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Time + Boredom = Ideas. I cant wait for the new TEW and I have already come up with some suggestions but here are a few more to make the game a little more “personal” I believe Owner Percentage Im not to sure on how real world promotions are owned but being able to own certain percentages of the company could make owning certain company’s more interesting. Such as WWE, In the current TEW it allows 1 owner so its 100% Vince. But surly the rest of the McMahon’s have a share. So say Shane, Linda and Steph have 10% each and Vince had 70%. On one hand more owners could add a plus such as more money to put into the promotion. On the other hand the more negative relationships the owners have, The less people will sign for them. User Equity With user character Equity things like owning a car and/or house, living a certain lifestyle, owning a business and so on would be a great addition I personally feel. Now using money that u earn from a promotion u can buy a house or rent. Use the economy to set house prices, buy when its low, sell when its high then spend the money to buy a promotion of your own. This may not be the best way of explaining it but I look forward to see if any one else has thins to add Promotion Buying/Starting New Promotion At the moment in TEW you have to have a HIGH reputation to open your own promotion. Obviously this isn’t how real life works. The user pay and user equity would help you earn cash. And build up enough to start your own promotion, share buy, or buy into an already existing promotion Worker Cash When workers are paid it they get paid and the money just goes, why not use it to support workers, raise or lower moral. Get people millionaires then they will leave the business if they’re more interested in their bank than the ring. This can also come in handy to stop any person with high business skill owning a promotion like WCW. Only someone with a large amount of cash and business skill could do that. Which is where Owner Percentage could also help. Two or Three workers could then share cash to buy out the promotion
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i don't see a point in user equity who cares how much he really has or any other wrestler u might as well play the sims... i do like the owner percentage though a lot of companys r actually like this and i really dont think the mcmahons actually own that much iirc doesn't some other company own something? like the shock holders....
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[QUOTE=Togg;395807]User Equity With user character Equity things like owning a car and/or house, living a certain lifestyle, owning a business and so on would be a great addition I personally feel. Now using money that u earn from a promotion u can buy a house or rent. Use the economy to set house prices, buy when its low, sell when its high then spend the money to buy a promotion of your own. This may not be the best way of explaining it but I look forward to see if any one else has thins to add[/QUOTE] The other 3 are good suggestions, but no offence but I really dont like this one. I dont care what cars or house my character would have, I'm more interested in running the promotion rather than go through another few screen to buy a house or car or whatever, just seems a bit silly.
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Glad the other 3 idea's have gone down well but i guess by me not explaining my idea for user equity that its got lost somewhere I just thought with user equity it would make more use of the econemy in the game, owning a house/houses and a business could be an investment for a user to help raise or lower the bank balance. Not the best idea i do know that, it is kind of like in WreSpi. where you can have random income and outgoings. with the living costs also. Hope this is more clear:D
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Not bad ideas at all but could you imagine the statistical nightmare it would be for mod makers and Adam Ryland to have to set each worker, one by one, their starting money? Yes because one couldn't give everyone the same ammount of cash, we would have to figure out who's richer than who and stuff like that. I don't know... But all in all, I like most of the suggestions made, especially the stock holders, I've always moaned when I play the WWE and have, say, Linda McMahon under lifetime contract for no specific reason, sure, her having a certain share of the company would change the fact that I barely use her, but it'd give some purpose. And by the way, I'd be even more interesting if some share holders would sell their share of the company to another holder, or to an outsider.
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Having multiple owners would be a real good addition. Maybe they could even give differint goals from each other, even ones that contradict each other, meaning you have to pick the one that does the least damage. Even something that means you can't get fired unless 50% of the ownership wants to fire you would be cool.
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The best thing about user equity would be that it would create an extra layer to a worker's motivations. While a worker who is currently broke would be more of a pushover in contract negotiations and really be wanting to get on that PPV if he's got some kinda of per-appearance agreement, a worker who is lamping in cash wouldn't fold so easily to you hardballing him, and not necessaily be so eager to get that bonus money if it's a trouble to him (along with the stats that already drive them). But yeah, the actuality of making this happen seems like a nightmare. At it's best it would be giving each worker an outgoing expenses, with a small random variable thrown in, which is compared against their incoming expenses.. but even that does seem like a mountain of work, and perhaps succeptable to quite a few flaws. I think I see what he's getting at, but it may not really reap that many gains in correlation to the effort required to implement it sufficiantly
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Thanks i guess the big thing agains workers having money seems 2 be that modders will hate having to type in amounts of money, so why not have a drop down menu?, where it says random, bankrupt, barley surviving, very low and so on all the way up to millionare:D
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[QUOTE=Togg;396033]Glad the other 3 idea's have gone down well but i guess by me not explaining my idea for user equity that its got lost somewhere I just thought with user equity it would make more use of the econemy in the game, owning a house/houses and a business could be an investment for a user to help raise or lower the bank balance. Not the best idea i do know that, it is kind of like in WreSpi. where you can have random income and outgoings. with the living costs also. Hope this is more clear:D[/QUOTE] It was clear to start with, it just wasn't a good suggestion. Say i'm entering the game world, knowing full well that i'm going to start my own promotion, why should I have to go all through this crap of having to buy a house and sell it and become rich. What's the point? It's a wrestling sim, not a real-life sim. I aint botherd what my in game person does, hell he can be gay for all I care, all I want to do is run my promotion an book some shows. Also with a drop down menu of how rich someone is, what's stopping me from making my user character a millionaire before the game starts, and just starting a promotion straight away with the money. It defeats the object, cause then no one will use the equety real life feature and they will just make them selves millionaires, and then you will just have one big feature not doing anything but making loading times slower. Nice suggestions otherwise, I just don't see the point in this one.
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I think adding an extra computational layer to every worker would kill the engine. Real world mods take long enough with 2,000 workers without having to determine what each one is spending their money on. TEW is designed more for a promotion wide level of view. Wait until the next WreSpri comes out if you want to spend money on restaurants and a gym set.
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i like the worker cash idea. Guys that live the high life style have more of a chance to lose all their money, or get divorced they lose money stuff like that would be cool, you could make millionaires, i kind of like that
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