memorial Coliseum and tonight Brain, we’re not only going to see two more King of the Ring matches, we’re going to see, for the first time since his return to the WWF at Judgment Day, The Rock! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Brain : Well Tony, I have to tell ya, I’m looking forward to seeing The Rock, and I hope he brings out Mr Fuji and we see an impromptu “Fuji Vice” episode in the middle of the ring, that was always my favorite[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] Joey :[/COLOR] [I][looking dumbfounded at Heenan] [/I][COLOR="Red"]What in the world are you talking about? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Brain : The Rock, right? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : Right, The most ele-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Brain : “The Rock” Don Muraco[/COLOR] [I] [Joey sits in a stunned silence and just slowly shakes his head] [/I] [COLOR="Blue"] Brain : Go back to callin Braves games, Tony! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] Joey : Fans, we’re going to kick things off with a King of the Ring match right now! [/COLOR] [B][U]Matt Hardy vs D’Lo Brown[/U][/B] [I][Joining the match near the end, Matt Hardy has just taken a high back drop][/I] [COLOR="Red"]Joey Styles : D’Lo Brown seems to be ready to put Matt Hardy away here, Matt Hardy slowly turns around, LOW DO-no… Matt Hardy slipped out of the low down, just barely, both men trading punches back and forth, D’Lo Brown gets the upper hand[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Brain : And the wiggly neck[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : Brown rocks Hardy with a left hand and Hardy stumbles into the corner, D’Lo follows him in, but is met with a boot, and another, Hardy punching his way out of the corner, but he’s stopped dead in his tracks by a kneelift, D’Lo scoops Hardy up, but Hardy slips out behind D’Lo! Hardy runs D’Lo to the ropes, roll-up, ref counts ONE…TWO….THREE!!! And Matt Hardy has advanced in the King of the Ring! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Brain : And you know what that means Tony[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] Joey : It means that Matt Hardy will have to face Raven once again in his quest to become the King of the Ring! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Brain : Of course, that’s what I was talking about! [/COLOR] [I] [Joey rolls his eyes at Bobby as we fade to the next segment] [/I] B+ [I][Video is shown with Austin & The Undertaker’s feud recap as well as the happenings surrounding King of the Ring] [/I] B+ [I][Back from commercial, the camera fades in from a horrible [B][insert UPN show here][/B] commercial and we see a pair of feet walking, then suddenly stop, the camera pans back and there stands The Rock, he raises an eyebrow as the people start screaming like idiots] [/I] [COLOR="Red"] Joey : The Rock is in the building! We’ve been told that he’s going to join us a little bit later this evening, what could The Rock have to say? [/COLOR] B+ [B][I]Dean Malenko vs X-Pac [/I][/B] [I][joining right at the end, Tammy Sytch and Chris Candido are at ringside, just as they were Monday Night, slapping the mat, cheering on Malenko] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : X-Pac has quite an opportunity right now, Malenko laying in the turnbuckles, X-Pac comes charging in for the Bronco Buster!!! [/COLOR] [I][Malenko grabbed the top rope and brought his legs up like a dropkick as X-Pac came flying in] [/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Brain : It looks like his little Bronco just got busted! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : Oh my GOD! If X-Pac wasn’t singin soprano before, he is now! Dean Malenko grabs X-Pac’s legs, he’s going for the Cloverleaf! [/COLOR] [I] [Tammy and Chris start going wild outside the ring] [/I] [COLOR="Red"] Joey : No! No! X-Pac grabs Malenko’s head and flips him over, he’s got him cradled! ONE….TWO… THR….[/COLOR] [I][All of a sudden some really awful music starts blaring out of the speakers, X-Pac looks around confused, then up on the Titan Tron comes [/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/Portugal_flag_large.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : That’s the flag of… Portugal? What in the… Whoa! [/COLOR] [I] [As X-Pac was watching the Titan Tron, Dean Malenko quickly grabbed him in an Oklahoma Roll] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : Dean Malenko taking advantage and X-Pac’s shoulders are on the mat! ONE… TWO.. THREE! Dean Malenko retains! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Brain : Is there a new organization around Tony? The P-W-O? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] Joey : I have no idea Brain[/COLOR] [I] [Tammy and Chris get into the ring congratulating Dean again and as was the case on Monday night, he takes his WWF Light Heavyweight title and rolls out of the ring not giving them the time of day and walks out][/I] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : And Dean Malenko certainly living up to his all business attitude that he’s had since he started in the business, having no part of Tammy Sytch and Chris Candido.[/COLOR] B- [I][Cut backstage to Mick Foley sitting behind his “desk” which this week is set up in the janitor’s closet, Foley is watching a small TV, which shows him, watching himself, watching himself, watching himself (you get the point) [/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Brain : That’s how you keep an infinite amount of idiots entertained [/COLOR] [I][Foley looks up and the camera pans back to show Paul Heyman standing before Foley, piece of paper in hand] [/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Foley : Paul! Ha Ha! How’s it going? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"] Heyman : Mr Foley, sir, the task has unfortunately been passed on to me by the boys in the back to bring to you a list of complaints and grievances[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"] Foley : Passed on to you, eh Paul? Kind of like the ownership of ECW was passed on to you, right?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Heyman : [/COLOR][I][Heyman looks offended, then sneers and straightens his paper][/I] [COLOR="Teal"]The top of the list Mr Foley, includes a complaint from a very highly respected international superstar, one Jushin “Thunder” Lyger [/COLOR][I][cheers from the crowd][/I] [COLOR="Teal"]whom is very upset that he has only been on a small amount of shows since coming to the World Wrestling Federation[/COLOR] [I][Foley nods][/I] [COLOR="Teal"]the next complaint coming from another individual whom has not been seen recently is, The Goodfather, and I’ll be honest Mr Foley, there is some rumblings that you are currently keeping him down due to your lack of respect for the goals that he wishes to achieve as an advocate for censorship. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Foley : First off, that’s ridiculous, I have nothing BUT respect for The Goodfather, at times I think he goes way above and beyond what he’s supposed to for his “purpose” however, I’d never intentionally hold him down because I had a personal conflict with him, if that was the case, Al Snow and Test would never have a match in the WWF. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"] Heyman : Which brings me to another point Mr Foley, Al Snow himself had a complaint that there has not been a good Al Snow match televised[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"] Foley : That’s every wrestling fan’s complaint, Paul. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Heyman : Mr Foley, this list is not only long, but every complaint on it happens to be quite serious and I’m certain that the Board of Directors would LOVE to see the list and just how low the morale in the locker room has gotten [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Foley: And every single one of these complaints, while some may be valid, I can back up with a better reason why! Jushin Lyger is upset? Fine, he’ll be in a match, as a matter of fact, a TITLE match this Monday on Raw, the Hardcore championship will be on the line when he faces Rhyno[/COLOR][I] [cheers from the crowd][/I] [COLOR="Teal"]Heyman : And as much as you may or may not like the way that the business has changed Mr Foley, there is one thing that has been missing and it’s further evidence that you are a sexist! [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"] Foley : A sexist? OR a sexyist? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Heyman : Mr Foley since your reign as Commissioner of the World Wrestling Federation began, there has been a strong decline in women’s wrestling on WWF television programs! Our WWF Women’s champion Chyna has had but one small title defense, sandwiched in between two major segments on the show [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Foley : Exactly! And it was placed there to show it’s importance[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Heyman : It was placed there to show it’s uimportance so your idiot broadcasters could have a chance to talk about everything EXCEPT the match in the ring[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"] Foley : You know Paul, we’ve known each other a long time, haven’t we? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"] Heyman : Since your days in Verne Gagne’s AWA, yes[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Foley : And even back in the AWA or even that other company in the south, you were always the [I]“equal rights”[/I] person, weren’t you? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"] Heyman : I like to th-[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Foley : I happen to remember a few women who were actually demoted, hell, RELEASED because a certain “Dangerous” individual felt threatened by their status in the company, do the names Medusa or Missy ring any bells, Paul?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Heyman : Wh-Ba-[/COLOR][I][Heyman stammers for a couple of seconds] [/I][COLOR="Teal"]That’s absurd Mr Foley, Medusa was like a business partner, a wife, if you will, to me and Missy? Well, she’s one of the main reasons WHY the prostitution business is so profitable[/COLOR] [I][laughs from the crowd] [/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Foley : My point exactly, so I’ll entertain your last little complaint Paul, I’ll make you and the rest of the women in the locker room happy, this Monday night on Raw, there will be a fatal four way for the WWF Women’s title… Chyna[/COLOR] [I][small pop][/I][COLOR="DarkOrange"]… versus Ivory[/COLOR] [I][boos][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]versus Lita[/COLOR] [I][mixed reaction][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]versus Trish Stratus [/COLOR][I][boos][/I][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Now, if you don’t have any more “complaints” I’ve got other business to attend to [/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"] Heyman : Actually Mr Foley, I do[/COLOR] [I][looking down at his list, as he looks back up, Foley is no longer around, Paul looks around with an angered look on his face] [/I] [COLOR="Red"] Joey : Commissioner Foley really turning into an equal opportunity Commissioner making two title matches for Raw this week! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Brain : Tony….. Is it just me or did Paul Heyman call the announcers idiots[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : Are your feelings hurt, Brain? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Brain : Mine? No! I was trying to see if you would cry, I’m a broadcast journalist, not an announcer[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : Fans, we’re getting ready for another great King of the-[/COLOR] B+ [B]IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLL… WHAT THE ROCK… IS COOKIN![/B] [I][The fans pop huge and no one is sitting as The Rock comes walking out, stops for a second at the top of the ramp to “smell it” and then power strides to the ring, normal outside the ring middle turnbuckle arm raised and taking in the “pop” Rock[/I] [[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Rock [I](and the people)[/I] : FINALLY…. THE ROCK….. HAS COME BACK TO PORT-LAND! [Crowd pops, starts “Rocky” chants] And for too long, the People’s Champ has been gone from both Portland AND Smackdown! [/COLOR][I][crowd cheers, still “Rocky”ing it up][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]And as The Rock was driving across Interstate 84 on his way into Portland, he felt a little somethin in his pants[/COLOR] [I][women start to scream][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]It, it, it kind of surprised The Rock, The Rock had never felt this way before[/COLOR][I] [Rock starts shaking his leg, then sticks his hand in his pocket and pulls out his cell phone][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]And when The Rock figured out that it was his new cell phone, he answered it, he said “Go for The Great One” [/COLOR][I][laughs, some cheers][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]and on the other end of the phone was none other than Commissioner Foley who told The Rock that this coming Monday night on Raw, King of the Ring Elimination Hell in a Cell Qualifying Match, The Rock would be involved in a handicapped match [/COLOR][I][boos][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]in one corner, none other than former seven time, WWF Tag Team Champion, Christian [/COLOR][I][boos][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]and in the other corner, would be… the millions [[I]Crowd: AND MILLIONS[/I]] of the Rock’s fans and THE most ELECTRIFYING man in sports entertainment and the man damn sure set to become the NEXT WWF World Champion, THE ROCK[/COLOR] [I][crowd pops, starts chanting “Rocky”, Rock walks around for a minute, stopping mid-ring][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]IF YA SMEEELLLLLLL-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-OW….. WHAT THE ROCK…..[/COLOR] [I][long dramatic pause][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]IS COOKIN…. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] Joey : What an announcement! The Rock vs Christian, with the winner going on to the King of the Ring in the Hell in a Cell Elimination match! [/COLOR] A+ [I][Out to commercial] [/I] [B][U]Eddie Guerrero vs Tazz[/U][/B] [I][Come in close to the finish, Eddie Guerrero has just been dropped on his head with a release german suplex] [/I] [COLOR="Red"] Joey : Eddie Guerrero surprisingly hasn’t had much offense in this match, he’s seemed to be preoccupied by the presence of Tammy Sytch at ringside tonight [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Brain : Have you seen the assets that she’s showing off Tony? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : Eddie is slow to get to his feet, but he blocks a punch attempt from Tazz! Eddie swings, Tazz ducks KATAHAJIME!!!! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Brain : TENAY! When did you get here?! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : Tazz has put Eddie Guerrero in the Tazzmission! If he can get him on the mat and lock it in, this match will be over, Guerrero reaches for the ropes, but Tazz, showing off his strength has pulled Eddie back and he’s dropped to the mat! He’s dropp-whoa! Wait! [/COLOR] [I] [As Tazz falls back to the mat, Eddie uses the momentum while still locked to the hold to flip his lower body up and trap Tazz to the mat in a pinning position] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : Eddie has him covered! ONE!!! TWOO!!!! THREE!!! Eddie Guerrero does it! I can’t believe it! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Brain : He’s not a Guerrero by chance, Joey! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Joey :[/COLOR] [I][shocked sound in his voice][/I] [COLOR="Red"]OH MY GOD! Brain, you just called me Joey! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Brain : I did? Sorry about that Tony, simple mistake, getting a little forgetful in my old age[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Joey : But Brain, my name I-…. Nevermi-… Fans we’re being told that something is going on in the back right now[/COLOR] B+ [I][Cut backstage, Y2J is layed out bleeding, officials are around him, Commissioner Foley comes up questioning a few of the officials, then smacks a door behind him and goes storming off][/I] B+ [I][King of the Ring video package airs, highlighting the King of the Ring tournament and the participants so far in the Hell in a Cell Elimination match][/I] A+ [B][U]Big Show vs Test[/U][/B] [QUOTE](Writer’s note : I lost what I had written for this match.. however, it was basically a big man match… Big Show got the win after The Show Stopper, post match Shane attempted to attack Show, no sold a chairshot to the back, turned around and punched Shane via putting his fist through the chair-[/QUOTE] B+/B [I] [Video of Y2J post attack is shown again] [/I] B [I][A small behind the scenes video shown for the next WWF Video Game][/I] – B+ [B][U] Dudley Boyz vs APA [/U][/B] [QUOTE](Writer’s Note : Again, another match that I seem to have lost all that I had written… this was a brawl, with the end being a 3-D on Farooq after Bradshaw took a shot from a foreign object by D-Von)[/QUOTE] A [I] [Video showing the recent history of Christ Benoit & Kurt Angle, ending with the incident on Monday Night Raw when his leg was taken out from under him and he was stretchered out] [/I]– B+ [B][U]Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit[/U][/B] [QUOTE](Writer’s note : Again…. I lost this match, which honestly wasn’t much of a match… Angle and Foley argued over the match taking place, Angle demanded to be named the winner and taking a spot in the King of the Ring match, however, as the ref counted to 8, Benoit’s music hit and Chris Benoit came out with a full leg brace, as he got to the ring, Angle attacked him, hit the Angle Slam and ripped the leg brace off and slapped on a half crab, wrenching it and wrenching it, Benoit refused to give up and Angle kept slamming his knee into the mat, locking the half crab back on until Benoit finally had to submit or face permanent damage to his leg. [/QUOTE] A+ [B][I][U]Overall Rating – A[/U][/I][/B] [I] Sorry for the lackluster results… It’ll be better when Raw comes out[/I]
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Just to give everyone a quick update. Todd's been having horrible luck with his computer. He's working on the problem and trying to get his license back. Then hopefully this will get back on track with WCW dominating WWF like it should've
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[CENTER][B]Global Domination[/B][/CENTER] It's been reported that once failing wrestling company World Championship Wrestling is now considered to be a Global Promotion by wrestling insiders. This shows tremendous improvement by the company since being bought out by Eric Bischoff just one month ago. It's rumored that WWF chairmen Vince McMahon has locked himself in his office cursing under his breath that he didn't finish WCW when he had the chance. Could wrestling powerhouse WWF lose their choke hold on the wrestling world only time will tell. [B]OOC:[/B] Todd has returned with a healthy computer. And the war continues on. Raw and Nitro predictions should go up soon, so stay tuned
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Yes indeed, the war continues, not a big preview, just a prediction key this week : Rhyno (c) vs Jushin "Thunder" Lyger - Hardcore title Mr Perfect (c) vs Crash Holly - European Title Chyna (c) vs Trish Stratus vs Lita - WWF Women's title Jeff Hardy vs Stevie Richards Triple H vs Edge - Hell in a Cell Elimination Match Qualifier The Rock vs Christian - Hell in a Cell Elimination Match Qualifier comments, question, predictions more than welcome
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[B]Rhyno (c)[/B] vs Jushin "Thunder" Lyger - Hardcore title [B]Mr Perfect (c)[/B] vs Crash Holly - European Title Chyna (c) vs [B]Trish Stratus[/B] vs Lita - WWF Women's title [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] vs Stevie Richards [B]Triple H[/B] vs Edge - Hell in a Cell Elimination Match Qualifier The Rock vs [B]Christian[/B] - Hell in a Cell Elimination Match Qualifier
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[B]Rhyno [/B](c) vs Jushin "Thunder" Lyger - Hardcore title [B]Mr Perfect [/B](c) vs Crash Holly - European Title [B]Chyna[/B] (c) vs Trish Stratus vs Lita - WWF Women's title [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] vs Stevie Richards [B]Triple H [/B]vs Edge - Hell in a Cell Elimination Match Qualifier [B]The Rock[/B] vs Christian - Hell in a Cell Elimination Match Qualifier
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/NitroUSA.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from The Roy Wilkins Auditorium in Saint Paul, MN[/B] Jeff Jarrett [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/JeffJarrett.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/BamBamBigelow.jpg[/IMG] Bam Bam Bigelow Shane Douglas Vs. Konnan [B]WCW Tag Team Title Match:[/B] Kronik Vs. Air Raid The Jung Dragons Vs. The Army of Darkness (Vampiro and Michael Modest) [B]WCW Cruiserweight Title Match:[/B] Christopher Daniels Vs. Jason Jett [/CENTER] Quick Picks: Jeff Jarrett Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow Shane Douglas Vs. Konnan Kronik Vs. Air Raid The Jung Dragons Vs. The Army of Darkness Christopher Daniels Vs. Jason Jett
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/rawiswar.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"]June Week 2 MCI Center Washington, D.C.[/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]JR : The MCI Center is on fire tonight and the WWF is live on the air! Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m Jim Ross and with me as always is the always artful, Paul Heyman[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : Jim Ross, tonight’s Raw will be MONUMENTAL, and it’s all because of ME, it’s always said that in order to make a change, you must grab the bull by the horns, in this case, I grabbed the Commissioner by the ear and made him listen and see his errors in ways and tonight, Monday Night Raw will put on it’s best episode EVER and you can bank on that. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Well. You certainly had some things to say to Commissioner Foley and unfortunately, he won’t be here tonight to see those things in action as he is currently absent tonight due to personal reasons, but tonight we will see three title matches and another set of matches for qualifiers into the Hell in a Cell Elimination Match that will take place in the King of the Ring in just thirteen days, the first title match will be taking place, right now! [/COLOR] [B][U]Jushin Lyger vs Rhyno [/U][/B] [QUOTE]Good match back and forth, Lyger having a counter for just about all of Rhyno’s non-strongman offenses, finish came with Percy Pringle attempting to get involved, Lyger deals out a baseball slide dropkick to plant Pringle’s face off the ring apron, Rhyno attempted a Gore as Lyger got up, Lyger leapfrogged sending Rhyno into the corner, however, he stopped himself, turning around and getting caught in a standing Lyger Bomb and Lyger picks up the win[/QUOTE] [B]B-[/B] [COLOR="Red"]JR : What a way to kick off Raw tonight! Jushin Lyger overcomes both Rhyno and Percy Pringle and captures the Hardcore title! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : And just as I told Commissioner Foley, Lyger has been disrespected since coming to the WWF, he was given an opportunity, and he captured his first World Wrestling Federation Title! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : And let’s not forget Paul, the unification or “transformation” if you will, at King of the Ring, the Hardcore title and the European title will be up for grabs and if both champions can keep their titles until then, it looks as though we will see Mr Perfect taking on Jushin Lyger. [/COLOR] [I][“Perfect” hits] [/I] [COLOR="Red"] JR : Speaking of which, here comes the European champion now, with our second title match of the night! [/COLOR] [B][U]Mr Perfect vs Crash Holly [/U][/B] [QUOTE]Not really a match, Crash didn’t get much offense in, at the 2:45 mark, Mr Perfect nailed a Perfect Plex and retains[/QUOTE] [B] B[/B] [I][A video is shown with the recent history of Big Show – Test, highlighting the I-C title win of Big Show, to the first title defense at Smackdown this past week][/I] [B]– B[/B] [B][U]Trish vs Lita vs Chyna [/U][/B] [QUOTE]Better than average woman’s match, Lita and Trish worked together a bit to counter the awesome power of Chyna, finish came with Chyna taking a high kick to the side of the temple from Trish, Lita delivered a big moonsault, Trish immediately grabbed Lita and threw her through the ropes, covering Chyna and gaining the WWF Women’s Title [/QUOTE] [B]C+[/B] [COLOR="Red"] JR : Trish Stratus is the new women’s champion Paul! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Paul : Once again, I told Mick Foley that the women-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Wai- Whoa Whoa What is Trish doing?! [/COLOR] [I] [ Trish snatches the title and holds it high, Lita attempts to come into the ring, but take a shot from Trish to the side of the head [/I] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Trish Stratus is obviously losing her cool over the win [/COLOR] [I][Trish grabs a mic and drops next to Chyna who is still out on the mat][/I] [COLOR="Plum"]Trish : Look at you! You’re a disgrace to the WWF Women’s Title! You never deserved to have it in the first place! Finally there’s a woman of HONOR, a woman of CLASS, a woman that the WWF can be PROUD to call their women’s champion! And next week, Chyna, when the WWF returns to Canada, they’ll FINALLY have a woman’s champion worth cheering! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : Trish has always been a proud Canadian, JR, and tonight she’s a proud Canadian AND a champion! By the way, all thanks to me! [/COLOR] [B] B[/B] [I][Fade back in from commercial, Kevin Kelly standing by[/I] [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Kevin: Ladies and Gentlemen, joining me at this time is none other than The Rock, Rock, tonight you square off wi-[/COLOR] [I][The Rock steps into the scene and holds his hand up, Kevin stops talking, the crowd pops and he soaks in the pop][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Rock : FINALLY….. THE ROCK… HAS COME BACK… TO WASHINGTON DEEEEE CEEEEE,[/COLOR] [I][Rock and the crowd do the whole thing, “Rocky” chants follow][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Kevin Kelly, The Rock is back in D.C., The Nation’s Capital, just a little over a mile away from The White House, where The Rock is sure that right this VERY second, our new president, George W. Bush is sitting back, his feet on a desk in the Oval Office, with a big sixty inch screen TV in front of him, sitting there watching and chanting with “The People”[/COLOR] [I][does a George Bush impression][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky, heh heh, I love The Rock, he should be my Vice President”[/COLOR] [[I]all the while, this makes the crowd chant “Rocky” with him, the comments gets some laughs from people listening][/I]… [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]But The Rock says, sorry Georgey, as much as he wishes that he could be planning strategies with the Prez, The Rock has other issues, those issues are the World Wrestling Federation Title[/COLOR] [I][pop][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]King of the Ring, thirteen days away, The Rock qualifies tonight going one on millions with Christian [/COLOR][I][boos][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]So The Rock says this, tonight Christian, you bring your little jabroni rooty poo ass into the ring, stare down The Great One and the millions [/COLOR][I][crowd : and millions][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]of The Rock’s fans, and after The Rock beats you around like the blonde haired little bitch that you are [/COLOR][I][pop] [/I][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]he goes on to King of the Ring, and once again becomes the WWF champion, if ya SMELLLLLLL-L-L-L-L WHAT THE ROCK…. IS COOKIN [/COLOR] [B]A+[/B] [B][U]Jeff Hardy vs Stevie Richards[/U][/B] [QUOTE]Good enough match, nothing to really talk about, Stevie falls victim to the Twist of Fate and Jeff Hardy picks up a win[/QUOTE] [B] B[/B] [I] [Post match celebration cut short as Raven and the BIN hit the ring backing Jeff into the corner, Stevie nails Jeff from behind, boots start getting put to Jeff, from the back comes Matt Hardy, Eddie Guerrero and Spike Dudley to make the save ] [/I] [B] C+[/B] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Jeff Hardy escaping sure injury as his brother and two of the other King of the Ring participants make the save, I’m sure Raven isn’t too happy about this[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : Raven is never very happy about anything, JR, one thing that may make him happy is in thirteen days when he wins the King of the Ring. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] JR : We’ll see about that, right now, Kevin Kelly is in the back with Test, take it away Kevin[/COLOR] [QUOTE]KK : Thank you JR, as you mentioned, with me at this time is Test and his manager, Shane McMahon Shane : Kev, I appreciate you taking this time to talk to us, but let me just be sure to tell you that the only reason that we’re here is because Test once and for all wants to put an end to The Big Show, isn’t that right big man? Test : Big Show can run his mouth, he can use his underhanded tactics to beat me, but Big Show, I want you, one final time in a Steel Cage match for that Intercontinental title! Shane : That’s right! Show! You and Test going at it again, kind of makes your knees shake doesn’t it? Makes you a little scared to come to work, knowing that Test is going to compl- [B] C[/B] [I][Big Show steps into the scene behind Shane and Test as Shane bumps back into him][/I] Big Show : Apparently kicking your ass a hundred times now hasn’t sent you a message yet, Test, so, if it’s a Cage match you want, then next week, right here on Raw, from your little beloved Canada, I’ll kick your ass again in front of your hometown crowd, would that make you happy? Test : Oh, we’ll see aboot that Big Show : Oh, you’ll see a BOOT, alright, about a size seventeen kicking your big ass teeth down your throat[/COLOR] [I][crowd pops and laughs as Shane pulls Test away saying “Next week! Next week!”] [B] B+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]JR : Next week’s Raw in Canada is going to be a great one, the Intercontinental title in a steel cage? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : And Test, I GUARANTEE will capture that title next week, JR [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR : You’re sure about that Paul? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Paul : Have I been wrong since the beginning that this has been one of the best Raw’s?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] JR : It certainly has been one for the ages, Paul… Speaking of, The King of the Ring is going to be a great one as well, just look at the card that we have lined up! [/COLOR] [I][Video package airs highlighting the matches known so far, King of the Ring tournament, European vs Hardcore title, Edge & Christian vs Dudley Boyz vs New Age Outlaws TLC match, Elmimination Hell in a Cell ] [/I] [B] B+[/B] [B][U]Edge vs Triple H [/U][/B] [QUOTE]A CLASSIC match, both men gave their all, finish came with Stephanie McMahon getting involved and referee Earl Hebner sending her back to the back, barring her from ringside, as Earl and Stephanie were arguing and security were getting her to the back, Chris Jericho came from the other side by Paul & JR, distracting Triple H long enough for Edge to nail a spear, cover.. one …. Two… three!!!! [/QUOTE] [B] A+[/B] [COLOR="Red"]JR : OH MY GOD! DO YOU BELIEVE THIS PAUL! Edge is going to King of the Ring and a chance at the WWF title! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul : What does this mean for the TLC match with the Dudley Boyz & New Age Outlaws? [/COLOR] [I] [Triple H tries to go after Edge, but he’s out of there, Y2J is laughing in the ring, Triple H sees him, they jaw back and forth and start tearing into each other, fighting off security and officials and tearing into each other through the crowd and fade out to commercial the two still fighting] [/I] [B] A[/B] [I][Back from commercial Kurt Angle and Christian are standing, they greet Edge with high fives[/I] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Edge : I TOTALLY just beat Triple H and now King of the Ring is going to TOTALLY reek of Awesomeness! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Kurt : Can you imagine it fellas? The three of us virtually in a handicapped match with Austin and Undertaker? In a Hell in a Cell no less? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"] Christian : Ha Ha Ha yeah! Totally! And then, when one of us walks out the WWF Champion, it won’t matter who it is! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Kurt : Uhh, Christian, I hate to tell you this, but it DOES matter who it is, it’ll be me, I deserve that title[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Edge : “Deserve” Kurt, you totally sound like Triple H and The Rock right now[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Kurt : You know what guys.. I’m not even sure why we’re talking about this right now, Christian still has to beat The Rock tonight. [/COLOR] [I][As Kurt says that “You think you know me” can be heard][/I] [COLOR="Indigo"] Christian : And I’m totally going to do that right now! The Christian, is TOTALLY going to slap Rocky around like Ike on Tina! Ha Ha! [/COLOR]] – [B]A+[/B] [B][U] The Rock vs Christian [/U][/B] [QUOTE]Another tremendous match, great action back and forth, Kurt & Edge are nowhere to be seen, Christian goes for the Unprettier, only to be shoved off into the ropes, stepping into a spinebuster and people’s elbow for the finish. [/QUOTE] [B] A+[/B] [COLOR="Red"]JR : The Elimination Hell in a Cell is set! Austin, Undertaker, Angle, Edge, ROCK! We’re out of time fans! [/COLOR] [B][I][U]Final Show Rating – A[/U][/I][/B]
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Appreciate it... love to know what others think as well.. if ya think something sucks, you won't hurt my feelings by telling me so, it'll make me work harder to keep a reader... Feedback (good or bad) is always welcome
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(OOC : This was supposed to be posted before Raw... but I'm a freakin retard) [CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/untitled-2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] There have been a ton of rumblings around that the WWF is about to start releasing talent again, in an effort to slim down their rosters so that they can bring up a slew of new blood from their Developmental pool, as far as I know, these are the competitors that are under contract to the WWF and have been placed in developmental : [CENTER][U]Heartland Wrestling Association[/U] BJ Whitmer Carly Colon Chad Collyer Charlie Haas Joe E. Legend Lance Cade Matt Stryker Russ Haas [U]Memphis Championship Wrestling[/U] Beth Phoenix Christian York (current MCW Hardcore champion) Scott Colton (known through the indys as Colt Cabana) James Reiher, Jr (son of legendary Jimmy Snuka) Joey Matthews (Co-Holder MCW Tag Titles with “Boogie Woogie Man” Jimmy Valiant) Paul London [U]Ohio Valley Wrestling[/U] Alexis Laree Dan Solwold (known on the indys as Austin Aries) Brock Lesnar (Current OVW champion) Doug Basham Jay Briscoe Johnny Jeter David Bautista Lisa Marie Varon Mark Briscoe Nick Dinsmore Randy Orton Rodney Begnaud (known as Redd Dogg) Rico Constantino Robert Conway Ron Waterman Shelton Benjamin Brian “Spanky” Kendrick Daniel Hollie (The Damaja) John Cena (The Prototype)[/CENTER] Who would be called up is not known at this time, though I’ve heard from a reliable source that Lisa Marie Varon, Brock Lesnar, Ron Waterman and Chad Collyer are being talked about for a chance in the big time. But who would be released? There are a number of current WWF superstars that could be named, Albert, Chyna, Ron “K-Kwik” Killings, Jerry Lynn, Haku, The Goodfather and constant bad boy X-Pac (who has reportedly been in the WWF dog house since no-showing an I-C title opportunity) I’ll cover more of this story as it comes about. Other rumors floating around recently are that Glen Jacobs, better known as his character, Kane, recently walked out on the World Wrestling Federation after a huge blow up with Road Agents Michael Hayes and Jerry Jarrett, apparently the situation has Jacobs choking Hayes after the verbal dispute, but you know how wrestling stories go. A lot of fans are said to be very upset that as of now, they only have a few champions to cheer on or look forward to seeing, with the Tag Titles and World Title being vacant, the fans are beginning to watch WCW Monday Nitro knowing that they have a definite World champion to follow. The King of the Ring, surprisingly is looking to be a really good show, with probably the most talented “final four” since the 1993 King of the Ring with Raven, Matt Hardy, Eddie Guerrero and Spike Dudley all competing. It’s still unsure what will happen to the previously mentioned TLC tag title match with Edge & Christian, The Dudley Boys and New Age Outlaws now that Vince threw that major swerve with Edge taking a spot in the Elimination Hell in a Cell match, I guess we’ll see. Chris Candido in line for an Intercontinental title run? That’s what I’ve heard! I guess we’ll have to wait around and see.
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[CENTER][B][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/NitroUSA.jpg[/IMG] Live from The Roy Wilkins Auditorium in Saint Paul, MN Attendance: 5,000 (Sold Out)[/B] The show opens with Eric Bischoff standing in the middle of the ring. Bischoff: [COLOR="Blue"]“As you already know the match tonight featuring Air Raid and Kronik is going to be a title match. However there are still 2 more titles they are vacant. The WCW Hardcore title, and the once prestigious TV title. But have no fear, Eric has a plan. Wednesday night on Thunder Hardcore wrestling will return to WCW.”[/COLOR] (Small pop here for Hardcore wrestling.) Bischoff: [COLOR="Blue"]“That match will be a title match and will feature Reno taking on The Wall.[/COLOR] (Not as many cheers there, apparently those two don’t have many fans.) Bischoff: [COLOR="Blue"]“The TV title was a tough decision for me. There are so many great young talents here in WCW I didn’t know who should be in the match. So instead there is going to be an 8 man tournament with the finals being at Great American Bash.”[/COLOR] (The fans like that announcement a lot better and cheered as Bischoff left the ring all smiles.) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]WCW Cruiserweight Title Match: Christopher Daniels Vs. Jason Jett[/B] [quote]This was Daniels first title defense and was classic WCW. The match was filled with suicide dives, Moonsaults, and various other top rope moves that really get the fans on their feet.[/quote] Christopher Daniels defeated Jason Jett in 7:31 by pinfall with a Last Rites. Christopher Daniels makes defense number 1 of his WCW Cruiserweight title. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] Notes: The performance of Christopher Daniels stood out as being good. Jason Jett is improving in Technical skills. Jason Jett is improving in Performance skills. After the match we go backstage where Stacey Keibler is wrapped in a towel and Disqo and Kid Romeo are having a discussion when Elix Skipper walks in. Romeo: [COLOR="Red"]“Man I said go right you went left.”[/COLOR] Disqo: [COLOR="Blue"]“I thought you meant your right baby.”[/COLOR] Romeo: [COLOR="Red"]“Now’s not the best of time to use the word baby, let’s just never discuss this again.”[/COLOR] Disqo: [COLOR="Blue"]“Fine with me”[/COLOR] Stacey: [COLOR="Green"]“Guys it’s nothing to be ashamed of, besides I thought it was kind of hot.”[/COLOR] (Everyone finally notices Skipper standing there looking confused.) Romeo: [COLOR="Red"]“Elix, look man about last week.”[/COLOR] Skipper: [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s cool, I know where your alliances lie now.”[/COLOR] Romeo: [COLOR="Red"]“No it wasn’t like that man.”[/COLOR] Skipper: [COLOR="Blue"]“What are you love birds back here fighting about anyway?”[/COLOR] Romeo: [COLOR="Red"]“Oh, um nothi…”[/COLOR] Keibler: [COLOR="Green"]“They’re embarrassed because they crossed swords, tell them it’s not that big of a deal.”[/COLOR] (Skipper looks stunned then busts out laughing.) Skipper: [COLOR="Blue"]“Wow, you guys are closer than I thought. Disqo I want a rematch, and Romeo it would be wise not to get involved.”[/COLOR] (Skipper walks out still laughing.) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B] The Army of Darkness Vs. The Jung Dragons[/B] [quote]Pretty much a squash match here. The team of Modest and Vampiro toyed with the Dragons until James Mitchell told his boys to finish them off.[/quote] Vampiro and Michael Modest defeated The Jung Dragons in 9:50 when Michael Modest defeated Kaz Hayashi by pinfall with a Reality Check. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Vampiro looked good out there. After the match Mitchell kneeled over the fallen body of Kaz and whispered something. Kaz immediately began to shake and a black ooze came from his mouth. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] We go backstage now where Bam Bam Bigelow is getting ready for his match later tonight against Jeff Jarrett when Bret Hart walks up. Hart: [COLOR="Blue"]“Can I talk to you a minute Bigelow?”[/COLOR] (Bigelow looks concerned then finally decides to allow Bret to speak his mind.) Hart: [COLOR="Blue"]“Look, we have a long history you and I. Some good some bad.”[/COLOR] Bigelow: [COLOR="Red"]“What’s your point Bret?”[/COLOR] Hart: [COLOR="Blue"]“I came to ask for your help.”[/COLOR] Bigelow: [COLOR="Red"]“My help? But Bret you’re The Best there is, the best there…”[/COLOR] Hart: [COLOR="Blue"]“Come on Bigelow don’t mock me right now.”[/COLOR] Bigelow: [COLOR="Red"]“What do you need?”[/COLOR] Hart: [COLOR="Blue"]“I need someone to put that punk Lance Storm in his place. God knows I would, but after that concussion I can’t get in the ring anymore.”[/COLOR] (Bigelow thinks about this for several minutes then grins and agrees to help shaking Bret’s hand.) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]WCW Tag Team Title Match Kronik Vs. Air Raid[/B] [quote]A back and fourth match in this one with Jimmy Hart at ring side screaming at his team to stay focused. This was a much better match than the one they had at the PPV and ended with Styles and Adams battling it out on the outside of the ring. Eventually each persons partner would come to help the other and before they knew what happened the bell rang declaring a double count out. Of course this didn’t stop all 4 men from continuing to brawl.[/quote] KroniK drew with Air Raid in 12:58 following a double count out. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] Notes: The performance of Bryan Clark stood out as being good. After all four men are separated and taken to the back we are preparing for our next match when Goldberg appears at the top of the ramp. The announcers go on about how he was suppose to be in the hospital after what happened at Slamboree. They continue their rant until Goldberg reaches the ring and gets a mic. Goldberg:[COLOR="Blue"] “Steiner! You come out here talking about how you deserve to be champion after taking Bill Goldberg out of commission. Well I have news for you Steiner I’m back and you’re still on my list! Scott Steiner…You’re Next!”[/COLOR] (Goldberg drops the mic and the crowd begins to chant his name.) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Shane Douglas Vs. Konnan[/B] [quote]Konnan never really had a chance in this one. All four members of the horsemen were at ring side and every time they had a chance they attacked Konnan leaving Douglas to toy with him.[/quote] Shane Douglas defeated Konnan in 16:13 by pinfall with a Franchiser. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Shane Douglas was visibly tiring toward the end. Konnan was visibly tiring toward the end. This match lifted the crowd. After Douglas was declared the winner all four members of the horsemen put the boots to Konnan when DDP hit the ring with a chair in hand. He single handedly took out each member of the four horsemen and played the crowd like a fiddle. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jeff Jarrett Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] [quote]A great match here that could’ve went either way. Bigelow never fails to impress me with how agile he is for a big man. And Jarrett can play the role of the heel with the best of them. The ending came when Jarrett went to smash his guitar over the head of Bigelow but Bigelow moved at the last second causing Jarrett to miss and be off balance. Bigelow dropped him to the mat and set him up for the Greeting From Asbury Park.[/quote] Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Jeff Jarrett in 18:03 by pinfall with a Greeting From Asbury Park. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Jeff Jarrett and Bam Bam Bigelow just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. This match lifted the crowd. After the match Lance Storm hit the ring but Bigelow was ready for him and they brawled back and fourth until the show went off the air. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] Notes: The fans think Jimmy Yang was used to much, no big deal there. Another great show for us that would probably have been an A had it not been for the bad chemistry in the main event. [B]Nitro Rating: 7.37 Raw Rating: 25.57[/B][/CENTER]
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