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This one is for Foley part 1 RAW Jim RossJerry Lawler JR: Good evening and welcome to Monday Night Raw JR: Im JR along side my broadcast partner and best friend The King King: Thanks JR JR: Tonight we will see a six man tag between Edge, Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy and they all get to choose their own partner. King: Well I think we all know who Jeff is going to pick but what about Orton and Edge they aren’t the most liked JR: Well I could careless but they better hope they find someone (Rating C+) JR: Folks I don’t know if you have heard but Mick Foley, many may know him by Cactus Jack, Dude Love, or Mankind has passed away and broken the hearts of many individuals in our industry and across the world King: Yeah me and Foley weren’t the best of friends but I have a great respect for the man and Friday night the whole show will be dedicated to Mr. Foley as a thank you to him and his family for helping the WWE and giving his whole life for the sport he loves JR: Here is a video to remember the greatness that was Mick Foley JR: What a wrestler and also a very kind soul King: Rest in Peace Mick you will be missed and god bless JR: At this time I ask everyone to take a moment of silence for the King of Hardcore Mick Foley (Rating A*) King: Well JR here comes Stone Cold JR: I didn’t think he was going to be here tonight King: I don’t think anyone did JR: Well ill tell you a couple of things King: And that is? JR: I like the new song and im da*n happy he is here (Rating B-) Stone Cold Steve Austin Steve: You know ever since them dumb jacka** D-X decide to split and reform the WCW Stone Cold hasn’t been on T.V that much Fans: What? Steve: Well EHEH that is about to change starting today see I choose WWE and joined force with Shane McMahon and Chas Fans: What? Steve: Now we all decide to officially name me your Raw G.M and my first order of business is tonight’s Mainevent Fans: What? Steve: There is a stipulation to tonight’s Mainevent and that is whoever wins gets a 5 minute break in the match that they can do with as they please but they cannot get back in the action until that 5 minutes is up Fans: What? Steve: So I guess what im trying to say is you can take that damn 5 minutes and do with it as ya please Fans: What? Steve: Drink a couple of Stevewisers What? Steve: Go hunting for a quick second What? Steve: Or sit back and what your opponents beat the ever living hell out of each other What? Steve: And that’s the bottom line cuz Stone Cold said so What? (Rating A*) Steve: And what do I own this pleasure for What? Rock: Finally the Rock has come back to What? Steve: Tampa yeah, yeah we all know what the hell can I do for you What? Rock: Steve it’s good to see you. How is Debra? What? Steve: Well she probably at the bar getting smacked up What? Rock: Sounds familiar What? Steve: Now I think I said what can I do for you What? Rock: Well Steve since you are my G.M now and my boss, weird to say, I need a favor What? Steve: And what is that What? Rock: Well, What? Steve: No wells come on and you can say it What? Rock: Ok, Steve Sting and I would like a match Friday Night against D-X What? Steve: Well I don’t have a problem in that you got it What? Rock: And I want a stipulation What? Steve: And what is that? What? Rock: If we win you come out of retirement for one match What? Steve: One match? What? Rock: Well a couple of matches What? Steve: And who might these matches be against What? Rock: People that the fans have always wanted to see face you What? Steve: May I ask whom What? Rock: Well Goldberg What? Rock: Sting What? Rock: You and I one last time at WrestlMania What? Rock: Cena you know a lot of different people What? Steve: So what your trying to tell me is every month at the Pay-Per-View, I face a man I never faced before What? Rock: Yeah What? Steve: EHEH! What? Steve: Not gonna happen What? Steve: Never What? Rock: Come on Steve your fans want to see it Cheers followed by What? Rock: One last great go for the fans What? Steve: One last time What? Steve: No games What? Rock: Yeah What? (Austin scratches his head, then his bread, then his head again) Steve: Well Austin 3:16 say you got your self a deal (Austin then Stunners The Rock) JR: O my god Austin just stunnered the Rock King: But Austin also just agreed to 12 matches over the next year (Rating A*) DH_Smith vs Ted Dibiase Jr. w/Ted DiBiase (Jump to conclusion) JR: Boy ill tell you these two young men have put on one hell of a match King: Well they both have great fathers JR: There is no doubt in that JR: Jr. Going to the top rope King: Million Dollar Elbow 1…2…3 (Rating C+) (These two have great chemistry) JR: Well Jr. is celebrating in the ring King: I don’t think he has any regards to anything right now King: But I mean it was his first victory JR: O, D.H just attacked Jr. from behind and laid him out King: Well I guess Jr. will know not to celebrate too much (Rating C-) JR: Well up next we will see the Tag Titles defended King: This is the first time Jeff will wrestle tonight JR: Well hopefully he doesn’t get hurt tonight wwe tag titles titles vs Photobucket (Jump to conclusion) JR: Cryme Tyme has given the Hardyz a run for there money tonight King: Yeah well Matt needs to get a tag into Jeff or he is in trouble JR: Wait its Batista King: What the hell he is attacking Jeff Winner by DQ the Hardyz (Rating B-) JR: Why he is doing this he has no right King: I don’t know wait there is Orton at the top of the ramp Randy Orton Orton: Hey Hardy, take a look at my tag partner for tonight, Batista, o and also Hardy when you finally get up and you see your brother is still getting beaten up by Cryme Tyme, well that’s because this is the NEW! Evolution (Cryme Tyme and Batista continue to beat on the Hardyz) (Rating B+) (Back from commercial) JR: Well folks we know that Randy Orton is bring back Evolution and his partner is Batista but still no idea to whom Edge and Jeff have picked (Jump to the back) (Matt in obvious pain) Jeff: Bro can you still fight tonight Doctor: There is no chance he will compete tonight Jeff: Dam* well what am I going to do Matt: Jeff you know people just find someone (Rating B) Shannon and Yang vs JOHN MORRISON w/ Ric Flair (Jump to conclusion) JR: Well if you saw on Friday night Smackdown Ric Flair told John Morrison he wanted to give his guidance to help him King: Yeah and Morrison proceed to Super Kick the Nature Boy JR: Well Morrison has looked dominate tonight in this handicap match King: Whoa a Super Kick to Moore King: Don’t turn around Jimmy JR: O god what a Super Kick 1…2…3 King: I think he kicked Yang out of his cowboy boots (Rating C) Ric: Whooooooooooooooooooooooo Morrison: I just want every Superstar in the back to know now that I have aligned myself with the greatest of all time I win be the most dominate force in the WWE and WCW and hell even ECW Ric: Whooooooooooo (Rating B) (Back from break) Chris Masters vs Umaga (Jump to conclusion) JR: Man Umaga and Chris Masters are like Godzilla vs King Kong right now King: I didn’t think Chris had a shot but he is sticking in there JR: But his time might just have run out King: Umaga is setting him up for the Samoan Spike JR: Chris slipped out of it King: JR he has the Master Lock locked in JR: Will Umaga tap King: Yes, yes he is out (Rating B-) JR: Can you believe what we just saw King: No I mean look Umaga is still out PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket vs Paul Burchillthe rock look downSting (Jump to conclusion) JR: Sting whips Lashley into the corner King: Stinger Splash JR: Man but a quick F-5 by Lesnar JR: Here comes Rock King: Brock over powered him JR: F-5, Burchill is behind him King: Turn around Brock JR: C-4 King: So we have seen the F-5 and the C-4 tonight JR: Are there any other single syllable with a number moves King: Not that I can think of JR: Well Burchill is still being ****y about what he did King: He doesn’t notice Goldberg setting him up JR: Spear, Spear King: Burchill didn’t even see that coming 1…2…3 (Rating B) JR: Well Rock and Sting don’t look to happy with Burchill King: They pick him up JR: Rock has him set up… O Rock Bottom King: And now the Scorpion Death Lock JR: Burchill is in obvious pain but he now knows not to screw around King: You’re telling us (Rating B+) (Jump to the back) Jeff: So you will help me out (Jeff is on the phone) Jeff: Well how close are you… ok… ok…. Ok… that’s good ok well just hurry up I need you (Rating B) JR: Well it looks like he has a partner King: But who JR (Back from break) JR: Well here comes Evolution’s Randy Orton and Batista King: And they sent a message earlier that they were back (Video showing what happened earlier) (Rating A) King: Well now who will be the other two guys? JR: Well we are about to find out Edge’s partner Edge: So Randy you want to find out my partner well you didn’t have to look too far. JR: O man its time to get Punk King: Edge choose CM Punk (Rating B) JR: Well now its time for Hardy Jeff: Well Batista you managed to take out my original partner but you should have made sure I didn’t have a replacement Jeff: Ladies and gentlemen boy’s and girls please with out anymore time wasted my tag team partner for the night JR: O my god King: Its AJ Styles JR: I thought he was with TNA King: I guess not anymore (Rating B+) AJ StylesPhotobucket vs PhotobucketEdge vs Randy Orton and Batista (Jump to conclusion) JR: Evolution is definitely on the right page tonight JR: But the new addition of AJ Styles has helped Jeff out tonight King: You’re right JR King: Look AJ has got Orton set up JR: Styles Clash JR: Hardy is going up to the top rope King: Look a Spear on AJ 1…2…3 Winner: Edge JR: Edge gets five minutes by himself no contact King: Man what a match (Rating A*) JR: Edge has that sick smile on his face King: What is Punk Doing? JR: He forcing Edge to turn around King: He is picking him up JR: A Go to Sleep King: I guess CM isn’t a friend of Edge (Rating A*) JR: Well thank you for watching till Friday so long Show= A T.V= 37.92
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[B]Royal Rumble[/B] Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton vs Edge TLC for the WWE Title Shawn Michaels vs Triple H vs The Great Khali vs Mr. Kennedy For the World Champ Austin vs Goldberg (A man he has never faced before) Rock and Sting vs Brothers of Destruction (In memory of Foley) ECW Title (Hardcore battle royal) (Raven, Terry Funk, Sabu, RVD, D-Von, Bubba Ray Duddley, Sandman, Dreamer, Shane Douglas, Rhyno, New Jack, Dean M, Balls Mahoney, Mickey Whipwreck, Chris Jericho) Batista and Cryme Tyme (Evolution) vs Elijah Burke vs Cade and Murdoch (D-X) Lashely and Brock vs JBL and King Booker CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio for the Cruiserweight title John Morrison vs Umaga Plus the Royal Rumble (30 superstar who wins)
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In the WWE meeting room Shane: Ok so we agreed to this meeting to talk about this friday night HBK: I think that we should ask the wrestlers HHH: Why? HBK: Well because they are the ones who are performing in the matches or whatever so if they dont want to wrestle then they shouldn't have to and if they want to talk about him they should be allowed to Chas: I think Shawn as a great ideal and we should do it that what Shane: Are you sure? Chas: Yep
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(Jump to training room) Chas: Ok we have gathered all you guys together to talk about this Friday night Chas: Now we are giving all of you choices Undertaker: Yeah and what is that? Chas: Well with the passing of Mick it came to a shock of all of us and we are giving you the choice to wrestle or talk about him on Friday night (After the wrestlers talk it over) The Rock: So we agree on who wants to wrestle in his memory and who will give a promo Chas: Well goodluck to you all on Friday i will be out of the country for a couple of weeks to deal with business
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[B]smackdown[/B] The Rock vs Kane vs The Undertaker Vader vs Sting (First man he wrestled in WCW and first time he was seen on WCW t.v was attacking Sting) Terry Funk vs Al Snow vs Kevin Sullivan vs Blue Meanie vs Mickey Whipwreck vs Tracey Smothers (People Foley won tag titles with) Apperances by Austin, HHH, HBK, Shane McMahon, Edge, Randy Orton, Batista, Ric Flair Tommy Dreamer and Hornswagle vs The Coach and William Regal (Coach was his last match and hornswagle helped)
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PhotobucketPhotobucket Bruce: We are coming to you live from the Fleet Center in New England Bruce: I am your host Bruce Buffer along side my broadcast partner The Macho Man Randy Savage Macho: Ooooo Yeah Brother, and tonight is a very special night for WCW as we give our celebration to the life of Mick Foley Bruce: And we just want everyone to know that Mick Foley will be greatly missed in the WWE and WCW Savage: I got knocked in the head a bunch of times so im not completely sure if I ever faced him but I saw his matches and he was one of the if not the best I have ever seen Bruce: Remember Mick Foley’s title victory on Raw during the original War between WWE and WCW caused the ratings to change in favor to the WWE so Mick here is to you (Rating A*) Bruce: Well here comes the Owners of WCW D-X along side Stephanie McMahon PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket (D-X comes out in Thank you Foley shirts) HHH: Are you ready Crowd cheers HHH: I said are you ready? Even louder HHH: Than for the thousands in attendance and to Mick Foleys family at home, Letttttttttttttts get ready to suck itttttttttttt Even louder cheers HBK: And for those who aren’t down with that HBK: We got four words for ya (Crowd goes dead quiet as a picture of Foley appears on the screen) HBK: Thank you Mick Foley (Crowds Cheers with cameras showing signs of respect and people crying) HHH: See usually we come out here and say how Kennedy is going down and how we are the best but tonight in our eyes it isn’t all about us HBK: And we know this isn’t the Mick Foley Tribute night but we see it as a night to still honor this great man HHH: D-X is nothing but fun and games but Shawn Michaels and Triple H are serious people HBK: So tonight in every match we will honor Foley by having every match a remembrance of Mick HBK: And if you’re not down with that, we got two words for ya (Fans scream) HBK: Suck it (Rating B+) (Back from break) Photobucket vs Photobucket Bruce: We are about to start are boiler room brawl Macho: Listen I know this is for the man Mick Foley but to put your life at risk I don’t know Bruce: It is all out of respect for Mick, and here we go Bruce: MVP is searching for Regal, man it is darker than hell in there Macho: You would never catch me in there Bruce: I think MVP found Regal Bruce: O what a punch by MVP Macho: Wait that isn’t Regal Bruce: From behind its Regal, man he is whaling on MVP Macho: That reminds me of the time… Um…. When…. Bruce: O brother Bruce: Regal has disappeared from the screen Macho: Well that isn’t smart it’s giving MVP time to recover (SLAM) Bruce: O my god what a chair shot from Regal Macho: He is in complete control so far Bruce: Regal is setting MVP up against the boiler Macho: He’s going for a chair shot, this could end the match Bruce: MVP drops down and Regal gets nothing but steel Macho: O that chair shot reminds me of the time I got hit by… by… um… Bruce: Macho next time know the story before you talk Macho: Fine Bruce: This could be the opening MVP was waiting for Macho: Yeah like Bruce: Macho do you know the full story Macho: Yeah Bruce: Fine Macho: When I moved and had the opening against… um… Bruce: Macho! Macho: Well if you wouldn’t have interrupted me Michael Bruce: Im Bruce, Michael is my brother Macho: Sorry Bruce: MVP is taking the chair; He is trying to set up the T.T.B Macho: Regal has got to get out of this Bruce: The steel is putting pressure straight to Regal’s face Macho: Plus his back Bruce: Yeah, yeah Randy Bruce: Will he tap… No he got to MVP eyes what an escape Bruce: Man I think MVP thought he had him Macho: He seems really pissed Bruce: Randy do you have anything to say that will help the show Macho: Well Bruce: O never mind Randy Bruce: MVP has got the chair again Macho: He has an evil look on his face Bruce: O my god he just laid out Regal is busted open William Regal Bruce: The blood is flowing straight down his face Macho: Look at the pool of blood on the ground Bruce: O MVP slipped I think his head hit the floor he is out Macho: Regal sees this Bruce: He is going for the Regal stretch Bruce: Come on Regal put more pressure on…. Yes MVP is taping this match is over Bruce: Watch a match in honor of Mick Foley (Rating B+) Bruce: I don’t think Regal knows how to get out of there Macho: Well its dark Bruce what do you expect Bruce: What the hell (Regal gets laid out from behind) Bruce: Who is that? (Chains are being heard in the background) Macho: What is that noise? Bruce: I see a shadowy figure (All of a sudden the camera man get knocked down and we see a monstrous figure standing over him with no face being shown) (Rating B) Bruce: Um, um is the camera man ok Macho: Not just him but Regal and MVP were locked in that room Bruce: I am truly scared for those three Bruce: Well we are going to have people get back there and try to them out of there Bruce: Well folks we have to get back to action and we will keep you up to date on that situation PhotobucketPhotobucket vs PhotobucketPhotobucket Bruce: The nWo recently came back to the WCW in big fashion as Shawn Michael’s tag partners Macho: Don’t forget that was the night Buff got taken out Bruce: O trust me that was real funny Bruce: Chris Jericho and Scott Hall will tie up first Macho: Chris Jerhico the master of 1004 holds and Mr. Last Call Scott Hall Bruce: Quick lock up, but Scott Hall gets the early advantage Bruce: Hall puts Jericho in the head lock Macho: Man brother this to me could be an awesome match Bruce: Jericho is trying to push Hall to the rope Macho: Not a good idea Hall is to big for Jericho to just try to push Bruce: Whoa Jericho just kicked Hall’s leg and dropped to his butt Macho: Bruce that move could have hurt Hall Bruce: Jericho is going the armbar Macho: Hall needs to stop this that could be a move that could end this match in the early going Bruce: O, but Nash comes in a breaks it up Bruce: The ref is trying to get Nash back to his corner and here come Booker Macho: It’s Booker and Jericho double teaming Hall now Bruce: Man what a double Suplex, and Nash is finally back in his corner but the damage is done Bruce: Booker is now in the ring, he is straighten out Hall’s leg man he starting to kick Hall’s knee cap (Hall screams in pain) Bruce: The ref checks on Hall Macho: What is rumbling under the ring? Bruce: O my god Kevin Nash was just dragged under the ring when he went to check it out Bruce: Ref, Ref you have to check on Nash, REF! Macho: Nash still hasn’t come from under the ring Bruce: The Ref doesn’t notice Booker is going for the Book End Macho: Man what a move on Hall Bruce: Tag by Booker, and Jericho is looking over the rope to see if Nash is there but he isn’t Bruce: Jericho going for the Lionsault… and he connects Macho: This isn’t fair Nash isn’t even out here anymore Bruce: Look a hand as appeared (Nash slowly makes his way back out from under the ring bleeding) Bruce: O my god he has been busted open Macho: The blood is just flowing from Nash Bruce: We need an EMT out here to help Nash Bruce: What the hell the lights have just cut out Macho: I can’t see a thing Bruce: Either can I Randy (The lights come back on and ever one in the ring plus the ring is covered in a red liquid) Bruce: What is going on weird things have been going on all night Bruce: Jericho isn’t going to let this affect him Macho: Walls of Jericho Bruce: Tap out but what the hell is going on in here (Rating C+) Bruce: Randy what the hell is going on Macho: I kinda scared I mean this is all weird first Regal and MVP who are still locked in that room and now nWo and Booker and Jericho are covered in blood Bruce: Randy do you think this all has a connection Macho: Well I can only think so Bruce: Well I mean it has to but folks we have more tonight to get to I mean we still have a handicap match with D-X and The Great Khali against Kennedy and Ric Flair (Rating B) (CTB) Cole: I am Michael Cole here with your World Heavyweight Champion Mr. Kennedy Cole: Now Kennedy tonight you are going against D-X and the biggest monster in the WCW the Great Khali, now you do have Ric Flair but who do you think you two can pull this off Kennedy: Well Cole I’ll tell you (Ric appear on screen out of nowhere) Ric: Listen Kennedy I know you are the World Champ but im the nature boy and I am a 16 time Champion Kennedy: Listen Flair I know all about your creidentionals and I respect them along with you, but if you ever interrupt me again this talk won’t turn pretty Ric: Listen boy don’t you dare ever disrespect me again Cole: Guys can you just answer my question? Kennedy: Shut up Cole! Listen Flair if anyone disrespected anyone it was you when you came and started doing what you do best and that was run your mouth (Flair smacks himself) Ric: Listen hear you ****y son of a Bi*ch I just had to smack my self in the face to make sure I heard you right and wasn’t dreaming, I could beat you on your best day and in any match you want Kennedy: Any match Ric: Any! Kennedy: Fine tonight I take it into a great honor of having the Nature Boy on my side, but next week on Friday Night Smackdown two days before the Rumble me and you will go one on one in a Submission match for my World Heavyweight title and that is law because Mister Kennedy! Has said so (Rating A) Bruce: Well folks next Friday we will see the World Heavyweight Champion defended in a Submissions match Bruce: But up next we have Big Daddy V vs Mark Henry Macho: O yeah brother two of the three biggest men will battle each other for big man supremacy to see who is the better man Bruce: Yes Stephanie McMahon told me backstage that this will go to next Friday when the winner of this match will go against The Great Khali in a battle to see who is the best big man in WCW and also a a chance to go into the Rumble with the 30 entry Macho: Man just think you win your not done you go next week to face Khali but you win both you the last entry in the Rumble (Rating B-) Photobucket vs Photobucket Bruce: Big Daddy V at 500 pounds officially and Mark Henry at 389 officially makes this one of the heaviest matches ever Macho: Let’s just say many people would not want to fight in the match if it was a triple threat Bruce: You’re telling me Bruce: Henry and V are standing noise to noise Bruce: Man Henry hits V with a hard right Macho: Remember Henry was in the Olympic because of his strength so that punch has some pop Bruce: I am surprise you know that Macho: Well I try to give some info into the show Bruce: Well it jus amazed me Bruce: Well back to action Macho: Henry has been in control so far Bruce: This isn’t a wrestling match though it is more of a boxing match Macho: Hey the fans are into it Bruce: O, V just hit a huge chop that took down Henry Macho: I have nothing to say to that I could feel that chop myself Bruce: You and everyone else in this building Bruce: V is trying to pick up Henry Macho: Well are about to see how strong V is Bruce: I don’t think he can do it Macho: Yes he got him up Bruce: Ghetto Drop Bruce: O my god the ring just broke the stand it sat on collapsed under the force that was just delivered from the ghetto drop of V’s Macho: V still has to pin him though Bruce: I don’t think V can believe this Macho: V get your head back in the match Bruce: Henry is getting the chance to get back in this Macho: Come on V stop worry about the ring you’ll get the check in the mail Bruce: Henry is back up Macho: V pay attention and get back in the ring (Henry realizes what has happened) Bruce: The ropes just fell down Macho: V come on Bruce: I think V just realized Henry got back up Macho: What is Henry doing now? Bruce: I think he is going to jump Macho: Henry is getting up speed Bruce: O my god he just ran and did some sort of cross body onto V, both men are down Macho: I can not believe this 1 Bruce: Henry just hit a cross body out of nowhere 2 Macho: I think they both might be out 3 Bruce: Really well I think that might have registered a 3.43 on the rector scale 4 Macho: I think there is movement 5 Bruce: Well the ref has been counting the whole time 6 Bruce: He is already at 6 and Henry is still slow to get up 7 Bruce: Henry you have to get up faster than that 8 Bruce: He is up and making his way to the ring 9 Bruce: Yes he got there 10 Bruce: Henry has won he got back to the ring in time Macho: I am still shocked Bruce: Why? Macho: Well I mean have you ever seen 390 pounds fly Bruce: Not till tonight (Rating C) Bruce: What the hell Macho: Did we just forget to pay the light bill? Bruce: No it’s these things that keep happening (Smash) Bruce: O my god that was really close who go hit (Lights cut back on) Bruce: O my god I need an EMT, Randy are you ok Bruce: EMT I need you Randy, Randy wake up (Rating C+) (CTB) Photobucket HHH: Ok listen im tired of all of this weird stuff happing on my show and whoever it is you are taking out my superstars so tonight since we are celebrating Mick I want whoever is doing this to meet me in the ring to face me in a Hell in the Cell HHH: Don’t be a chicken you meet down there tonight or you bet you as* you better hope I never find you (Rating B+) Bruce: Well I guess we will find it out tonight Bruce: We will have a Hell in the Cell match with the owner vs who ever this new guy is Bruce: Ladies and Gentlemen I just gotten word that Regal and MVP are out of the room (CTB) (Regal and MVP are sitting there shaking like they have seen a ghost, with blood flowing down their heads Cole pops up) Cole: Regal, MVP what happened in there Regal: He was a monster MVP: He had no mercy Regal: He is just pure ruthless MVP: We are all doomed Cole: Who is it? MVP: Evil Regal: Pure Evil Cole: Was it Kane MVP: Worst Regal: Much worst (Back to Bruce) Bruce: I want to know who it is (Rating B-) Bruce: Dam* I hope Randy will be back, this is just a horrible night but we must move on folks Bruce: As you know D-X has all the titles but one, the most important one, and D-X has said they wont stop till they have it, so they have set up a match for tonight with a 2 vs 5 in a chance to get D-X to weaken Kennedy PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketThe Great Khali vs PhotobucketMr. Kennedy Bruce: Well I will be calling this match by myself so let’s get to action Bruce: Kennedy and Michaels will square of first Bruce: They lock up in the middle of the ring, Man Kennedy just shoved Michaels Bruce: Kennedy being is arrogant self like usual (Michaels tags in Khali) Bruce: Well the talking has stopped; Kennedy now has a different look on his face as he is trying to plan on how he is going to attack Khali Bruce: Khali goes for a punch, but Kennedy ducks, he just chopped blocked Khali, but Khali is still up Bruce: He goes for it again, it may be hurting Khali but he is still up Bruce: Kennedy Drop kicks the leg now and Khali finally goes down Bruce: Kennedy is going to keep working on that leg Bruce: Kennedy is now putting Khali’s leg on the rope Bruce: He is setting him up, man Kennedy just jumped on Khali’s knee Bruce: Look at Flair he wants the tag in, come on Kennedy let him play with Khali’s leg (Kennedy tags in Flair) Bruce: Flair moves quickly over to Khali and re positions his leg on the rope, but Flair is walking going over to the turnbuckles, why is he climbing the turnbuckles (Flair makes the leap of faith) Bruce: Flair just jumped and landed on Khali’s leg Bruce: I don’t think I have ever heard Khali scream until tonight Bruce: Flair is now going to go for the leg lock Bruce: He is starting to set him up, O from out of no where Michaels hits him with some good old Sweet Chin Music Bruce: I think Flair was knocked out I mean he is seriously out cold and Kennedy is arguing that he should be put in this match now because he cant move Bruce: The ref is starting the count on both men Bruce: Kennedy just entered the ring and he is dragging Flair to his corner, I don’t think the ref is happy he is completely yelling at Kennedy Bruce: Kennedy makes Flair tag him; the ref has to agnolage it though and Kennedy is back in this match Bruce: Khali has manged to get back to his feet though and tag in Burke Bruce: Now you have the U.S Champ and the World Champ in the same ring Bruce: They go for a lock up and Kennedy gets him in the head lock, but out of nowhere again sweet chin music Bruce: Kennedy is now out this just isn’t fair 1…2…3 (Rating C+) Bruce: Shawn wasn’t even in the match at the time Bruce: Now this just isn’t fair 5 on 1 to soften up Kennedy isn’t fair Bruce: Chokeslam by Khali Bruce: Man this is not right Bruce: Wait, Flair is rolling back into the ring with a chair Bruce: Elijah just got laid out, now Trevor, O there goes Cade, Shawn has gotten out of the ring, He hits Khali but Khali is still up he isn’t down, he does it again and Khali is still standing, Flair just hit Khali in the knee and then in the head Khali has finally fallen (Rating B) Bruce: Ric is helping up Kennedy up, and he is now shaking Kennedy’s hand Bruce: O, man Flair just laid out Kennedy with that chair Bruce: Man the championship is what Flair wants and he has made it known (Rating A) (BFB) Bruce: Ladies and Gentlemen we are now about to hopefully find out who is doing all these strange attacks on the superstars “Time to Play the Game” Bruce: Well here comes our owner and the cage starts to drop from above HHH: Ok now I have given this person half the night to decide if they got the balls to come out here and face me like a man HHH: Now I am telling you to show your face right now! Bruce: Well now we have to wait and see if the person is going to show their self (Rating B) Bruce: That music is familiar Bruce: O my god it is Abyss, Abyss is the one doing all of this, Triple H as the look Regal and MVP had on their face Bruce: Abyss has slammed the door this match will happen Photobucket vs Abyss Bruce: This is a huge debut for the WCW as the Monster Abyss will now go one on one with our owner Bruce: Triple H is still just locked on Abyss, Abyss has those chains in his hands I think that’s the noise heard earlier Bruce: Triple H charges at Abyss but Abyss hits him with the blackhole slam Bruce: Triple H might not be ready for this type of match Bruce: Abyss picks up HHH and tosses him into the corner, O Abyss hits a running hip on HHH Bruce: Triple H was defiantly not prepared for this big bruiser, he is setting him up for it, Shock treatment, Shock treatment 1…2…3 Bruce: I cant believe it Abyss just dominated the WCW owner Bruce: This is just amazing Abyss has had a dominate debut tonight and just took out the Triple H (Rating B-) (Abyss and Triple H have pretty good chemistry which makes me mad that I made this such a short match) Show=B+ T.V= 35.36
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[B]WWE.com[/B] We saw the Monster Abyss make is debut in a donimating match against the owner WCW, how will HHH handle this debut and that defeat Also we will see the tribute show for the Legend Mick Foley The Rock vs Kane vs The Undertaker Vader vs Sting (First man he wrestled in WCW and first time he was seen on WCW t.v was attacking Sting) Terry Funk vs Al Snow vs Kevin Sullivan vs Blue Meanie vs Mickey Whipwreck vs Tracey Smothers (People Foley won tag titles with) Apperances by Austin, HHH, HBK, Shane McMahon, Edge, Randy Orton, Batista, Ric Flair Tommy Dreamer and Hornswagle vs The Coach and William Regal (Coach was his last match and hornswagle helped) Mark Henry vs The Great Khali
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[B]The Rock[/B] vs Kane vs The Undertaker Vader vs [B]Sting[/B] Terry Funk vs [B]Al Snow[/B] vs Kevin Sullivan vs Blue Meanie vs Mickey Whipwreck vs Tracey Smothers (People Foley won tag titles with) Tommy Dreamer and Hornswagle vs [B]The Coach and William Regal [/B] [B]Mark Henry[/B] vs The Great Khali Good Show Chas keep working you're doing a great job.
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Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket JR: Good evening and welcome to Friday Night Smackdown, here on the CW. I’m Jim Ross along side tonight Joey Styles Styles: Hello JR: And the Macho Man Randy Savage Macho: O yeahhhh brother and what a night it is Styles: Yes it is Randy tonight we honor the legacy of Mick Foley Macho: Yeah, and to say this wasn’t one of the greatest figures in the “Attitude ERA” let alone wrestling is crazy JR: Mick Foley the man who would fight till he had no fight left in him and still keep fighting you will be greatly missed (Rating C+) (Video of Foley plays for 7 minutes with Foley talking most of them about his past) (Rating B) “No Chance” Photobucket JR: What! It’s Mr. McMahon Styles: I can’t believe this! Macho: Believe it brother; the King of the Monday Night Wars is back. (Vince is welcomed with cheers) VKM: Thank you Crowd: Welcome Back, Welcome Back VKM: Ok, now as you all know I am no longer owner of this company and I would like to say I love the new war that has been made between the two groups Crowd: YaY! VKM: But I’m not here tonight for that VKM: See I was on a plane the other day doing some paper work for a new project I am doing when I received a phone call, on the other line was Chas and he informed me that Mick Foley had suffered a Heart Attack and didn’t make it VKM: Now I know Foley and I didn’t see eye to eye. Hell I think he was fired more than Austin and JR combined (Macho laughs out loud) JR: Yeah well **** happens and at least I don’t brother all the time Macho: Hey I’ll kick your ass…….. BROTHER! Styles: Guys, shhhh! VKM: But that man helped this company destroy WCW and he helped bring this company to a level of success that had never been seen in any of our times VKM: So for that, Mick, I thank you and god bless (Crowd chants Foley) (Rating B) “I’m All Grown Up” Photobucket Styles: What the hell is she doing down here? JR: I don’t know but I wish she wasn’t Macho: Why don’t you both shut up and let the Queen of WCW talk (JR and Styles look at each other) JR & Styles: Queen? Macho: Yeah Queen! Stef: Daddy, what a surprise I didn’t expect you here VKM: Well I am…. Stef: Hell no one expected you here and no one wanted you here Crowd: Slut, Slut, Slut VKM: Now, now I know it’s the proper thing to do, you know to tell the truth, but not in front of the person Stef: How dare you, how dare all of you, even you Mr. McMahon (Rating= C+) “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor” Photobucket Paul: Well, well it’s the Billion Dollar Man and the Billion Dollar Bi*ch Crowd: Slut, Slut, Slut Paul: Now see look at it like this, Foley came to ECW and he became a huge star, such a big star that Vince decide to do what he did a lot to ECW and that is steal my guys, the guys I made, the guys who made ECW VKM: Now listen here I might have signed them up but they could have stop Paul: True but when you force money in their faces it makes it kind of hard to say no Stef: Why don’t you both shut up it doesn’t matter, because he started in WCW first! “I’m Back” Eric Bischoff Eric: Stef, o how right you are. But not for your WCW, but for mine Eric: See I saw a lot of potential in the man and I knew he would be big Eric: And it was a shame I fired him, but hey we all make mistakes Paul: Yeah you made the big ones though Stef: Yeah, dumb a** (All three start to argue) VKM: SHUT UPPP! VKM: See you all want to take claim that you are these master minds and that you made the man what he is, well I have an idea, it is the third Friday of January, so in one years time we will meet again and at this time we will see who the real mastermind of wrestling is (All three looked real confused) Paul: And how are we going to prove this? VKM: Simple we take a wrestler, each one of us, and see how far he gets in one year behind our support and guidance Eric: Vince I hate you but this is a great idea VKM: So we agree Eric, Paul, & Stef: Yes! VKM: Good we have 20 wrestlers to pick from and we will draw from a hat to see who picks first (Out comes Candice Michelle with a hat and some papers) VKM: Now each paper has a number 1-4, and that determines your pick you get (All four pick there number) Paul: Yes! Yes! Yes! VKM: Well it is obvious who picked first Eric: No I got number one VKM: Then what the hell are you cheering about Paul? Paul: I got the last pick Stef: Paul that isn’t a good thing Paul: No it is because now when I win not only will I be the best mind but I will have done it with the last pick (Eric looks at his number) Eric: Wait, I want to be last so I can prove you guys I did it with the last pick Paul: No! Eric: Yes! Paul: NO! Eric: YES! Eric: Chicken! Paul: O yeah? Eric: Yeah! Paul: Fine! (Both men switch numbers) Eric: Yeah now I will prove it Paul: Yeah you’re right you just proved to us that you’re the biggest deuce here (Stef, Vince, and Paul laugh out load) Eric: Wait give me my number back Vince: Nope you switched you should have been smarter VKM: Now the 20 wrestlers we have to choose from are VKM: D.H Smith, John Morrison, The Miz, Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, JTG, Shad, Kenny Dykstra, Rob Terry, Ted Dibaise JR., Sheamus, Steve Livington, Rycklon, Kevin Kiley, Jack Hager, Bryan Kelly, Afa Jr., Drew McIntyre, Teddy Hart, and Matt Sydal Paul: Well with the first pick I pick a guy who has already been extreme and also a mult. time champion Paul: John Morrison John MorrisonStef: Well that is a great pick, but I am going to go over-seas and take Stef: Sheamus Sheamus O'Shaunessy Vince: Well I will pick Vince: JTG JTG Eric: Dam* Paul! I got Eric:…….. Eric: A man whose father was in WCW Eric: Ted DiBiase JR. Ted DiBiase Jr. Paul: Now hold up! who exactly will be the judge of all of this non-sense? Vince: I am glad you asked “Glass Shatters” stone cold steve austin wwed JR: It’s Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Macho: He is the judge I have more talent than he ever had Styles: Yeah right! (Rating B-) Steve: Now before I get to you sissy lalas,…(WHAT!) Steve: I have been informed that tonight’s show is in dedication to a man…(WHAT!) Steve: who made this company what it is today…(WHAT!) Steve: and not for four people who think they made the company…(WHAT!) Steve: or for that fact wrestling…(WHAT!) Steve: So Mick…(WHAT!), Cactus…(WHAT!), Dude…(WHAT!), or hell even the sick Mankind…(WHAT!) Steve: I am out here to tell you that no matter what we had been through…(WHAT!) Steve: The fights…(WHAT!), the battles…(WHAT!), or making Mr. McMahon look dumb on national T.V…(WHAT!) Steve: I will miss you, and god bless you (The fans don’t say what as the crowd gets real quiet, a single tear rolls down the face of Austin and people are shown in the crowd showing respect for Austin’s words he just said to his fallen friend) Eric: Steve, don’t you have some other crappy movie to go shoot! …(WHAT!) Stef: Yeah! you lost WWE lots of money with that movie Paul: He I am on your side buddy…(WHAT!) (Paul puts his arm around Austin as a sign of friendship) Steve: Why, thank you Paul…(WHAT!) (With a big grin on their faces Austin starts to look down at his hands in disbeilf) Paul: What’s wrong Austin? …(WHAT!) (Out of no-where Austin’s grin turns into a huge smile as he raises his hands with a message) JR: Stunner! Stunner! Styles: Austin just took out Paul Heyman Macho: Well I guess this shows Austin isn’t picking a favorite! JR: Austin 3:16 never plays favorites! (Rating B+) Steve: Now do any of you three want to be friends?…(WHAT!) (Vince, looks calm while Stef and Eric are slowly moving away) Steve: Please, don’t make me ask twice! …(WHAT!) (Eric turns to leave the ring as quickly as he possibly can when Austin turns around and reminds him why you don’t turn your back on the Rattle Snake) Style: O my god guys he just stunnered Eric now you have to down (Rating B) (With two men down Steve turns to see Vince and Stef standing there with them both cowering towards the ropes) Steve: Now I except no other problems here…(WHAT!) Steve: For everyone to play nice…(WHAT!) Steve: Play by the rules! …(WHAT!) (Stef stops cowering and stands up straight and walks up to Austin) JR: Bad Move Stef Stef: Do you know who I am? …(WHAT!) Stef: Do you know who my husband is? …(WHAT!) Stef: Do you know what company I own? …(WHAT!) (Stef smacks him across the face and smirk, when Austin turns around he is rubbing his face with a smirk as well on his face) Stef: I am St….. Steve: Stupid (Austin stunners Stef and gets on his knees and mutters something in her ear) (Vince tries to scurry out of the ring but Austin grabs him) Vince: Now Austin, we have grown a lot over the years there is no need for violence…(WHAT!) Vince: We can be buds…(WHAT!), partners…(WHAT!), pals…(WHAT!) Vince: What do you say? …(WHAT!) Steve: we can be buds? …(WHAT!), partners?…(WHAT!), pals? …(WHAT!) (With a huge grin) Vince: Yeah! …(WHAT!) Steve: Ok…(WHAT!) (Crowd starts to boo with the fact Austin hasn’t laid out Vince) Steve: Hey, guy over there sitting his ass on that chair toss me some Stevewisers! …(WHAT!) Steve: Vince this one is to you (Both men start to drink to their new friendship and climb the turnbuckles to celebrate) Steve: Awh what the hell! JR: Stunner! Macho: He did it I knew he wouldn’t take a side Styles: Austin has laid out all four people! (All of a sudden Paul Heyman starts to stand up along with Eric B.) Macho: He wouldn’t do it again…. would he JR: You bet your ass he would (Austin hits back to back stunners on Eric and Paul and starts to walk up the ramp catching beers being thrown up to him celebrating with his fans) (Rating B) JR: Well folks with the opening segments we almost for got about the matches still for tonight Macho: That’s right brother up first we have the battle of the giants and Mark Henry last week beat Big Daddy V to face the Great Khali in this match tonight. Styles: And it was announced on WCW.com that the winner will be the number one contender for the Heavyweight Title at our next PPV No Way Out! JR: And here we go folks time for some action Mark Henry vs Great Khali (Both men come out to a lot of heat as this was not a good match at all. There were some high points though with one being Henry picking up Khali and throwing him and receiving a close 2 count. But Khali came back to take control of the match and using his Big Chop at 9:27 to get the three count) Winner: Khali (Rating D) Macho: Yeah folks! here is the number one contender for the title at No-Way Out no matter what…Khali “Well” Photobucket (The Big Show enters the ring) Show: So I just heard that you are the The Giant of WCW (Khali yells in his face) Show: Well guess what, before I was the Biggest Show on earth… I was The Giant in WCW (Khali looks stunned) Show: Yeah! Before you big man Show: So at the Rumble, Me and You, one on one, to see who is the Giant of wrestling, and who gets that title shot) (Khali nods his head…then bam hits a big chop on Show) JR: I think Show is out Macho: good that will teach him not to mess with the true Giant of WCW history Styles: I guess we will see next Sunday Macho: No we already no Joey (Rating C+) “Are You Ready” PhotobucketPhotobucket HHH: So first off Austin you better watch your back because you better bet your ass I am going to get you back HBK: Yeah! HHH: But now back to why we are out here HHH: See, Mick Foley and ourselves weren’t the best of friends if friends at all but there were certain thing we did agree on when we were in the back figuring out what to say of behalf of this man and that is HHH: No matter what, Mick Foley promised to push us to our best! HBK: So tonight in honor of Mick Foley we are donating all proceeds to the Mick Foley foundation which Mick made to help kids do things they have always wanted to do HBK: Now Mick we don’t know what you really wanted out of life but we wanted to thank you for everything HHH: Yeah and Mick Shawn and I had a favor to ask from you HBK: See we have done some bad things in our time and we wanted you to ask the big man if he could help us HHH: If not that’s fine thanks for trying HBK: Yeah! and if you’re not down with that we got to words for you Crowd: SUCK IT! (Rating B) Hornswoggle Tommy Dreamer vs JOHNATHAN COACHMAN William Regal (This match did what I needed it to Regal and Dreamer wrestled strong while Coach and Horny were fun parts for the match, Dreamer hit a DDT on Coach and then let Hornswoggle use a mini socko to force Coach to tap out and pick up the win and Regal being furious through on a Regal stretch for added insult to Coach) Winners: Hornswoggle and Dreamer (Rating D+) “Here Comes the Money” Shane McMahon Shane: So it’s my turn finally to come out here and not just thank Mick Foley but to praise Mick Foley for everything he has done for this wrestling (Coach starts to grab Shane’s Shoes and picks himself up by Shane’s pants, finally Coach stands up) Shane: Coach, you ok? Coach: O yeah boss I am fine! Shane: Good! You’re Fired! Macho: What Coach has just been fired (Rating B) Shane: Now Mick I wont be long but seriously you are what made me do some of the stupid things I have done Shane: Like wrestling Kurt Angle or hell jumping off a Titian-Tron Shane: So Mick thank you and I hope there are some chairs up there in the sky Shane: Thank you and god bless (Rating C) Terry Funk vs Al Snow vs Kevin Sullivanvs Blue Meanie vs Mikey Whipwreck vs Tracy Smothers (This match helped me build the person I wanted to build to start a feud with another person in this match. A lot of blood in this hardcore match with every weapon being used that could be used and even saw the announce table being destroyed when Blue Meanie hit a Meaniesault from the top rope on Whipwreck) Winner: Blue Meanie (Rating C) Styles: Man what a move by Meanie he hit it perfectly Macho: Yeah he did brother and it looks like he isn’t done (Meanie goes and grabs the ring bell and begins to beat Whipwreck with it) JR: Come on stop this crap some body stop him) Styles: Yes Hear comes Rhyno Rhino JR: Meanie is running what a coward Styles: Rhyno might have been to late to help Whipwreck (Rating C+) “WHOOOOO” Ric Flair Ric: WHOOOOO! Ric: Now Mick I know we never saw eye to eye hell we barely spoke at all but I want you to know one this, you gave something to this company that few have ever given this company and that’s your health, heart, and soul Ric: So Mick, would I call us friends Ric: HELL NO! Ric: But would I say that I respect you? Ric: HELL YES! Ric: Mick, you will be missed and you will be loved and god bless Mick (Rating B+) JR: Folks I am just getting word that Vader couldn’t be here tonight because of personal reason so tonight’s match with sting has just been switched to a fatal-four hardcore match Sting TNA vs Batista vs Randy Orton vs Edge (This match was an awesome match which I really think might have savin’ my shows rating for the night. At one point you see Edge and Orton team up to battle Sting and Batista, Edge then turned and speared Orton to try to get a three count but it did not work as Sting put him in the scorpion death lock before the three, Orton got back up and hit an RKO on Sting then Batista, Then out of no where Jeff Hardy came to ringside and hit a Twist of Fate, then grabbed a chair and clocked edge across the head and set two chairs on top on Edge and Orton and hit a double Swanton Batista went for a pin but Hardy got Sting up and Sting hit another death lock on Edge and got the tap before the three count could go through) Winner: Sting (Rating B+) JR: Man that was one hell of a match Macho: And Hardy made it clear that he isn’t going to back down and will do something to try to help himself get the upper hand, that’s smart brother Styles: You make him seem like a bad guy Macho: Maybe he is JR: Yeah and we like to sit near you and your odor Macho: Aw thanks Jim JR: Yeah no problem (Rating B) THE ROCK vs Kane vs The Undertaker (This match was everything I hoped it to be with three of the biggest superstars fighting like the championship was on the line, Undertaker was using different moves and hit a couple of high flying moves…weird… Kane though hit a choke slam on Rock and then Taker only to have Taker caught his arm as he went up and put the triangle choke on him for the win) Winner: Taker (Rating: A*) (A video ends the night with Foley being asked what is the one thing he wanted more and him saying Foley: Just to be remembered as a man who no matter what gave it his all for the fans watching Then showing some of his best moments ending in him holding the WWE Championship) (Rating B+) Show: B+
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[CENTER]WWE.com[/CENTER] In recent reports coming out of the front office of the WWE and WCW Vader's no show was not for personal reason, most in the company believed he just didn’t show up, but word out of the front office is Chas wanted to push Vader for a heavy run in the company and was going to actually beat Sting last night (though not in a clean way) and start his push, WWE and WCW still have him under contract for the for see-able future but many think now after his no show he will if at all, be used to job to other wrestlers
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[B][CENTER]WWE Raw Logo[/CENTER][/B] With the Mick Foley tribute in the past Raw superstars get back to their jobs Edge, Orton, and Hardy have been feuding all month over the title around Orton's waist but could that come to an end this Sunday. Plus with the Rumble coming up superstars are gearing up for the battle Tune in Monday Night on the US Network at 9 p.m eastern time to see the fireworks Big Show vs Paul London Jeff Hardy vs John Morrison for the I.C Title Edge vs Ted DiBiase Jr. Orton vs Brain Kendrick Mickie James vs Beth Phoenix for the Women's Championship Power Trip and Sting and Rock vs 5 mystery people Feed back and comments welcomed
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[CENTER]WWE.com[/CENTER] In his first wellness policy violation, Vader has been suspended for 1 month, Vader will be able to return to action the Third Saturday of Feb. Vader has prepared a statement for the Owner of the WWE Chas Holder Vader: "Hey Chas, you want to suspend me well screw you I am going to come back and beat the crap out of you, you can bet on that" Chas could not be reached as he is over seas trying to expand the WWE and WCW market
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WWE RAW Logo Jim Ross Jerry Lawler JR: We are coming to you live from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta JR: I am Jim Ross along side my friend and WWE Hall of Famer Jerry “The King” Lawler King: Thanks JR and tonight we are in for a treat as we get to see John Morrison take on Jeff Hardy in a Ladder Match for the Intercontinental title, I mean look at it like this JR if Hardy retains tonight he could possible go into The Rumble with two titles and walk out with our top three titles JR: Well I don’t believe that has ever happened before in our company King: But that would be amazing JR: In deed it would King King: JR also we have my favorite match a diva title match JR: Mickie James will try her luck tonight in trying to win the title for a 3-time King: Well she and Beth haven’t had the best of luck together JR: Well it’s no secret that they have one huge rivalry (Rating B-) WWE Womens Title Mickie Jamesw/ Photobucket vs vs Beth Phoenix (This match was more for the male fans and it did ok for an opening match Trish and Mickie don’t work as a combination. Beth and Mickie are probably the best wrestlers out of the divas and they did some good work together, Trish helped distract the ref and Beth, and allowed Mickie to set Beth up for the Kiss of Death at about 6:25 seconds for the win and her fourth title reign) Winner and New Champ Mickie James (Rating D+) JR: It’s great that Mickie could come here and pull this out King: I am just happy the girls got to wrestle tonight (Trish and Mickie are in the ring celebrating together when Victoria shows and makes her way down the ring) JR: Now what in the hell does she want? King: We are about to find out JR (Mickie then turns to Trish and knocks her out with the title) JR: What the hell this makes no sense King: Trish needs help (King gets in the ring to help Trish, when through the crowd Chris Masters comes and puts the Master Lock on him) JR: King is in trouble we need help out here (Beth gets up and realizes what is going on and starts to help out Trish and clears the ring, Mickie, Victoria, and Chris head up the ramp and Mickie grabs a mic) (Rating C) Mickie: She you guys Victoria and I were at the club the other night when we saw Chris come in alone and we had a contest to see who could get him, well we turned out to be the dumb ones as he had a contest to try to get two girls, but we are fine with that Victoria: Yeah Mickie and I can share and Chris is fine with it JR: Well no duh Chris: And King you want to try to lay a hand on my girls well next week you and me big boy in that ring (Rating C-) (King starts to make his way back to the announce table as Beth helps Trish to the back) JR: King are you ok King: Yeah and I have a response for that jacka** Chris Master…. You’re on! JR: Are you sure King King: You’re dam* right I am sure (Rating C-) JR: Well up next we have the man who will represent us this week to find out who is the Giant of wrestling today! King: Yeah that’s right The Big Show will take on The Great Khali this Friday on Smackdown (A video shows of Big Show dominating in the WCW, ECW, and WWE) (Rating B) The Big Show vs Paul London (This match served its purpose as it gave London some face time along with giving Show a good competitor to go against who has a different style. London held his own for about four minutes but Show is too big and strong and he was put up in a choke slam at 5:12 to finish the match) Winner: Big Show (Rating C+) (After the match Show grabs a mic) Show: Khali I must admit you have a set on you, I mean to just hit me like that, shows me you’re determined to try to take me out and prove you are the biggest threat in wrestling Show: Well here is you’re only problem, you picked the wrong Giant and Friday I want you in a Last Man Standing Match (Rating B) King: O my god JR a last man standing match for the two biggest wrestlers in the company is amazing JR: Well one thing is for sure there will be no questions to who is the biggest man after Friday JR: Well up next we have a 5 man tag with Pure Power and Sting and Rock vs five guys who we have just learned are five ECW originals (Rating C+) Bill Goldberg Bobby Lashley Brock Lesnar Sting TNA rock vs Raven Rhino Rob Van Dam Tommy Dreamer Sabu (This match was a good way to get ECW some T.V time and everyone worked well in this match with only Sabu not looking to hot. The Rock was strong through the whole match him and Sting keep building momentum going into the rumble with a Rock Bottom on Sabu to end the match at 13:11) Winner: WWE (Rating B) JR: Well up next Brian Kendrick has the chance of a life-time as he could possibly win against Randy Orton King: Come on be real JR Brian Kendrick….Spanky! Randy orton vs Brian Kendrick (This was a good match neither has good or bad chemistry so it was ok. Kendrick stuck in with Randy just fine and put on one hell of a match, Orton went for a RKO but then he saw Edge coming to get him and it allowed just enough time for Kendrick to hit a Slice of Bread #2 for the win) Winner: Brian Kendrick (Rating B+) JR: O my god can you believe what we have just seen King King: Spanky did it he actually won against our Heavyweight Champion JR: Look at the expression on Orton’s face (Spanky walks up the ramp with a huge grin on his face) (Rating B-) JR: You better believe Orton will look for revenge on Edge “Glass Shatters” (We see Austin in his office) Steve Austin 8 Austin: See after seeing that match, I want to make two announcements regarding tonight’s main event and the Royal Rumble Austin: First if anyone interferes in the match with Hardy and Morrison they will be fired Austin: Second the Royal Rumble title match will be a TLC match Austin: And that’s the bottom line because Stone Cold said so! (Rating B) Edge vs Ted Dibiase Jrw/ Eric Bischoff (This match was a good way to get the storyline of who is the best getting off to a great start and getting Ted some face time against one of the best, Edge looked good out there and he helped make Ted look good as well. Edge hit a spear on Ted and Eric got on the apron to distract the Ref and Orton ran in and attacked Edge and grabbed Ted and rolled him onto Edge for the pin) Winner: Ted Dibiase Jr. (Rating C+) (Eric grabs a mic) Eric: Guess what boys and girls my guy just beat a three time Heavyweight Champion and a man who will face Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy this weekend, Edge, now beat that you bunch of suckers Ted: This is to Vince, Stephanie, and Paul E!... ha, ha what a dumb name… I am simple priceless (Rating C+) JR: Well, ah, folks I guess Eric has just taken the upper hand in that four way battle, but we still have our main event coming up (Cut to the back where we see Jeff Hardy) Jeff Hardy (Jeff is warming up when Matt Hardy walks in) Matt Hardy Matt: Hey Jeff: Hey Matt: Are you ready? Jeff: Yeah it’s only a ladder match Matt: I am not talking about that Jeff: Then what are you talking about? Matt: Dude you could walk out Sunday the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Jeff: I know dude, trust me, I know Matt: Well I was wondering if when you win and Orton gets his rematch how about me vs you for the title? Jeff: Me and you… you and me Matt: Yeah! Jeff: Under one condition? Matt: What? Jeff: We do it in a Swing House of Horror Match (Matt giggles) Matt: No problem Jeff: Then you have a deal (Rating B+) King: Man Jeff must be real confident; I mean he is already making matches for after he wins it JR: O it’s just a good sibling rivalry joke King chill intercontenintole title Jeff Hardyvs Johnny Nitro (This match was what I expected it to be awesome both men were hot all night and kept it rolling through the night. Jeff hit a twist of fate followed by a Swanton only to have Morrison knock over the ladder on him at the last second. Morrison and Hardy both climbed up the ladder at the mid way point and fought with each other when out of no where Morrison jumped off the ladder and super kicked Hardy at the same time it was an amazing move. Morrison saw this as his chance to grab the title but he couldn’t get the ladder right and up it fast enough before Hardy kicked the ladder with him on it, Morrison managed to hang onto the title but Hardy quickly hit him with the ladder and Morrison dropped and rolled out of the ring, Hardy set one ladder up next to the ropes and another one diagonal to the other, Morrison stood up and we see Hardy run up the diagonal one and Swanton onto a standing Morrison) JR: O my god, I can’t believe that move, he’s crazy King: Stupid! (Hardy and Morrison slowly get back up and make their way back into the ring where Morrison hits Moonlight Drive; Morrison has to move the ladder but once again has trouble with it. When he finally get it under control he clocks Jeff and sets it up to climb it, He gets to the title and starts to pull it down, When Hardy jumps up to him and gives him a Belly to Back Suplex onto the floor, Hardy slowly climbs up the ladder and reaches for the title when all of a sudden the title started to raise this gave Morrison time to get up the ladder and fend off Hardy, but hardy countered with a twist of fate onto the ladder and Morrison fell backwards and Hardy fell to the ground, he makes his way back, and this time he climbs to the very top and grabs the title) Winner and still champ Jeff Hardy (Rating A*) (As Hardy celebrates he sees Morrison getting up he goes over to shake is hand and Morrison rejects , then Edge and Orton run down and start to attack Hardy Morrison though turns around and makes the save for Hardy and then offers his hand and Hardy shakes it) (Rating B+) Show Rating: B
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