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21CW We Goin' Global

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[CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=red][B]21CW[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][COLOR=red][SIZE=4]We Goin' Global[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [LEFT][COLOR=black]My name is Tyler. Just Tyler, nothing else, why? Because my last name is none of your ****in' business, now that I got that off of my chest I can tell you about the crazy thing that happened to me yesterday, ya' see about a month back I applied for a job with Ring Of Fire to be the new head booker, yeah I am a wrestling fan, no it isn't sad. Anyways they let me book one of their dark shows and it turned out pretty good, apparently not to the standard that their current booker was doing so unemployment became my 'thing' again, my house was about to be taken away, I was pretty much screwed. That was until the phone call came yesterday, I answered it and about crapped my pants.[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=red]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Hello is this er, Tyler?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"It depends on whose calling."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"This is Jeff Nova..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Am I being punked?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Haha I'm guessing you've heard of me then, well let me get straight to the point then, I saw your show with ROF about a month ago and I think you have a really good mind for the entertainment aspect of the business, as you know I own the #1 company in the UK today, 21CW and our head booker Pit Bull Brown has said he doesn't think he can do much good booking a more sports entertainment oriented federation, I want to know if your interested?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"When a nearly homeless man gets a phone call with a job offer from the owner of his country's largest wrestling promotion, what does he do?[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Take's the job?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Damn straight he take's the job, I mean I take the job, when do I start?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Wednesday we our taping Best Of British Wrestling, be there."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Ok, great!"[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT]The phone hung up, I was excited as hell. I pulled out a notebook and began to scribble down storyline idea's and feud's and matches, anything to do with wrestling I spent about five hours planning for my 21st Century booking debut, I can't wait to start but what if I screw up? Nah I won't, I have a good plan for 21CW, a plan that's as simple as... [B]we goin' global.[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][quote]Alright this is my first ever TEW dynasty, I had a short-lived WMMA dynasty that ended due to my lack of time on the net, but I think that this will be fun since I've really gotten into the deep CornellVerse of TEW, the first card will go up tomorrow and the show the day after, thanks to anyone who will follow this.[/quote][/LEFT]
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Good luck man. 21CW is a tough challenge, especially having to book 2 hours of the shows. Hope you're one lasts longer than mine did ;) Bare in mind you may well be the last hope for a long running 21CW dynasty on 07 (no pressure or anything).
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[LEFT]I walked into Jeff Nova's office, what an incredible feeling to see that contract right there waiting for my unemployed name to be written on it. He simply pushed the paper towards me and handed me a pen, I signed it and just like that I was the new head booker for the largest UK promotion in the... UK! He then folded his hands and motioned for me to take a seat. [COLOR=red]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"There is something I need you to do."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"What is that?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"We need a wrestler to pair Kathleen Lee with."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"She's hot..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Er... Any idea's?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Yeah I've got loads of idea's."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Alright well now I need the card for tommorow's show."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Already got it right here."[/COLOR] I pulled out a sheet of white paper with the matches and angle's scribbled down onto it, I handed it to Nova and he examined it for a minute and then set it down on his desk. [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"I like how you got all of our main event stars in feuds, but next time let's try and put some of the lower card guys into feuds to see if they have what it takes to move up the card."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Alright I'll work on that."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Also I really like your idea's for the 21st Century World Title Match, I think that will get good ratings since those are two of the best wrestlers we have."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Thanks a lot, but it was kind of obvious to put them together, you know?"[/COLOR] Silence, obviously my obvious idea wasn't so obvious to the boss, I fighted not to laugh seeing him look angry at how he and his former head booker PBB had not thought of that idea. He looked up. [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"You can go now, I'll give the wrestlers all the info."[/COLOR] I took off before I got fired for being good at my new job, I wondered how the fans would react to my first ever show, who knows guess we'll find out in two days. [/LEFT] [CENTER][QUOTE][B]21st Century Wrestling Presents Best Of UK Wrestling on UK Broadcasting Digital:[/B] Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge vs. Jonathan Faust #1 Contendership to the 21st Century World Title Joss Thompson vs. Phillip Cooper Non-Title Match Daniel Black Francis (c) vs. Rave 21st Century United Kingdom Title on the Line! Leo Price vs. Davey Celtic The Elimination Agents vs. The Ivanoff Brothers Non-Title Match Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Stefan Raynor Nightmare vs. Davey London [B]DON'T MISS THE ACTION![/B][/QUOTE] [/CENTER] [LEFT]Result's go up tommorrow, so everybody get your picks in![/LEFT]
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[B]Adam Matravers[/B] w/ Phoebe Plumridge vs. Jonathan Faust #1 Contendership to the 21st Century World Title [I]Can't go wrong with Matravers, especially against the non-god like Faust[/I] [B]Joss Thompson [/B]vs. Phillip Cooper Non-Title Match [I]Unless you're related to Cooper resulting in a David Flair like push he ain't winning[/I] [B]Daniel Black Francis (c)[/B] vs. Rave 21st Century United Kingdom Title on the Line! [B]Leo Price[/B] vs. Davey Celtic [B]The Elimination Agents[/B] vs. The Ivanoff Brothers Non-Title Match [I]Not sure about this one. I can see an Agents face turn following a DQ ending unless you've got a new team waiting in the rings[/I] [B]Rolling Johnny Stones [/B]vs. Stefan Raynor [I]No idea who Raynor is so RJS for the win[/I] [B]Nightmare[/B] vs. Davey London [I]Poor Anglo Scotts, never get any love. Then again they don't really deserve any.[/I]
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[B]Adam Matravers[/B] w/ Phoebe Plumridge vs. Jonathan Faust #1 Contendership to the 21st Century World Title [I]Whilst I do like Faust, Matravers is one of your best bets outside of Pit Bull for good main event matches[/I] Joss Thompson vs. [B]Phillip Cooper[/B] Non-Title Match [I]Purely a sentimental thing here: Cooper's one of my favourite UK names, and since it's non title Joss doesn't lose anything by taking the fall[/I] [B]Daniel Black Francis (c)[/B] vs. Rave 21st Century United Kingdom Title on the Line! [I]Francis is a very solid name for you, whereas Rave isn't.[/I] [B]Leo Price [/B]vs. Davey Celtic [I]Of the Anglo-Scots, I find that Celtic has slightly more potential, but Price has to one of your top contenders for the UK title, so he gets the win here.[/I] The Elimination Agents vs. [B]The Ivanoff Brothers[/B] Non-Title Match [I]How can you not love the Ivanoffs, really?[/I] [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] vs. Stefan Raynor [I]Whilst I'm really not an RJS fan, Raynor is little better than a jobber.[/I] [B]Nightmare [/B]vs. Davey London [I]Nightmare has no talent whatsoever, but he imrpvoes fast, and I kinda like him for some reason[/I]
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Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge vs. Jonathan Faust #1 Contendership to the 21st Century World Title [I]Both these guys are of the main event - I vote screwy non-finish in the true Sports Entertainment style, to keep both men strong.[/I] Joss Thompson vs. Phillip Cooper Non-Title Match [I]Sorry, Hat Man. You'll put up a good fight, but you're not the champ.[/I] [B]Daniel Black Francis (c)[/B] vs. Rave 21st Century United Kingdom Title on the Line! [I]Daniel Black Francis actually has decent fundamentals. Hopefully some of those will rub off on Rave before Rave eats the dirt.[/I] [B]Leo Price [/B]vs. Davey Celtic [I]Leo The Lion for the win! You may have plundered Ring Of Fire to get him, you unscrupulous devils, but he's well worth it.[/I] The Elimination Agents vs. [B]The Ivanoff Brothers[/B] Non-Title Match [I]Champs don't lose on their first show. They win, maybe by shenanigans or maybe by pure ruthless power, but they do win.[/I] [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] vs. Stefan Raynor [I]The Assassin's Guild can barely support themselves in Tag competition, let alone singles.[/I] [B]Nightmare [/B]vs. Davey London [I]What's more Sports Entertainment than taking a huge guy with a good luck but no skill and grooming him for the Main Event? Five Minutes for Davey, if he's lucky.[/I]
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21st Century Wrestling Presents Best Of UK Wrestling on UK Broadcasting Digital: [B]Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge [/B]vs. Jonathan Faust #1 Contendership to the 21st Century World Title [I]I'd rather see Matravers get the crack at Thompson whilst you build up the character of Faust a bit first. And Sheepy...you [B]can[/B] go wrong with Matravers. He annoys me with his mediocrity in my ROF game![/I] [B]Joss Thompson [/B]vs. Phillip Cooper Non-Title Match [I]Doesn't matter that it's not title. Cooper won't win. Get those hats sold on the merchandise stall though![/I] [B]Daniel Black Francis [/B](c) vs. Rave 21st Century United Kingdom Title on the Line! [I]DBF has some talent. Rave not so much. Win for the champion.[/I] [B]Leo Price [/B]vs. Davey Celtic [I]Price is another who fails to deliver in my diary, but he'll brush off the challenge of Celtic here.[/I] [B]The Elimination Agents [/B]vs. The Ivanoff Brothers Non-Title Match [I]Are Ivanoffs the current champs? If they are I'll go with the Agents to get a non-title win to set up a title rematch.[/I] [B]Rolling Johnny Stones [/B]vs. Stefan Raynor [I]RJS is in a different league to Raynor[/I] [B]Nightmare[/B] vs. Davey London [I]It's a two hour show, so Davey may get the 5 minutes Regis reckoned. But this is squash city to build up the big guy.[/I] Hmm....all down the left. That can't be good...
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[QUOTE]Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge vs. Jonathan Faust #1 Contendership to the 21st Century World Title I'd rather see Matravers get the crack at Thompson whilst you build up the character of Faust a bit first. And Sheepy...you can go wrong with Matravers. He annoys me with his mediocrity in my ROF game![/QUOTE] I agree with that. Despite some excellent performance stats, it only took me 5 years to build him up to a decent tag champion! ;)
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[B]Adam Matravers[/B] w/ Phoebe Plumridge vs. Jonathan Faust #1 Contendership to the 21st Century World Title [I]Matravers is as good a choice as anyone to challenge for the belt at this stage (unless he turns out to be consistantly mediocre like in Marcel's ROF diary). Faust needs a little more build before he can be considered World Title material [/I] [B]Joss Thompson[/B] vs. Phillip Cooper Non-Title Match [I]Non Title or not Cooper-Man does not stand a chance[/I] [B]Daniel Black Francis[/B] (c) vs. Rave 21st Century United Kingdom Title on the Line! [I]I'm surprised Rave is even worthy of a title shot, he's a total jobber[/I] [B]Leo Price[/B] vs. Davey Celtic [I]Another mid-carder versus jobber match-up. I actually think Celtic has more character potential and Price kind of bores me to be honest, but right now I only see this match going one way.[/I] The Elimination Agents vs. [B]The Ivanoff Brothers[/B] Non-Title Match [I]As both of these teams are heel, like someone else I could one of these teams turing and the Agents with their Power and Paint gimmick seem the more likely. I see the Ivanoff's cheating their way to victory, then beating down the Agents afterwards.[/I] [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] vs. Stefan Raynor [I]Stones should be a fixture of your main event. He's more than solid in the ring, and he also has the entertainment skills to make it in 21CW. Raynor is a 'project' at this stage.[/I] [B]Nightmare[/B] vs. Davey London [I]Nightmare's not very good, but London is pure job fodder and ideal for being fed to the 'monster'[/I]
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Guest Bolton
[B]Adam Matravers[/B] w/ Phoebe Plumridge vs. Jonathan Faust [I]Adam is very likely your shooting star.[/I] #1 Contendership to the 21st Century World Title [B]Joss Thompson[/B] vs. Phillip Cooper [I]No hats where he's going.[/I] Non-Title Match [B]Daniel Black Francis (c)[/B] vs. Rave [I]DBF should run for a long time.[/I] 21st Century United Kingdom Title on the Line! Leo Price vs. [B]Davey Celtic[/B] [I]Upset.[/I] The Elimination Agents vs. [B]The Ivanoff Brothers[/B] Non-Title Match [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] vs. Stefan Raynor [I]Johnny for life![/I] Nightmare vs. [B]Davey London[/B] [I]Nightmare sucks for now.[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR=red][B]21st Century Wrestling Presents...[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=#ff0000]Best Of British Wrestling! Live from the Parliamentary Square in South, UK![/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black]We fade in to begin the show and immediately the camera pans through-out the crowd showcasing the 1,000 fans in attendance, the announcers put over the fact that the show is sold out tonight and that 21st Century Wrestling is the premier UK wrestling company! We then see a graphic showing tonights main event that features Adam Matravers and Jonathan Faust facing off for a shot at the 21st Century World Championship, the announcers hype the importance of the match before the graphic fades. [/COLOR][COLOR=red][B](D-)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=red]Nightmare vs. Davey London[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Basically what everyone in the arena expected the match to be, only a little longer, Nightmare destroyed London and somehow looked bad doing it, after just 4:55 Nightmare put an end to the match with a Darkness Chokeslam for the pinfall victory. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E-)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black]Backstage we see Leo "The Lion" Price standing with an interviewer, he puts over his match tonight against Davey Celtic saying tonight was just not the Anglo-Scot Connections night, they will both lose their matches quickly and painfully! [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=#ff0000]Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Stefan Raynor[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]A good reason as to why RJS is someone to watch in the future, he basically wrestled himself in this match and managed to make Raynor look good during the match. A good spot that popped the crowd in the middle of the match was the trademark rolling suplexes that really went over with the fans, RJS ended the match at exactly 6:45 with a brainbuster. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](D-)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black]We go backstage again where we see one of 21CW's biggest stars and former head booker, Pit Bull Brown. Brown says that he knows that 21CW will be the best wrestling promotion in the world someday, but their is a man in the company who is trying to destroy the wrestlers, he lays down a challenge to none other then Nightmare! Will Nightmare accept? [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](D)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=#ff0000]The Suicide Agents vs. The Ivanoff Brothers[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Not the greatest match of the night, but was exciting as this was one of the more unpredictable matches being shown. The match saw lots of brawling, sloppy punches and kicks had the fans getting bored after about three minutes. In the end of the match Ivan Ivanoff was sent to the outside by Genocide Agent where he couldn't make it back to his feet, then at 9:37, Suicide Agent nailed a Full Nelson Slam on Igor for the victory and a possible future title shot! [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black]The Ivanoff brothers are both in the ring in disbelief as the Elimination Agents celebrate, they then look angry and jump the Agents from behind beating them down on the mat before shoving the 21st Century Tag Titles in their faces, definitely they thought the loss was a fluke. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E-)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black]Backstage we see Rolling Johnny Stones walking, he bumps into Stevie Stoat. Stoat congratulates him on his earlier win, but then mocks the opponent saying that when Stones steps up in competition he thinks that his win/loss record won't be so impressive. RJS then asks when the last time Stoat won a major match? Stoat gets angry and blasts RJS with a clothesline and lays the boots on him before leaving RJS down and out. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E+)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=#ff0000]Leo Price vs. Davey Celtic[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Leo Price wrestles himself, we've seen a lot of this tonight actually. Price puts on a very dominating and impressive performance using lots of submissions and brawling to beat Celtic down repeatedly. Price finishes the match at exactly 6:42 with a Price Drop, very original name by the way :). [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](D-)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black]Price doesn't look happy with his work so far, he leaves the ring and gets a chair he places it around Celtic's ankle and we all know what's coming, he goes up top and is about to come down when suddenly DJ Reason's music sounds and he flies out from the backstage area chasing Price out of the ring as we head to commercials. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=#ff0000]Daniel Black Francis (c) vs. Rave for the 21st Century United Kingdom Title![/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]DBF is really a future main eventer for sure, he puts on a good showing against a wrestler that isn't too much of his style. DBF shows a lot of brawling and technical skills in the middle of the match before being stopped in his tracks by a spring-board back-elbow from Rave, he quickly takes back control though and finishes the match, defending his title at 10:46, with the Deadlock Drop, this was his first title defence to date. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](D-)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black]Joss Thompson is backstage with the 21st Century World Title strapped over his shoulder, he goes off about how it doesn't matter who wins tonights main event and as long as he is the champion it doesn't matter who the #1 Contender is, he will beat all of the challengers who come his way because he is the best in the world. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](D)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=#ff0000]Joss Thompson vs. Phillip Cooper[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]So far the best match of the night, Cooper shows how he is improving in a match against the world champion. Joss Thompson nails a good spot in the match when he hits a top rope cross-body. Cooper mounts a comeback and hits a northern lights suplex, nearly pinning the champ. Thompson regains control and dominates the match for much of the ending spots, he uses some chops and forearms to the chest to set up for the eventual finish but Cooper fights back with consecutive right hands, but a reversal allows Thompson to hit the Clean Cutter for the pinfall at 10:23. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](D)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black]Joss Thompson looks at Phillip Cooper who is down on the mat, he isn't happy that someone who he believed to have no talent had actually gave him a challenge. He waits for Cooper to get back up and Thompson hits a second Clean Cutter laying Cooper out. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E+)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=#ff0000]Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust for the #1 Contendership to the 21st Century World Title[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Even though the two didn't seem to click in the match, it still stole the show as it was expected to. Matravers used his high-flying to his advantage early on using the ropes whenever he could to jump onto Faust with cross-bodies and clotheslines. Faust hit a vicious clothesline in the middle of the match that had some thinking Matravers was legitimately KO'd, but he climbed to his feet soon after only to be dropped by a boot to the head. Matravers was set on the top rope for a superplex, but he nailed some punches that put Faust down and attempted the Mile High Suplex! Faust rolled out of the way though, Matravers rolls around in agony as Faust climbs to his feet, he nails some boots to the head before signalling for the finish of the match! He sets up Matravers for a suplex, but Matravers punches away at the ribs to break up the move, Matravers attempts a kick to the body but Faust grabs him and nails a vicious DDT! He pins! This could be it![/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER]One...[/CENTER] [CENTER]Two...[/CENTER] [CENTER]Thre...[/CENTER] [CENTER]Matravers kicks out at the last split-second of the pin, the fans look shocked but go crazy for the heart of the fan favorite warrior. Faust is angry at the referee's count, accusing him of counting slow, this comes back to bite him though as Matravers rolls him up in a school boy pin for the 1..2..! No Faust manages to break the pin and the match continues, Faust and Matravers both climb to their feet and they begin to exchange blows as neither of them accept defeat! Faust hits a right, Matravers his a right and back and forth! Matravers then starts to put together rights and lefts, he ducks a punch from Faust and hits an awesome inzurgiri! Matravers climbs to his feet and he climbs to the top ropes, the fans are going nuts as he comes down... MILE HIGH MOONSAULT! He nailed it perfectly and pins Faust for the three count at 23:05. [B][COLOR=#ff0000](D)[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black]Adam Matravers' is celebrating this huge and grueling victory, when we see Joss Thompson on the top of the ramp the two men stare each other down as the show fades out to the 21st Century Wrestling logo. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E+)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [quote] [CENTER][COLOR=black][COLOR=black]The overall rating of the show was a D-, it was a hurt to our popularity so not the greatest start, still I had fun writing this and I think I'll be able to move the ratings up soon. Also thanks for all of the predictions, if anybody has any suggestions for this dynasty I'd appreciate the help! Thanks for reading.[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=black][/CENTER] [/COLOR][/quote]
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[B]Prediction Results:[/B] [B]Sheepy: [/B]7/7, Great job and thanks for the comments. [B]1PWfan: [/B]5/7, Good job only missed two. [B]Regis: [/B]5/7, Judging from what you said under the Thompson/Cooper match I'm going to give you that one lol. [B]Marcel Fromage: [/B]7/7, Another perfect score. [B]Tigerkinney: [/B]6/7, Great job only missed one. [B]Bolton: [/B]4/7, Finally a score that isn't too great lol.
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[QUOTE=BloodyKnuckles;405377][B]Prediction Results:[/B] [B]Regis: [/B]5/7, Judging from what you said under the Thompson/Cooper match I'm going to give you that one lol. [/QUOTE] Yeah, forgot to bold that one. And I should have guessed the Tag match finish, really - the Taggers really aren't important enough to keep the champs ultra-strong. But remember: screwy non-finishes! Outside interference! Chat show segments! Squash matches! And milk Jeff Nova for all he's worth! AND SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT WILL RULE SUPREME!
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[LEFT]I got to Jeff Nova's office feeling nervous, my first show on the job hadn't sucked but it definitely wasn't great the fans just weren't to into it. When I saw Nova I was surprised to see that he didn't look angry at all, because unemployment is scary... believe me it truly is.[/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=red]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"You can't always expect the best kid, but that main event was truly something to watch."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Eh thanks."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Have you found someone for Kathleen Lee to manage?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Yeah but it won't kick into effect for a couple of weeks."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Alright, you better hope I'm happy with your decision"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Oh you will be."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Jeff Nova: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Don't get ****y, and give me next weeks card so I can see if it won't suck!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyler: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]"Here you go."[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT]I handed him the piece of paper with the next edition of Best Of British Wrestling written on it, and then hightailed it out of that room. I just hope that this one goes better then the last night's....[/LEFT] [quote] [CENTER][B]21st Century Wrestling Presents Best Of UK Wrestling on UK Broadcasting Digital:[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER]Pit Bull Brown vs. Nightmare [I]Last week on Best Of UK Wrestling, Pit Bull Brown challenged Nightmare to a match and the match was accepted! Now two of the top 21CW stars will meet in the ring, can Pit Bull Brown overcome the odds and defeat the monster Nightmare?[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER]Stevie Stoat & Leo Price vs. Rolling Johnny Stones & DJ Reason[/CENTER] [CENTER]Adam Matravers & Joss Thompson signs the contract to meet next week for the 21st Century World Championship! [CENTER]Phillip Cooper vs. Red Dragon[/CENTER] [CENTER]The Elimination Agents vs. The Assassin's Guild[/CENTER] [CENTER]Daniel Black Francis (c) vs. Jonathan Faust 21st Century United Kingdom Title on the Line![/CENTER] [CENTER]Luke Cool vs. The Anglo-Scots Connection[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][B]DON'T MISS THE ACTION![/B] [/B][B][/CENTER] [/CENTER] [/B][/quote]
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[B]Pit Bull Brown[/B] vs. Nightmare [I]I'd think Brown's overness is high compared to Nightmare's, so I'm going for him to win here, but probably gets pummeled afterwards[/I] Stevie Stoat & Leo Price vs. Rolling Johnny Stones & DJ Reason [I]Interesting match between 4 guys who should be the main bulk of your upper card. I'll go with a schmozz draw until I know which ones you're favouring.[/I] Adam Matravers & Joss Thompson signs the contract to meet next week for the 21st Century World Championship! [I]This will pass totally without incident...not.[/I] Phillip Cooper vs. [B]Red Dragon[/B] [I]Interesting - these two formed a long-running tag team in my game. Cooper looked okay against Thompson and is one for the future. Dragon is a former champion so probably shouldn't just be totally jobbed out.[/I] [B]The Elimination Agents[/B] vs. The Assassin's Guild [I]EA got the title shot last week and get an easy win here to boost momentum.[/I] [B]Daniel Black Francis [/B](c) vs. Jonathan Faust 21st Century United Kingdom Title on the Line! [I]Faust was challenging for the main belt. Now he's challenging for the secondary title, which suggests he's at least at this level or higher. Then DBF only just got the belt and I don't think you'll have him lose it yet. So I'll go with him, maybe by DQ or something.[/I] [B]Luke Cool [/B]vs. The Anglo-Scots Connection [I]Strange person to have in a handicap match, unless he's going to be getting some back-up. I'll still take him to beat the jobber fodder though.[/I]
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Pit Bull Brownvs. [B]Nightmare[/B] [I]The only way Nightmare succeeds is if he's made to look dominant to cover up a lack of ability so I pick him for the win here.[/I] Stevie Stoat & Leo Price vs. [B]Rolling Johnny Stones & DJ Reason[/B] [I]I'm guessing Reason turned face so I'd keep the momentum going with him for a little while.[/I] [B]Adam Matravers[/B] & Joss Thompson signs the contract to meet next week for the 21st Century World Championship! [I]Matravers to beat the holy hell out of Thompson because MATRAVERS IS GOD, FACT![/I] Phillip Cooper vs. [B]Red Dragon[/B] [I]Just cause he's Welsh.[/I] [B]The Elimination Agents[/B] vs. The Assassin's Guild [I]They ain't gonna beat the tag champs and then screw this up. Post match they're gonna get a whooping.[/I] [B]Daniel Black Francis (c)[/B] vs. Jonathan Faust 21st Century United Kingdom Title on the Line! [I]DBF has a lot of talent and if he was to lost the title belt I'd like to see some build.[/I] [B]Luke Cool[/B] vs. The Anglo-Scots Connection [I]In what is likely to be the most hated match in the history of 21CW. From experience the fans hate all three of these guys due to a lack of in ring ability. Luke Cool does have a vague amount of potential though.[/I]
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[B]Pit Bull Brown[/B] vs. Nightmare [I]Pit-Bull to win by DQ. I don't think you want to be wanting to job out someone of Pit-Bull's level to Nightmare at this moment in time, but I think you will also want to keep Nightmare's 'Monster aura' intact.[/I] Stevie Stoat & Leo Price vs. [B]Rolling Johnny Stones & DJ Reason[/B] [I]As I said before Stones could be a major player for you and Price does nothing for me, therefore I'm tipping Stones and Reason for the win.[/I] Adam Matravers & Joss Thompson signs the contract to meet next week for the 21st Century World Championship! [I]I forsee a table involved, I forsee it getting tipped over in a brawl, following some talking of trash.[/I] [B]Phillip Cooper[/B] vs. Red Dragon [I]Despite the fact that Red Dragon is a former 21CW World Champion, he's very much at the level of the U.K Title. I'm actually going to tip Cooper for the mild upset here.[/I] [B]The Elimination Agents[/B] vs. The Assassin's Guild [I]Win to keep the Agents momentum going ahead of a Title showdown with the Ivanoffs.[/I] [B]Daniel Black Francis (c)[/B] vs. Jonathan Faust 21st Century United Kingdom Title on the Line! [I]As others have said, Faust being in the World Title match last week suggest he is above this level. I can DBF winning by something like a count-out.[/I] [B]Luke Cool[/B] vs. The Anglo-Scots Connection [I]I agree with Marcel a rather bizarre choice for a handicap match, The Anglo-Scots are such job fodder though, that they'll probably even lose to Luke Cool with the numbers stacked in their favour and Cool is no world beater.[/I]
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Pit Bull Brown vs. Nightmare [I]This is going to drag my average down, but... Screwy Non-Finish! Pit Bull doesn't need the win, and it's not worth derailing Nightmare's monster push to give a Main Eventer a tiny, tiny bit of extra rub.[/I] Stevie Stoat & Leo Price vs. [B]Rolling Johnny Stones & DJ Reason[/B] [I]Heels lose, but cheat and possibly go for a backjump afterwards.[/I] Adam Matravers & Joss Thompson signs the contract to meet next week for the 21st Century World Championship! [I]The only question is, will it be a one-on-one brawl, or will there be a run-in?[/I] [B]Phillip Cooper[/B] vs. Red Dragon [I]Cooper just faced Joss Thompson, and his merchandise sales are better. Keep working him against the Main Event and giving him wins down here to keep him strong.[/I] [B]The Elimination Agents[/B] vs. The Assassin's Guild [I]The Agents can destroy the Guild, but the Ivanoffs will either fruitlessly intefere during the match or beat them down afterwards.[/I] [B]Daniel Black Francis (c)[/B] vs. Jonathan Faust 21st Century United Kingdom Title on the Line! [I]I say Daniel to win by DQ or something as Faust goes for a show of dominance. This is Sports Entertainment, so it's okay to destroy your mid-card title holder to make a Main Eventer look strong.[/I] [B]Luke Cool[/B] vs. The Anglo-Scots Connection [I]London and Celtic couldn't take a win to save their lives. They always lose. Always. Even the Assassin's Guild get more wins than the ASC.[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR=#ff0000][B]21st Century Wrestling Presents... [/B]Best Of British Wrestling! Live from the Parliamentary Square in South, UK![/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=black]We start off right away with a graphic reminding the fans that live tonight, Adam Matravers and Joss Thompson will be signing a contract to make their match official to take place next week! For the 21st Century World Championship currently held by Joss Thompson, we know this won't go without incident. [/COLOR][COLOR=red][B](D)[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Luke Cool appears on the ramp, the fans boo as he grabs a mic and says that it isn't fair that he should have to be in a handicap match, so he's decided to turn the tables! Out from the back comes The Party Animals, Rave & Trance! Cool announces the new alliance, The CliK! [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E)[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=#ff0000][B]The CliK vs. The Anglo-Scots Connection[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]A below average match that really shows how bad the Anglo-Scots suck, they get beaten down pretty much the entire match but keep on coming back for more, not enough to get a good look at how The CliK is going to do but in the end Luke Cool scored the pinfall over Davey London with a Cool Cutter at 6:35. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E)[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]A video plays hyping tonights main event, when the monster Nightmare takes on one of 21CW's biggest stars, Pit Bull Brown! [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E+)[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Daniel Black Francis (c) vs. Jonathan Faust for the 21st Century United Kingdom Title![/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Another solid performance from both men as they put on a quality title match, Francis controls the beginning of the match with lots of punches and slams. Faust reverses an attempted suplex though and gains control of the match with a big clothesline, he puts the boots to Francis and goes for a cover but gets a two count. In the final moments of the match the two lock up and Francis from out of nowhere hits the Dreadlock Drop (think RKO) at 13:57! He covers and gets the pinfall victory. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](D)[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]The match is over and Daniel Black Francis is celebrating his second straight title defense, Jonathan Faust looks stunned that he has lost two high profile matches in a row, he sneaks out of the ring and grabs the belt before cracking DBF right on the head with it, he drops the belt on top of him and leaves. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E+)[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#ff0000]The Elimination Agents vs. The Assassins' Guild[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]The Elimation Agents momentum continues to build after their victory over the tag team champs last week, they dominate The Assassins' Guild for seven consecutive minutes before Genocide Agent puts Louie Peyton away with a Hanging Powerslam at 7:49. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E)[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] As The Elimination Agents celebrate another win added to their momentum the fans boo suddenly as The Ivanoff Brothers show up, both with the 21st Century Tag Titles held they crack each Agent in the head with the belts before puttting the boots to the team that beat them last week, security shows up to stop the beating though. [B][COLOR=#ff0000](E)[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#ff0000]Phillip Cooper vs. Red Dragon[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Phillip Cooper impressed last week in his match against the current 21st Century World Champion Joss Thompson, but he was even more impressive against the former Champion Red Dragon. Cooper and Dragon went back and forth in a below-average match before Cooper ended the match at 9:36 with The Cooper Fly Splash for the pinfall. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](E+)[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Joss Thompson has an interview backstage, he laughs off the threat that is Adam Matravers stating that if Matravers believe he has a chance in their match he's crazy. Thompson then says that he's going to beat up Matraver's tonight and again next week! [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](C-)[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]A video plays showing all of the spots from last weeks Matravers/Faust match including the vicious clothesline from Faust that nearly ended it and the finish with Matravers nailing the Mile High Moonsault for the win. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](D)[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#ff0000]Stevie Stoat & Leo Price vs. DJ Reason & Rolling Johnny Stones[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]A match featuring four of the top 21CW superstars, it started with Leo Price and DJ Reason brawling, after last weeks incident they want to get at each other obviously. But in true heel form, Stevie Stoat & Leo Price continually tag out and work away at DJ Reason for almost six minutes! Finally DJ Reason blocks a Leo Price DDT attempt and tags in Rolling Johnny Stones, he comes in and hits a clothesline on Leo Price and then knocks Stoat off the apron, he pumps up the crowd who are going wild! Unseen by RJS is Stoat tagging in, he gets in the ring and as RJS turns around he gets levelled with a Super Kick! The three count comes at 16:45. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](D-)[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]The table is set up and the contract is on it, Adam Matravers and Joss Thompson both make their way down to the ring, Matravers comes alone obviously not wanting his girlfriend Phoebe Plumridge to get hurt in case of an incident. Jeff Nova enters the ring and explains to the fans that after the contract is signed, next week Joss Thompson will defend the most prestigious championship in all of the UK, the 21st Century World Championship! Matravers signs first and then Thompson signs it, the fans go nuts as the two men stare each other down, when all of a sudden Jeff Nova nails Matravers from behind. The crowd explodes with boo's as Thompson grabs Matravers and puts him threw the table! The fans go crazy with boo's as Nova raises Thompson's hand, him and Thompson then head backstage without Nova returning to the commentary booth. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B](C-)[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#ff0000]Nightmare vs. Pit Bull Brown[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]It was now time for the surprisingly decent main event, Nightmare dominates Brown in the beginning of the match tossing him around the ring like a rag-doll, but Brown comes back with a huge suplex that drives the fans into a frenzy! Nightmare gets to his feet and then takes some of Browns world famous punches, Nightmare doesn't look to good as gets hit with a dropkick, Brown gets the fans pumped and as Nightmare gets to his feet we see that the punches busted him open! Brown runs at Nightmare but gets hit by a big boot that sends him into the referee, then out of the ring! Nightmare goes to pull Brown back into the ring but WHAM! Brown cracks him with a steel chair from out of nowhere, Brown climbs into the ring and hits the Dog House Piledriver! The referee is back and counts the three count! What a victory for Pit Bull Brown at 7:43. [B][COLOR=red](D-)[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE]Another D- overall, another blow to the popularity. Still I think that I did a good job on the write-ups and I'm pretty sure no one expect the contract signing to go like that, what is Nova up to? We'll find out![/QUOTE][COLOR=black][/CENTER] [/COLOR]
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[B]Prediction Results:[/B] [B]Marcel Fromage:[/B] 4/6, Not as good as 7/7, but hey not bad either. [B]sheepy:[/B] 3/6, Not good, but not bad either. [B]Tigerkinney:[/B] 5/6, Best score so far, good call on the contract signing with a table being involved :). [B]Regis:[/B] 4/6, Yet again no very bad scores on this show.
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[quote=BloodyKnuckles;406032] [B]Tigerkinney:[/B] 5/6, Best score so far, good call on the contract signing with a table being involved :)[/quote] I've yet to see a Sports Entertainment contract signing, where a table is not involved. In fact I've yet to see one where the table manages to stay up-right and un-harmed through-out the entire segment.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;406094]I've yet to see a Sports Entertainment contract signing, where a table is not involved. In fact I've yet to see one where the table manages to stay up-right and un-harmed through-out the entire segment.[/QUOTE] Last week's TNA show with the contract signing between Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe was the first one I saw with no attack, no table upturned. Just a contract signing, a firm handshake, and a nose to nose stareoff. :D
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[quote=Dragonmack;406100]Last week's TNA show with the contract signing between Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe was the first one I saw with no attack, no table upturned. Just a contract signing, a firm handshake, and a nose to nose stareoff. :D[/quote] Smarks are always saying that TNA needs to differentiate itself from the WWE. Contract signings, where the table goes un-harmed would be a start. :D
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