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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/NitroBanner-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/FortWorthConventionCenter.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkRed"][B]LIVE! From The Fort Worth Convention Center with 10,000 fans in attendance![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]*A video plays showing the events last week setting up the tournament as well as highlights of the Nash/Hart match. Then the video shifts to tonight’s matches between Hall and The Giant and Luger and Savage.*[/I] [U][B]Time: 1 Minute Rating: A[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*The thirty second Nitro open runs set to Nitro’s new theme music, Fuel by Metallica then the pyro and ballyhoo goes off in the arena*[/I] [U][B]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Voodoo Child hits in the arena as Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff make their way to the ring*[/I] Schiavone: Welcome to WCW Monday Night Nitro! Fans, I’m sorry that we have to open tonight with these scum bags. Tenay: I’m sure that Hogan isn’t happy about Bret Hart beating his man Kevin Nash last week. Heenan: If I was Hogan I would be more concerned about this mystery opponent that JJ Dillon is going to announce at the end of the night. Schiavone: Good point Brain. Hogan is so ****y, so arrogant he thinks that he’s still the World Champ. [I]*Bischoff and Hogan get in the ring and Eric has the microphone…the fans are booing very loudly*[/I] Bischoff: Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I can tell that Fort Worth, Texas is NWO territory! [I]*The fans boo even louder*[/I] Bischoff: You know last week JJ Dillon announced this tournament to crown a new number one contender, and even though we already know who the REAL world champion is… [I]*Points to Hogan*[/I] Bischoff: We agreed to go along with it. Now last week we had the first round match where Bret Hart cheated to defeat our fellow NWO founder, Kevin Nash. [I]*Fans boo*[/I] Bischoff: Well he did! Scott Hall was coming out there to point out to the referee that “The Hitman” was preparing to use an illegal move. And what did Scott get…a punch to the face! However despite the fact that WCW is trying to do everything within its power to make sure that a member of the NWO doesn’t win this tournament, this man will… [I]*Bischoff gives the microphone to Hulk Hogan*[/I] Hogan: Well you know something Easy E…WCW has been trying to screw me over for a long time! When I first came here it was that old washed up has-been, Ric Flair! After that they tried to throw Vader, Sting, The Giant and a whole bunch of other jabronis in my way. Guess what??? They all failed! One thing has remained strong through all of this…the greatness of Hollywood Hulk Hogan! JJ Dillon, I demand that you come out here right now and tell me who my opponent is going to be next week! I’m tired of you trying to screw me over. Get out here right now! [I]*There is silence for about thirty seconds*[/I] Schiavone: JJ Dillon already told Hogan he would let him know at the end of the night. Heenan: Hogan has always had to have things his way. He’s selfish! [I]*Hogan is getting VERY angry*[/I] Hogan: JJ…you just made the biggest mistake of your life! [I]*Hogan’s music hits and he quickly makes his way to the back*[/I] [U][B]Time: 4:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Super Calo vs. Bill Goldberg[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Goldberg has been on a winning streak in WCW and remains undefeated. Goldberg dominated Super Calo who got in very little offense. Goldberg finishes it off with the Spear and The Jackhammer.[/I] [U][B]Winner: Bill Goldberg Time: 2:30 Match Time ~ 4:00 Total Time[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Gene Okerlund is backstage with Harlem Heat*[/I] Okerlund: Guys last week you were defeated by Vicious and Delicious in a tag team match due to the actions of Konnan. What are you thinking tonight? Stevie Ray: First of all Gene lets get something straight. We weren’t defeated by Buff and Norton, we were robbed by Konnan. Now…Konnan! You think you’re some big guy because you hit my brother with his title belt. You think you’re the man. Well guess what that’s what cowards do sucka! And tonight there will be no escaping me when we are face to face in the ring and you will fell the pain. [I]*Booker T steps in front of the microphone*[/I] Booker T: Konnan…Konnan…Konnan…I wouldn’t want to be you tonight. [I]*Harlem Heat walk out of frame*[/I] Okerlund: Alright fans, later tonight it’s Stevie Ray and Konnan one on one. [U][B]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Juventud Guerrera vs. Eddie Guerrero[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]This was a great back and forth match. Eddie Guerrero is preparing for his inevitable rematch with WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Ultimo Dragon. Juventud Guerrera is trying to pull the upset and get a big victory. In the end Guerrero got the victory after nailing the Frog Splash.[/I] [U][B]Winner: Eddie Guerrero Time: 11:54 Match Time ~ 14:00 Total Time Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*the following announcement has been paid for by the New World Order* *Randy Savage has his back turned to the camera showing his jacket with Madness displayed on the back*[/I] Savage: Lex Luger…Flexy Lexy. If there’s one person who I hate in this company it’s you. If there’s one man who has tried to keep me from becoming the main player I am…it’s you. Well let me tell you something Luger, tonight I will give you the big elbow and you will be left staring at the lights…DIG IT! OOOOOHHHHHH YEEEAAAHH!!! We’re taking over, we’re going to make sure that Hollywood gets back his WCW Title, and we are going to make sure that the NWO remains the most feared organization in the world. Tonight, The Madness will overtake you…OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH YYYYYYEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! [I]*The preceding announcement has been paid for by the New World Order*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Konnan vs. Stevie Ray[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Last week Konnan helped Vicious and Delicious get a victory over Harlem Heat, this week Stevie Ray is looking for revenge. This was a great back and forth power battle with Stevie Ray holding the edge for the majority of the match until Konnan threw salt in his eyes and nailed the cradle DDT for the three.[/I] [U][B]Winner: Konnan Time: 5:28 ~ 7:00 Total Time Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Konnan gets a microphone after the match*[/I] Konnan: Yeah that’s right homie you don’t mess with the NWO! A couple of weeks ago Booker T won the WCW TV Title… [I]*The fans cheer*[/I] Konnan: You can cheer all you want it doesn’t change the fact that Booker T is a loser! [I]*The fans boo*[/I] Konnan: So Booker T, a tag team wrestler, wins the WCW TV Title. I want that belt! The NWO wants that belt! So here’s the deal Booker man…at NWO Souled Out, live on pay-per-view from the Anaheim Pond…it’s going to be me and you one on one. It’s already been booked by Eric Bischoff all that you have to do is agree to put that pretty little belt of yours on the line. VIVA LA RAZA!!! [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B-[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*The music of Harlem Heat hits the arena*[/I] Schiavone: Apparently Booker is going to answer right now. Heenan: If I was him I wouldn’t put the belt on the line. Tenay: Well, Booker is a fighting champion so I expect him to do it. [I]*Booker T comes out and stands at the top of the ramp*[/I] Booker: Let me tell you something Sucka, that’s the second time in as many weeks that you’ve robbed my brother from a victory. For that…I want revenge! So you say Eric Bischoff has already booked us in a match at NWO Souled Out…well I’ll put my title on the line. But it will be by my rules…….I’ll defend my belt against you in a……..HARLEM STREET FIGHT!!! [I]*Konnan shakes his head yes in the ring*[/I] Booker: No rules! The only rule is that there must be a winner! You and me…and I promise you this…you will bleed….and you will lose…NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT!!! Schiavone: What a huge match! Tenay: Harlem Street Fight for the WCW TV Title at Souled Out! Heenan: The only problem is the fact that, that match will play right to the NWO! Schiavone: I’m pretty sure that Booker T has already thought about that, and I’m pretty sure he may have a surprise up his sleeve. [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*The cameras cut to The Giant walking the halls backstage*[/I] Schiavone: There he is, the best big man in the history of wrestling. Heenan: Hall is going to be in trouble tonight. Tenay: Scott Hall is a big guy at 6’6”, but The Giant dwarfs Scott Hall and makes him look small. Schiavone: Still to come later tonight, the first round of the number one contenders tournament continues when Scott Hall of the NWO faces off against The Giant. [U][B]Time: 1:00 Rating: A[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers (WCW Tag Team Champions)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]The Steiner Brothers are the WCW Tag Team Champions. The Faces of Fear are a great team who are great ring veterans. Meng is considered the toughest wrestler on the face of the earth today. The Faces of Fear were able to quarantine Rick Steiner in their corner and dominate until Rick made a hot tag to Scott. In the end Scott pins Barbarian after a Steiner Screwdriver.[/I] [U][B]Winners: The Steiner Brothers Time: 8:33 Match Time ~ 12:00 Total Time Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to the locker room of the NWO where Hollywood Hogan is standing with Scott Hall and Randy Savage*[/I] Hogan: Okay brothers, here’s the deal tonight Randy and Scott you both have to win! Hall: It’s no problem I’ll chop that big giant right down chico. Hogan: So here’s the plan, you guys both win this week and then I beat whatever jabroni JJ Dillon finds for me to fight. Then the only person in the way of me getting my title shot is Bret Hart. Savage: I hate to tell you this Hollywood, but Bret isn’t going to lay down for you. Obviously me and Scott are willing to do whatever, but Bret isn’t with us. Hogan: Don’t worry about that washed-up loser; I’ve already got something planned for him. Hall: So after I beat The Giant tonight, I’ll beat that little crybaby next week. Hogan: That’s the plan Scotty. Savage: OOOOOHHHHHHH YYYYYEEEEEAAAAHHHH!!! Everything is coming together perfectly. Hogan: That’s right brother, and at Souled Out I’m going to take my belt back from Sting. Hall: NWO FOR LIFE!!! [I]*The three men flash the NWO sign*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Saturn w/The Flock vs. Chris Jericho[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Last week Jericho saved his friend Rey Mysterio Jr. from a beat down by The Flock. Raven and the rest of The Flock were ringside for this match. These two put on a technical match that featured a lot of speed. We join the match near it’s conclusion…[/I] Schiavone: Jericho and Saturn have wrestled a great match thus far. Tenay: Why a wrester as great as Saturn is teamed up with Raven is beyond me. [I]*Jericho hits the Lion Sault* *1…….2……….KICKOUT!*[/I] Tenay: Jericho was a fragment of a second from a huge win. Schiavone: Not only would it be a big win and push him up the ranks of WCW, but he would also be getting revenge for his friend. [I]*Raven hops on the apron and grabs the attention of Jericho distracting him*[/I] Schiavone: Someone get him off that ring apron! Tenay: He has no right to be up there! Heenan: He’s doing his job and making sure that his guys gets a win! [I]*Two masked wrestlers run from the crowd and nail a huge double team move on Jericho! One of the masked wrestlers pulls Saturn on top of Jericho*[/I] [I]*1……2…….3*[/I] Schiavone: Who were those men! [I]*The two men run back through the crowd*[/I] Tenay: I don’t know, but they were big guys! Heenan: Are they working for Raven? [I]*The rest of The Flock get in the ring and throw Chris Jericho out of the ring*[/I] [U][B]Winner: Saturn Time: 14:46 Match Time ~ 17:00 Total Time Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Raven gets in the ring with a microphone*[/I] Raven: Chris Jericho, you should have kept your nose in your own business where it belonged. Last week like your nose was like Pinocchio’s…extremely long and tonight you paid for it. Now back to Rey Mysterio Jr. You see last week he got lucky when he beat me. But then he paid for it. Tonight, Rey Mysterio Jr. is lying in a hospital room after we nailed him in the head with a chair last week. [I]*The crowd boos*[/I] Raven: Now I’m not a fan of The NWO, but earlier this week I met with Eric Bischoff. [I]*The crowd boos even louder*[/I] Raven: The reason for my meeting was simple. I want Rey Mysterio in this ring at Souled Out. Now I was simply thinking of a singles match with Raven’s rules. Eric came up with a great idea though, at Souled Out, per Eric Bischoff it’s going to be myself and Saturn against….REY MYSTERIO IN A HANDICAP RAVEN’S RULES MATCH! Tenay: That’s not fair!!! [I]*The crowd boos VERY loudly*[/I] Raven: Rey if you are watching this I want you to know one thing…at Souled Out…we will end your life! When you lifeless carcass is lying in the center of the ring…then I will have my revenge…then I will have vengeance…and at Souled Out…it will become…a reality. Quote The Raven….NEVERMORE! [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [U][B]*The following announcement has been paid for by The New World Order*[/B][/U] [I]*Kevin Nash and Scott Hall flicker in black and white*[/I] Nash: Fee…Fi…Fo…Fumb Hall: The Giant. The biggest man in wrestling today, well you know what they say. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Big man, tonight you are going to fall…hard. Nash: You know Big Man…I’ve Jackknifed you before, tonight I just might do it again. Hall: Giant, you are standing in my way of giving Hollywood is title shot on a silver platter. Nash: Are you sure that you want to do that? Hall: Why not? Nash: You could be WCW World Heavyweight Champion! Hall: But it’s Hogan’s belt… [I]*Nash just looks at Hall for about ten seconds*[/I] Hall: What? Nash: Forget about it… [I]*Nash walks out with a disgusted look on his face*[/I] Hall: Tonight, one way or another you will be beat big man, and I will advance in this tournament…it will just be one more…for the good guys. *The preceding announcement has been paid for by The New World Order* [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: A[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to “Mean” Gene Okerlund*[/I] Okerlund: Tonight here at Nitro I am about to interview three of the greatest acquisitions in the history of WCW. [I]*Bret Hart, Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart walk into frame*[/I] Okerlund: Bret Hart last week you beat Kevin Nash to advance to the semi-finals of the number one contenders tournament. Next week you will face the winner of the match between Scott Hall and The Giant. Hart: You see Gene, whenever I came to WCW Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff though I would just be there little NWO pawn. Well they found out that wasn’t true. After that they thought that they could just beat me by trying to outnumber me, and last week they found out that wasn’t true whenever I beat Kevin Nash in the middle of the ring. The bottom line is this…I’m going to win this tournament, and at Souled Out, I’m going to become the new WCW World Heavyweight champion! Okerlund: Strong words from “The Hitman”. Davey Boy and Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart, last week you made a challenge to Vicious and Delicious and that match is up next. Davey Boy Smith: Gene, me and “The Anvil” are going to dominate the tag division here in WCW just like Bret is going to dominate the heavyweight division. Tonight we will begin our road of destruction and our first victims are Vicious and Delicious. [I]*Neidhart takes the microphone laughing*[/I] Neidhart: You know when you look at us, our teams are very similar, a strong muscle guy, and then a guy who is just brute strength. Well let me tell you this Scott Norton and Buff Bagwell, we may be the same, but we are very different. We are going to beat you fair and square in that ring no matter what you try to throw our way! [I]*The trio walk out of frame*[/I] Okerlund: It’s Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart versus Vicious and Delicious…NEXT! [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B-[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Vicious and Delicious vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Davey Boy and Neidhart are making their WCW debut tonight. Last week Vicious and Delicious had the biggest win of their career when they took down Harlem Heat. A fairly balanced match with Vicious and Delicious isolating Neidhart until he made a hot tag. Bulldog cleaned house until Curt Hennig came down and distracted Davey Boy. When he was distracted “Buff” was able to make it up and he rolled Davey Boy up. Bagwell grabbed the tights and the ref counted three to give Vicious and Delicious the win.[/I] [U][B]Winners: Vicious and Delicious Time: 6:44 Match Time ~ 10:00 Total Time Rating: B-[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to Gene Okerlund*[/I] Okerlund: Tonight I welcome the WCW United States Champion, Diamond Dallas Page! [I]*Page walks into frame*[/I] Okerlund: DDP, you requested this time tonight, what’s on your mind? DDP: Last week after my match with Wrath I was beat down by two member of The NWO, two men that used to be friends of mine. You see they stopped being my friends when I refused to join their little movement. So they decided to beat me up two on one. I’m really sick and tired of having to look over my shoulder and see if these guys are following me. So I’m no longer gonna sit back and wait for them to come to me, I’m taking the fight to them. Tonight, my buddy, The Giant, has a match against Scott Hall. Guess what? I’m going to be at ringside for that match. Kevin Nash, if you try to stick your big ugly head in the match then you will…feel…the…….BANG!!! [I]*DDP walks out of frame*[/I] Okerlund: So DDP will be ringside with The Giant in our main event later tonight. Time: 2:00 [U][B]Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][I]Number One Contenders Tournament[/I][/B] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="darkred"][B]“The Total Package” Lex Luger vs. Randy “Macho Man” Savage w/Elizabeth[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]These two have been at each others throats since Luger arrived in WCW. Luger jumped out to an early advantage in this match, but was not able to retain it. With Miss Elizabeth at ringside to cause a distraction Savage gained the advantage. Savage poured on the offense and lived up to his promise of bringing “Madness” to Lex Luger. At the end of the match Luger was able to mount a comeback and ended up winning after nailing Savage with a flying forearm for the three count. [/I] [U][B]Winner: Lex Luger with a flying forearm Time: 8:48 Match Time ~ 11:00 Total Time Rating: A*[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*A video begins playing with a Crow sitting on the corner of a turnbuckle*[/I] Voice Over: Up to this point he has been silent…. [I]*Video of Sting in the rafters over the months*[/I] Voice Over: He has fought off the multitudes… [I]*Video of Sting beating down The NWO…[/I] Voice Over: He has left his friends behind… [I]*Video of Sting pointing the bat at Luger, Flair, DDP and others.[/I] Voice Over: He has restored order and justice… [I]*Video of Sting winning the WCW World Heavyweight Title*[/I] Voice Over: And in two weeks…he will speak once again! [I]*The video finishes with a bunch of video of Sting throughout the last year*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][I]Number One Contenders Tournament[/I][/B] [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Scott Hall w/Kevin Nash vs. The Giant w/Diamond Dallas Page[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]This is the third round one tournament match. The winner of this match will face Bret Hart next week. Hall started the match playing games with The Giant as he was obviously afraid to lock up with him. The Giant eventually tires of the game and gets a hold of Scott Hall. The Giant tears Hall up and destroys him for the next five minutes. Hall hits a low blow on The Giant and takes advantage of the match. Scott Hall is able to get the momentum for the next couple of minutes. We join the match near its conclusion…[/I] Schiavone: Scott Hall is actually doing surprisingly well against The Giant. Heenan: Well just because he’s a member of the New World Order doesn’t mean that he’s a bad wrestler. Tenay: Scott Hall is a world-class wrestler make no mistake about that. [I]*Hall is paint brushing The Giant when The Giant grabs him by the throat and prepares to choke slam him…The Giant picks him up and choke slams him*[/I] Schiavone: Choke Slam!!! Tenay: This has got to be it! [I]*1……..2…………………….Nash pulls the referee out of the ring*[/I] Schiavone: NO! Heenan: The Giant was just robbed! [I]*DDP runs over to Nash and delivers a Diamond Cutter on the outside*[/I] Schiavone: DIAMOND CUTTER!!! [I]*The Giant is tending to the referee*[/I] Tenay: Hall is getting up and he just took something out of his tights! [I]*The camera zooms in to reveal that Hall has brass knucks on his hand*[/I] Heenan: Those are brass knucks! [I]*The Giant turns on his knees and Hall clocks him right in the jaw knocking him out cold*[/I] [I]*Hall pins The Giant and the referee comes to* *1…………….2………………..3*[/I] Schiavone: Scott Hall has just stolen a win from The Giant! Tenay: The NWO has done it again! [U][B]Winner: Scott Hall Time: 10:50 Match Time ~ 13:00 Total Time Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schiavone: We understand that J.J. Dillon is backstage to announce Hollywood Hogan’s opponent for next week. [I]*The cameras cut backstage where J.J. Dillon is sitting at his desk*[/I] Dillon: Well so far one member of WCW has advanced in this tournament, and two member of The NWO have advanced. Well next week we will have the first match of the semi-finals when Scott Hall will take on Bret Hart. Plus, in our main event of the evening Hollywood Hogan will take on his mystery opponent. Now over the past couple of weeks I’ve been trying to figure out who would be best take on Hollywood. I considered going to the free agent pool and hiring someone from there, I even considered going up north and trying to lure away another great talent. But whenever I really thought about it I knew there was only one man who could face Hollywood. This man is a man that I know very well. So next week in our Nitro main event it’s going to be “Hollywood” Hogan facing off against…the thirteen time World Heavyweight champion… “THE NATURE BOY” RIC FLAIR!!! [I]*Nitro fades to black*[/I] [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B-[/B][/U] [U][B]Final Rating: B+[/B][/U][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Slare;398109]Number One Contenders Tournament Scott Hall vs. [B]The Giant[/B] Number One Contenders Tournament [B]Randy Savage[/B] vs. Lex Luger Saturn vs. [B]Chris Jericho[/B] Vicious and Delicious vs. [B]Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart[/B] Faces of Fear vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] Konnan vs. [B]Stevie Ray[/B] Juventud Guerrera vs. [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] Nice first show, really hope you put WWF out of business![/QUOTE] 3 out of 7...not bad [QUOTE=Destiny;398163]Number One Contenders Tournament Scott Hall vs. [B]The Giant[/B] Number One Contenders Tournament [B]Randy Savage[/B] vs. Lex Luger Saturn vs. [B]Chris Jericho[/B] [B]Vicious and Delicious[/B] vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart Faces of Fear vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] [B]Konnan[/B] vs. Stevie Ray [B]Juventud Guerrera[/B] vs. Eddie Guerrero[/QUOTE] 3 out of 7...not too bad [QUOTE=mad5226;398387]Number One Contenders Tournament Scott Hall vs. [B]The Giant[/B] Number One Contenders Tournament [B]Randy Savage[/B] vs. Lex Luger Saturn vs. [B]Chris Jericho[/B] [B]Vicious and Delicious[/B] vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart Faces of Fear vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] [B]Konnan[/B] vs. Stevie Ray Juventud Guerrera vs. [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B][/QUOTE] 5 out of 7...really good [QUOTE=ADeezy62;398419]Number One Contenders Tournament Scott Hall vs. [B]The Giant[/B] Number One Contenders Tournament Randy Savage vs. [B]Lex Luger[/B] Saturn vs. [B]Chris Jericho[/B] Vicious and Delicious vs. [B]Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart[/B] Faces of Fear vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] [B]Konnan[/B] vs. Stevie Ray Juventud Guerrera vs. [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B][/QUOTE] 3 out of 7 Surprisingly no one picked Scott Hall, and less surprisingly no one picked Saturn. Though I love Jericho and you can expect big things from him, Saturn also has huge potential.
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/pwinsider-1.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]WWF Monday Night RAW Results[/B][/SIZE] [U][B]from Puerto Rico with 5,000 fans in attendance[/B][/U] [SIZE="3"][I]HBK def. Puke to retain the European Title DOA def. Steve Blackman and Flash Funk Test and Mosh and Owen Hart and Thrasher went to a no contest Mabel against Blackjack Bradshaw went to a no contest Goldust def. Recon and Henry O. Godwin Faarooq def. The Undertaker[/I] [U][B]Show Rating: B-[/B][/U][/SIZE] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="4"]The Ratings War!!![/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="3"]Raw: 647,500 Nitro: 2,238,500[/SIZE] [I][SIZE="3"]Analysis: Yet another dominate performance by Nitro. When you have so many random matches you can't expect to pop a big rating.[/SIZE][/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/NitroBanner-2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Preview for January 19th, 1998[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][I][CENTER]This week the number one contenders tournament continues! Last week J.J. Dillon revealed that Ric Flair would be making his long awaited return to WCW when he takes on "Hollywood" Hogan in the first round of the tournament. These two have a long history and they are sure to write another chapter of that book this Monday on Nitro! Also in tournament action, Bret Hart will take on Scott Hall in our first semi-final match. Hall is in this tournament for one reason, to give the title shot to Hulk Hogan. Bret Hart wants a shot at the WCW title. Kevin Nash has obviously been a little bit upset that his best friend is so willing to give up his chance at a title shot to "Hollywood" Hogan. Will Nash have anything to say to Hall before his match? We can now confirm that at Souled Out The Steiner Brothers will defend their WCW Tag Team Titles against the NWO duo of Vicious and Delicious. This week on Nitro we will get a preview of that match when Buff Bagwell takes on Scott Steiner. Both men will be accompanied by their tag team partners, I would expect a wild encounter in this one. Two titles will be defended on Nitro as well. Booker T will defend his WCW TV Title against Chavo Guerrero Jr., and Ultimo Dragon will defend his WCW Cruiserweight Title against Yuji Nagata. All this plus, Davey Boy Smith takes on Curt Hennig, and Bill Goldberg looks to continue his winning streak in a Starrcade rematch against Steve "Mongo" McMichael. DON'T MISS NITRO!!![/CENTER][/I][/SIZE]
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Nitro Quick Picks Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinal Match"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan w/Eric Bischoff Number One Contenders Tournament Semi-Final Match Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. Scott Hall w/Kevin Nash Scott Steiner w/Rick Steiner vs. Buff Bagwell w/Scott Norton Davey Boy Smith vs. Curt Hennig Bill Goldberg vs. Steve McMichael WCW Cruiserweight Title Match Ultimo Dragon vs. Yuji Nagata WCW TV Title Match Booker T vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
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Nitro Quick Picks Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinal Match"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. [B]"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan[/B] w/Eric Bischoff Number One Contenders Tournament Semi-Final Match [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. Scott Hall w/Kevin Nash [B]Scott Steiner w/Rick Steiner[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell w/Scott Norton Davey Boy Smith vs. [B]Curt Hennig[/B] [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Steve McMichael WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] vs. Yuji Nagata WCW TV Title Match [B]Booker T[/B] vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
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Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinal Match"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. [B]"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan w/Eric Bischoff [/B] Number One Contenders Tournament Semi-Final Match [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. Scott Hall w/Kevin Nash Scott Steiner w/Rick Steiner vs. [B]Buff Bagwell w/Scott Norton[/B] [B] Davey Boy Smith[/B] vs. Curt Hennig [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Steve McMichael WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] vs. Yuji Nagata WCW TV Title Match [B]Booker T[/B] vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
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Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinal Match"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. [B]"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan w/Eric Bischoff[/B] Number One Contenders Tournament Semi-Final Match Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. [B]Scott Hall w/Kevin Nash[/B] Scott Steiner w/Rick Steiner vs. [B]Buff Bagwell w/Scott Norton[/B] Davey Boy Smith vs. [B]Curt Hennig[/B] [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Steve McMichael WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] vs. Yuji Nagata WCW TV Title Match [B]Booker T[/B] vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/NitroBanner-2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/mellonarena.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"][B]LIVE! From The Mellon Arena with 8,244 fans in attendance![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]*Nitro comes up with no opening video but opens on the entry way as Bret Hart’s music hits the arena*[/I] Schiavone: Good evening fans and welcome to WCW Monday Nitro! Tonight Ric Flair takes on Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart faces off against Scott Hall! Tonight is the greatest night in the history of our sport!!! Speaking of Bret Hart here he comes to the ring right now! Heenan: “The Hitman” looks like he has something on his mind. Tenay: I’m sure we’ll find out what that is soon. [I]*Hart gets in the ring and grabs the microphone*[/I] Fans: HITMAN! HITMAN! HITMAN! HITMAN! Hart: It’s great to be here in Pittsburgh! [I]*The fans go crazy*[/I] Hart: Tonight, I take another step in becoming the WCW World Champion! Tonight, Scott Hall will tap out to the sharpshooter! [I]*The fans go crazy*[/I] Hart: I simply as The best there is…the best there was…and the best there ever will be! Then I hope to God that “Hollywood” Hogan wins tonight. [I]*the crowd boos*[/I] Hart: I know, I don’t like the guy either. I don’t want him to win because I am a fan of his, I want him to win so I can beat his *** in the finals!!! [I]*the crowd cheers wildly*[/I] Hart: So, Scott Hall…tonight is the night that you have a HART ATTACK!!! [I]*Hart’s music hits as he poses for the fans*[/I] Schiavone: Strong words from “The Hitman”. Heenan: He is my pick to win this whole tournament. Tenay: Well, Hart is a great wrestler, but we can’t overlook Scott Hall. Schiavone: Hall already has one title shot that he can use whenever from when he won World War 3 back in November. Heenan: I forgot about that. Tenay: Most have, but Hall is no slouch. [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*The cameras cut backstage where they zoom down a super-stretch limo*[/I] Schiavone: Who could this be? [I]*Out steps Ric Flair*[/I] Heenan: It’s “The Nature Boy”! [I]*Flair looks directly into the camera*[/I] Flair: WWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Tenay: Flair is back and tonight he faces “Hollywood” Hogan! [U][B]Time: 1:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]WCW Television Title Match[/U][/B] [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Booker T © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]At Souled Out Booker T will defend his Television title against Konnan. Tonight he got in a warm-up defense against the nephew of Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero Jr. Booker and Chavo have great chemistry in the ring and look for a possible feud between these two in the future. Booker won the match when he hit a Missile Dropkick for the three.[/I] Schiavone: Booker T with an impressive victory. Heenan: He’ll be facing a much more experienced wrestler at Souled Out! Tenay: That’ true he’ll be facing NWO member, Konnan. Schiavone: Don’t forget that match will be a Harlem Street Fight. Heenan: And it should be a good one. [U][B]Winner: Booker T Time: 4:54 Match Time ~ 7:00 Total Time Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*The cameras cut backstage to “Mean” Gene Okerlund*[/I] Okerlund: Tonight I welcome two men, one is the WCW United States Champion, and the other is the largest athlete in the world today. Welcome Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant! [I]*DDP and The Giant walk into frame*[/I] Okerlund: DDP, Giant, two men have been a thorn in your side for the past couple of weeks those men are Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, The Outsiders. Can you tell me what’s going on between you four? DDP: Huh…Well it’s quite simple as far as I go Gene. You see Scott, Kev and I got back a long way. Some of you may remember this big goofy giant back in WCW a bunch of years ago named Vinnie Vegas who was managed by none other than DDP, you may also remember this guy named The Diamond Studd, also managed by DDP. You see those two men were Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. I was the guy who guided their careers. I helped them become two of the biggest wrestlers in the world today. Then what happened they left me behind. So what did I do, I became one of the best wrestlers alive today! So it all boils down to this, they can’t stand the fact that I didn’t need them to become what I am today. It’s all about jealousy. Giant: And as for me. I don’t need them! As a matter of fact I left their sorry ***es! DDP: So here’s what we are thinking. At Souled Out…Outsiders, you guys are gonna be there, we’re gonna be there…how about we get it on in that ring! Okerlund: A huge challenge from two huge men! DDP: Oh and I promise you two one thing, if you accepts, at Souled Out…you will…FEEL…THE…BANG!!!!!!! *The Giant screams and motions for the choke slam then the two men walk out of frame* Okerlund: A big challenge! We will try to get word from The Outsiders later. [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Bill Goldberg vs. Steve “Mongo” McMichael[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Goldberg came into this match looking to continue his streak, and he did so in impressive fashion. “Mongo” came out and flashed the Four Horsemen hand signal, but he didn’t look like a wrestler worthy of being in such a legendary faction in this match. Goldberg dominated and won with The Jackhammer.[/I] Schiavone: Yet another huge win for Goldberg! Heenan: Who is going to stop this man? Tenay: I think the better question is “Who’s Next!”. [U][B]Winner: Bill Goldberg Time: 3:14 Match Time ~ 5:00 Total Time Rating: C[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*The music of Eric Bischoff hits the arena and Goldberg stares from the ring*[/I] Schiavone: What is Sleazy E doing out here? Bischoff: Goldberg, Goldberg, Goldberg. You are the man that everyone is talking about. “The Man” is what they are calling you. Well I’m going to give you a chance to prove that. You see Bill, do you mind if I call you Bill? [I]*Goldberg just continues to glare from inside the ring*[/I] Bischoff: Okay then, Bill, I’m going to book you in a match for Souled Out. Schiavone: Against an NWO member no doubt. Bischoff: Against a member of the New World Order. [I]*The fans boo with a mixture of cheers*[/I] Tenay: You called it Tony. Bischoff: An international member of the New World Order. At Souled Out you will find out who the “true” man is…Masa “My Hero” Chono. [I]*Goldberg smirks inside the ring* *Bischoff’s music hits and he walks back to the back*[/I] Schiavone: Another huge match added for Souled Out. Masahiro Chono versus Bill “The Man” Goldberg [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Scott Hall is lacing up his boots backstage getting ready for tonight’s match against Bret Hart when all of a sudden Kevin Nash walks in*[/I] Nash: Hey buddy. Hall: Hey Big Sexy. Nash: So you ready for tonight? Hall: I’m ready to go shut Hart up. Nash: Good. Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something… Hall: Yeah I know did you see that challenge that DDP and The Giant layed down. Nash: Yeah, but that’s not what I want to talk to you about. Hall: Oh, what is it Big Sexy? Nash: It’s this tournament. Hall: What about it? Nash: The whole time it’s been about Hogan. When we came back to WCW it was so that we wouldn’t get passed over. And now what’s happening everything has to be about him. Scott I think you should go out there tonight, beat Bret Hart and then beat whoever else gets into the finals and get the shot at Souled Out. What would be greater than the first known member of the NWO winning the belt at our pay-per-view? Hall: I understand what you’re saying, but our time will come. [I]*Nash begins to get angry*[/I] Nash: You see Scott that’s the problem! Hogan has been feeding us that same line for a year and a half! How many title shots have you gotten from him? How many have I gotten? That’s right zero! I’m sick of sitting back waiting for Hogan and Bischoff to tell us when our time is. I’m going out and making this my time. [I]*Nash walks out* *Hogan walks out from the showers and glares at Hall*[/I] Hogan: What’s his problem brother? Hall: Nothing “Hollywood” he’s with us. Hogan: That didn’t sound like he’s with us. Hall: Just trust me “Hollywood”. Hogan: I’ll trust you, if you stick to the plan. Hall: No problem “Hollywood”. I’m NWO For LIFE! Hogan: You better be brother. [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]WCW Cruiserweight Title Match[/U][/B] [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Ultimo Dragon © vs. Yuji Nagata[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Dragon is one of the best cruiserweights today. Yuji Nagata is an up and coming Japanese wrestler who has made a splash in WCW. Nagata holds two wins over Dragon, but tonight wasn’t his night. After a great match Dragon made Nagata submit to the Dragon Sleeper.[/I] [U][B]Winner: Ultimo Dragon Time: 7:55 Match Time ~ 10:00 Total Time Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schiavone: A big win by Ultimo Dragon as he successfully defends his WCW Cruiserweight Title. [I]*Eddie Guerrero runs out from the crowd*[/I] Tenay: What is Eddie Guerrero doing here? [I]*Eddie spins Dragon around and nails a brainbuster!*[/I] Heenan: This is what great wrestlers do! They take advantage of the situation. Schivaone: You mean that they beat up a wrestler who has just had a grueling match! [I]*Eddie climbs up top and delivers a Frog Splash* *Eddie gets the Cruiserweight Belt and poses with it*[/I] Guerrero: Dragon! I had a little talk with Eric Bischoff about Souled Out. He agreed with me that I should get a shot at regaining MY title. So at Souled Out it’s going to be you and me one on one where I will regain my WCW Cruiserweight Title! Know this Dragon, after Souled Out I will once again be champion! [I]*Eddie Guerrero’s music hits the arena*[/I] Schiavone: As much as it pains me to say this, Souled Out is shaping up to be a great event. Heenan: It’s too bad we won’t be calling it. Tenay: Yeah I know. Sorry viewers you will be forced to listen to Eric Bischoff and Randy Savage at Souled Out. [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: C+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*The following announcement has been paid for by The New World Order*[/I] [I]*The video flickers in black and white as Hogan sits on a Harley*[/I] Hogan: “The Nature Boy” you know I think the reason that they call you that is because you are as old as Mother Nature herself. I mean seriously Ric what are you now…80…90 years old. You can’t compete with a young stud like me who is in his prime. You know Ric I’ve beat you before. I beat you at Bash At The Beach 94, Halloween Havoc 94, The Doomsday Cage Match, Fall Brawl 96 we whooped your ***. The list goes on and on. So what makes tonight any different Ric? What makes you think that you can take me tonight? Because you can’t! I am The Icon, the man who made wrestling. While I was in Hollywood you were wrestling in little gyms in Podunkville, USA. The bottom line is tonight you are just a bump in the road on my way to regaining my WCW Title. And tonight you will find out why I’m the man, and you aren’t. [I]*The preceding announcement has been paid for by The New World Order*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Gene Okerlund is standing on the Nitro Ramp*[/I] Okerlund: Up next is Curt Hennig versus Davey Boy Smith, but before that match, please welcome Curt Hennig. [I]*The NWO music hits as Hennig makes his way onto the ramp accompanied by Rick Rude*[/I] Okerlund: Curt Hennig, last week you cost Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart their match against Vicious and Delicious. What beef do you have with Davey Boy Smith and “The Anvil”? Hennig: I have no beef with Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart. My beef is against Bret “The Hitman” Hart. [I]*Fans Cheer*[/I] Hennig: You see last year whenever Rick and I came here to WCW it was because we were tired of the sub par competition up north. So what happens, all of the scum from up there follow us down here. These guys are trying to steal my spotlight, and worse than that they are trying to steal the spotlight of the NWO. [I]*The fans boo*[/I] Hennig: So my good friend Rick Rude and I have made it our goal to totally take out these posers that are infringing on our turf. This week it’s Davey Boy Smith who is standing in my way. Davey Boy, I promise you this…I’m gonna beat you tonight and send you packing back up north. [I]*the fans boo*[/I] Okerlund: Rick Rude do you have anything to add? Rude: “Scheme Gene” Curt is right! We left Titanic promotions in order to get away from those losers and now they’re following us here. Tonight we take our first step in running them out of WCW! Davey Boy Smith, you’re this week…and who knows who might be next… Okerlund: Now hold on just one second Rick Rude, what are you trying to say? Hennig: He’s simply saying that everyone in WCW better watch their back! [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Curt Hennig w/Rick Rude vs. Davey Boy Smith w/Jim Neidhart[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]This was a classic match that was a back and forth encounter. Every time Rude would try to get involved Neidhart would keep him from making an impact in the match. Both men hit their signature moves which earned them near falls in the end of the match. At the end of the day Curt Hennig and his experience proved too much for Davey Boy Smith when he pinned him with the Hennigplex in a close match.[/I] Schiavone: As much as it pains me to say this, Curt Hennig is a phenomenal wrestler. Heenan: Make no mistake about that. [U][B]Winner: Curt Hennig Time: 16:16 Match Time ~ 18:00 Total Time Rating: A*[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*The Following announcement has been paid for by the New World Order* *Bagwell is dressed as Scott Steiner and Norton is dressed as Rick Steiner*[/I] Bagwell: Hi! I’m Scott Steiner and I am a pathetic piece of trash. I wish that I was as good of a wrestler as Buff “The Stuff” Bagwell or Scott Norton. I’m neither as tough nor as good looking as Buff Bagwell. What do you think about that Rick…. [I]*Norton barks*[/I] Bagwell: Yeah that’s what I thought. You know my brother Rick may not be the smartest guy in the world, but he’s smarter than me. [I]*Norton barks some more*[/I] Bagwell: That is so deep Rick. You know, I realize that we are going to lose at Souled Out to Vicious and Delicious, so do you even think that we should show up Rick? [I]*Norton barks for several seconds*[/I] Bagwell: You’re right Rick, at Souled Out we better just show up and be prepared to lose our belts to a MUCH better team...Vicous and Delicious! [I]*the preceding announcement has been paid for by the New World Order*[/I] Time: 2:00 Rating: B -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Gene Okerlund is standing at the top of the ramp with The Steiner Brothers and their manager Ted Dibiase*[/I] Okerlund: Steiner’s can you believe the audacity of Vicious and Delicious? Scott Steiner: Gene, nothing surprises me from the NWO anymore! I’m tired of being the butt of their jokes. [I]*Scott pushes the microphone away*[/I] Ted Dibiase: What Scotty means is that if they are going to make us the butt of their jokes, just remember this, at the end of the day we’ll be the ones laughing. At Souled Out after the match is over it will be us that are holding those belts, and it will be us that walk out the victors! Tell em’ Rick! Rick Steiner: BUFF BAGWELL! SCOTT NORTON! NWO! NEXT SUNDAY YOU’RE GONNA FIND OUT WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE BITTEN BY THE DOG!!! [I]*Scott Steiner shakes his head in the background*[/I] Ted Dibiase: Now Buff and Norton you picked the wrong time to play that video because in just a couple of minutes you Buff are going to be destroyed by my boy Scott Steiner! [I]*The Steiners and Ted Dibiase walk backstage as Scott walks ahead of Rick and Ted*[/I] Okerlund: That match between Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell is still to come on NITRO!!! [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*The Following Announcement Has Been Paid For By The New World Order* *Konnan is standing in front of the NWO screens with lights flickering*[/I] Konnan: Booker T, you have the cahones to challenge me to a street fight?!?!?! You seem to forget Booker, you may have grown up in Harlem, but I grew up in a more dangerous area…Cuba! That’s right I was right in the middle of insanity every day! Booker I didn’t know if I would live or die from day to day. So your little Harlem Street Fight…doesn’t scare me one bit. You bring whatever you want to that match and I promise you this, you will still be destroyed. At NWO Souled Out…I’m walking out the WCW TV Champion, and there is nothing that you can do about that. VIVA LA RAZA!!! [I]*The Preceding Announcement Has Been Paid For By The New World Order*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B-[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*A video begins playing with a Crow sitting on the corner of a turnbuckle*[/I] Voice Over: Up to this point he has been silent…. [I]*Video of Sting in the rafters over the months*[/I] Voice Over: He has fought off the multitudes… [I]*Video of Sting beating down The NWO…[/I] Voice Over: He has left his friends behind… [I]*Video of Sting pointing the bat at Luger, Flair, DDP and others.[/I] Voice Over: He has restored order and justice… [I]*Video of Sting winning the WCW World Heavyweight Title*[/I] Voice Over: And next week…he will speak once again! [I]*The video finishes with a bunch of video of Sting throughout the last year*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][B][SIZE="4"]Scott Steiner w/Rick Steiner and Ted Dibiase vs. Buff Bagwell w/Scott Norton[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [I]Scott Steiner makes his way to the ring in a rush. Bagwell tries his best to stall, but Rick chases him down and throws him in the ring. Bagwell is destroyed for the first part of the match until he is able to get a low blow and gain an advantage. The end of the match comes when Scott nails a Frankensteiner out of nowhere for the three count.[/I] Schiavone: A huge win for WCW and The Steiners! Heenan: I’ll be honest Scott Steiner looked like a completely different man in that match. Tenay: Something has gotten into Scott Steiner and he apparently wants to destroy the NWO. [I]*Rick Steiner and Ted Dibiase get in the ring to shake hands and celebrate with Scott, but he storms out of the ring and to the back*[/I] [U][B]Winner: Scott Steiner Time: 9:35 Match Time ~ 12:00 Total Time Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to the locker room of Bret Hart who is getting ready for his match against Scott Hall when all of a sudden Lex Luger walks in*[/I] Luger: Hey Bret! Hart: Hey Lex. Luger: I was just stopping in to wish you luck in your match against Scott Hall. Hart: Thanks Lex. [I]*Lex Luger walks out*[/I] [U][B]Winner: 1:00 Rating: C[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*The cameras cut backstage as Scott Hall is walking to the ring*[/I] Schiavone: Here he comes to the ring. “The Outsider” Scott Hall! Heenan: And he’s going to need to wrestle the match of his life. Tenay: It’s Scott Hall….Bret Hart…..One on One….NEXT! [U][B]Time: 1:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Number One Contenders Tournament[/B] [B][U]Semi-Final Match[/U][/B] [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Scott Hall w/Eric Bischoff vs. Bret “The Hitman” Hart[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]The feeling in the arena was electric for this match. Hall jumped Hart before the bell and got the early advantage. Hart battled back until Bischoff distracted the referee which enabled Hall to hit “The Hitman” with an illegal low blow. However that was not enough to put “The Excellence of Execution” away and he battled back…we join the match near its conclusion…[/I] [I]*Bret Hart is signaling to the crowd that he’s going to go for The Sharpshooter*[/I] Schiavone: Here it comes. Heenan: This is about to be over!!!! [I]*Hart locks in the Sharpshooter*[/I] Tenay: And Bret Hart has that move on tight! Schiavone: There’s nowhere for Scott Hall to go!!! [I]*Eric Bischoff jumps on the apron and distracts the referee once the ref is distracted Hall taps*[/I] Schiavone: HE TAPPED!!! SOMEONE GET UP THERE AND GET THE REFS ATTENTION!!! [I]*Curt Hennig comes sprinting down the aisle and gets in the ring and nails Bret Hart with a punch and pulls Hall on top of Bret Hart*[/I] Tenay: Curt Hennig has brass knucks on!!! Schiavone: Well no wonder Bret Hart is out!!! [I]*Bischoff tells the ref to turn around, he does and the ref begins his count* *1…………[/I] Tenay: not like this…. [I]*2…………[/I] Heenan: He’s got it…. [I]*…………………….3[/I] Schiavone: The NWO has stolen yet another victory from WCW. [I]*Bret Hart is totally out cold in the ring*[/I] [U][B]Winner: Scott Hall Time: 15:42 Match Time ~ 18:00 Total Time Rating: A*[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*After the match Hall and Hennig get in the ring with a chair*[/I] Schiavone: Oh come on, Bret is out cold! Tenay: What are these goons going to do? [I]*Hall wraps the chair around “The Hitman’s” ankle and Hennig climbs to the second rope*[/I] Heenan: They’re gonna break his ankle!!! [I]*Just before Hennig breaks Hart’s ankle DDP and The Giant come sprinting from the back* *After a short fight DDP and The Giant clear the ring*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*After getting out of the ring Scott Hall grabs a microphone*[/I] Hall: DDP…Giant….you know what…you’ve stuck your nose in my business for the last time! At Souled Out….The Outsider against you two boobs…IT’S ON!!! And how about next week, The Outsiders and Curt Hennig against DDP, The Giant and Bret Hart! Schiavone: What a huge match for next week on Nitro! Heenan: I don’t think Hall knows what they just got themselves in to. [U][B]Time: 1:00 Rating: A[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*A video plays showcasing the history between Ric Flair and “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan in WCW*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Number One Contenders Tournament[/B] [U][B]Quarterfinal Match[/B][/U] [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Hollywood Hogan w/Eric Bischoff vs. “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Hogan made his way to the ring, but when Flair came to the ring the place went crazy! Flair came out like a man on fire and lit into Hogan with vicious chops! The fans were crazy into this match. Flair began to work over the leg of Hogan, obviously looking to setup the figure four. Hogan was able to battle back and gained advantage and used his size to keep Flair grounded. Hogan’s advantage didn’t last long though as Flair came after him like a man possessed. We join the match near its conclusion…[/I] Schiavone: Ric Flair doesn’t seem to be showing any ring rust to me! Heenan: No he looks as good as ever! [I]*Hogan is lying on the mat as Flair plays to the crowd*[/I] Tenay: Flair is preparing to lock in that figure four leg lock. [I]*Flair picks up Hogan’s leg and Whoo’s loudly*[/I] Schiavone: Here it comes!!! [I]*Flair steps over and prepares to clamp down…REVERSAL!!! Hogan gets the small package!!!*[/I] Schiavone: Hogan was playing possum!!! [I]*1………..2……………3*[/I] Schiavone: Oh My God!!! What just happened?!?!?!?!?! Tenay: “Hollywood” Hogan just won this match fair and square! [I]*Flair is on his knees in shock as Hogan celebrates*[/I] [U][B]Winner: "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan Time: 11:47 Match Time ~ 14:00 Total Time Rating: A*[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Eric Bischoff grabs a microphone and gets in the ring*[/I] Bischoff: I told you! I told all of you!!! This so called “Legend” Ric Flair has nothing on my man “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan! Just so everyone knows, I talked to Scott Hall before I came out here and he’s forfeiting his spot in the tournament. That means that we are down to two men! The two finalist! My main man “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan, and “Flexy Lexy” Luger. Well guess what Luger! Whenever you lock up with “Hollywood” next week…it won’t be good for you my friend! Now hit the NWO’s music! [I]*The music of the NWO hits and Bischoff and Hogan celebrate*[/I] Schivaone: What a shocker here tonight folks! Heenan: I never thought “Hollywood” could beat Ric Flair. Tenay: The only man standing between “Hollywood” Hogan and Sting is Lex Luger. Schiavone: Next week it’s the finals of the number one contender’s tournament. Sting’s best friend, Lex Luger, against his worst enemy, “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan! We’ll see you next week on Nitro!!! [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] [U][B]Final Show Rating: A[/B][/U][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][U]from wcw.com[/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE="3"][B][I]We at wcw.com can now confirm that just signed for Souled Out is Bret Hart vs. Curt Hennig. The confirmed card is...[/I][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Nash-DDPvHall-Nash.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Hart-Hennig.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Booker-Konnan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/SteinerBrothers-ViciousandDelicious.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Chono-Goldberg.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Raven-SaturnvReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Guerrero-Dragon.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Sting's opponent will be determined this Monday on Nitro when Lex Luger battles "Hollywood" Hogan![/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][I][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/NitroBannercopy.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"]Preview for January 26th, 1998[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="3"][I]This week the number one contender to Sting's WCW World Title will be decided when "The Total Package" Lex Luger faces off against "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan! Will Sting face his best friend? Or will he face his mortal enemy? Plus for the first time in over a year we will be hearing comments from WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting. As the final stop before Souled Out an NWO team consisting of The Outsiders and Curt Hennig will face off against the respective opponents for Sunday, Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant and Bret "The Hitman" Hart. This is sure to be a phenomenal match as every superstar in this match has held major championship gold. Also Raven takes on El Dandy in a Raven's Rules match as he prepares for Rey Mysterio Jr! Scott Norton and Rick Steiner lock it up in preparation to face each other with their partners at Souled Out! TV Title challenger Konnan will take on WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Ultimo Dragon! Masahiro Chono takes on Glacier before his date with Goldberg at Souled Out! Flock Members, Riggs and Kidman face The Nasty Boys in tag team competition. All this and more this monday on NITRO!!![/I][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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NITRO QUICK PICKS!!! Number One Contenders Tournament Finals Lex Luger vs. "Hollywood" Hogan The Outsiders & Curt Hennig vs. DDP, The Giant and Bret Hart Scott Norton vs. Rick Steiner Konnan vs. Ultimo Dragon Raven's Rules Raven vs. El Dandy Masahiro Chono vs. Glacier Riggs and Kidman vs. The Nasty Boys [B]TIE BREAKER:[/B] Who gets pinned in the six man tag match? [B]PRIZE:[/B] Create the final match for Souled Out from remaining wrestler without a match!!!
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NITRO QUICK PICKS!!! Number One Contenders Tournament Finals Lex Luger vs. [B]"Hollywood" Hogan[/B] The Outsiders & Curt Hennig vs. [B]DDP, The Giant and Bret Hart[/B] /Curt Hennig pinned Scott Norton vs. [B]Rick Steiner[/B] [B]Konnan[/B] vs. Ultimo Dragon Raven's Rules [B]Raven[/B] vs. El Dandy [B]Masahiro Chono[/B] vs. Glacier [B]Riggs and Kidman[/B] vs. The Nasty Boys Gotta say I'm loving this diary right now, great job.
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Number One Contenders Tournament Finals Lex Luger vs. [B]"Hollywood" Hogan[/B] The Outsiders & Curt Hennig vs. [B]DDP, The Giant and Bret Hart[/B]-Hennig gets pinned [B]Scott Norton[/B] vs. Rick Steiner [B]Konnan[/B] vs. Ultimo Dragon Raven's Rules [B]Raven[/B] vs. El Dandy [B]Masahiro Chono[/B] vs. Glacier [B] Riggs and Kidman[/B] vs. The Nasty Boys
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NITRO QUICK PICKS!!! Number One Contenders Tournament Finals Lex Luger vs. [b]"Hollywood" Hogan[/b] [b]The Outsiders & Curt Hennig[/b] vs. DDP, The Giant and Bret Hart Scott Norton vs. [b]Rick Steiner[/b] [b]Konnan[/b] vs. Ultimo Dragon Raven's Rules [b]Raven[/b] vs. El Dandy [b]Masahiro Chono[/b] vs. Glacier Riggs and Kidman vs. [b]The Nasty Boys[/b] TIE BREAKER: Who gets pinned in the six man tag match?[b]DDP[/B]
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Y Helo Thar fellow WCW 1998 head booker... I'm liking how you've also used The Flock as a feud for someone: albeit I don't think that we could've picked more different wrestlers for it, heh. Also I love that you appear to be giving Saturn a push! And does Konnan look like a ninja in the [i]Souled Out[/i] preview picture or is it just me?
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NITRO QUICK PICKS!!! Number One Contenders Tournament Finals Lex Luger vs. [B]"Hollywood" Hogan[/B] [B]The Outsiders & Curt Hennig[/B] vs. DDP, The Giant and Bret Hart Scott Norton vs. [B]Rick Steiner[/B] Konnan vs. [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] Raven's Rules [B]Raven[/B] vs. El Dandy [B]Masahiro Chono[/B] vs. Glacier Riggs and Kidman vs. [B]The Nasty Boys[/B] TIE BREAKER: Who gets pinned in the six man tag match? The Giant...why, because he sucks
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Lex Luger vs. [B]"Hollywood" Hogan[/B] The Outsiders & Curt Hennig vs. [B]DDP, The Giant and Bret Hart[/B] Scott Norton vs. [B]Rick Steiner[/B] [B]Konnan [/B]vs. Ultimo Dragon [B]Raven [/B]vs. El Dandy Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Glacier[/B] [B]Riggs and Kidman [/B]vs. The Nasty Boys TIE BREAKER: Who gets pinned in the six man tag match? Curt Henning
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[SIZE="3"][CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/NitroBannercopy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/OmahaCA.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]LIVE! From The Omaha Civic Auditorium with 10,000 fans in attendance![/B][/COLOR] [I]*A video plays hyping tonight’s huge double main event of The Outsiders/Curt Hennig vs. DDP, The Giant and Bret Hart and Lex Luger vs. Hollywood Hogan. Then the thirty second Nitro open plays set to Fuel by Metallica followed by the ballyhoo and pyro.*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schiavone: Welcome to WCW Monday Night…. [I]*The music of The NWO hits*[/I] Schiavone: …Nitro…and what is going on? Heenan: It sounds like the NWO is coming out. [I]*Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff walk out from the back as Hogan is posing the whole way down to the ring*[/I] Schiavone: Is it just me or does this entrance get longer every week? Tenay: It’s not just you Tony. [I]*After about a minute Hogan and Bischoff are finally in the ring and Hogan has a microphone*[/I] Hogan: Tonight is the night that Hollywood finally puts Flexy Lexy to rest for good! [I]*Crowd Boos*[/I] Hogan: You can boo all you want, the fact of the matter is that tonight I take care of “The Total Package” then Sunday I will reclaim my belt that was stolen from me at Starrcade! Bischoff: That’s right he said stolen! Sting you’re not going to like him come Sunday!!! Hogan: That’s right Stinger! Tonight, after I beat Lex Luger I want to see you right here in the middle of this ring and take care of you before Souled Out!!! [I]*The music of The NWO hits as Hogan and Bischoff pose in the ring again*[/I] Schiavone: Hogan just laid down a challenge to Sting! Tenay: He wants to see him in the ring….TONIGHT!!! Heenan: But he has to get passed Lex Luger first! [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="4"][COLOR="darkred"][B]Riggs and Kidman vs. The Nasty Boys[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]The veteran team of The Nasty Boys faced the young member of the flock in a less than impressive encounter. Saggs and Knobbs attempted to use their large size advantage to take down Riggs and Kidman. In the end the youth and speed of Riggs and Kidman proved too much as Kidman pinned Knobbs following The Seven Year Itch.[/I] Schiavone: This is a huge win for the young member of The Flock. Tenay: As much as I hate the fact that these guys are following Raven, they are great competitors. [I]*Raven comes over the railing and gets in the ring with a kendo stick in hand*[/I] Heenan: Here comes Raven now! [U][B]Winners: Riggs and Kidman Time: 4:42 Match Time ~ 8:00 Total Time Rating: D+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Raven gets in the ring and immediately hits Riggs and Kidman with the kendo stick*[/I] Schiavone: What’s going on here!!! Heenan: He’s punishing them. Tenay: For what, winning. Heenan: I don’t know, maybe they didn’t clean their rooms. [I]*Raven picks Riggs up and delivers the Evenflow!* *Raven gets outside the ring and gets a chair*[/I] Schiavone: I think we all know what’s coming up next. [I]*Raven sets the chair up and hits a drop toe hold on Kidman onto the chair*[/I] Tenay: This man is just sick! [I]*Saturn climbs in the ring and stands in front of Raven who is sitting in the corner with a microphone*[/I] Raven: Riggs…Kidman…you may have won, but you didn’t impress me! And if I’m not impressed then this is the treatment that you will get after the match. And that is the same kind of treatment that you’re going to get at Souled Out Rey Mysterio. That’s right; whenever you get in the ring with Saturn and I in a Raven’s rules match…your career will be over. Why you…because you dared to speak out against me. You dared to challenge Raven. You dared to think that you are as good as me. So tonight as a warm-up for this Sunday I’m going to beat the hell out of one of your little Mexican friends. Quote the raven……..NEVERMORE!!! [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [U][B]Raven’s Rules[/B][/U] [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Raven vs. El Dandy[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] COMPLETE DOMINATION!!!! Raven hit all of his patented spots and demolished El Dandy. Saturn got involved several times in the match just to show what kind of trouble Rey was going to be in come Sunday. Raven bloodied El Dandy with the drop toe hold onto the chair and finished him off with the Evenflow! [U][B]Winner: Raven Time: 3:07 Match Time ~ 5:00 Total Time Rating: D+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schiavone: That match wasn’t even fair! Heenan: It was fair Schiavone, it was Raven’s rules! [I]*Raven tells Saturn to go outside the ring and get a table*[/I] [I]*Saturn leaves the ring and El Dandy begins to get up while grabbing Raven’s leg*[/I] [I]*Raven grabs El Dandy and sets him up for another Evenflow while Saturn is digging under the ring*[/I] Schiavone: NOT AGAIN!!! [I]*Just as Raven is about to hit the move he’s hit with a chair from behind!!!*[/I] Tenay: IT’S REY MYSTERIO JR.!!!! [I]*Raven goes down and Rey Mysterio gets out of the ring before Saturn can make his way back in the ring*[/I] Heenan: He attacked him from behind…what a coward! Schiavone: What are you talking about Brain! [I]*Rey runs to the top of the ramp and poses with the chair as Raven and Saturn stare on from inside the ring*[/I] Schiavone: This Sunday…Raven and Saturn…Rey Mysterio Jr….Handicap Raven’s Rules Match! [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*A video plays hyping Bret Hart vs. Curt Hennig this Sunday at Souled Out. The video is set to California Love, the theme song of Souled Out. The video featured clips of both wrestling as well as comments about the match*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Masahiro Chono vs. Glacier[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Masahiro Chono dominated Glacier and didn’t even allow him to get in any offense before finishing him off with the STF and making Glacier tap.[/I] [U][B]Winner: Masahiro Chono Time: 3:49 Match Time ~ 6:00 Total Time Rating: C[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage where Gene Okerlund is standing by*[/I] Okerlund: Ladies and gentleman my guest tonight is a man who IS pro wrestling. He’s a former multi-time World Heavyweight Champion. My guest has also led one of the baddest wrestling factions of all time, The Four Horsemen. Ladies and Gentlemen… “The Nature Boy” RIC FLAIR!!! [I]*Flair walks into the shot*[/I] Flair: WHOO!!! Okerlund: “Nature Boy” last week you competed in the number one contenders tournament and lost to “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan… Flair: NOW HOLD ON ONE SECOND GENE!!! I WAS CHEATED LAST WEEK!!! Okerlund: Okay you were cheated out of a victory. Now tonight you have said that you have something that everyone in the world needs to hear. Flair: MEAN….WHOO!!!...GENE!!! [I]*The fans woo loudly*[/I] Flair: Oh that feels good. Here’s the deal. A lot has changed since I’ve been gone. Sting is the new WCW World Heavyweight champ, the NWO is on the ropes and the four horsemen are no longer a factor in WCW. Okerlund: What do you mean? Flair: Whenever I was forced out by Eric Bischoff I left the horsemen in the care of Chris Benoit and Steve “Mongo” McMichael. What have they done? Okerlund: Well……… Flair: EXACTLY!!! NOTHING!!! McMichael has lost week in and week out! Worst of all, the best technical wrestler alive today, Chris Benoit, has done absolutely nothing. He hasn’t stood up to the NWO, he’s sat back and let everyone else do the fighting. When it was me, Arn, Tully and Ole we took care of business and didn’t let anyone else into our yard. Okerlund: Well that is true. Flair: You’re **** right it’s true. That’s why as of right now…BENOIT…MONGO…YOU ARE NO LONGER….HORSEMEN!!!! Okerlund: WHOA!!! The horsemen have been disbanded. Flair: NO! Just a restructuring. Benoit… “MONGO” in four weeks I name the new four horsemen….you have four weeks to prove that you have what it takes to be a part of the most elite group in pro wrestling. Okerlund: What an announcement from Ric Flair. Flair: I’m not done yet! I talked to my good friend JJ Dillon and next week Benoit and Mongo will have a chance to prove themselves to me on Nitro…because next week…Benoit and Mongo will face…………….EACH OTHER!!! THE LOSER WILL NEVER BE A HORSEMAN AGAIN!!! WHOO!!! Okerlund: A huge announcement from “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair! Next week right here on Nitro it will be Steve “Mongo” McMichael vs. “The Crippler” Chris Benoit! [U][B]Time: 4:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Konnan vs. Ultimo Dragon[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]At Souled Out Konnan will face Booker T in a Harlem Street Fight, while Dragon will take on Eddie Guerrero in a WCW Cruiserweight Title Match. In a decent match where Dragon controlled the pace, Konnan was able to pull out the victory following a ref bump and interference from Eddie Guerrero.[/I] [U][B]Winner: Konnan Time: 13:02 Match Time ~ 15:00 Total Time Rating: C+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Konnan is celebrating his victory when Eddie Guerrero gets in the ring*[/I] Schiavone: What’s going on here? Tenay: These two have great respect for each other because of what they both accomplished in Mexico. [I]*the two nod at each other and begin stomping away at Dragon*[/I] Schiavone: Oh come on! The man has just lost a grueling match! Heenan: Somebody get out here and help him! [I]*Security make their way out but Guerrero and Konnan fight him off*[/I] Schiavone: Guerrero is going up top…FROG SPLASH ON DRAGON!!! [I]*the second wave of security come to the ring but they are fought off as well*[/I] Tenay: And now Konnan has locked in the Tequila Sunrise!!! Heenan: They’re trying to soften him up for Sunday! [I]*Booker To comes sprinting from the back and Konnan and Eddie Guerrero get out of the ring really fast*[/I] Schiavone: Good for Booker T for coming out to help Ultimo Dragon. Heenan: But it may be too little too late. [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B-[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage where Hall and Nash are getting ready for their match tonight*[/I] Nash: So Scott apparently Sunday we’re going to be facing DDP and The Giant. Hall: Yeah. Nash: Can you tell me why you didn’t consult me before accepting their challenge? Hall: Well I talked to “Hollywood” and he said that we should take them on so they wouldn’t be a problem for him. Nash: So this is about Hogan?!?!?! Hall: I guess you could say that. Nash: He’s really got you. Hall: Hey man, without him we wouldn’t be here. Nash: Without us he would have never been champ. Hall: What are you talking about? Nash: We’ve bailed him out repeatedly and got nothing in return. I haven’t got a title shot! You haven’t got a title shot! The only person who wanted to take his title shot was The Giant…and we kicked him out! Hall: He had lost sight of the goal. Nash: What goal? Hall: Getting rid of WCW! Nash: Getting rid of WCW or keeping him at the top. Whenever you and I started this thing it was to make sure that guys like us got a shot, and now we aren’t. No offense buddy, but I want some singles gold. Hall: Our time will come. Nash: NO! OUR TIME IS NOW!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE TAKEN YOUR TITLE SHOT!!! YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE FORFEITED YOUR SPOT IN THE TOURNAMENT!!! Hall: Dude what’s your problem? Nash: I’m so over this. [I]*Nash leaves the room and slams the door behind him*[/I] Hall: I’ll see you in the ring buddy. [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut to the top of the ramp with Gene Okerlund*[/I] Okerlund: My guests at this time are the WCW World Tag Team Champions, THE STEINER BROTHERS!!! [I]*Rick Steiner comes out with Ted Dibiase…Scott follows behind them*[/I] Okerlund: Rick, Scott, Ted, tonight Rick faces off against Scott Norton. Dibiase: That’s right! Tonight we send the second part of our message to Vicious and Delicious! Last week Scotty took out Bagwell and tonight “The Dog Faced Gremlin” will make minced meat out of Norton! [I]*Rick runs around and barks in the background*[/I] [I]*Scott walks up and grabs the microphone from Scott*[/I] Scott Steiner: RICK! STOP IT! [I]*Rick stops and stares at Scott*[/I] Okerlund: What are you talking about Scott? Scott Steiner: I’m tired of him acting like a fool all the time. He’s taken this “Dog Faced Gremlin” thing way too far. Tonight Rick you go to that ring without me and you are going to have to be serious in order to get the W. I’m outta here. [I]*Scott goes to the backstage area while Rick and Ted Dibiase look shocked*[/I] Rick: WITH OR WITHOUT SCOTT…AFTER TONIGHT IT’S JUST GOING TO BE DELICIOUS BECAUSE VICIOUS IS GOING DOWN!!! ARF! ARF! ARF! [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Scott Norton vs. “The Dog Faced Gremlin” Rick Steiner w/Ted Dibiase[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]This was a battle between two BIG beasts. Though it wasn’t nearly as good as the match between Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell from the previous week it was still a decent match. In the end Buff Bagwell ran out and distracted Rick allowing Norton to hit the Shoulder Breaker for the three count.[/I] [U][B]Winner: Scott Norton Time: 8:34 Match Time ~ 11:00 Total Time Rating: C+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*A video begins playing with a Crow sitting on the corner of a turnbuckle*[/I] Voice Over: Up to this point he has been silent…. [I]*Video of Sting in the rafters over the months*[/I] Voice Over: He has fought off the multitudes… [I]*Video of Sting beating down The NWO…[/I] Voice Over: He has left his friends behind… [I]*Video of Sting pointing the bat at Luger, Flair, DDP and others.[/I] Voice Over: He has restored order and justice… [I]*Video of Sting winning the WCW World Heavyweight Title*[/I] Voice Over: AND TONIGHT…he will speak once again! [I]*The video finishes with a bunch of video of Sting throughout the last year*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to Gene Okerlund*[/I] Okerlund: At this time I welcome the man who will face Hollywood Hogan for number one contendership in our main event, LEX LUGER!!! [I]*Luger walks into frame*[/I] Okerlund: Lex, I have to ask you, how are you feeling going into tonight’s main event? Luger: I feel……determined. You see the NWO has been constantly been a thorn in my side for the past year. On August 4th of last year I racked Hollywood to win the WCW title. Less than a week later with help from the NWO Hogan beat me and won the belt. Tonight I will once again rack Hollywood, but this time that will only get me a shot at the title. After that I must face my once best friend, Sting. Sting beat Hollywood at Starrcade and I couldn’t have been more proud, but Sting know this, when I face you for the belt I’m walking out the champ! I’ll see you on Sunday. [I]*Luger walks out of frame*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okerlund: Now welcome the three men who will team up in the first of our two main events, DDP, The Giant and Bret “The Hitman” Hart! [I]*DDP, The Giant and Hart walk into frame*[/I] Okerlund: Gentlemen, tonight you will face off against your opponents for Souled Out in a six man tag match. DDP: Let me tell you something Gene. I know Scott Hall and Kevin Nash very well. So well that I know every move that is in their arsenal, and let me tell you something, every move they make I can counter into a Diamond Cutter and I’m going to make sure that they…FEEL….THE……………….. [I]*DDP makes the signal of the diamond*[/I] DDP: …….BANG!!! The Giant: Kevin Nash, you have tried to come into WCW and take my spot as the most dominant big man in wrestling today…well guess what…you can’t have my spot. Kevin I promise you this, at Souled Out I will wrap my hand around your neck and you will be chokeslammed! Hart: Curt Hennig you and I have known each other for a long time. We have had great battles against each other but you cost me the chance at the WCW World Heavyweight Title so this Sunday I promise you this, it won’t be a wrestling match, it will be a fight. I’m going to take my fist and drill it in your face until you bleed! This isn’t about winning or losing, this is about me getting revenge. This Sunday, I may just break your back with The Sharpshooter. But tonight…we’ll see you boys in the ring. Okerlund: DDP, The Giant and Bret Hart face The Outsiders and Curt Hennig….RIGHT NOW!!! [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][B]Bret Hart, DDP and The Giant vs. The Outsiders and Curt Hennig[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]This match had some serious star power. The tension between Kevin Nash and his NWO comrades really showed in this match. Nash seemed disconnected from the rest of the group. The NWO ended up isolating DDP and working his ribs over in the match and he was unable to make a tag for over five minutes. DDP finally tagged in The Giant and all hell broke loose. After all six men brawled both in and out of the ring the ref had to call for the bell and DQ both teams for not following his instructions.[/I] [U][B]Winner: Double Count Out Time: 15:39 Match Time ~ 19:00 Total Time Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schiavone: All hell has broken loose here at Nitro!!! [I]*The men have paired off and are brawling all over the arena with DDP and Hall actually going into the crowd*[/I] Heenan: There is so much intensity in this building!!! Tenay: As much as it pains me to say this…I can’t wait for NWO Souled Out this Sunday!!! [I]*The men continue to brawl all over the arena as security attempts to separate them*[/I] [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*A video recaps the history of the WCW Number One Contenders Tournament and what brought us to our main event tonight*[/I] [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: A[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Number One Contenders Tournament[/B] [U][B]FINALS/Winner challenges Sting at Souled Out[/B][/U] [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"]“The Total Package” Lex Luger vs. Hollywood Hogan w/Eric Bischoff[/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]This was a slow paced old school wrestling match. Luger controlled the early portion of the match until Eric Bischoff grabbed Luger’s foot when he ran off the ropes, that distraction was just enough for Hogan to get the upper hand. Hogan used his heelish tactics to control the next portion of the match. “The Total Package” got a great burst of energy and nailed Hollywood with the flying forearm but was unable to get the three count. The finish came when Luger got Hogan up in the rack, Hogan was able to slip out and roll up Luger. Hogan grabbed the tights in the roll up and got the three count.[/I] Schiavone: NO! Heenan: Hogan has found a way to win once again. Tenay: Hollywood Hogan is the number one contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Title. [U][B]Winner: Hollywood Hogan Time: 12:34 Match Time ~ 15:00 Total Time Rating: A*[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Hogan is celebrating in the ring*[/I] Schiavone: I can’t believe it, this Sunday Sting will be forced to defend his title against Hollywood Hogan. [I]*Sting drops from the ceiling and lands right behind Hogan*[/I] Tenay: IT’S STING!!! [I]*Sting hits Hogan with the bat and locks on the Scorpion Deathlock*[/I] Tenay: Could this be what we see this Sunday? [I]*Hogan begins tapping out and screaming*[/I] Schiavone: Will Hogan tap this Sunday at Souled Out? [U][B]Time: 1:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Sting lets go of the hold and throws Hogan out of the ring*[/I] Schiavone: Sting has got a microphone! Sting: WHOO!!!!!!!!! Crowd: WHOO!!!!!!! Sting: I’ve been silent long enough! Hogan this Sunday at Souled Out you better know that I’m coming with my “A” game and you are in trouble. You see Hogan you turned my friends against me over a year ago. You made them think that I had joined you in The NWO. Let me tell everyone right now, I never had any intentions of joining the NWO. So for over a year I stood in the shadows, waiting, looking for my chance to go after the NWO. Finally I made my decision and I brought hell upon them. Then at Starrcade I gave the biggest blow to the NWO possible, I beat Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight Title. Though the deck may be stacked against me this Sunday…know this….This Sunday….IT’S SHOWTIME FOLKS!!! [I]*Sting’s music hits and he poses with his belt in the ring*[/I] Schiavone: Folks this has been the greatest night in the history of our sport! Tenay: Don’t forget about Souled Out this Sunday! Heenan: I can’t believe that Sting just spoke! Schiavone: Goodnight folks! [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] [U][B]Final Rating: B+[/B][/U][/CENTER][/SIZE]
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Just when you thought is was over...it's BACK!!! elhombrefelino won the picks contest and I'm currently awaiting his response on his final match being added to Souled Out. Souled Out picks will be up soon.......WITH A PRIZE OFFERED!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/SouledOutPoster.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Sting-Hogan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Nash-DDPvHall-Nash.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Hart-Hennig.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/SteinerBrothers-ViciousandDelicious.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Booker-Konnan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Raven-SaturnvReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Guerrero-Dragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Chono-Goldberg.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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