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WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"

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[QUOTE=tristram;483872]Dear all followers of the Prequel, Sorry there have been no shows of late. Truth be told, I'm not sure where the next one will come from. At the moment as some of my mates here know I'm doing a Bachelors Degree, coupled with a full time job and a family... for one of th efirst times in my degree, I am really stumped on a subject. It's Financial Management, sounds all well and good but some of the formulas are a bit deceptive and tricky. Algebraic equations were never my happy point in school :D Also, I will be changing jobs within my company, and what that means is my early finishes are basically a thing of the past so that when I finish, I'm home with my family rather than waiting for my family to come home. So then I've got to try and double up on work reporting, study and my family in a limited time frame and some things kinda give way. Prequel may well come back soon, I've just got to gauge how the new changes affect me and my time but at the moment I'm busier than a Alaskan Igloo Builder. FTR, I have most of the year booked out in TEW, it's more a matter of transcribing that to here which as all you diary writers know is no five minute flash in the pan job. Thanks to those who have messaged... hopefully I'll be around again soon in the near future.[/QUOTE] Damn! So that's why you've not replied to any of my ridiculous posts, huh? Don't worry about us, dude, you've gotta do the important things and put aside the less important things. I myself have found myself busier than usual, hence my slowed posts, so I know totally what you mean. I've also come across a part of my job that I'm struggling with, and to be honest it's difficult not to get overwhelmed. You're doing the right thing trying to keep on top of family, work and school, and this has to be an afterthought. If it does come back eventually then cool, I know you are passionate about the topic and I look forward to it returning. If it doesn't return, it was good while it lasted. Actually, no. It was [I]absolutely phenomenal [/I]while it lasted. All the best bud, you know where to find me if you need to talk or drop in song titles or whatever. Keef
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Guest cmdrsam
Family first. All else second. No worries bud. If you ever do go on that trip as we discussed look me up. Hope you do pop in from time to time. Thanks for keeping us entertained.
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  • 2 months later...
lol, what? Things are sorta calming down a bit for me, I have some exams toward the middle-end of November, but I'm hoping after that to get this back rolling. I've been booking quite a bit in TEW, so it's just a matter of writing up the shows. So hopefully end of November I will be able to give it another shot.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Woo! Glad to hear it! Annoyed at your timing as I was gonna return FMTA but I'm pretty sure my excitement at this returning far outways any negative thought! In fact, I'm gonna re-read this just to get in the vibe for it! Learn to live with it, learn to love it, 'cos it's the best thing going today! Woooooo!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/nitro.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]WCW Monday Nitro Episode: A New Star Ignites[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Chavo Guerrero Jr v Ultimo Dragon[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two superb international stars to start off Monday Nitro. Dragon has built up such a reputation in the Orient, and there's never any denying the ability and tenacity of this young rookie. Chavo is on the upward slope people, but he is still truly finding his blend in WCW. The rythym of this match was quite quick, although it is fair to say the Dragon does occassionally slow it down for some of his oriental innovative submission moves. Chavo tried to keep the pace going, hoping his younger legs would be able to put him past Ultimo Dragon, but the Dragon was one step ahead and was able to grab a gutsy victory after catching Chavo in mid air, dropping him to his feet, picking him back up and locking in the fabled Dragon Sleeper. Goodnight nurse! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Ultimo Dragon[/CENTER] We cut to an Italian restaurant, where 'Macho Man' Randy Savage is sucking down on a bowl of pasta. Even incognito, he still has the Madness bandana on. The vuluptuous Miss Elizabeth sits opposing him, in a striking green tight hugging dress. "Yeah I think this is going to work out, yeah dig it..." Miss Elizabeth nods slowly. "You seem a little unsure yeah?" "No...no, it's just..." "Yeah just what?" "I get worried..." "About us yeah?" "No, about you getting injured." "Yeah the madness runs through these veins, you know that, the entire wrestling world knows that yeah. You don't need to worry yeah because you will be me at the ring on every occassion yeah. Now come on Liz, dig your spoon into the bowl and eat up yeah!" Backstage, 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair is walking towards the ring. He is undoing the cufflinks on his white shirt which suits under his brown Armani jacket. He looks apprehensive. A graphic comes onto the screen promoting that tonight, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship goes on the line as Sting defends against 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho! Also Sprach Zarathustra bursts out across the arena... "Oh boy," Tony Schiavone adds, "That music can only mean one thing!" "That Savage's pasta has turned sour?" Heenan asks. It is of course, 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair. 'Slick' Ric himself. The crowd gives an ovatious reception to him, as he walks to the bottom of the ramp, puts his hands to his side in appreciation and in a sense of marvel, rotates as the pyros go off behind him. He continues to walk to the ring, he appears focussed. He strides into the ring and is given a microphone by David Penzer. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Flair begins with, as he gives his patented strut. The crowd echo out a massive WOOOOOOOOOO as well. "By god... did somebody say that we would be in Charlotte...NORTH CARALINAAAAAA.... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You're still...the...most.... good looking.... crowd.... in professional wrestilng. And I know this because so many of you have had a ride on Space Mountain, which still...WOOOOOOOOO.... has the longest line in the park. But I've come out here tonight to talk to you about something very, very, very important. You see, I have loved coming to Charlotte for decades. It's home. Charlotte is a part of me. WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! And by god, I've fought the likes of Wahoo McDaniel, Sting, Arn Anderson, Dusty Rhodes all over this arena. But you know what, I don't know if it will happen anymore. And you know why? Because out the back...WOOOOOOOOOO... is an abuse of power! Out the back is a coward! Out the back is a no good, lying, son-of-a-*****. He says he fired me. He...fired...me. When he fired me, he fired all of you too. He's been doing it to wrestling fans across the country and you know why that son-of-a-***** is doing it? For his own personal greed, and because he knows he can through the veil created by the nWo. Well Slick Ric won't take it anymore! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! So Eric Bischoff, you coward, walk the aisle pal, walk the aisle. I want you in this ring right now you son-of-a-*****, and for all these people in the crowd, all these people you have tried to screw, these people right here in Charlotte NORTH CARALINNNAAAAA... WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm gonna snap you in two, pal." Eric Bischoff does come down the aisle, he is without his usual nWo music. He is in a polo top, it does not look like he's prepared. He is being flanked by Doug Dillenger and WCW security. "Get him outta here!" We can hear him say without a microphone as the cameras go close up on him. "Get me outta here? Me? Why don't you walk the aisle pal, come do it yourself." "I don't have to listen to this..." "Listen to what, pal? The truth! You! You're a no good son-of-a-*****...." His microphone is cut off, as security flank Flair and grab him by the arms. He is going red in the face trying to break free. "You're a liar! You're a cheat! You I hate your guts," we can hear Flair say only as the cameraman is right in his beetroot red face. Bischoff demands Penzer give him the microphone. "Flair, you're in contempt! I run professional wrestling. These people should be grateful for what I have done for them! I owe them nothing Flair, just like I owe you nothing. You're an ungrateful loudmouth Flair, and I'm going to silence that loud mouth of yours..." We cut to Flair as he's being escorted out... "I'm right here pal, come and get me!" "Oh no, no no no no no. That would be too easy Ric. That's not the Bischoff way. You see, that would be just too easy. I always, always...ALWAYS! go out of my way to create something that's new, revolutionary, and exciting, like my own New World Order. Ric, here's what's going to happen. You're going to go the back and shut the hell up, or so help me God I will lobby the Board of Directors and get enough control to get you out of here, and you'll do well to start preparing. That's right, preparing. You see, at Spring Stampede, you will have a match.... against Buff Bagwell. You won't get a chance to fight a defenceless civilian like me, but one of this sport's brightest icons. God I'm good, god I love this job!" [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Stevie Ray v 'Dog Faced Gremlin' Rick Steiner[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The dogs are barking, but we did not get a 5 star showpiece here. Both are lacklustre singles competitors. Whoa, what's this? It's...It's BOOKER T! Yeah, go get Stevie Ray Booker! He takes with him a steel chair, gets in the ring and stands toe to toe with Stevie Ray who is beside himself... CRACK! Wh..Wh..What the? He just laid out Rick Steiner. Booker wakes up referee Charles Robinson as Stevie covers...1....2......3! NO! NO! Not like that. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Stevie Ray[/CENTER] Booker gets back in the ring, and stands toe to toe with his brother. The tension is there, not epic, but it's there, as the two men embrace. Booker then gets in the face of the camera... "Can you dig dis? Harlem Heat back together bro, now can you dig that?" [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]WCW World Television Championship: 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v Wrath[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two contrasting wrestlers, one a boxhead powerhouse, the other an aristocratic prolific international superstar who loves rough housing and grinding a man to submission. Wrath appeared to be dominating, until Lodi of all people came out and foot tripped Wrath! Steven Regal took advantage of the situation with a Regal Cutter! 1...2...3! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Your winner, via pinfall, and STILL WCW World Television Champion, Steven Regal[/CENTER] Post match, Lodi stormed the ring, with his hair in pony-tails. Wait? Is that...mascara? Is he wearing mascara? Oh my. Lodi turns over Wrath, and shakes his head... "Whatever man, you need to see a fashion doctor for that crime." [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon and Perry Saturn v Kidman and 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Raven's lackey's were at it again, Kidman and Morrus trying to do Raven's dirty work and teach Saturn and Kanyon a lesson for rebelling tediously against Raven's loner revolution. One of the striking things about Hugh Morrus is just his pure unadulterated power, and for a big man his sheer athleticism. In combination with Kidman,it's a fast moving projectile of lonerism venom. But across the ring was not only the hard as nails Saturn, but the innovative Kanyon. While they were being worn down it was almost as if Kanyon was reeling in Hugh Morrus, who saw the opportunity for the No Laughing Matter moonsault, Kanyon raised his knees, Morrus cracked his ribs, Kanyon pulled him to his feet... FLATLINER! 1...2...3! [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Chris Kanyon and Perry Saturn [SIZE="4"][B]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan v Johnny Grunge[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Can anyone spell... JOB? The big orange M&M takes this one out. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Hulk Hogan[/CENTER] [QUOTE]As Hogan celebrates, the lights dim, and on the TurnerTron we can see Bill Goldberg barely. He is lit up in a dark area by one flickering candle, which Goldberg stands near, almost impervious to the heat burning of the strong candle. "Hogan... YOU'RE NEXT!"[/QUOTE] As the lights come back on, the Scottish bagpipes play, which can only mean one thing. Krystal Steal? No, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. The Scotsman comes down to the ring with his kilt on, and a Hot Rod white shirt on. Hogan is still in the ring, still shaking his head at what he has just seen. Piper comes into the ring, as two ring attendents set up two stools. "Well, we meet again? Aha! The man who made you lose your hair Hogan, remember me? PIPER! And the PIPER! played you many many times." "Brother, that is not true." "Isn't it? Care me to show a replay of ... Starrcade '96?" Hogan looks away in disgust before breathing a reluctant sigh of acceptance. "Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for my special guest, a man who apparently.... and I say apparently ... built professional wrestling. You talk about a ... revolution. You talk about the nWo revolutionising professional wrestling. You talk about being the leader of professional wrestling...aha..." Hogan looks confused. Piper shrugs his shoulders. "Brother, what the hell is the meaning of this? I am the icon brother, I don't need to listen to this." "You're right... Hogan..." Piper says as he gets right up in his face. "You don't have to listen to... this. But you do... have to listen... to THAT!" We cut back to the TurnerTron where Goldberg is in the same dim light, smiling and whispering... "You're NEXT!" Hogan gulps, as we cut to a break. ... After the break, we go to the interview area where 'Mean' Gene Okerlund has with him 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson. "Alright guys, my very special guest at this time is the current 50/50 boss of World Championship Wrestling, guys I have with me the Enforcer Arn Anderson!" "Thanks for the welcome Gene." "Now you asked to have this interview tonight to talk about something that's on your mind." "That's right Gene. Something that is on my mind. You see, all those years ago when you tuned into the NWA you knew of one thing. That Arn Anderson would be there breaking necks. You knew that when Arn Anderson said something, it would happen. You knew that the little I had to say was said because it was real. And tonight, I will keep this short and sweet. Some may call it a prediction, but I call it ... a promise. Some may call this exciting... for the boys in the back, I call it ... frightening. For too long some of those boys in the back have been held down by Eric Bischoff, but NO MORE! NO MORE! And when I say I draw a line in the sand and when I say I see the future being crystal clear and full of envy, I talk of the truth. And I talk with conviction and I talk about justice. And what justice you might add?.." 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit walks onto the scene and stands behind Anderson. "This man... This man right here. The next big thing. Sting, Jericho, Hogan, whoever it is that holds the gold, I don't care who it is. Don't make the mistake of facing Benoit. Why? Because he's v2 of Arn Anderson. And when I say something is going to happen, you listen. Because you know it's real. You know it's the truth. You know it's justified. This...is...the....next......big.... thing! I'm not always a nice man, I don't always wear a white hat, but I do speak the truth!" [CENTER][SIZE="4"]'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart v The Outsiders[/SIZE][/CENTER] A slow, laborious match. Not much of a reaction from the boys from the "F", but the Outsiders still drew plenty of heat. Davey Boy appeared to be cleaning house, but a low blow from Scott Hall and a quick tag to Kevin Nash ended the resistance, with Smith going down hard with the Jackknife Powerbomb. [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, The Outsiders[/CENTER] After the match, the nWo music is cut short as Bret 'The Hitman' Hart stands under the TurnerTron with a microphone. He pulls back his pink glasses before speaking. "Is that it? Is that everything you've got? You have to cheat to win? You see, if you were the excellence of execution, you win naturally, not artificially. Let me tell you something, I was brought up in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, by a man who made boys pass out in a dungeon. I was brought up living that life as being normal. As being natural. And let me tell you, you are both on the hitlist of the hitman. Since day one here in the WCW, all I've had is cheats and cowards like you looking for shortcuts. Looking to screw people over. Never again, I will never let it happen again. So take note of this, I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. And you two BOTH have an X on your backs!" [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v Disco Inferno[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] DISCO FEVER! DISCO FEVER! DISCO FEVER! YEAH YEAH YEAH! Don't you just wish this cat would focus on the match at hand?! Argh! You never lose focus on a man like Malenko, otherwise he'll rip you in two with the Texas Cloverleaf. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Dean Malenko [I]The following announcement has been paid for by the New World Order[/I][/CENTER] We cut to Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills. Walking down a sidewalk is none other than 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page and his ultra gorgeous wife, the ultimate pin up girl of the nWo, Kimberly. She has Louis Vitton bags, Prada bags, you name it, she's got it. "Yo, this is the life huh Kim?" "You beat..." "And who woulda thought, all those years ago, plotting this revenge on the world of professional wrestling that wanted to hold me down would pay off so big. God I love myself..." "Me too..." "This truly is... TOOOO SWWEEEET!!" [CENTER][I]The preceeding announcement has been paid for by the New World Order[/I] [SIZE="4"][B]The Giant v Masahiro Chono[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] nWo Japan's representative tonight is the impregnable Chono, a man reverred around the globe. But he's opposing a 500 pound goliath, and even for a famed hard man like Chono, it was a bridge too far. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, the Giant[/CENTER] We cut to the back where Eric Bischoff turns a corner and accidentally bumps shoulders with his arch nemesis, 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson. Anderson smiles. Bischoff looks confused. "You honestly have no idea, do you?" Anderson laughs before walking off, leaving Bischoff bewildered. [I][CENTER]n...W....o FF...FFF....FOR LIFE NNN...NNN...NEW WORLD ORDER[/CENTER][/I] 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho strides to the ring, glazing his hand over a pretend belt around his waist, defiantly claiming that tonight he becomes the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. "Welcome to... MONDAY NIGHT JERICHO! A show for all dedicated Jericholics. Like you, and you... and YOU! Tonight prepare to feast your eyes on magnificence, as I, Chris Jericho, become the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Oh, it will be...TOOOO SWEEEET! So would that bottom feeding anti-christ himself PLEASE walk forward... " He doesn't realise it, but the crowd is popping, as standing right behind him, having come down from the rafters is none other than Sting. Sting taps him on the shoulders and shows him the belt, which Jericho looks at, before using to smash Sting in the face! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]WCW World Heavyweight Championship Sting (c) v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] 1.....2... NO! Sting kicks out. That would have been a truly deceitful way to win the belt, but who really would put it past Chris Jericho? Sting rolled to the outside to catch his breath, but Jericho came straight after him and dragged him back into the ring. He set him up in the corner and pounded him with a 10 count of punches. Mickey Jay cautions Jericho for some closed fists, but Jericho pleads innocence. Sting then grabs him and thrusts him in the corner and lays out 10 punches. Jericho is slouched down, Sting runs to the other corner... STINGER SPL.. NO! Jericho moved and Sting collected the top of the steel ring post. Jericho slides to the outside and grabs Sting's legs and wraps the right knee around the ring post. Now Jericho tries to put on a figure four around the ring post, as Mickey Jay races to the outside to try and pull Jericho off. Finally he releases, but is the damage already done? Jericho back to the apron, leg drop off the apron onto the knee ligaments of Sting. The Champion is in a lot of pain here. Jericho comes back into the ring and poses, before arrogantly laughing at some of the fans. This gives Sting time to untangle himself from the corner. He tries to get up, but his knee is causing him immense anguish. Jericho puts on a three point stance and knocks Sting straight off his feet. Now Jericho grabs Sting by the hair and drags him to the outside. Sting tries to mount a comeback with some rights and lefts, before Jericho tries, unsuccessfully having it reversed on him, sending Stinger into the steel steps, but instead Jericho crashes in in spectacular fashion! A big time mistake from Jericho, Sting's greater experience coming to the fore. Sting touches back in the ring to stop the ten count. Both men barely on their feet pounding out rights, lefts, rights, lefts. Jericho grabbing the upper hand sends Sting into the hard and unforgiving steel barricades at ringside. "I'm the king of the world!" Jericho shouts out as Sting comes back and elbows Jericho to the jaw. Finally Sting pulls Jericho back into the ring, but Jericho is unwilling to go on Sting's terms. Instead he waits behind, finally coming up onto the apron, but that too was a mistake of inexperience as it allowed Sting to grab ring position and bring Jericho back in the hard way via a tall vertical suplex. Sting really suspended him up there, old school style, draining the blood from Jericho's arrogant mind. But Sting was in terrible shape here as well, and both men were slumped to the mat...1......2......3.......4......5......6......7.....8, both men finally got up, as Jericho whipped Sting into the ropes and dropped him with a high knee to the gut. The action went back and forward for what seemed the longest time, as both men became bloodied, and mortified as various attempts at claiming the ultimate prize in professional wrestling went unrewarded. Sting had tried the Scorpion Death Drop, but Jericho somehow kicked out. Jericho had tried the Lion Tamer, but Sting was unwilling to acceed and hand over the gold. Jericho even undid the top turnbuckle and pounded Sting's head mercilessly causing blood to spill everywhere, but Sting somehow was able to maintain control of his faculties and beat the 3 count. Time and time again both men were face first on the mat, not knowing where to go, how to get out of it. It simply appeared as if neither men knew how to quit, despite the enormous adversity being thrust on them by their outstanding opponents. Finally Sting was able to grab some momentum, STINGER SPLASH! And again... STINGER SPLASH! He tries again, but Jericho moves... Sting knocked himself unconcious on the top turnbuckle, he hit REALLY hard! Jericho staggers and is also basically out... but he's fallen on top of STING! STING IS OUT! 1.......2........ DING DING DING! What the hell is going on? David Penzer is walking forward to referee Mickey Jay who is as confused as any. Jericho is still laying motionless with Sting in the centre of the ring. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Due to the expiry of the time limit, we have a draw. Still WCW World Heavyweight Champion, STING![/CENTER] Jericho finally awakes to see the belt put on the motionless Sting, he shakes his head, but that is all the strength he can muster before dropping face first back to the mat! What a match! What excitement as Nitro goes off the air!
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Sorry about the peculiar reply yesterday before the show I was a bit drunk... Great comeback show my man. I'm interested in seeing where you take the Flair and Bischoff thing. THere's obviously great potential in drawing a feud out of that and I know you won't just kill the Horsemen a la the Bischoff - Flair confrontation in real life. You're quite hot on Jericho at the mo too, aren't ye buddy? It's great to see him being used properly in WCW, although I hope you don't jump the gun on him being the man too soon when you've got other people who need to be cemented near the top as well, namely Bret Hart. That guy should have been huge in post-Montreal. Anyway, good return show, can't wait to see where you go from here.
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[QUOTE=tizzyt;520506]LMAO! Well, it's official... No more Diary writing for me with Tris coming back! Welcome back though, I can't WAIT to see what you have in store for us![/QUOTE] Thanks mate, appreciate the support. But I am intrigued by what you and my man angel have in store in 1990, so you keep pining the pre-story out and I look forward to seeing your takes on the WWF and 'WCW'. [QUOTE=keefmoon;520580]Woo! Glad to hear it! Annoyed at your timing as I was gonna return FMTA but I'm pretty sure my excitement at this returning far outways any negative thought! In fact, I'm gonna re-read this just to get in the vibe for it! Learn to live with it, learn to love it, 'cos it's the best thing going today! Woooooo![/QUOTE] Bring back FMTA! Bring back FMTA! Bring back FMTA! [QUOTE=G-Prime;520615]Best. Hype. EVER![/QUOTE] Heh, I found that website and it just linked in beautifully. Does anyone know how to embed those types of video clips into a post? [QUOTE=tizzyt;520671]Good show Tristram! Enjoyed it![/QUOTE] Cool... Glad you enjoyed it, suffering a bit of ring rust and all. [QUOTE=G-Prime;520739]Great show mate.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate, much obliged. [QUOTE=mad5226;520740]Good to see you back man. The Time limit draw was a nice little curve ball.[/QUOTE] Just felt it was a nice way to build Jericho into his first real main event feud. [QUOTE=keefmoon;520930]Sorry about the peculiar reply yesterday before the show I was a bit drunk... Great comeback show my man. I'm interested in seeing where you take the Flair and Bischoff thing. THere's obviously great potential in drawing a feud out of that and I know you won't just kill the Horsemen a la the Bischoff - Flair confrontation in real life. You're quite hot on Jericho at the mo too, aren't ye buddy? It's great to see him being used properly in WCW, although I hope you don't jump the gun on him being the man too soon when you've got other people who need to be cemented near the top as well, namely Bret Hart. That guy should have been huge in post-Montreal. Anyway, good return show, can't wait to see where you go from here.[/QUOTE] Ahhh... no clues where I'm going with Jericho. But suffice to say Bret Hart is kept interested, don't worry about that. As you know, one of my biggest gripes with WCW was them using Hart as Hogan's lackey as a sympathiser of the nWo, which made no sense at all given Hart had just suffered a screwjob finish and should have been a hot as babyface.
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[quote][CENTER][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pwinsider-logo.gif[/img][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B]Thunder-storms predicted for Richmond[/B][/SIZE] [I]By: Official press release from wcw.com[/I] Atlanta, GA - The flames of intense bickering are spreading like wildfire through the once triumphant hotbed of professional wrestling that is World Championship Wrestling, as the worldwide war against the invasion of the New World Order intensifies wildly. Last night on Monday Nitro, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho nearly caused the upset of the year in going within a millimetre of defeating Sting for the coveted '10 pounds of gold', the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Also, the incapacitated Bill Goldberg promised he will be back, and soon, for the evil 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan. Revenge is on the mind of the unstoppable rookie Goldberg who has made a rod for Hogan's back after Hogan purposefully tried to end his career. Make sure you tune into the SuperStation TBS, as 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho teams up with 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page as the New World Order look to inflict more misery upon World Championship Wrestling when they take on the Champion, Sting, and the 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit. It promises to be a spectacular you cannot afford to miss! Also in action is former WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Total Package' Lex Luger, Eddie Guerrero, international superstar Silver King and a Tag Team Championship match between the Champions Konnan and Curt Hennig against the experienced Steiner Brothers. You won't want to miss this.[/quote] Card: Eddie Guerrero and Kidman v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr 'Total Package' Lex Luger v Reese The Giant v Silver King WCW Television Championship: 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v Ultimo Dragon v 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus v Perry Saturn nWo World Tag Team Championships: 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v The Steiner Brothers 'The Anvil' Jim Neidhart v 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash nWo United States Champion 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page and 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting and 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit
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Eddie Guerrero and Kidman v [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] [I]I'm thinking they're on more of a run than Kidman, and hopefully it'll set up a lovely Eddie vs Rey match[/I] 'Total Package' Lex Luger v [B]Reese[/B] [I]Reese FTW![/I] [B]The Giant[/B] v Silver King [I]Seriously, he could potentially be the be all and end all in WCW. The dude deserves the chance[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Lord' Steven Regal (c)[/B] v Ultimo Dragon v 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon [I]Wow man, just wow. All three men are world class and deserve recognition, but I feel Regal is only just starting with the belt[/I] [B]'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus[/B] v Perry Saturn [I]The opening video said a push was on th cards for Hugh Morrus. Who am I to argue with subtitled Bollywood?[/I] nWo World Tag Team Championships: [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c)[/B] v The Steiner Brothers [I]Can't imagine they'll be a title change, although I'd like to see one. The Steiners are frankly one of the best tag teams ever[/I] 'The Anvil' Jim Neidhart v [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] [I]Nash is a God amongst men. His booking was ****e, but the guy still has so much to offer[/I] nWo United States Champion 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page and 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v [B]WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting and 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] [I]The Stinger could do with looking a bit dominant nad dragging Benoit with him is a good idea. Jericho and DDP both look hot but there time will come sans future, whereas it's all about The Stinger at the moment.[/I]
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[B]Eddie Guerrero and Kidman[/B] v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr [B]'Total Package' Lex Luger[/B] v Reese [B]The Giant[/B] v Silver King WCW Television Championship: [B]'Lord' Steven Regal (c)[/B] v Ultimo Dragon v 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon [B]'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus[/B] v Perry Saturn nWo World Tag Team Championships: [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c)[/B] v The Steiner Brothers 'The Anvil' Jim Neidhart v [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] nWo United States Champion 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page and 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v [B]WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting and 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/tarnations2.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]By Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen[/I][/B][/CENTER] Well ah've just sat on the pine for the last three hours of my god forsaken life and ah'm darn well gonna have my two nickles worth on the last episode of WCW Monday Nitro. Ya know, I'm gonna tell you the problem with pro wrasslin today. And it's this, yes ma'am it is. It's that back in the damn good old days, you'd wrassle a man to break his neck and then take home his gold. Those days are gone I'm telling you. So I tune into Nitro, and what do ah see on that there screen? A man so rough and red in the neck ah could have sworn we was related somehow. That man though, he was having pasta on a wrestling show with a gentile figure. Ah'll tell you what, and ah'll tell it to you like it is you understand. Ah don't know what Bischoff is doing with WCW you hear. If brains were leather, he couldn't saddle a fly. He's all hat and no horse ah'm telling you. What in tarnations is Eric Bischoff doing getting involved in a wrasslin ring? Against Ric Flair of all people. Would Gordon Solie get in the ring? Now ah know, ah know, he instead put Buff Bagwell in the ring but ah'm picking it like ah picked last night's rump steak, one day old Bischoff is gonna have to drag his carcus to the ring and then be carried the hell out of there. You can just see it, can't ya? The prima donna that he is, he's asking for it. Again, ah ask, would Gordon Solie have done it? Would Lance Russell? Ah mean come on, you'd be as confused as a goat on astro turf if you were figuring that Eric Bischoff was nothing but a no good never was never will be Gordon Solie wannabe you hear? Now ah know he's walking around pretending to be this and that, but the fact is he's just an average commentator. No more no less, and that's no word of a lie. Bischoff, you are a var'mit, and we be sick and tired of all this prancing around. And then why ah was fix'in some of Texas' finest barbecue ribs on bread, what do ah see next? Lodi. Now, they say out East that you have to be politically correct about the whole thing, but tell me, in a land where men are trying to break your necks, you'd have to be a strange son-of-a-gun to try that on if you hear what's been said and so forth. And here's the kicker. He has the audacity to say what he said to Wrath. Wrath! That man is a prototype of the old Volkoff boys. Sickles all around ye hear. That man Lodi is deluded, he's as crazy as a horse riding a saddle and that's no lie. Pro wrasslin is nuttin but the rent sometimes but boy you can sure find yourself living in the gutter if you carry on like that, and that's the stink of it all. You can act all purtee and dressed up to the nines, but my word son, this is pro wrasslin! Sumpin's gotta give, just don't let it be on the end of a Stan the man lariat or it'll be your neck, ya understand? And here's a whole'nuther can of worms, ya see. Chris Jericho and Sting. Boy did we like seeing them crack each other open stupid. But for pete's sakes, David Penzer aren't ya a piddlee'o thang, cowboy, you stay the hell out of that ring, ya don't rin' the bell, you let the men decide what's right or wron', ya hear me? Well ah'll be Stan Hansen, cracked some necks in my time, hope nones been cracked listenin to me now, y'all come back now, ya hear?[/QUOTE] ...
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder21.jpg[/IMG] WCW Thunder Live from Richmond, Virginia[/SIZE][/B] [I]n....W....o NN...NNN....NEW WORLD ORDER... FF...FFF.....FOR LIFE TOOO SWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEET n....W.....o[/I][/CENTER] That music can mean only one thing, and here they are. The gang is back in town, here in Flair country, the New World Order, led by 'Easy-E' Eric Bischoff is on their way to the ring. Joining him at ringside tonight is 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho and the Outsiders. They all seem in a rather goofy mood, with Jericho motioning for a belt to be around his waist. They get in the ring, touch each other in very manly ways (finger ono finger nWo style), while Bischoff with his cap on in reverse (what a man) bows to the crowd and smiles, before blowing out kisses. The crowd is very unhappy and boos appropriately. And they say wrestling fans are hicks and stupid. "Thank you! Thank you! We love you Richmond! God it feels good to be back here in nWo country! Scott, I hear there's something you want to do..." Hall walks forward, takes the toothpick from his mouth and flicks it at the camera. "Hey....Hey Yo. You may have heard by now, but I've been going around taking a little survey. How many of you are here to see that lame....dubbya cee hick hick dubbya?" The crowd roars in approval. "Ok... Ok. How many of you are here to see the tooooooooo swwwweeeeeeet New World Order?" The crowd does not voice such positive reinforcements this time. "Survey says, one more for the good guys!" "You know Scott, I feel that blow from the crowd was a bit... low," Nash adds. "Low? From where?" Hall retorts. "Down there." "Down where?" "You know where! Big Sexy in DA HOUSE! I feel like the greatest....greatest....greatest.... greatest....man....man....man.... in...in...in...in...the....the....the....the....world....world.....world. And I'll tell you exactly why, because I'm in the nWo, and as we all know around here, the nWo is TOOOOO SWEEEEEEEET! This is not just a phase people, so to borrow a phrase from a man we like to call... senile... I mean Ric... learn to live with it, learn to love it, because it's the best thing going today. But lately I've been noticing a sad trend here in ....dubbya cee dubbya. Where the big boys play! Notice the verb there? Play! We aren't here to...play. We're here to dominate, and revolutionise. And I'd say we've done a fair old job of it so far with the nWo. But this is only...the...the...the....beginning...beginning...beginning. And what thanks do we get? We've got jabronis out the back there who have done nothing but b!tch and moan about it. Well my pal here has some words for you..." "Yo...Don't sing it, bring it!" "Even Dallas here has a couple of words for ya..." "Kev, what I'm noticing around here is there's some yella bellies who should be grateful for what we're doing for them. They don't respect us. But I'm here to tell you something, you love us, you hate us, but one thing's for sure, you'll never...and I mean NEEEVVVERRR....forget us! Back to you, Kev..." "I'll tell you who the biggest whingers are. The supposed WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Sting.... and Bret 'The Hitman' Clar... I mean Hart. Now what I'm about to tell you boys is..." Just then the click of hooves comes across the PA system, that can mean only one thing. 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson! He steps out under the TurnerTron, complete with a microphone. "Back in my day boys, we kept things short and simple. We let our actions do the talking. All I see up there is a bunch of never-was, never will-be's flapping their gums and sitting on their pay-cheques. If you think those men are such a problem, I used to say that if a man jumped in my backyard I left in a body bag. That's the problem with you guys, you're all wind and no action. And I'm here to say to you that all the boys you have a problem with could whoop your @$$ every day of the week and twice on Sunday..." "Oh yeah?" "Oh YEAH! And tonight, I'm going to see just how full of wind you really are. Tonight Kevin, you will face a good friend of Bret Hart's. His name? Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart! As for you two clowns, Page and Jericho, you two redneck Benedict Arnold's, tonight.... you've got Chris Benoit... THE NEXT BIG THING! And the undisputed Champion of the World, STING! Now I'm not one to blow my own horn but... TOOT TOOT! Good day gentlemen!" Bischoff is in the ring going off his brain, shouting to his stablemates that Anderson can't do that. Anderson just smiles, as we go to a break. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Eddie Guerrero and Kidman v WCW Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Eddie seemed more preoccupied with trying to rip off Rey's mask, and going at his nephew for 'turning his back on his family', that he almost forgot that he had a spare human missile in the corner waiting to be unleashed. That man, the explosive youngster Kidman. For some reason, Guerrero and Kidman have hit it off of late. Perhaps it's their slightly disturbed views of the world in unison. Either way it's a surprising combination, but boy they gel well. Chavo got in against Kidman, and all hell broke loose as rights and lefts wailed all over Virginia, Kidman finally got the better of Chavo, and in a fantastic moment hit the Shooting Star Press! 1....2.....thr..NO! Rey pulled Kidman off. Eddie ran into the ring as well, atomic drop from Rey, Eddie pounces around, tilerwhirl slam delivered by Rey. Kidman back up, frustrated pushes Rey, Rey pushes back before sending Kidman into the ropes, back he comes, leapfrog from Rey, back comes Kidman, amazing drop kick, which sends Kidman over the top rope. The referee has lost control of this match, and allows Rey to be the legal man as Eddie charges back at Rey, who ducks a clothesline... INSIDE CRADLE! 1....2....3! Eddie can't break the hold in time! [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/CENTER] Rey slides out of the ring and grins, as Eddie gets to his feet and starts chastising the referee, claiming somehow that Rey had grabbed his hair. Eddie then gives a cynical smile, as if to suggest he's glad to see Rey fighting almost like a junior Guerrero himself. Backstage, we cut to 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan who is backstage drinking from a paper cup. When he goes to turn the corner, he looks over his shoulder. When he finally turns the corner he accidentally bumps into Masahiro Chono from nWo Japan, and nearly has an on air coronary. But then again, 'sif any booker worth his marbles would book a man to have an on air coronary. Chono is also startled, and the scene is mildly comical. Is this Beverly Hills Cops outtakes and deleted moviecrap scenes or is this WCW Thursday Thunder I wonder? "Banzai! Desu Hogan from nWo America..." Chono says as he bows his head. Hogan clenches his right fist before pounding it into his open left palm. "Brother, if you EVER scare me like that again..." he says as Chono looks on confused... "What's the matter Idol Hogan?" "Brother, I've got this maniac Bill Goldberg stalking me around, I...I... dude, I'm sorry brother..." Hogan walks off, still looking apprehensive. I sit here watching this wrestlecrap, stunned.... My friend was going to lend me Jenna Jameson's latest video, but I said no, no no no, I'll stick to the wrestling, thanks. That last scene made me really resent my self righteous love of wrestling. What else could go wrong? [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]'Total Package' Lex Luger v Reese[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Well, there's my answer. I refuse to give commentary on this, I'd rather have my balls squeezed by one of those weird golf ball picker up things. Blow me, WCW (c). [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Lex Luger[/CENTER] Could anything else go wrong? Oh, woe was me, it's the Orange M&M Hulk Hogan himself. Again. More fun and games with the Hulkster, I wonder? This time he meets up with another friendly soul for coffee and scones. The vict.. I mean scene comrad this time, the Giant. The Giant grunts and snarls as he stands over a clearly petrified Hogan. "Fe-fi-fo-fum..." Please tell me he just didn't say that? Blow me, WCW (c). "HOGAN! Ha! Your time is near! You fear me, but wait till you get in the ring with the unstoppable freak... GOLDBERG! If I were you, little man, I'd walk out of here.... never to be seen again! Ha...Ha...Hahahaha...." The Giant strides past Hogan, whose acting is as good as Roseanne Arnold's. Joy. I feel honestly invaded having to watch this. I honestly crave to see Michael Caine in Blame it on Rio to see an improvement in entertainment skills. The only thing that could top this tonight, is to make a special surprise main event featuring Hulk Hogan, winning his 49th World Championship. Please God No! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Silver King v The Giant[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Poor Silver King. A Mexican superstar, being squashed like warm American pie by the Giant. At least though, it's the Giant going over. And that's not a bad thing. Chokeslam time. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, the Giant[/CENTER] We cut backstage, where we find ... GOLDBERG! YES! NO! If he's here, that means.... oh for God's sakes, not again. "HOGAN!" As Goldberg shouts out, Hogan runs, our camera man is bobbing up and down like Christy Canyon, making this a very scrambled scene, but Hogan pushes through some glass doors, knocking over a kid who must have been lost or something... like, Kid the wrestling is inside, they don't wrestle in the carpark, that's ECW... Hogan though carries on, and orders Alfred to drive the Hoganmobile the hell out of here. Goldberg runs through the same door, and thankfully his Harley Davidson is in the first spot near the door, and he is able to ride off into the sunset after Hogan. Those valets sure know how to pick a good spot for the wrestlers. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]WCW Television Championship 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v Ultimo Dragon v 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Yes! Yes! Triple Yes! There's only one problem. Two of these warlords must lose. It's a classic three way between Birdie, Retsu and Mike, but only one of these Street Fighters can rule the world (of Television Championships). Who will it be? After eleven minutes of furious in ring action, I can let you in on a little secret. It won't be Ultimo Dragon. It won't be Chris Kanyon. Regal had to scrap like a wounded piranha, but eventually the zap of electricity became too much when he grabbed the tights of Kanyon, used his feet on the second rope and got the pinfall. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Steven Regal[/CENTER] We cut backstage, oh god, It's Hogan again, right? Nope. Joy to the World... It's 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair, and he's with 'Mean' BY GOD Gene Okerlund. "Alright guys, I thank you. I'm back here with the most coveted World Champion in the history of our sport, I present to you the Nature Boy ... RIC FLAIR! Ric, last week Arn Anderson had some proud words about a good friend of yours, Chris Benoit. What are your comments on this?" Flair is a green sequined robe, and the Richmond crowd is going bananas to see him. I grabbed my bowl of popcorn, threw it up in the air and ran around with my shirt over my head in celebration. "Mean...BY GOD Gene! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Did somebody tell me that WCW would be back in... Richmond...VIRGINIA!!!! Is that true?" "Why yes, Ric, yes it is.." "BY GOD Gene, you're damn right it is. And what did I hear earlier this evening? Kevin Nash pal, it's like you are motioning to walk the aisle, pal. Because it's like your friend El Chico himself said. Learn to live with it, learn to love it, because diamonds are forever! And so is...WCW. But I've got another one to live by too pal, and that is... to be the man, you have to beat... THE MAN! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! And if I'm not mistaken, in Richmond...VIRGINIAAAAA!!!! The man is, was and always will be... Nature Boy, Ric Flair my friend. You see Nash, tonight you served only one purpose. And that was to set the scene for the birth of the ...NEXT...BIG...WOOOOOO BY GOD THING! Tonight, you sent your two ... friends.... Jericho and Page, to the slaughter. Where they belong and WOOOOOOOO, Benoit will make sure justice is served. But Mean BY GOD GENE! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm not here to discuss Benoit. No Sir I'm not. I'm not even here to kiss all the girls here in Richmond VIRGINIAAAAA!!! I'm not even here to talk about all the love I have for this great city. I'm here to speak about.... Eric Bischoff. You pal, you are scum. You are a low down, coward, you are a nothing, you are an abuse of pow..." A test pattern fills the screen. It appears the Flair interview has been aborted. We cut to the back, where Eric Bischoff is walking through the Production Truck. "Who the hell are you?" He asks. "I... I'm the Production Manager." "You are? Well YOU'RE ... being punted. And you know why pal? Because that was not supposed to happen. Where's my sign off on that, pal? Anyone else here who wants to play similar games, you will end up like... Mike. Yeah, that's right, I'm the boss, and you better believe it." [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus v Perry Saturn[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Raven's newest show pony Morrus rides into the ring, has he had a shave? No. Does he look like he's washed? No. The only thing he's not doing his scratching his needle marks, yep, this boy is a Flocker. Tonight, in this very ring, we saw two strong ox's beat the living snot out of each other. Hooray for that. My Hogan-itis is being cured by a good bout of wrestling excellence. No apples for me. But no apples tonight either for Morrus, who try as he might, could not avoid the Rings of Saturn. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Perry Saturn[/CENTER] Now where are we? Well, thankfully we have a sign that tells us we are in Frankfort, Kentucky. How considerate of the kind townfolk to put a sign in the line of camera fire for us there peeps. We are in a GM hire car, that is driving along the main highway into Frankfort. In the passengers seat is the rack, I mean Miss Elizabeth. She is in a white dress, and she is looking nervously out the window as 'Macho Man' Randy Savage revs up even a ridiculous hire car. "What's the matter yeah?" He asks. "Are you ashamed of me meeting the in-laws again?" "No... No, it's just... I just want this to go perfectly Randy. Perfectly." "Oooh yeah well then perfectly you are going to get." "You can't... You know." "Yeah I don't know yeah." "Wrestle someone here if they don't agree with your view." "But yeah that's how all good arguments are resolved. It's the only way I know Liz. Dad brought me up like that." "Well, you're your father's son, and I'm my mother's daughter." Elizabeth always had a way with words, family historian of the year award. "Yeah I know, I'm cool. I'm cool. I promise, I promise, no body press slams with your cousins if they give me the eye, yeah." "Thank you..." [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]WCW World Tag Team Championships 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v The Steiner Brothers[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Go Steiners! The All Americans in all of us want you to succeed. Scott still knows how to suplex a man... where's Gordon Solie, Tony Schiavone the word is "SUPLAY!" Biatch. K-Dawg was getting suplayed so bad he even forgot to worry that his drawers were hanging out. That's the way, get Rick in there to pull them up a bit more to make him remember. Is it just me, or is it disturbing that Konnan is always wearing the same drawers? The less said the better, but at least it's a more pleasant conversation than the discussion I'm going to have in my padded cell over how much Hogan was in disturbingly irritating segments tonight. The Steiners were coming home strong, Varsity Boys unite. What the hell? Harlem Heat just came halfway down the aisle and stood still, Rick and Scott are both in the ring distracted... HENNIGPLEX on Rick! Travesty! [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW World Tag Team Champions, The Same Drawers As Last Week and Curt Hennig[/CENTER] As Booker and Stevie walked to the back, they got into the lens and had these inciteful things to say. "Steiners... you don't want none of dis.." "Dis be dat, bro..." "McDonalds. Mmmm... I'm loving it." Okay, well maybe not the last one. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Question, has Neidhart won since coming to WCW? Should Nash therefore theoretically have been worried about Anderson's ''''''shock''''''' booking decision that was theoretically supposed to put the cat amongst the pigeons. The answer was a resounding.... No. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Kevin Nash[/CENTER] As 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho and the nWo ...yak... United States Champion, 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page got in the ring, Kimberly went in first with a spray of some kind... Gorgeous George will be rolling around in agony watching this. Who does Page think he is? I now know what drove George to the drink, he had a premonition that he'd be ripped off like this. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting and 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit v nWo United States Champion 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page and 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] I'm starting to think that the three minute stop before a punch is thrown moment to build the tension should be reserved for Pay-Per-View main events, because this was kinda tedious. I was sorta waiting for Rodman and Malone to lock up, it was that slow. Finally though, Sting and Jericho hooked up. I can imagine a certain judge shouting "Let's Get It On" to hurry them up. Sting was all over Jericho, he really wanted to stake a claim of vengeance for the horrific way in which Jericho nearly stole the Championship on Nitro. Sting even flexed in front of Jericho, whose eyes nearly popped out of his head. Come on Jericho, that's not a set of abs, THIS is a knife mate. When Page and Benoit hooked up, it was no different. Except there was no wait, as Benoit went straight after Page who raced out of the ring, only for Benoit to get onto him, grab him by the hair and chuck him back in the ring. Gorgeous Dallas take that. Biatch. Anywho, despite the talent on display, I don't think this was set up to display wrestling excellence. It was a good solid feud builder. Page went for the Diamond Cutter on Benoit, who broke free of the hold, he then went for the German Suplex, but Page riggled free and tagged in Jericho, while Benoit tagged in Sting. Sting sent Jericho into the corner... STINGER SPLASH! Jericho fell face first to the mat. Sting pulled up Jericho... INSIDE CRADLE WITH A HANDFUL OF TIGHTS! 1....2....3! NO! NO! NO! [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Chris Jericho and Diamond Dallas Page[/CENTER] As Thunder goes off the air, Benoit and Sting are standing at the rope, facing a retreating Page and Jericho, both of whom are clutching their heads. Jericho lucked his way out of this one!
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Card for Nitro: Chavo Guerrero Jr v Eddie Guerrero 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Rey Mysterio Jr (c) v Psicosis nWo United States Championship: 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c) v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko WCW Television Championship: 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v Evan Karagias Masahiro Chono, Hiroyoshi Tenzan and the Great Muta v Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart, 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Bret 'The Hitman' Hart Harlem Heat v Latin Passion Disco Inferno v Scott Hall nWo World Tag Team Championships: 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v Public Enemy Bill Goldberg v Scott 'Flash' Norton Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair
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