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WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"

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[QUOTE=tristram;549062] I'm considering getting Controversy Creates Ca$h by Eric Bischoff just to try and get an alternative view of what happened there. It's healthy to get every side of the argument.[/QUOTE] This is the only autobiography I can recall reading where I was more pissed off with the guy after reading than before. I'm not sure how much is true, mind, but there are a few points where I figure he's got to be telling the truth as he sees it 'cause there's no way someone would take that line as their 'in my defence'.
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[QUOTE=tristram;549062]Keefy, did you read the part on Buff Bagwell, how he came back after a near career ending (and I believe health wise very dangerous) neck injury... and he was getting babyface pops everywhere, and it seemed like he was massively going to get over... and then wham, they turn him back to the nWo. That's one of the tragic stories in my estimation, as everyone knows I'm not the world's largest Buff Bagwell fan but it's just an example of how wrong everything was.[/QUOTE] Yeah I read it, but the thing that amazed me was that I wasn't amazed when I got to that point. Say what you want about Vince, but when someone takes off he occassionally to go with it- look at Austin. But throughout the whole history of WCW there are examples of people who are on fire being pushed back down because they aren't the exact people management want at the top. So you have people the fans aren't in to at the top and people they are being buried. It's so stupid. But the real star of the book is Hogan. Becoming unavailable for shows during basketball/football season (when wrestling ratings go down) and returning when the season is over so he can claim he is the reason the ratings went up is such a pathetic move it makes me want to hit him.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;549139]This is the only autobiography I can recall reading where I was more pissed off with the guy after reading than before. I'm not sure how much is true, mind, but there are a few points where I figure he's got to be telling the truth as he sees it 'cause there's no way someone would take that line as their 'in my defence'.[/QUOTE] Hmmmm, I wonder if I'll be wishing I had have read this response before I ordered it off amazon :D Ahhh well, in contrast I have also ordered Bret Hart's book... [QUOTE=keefmoon;549145]Yeah I read it, but the thing that amazed me was that I wasn't amazed when I got to that point. Say what you want about Vince, but when someone takes off he occassionally to go with it- look at Austin. But throughout the whole history of WCW there are examples of people who are on fire being pushed back down because they aren't the exact people management want at the top. So you have people the fans aren't in to at the top and people they are being buried. It's so stupid. But the real star of the book is Hogan. Becoming unavailable for shows during basketball/football season (when wrestling ratings go down) and returning when the season is over so he can claim he is the reason the ratings went up is such a pathetic move it makes me want to hit him.[/QUOTE] Hogan is only part of the problem, sadly. I have deliberately not buried him in the diary in terms of booking the matches because his character still did serve a point. The problem was the screwjob endings relentessly and how the bookers and him monopolised the main event off it to the point where he looked hopeless and the entire promotion's roster was deflated. If you tune into the start of 1998, listen to that Nitro crowd. If you listen to when Goldberg beats Hogan at the Georgia Dome, listen to the pop. Same with Ric Flair when he's announced as the Fourth Horsemen on that wonderful Nitro. The thing that gets me is, and I'm sure it got Bischoff, Russo and whoever else as well, is how on earth does a roster with such popularity get to a point by the start of 2000 where the crowds are way down, PPV buy rates are next to nothing, crowds aren't motivated to support the performances... and it comes back to taking away the essence of competition and wrestling. People want stories, but they want to see men win or lose their sagas in the squared circle. With WCW it never really happened, the nWo would always run in. It was great to get heat, but then it became shoddy. So what it did is it kept the likes of Hogan, Savage and Nash incredibly hot for a while, but the more and more they beat others by DQ or count out or by use of weapons or underhand tactics to the point where you knew that was what the result was going to be, the more their own momentum was killed because people knew they couldn't win fair and square, and the others were defeated too because you knew they just couldn't go over. So at the end of the day, no one was going over!! And some of them STILL act shocked that WCW went out of business.
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[B]Tonights Trivia Question - brought to you by Winnie Cooper, ....'Sif you wouldn't have back when Wonders Years was hot[/B] [B]Question:[/B] Disco Inferno won three types of Championships in WCW. The Television Championship, the Tag Team Championship, and which other Championship? A) The Hardcore Championship B) The World Heavyweight Championship C) The United States Championship D) The Womens Championship E) The Cruiserweight Championship [B]Moot Point:[/B] Who was the best dancer? Disco Inferno with the disco jive, or La Parka with the swivel hips on the steel chair? Perhaps Alex Wright with the funk German hip-hop dance, or Magnum Tokyo with whatever it was? [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The pyros pop around the arena here in Raleigh, North Carolina, as we pan around the arena to find a packed arena, standing room only as Thunder comes to a traditional wrestling hotbed hot on the doorstep of hosting the WCW classic Pay-Per-View, Slamboree. "Welcome to Raleigh, North Carolina, on your home of wrestling the SuperStation TBS. I'm 'Iron' Mike Tenay and with me tonight on commentary is 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes and the 'Living Legend' Larry Zbysko. And guys, with Slamboree only a few sleeps away, could the fate of professional wrestling be any more heated? Just weeks ago fans, the Four Horsemen was reinvented promising to destroy the New World Order but already we have it on good authority that two of their absolute superstars remain in serious doubt for the remainder of 1998 in 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and Bill Goldberg. Guys, does professional wrestling get any crazier than this?" "Hello babah, tank you prafessssaaaa, live and in kulah here in Walea Narth Cawolina," screams Rhodes. "I'll tell you dis Tenay, as shocking as Goldberg and Flair goin down really is, let me be the first to say that Flair has nine lives left and the dirtiest playa in the game, god bless his sszzzoul will be back stylin and profiiiilin before ya know it..." [I]God Save the Queen[/I] hits the PA, and the most unnoble of British gentlemen 'Lord' Steven Regal comes down the ramp. With a cynical grimmace/grin on his face he waves in a token manner to this North Carolina crowd who have serious heat on him as the man who may very well have ended the career of their famous hero, Ric Flair. Stylishly dressed in a sharp suit, he gets in the ring and as the Queen's image appears on the TurnerTron, he bows before standing, hand on heart as God Saves the Queen sings out. Finally, after it's all ended, David Penzer gives him a microphone. "I blimin well told you lot what I was going to do, didn't I?" Regal asks. "Yet all I have heard this week is why Steven, why? Because you lot [beep]in well deserved it, and so did Ric Flair. He had what was coming for him. He is nothing but a parasite, a leech, and a traitor to the god name of her majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second. All you lot from North Carolina are a disgrace to the British Empire, even over 200 years ago when you voted to gain independence from your rightful sovereign empire. And so it was an absolute honour on her majesty's grace that I should gain revenge on the very embodiment of the Mid-Atlantic, Ric Flair. Yes, that's right, I ended his career. That daft old man honestly thought he could continue doing what he's done all these years. You see, I become the very embodiment of the next Ric Flair, and you lot turn on me. How dare you! I'm everything Ric once was, I've just evolutionised his personality and given my oath to the Queen as he should have and all you North Carolina Benedict Arnolds should have. But rest assured my good subjects, I have no remorse whatsoever for the demise of your tragic hero. I nicked his health and well being from right out under his feet, and I stand before you, your new hero. You don't all realise it yet, but I blimin well did you all a favour!" Just then, the arena goes dark, the only light is from a hospital ward on the Turner-Tron. The name at the head of the bed is Ric Flair. But the bed is empty. The following words scroll over a black background. [RIGHT][COLOR="Red"]You should have finished the job... Anything less than leaving in a body bag is ground to come back for revenge... To be the man... You've got to beat the man... The question is: Did you beat the man? Did you destroy him? Or are diamonds truly....[B]Forever![/B][/COLOR][/RIGHT] Regal looks on from the ring horrified, as we cut to our first break of the evening. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]nWo Television Championship Masahiro Chono (c) v Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] 'YEAH BABY!' Ahhh... no baby. Neidhart came with his clubbing blows, and his insane laugh, but you'll need more than that to defeat the Japanese legend... [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, and STILL nWo Television Champion, Masahiro Chono[/SIZE][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]n...W...o NN..NN...NEW WORLD ORDER FF...FFF...FOR LIFE[/CENTER][/I] I usually love a bit of Jimi Hendrix, but even Hogan can drive me away from the guitar hero legend. And why oh why must he persist with playing the air guitar, pal you aren't fit to lace Jimi's boots. And frankly, you're damn lucky I persist in labelling you the Orange M&M (tm) (c) (r) because you give chocolate a bad name too. He had his little coward, I mean friend, with him. 'Easy-E', Eric Bischoff, lapping up life in his leather jacket (wow, how tough). He got in the ring with Hogan, smiling like Alanis Morissette at the site of a nose reduction surgeon and grabbed the microphone. "Thank you! Thank you! You love us, you really really love us! Ladies and gentlemen, bow down, because once again we've pulled the wool over your eyes and destroyed yet another... YET ANOTHER.... YET ANOTHER... threat to the legend of... Hollywood." Hogan walks forward and pumps out those pythons, the flies swirl around his underarms as the orange glue that he uses to keep the biceps from drooping to show his real age (the same stuff they used on Mr Ed coincidentally) sends the TV set into hi-definition glow vision status. Finally, after posing like a real athlete, he takes the microphone from Bischoff, of course after their fingering of each other. I mean of course the nWo signal whereby you touch each other with your index fingers... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! "You know something brother, the more things change the more they stay the same. It doesn't matter if you're big bad Andre the Giant, it doesn't matter if you're Sting, and it doesn't matter if you're Bill Goldberg. What everyone comes to realise as we go up and down the same highway is that brothers, Hollywood is an icon. It's more than just a term, dude. It's a brand. It's reality. There's no one more famous in this sport right now than me dudes, and it's been the same for the last 15 years and brothers it'll be the same way for the next 15 years. Because everytime people start doubting Hollywood, or the Hulkster if you will, he finds a new way of remaining as the true undisputed icon of this sport. So when a myth like Goldberg comes into your sport and stands up, man to man, chest to chest, eye to eye with a real time legend like the icon Hollywood Hogan brother, you know that things will never change. Because they've lined up before dudes, they've lined up and said they would end me, but the more they try, the more my investment portfolio grows, the more my movie contracts escalate, the more this god forsaken promotion begs of me to stay here in WCW brothers. So the true question is, what's next for Hollywood Hogan? Goldberg, the myth, we know what's next for you. You will be staying away from my backyard dude, and it's for the best as well. Brother, when you look at these pythons and begin to wonder the age of prophecy WATCHA GONNA DO, WATCHA GONNA DO... you realise just how humble a hero I truly am. And you know why, brother? Despite knowing I've retired you, I'm still going to lay out the offer to face me at Slamboree. Then no one... NO ONE... can say I ran away from any challenge at any time in my career. But brother, where oh where is Bill Goldberg? That's right. Another one bites the dust, brother. So the true question tonight is, I'm here, I'm stripped, stretched and ready to go brother... so to borrow something from the myth, WHOSE NEXT?" Just then the slow tempo latino music of the WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero begins, and out comes the Cruiserweight Champion. And he's looking in tremendous shape. He slicks back his hair and lets out an evil laugh as he continues down the aisle. Guerrero stops halfway down and points to himself, and nods. It looks as if he ... tonight, has accepted Hogan's challenge! [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Non Title Match 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan v WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Hogan is surprised early on by Guerrero, who uses all his street smarts to take down the bigger (and older, and uglier, and more overpaid) Hogan to the mat. Hogan starts begging off, but Eddie Guerrero is a master of the sucker punch game himself so takes no liberties and continues to pound away on Hogan. Finally the M&M gets back to his feet, and begins to throw his most awe inspiring, shock waving, match of the year candidate move in his arsenal. The big right fist. Guerrero sells it like an old school pro, and starts to wobble. Hogan sends him into the ropes, and sticks up that big metal hip to get the right leg up, but Guerrero slides between his legs, Hogan turns around, jawbreaker from Guerrero! Hogan sobs on the floor for a second, before the real pain is over and he knows he's not contractually obligated to sell for anyone bar his mates. Just then, Bill Goldberg appears! He starts walking down the aisle, and Hogan gets on his knees begging off towards him. Guerrero has gone to the top ropes, looking for the Frog Splash it seems. Hogan stands back up and wags his schoolmaster finger at Goldberg, Guerrero gets off the top rope, gets behind Hogan... INSIDE CRADLE! 1...2...3! GUERRERO WON! GUERRERO WON! BREACH OF CONTRACT I SWEAR, HOGAN JOBBED! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Eddie Guerrero[/SIZE][/CENTER] Goldberg stalks down to the ring as Hogan rolls out of the ring shocked, you can see his eyes ticking over trying to remember every clause of his contract. I wonder if he's going to sue Goldberg and Guerrero for conspiring to make him do the job? Goldberg gets in the ring and holds Guerrero's arm aloft before pointing at Hogan.... "YOU'RE NEXT!" [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon v Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright)[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Will someone please think of the children? To see Disco shake his bamba shake his bamba shake his bamba like that is like forcing someone to watch Ricky Martin videos. It's just now fair. Alex Wright was far from impressed to see his bumbling pal lose another, not necessarily through a lack of concentration, but honestly, Saturn and Kanyon... they are wrestling gods. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via submission, Perry Saturn and Chris Kanyon[/SIZE][/CENTER] We cut backstage where 'Hollywood' Hogan is in the nWo dressing room. He is pacing backwards and forth, and looks shocked. You can tell he's shocked because the bags under his eyes have dropped an extra four inches. Great acting on his part. The WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho stands up and starts stretching and admiring his Championship, but Hogan gets up in his face. Hope he's had a tic-tac. "Brother... What the hell happened out there? This is nWo for life dude, where were you?" Jericho raises his right eyebrow, turns to the right, before finally focussing in on Hogan. "Incase you're not aware... this is Thursday night... Jericho. It's not all about you." "Brother, I'm the leader of the New Wor..." "If I'm not mistaken, I'm the World Heavyweight Champion, so I think that makes me a pretty big piece of the pie. Capiche? Don't you ever...EEEEVVVVEEEEER... doubt my part in the nWo." "I'm the icon brother.." "Yes you are. An icon who just lost, so sit down frat boy because tonight, the Outsiders and I are going to put the icon back in the New World Order!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]nWo Tag Team Championships 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v 'Total Package' Lex Luger and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Does anyone know why Chavo was forced to tag with Luger? Call 555-HELP if you know. And for the record, does anyone know why he was the one who had to lay down for the Tequila Sunrise to be put on him by Konnan? Couldn't Luger have laid down a bit longer in between rest holds? [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via submission, and STILL nWo Tag Team Champions, Konnan and Curt Hennig[/SIZE][/CENTER] After the break, we cut straight to ringside where the United States Champion, 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit is in the face of Raven, who is sitting with his Flock in the good seats. Benoit is pointing at his Championship as the two man stand toe to toe as our cameras get closer in to hear what's going on. "I saw what you did on Nitro Raven!" "What about it Benoit? What about me..?" "What about you? Tonight... NOW! Justice!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW United States Championship 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v Raven[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Everyone's favourite loner versus every dentists favourite patient. "You're not worth it.." Raven uttered, as he turned around and left the ring. But Benoit went straight back outside, and grabbed him by the hair. The rest of the Flock from Riggs to Sick Boy started fighting back against Benoit, but Benoit knocked them and Reese all back on the seat of their pants and hauled their leader back into the ring. After coming to, Riggs went to ringside and gave Raven the stop sign, Benoit charged in and ducked under it, came back and hit a standing side kick to the stop sign to the head of Raven. Raven was smiling on the mat. Reese got up on the apron and began throwing haymakers at Benoit who responded in turn. Finally Benoit was able to grab Reese and pull him into the ring. Reese threw another right, but Benoit ducked under the big man and brought him down with a drop toe hold into a Crippler Crossface! Reese was in agony!! Riggs raced into the ring forcing Benoit to relent as Reese rolled to the outside and laid in agony for the rest of the match, Riggs kicked Benoit into the corner. Benoit took some good punches from Riggs, but as Riggs played to the crowd, Benoit moved out of the corner and took him down with a well executed german suplex. And another! And another! Riggs rolled to the outside, but as he did so Raven inside cradled Benoit! 1...2....thr..NO! Finally after all the interference from the Flock in this, a typical Ravens Rules match, the mayhem ended and we actually got down and dirty in a good clinical match. Putting on my inspector gadget match judging goggles, I would say these two have some fairly good chemistry here. It was a slow match as the two men recovered from the brutality at the start, with Benoit forever wary of the Flock who were sprawled outside the ring, and Raven always keen to get to the outside to see what else lurked under the ring. Raven did go to the outside, and he pulled out two tables which he set up, but what he wasn't watching was Benoit going over to the top rope with a diving shoulder block into Raven into the steel guardrail! After both men were warily slowly back to their feet, they traded blows before Raven got the better of Benoit. Raven put Benoit on the table, as Riggs came to and lent a hand in holding Benoit down. Raven went back into the ring... oh no. He climbed to the top rope... FLYING LEG DROP but NO ONE WAS HOME! Benoit got out of the way! Raven was laying on the ground unconcious, but still smiling. Riggs came up to Benoit, but was flattened by a garbage can lid to the head. Raven was rolled back into the ring, and Benoit climbed to the top rope. Reese finally came to and got up on the apron, Benoit pulled him up to the top rope and both men began trading punches, before Benoit finally overpowered the bigger Reese who went flying through the second table! Benoit flew from the top.. DIVING HEADBUTT! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! Raven is out! Goodnight nurse! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Your winner, via pinfall, and STILL WCW United States Champion, Chris Benoit[/SIZE][/CENTER] After the break, the Scottish bagpipes blare out throughout the arena, which can mean only thing, a return to the Mid Atlantic area he called home for so many years in the early 80s to 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. He comes out in his white 'Hot Rod' t-shirt and his tartan kilt, and walks to the ring with the wild smile on his face. The ring is decked out in a tartan canvas, with two stools. Piper gets into the ring and takes the microphone from David Penzer. "Aha! They say Hot Rod's quick, they say he's so quick that he could spit, duck and let it hit the woman behind him. They say he's so quick that he could turn out the bedroom light and be in bed asleep before the light goes out. But one thing Roddy Piper regrets not being quick enough in doing is coming back here .... TO RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA! You see, I'm still a fox and there's a lot of Rowdying up I used to do here in what used to be a home for me, and hell I feel it's only appropriate we rowdy it up one more time. You see tonight, I want to introduce you to my two guests... one of them, he's going to come out from over there. The other, he's coming down from up there... ladies and gentlemen, Kevin Nash and STING!" The nWo music hits and here comes the giant superstar of the Outsiders, Kevin Nash. 'Big Sexy' lumbers down to the ring while Sting descends from the heavens. The two men face off, at varying heights in the ring. Nash snarls at him, while Sting throws down the bat to the ring fearing no one, not even Nash. "Well, it looks like you two are enjoying being back in Raleigh too, huh! Come on guys, you're killing me. Pipers Den should be up for an Emmy or a Tony or a Darwin Award or a something... but ... not with guests like you. Sure, Springer thinks he get's the nutcases. Well look at you two... Hav..." Nash pulls Piper up by the scruff of the neck before wrenching the microphone from him. "Big Sexy in DA HOUSE! I'm sick... of... playing...games! It's time the giant in me was unleashed. I've sat back, I've done my hard yards, but it's now time. It's now time to unleash the beast. At 7 foot of your viewing displeasure Sting, I will do EVERYTHING...EVERYTHING! To ensure your legend is no more. It's just a memory." Nash drops the microphone and turns around to leave the ring, but just then he turns back and starts throwing haymakers, but Sting was waiting and begins throwing them too! The two men end up in the corner, as referee Charles Robinson races down to the ring and calls the bell. Immediately after this Scott Hall, Chris Jericho, Bret Hart and Randy Savage race down to the ring, and it's on like Donky Kong! [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho, 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash and Scott Hall v Sting, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] And the fury continued in this raging inferno we call the mighty squared circle, where all differences are sorted out between men. These caged piranhas must have missed school the day when the teachers advised that people could sort out their differences from talking it through and compromising... thank god for that. It was a fury of fists, nothing clinical, it was just a roughhouse brawl. The electricity was cut immediately by the rage of the competitors, it's fair to say unless someone is cut in half tonight nothing much is going to be accomplished before Sunday's Slamboree. Finally, Mickey Jay gained some semblence of control and got to two supposedly legal competitors. But it didn't last long, and soon it was on for young and old again. The corners were taking a pounding as the competitors took their chance to take their hated rivals there and mercilessly administer the 10 count of punches to the head. It was an open bout, with many near falls from finishers broken up by their colleagues. Finally it became a menage-a-toi, leaving Bret Hart and Sting in the ring with Scott Hall. Bret Hart loved the situation, but Hall raked the eyes of Sting leaving him useless, but the distraction of Sting's presence allowed Hart to take him down with a forward russian leg sweep. Savage was keeping Nash and Jericho occupied out of the ring before Nash pulled the Stinger out and began sending him into the crowd for a bit of wild brawling. With Savage and Jericho at the top of the aisle pounding away each other, Hart was able to hook Hall up in the Scorpion Deathlock, and finally the Outsider tapped to end the misery! But you just knew heading into Slamboree that Hall would have something up his sleeve, and that this war was far from over. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via submission, Bret Hart, Sting and Randy Savage[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/slamboree.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Quick Picks[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Eddie Guerrero (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr #1 Contendership to the nWo Tag Team Championships: Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) v Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon v West Hollywood Blondes (Lodi and Lenny Lane) 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v Sting Raven v Kurt Angle The Steiner Brothers v Harlem Heat 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page v The Giant Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v Scott Hall nWo Tag Team Championships: 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v the Winners of the #1 Contendership Match nWo Television Championship: Masahiro Chono (c) v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko WCW United States Championship: 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan v Bill Goldberg WCW World Heavyweight Championship: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage
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Quick Picks WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Eddie Guerrero (c) v [B]Rey Mysterio Jr[/B] #1 Contendership to the nWo Tag Team Championships: Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) v Perry [B]Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon[/B] v West Hollywood Blondes (Lodi and Lenny Lane) [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] v Sting Raven v [B]Kurt Angle[/B] [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] v Harlem Heat [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] v The Giant [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart [/B]v Scott Hall nWo Tag Team Championships: [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c)[/B] v the Winners of the #1 Contendership Match nWo Television Championship: Masahiro Chono (c) v [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] WCW United States Championship: [B]'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell [B]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan [/B]v Bill Goldberg WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) [/B]v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage
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WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr [I]He just beat the Orange M 'n' M. What chance does the Jumping Bean have?[/I] #1 Contendership to the nWo Tag Team Championships: Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) v [B]Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon[/B] v West Hollywood Blondes (Lodi and Lenny Lane) [I]Because they're badass.[/I] 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v [B]Sting[/B] [I]I like Sting better. Marginally.[/I] [B]Raven[/B] v Kurt Angle [I]He just lost to Benoit, needs to regain momentum.[/I] The Steiner Brothers v [B]Harlem Heat[/B] [I]Booker got into the Horsemen in the old DOWCW, therefore, you like pushing him. Therefore, Harlem Heat get the win.[/I] [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] v The Giant [I]Even things up for the nWo.[/I] [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v Scott Hall [I]He needs his big push.[/I] nWo Tag Team Championships: [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) [/B]v the Winners of the #1 Contendership Match [I]The #1 Contenders are worn out.[/I] nWo Television Championship: [B]Masahiro Chono[/B] (c) v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko [I]Malenko is awesome, but he's too awesome for the TV title.[/I] WCW United States Championship: [B]'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit [/B](c) v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell [I]Buff might be the stuff, but Benoit is the Next Big Thing.[/I] 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [I]The streak goes over the top of the biggest legend in the sport. Whoever breaks the streak will be an instant star. Hogan doesn't need it.[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c)[/B] v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage [I]Legitimizing his reign further.[/I]
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WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero (c)[/B] v Rey Mysterio Jr [i]Can't not vote for Eddie[/i] #1 Contendership to the nWo Tag Team Championships: [B]Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr)[/B] v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) v Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon v West Hollywood Blondes (Lodi and Lenny Lane) [i]Yeah, no clue on this one, so let's go with the chairman on this one[/i] 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v [B]Sting[/B] [i]Should be a chain wrestling classic. ;)[/i] Raven v [B]Kurt Angle[/B] [i]I smell an upset here, but I am probably wrong[/i] [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] v Harlem Heat [i]Hail to Victors![/i] 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page v [B]The Giant[/B] [i]Looks like a coinflip here[/i] [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v Scott Hall [i]Scott Hall's still a screw up in the game, so I don't see him going over Bret.[/i] nWo Tag Team Championships:[B] 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c)[/B] v the Winners of the #1 Contendership Match [i]I am assuming that wrestling previously can be used for a reason to challenge them again, so there is no need for a title change here.[/i] nWo Television Championship: Masahiro Chono (c) v [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] [i]What a match this should be[/i] WCW United States Championship: [B]'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell [i]I'm not a fan of Bagwell[/i] 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [i]Let's hope TEW Hogan isn't the same as real life Hogan[/i] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c)[/B] v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage [i]How old is Randy again?[/i]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/slamboree.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][B]WCW Slamboree[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] A calvacade of pyros burst out as Slamboree comes to you live and exclusive on Pay-Per-View, in front of 25,000 rabid fans. "Hello and welcome everybody to one of the greatest nights on the wrestling calendar," introduces Tony Schiavone. "I'm Tony Schiavone (who would have figured?), and with me tonight on what promises to an outstanding night of wrestling history is Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and 'Stagger' Lee Marshall (I kid on the last one, it's actually 'Iron' Mike Tenay)." "Thank you Tony and what a night it should be," comments Tenay. "Tonight, aside from all the World Championship Wrestling titles being on the line... the epic showdown of the undefeated marvel Bill Goldberg, versus the irresistible force 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan. Hogan has for so long been the face of this industry, and tonight, that mantle of being the icon will be severely tested versus this raw yet explosive former Atlanta Falcon, Goldberg." "Tony, I don't know if I've seen anyone more impressive," Heenan adds. "It doesn't seem to matter who you throw at him, he chews them up and spits them all out like hameneggers, and I'm willing to bet that he's going to do the same with Hogan. Slamming Andre was a great achievement Tony, but tonight, he faces his all time greatest challenge, of that there is no doubt!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Eddie Guerrero (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] And our opening bout of the Pay-Per-View, this everlong rivalry between Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr surges on. But it must all end, where we're not sure, perhaps it will be tonight if one of these competitors can claim a dominant victory over their bitter rival. They're so evenly matched in so many ways, yet to look at them the Cruiserweight Champion clearly towers over the much smaller but swifter Rey Mysterio Jr, the challenger. From a feud that has it roots as far back as 1997, it was gripping to watch them go straight at it. No time to weigh up the options, no time to circle the ring, no time to plot an incision into their opponents weaknesses, the bitter hatred is so venomous here that both men are willing to lose everything they have in a bid to upstage their rival and force them into misery. It was a blessing being in the arena tonight, it had been felt in some of their previous clashes that something had been held back but that certainly was not the case here. After 9 minutes of full throttle high octane action, Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr were still inseperable. That was until Eddie dropped down and delivered a low blow. Rey's eyes were nearly popped out of his mask, but Eddie would help that situation out as he ripped for the strings on the back of Rey's red mask, and began tugging violently at them. Rey was covering his face on the canvas, protecting his identity for all that he was while Eddie kept kicking him in the back to stop any resistance he could muster. Rey turned around and began to beg as his mask dangled periously by one last lace, Eddie shrugged his shoulders but before he could tear it off Rey slipped out of the ring. He quickly went over to the steel barricade and spent some time lacing it up, but only got as far as one lacing when Eddie flew over the top and crushed the tiny latino luchadore superstar into the guardrail. Eddie walked back sadisctically, back into the rig, shrugging his shoulders as the fans booed horrifically at him. The commentators did a great job summising how if Rey's mask had have come off how much disrespect and controversy this would cause south of the border. Rey was unable to move, he was pulverised, and despite a young boy hanging across the guardrail tapping him on the shoulder trying to get him to recover, Rey was done. Eddie had won yet again by dubious circumstances, bringing great dishonour to the lucha libre world. Rey was beaten, but his identity and the soul of his mask was intact. Barely. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via countout, and STILL WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Eddie Guerrero[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit was with Mark Madden, who was hosting the WCW Hotline chatshow. With his headset on, Madden asked the following question... "So what can our Canuck fans expect from you tonight?" Benoit's eyes narrowed... "A masterclass." With that he took off the headphones, and walked away, concentrating fully on the task at hand. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]nWo Tag Team Championships - #1 Contendership Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) v Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon v West Hollywood Blondes (Lodi and Lenny Lane) v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza)[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] A great opportunity for one of these up and coming teams to stake their claim tonight for the World Tag Team Championships. Three of these teams knew though that the road to tag team glory would be starting all over again, so the stakes were high, and the confrontation therefore was heated. It was a good solid bout, with quite a few nearfalls. No team really seemed in control, because everytime one of the others seemed to have it strung up the amazing aerial agility of Juventud Guerrera would inevitably pull a stunning burst of aerial speed out of nowhere to salvage the match. That was until Perry Saturn got one on one with Lenny Lane, whose attention was averted for a bare second as he brushed off a smidgen of sweat off his brow. This metrosexual move allowed Saturn to get up behind him and bring him to the mat and quickly apply the Rings of Saturn! La Parka made a dash into the ring with his fabled steel chair, but Kanyon was able to rip it out of his hands and hit a Death Valley Driver on the stunned Chairman. Lenny Lane's frame was being squeezed like a pair of plums and before you know it he was tapping! Saturn and Kanyon have come so far, can they now go all the way?! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via submission, and now with a shot at the nWo Tag Team Championships, Perry Saturn and Chris Kanyon[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, at the entrance to this sold out raucous arena, a black limousine pulls up. A beautiful young blond walks up and opens the back door, and after a few seconds of Schiavone smoking himself on who it was, the undefeated superstar Bill Goldberg stepped out. He was dressed in style, a tight white shirt and dark casual dress pants, along with a pair of gold rimmed sunglasses like Maverick wears in Top Gun. He walked out of the limousine, surveyed the surroundings, and nodded. "It's time!" Back we went to the commentators "Oh boy," Schiavone noted enthusiastically. "Goldberg looks pumped. Tonight ladies and gentlemen, 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash and the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion, and a man who for so long stood in front of the sherman tank that was the nWo itself, Sting, will go one on one. Mike, what a match that should be." "Tony, I honestly can't see how this one is going to end up. I do know however that there's going to be a lot of pain, a lot of agony, and a hell of a lot of determination for whoever pulls it off. On one hand you have a 7 foot tall monster, Nash, one half of the Outsiders. A man that completely turned the world of professional sport, not just professional wrestling on it's head when he Jack-knifed Eric Bischoff through the stage nearly two years ago. A ,man that along with his friend Hall began an invasion that will be forever spoken about in the annals of this great sport. His Jack-knife powerbomb brings a man nearly 9 foot up in the air, and straight down on the point of their neck, it's hard to imagine a more dangerous move. But his opponent is known to many of his fans as the solitary warrior, the man, the myth, the true legend who sat for so long, quietly in the rafters waiting for his opportunity to destroy the New World Order. The Championship may have gone Tony, but the fire has not, nor has that determination to end the nWo, and tonight if he can stop Kevin Nash he takes out the biggest, the baddest, the most dangerous member of the rebel organisation. Tony, tonight... it's all or nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if a career ends here guys, this is going to be brutality at it's worst." [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Sting v 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The hatred eminating from the furrowed brow of Kevin Nash was a site to behold. Particularly if you stand across the ring from him. But Sting stood stoically, defiantly. Nash was just one more piece to the puzzle of dismantling the New World Order, another walking victim who threatened to end him just like all the rest. For ten years, Sting had defied all comers, from Great Muta to Ric Flair, from Randy Savage to Hollywood Hogan. He had defied being evicted from the Horsemen and becoming their perennial target to being ejected from professional wrestling by the very establishment that he helped build. It was an amazing show of decency and humility that Sting had come back to fight the fight he had, so many had doubted him, but his heart for WCW remained pure. And this troubled the New World Order. For they knew to win this war they had to break the heart of WCW, and to do that they had to destroy Sting, who they knew would never back down from a fight. So they brought with Nash some kind of equaliser in Eric Bischoff. Sting initially objected to Bischoff's presence, but eventually decided he could take them both on if need be. So the time was set, and the two men grappled. Nash sent Sting back into the corner using his incredible power and leverage. Sting was struggling to fight his way out of the corner as Nash slowed it down, ramming his massive elbow into the head of the Stinger. Eventually he went back to midway in the ring and came charging in shoulder first, but the former Champion moved and Nash went shoulder first into the unforgiving steel corner post. Sting used this as his opportunity, and he began working over the right shoulder, knowing that if he put it out of commission he would stop Nash from able to leverage the devastating Jack-Knife Powerbomb. It was a sound strategy. It was a slow, deliberate attack of the shoulder joint, even stopping to put on a nerve hold or two to take the life out of Nash's right arm. And Nash was wringing it in agony, before finally using his left arm to club Sting down to the ground to end the frustration. He punched Sting powerfully in the centre of the ring, and the great warrior took a real pounding. The tremendous beating Nash was able to give to Sting seemed to help bring back some feeling into the arm, and Nash was therefore able to send Sting into the ropes with an irish whip and take him down with a stunning right boot to the head! It nearly looked like Sting's head was taken off. Sting got up... but Nash was waiting, and clubbed him to the back of the neck. With Sting doubled over... JACK-KNIFE POWER BOMB! Sting went down hard. Nash put one foot over his chest and held up his arms in the signal for the nWo...1....2.....THRE..NO! Sting got his shoulder up. Nash was frustrated so got down and hooked the far leg of Sting...1...2...THR..NO! NO! NO! Sting kicked out again. Nash was shocked. He could not believe what was going on. Sting got up slowly, before Nash put him in a sleeper hold. The crowd rallied behind Sting, as the referee checked his arm. It dropped once. It dropped twice... it dro... NO! He kept it up, and he started elbowing the ribcage of Nash who finally relented. Sting crashed into the ropes and hit Nash with a shoulder block, but the big man wouldn't budge. Into the ropes again, and another, but again Nash wouldn't budge. He went into the ropes again with the crowd behind him but Nash stuck his huge right boot up, Sting slid underneath though somehow, surprised Nash... SCORPION DEATH DROP! He pulled up the groggy Nash and sent him into the corner. The crowd rallied behind him... as Sting hit the STINGER SPLASH! Sting went back to the opposite corner and pounded on his chest... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Bischoff was up on the apron and slipped something to Nash. Sting turned back and came back for another STINGER SPL.. NO! Nash stuck his right hand up and got Sting clear in the head. The former World Heavyweight Champion dropped straight to the mat. Nash pulled back the hair over his head as he slipped whatever it was into his tights. Mickey Jay had no idea what it was. Nash hooked Sting's leg....1....2....3! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Kevin Nash[/SIZE][/CENTER] As Nash walked out of the ring, we caught an action replay, and could see the item Eric Bischoff had slipped Kevin Nash was a set of brass knucks. The force with which Sting was travelling at coupled with the weight of the knucks would knock any man down. Mere mortal or immortal. Backstage, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho sat with Scott 'Flash' Norton. Norton was doing some arm weights as he sat, while Jericho sat back with the World Heavyweight Championship draped over his right shoulder, smiling. "You know Scott, tonight... tonight... not only do I retain this bad boy of gold, but tonight... Miss Elizabeth gets to look at a real man. She deserves a real man, don't you think Scott? She should never....eeeevvvvvveeeeeeer have gone back to Savage. Tonight, I'll show her who's the real deal... That bottom feeding trash bag Randall Savage, he's going to find out who the real lionheart here is!" [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Kurt Angle v Raven[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Before the match started, Tony Schiavone announced that this match was now for.... [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]The Flock![/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] That's right, Raven had agreed to put up ownership of the Flock to ensure he got this match against Kurt Angle tonight. Reese, Riggs, Kidman, Morrus, Sick Boy, they all sat there waiting to see if they could finally have a bath or not. Kidman really, REALLY needs a bath. In some ways, you had to wonder where their loyalty truly lay. Usually the Flock would be all over any rival of Raven's, but tonight was different. Tonight they were given their opportunity to say goodbye to Raven's torture. If Kurt Angle was to win, that was. Raven took control of the match in every way really, the inexperienced Kurt Angle still needs to be shown the ring ropes so to speak. Despite being a legendary amateur competitor, you need a lot of polish to be a true professional wrestling superstar. To that end, it was a lucky draw to be up against Raven who was willing to sacrifice anything and everything to better his opponent's skillset and to give the fans a story to tell. This one was under Raven's Rules, but the first real surprise was that when Raven and Angle went to the outside, the Flock played no part. They merely sat there. It appeared Kidman was leading them behind the guardrails and demanding they watch patiently to see if there master was the loner icon they believed he was. The match took a rather brutal turn when Raven walked through the gorilla position and came back with a trolley full of weapons. Brooms, kendo sticks, garbage cans, it was all there. And they were all dispensed with, and used. Even the stop sign. Even the kitchen sink! Kurt Angle, the amateur superstar seemed to have no problems getting involved in the hardcore action. For the most part, the extremist Raven took real control of the weapons, and Angle was used as a target. From gold medalist to battering ram. Only in WCW. But Angle's bravery to sustain the beating of all beatings was taking an effect on Raven. Mentally he was disturbed, but he was disturbed in the match by just how much Angle was taking. It got to the point where Raven dropped the trash can and dared Angle to hit him. Raven needed that pain, he figured Angle couldn't have been experiencing it if he was not willing to suffer from it and give in. And Angle did take advantage, punching Raven, and then rolling him back into the ring. Angle took with him the stop sign. He pulled Raven up, and sent him into the ropes, holding up the stop sign, but Raven came back and drop kicked the stop sign into the head of Angle! Raven covered Angle...1....2.....THR...NO! Angle got his shoulder up. Raven was beside himself. He called for the Flock, but they sat there as Kidman forced them to stay behind the guardrails. Raven shook his head in disgust as he got back up, pulling Angle up. Angle tried for an inside cradle..1...2... NO! Raven kicked out. Angle and Raven got up simultaneously and both men ducked clotheslines, before Raven hit the Evenflow DDT! WOW! That's it. The count now..1....2....THR... NO! NO! My goodness! Angle got his foot on the rope. Raven was going mental at the referee. Raven repeatedly then punched Angle in the back of the head, and you could hear Angle breathing heavy as the camera focussed in on him. His eyes were glazed. He was gone. Raven pulled Angle up and sent him into the ropes, but Angle leapfrogged Raven as he set up for a sunset flip, back he came... NECKBREAKER FROM ANGLE! Angle slumped to the mat too... The count began...1.....2.......3.......4......5......6......7.... finally like the Rocky movie, Angle pulled himself up from the ropes. But unlike Rocky, Raven too somehow got up. Both men traded sluggish punches, and again, and again, before Angle blocked Raven's right fist. He then kicked him to the guts.... there's that slam! We understand it's the Olympic Slam! But Angle is down too, he's barely got the energy to cover. Finally he crawls over and drapes his right arm on Raven...1.....2.......THR..NO! Raven was smiling. He was loving the pain. He wanted more. Infact he dared Angle for more. Kurt couldn't believe it. Raven's intestinal fortitude rivalled the Olympic gold medalists! Angle went to the outside and pulled up two steel chairs. He sat them up in the middle of the ring, again as Raven got to his feet slowly. They traded more blows, before again Angle took control... and ANOTHER OLYMPIC SLAM! This time Raven's head collected the steel chair behind him! Surely that's it. But Angle won't have a bar of it. He put one steel chair under the head of Raven, and another one on top. He then went to the top rope... MOONSAULT! WOW! 1.....2.........3! FINALLY! What a match! The Flock is free! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, freeing the Flock, Kurt Angle[/SIZE][/CENTER] Post match, the Flock began heading to the back, except for Kidman. He got up on the apron and stood over the fallen corpse of Raven, who smiled, loving the misery of the pain he had experienced. The look of joy antagonised Kidman who felt betrayed by his leader. He felt he had failed him, and was now enjoying it. Kidman stomped repeatedly on the ribcage of Raven, before getting down on his knees in his face... "WHY! WHY! WHY!" Doug Dillenger and the fun police quickly came down to ringside, and escorted Kidman to the back. As Raven finally came to, he realised his Flock was gone. The question was, who was really freed? The Flock members? Or would the loneliness further embody the extreme loner? [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]The Steiners v Harlem Heat[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two vibrant tag teams, tapped with experience. For a golden era of professional wrestling, these two teams have been at the forefront, often trading backwards and forth the World Tag Team Championships. Many pundits have sensed there are a couple of break out singles stars in the two tag team ranks, but they both appear tighter now than ever before. Harlem Heat appeared to be all over at the beginning of 1998, but while Stevie Ray had turned on Booker T all it had done was ignite the flames of the real Harlem Heat from the badstreets, win at all costs. Fight for your life. And this had annoyed the Steiners, the All-American heroes and tonight was a great opportunity to settle the score, although deep down you knew this feud which had illuminated the mid 1990s was not set to go away just yet. These two teams aren't renowned for technical know-how but what they are known for is the school of hard knocks, sheer brutality mixed in with some cunning tactics to cut the ring off and make it hard for their opponents. Fortunately, in a bout of this type the sheer mesh of experience kind of breaks up their abilities to cut the other team off, for they know eventually a tag will made to a fired up team mate. Harlem Heat tried at all costs to cut off the Steiners, and had several stages of momentum built up, but eventually the sure fire break out star Scott would get in and save the Steiners, and turn the tide. Scott finally appeared to be taking over the match, but just as he thought he had it, just as he had Stevie Ray set up for the amazing Frankensteiner, Booker T got in the ring and was able to take Scott off the top turnbuckle and drop him up with an innovative power slam. Rick ran in, but Booker T hit a standing side kick flush to his head. The referee had lost all control. Stevie Ray as the legal man tagged to Booker, who grinned knowing he was basically in for the last few seconds anyway. This antagonised the crowd. Booker sent Scott into the ropes and hit him with an amazing kick to the head. Slowly but surely Scott got up but Booker came down on top of him from the ropes with the devastating Harlem Hangover. 1...2....3! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Harlem Heat[/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B]Video Recap[/B] With Hall grabbing at his ribs in the middle of the ring, 'The Hitman' took a microphone from David Penzer and stood over the top of Hall. "You know, ever since I stepped foot in the WCW, all I've ever got from you Scott Hall is a cowardly cop out. You could say, it appears high on your agenda to screw these fans... these GREAT WCW fans... of everything that they're entitled to. A fair and honourable series of matches. What we were seeing here was a great match, so what do you do? You come and screw Stinger...." The crowd woos in support of the Stinger... "Yeah, that's right, this man, the Stinger... You screw him and why? Because you know Kevin Nash could not have beaten him. The war is on Hall, the war is on. No more sitting back and playing it casual, no more appealing to your sense of decency... the REAL meaning of the Hitman is something you're about to find out about. And you're also going to find out why I'm known as the best there is, the best there was, and the best....there...ever...will be!" .... "Listen here Schiavone, you can call Bret Hart whatever you want, pal. But the fact is, just like Big Kev said earlier, your derogoratary comments are being noted, pal. It's almost like inflammatory propaganda against the New World Order. This is a revolution, an exciting look at the future of professional wrestling. The truth is Bret Hart is nothing, he's a nobody, and he's a never will be." .... As Scott Hall picked up Kevin Nash, to hold his arm aloft, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart came charging into the ring. Scott Hall caught him coming just in the knick of time and was able to get himself and Nash the hell out of the ring and up into the relative safety of the crowd. Hart berated them, while also making sure Sting was alright as Nitro faded to black. .... Sting stands stoically, before nodding slowly. Nash looks surprised. Hall coils back his fist, but just as he is about to throw a punch at Sting... Bret 'The Hitman' Hart's music hits. "That's just your way, isn't it Hall? It's the nWo way, isn't it? Every move you make, every step you take, I've been watching you. You know Hall, I come from a great wrestling tradition. A tradition that says you reap what you sew by getting inside the squared circle and settling differences the old fashioned way. You seem to think you have a god given right to do, as you say, whatever you want, whenever you want. It seems to me we have some very real differences. Firstly, tonight as you know we will be facing off against you and Nash, the Hart Foundation is reforming, Jim's ready... I'm ready! But, let's talk about Slamboree. If we're getting Nash and Sting at Slamboree, that leaves you and me without a match. But you see, I've taken care of that. At Slamboree, as approved only a matter of seconds ago... Bret Hart... Scott Hall, one on one. Not only will we settle an old score or two, but you will find out why they call me the best there is, the best there was...and the best...there ever...will be!"[/QUOTE] [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]The Giant v 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The Giant was in no laughing mood. He was here to seek revenge on Diamond Dallas Page who had flipped out, accidentally causing heat with the not so gentle Giant. Page used the outside of the ring effectively, so to stop the brutality of the big man, getting outside of the ring to regain his composure and also to get a better angle in on the big man. It was smart wrestler from a smart wrestler. Page was rattled though by the big man, and in an act of desperation he strategically mounted the top rope, looking to hit the Giant with a surprise super Diamond Cutter, but the Giant caught Page and planted him square with a devastating chokeslam. Cut the cheese, this one is over. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, the Giant[/SIZE][/CENTER] Post match, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper came out under the Turner-Tron. "Aha... You know something, I've been in this business for a long, long, long time. And I'll tell you something else, I'm so fast I could spit into a head wind, duck and let it hit the lady behind me. So it should come as no surprise to you all that I'm quick off the mark to let you all know, this guy right here, this living beast.... Page, nWo, Bischoff, Mom, I don't care whoever's listening.. he's the now... AND he is the future! Enjoy what you are seeing fans, you are seeing the biggest baddest superstar on the face of this planet!!!" Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing by with Scott Hall. "Alright guys, I thank you. What a great night we've had here already, and now joining me is a man who tonight has to face up to the 'Excellence of Execution'.." As Okerlund says this, Hall turns his back and rolls his eyes, whilst throwing his tooth pick to the ground... "Bret Hart. Scott Hall, tonight, tonight pal, you face your destiny!" "My destiny, Gene? My destiny? You seem to think I have a destiny and Bret Hart is going to bring me to it tonight? I think you're forgetting something, jack. I reinvent the wheel. They said I couldn't do this, and I couldn't do that. Well look at me now jack, hell, I started the most rebellious revolution known to man. And it's like I said back in 1996, I go wherever I want, whenever I want! I don't play by rules Gene, so how oh how do you think Bret Hart is going to bring me to my destiny? Chico, Bret Hart is going down. Down where you ask? You know where Gene..." [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Scott Hall v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The crowd is really on Hall's back, which infuriates him a bit, so he turns around and mouths off to them, which allows Bret Hart to come up behind Hall and start pounding on the back of the skull of Hall, forcing him into the corner. There is no liberties tonight from Bret Hart, usually a methodical wrestler, tonight is for all the bells and marbles in terms of causing a tremor into the heart of the nWo. Hall grabbed Hart who was surprised and thrust him into the corner, hitting a hard elbow into the jaw of Hart. Hall then raked the eyes of Hart, and while the crowd ribbed him he just gave the nWo signal to infuriate them further. Hart struggled with his vision, allowing Hall to kick him in the guts, and take him down with a belly to belly suplex. Hall then dropped his knee straight across the bridge of Hart's nose. Hall got in behind Hart and put on a choke hold, but referee Charles Robinson quickly broke it up. As Hall challenged Robinson who was cursing his foul move, Hart got back to his feet, and after a brief stagger found his way again and punched Hall again to the back of the head. He sent the big man into the ropes and then dropped down low for a drop kick to the knee of Hall. The big Outsider dropped down, head draped across the bottom rope, allowing Hart to run back from the ropes and straddle all his weight over Hall's frame. The match carried on in this topsy turvy mind set. Hall clearly wanted to victimise the right to rules, Hart kept finding ways back into the match. No clear domination assembled itself, causing the frenetic crowd to get on Hall's back whenever he brought out a cowardly move to get back into it. Hall though eventually got hold of Hart, and set up for the Outsider's Edge, he got him up, but Hart had his own trickery grabbing onto the locks of Hall, and forcing Hall to lose balance and release Hart. Hart then kicked Hall square to the jaw, an amazing move from such a methodical unflappable character. Robinson checked the boots of Hart to make sure they weren't loaded, and then he went back at it again. Hall pulled him down and applied a modified ankle lock out of nowhere, but Hart was able to twist himself over... and then grab the legs of Hall! From nowhere, Hart applied the Sharpshooter! He showed why he is the Excellence of Execution and perhaps the finest mat wrestler of his generation with his ability to apply it from nowhere. The pain was etched on Hall's face, who eventually TAPPED! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Bret Hart[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, Goldberg was stripped in the Four Horsemen dressing room and was deep in thought. Tonight, his biggest opportunity yet! [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]nWo Tag Team Championships 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Saturn and Kanyon looked well refreshed given the break between bouts, but even still they were not completely at their best, and this was taken advantage of by the nWo duo. The experience of Curt Hennig was particularly telling on both men, as he used a variety of choke holds to further restrict their intake of oxygen. Saturn and Kanyon though would not go away, and the more Hennig and Konnan slowed them down the more resilient they became. They began to panic, and started an all in brawl in the ring, with the more innovative Saturn and Kanyon both finding daring ways to take their opponents down. Rick Rude realised something was amiss and climbed into the ring with his loaded brief case, but Saturn got hold of it and threw it out of the ring. Rude looked stunned and started begging off, Saturn turned around, and Rude went for a low blow but Saturn turned back and caught his hand. He then threw the manager over the top rope and to the floor. This allowed Hennig though to get in behind him and try for a Hennig-Plex, but Saturn grabbed the ropes. Hennig looked frustrated, and the two men went toe for toe again. After both men slumped to the mat after a brutal encounter, they eventually both made a hot tag. Konnan ran in, drawers down and all, but he was no match for Kanyon who went to town on him. Rude came back in for more, but Saturn ran along the apron and clotheslined him off. With Curt Hennig off to check on his match, Kanyon took Konnan down for the FLATLINER! WOW! COULD IT BE!? 1....2.....THREE!!!! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, and NEW WCW World Tag Team Champions, Perry Saturn and Chris Kanyon[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan was in a dark alley way on his cell phone. "Look...dude.... The future, it's bleak dude... I think it's time, look, he just knows... He just knows.... Alright brother, I know it's going to be a shocker... but that's just how it is dude. A contract, is a contract." [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Television Championship Masahiro Chono (c) v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Masahiro Chono, the more I see him the more I despise him for the way he took Malenko's Championship. But as is the way in life, sometimes karma comes around and Malenko tonight had an outstanding chance to defeat the strong, charismatic Japanese puro star. The two legends locked up, locking in their shot at history. Who would walk out the Television Champion on the night Goldberg finally locked up with Hogan the commentators mused. Speaking of Hogan, I truly wonder what's going on with that phone call? Nevermind, let's not concentrate on that right now, right now we have a slick match between a powerful submission artist, and a guy who knows every variation of every move, and every counter move out. This was an even bout if ever there was one. Chono tonight really showed he doesn't need Muta's myst (albeit very helpful as it is) to beat quality opponents like Malenko. He mixes a variety of styles into his wrestling, from powerful slams to painful submissions. He even went between the ropes for a suicide plancha on Malenko. I didn't expect that. Malenko certainly pulled his weight in this match, and several of his drop toe holds frustrated Chono's momentum. Malenko looked to be focussed, and Chono apprehensive. It seemed neither man could really gain the ultimate domination needed. Malenko finally found an opening, and looked to set up for the Texas Cloverleaf. He gave the Four Horsemen four fingers signal, but as he went to grab Chono's legs, the Japanese superstar kicked him off and Malenko's head went into the corner turnbuckle. Malenko bounced back groggily and Chono had sprung up and hit an amazing YAKUZA KICK! Wow, that nearly took Malenko's head off. I don't think he's here right now, to be honest. I think he's out like a light. The commentators can't get over it either, just how swift that kick was. Schiavone for once had a good comment to put both men over, "Malenko has a counter for everything but you can't counter what you don't see." Chono ate up the heat, and even indicated to the fans that he would give Malenko another and end it all for him for once and for all, but as the ring fell up with debris Chono knew the American fans had truly turned on him, so he finished it off quickly with the FTS, with referee Billy Silverman knowing Malenko was gone very quickly assuring the time keeper that this once needed the bell... [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Masahiro Chono[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, the absolutely vervacious Miss Elizabeth sees 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper styling it backstage, still pumped about what he had seen earlier with the Giant. Miss Elizabeth was wearing a darn sexy red tight hugging dress, with her brown hair hanging just above her shoulders, and light pink lipstick on, she looked a rare treat. But her big doll eyes looked worried, and Piper noticed it. "Ahaha... Liz, what's the matter with you? I'm still a fox Liz, you know that right...?" She laughed, but then confided in him... "I'm ju... I'm just scared... Tonight Roddy, everything is on the line.... Everything." With that she walked off, leaving Piper bemused that she hadn't taken him up on his offer. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW United States Championship 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Benoit's career has really flourished here of late. We all knew of his enormous talent, but he lacked a certain charisma. A certain adaptability to truly get over. But being a Four Horsemen suits him down to the ground, and this has allowed his actions to do the talking. And for Chris Benoit, that's certainly for the best at this stage. Whilst his entertainment skills are slowly developing, it is evident that he is not being given too many segments where his lack of ability in this area is played out to undermine what he is in the ring - incredible. Buff Bagwell on the other hand is completely and utterly the other way around. After disbanding Stars & Stripes and abandoning the name 'Marcus Alexander Bagwell', his presence in the nWo has been useful, niggling to their adversaries if you will. He has the happy knack of picking up a big scalp every now and then, but he is largely a feud fire lighter by his annoying presence in certain situations. And so, if this was a debate over a podium you'd back the charismatic Bagwell. Unfortunately, this was a battle over one of the most prized Championships in professional sports. The coveted United States Championship. Against a man who is without peer at the moment in the ring. While Bagwell came with every intention of causing damage on behalf of the nWo, he would leave with his tail firmly between his legs. Notch up another one for the Four Horsemen, the Chris Benoit avalanche is rolling furiously down the slopes. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, and STILL WCW United States Champion, Chris Benoit[/SIZE] [I]GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG![/I][/CENTER] The crowd are amped for his presence, and finally they get their wish. Backstage he head butts the locker door, as his stormtrooper music begins. He's escorted by WCW's finest fun police, and he storms through the gorilla position. He walks to the bottom of the ramp where he's consumed by pyros... finally they burst, and out he comes, thrusting away his right and left forearms. 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan comes down after him to the familiar Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix. But before Nick Patrick rings the bell, the nWo henchman Eric Bischoff walks down the aisle and gets up on the apron in Hogan's corner. We can only lipread Bischoff as he forces the cameras away... "Rethink it Terry..." [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Bill Goldberg v 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The battle of the undefeated superstar against the irresistable force. The clash of the year in terms of hype, this is bigger than Ben Hur. Hogan, identified as the game's biggest icon against the man who many believe he's going to pass the torch to. It is reminiscent of Wrestlemania 3, where Andre the Giant, as his career began to wind down after a euphoric rise of late and unfortunately in the last genre of his tragic life passed the torch to Hulkamania. A new legend was born that night, already great, but now with the torch firmly in his grasp. These two men circled the ring, Hogan had a look of fear in his eyes, and Bischoff at ringside was looking incredibly frantic pacing backwards and forth. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the two men locked up and immediately the veteran Hogan took control with a tough hammer lock. He really was wrenching it in tight. A little too tight. Bischoff's head was in his hands. What is going on here? This is... it's almost shoot like from Hogan. He's really wrenching hard on that socket. He could really be doing some serious damage here! But Goldberg is refusing to give up, he looks shocked as hell, but he's refusing to give up. Somehow, Goldberg is able to get clear of the hold and get to his corner to assess what's going on here. Hogan claps his hands as if to get the crowd going, and to get Goldberg back in there. And back Goldberg comes, but this time he steps Hogan's clothesline, gets in behind Hogan and takes back his arms, and puts his knees in between the blades of his spine. And again, Goldberg appears to be wrenching a bit tighter than usual. Referee Nick Patrick is getting up in Goldberg's face a bit here. There seems to be an inordinate amount of tension. Finally Goldberg relents, and Hogan falls to the mat. Finally, Hogan gets up, but Goldberg in the three point stance. He's ready...Already, he's ready! But Hogan rolls out of the ring! He shakes his head and starts walking up the aisle. He looks back at the ring and shakes his head, before turning and continuing to the back. What the hell was all that about? Goldberg looks mortified, and completely perplexed. The crowd don't appear to be too happy about all this either. The ring is beginning to fill with a bit of debris... [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via countout, Bill Goldberg[/SIZE][/CENTER] Our cameras follow Hogan as he walks towards the gorilla position, Eric Bischoff is frantically chasing after him. After they get through the gorilla position, Hogan is greeted by his wife, Linda, and their two children the ever young Brooke and Nick... "Are you sure?" Linda asks. "Yeah I'm sure. I'm done with this [BEEP]..." "Terry, TERRY! TERRY! You get back here now, don't do this..." Bischoff screams out... The cameras get up in Bischoff's face, and he thrusts them out of his way... "Get that [BEEP] out of here, what are you the paparazzi?" A WCW Executive rounds the corner and sees Eric Bischoff... "Forget it Todd, forget it. He'll cool off. He'll come to..." Around the corner again, as 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan passes 'Mean' Gene Okerlund, the shocked interviewer has with him 'Macho Man' Randy Savage. "Alright guys.. I... I don't know what to say, but.." "But what Okerlund? OOOH YEAH! You think that piece of [BEEP] has cost me my time again? Well do you? Dig it! He has not! This is my hour pal, this is what we all came here for Okerlund yeah. So tonight, all my Savage-ites out there, yeah... and all those great fans out there in that arena...Yeah you know who you are, you are what this industry is about, not [BEEP] like that. Tonight, Chris Jericho, tonight you find out what a true legend is all about. A true icon. The real foundation of this sport. You see tonight, you find out about the madness... Yeah! You can talk about Elizabeth all you want boy, but what you need to focus on right here right now is the power of the madness, the macho madness YEAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! DIG IT!" Savage nods his head frantically before walking away from Okerlund, who is still stunned. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW World Heavyweight Championship 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Complete contrasts, although a young Jericho is in some ways reminiscent of a young Savage. Both went they go can go to the ropes, both are ultra charismatic, and both for their generation are show stealers. Savage had to deal with Hulkamania, and Jericho the Goldberg express, but both have still risen to the top. The crem-de-la-crem. Savage listened for the crowd at the start of the bout who were very much behind him. He clapped his hand and stomped his right foot to generate more clapping from the crowd as the two men circled the ring and then lit it up by locking up. The stronger Savage forced Jericho back and started slapping Jericho with reverse knife edge chops in the corner. The crowd were all over it, wanting to see the veteran have one last defining moment of glory. Savage then took the nWo shirt and ripped it off Jericho, before slapping more furiously than before on the now redenned chest of the World Heavyweight Champion. He then grabbed the shirt completely and threw it to the ground before stomping on it. Finally Jericho snapped out of the corner and hit the surprised Savage with an elbow to the head. Jericho fell on top of Savage and began pounding mercilessly, before Savage overturned Jericho and did the same. Savage stood up, grabbed Jericho by the head and threw him to the mat outside the ring. He then got up on top of the turnbuckle, and held his arms aloft... DOUBLE AX HANDLE SMASH! Jericho went hard into the steel guardrails. Savage then grabbed Jericho and threw him into the steel steps. The madness was running through the veins of Savage. He picked up Jericho by the hair and lasooed him back into the ring to stop Charles Robinson's ten count. Back in the ring and Savage began to go toe to toe with furious punch flurries on Jericho. The Champion withstood it, barely. Savage sent Jericho into the ropes, but Jericho ducked a clothesline, and came back with a cross body block into a pin..1....2....NO! Shoulder up from Savage, but his head hit the mat hard and both men were down, exhausted...1....2....3....4....5....6....7.... Finally both men stumbled to their feet, and Jericho irish whipped the off balance Savage shoulder first into the steel corner post. From behind Jericho started lashing out punches to the kidney area of Savage, but immediately Charles Robinson got involved and threatened disqualification. Jericho turned Savage around and lifted him up to the top turnbuckle. Jericho climbed up, and pounded the top of Savage's head. He tried to hook up for a superplex, but Savage pushed him off as a last resort. Jericho fell hard to the centre of the ring. Savage climbed up slowly, recovering from the assault... he signalled for the Elbow Smash... FLYING ELBOW SMAS.. NO! JERICHO MOVED! Jericho knew how close he was to losing the Championship, his face is aghast. Savage really hit his elbow hard, if that had have connected it was a great upset win without a doubt. Jericho himself went to the top rope... and he too signalled for the Elbow Smash... here he comes.. NO! Savage rolled out of the way. Jericho also hit hard, and Savage immediately got up and applied a snap ankle lock! Jericho was in agony, Savage really had it locked on tight. Jericho tried to kick his way out but Savage held on... Jericho's arm was raised, he was so close to tapping, but he kept gnawing away and somehow got to the ropes. He raced outside the ring to regain his composure, so Savage climbed the ropes, and again looked for the double ax handle smash, but this time Jericho was alert and moved, and Savage hit jaw first on the steel guardrail! WOW! With Savage down, Jericho went under the ring and pulled out a steel chair. He wound it up like he was Joe DiMaggio, but then stopped swinging. Instead he set it up in front of Savage. He then walked back five or six paces, ran up and used it as a springboard to hit a bedazzling plancha! WOW! Both men were down, really hurt by the move. After a while, Jericho finally got up and got Savage's hand to tap into the ring, as he tapped his own to beat the count by referee Robinson. Up the aisle they went trading punches, before Savage irish whipped Jericho into the steel guardrail. With Jericho hurt, he pulled him hair first back into the ring. With both men back in the ring, they started trading blows again. Finally Savage took control and irish whipped Jericho, but he reversed it and Savage went head first into Charles Robinson, knocking him down. With Savage checking on Robinson, Jericho went outside the ring and grabbed the steel chair. He swung it at Savage as he came back in, but Savage grabbed it, threw it to the ground...and hit a DDT on Jericho onto the flat steel chair!!!! Robinson was still out, so Savage went to the top rope.... FLYING ELBOW SMA.. NO! Jericho moved! Again! How could he have been awake to that. Savage's head narrowly missed the steel chair. Jericho picked up Savage, who twisted out and got into a go behind position... TIGER SUPLEX! He's got it bridged.... still bridged...still bridged... but Robinson is still out! Randy Savage can't believe it. Finally he lets go. Jericho rolls out of the ring, and grabs the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Back in he comes, and he attempts to ram it into Savage's head, and connects...!!! Savage is down!!! Robinson finally comes to...1....2.........THRE.....NO! NO! NO! NO! Savage kicked out! My freakin lord! Jericho was beside himself. Robinson threw the belt to the timekeeper. Savage back up, groggily, and Jericho suplexes him. He goes to the top rope, but Savage finds another surge and quickly chases him up and the two men trade blows again. Finally, Jericho looks for another top rope suplex but Savage pushes him to the centre of the ring again!!! Savage..Savage... FLYING ELBOW SMASH! CONNECTED! 1....2....THR... NO! Savage can't believe Jericho kicked out! Back to their feet, they trade punches. After an exchange, both men make it to the corner. Savage lifts Jericho to the top... and and follows him up... Both men punching off balance to gain control... Savage looks for some kind of frankenst.. HOLY HELL! Jericho held on! AND SAVAGE IS IN THE LION TAMER! WITH HIS BACK BEING SNAPPED LIKE A TWIG! IT'S PERFECT EXECUTION!!!! HE TAPS IMMEDIATELY!!! WOW! Jericho performed a hell of a move to pull an amazing match from the fire!! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, and STILL WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/CENTER] Referee Charles Robinson holds Jericho's arm aloft as we zoom in on the barely conscious champion.. "WOW! What a great night fans, what a great night... Mike, a final word.." "Tonight Tony, Chris Jericho proved to the world what a great fighting Champion he is. Randy Savage would have beaten anyone else on any given night with the performance he gave. People talk about his performance against Ricky Steamboat, they talk about how great he was, but Savage still is great and tonight he showed us why. But ultimately, the World Heavyweight Champion has to be the best wrestler alive, and going off tonight, I don't know if we can disprove that Tony... That's tonight's big story Tony, not anything about a certain supposed icon, Jericho is the true icon.." "Fans, we are outta time, make sure you tune into Nitro!"
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Quick Tips[/B] Bill Goldberg v 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright) v West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) WCW Television Championship: Masahiro Chono v Evan Karagias 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko WCW Tag Team Championships: Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon (c) v 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell WCW World Heavyweight Championship: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v The Giant
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The professional wrestling circuit is abuzz after last night's Slamboree Pay-Per-View, due to the events surrounding Hulk Hogan. The veteran lynchpin of the New World Order walked out of the live Pay-Per-View, much to the shock of WCW officials. Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia this morning are in lock down and it's believed there is an executive meeting happening right this second behind closed doors discussing what happened. Some rumours are suggesting Ted Turner may sack several of his executive staff, and some are tipping that both Eric Bischoff and Mark Daniels may have their contracts terminated. Some insiders within the business have been speculating for a couple of months now that Hogan had been in negotiations with Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation. Hogan has felt disappointed these past few months as to how his character has been used, and it is understood Hogan wanted to use his creative control clause to go over Goldberg last night. However it is understood Mark Daniels vetoed the use of the clause particularly as he is thought to believe that Hogan was leaving WCW and that he should not go over a rising superstar who is seen as his ideal replacement on Pay-Per-View. Daniels allegedly found a technicality in the clause of his contract and gave a compromise to Hogan, but it appears the compromise was not accepted. The match itself is being discussed live on our forums with special guest John Nord, formerly known as the Berzerker in the World Wrestling Federation. It appears, without any comment to the contrary from World Championship Wrestling, that Hogan may have decided to 'shoot' wrestle Goldberg to contrive against the booking of the match. Some fans have commented they believe Goldberg 'shot' back when he put his knee into the spine of Hogan, wrenching relentlessly at the shoulder blades. Just what the truth is, we'll never know, but some fans have speculated that they believe Hogan left the ring when he started thinking that Goldberg would win the shoot confrontation. Either way, what we do know is that WCW has put an embargo on it's employees from making any comment, official or unofficial on the incident. If Hogan has contracted himself to the World Wrestling Federation, has he done the ultimate 'Iron Shiek'? Back in the early 1980s, when Hogan went over the Iron Shiek, the Shiek claimed that he was offered a substantial payout by a rival booker if he took down Hulk Hogan by breaking his leg. Could there have been a payout for Hogan from the WWF if he took out WCW's biggest star? As the executive editor of this website, the conspiracy stories have amazed me. In this world of professional wrestling where works and shoots are barely separable, I'm going to go on the lenient path here and suggest this is all a booked 'semi-shoot' with WCW booking a bigger pay day down the track. I suggest this because at this time I don't believe Hogan fits into the World Wrestling Federation's Attitude Era. But I promise you, as the story continues to break out, we will bring you all the facts and opinions surrounding a night where 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho defeated 'Macho Man' Randy Savage to retain the World Heavyweight Championship. [URL="www.nothinghere.com"]Exclusive Interview: 'The Cat' Ernest Miller claims that he will be bringing James Brown to WCW[/URL] [URL="http://www.pennylaneisinmyearsandinmyeyes.com"]Click here for our opinion poll: Would demasking Rey Mysterio without it being a mask match have soured the associations of WCW with it's Mexican friendly promotions?[/URL]
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Guest cmdrsam
Flushes the toliet in salute to the end of Hogan and Bischoff. Now can you dig that Fruit Booty! Bud you amaze me by the detail and your telling of the story. I want you to know sir, I may not always post a responce on every show. But you can be assured that every post you make I rush to read as fast as I can.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/theschavionereport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Good evening to all of our great WCW wrestling fans out there. What a frenetic night we've just had in Tampa, Florida, including 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho retaining his WCW World Heavyweight Championship over 'Macho Man' Randy Savage. Firstly, congratulations to both men, I think that firmly rejects that other companies immature and reckless promo campaign a year or two ago that proclaimed the likes of Savage were past it. A big boomer sooner to you too, yeah you know who I mean. Tonight, I'm going to look at some of the events that surrounded Slamboree. I apologise to all my cultural commentary fans out there, I did indeed to regale you all with some music stories and let you in on what music I think is 'phat' today. Including Elton John, I must say I'm a massive fan. - Firstly, thanks to all the great fans who came out in Tampa, Florida. It's a great time of year to be in the Everglades state, and being there this past few days has been truly invigorating. Not only do you have the best summer weather, but the best summer people as well. - What went down last night between Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr really infuriated me. I could sense 'Iron' Mike Tenay's frustrations when Eddie tugged violently at the mask of Mysterio. In classic lucha libre rules, ripping off a man's mask in a match is grounds for disqualification. But more importantly, while Guerrero would retain the Championship through disqualification, a lucha libre superstar's mask IS his identity. As Mike Tenay has been at pains to describe to fans at home all across the United States the cultural significance of the mask in Mexico, if Rey Mysterio Jr had have had his mask ripped off in that manner the identity that he had proclaimed through the mask would be gone. I understand some of WCW's 'partner' promotions in Mexico such as AAA have already lobbied WCW on the matter, but as important as that is, as we all know there is something that caused further controversy last night. And no, it was not that there was no surprise appearance from Wrath to defeat Chris Jericho as I had opinioned backstage before the event may happen. - Let me pass on my congratulations to Perry Saturn and Chris Kanyon for claiming the World Tag Team Championships. Yeah, take that nWo! I know for a fact that when they went back to the WCW dressing rooms, that the WCW superstars immediately scrubbed off the nWo spraypaint off the coveted gold. No news as of yet if the team of Konnan and Curt Hennig will continue or whether they will move into singles action. - As much as I despise the New World Order, one young superstar grabbed my attention last night. All the way from New Japan Pro Wrestling, Masahiro Chono retained his WCW Television Championship with the most clinical, decisive, dangerous kick I have ever laid eyes on. The fans at ringside were rabid when they were taunted that he was going to perform another one on the prey corpse of Dean Malenko, thankfully the heat of that Tampa crowd forced Masahiro Chono to end the match via submission. I've never seen Dean Malenko beaten so badly, and that's not to say that at times he didn't appear likely to win, because he did. It's just that this Chono character pulled a move out the likes of which we've seen before. We've seen Yakuza Kicks before, but this one would put a hole in a brick building, it was ferocious. The human body is not conditioned to take many of these moves, so it is amazing as to how much suffering our talent is able to endure. But, even they are going to struggle with this kick. Late last night, the WCW Executive Committee met to discuss the move due to just how dangerous it was, but it was passed as a legitimate move as they could find no illegalities with it. I fear for Masahiro's future opponents. - 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash, yeah I'm talking to you. I'm not scared of you, and frankly neither is anyone in the WCW ranks. Last night you defeated Sting in what could only be described as controversially. Sting had you defeated, and then that slippery lizard Bischoff set you free with the brass knucks. You defeated the solitary warrior, but something tells me this is only the start of the war. - Last night, a new star was born, and a group of superstars released. Kurt Angle, the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Gold Medalist defeated Raven, freeing the Flock. What an outstanding match it was, the greatest perhaps of the night which is saying something. One superstars reaction in being released from the Flock, Kidman, spoke volumes of the torture the Flock members have endured as they have been played as pawns by Raven. Last night, while Raven laid in the ring smiling, after being defeated, Kidman stomped a mudhole in him in anger. I'm not sure if it's because Raven lost and Kidman felt genuinely disappointed to have to find his own way, because I can tell you this young man is ready, or if it was because he felt vindicated by being able to leave the Flock and be his own man and wanted Raven to feel the pains of what he had put him through. I feel sure we're going to find out more about it in the coming weeks. - And lastly, but not least, the finish to the Bill Goldberg, 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan match. I sit here amazed at what I saw. I'm not going to get into the terminology of what various sites are saying, but I will talk about Hogan. Pal, you've been here four years, and in those four years you've buried many a superstar. And last night, Bill Goldberg defied you. He's defied you for months. Every piece of trickery you've pulled out of the bag, Goldberg has had something left for you. Personally, I don't know what rumours are correct or even if you are still part of our contracted roster, but what I will say to you is this - yellow was always a fitting colour for you in that you are a coward, and black is also fitting since your soul is empty. Yeah, you heard me. What are you going to do about that, Hulk Hogan? To quote a great singer, 'Hold me closer Tony Danza', that's right you're going to do nothing. Last night truly was a sensational night, I know Mike Tenay and Bobby Heenan enjoyed bringing it to you as much as I did. 'Stagger' Lee Marshall and Mark Madden of course kept our fans updated on wcw.com via the internet show. Congratulations to them on a great great presentation. Be sure to tune into Nitro, I don't know where this promotion is going, what is happening, with the way the nWo is everyone is a target including myself, but yeah, like they'll be able to stop me the voice of professional wrestling. I almost dare you to Nash! So long, TS [QUOTE]For anyone who missed it, 'hold me closer Tony Danza' is NOT the real line from Tiny Dancer by Elton John :p I just laugh everytime someone sings a song and they get the words so horribly wrong, and I heard that one the other day so I had to put it on Tony Schiavone, the doyen of legendary misquotes.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;550726]Flushes the toliet in salute to the end of Hogan and Bischoff. Now can you dig that Fruit Booty! Bud you amaze me by the detail and your telling of the story. I want you to know sir, I may not always post a responce on every show. But you can be assured that every post you make I rush to read as fast as I can.[/QUOTE] Why gee, thanks mate. I'm glad you're enjoying it that much. I must say Slamboree, whilst terribly overbooked, was one of the most enjoyable PPV's I've put together. I'm glad to see the WCW product moving forward from the opening acts to the main event act, so I'm really enjoying it at the moment but it makes me enjoy it a lot more when legends like yourself give such glowing endorsements!
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[B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay [I]Somehow I don't see Finlay beating Goldberg. Call me crazy. lol[/I] [B]Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright)[/B] v West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) [I]I see more of a future for these two than for the WHB.[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]Masahiro Chono[/B] v Evan Karagias [I]Chono doesn't even break a sweat.[/I] 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus v [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] [I]Malenko with the Texas Cloverleaf Submission en route to possibly getting back his TV Title.[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon (c)[/B] v 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart [I]They can't lose them on first defense, can they?[/I] WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell [I]Despite what happened in real life, Benoit is a great talent in the ring and definitely better than Bagwell. Though Bagwell is a real nice guy irl. I met him at a wrestling show.[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v [B]The Giant[/B] [I]A countout or DQ victory for the G-Man? Either way, the title doesn't change hands.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As we start off Monday Nitro, we zoom around another raucous crowd here in Tallahassee, the capital of Florida. "Welcome fans to another edition of WCW Monday Nitro, yeah that's right! WCW! Not nWo, this is where the big boys play. I'm Tony Schiavone, and with me tonight, Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and 'Iron' Mike Tenay, guys what a very special night we had last night in Tampa... Hang on, what's this?" Our cameras pan to where the Nitro Girls at gyrating, and walking down the aisle is... "That's... That's the Chairman of the WCW Executive Committee guys, that's..." Tenay comments before Schiavone interrupts.. "JJ DILLON! Oh my lord, he's not supposed to be here tonight.. What's going on here?" JJ moves quickly to the ring where 'Mean' Gene Okerlund waits for him. "Alright guys, with me tonight is the Chairman of the WCW Executive Committee, JJ Dillon. JJ, you've asked me to be out here with you tonight, can you explain what is the meaning of all this?" "Well last night Gene, we had a truly memorable night. But, as I got in this morning to the offices I had a plethora of faxes. Notably from Asistencia Aseoria y Administracion, which is a partner organisation we associate with down in Mexico." "What's all this about?" "Gene, I was just about to get to that. But at this time, I'd like to call on Eddie Guerrero, the WCW Cruiserweight Champion to come forward..." The slow beat of Eddie Guerrero's latino theme hits, and here comes the WCW Cruiserweight Champion. He looks smug as always, delighted in his actions last night. Once in the ring he points to the gold around his waist, but JJ shakes his head. "Eddie, last night ... something happened." "Esse, I don't know what you're talking about holmes?" "You don't? Guys, if you could just roll some stills up there on the Turner-Tron...." The first still is of Eddie Guerrero ripping the lacing off Rey's mask. The second still is the mask sitting tentatively on Rey's head. The third still is Rey escaping the ring in the knick of time to tend to his mask, his identity. "Last night, Eddie Guerrero, you caused a lot of... latino heat... with our latino wrestling associates. They have lobbied the WCW Executive Committee to make an example of you. They want you... FIRED! You should be grateful, because all day I've been on the phone down to Mexico to ease the tension. I was able to get you a saving grace, a stay of wrestling execution. Because as you know as well as I do, there's nowhere of any note to go beyond WCW..." "I'm not sure I understand, JJ..." "Gene, let me explain it to you nice and simple. Eddie Guerrero, you are hereby suspended for a period of approximately one month, and that title... that title, the WCW Cruiserweight Championship... It's vacated!!!" Eddie Guerrero gets all confrontational with JJ Dillon, before Doug Dillenger and the fun police get hold of Guerrero. They take the Championship off of him, and give it to Dillon. "So tonight, this Championship right here, is up for grabs in an open Cruiserweight Tournament!" ... After the break, we cut to a prerecorded interview with 'Iron' Mike Tenay, with the President of World Championship Wrestling, and the leader of the nWo, Eric Bischoff. "Eric Bischoff, firstly, thanks for joining us in what is surely a testing time for yourself in both your capacities - as the President of WCW and of course the ring leader for the New World Order. Last night of course, Hulk Hogan, a contracted talent to the New World Order walked out of a live televised match on Pay-Per-View against Bill Goldberg. Firstly, have you had any correspondence with Hogan since the event?" "Honestly Mike, I have not had a word from Hulk. I really don't know where he is, or what he is doing. I do know when the road agents did the check off this afternoon he was not here in Tallahassee, Florida, as he was demanded to be by the New World Order committee as per the terms of his existing contract." "The rumours have placed him with a return from whence he came, without giving away too many details knowing of course a lot of fans out there would have picked up the information on the dirt sheets anyway, is this where you believe Hogan is?" "I would think it would be a very big mistake for Mr Hogan should he appear there. Not only would he face a very big lawsuit, but why would anyone want to appear up there anyway? It's a graveyard for talent." "What were the events leading up to Slamboree. Do you know what brought this turn of events on?" "I can honestly say I don't know what happened. Like all of you fans out there and indeed you yourself as a journalist, I had inklings. But I had faith in Mr Hogan as a professional to turn up and wrestle a full match against Goldberg at Slamboree. Admittedly, I feared for Hogan against Goldberg, but I thought he had crafted a very shrewd plan to take down Goldberg and firmly put a knife into the heart of the Four Horsemen. Look, Hogan had an important part to play in this revolution. By the end of 1998 it was quite possible that the Horsemen rebellion would be vanquished, clearing the path for Nitro to become an nWo show, leaving Thunder for WCW. I still believe in the New World Order that beyond Hogan, there is enough talent, and enough cash if things look awkward and we need to bring in more to make this a reality." "Do you have any last message for Hogan?" "Truthfully, I'll leave all the messages to our talent and legal departments." "Thanks for your time today.." "Thank you Mike, thank you." [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match # 1 Silver King v a Mystery Opponent[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Silver King waited in the ring before... [I]He's hot! He's spicy! Taste's great![/I] "Who is this guy?" Tony Schiavone lampooned. "That's... Curry Man?" Tenay commented. "I've heard about this guy in some of the dirt sheets, so I'm assuming it's him..." "I'd judge by the words Curry Man on the back of his jacket, that's him," Heenan adds profoundly. It is of course Curry Man, who saluted the crowd before Silver King took it to him. This was a very fast match, the young Curry Man appeared to have few rough edges and was speedy and effective in his work. Silver King was truly shocked to go down to the debutant courtesy of the Spicey Drop. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Curry Man[/SIZE][/CENTER] "What a move!" Schiavone comments. "I don't think that's what got him, too much curry and a bit too much gas and Silver King couldn't concentrate against this hamenegger,' Heenan offers. [QUOTE][B]Recap Video[/B] ut Hogan rolls out of the ring! He shakes his head and starts walking up the aisle. He looks back at the ring and shakes his head, before turning and continuing to the back. What the hell was all that about? Goldberg looks mortified, and completely perplexed. The crowd don't appear to be too happy about all this either. The ring is beginning to fill with a bit of debris... Our cameras follow Hogan as he walks towards the gorilla position, Eric Bischoff is frantically chasing after him. After they get through the gorilla position, Hogan is greeted by his wife, Linda, and their two children the ever young Brooke and Nick... "Are you sure?" Linda asks. "Yeah I'm sure. I'm done with this [BEEP]..." "Terry, TERRY! TERRY! You get back here now, don't do this..." Bischoff screams out... The cameras get up in Bischoff's face, and he thrusts them out of his way... "Get that [BEEP] out of here, what are you the paparazzi?"[/QUOTE] [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay v Bill Goldberg[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Goldberg was angry, he was still fuming from what happened last night. And nothing cures an insatiable appetite for his opponent to do the job than to execute the Jackhammer. No luck of the Irish here tonight, despite Finlay's reputation as a rough and tough brawler. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Bill Goldberg[/SIZE][/CENTER] After the match, David Penzer handed the microphone to Bill Goldberg, who was snarling still after the match. "Last night, Hogan, I promised you were next. And while you escaped, let me assure you, if you ever step foot through that curtain again... YOU'RE NEXT! Some people have claimed Hogan, that I have ended your career. And if I have, I make no apologies. As far as I'm concerned, you did FEAR THE SPEAR! There will be MORE devastation for the nWo ... just around the corner!!!" Goldberg slams the microphone to the mat and leaves. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match Hector Garza v Psicosis[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] A quick paced match between these two lucha libres, Psicosis the tall lucha libre really excelled here tonight. And while Garza had periodic moments of lucha libre suicidal plancha type excellence, he was always one step behind Psicosis who finished with a devastating three-quarter facelock jawbreaker. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Psicosis[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, we cut to the nWo dressing room. Which tonight looks more like party central. There are girls in cages hanging from the ceiling dancing in tight hugging dresses (because we don't tolerate nudity here on a """"family show""""), cake and drinks on the table in front of them... and in walks 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho. "Have you ever...EVVVVEEEEERRRRR seen such a celebration...!" 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page walks up to him, and puts his arm around him before blowing one of those stupid party things in his ear. "Yo, last night... HAHA! You destroyed another one of those punks. They love us, they hate us, but one things for sure Jericho, they'll never...." "Evvvvveeeeeeerrrr..." "Forget us!" Kimberly is looking a little distraught seeing her husband ogle off one of the blondes in the cage, before she slaps him around the ear. Jericho turns around, and there with no cake, no present, is 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. "Well, well, if it's not Monty Burns himself," Jericho exclaims. "I have never....EVVVVVEEERRRRR since someone so lame in this dressing room before, what do you want?" "Oh... it's not a matter of what I want, pal. It's the matter of what HE'S getting..." "Junior, what are you trying to say here? This is Monday Night Jericho, Jericho appreciation night..." "Oh, he appreciates you, pal. Tonight Jericho... that nice shiny belt of yours is on the line against.... 500 pounds of power.... The ... GIANT!" Jericho's cake literally falls out of his mouth, as Piper smiles, pats Jericho on the back sarcastically and exits the dressing room. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match 'Wipeout' Evan Karagias v Ultimo Dragon[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The young tag-team wrestler from Pipeline Feva, Evan Karagias, had his biggest opportunity presented to him in singles wrestling tonight. But his youth and inexperience against such a formidable opponent in Ultimo Dragon counted against him tonight, and he was out like a light to the Dragon Sleeper. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Ultimo Dragon[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]nWo Television Title Match Masahiro Chono (c) v Evan Karagias[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Straight after the match, Tony Schiavone got word from the back that Eric Bischoff, after immense considerations with Masahiro Chono, had named Evan Karagias the number one contender to the Television Championship, tonight! Right here, right now. But this was a deplorable act as the young tag team rookie was in no shape to face Chono after being mauled by the Ultimo Dragon. Chono circled the ring arrogantly for a good few seconds, mocking this scandal as a real cut throat wrestling match, before finally moving in for the kill with that Yakuza Kick from Hell. Referee Billy Silverman pleaded with Chono before he performed it to think very seriously about the repurcussions, but instead Chono left Karagias gagging for air with ultimate contempt. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL nWo Television Champion, Masahiro Chono[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page is walking backwards and forth in the nWo dressing room extremely frustrated by 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper's earlier interruption. He moves up to Kimberly, and with a look of contempt and aggression all muzzled into one utters... "Tonight... I feel the urge to FEEL...THE....BANG!" [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match 'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka v Juventud Guerrera[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The wobbling knees caused much celebration amongst the crowd as La Parka danced on the steel chair in the centre of the ring, but Juventud Guerrera tonight was not here to take any liberties and immediately took to La Parka, who was surprised that Juventud had not allowed him to dance. La Parka immediately went to attack Guerrera with the steel chair, but Guerrera hit a surreal drop kick straight into La Parka's head. He pulled the tag team exponent from Los Vengadores to the corner, before ending it with the 450 Splash. Wow, I think we have an early favourite for the Cruiserweight Championship right here. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Juventud Guerrera[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, we cut to the carpark entrance, where 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth exited a limousine, and lo and behold entered the arena. Tony Schiavone almost burst a blood vessel to announce their arrival, which seemed odd given so many wrestlers were apparently already in the back so this really was not a herculean effort by Savage. He walked through the entrance way with a limp courtesy of last night's match, but when he took off his black sunshades he revealed some very intense eyes. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]The Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright) v West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi)[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Lodi and Lenny Lane admired each other's biceps at the start of the match before Alex Wright ruthlessly charged in and started throwing European uppercuts to get this one underway. Wright was intense, he was on a mission tonight to start bringing the Dancing Fools back to the limelight in tag team reckoning in WCW. He had seen Kanyon and Saturn come out of oblivion to claim the Championships, and this seemed to inspire him. But again he was let down by Disco and his antics, his intensity was a tenth of Alex Wright's and instead as he danced a disco jive Lenny Lodi inside cradled him, and enjoyed standing above Disco who was freaked into paralsys and keeping his shoulders tamed to the mat. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, West Hollywood Blondes[/SIZE][/CENTER] Post match, 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright picked Disco Inferno up and started getting in his face and arguing over what just happened. Disco shrugged his shoulders as if to say he did not know what happened. Wright turned to leave the ring, but then turned back and clotheslined Disco Inferno with a hard right arm sending Disco Inferno crashing back down to the mat. Wright stood above his fallen comrad, shaking his head in disappointment before leaving the ring. Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing by for another boring, I mean important interview. This time he has with him 'Macho Man' Randy Savage, complete with the green cowboy hat and green tassled jacket. Savage is moving around like a cat on a hot tin roof before Okerlund. "Alright guys, with me at this time is 'Macho Man' Randy Savage. Randy, last night at Slamboree, you missed the biggest prize of them all, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship." "OOOOH YEAAAAAHHHH!!! Last night I may have missed the prize Gene yeah but last night was a triumph for professional wrestling everywhere yeah. You see, on the one hand Chris Jericho had to absorb everything and more yeah, his veins were pumped with ice yeah but I nearly caused him to suffer from the madness yeah. He would be the first to admit that last night, he got taken to school yeah. Sadly, he kept standing, and credit where credit is due Gene, last night Chris Jericho became a legend. One man though who never was and never will be a legend yeah is ... gone. So last night was a great night for professional wrestling." "You speak of Hul.." "DON'T MENTION THAT NAME AROUND HERE GENE, DIG IT! Yeah, that cancer is gone. And ooooh don't it feel good yeah. You see, for over a decade I've had that piece of [BEEP] try and steal the limelight from me, and now yeah the true great young talents of wrestling these days like Jericho, like Benoit, like Mysterio, like Saturn YEAH! But no more! It'a over! The dark cloud has finally moved on yeah. It's time for the dawning of a new era Geno, oooh and I'm loving it YEAH! Tonight, the madness runs thick through my veins, for all that built up tension from being frustrated, from being isolated, from being held back...yeah Gene, I feel like a young superstar again YEAH! Dig it!" Savage pumps his right arm triumphantly, before striding off in a mad rage of whatever buzz he just snorted. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Last night, Hugh Morrus was released from the Flock, and long may his career resume normality. For a man of over 300 pounds, he is an incredible athlete. How does such a big man soar with such a fantastic moonsault? Malenko though is from another world, and as good as Morrus' vibe was tonight to get back into the groove of being on his own, Malenko was just too good and finished it with the Texas Cloverleaf. Malenko had struggled throughout the match, and at one stage had collapsed to the mat grabbing his head. For him the trauma from the Yakuza Kick still sends bells of pain throughout his skull. It was after, the kick that stopped the Iceman. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Dean Malenko[/SIZE][/CENTER] As the Four Horsemen music escalated around the arena, it was horribly cut off by 'God Save the Queen' meaning only one thing. The arrival of the wretched 'Lord' Steven Regal, himself like Dean Malenko a recent holder of the coveted Television Championship. Malenko was still grabbing the back of his skull while the referee held his free hand aloft, and he appeared in no mood for Regal to be interrupting him. Regal pompously continued to march down to the ring, before standing in the ring hand on heart while the British national anthem roared through the arena. After it was finally finished, he smiled from ear to ear and got right up in Malenko's face. "Got a bit of a headache, do you boy?" He shouted into the microphone. Malenko shook his head in disdain. "Old chap you really must learn to toughen up. I've brawled across all the dark alleys of Britain and I'd be personally disgraced if I babied my head like you seem to like doing, son. You need to toughen up, go on, you suffered a good flogging didn't ye, but look at you? Are you going to man up? Or are you going to cower away, just like your right royal son of a [BEEP] friend Ric Fla.." Just then, ALso Sprach Zarathrusta burst out across the arena, and the fans immediately got to their feet in adulation, and in a red sequined robe appeared none other than 'THe Nature Boy', Ric Flair. He continued to walk down the aisle, before circling in front of the ramp with his arms extended as a marvellous pyro display burst out behind him. He continued to strut his way to the ring, before getting in the ring and standing up to 'Lord' Steven Regal. "Blimey, what the hell are you doing here?" "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Did somebody tell me... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that the Horsemen would be together in TALLAHASEE FLORIDAAAAA!!! Is that true?" The crowd woo. "You cannot tell me Steven Regal, that you honestly felt you had ended the career of Ric Flair, did you? Look at me pal, I'm Ric Flair! I'm a stylin, profilin, limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheelin, dealing, son of a gun! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Flair struts a little, before slicking back his blond hair. "Hell, I'm the dirtiest player in the game! And you thought you'd.... thugged me out? Do you know who you're dealing with? You're dealing with Slick Ric, of the Four Horsemen pal. And we believe in this motto, if you put one of ours in hospital, we'll put two of yours in the morgue... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Look at me pal, I'm every women's dream and every man's nightmare. This is not Blackpool England, this is ... TALLAHASEE FLORIDA! This is Horsemen country you're in now pal. All the women want to be with me, and all the men, like you it seems Steven Regal, want to be just like me. But you have to know, there can never be another Ric Flair." "Is that right, son?" "Son? You call me son?" "I'll call you a swine is what I'll call you.." "A swine? You still haven't learned have you. I'm the dirtiest...player...in....the....GAME! Bar none! BAR NONE! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! And you thought you'd steal my thunder did you pal? I've been doing this for two decades. I've kissed all the girls and made them cry, and still after all these years Space Mountain is the oldest ride in the park with the longest line. So if you think you're going to get rid of me... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Guess again! And you know why pal? Because diamonds are forever...and so is RIC FLAIR!!!" Regal's face squirms up in utter contempt, as Flair woos in his face one more time before lunging forward to slap him, which Regal whinces back from, but Flair doesn't deliver and instead rolls out of the ring and struts his way back up the ramp. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Tag Team Championships The Extreme Innovators (Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon) (c) v 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] You know you've made it when not only do you hold the gold, but you get your own tag team name. Only a month or two ago one could be mistaken for wondering where the careers of Saturn and Kanyon respectively were going, but together they've formulated a very successful tag team who only last night surprised the world by overcoming the odds to claim the Tag Team Championships. Tonight they faced a veteran duo in Neidhart and Davey Boy, but were they really going to upset the apple cart on the Extreme Innovators first defence? Not likely, particularly not with the form Saturn and Kanyon were in, and eventually Neidhart fell prey to the Flatliner to end any resistance the veteran duo could sustain. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Tag Team Champions, The Extreme Innovators[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, the new look Billy Kidman complete with shampooed hair and a nice tidy white shirt is striding along the corridors, when out of nowhere Raven comes out and whacks him over the back with a kendo stick. Billy Kidman goes down in a heap as Raven stands above. "What about me Billy? What about me? What about the man who taught you so much? But never fear, I never taught you enough for you to stand alone. Quoth the Raven, nevermore!" [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW United States Championship 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Can someone explain to me what Buff the myth Bagwell has done to deserve an opportunity of this magnitude? Conceivably, Bagwell could walk out of here as the WCW United States Champion. And it certainly appeared that way when the Outsiders, 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash and Scott Hall came down to ringside. Scott Hall got in the ring to distract referee Mickey Jay, while Nash got in the ring, passed Bagwell a steel chair who slammed it into the skull of Benoit! Bagwell covered....1....2....NO! Benoit thrust him off, and while blood spewed from a gash on the back of his head, and began covering his line of vision, he was not giving up. Referee Mickey Jay demanded the Outsiders returned to the back, whilst Benoit was in the midst of a perfectly executed Tiger Suplex with a bridge, which Mickey Jay was in no position to count for. Bagwell immediately rolled out of the ring when he broke free, but Benoit followed him with a suicide dive over the top rope into the steel guardrails! After both men came to, Benoit pulled Bagwell back into the ring. Both men went toe to toe, but Benoit's concentration and desire stood the test of time and he took control, and then hit three rolling german suplexes. Bagwell's head jarred several times hard into the mat, allowing Benoit the time to head to the top... DIVING HEADBUTT! After giggling like a whale out of water for a second or two to show the pain he himself had endured, he rolled over the top of Bagwell and locked in the Crippler Crossface! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, and STILL WCW United States Champion, Chris Benoit[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, at the WCW.com position, Mark Madden stood by with Scott Hudson as they had 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig talking live to the fans via WCW.com. "Guys, last night, it looked like you had it for all money. I mean the Extreme Innovators were spent from their match earlier in the night, but they still won. What must be going through your mind right now?" Madden asks. "Ariba la raza! Ora Le! Mark Madden, Curt and I are going to get bawdy bawdy and rowdy rowdy! You see holmes, what happened last night does not take away our excellence in the ring. And soon enough, the Extreme Innovators, as lucky as they were will find out what it's like to be the one's with the targets that every team out there is humming for. Ora Le! nWo for life!" Backstage, Bret 'The Hitman' Clark, sorry, I mean Hart (heh Michael Buffer you jobber) interrupted Sting who was in an emotionless zorb of nothingness. You know, where Sting says nothing, and does nothing. Here he was in a dark room just staring. Why? I don't know, I don't write this stuff, I just comment on it. "Last night," Hart begins, "You got punked. No! You got screwed. And that doesn't sit well with me Sting. I've been the victim of that before. And you're too good a solitary warrior to go through the abuse of being party to a screwjob. Sting, I promise you, they will pay. Nash, Hall, I don't care who. They're going to find out why I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best ...there ever will be! Sting, they will screw with your mind...no more!" [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW World Heavyweight Championship 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v The Giant[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The imposing stature of this goliath of a man towered over the World Heavyweight Champion. His eyes piercing Jericho from above, alluring fear into the soul of Jericho who knew this was going to be a tough ask. He knew that this may in actual fact be his ultimate test of fate. You see, 500 pounds of power at 7 foot 4 inches tall makes the Giant the most jaw dropping athlete in the world. At his prime he is able to perform a startling drop kick, and so the stories say, back in the Power Plant days he could destroy a man with a moonsault. The true Giant of professional sports, the single most powerful athlete alive watched as Jericho tried to run around him, find a way to get through him, but everything he tried the Giant like a giant redwood just seemed to absorb more and more with ease, before pounding back with amazing strength. Jericho was fast running out of ideas, but the Champion that he is always found a way to escape the inevitable by using outside of the ring. When the Giant eventually was lured out of the ring, Jericho was able to cut him down to size with a ferocious assault of speed battery, using the ring post and steel guardrails as means to bring some powerful blows into the world of the Giant. Jericho knew he would have to find a different way to defeat Giant than the Liontamer, and so began working on the neck nerves of the Giant. What did Jericho have in store? The pain was beginning to cripple the monstrosity. Jericho felt he was on a winner, and then he made the signal. What does that mean? The Giant though overcame the pain, and from nowhere grabbed Jericho by the throat... setting him up for the Chokeslam. Jericho shook his head nervously, before he saw coming to his aid... BANG! Diamond Dallas Page had come from behind the Giant, from the top rope and taken him down with some kind of Super Diamond Cutter! Wow! He hit that perfectly! Jericho nervously covered the big man...1.....2.......3! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/CENTER] Post match, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho had his right boot draped over the chest of the Giant, mockingly celebrating the ease of his victory as his arm was held aloft. But then it happened. He felt the earth move under his feet, he felt the sky tumbling down. You see, the big Giant sat up, and Jericho nearly wet his pants before racing out of the ring. The Giant pointed at Diamond Dallas Page and growled, Page looked freaked out to see how quickly the Giant had recovered.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Quick Picks[/B] WCW Television Championship: Masahiro Chono (c) v Kurt Angle WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match: Juventud Guerrera v Ultimo Dragon Raven v Billy Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match: Psicosis v Curry Man Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and Sting WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair
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Curry Man in WCW? Cool. Quick Picks WCW Television Championship: Masahiro Chono (c) v [B]Kurt Angle[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match: [B]Juventud Guerrera[/B] v Ultimo Dragon [B]Raven[/B] v Billy Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match: Psicosis v [B]Curry Man[/B] Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) v[B] Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and Sting[/B] WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B]
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;551191]I've heard the Tony Danza line before too, from a guy claiming that he knew Elton John was gay before he came out, because of that line. What a tool.[/QUOTE] Heh, yeah I reckon it's classic when dudes muck up lyrics and bounce their head like they know... Schiavone is such a wannabe crooner [QUOTE=angeldelayette;551392][B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay [I]Somehow I don't see Finlay beating Goldberg. Call me crazy. lol[/I] [B]Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright)[/B] v West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) [I]I see more of a future for these two than for the WHB.[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]Masahiro Chono[/B] v Evan Karagias [I]Chono doesn't even break a sweat.[/I] 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus v [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] [I]Malenko with the Texas Cloverleaf Submission en route to possibly getting back his TV Title.[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon (c)[/B] v 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart [I]They can't lose them on first defense, can they?[/I] WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell [I]Despite what happened in real life, Benoit is a great talent in the ring and definitely better than Bagwell. Though Bagwell is a real nice guy irl. I met him at a wrestling show.[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v [B]The Giant[/B] [I]A countout or DQ victory for the G-Man? Either way, the title doesn't change hands.[/I][/QUOTE] Heh, you were dead right on Chono, no sweat broken at all. I didn't realise until I started writing it how much I'd enjoy Chono being Television Champion. It's given me another idea for me to build towards Starrcade in that light. Starrcade was the WCW's opponent to Wrestlemania in terms of hype and importance so that's what this whole story builds to, and I've basically mapped out halfway to it from here and half of the show is plotted together, but there's little bits and pieces that I'm still learning and certainly Chono is going good for me. I actually did a bit of video watching of Chono on the net, and his Yakuza Kick looked sensational. [QUOTE=darthsiddus2;554967]WHOOOOOO! what a Nitro man! and Christopher Daniels was a nice surprise too as Curry man... how many times are you gonna fire Daniels's gimmicks though? HAHAHA[/QUOTE] Heh, Curry Man is Christopher Daniels? :eek: (I do know that, but I don't want to break TNA kayfabe here!!!) Glad you liked Nitro mate. [QUOTE=foolinc;555385]Curry Man in WCW? Cool. Quick Picks WCW Television Championship: Masahiro Chono (c) v [B]Kurt Angle[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match: [B]Juventud Guerrera[/B] v Ultimo Dragon [B]Raven[/B] v Billy Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match: Psicosis v [B]Curry Man[/B] Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) v[B] Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and Sting[/B] WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B][/QUOTE] Thanks for the tips broheim. I was concerned about how Curry Man's appearance came out, so I had to make him out unknown to be realistic.
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WCW Television Championship: [B]Masahiro Chono [/B](c) v Kurt Angle I just can't see Kurt beating the master of the STF right now.... maybe in a few years but this should be a 5* quality match WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match: Juventud Guerrera v [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] I can see it being either of the two but Dragon has the momentum I think but we'll see. its pretty much a toss up Raven v Billy Kidman in a no contest. WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match: Psicosis v [B]Curry Man[/B] he's hot he's spicy and tastes great he's CURRY MAN! you can't go wrong with that! Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) v B[B]ret 'The Hitman' Hart and Sting[/B] again Los Vengadores are no match for The Hitman and Sting WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair in a no contest.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]WCW Television Championship Masahiro Chono (c) v Kurt Angle[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] And welcome to another edition of Thunder, tonight we kick it off with a Television Championship match. Fresh after freeing the Flock at Slamboree from Raven's grasp in a chaotic Raven's Rules match, Kurt Angle's next task was to face up against the best of the Orient, a man whose Yakuza Kick has been the buzz of WCW. This was a relatively slow affair to be honest, it wasn't super quick. Both men used a variety of suplexes and slams. Chono though started to gain some ascendency. And with Angle waivering, he leapt forth from the corner for the Yakuza Ki... NO! Angle somehow stepped out of the way, and grabbed the ankle, bringing Chono to the mat, with Chono grimmacing in agony. What an Ankle Lock. Wait a second! NO! NO! Referee Billy Silverman is calling for the bell, Great Muta just ran down to help his comrad and laid the green myst straight into the eyes of Angle. Chono rolls out of the ring knowing he just met his match, but seeing Kurt Angle in the ring rolling on the ground grabbing at his eyes, he gets back in, gets Muta to hold him up.... [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via disqualification, Kurt Angle, but STILL WCW Television Champion, Masahiro Chono[/SIZE][/CENTER] Chono smiled in the corner, in an evil scene. He looked at his trusty right boot, but before he could move, 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko had come racing down from the back with a steel chair, and the two nWo Japan-ites quickly fled. Backstage, 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page is all over the fallen body of Rey Mysterio Jr, laying into him with hard rights and lefts straight to the ribcage.. "How do you like that Rey Rey? I've got some spare tape if you want to wrap it around your ribs for protect...." Page turns around, only to see the Giant standing menacingly over him. Page high tails it out of there, as the Giant kneels down, picks Rey up and carries him over his shoulder out of the scene. We cut to the TOP of the arena. Treading on the edge of the platform before the rafter is Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. In his right hand is a microphone. "Sting... I know you're up there, man. Tonight, tag with me. Tonight, let's work as the Excellence of Execution. Tonight, let's send the nWo a message. That we're the best there is, the best there was, and the best...there ever will be." Our cameras focus in on Sting who is sitting over the top of the ring with his two trusty vultures, he looks over at Hart and gives a slow emotionless nod. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match Juventud Guerrera v Ultimo Dragon[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Two of the very best of the cruiserweights here tonight, both off the back of victories on Nitro. Tonight it was one of the best Mexican lucha libres, a second generation superstar, versus one of the all time heroes of Japan. At one stage Ultimo Dragon held a staggering ten championships, sanctioned around the globe, including the Cruiserweight Championship and the J-Crown. Already in a young career he is without doubt becoming a Japanese legend. So this would not shock you for me to tell you that this was a crisp, fast match, held both inside the ring, outside the ring, and with a tonic of Juventud's lightning aerial magic. I love watching Juventud's suicide planchas, he really does enjoy the legend surrounding lucha libre wrestling and the excitement it brings. But unfortunately for Juventud, despite some stupendous moves, he went to the well one too many times. He dragged Dragon to the corner on the mat, and set up for the 450 Splash... He dove, but Dragon moved! He was playing possum. Juventud hit hard, but immediately the Dragon came up from behind him and grabbed him by his neck, and into the inverted sleeper hold, the magnificent Dragon Sleeper. Guerrera knowing it was lights out time if he did not tap waved his arm around furiously to submit. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Ultimo Dragon[/SIZE] [I]n....W.....o NN...NNN...NEW WORLD ORDER FF..FF...FOR LIFE[/I][/CENTER] And out comes the cynical leader of the New World Order, Eric Bischoff. After looking dismayed and shocked on Monday Nitro, he's back to his flambouyant best with his massive cheesy grin. He comes down the ramp like an airplane with arms extended with a microphone in his right hand, and blows kisses to the crowd as he walks down in his black leather jacket. Once in the ring he pretends to bow his arms down in elation at the fans response, which of course is terse to say the least. "Thank you! Thank you! We love you guys! It's truly great being back here in Atlanta, Georgia. And you know what else is great about being in Atlanta? This is firmly...N...W....O country. Because Atlanta is a city that defines breaking traditions, it's a city that defines revolutionary wares. In fact, in 1987, this very city was the scene to the first ever.... Wargames. THAT'S how revolutionary Atlanta is, and just like Wargames rewrote the record books back then, the New World Order is doing it again now, proudly, for all you..! We love you! So tonight, we thought what better way to celebrate Atlanta and the New World Order's tight relationship than to announce tonight is...nWo Celebration Night! As you saw earlier tonight, Diamond Dallas Page himself... another Atlanta, Georgia resident... was celebrating with power on Rey Mysterio Jr. And there's more where that came from, I can assure you. And also, wha.." Just then, the Stormtrooper music began, and our cameras flashed to the back, where Bill Goldberg, in his black wrestling trunks headbutted the blue locker door, and with the assistance of Atlanta's finest police men and women began walking through the back hallways to the ring. As he entered through the gorilla position and through the curtain, he stormed down to the bottom fo the ramp, before stopping, and being consumed by the fiery pyros around him. They eventually burst, and Goldberg snorted out some smoke, before thrusting his right and left arm up. [I]GOLDBERG GOLDBERG GOLDBERG GOLDBERG[/I] It's good to see the piped in chants are working well as Goldberg continued walking down to the ring. He got in the ring, and thrust his arms up in the sign of the Jackhammer before being handed a microphone by David Penzer. "What the hell are you doing here?" Bischoff asks. "Are ya scared? Are ya?" Goldberg says as he grins. "No, I'm not...scared. You aren't scheduled to be out here, this is my time. DAMN IT, it's MY time! This is MY show! This is nWo celebration night!" "You sure it's not nWo funeral night? You see Bischoff, where's your pal? Where's Hogan? That's right, I destroyed him. Just like the Horsemen are destroying you! Just like you, Hogan is a coward. So I'm going to keep this short and simple Bischoff, either you produce Hogan... so HE'S NEXT! Or.... ..... YOU'RE NEXT!" "Whoa..whoa...whoa..! You lay a hand on me and I'll make damn sure you never set foot in a WCW arena ever again. You hear me! So... You claim the nWo is full of cowards, huh? You think we're falling apart? You know something Goldberg, I know how to begin unravelling the Four Horsemen, pal. You see, at the very centre of all of this is... Ric Flair! A man I might add that I am working on getting the votes at the WCW Executive Committee meetings to get...FIRED! But, there's a reason I haven't.... Because I know Flair is central to the Horsemen, and I know Flair is central to the self destruction of the Horsemen. And on nWo Celebration Night, it all begins right here. You see, I know Ric Flair has a .......... Flare for the Gold. You might say, he craves it. Beyond anything else. And tonight, I'm going to put that to the test. You see tonight, I've got approved... a United States Championship match with Chris Benoit defending against.... RIC FLAIR! WOO WOO to you too!" Goldberg gets up menacingly in Bischoff's face, before Doug Dillenger and the fun police get in the ring and restrain Goldberg. Goldberg tries to fight through them, but there's like 30 of them, and eventually....eventually...eventually he's finally restrained and led to the back. Goldberg spits in the general direction of Bischoff and makes one final burst at him before being cut off, which nearly causes Bischoff to have a heart attack. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Billy Kidman v Raven[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] It seems as if these two have got a lot of problems to sort out - but what better way to sort it out by slugging it out in the centre of the ring. Raven is smarting from his loss to Kurt Angle at Slamboree, and the simmering tension in Billy Kidman sets this one alight. A contrast of styles, the extremist Raven with his Ravens Rules, and Billy Kidman now finally getting an opportunity to show his slick moves off the top rope. This one was a tight tussle, and very quick paced for a Raven match. After seven minutes, Raven went for an Evenflow DDT, but Billy Kidman was able to slip out, and kick Angle hard to the guts. Kidman pulled down on Raven into an inside cradle...1...2..... Raven though rolled through... And has his feet on the middle rope...1...2...3! Sly move from Raven, but Billy Kidman put on a very good match here and can feel justly bemused by the finish. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Raven[/SIZE][/CENTER] After the match, Billy Kidman sprung up in the face of Raven who just merely smiled. Billy Kidman pushed Raven, who pushed him back, and with his extra power pushed Kidman back to the mat. He stood over him and uttered "You have a lot to learn yet..." [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match Psicosis v Curry Man[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [I]He's Hot! He's Spicy! Taste's Great![/I] It's Curry Man, in his second appearance for WCW. He's very raw, and very unknown still, but his energy is becoming a bit of a hit particularly with the young kids in the crowd. His opponent tonight, Psicosis, one of the taller luchadores from Mexico. The man with the red horned mask is a surreal athlete to behold, and seriously underrated. Curry Man came with his fast paced antics, and at the start he had Psicosis in trouble. But the wiley Mexican always seemed to have something up his sleeve, and unfortunately for Curry Man he fell prey to a Diving Gillotine Leg Drop! That's the great thing that will stand Psicosis in good stead, he has so many different ways to finish off an opponent. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Psicosis[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho was in the nWo dressing room in a rather formal jacket with a black tie. He walked in with a great wide smile, while 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page sat down on the leather sofa still fuming about the Giant's interruption earlier this evening. Jericho hung his World Heavyweight Championship up in the locker, before walking up to Page. "I've never...EVVVVERRRRR seen someone so depressed...as you. Well, maybe Prince Mackamacki but that's because I stole his skirt, oh and Dean Malenko. But he never...EVVVERRRRRR smiles. Page, I saw what happened earlier tonight, and I guarantee to you, I'll take care of the Giant. After all...this is Thursday Night...JERICHO! And..." Jericho twirls his hand to get Page to follow his sentence, but Page is still simmering. "....nWo Celebration Night!" Jericho adds. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and Sting[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Two great entrances, La Parka with the steel chair and his jive, and Sting from the rafters. Unfortunately for Los Vengadores, their lack of experience told on them as the highly proficient pairing of Hart and Sting, some may say a dream team, ended their resistance quickly with Sting putting the Scorpion Deathlock on Lizmark Jr for the submission win. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via submission, Bret Hart and Sting[/SIZE][/CENTER] Post match though, the 'Hitman' and Stinger got punked by the Outsiders. Whilst they were celebrating, the Outsiders came down through the crowd, complete with steel chairs! Both men fell prey to awfully sick chair shots, with Sting falling prey to a Jackknife in the centre of the ring. "Hey Yo... I'm not going to bother with the service tonight chicos, because tonight is OUR night... Mark this down as another one... for the bad guys!" "BIG SEXY IN DA HOUSE! Sting, Hart... Do you know who you're messing with here? This is no game, this is for real. Unless you want to be carried out of here with broken necks, I'd suggest you start heeding our warnings and begin to respect and support... the TOOOOOOOOO SWEEEEEEEEET n.....W.....o!" Nash dropped the microphone, and it landed on Sting, as Bret 'Hitman' Hart slowly started coming to, before Scott Hall kicked him repeatedly to the head. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW United States Championship 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] At the beginning of the match, the two Horsemen shook hands and then embraced. [I]n...W....o NN..NN...NEW WORLD ORDER.. FF..FF...FOR LIFE[/I] Flashing up on the Turner-Tron was 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff himself, shaking his head. "You see Flair, that's what I need from you. The easiest promotion to the WCW Executive Committee as to why I should be allowed to fire you. Either you fight like the dirtiest player in the game... or I guarantee your career ends tonight!" Both men shook their heads, and talked in the centre of the ring before nodding their heads. Benoit hit a knife edge chop on Ric Flair, who replied in turn, and both men sent both sets of pectorals red raw with brutal knee edge chops. Benoit sent Flair into the ropes, and sent home down with a sunset flip. Flair rolled out of the ring and slicked back his hair, before strutting. He finally got back in the ring, and the two men locked up again, this time though Flair poked Benoit in the eye and put him into a hammerlock. This time Flair whipped Benoit into the corner, and proceeded to hit several harsh knife edge chops on Benoit! Benoit though grabbed Flair and threw him into the corner and kicked repeatedly to the gut. Benoit then irish whipped Flair into the opposite turnbuckle, but he was travelling with such velosity that he flipped out of the ring onto the apron, and up the turnbuckle before flopping down from the top onto his nose. Classic Ric Flair action. This action carried on for another six minutes, with both men heeding the warning to give as good as they got. Could this be the end of the Horsemen? It really seems as if Flair and Benoit want to destroy each other, and the Horsemen, over the United States Championship. Backstage, we cut to the Horsemen dressing room, where Bill Goldberg, Arn Anderson and Dean Malenko shook their heads in disbelief. Chris Benoit appeared to be overcoming the veteran lynchpin to the Four Horsemen, but Eddie Guerrero in street clothes ran through the crowd and laid out Benoit with a clothesline. At the same time, 'Lord' Steven Regal ran from the back and kicked Flair to the gut. Referee Nick Patrick called for the bell... [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] No contest, due to double disqualification, and Chris Benoit is STILL the WCW United States Champion[/SIZE][/CENTER] 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair though grabbed Regal before Regal could grab total ascendency and threw him to the outside. Before he could get back in, Doug Dillenger and the fun police blocked his path. Eddie Guerrero backed off, into the corner, before Flair was handed a microphone. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Did somebody tell me that the Horsemen would be partying in ATLANTA GEORGIAAA!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Guerrero, Bischoff, Regal, and whoever the hell else! You all want to destroy the Horsemen? You all want to kill the Horsemen? It will never...WOOOOOOOO... happen. We are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and if WCW is heading to a final battle so be it, just like back then it'll be the same now with the Horsemen riding off into the sunset. Regal! REGAL! You pal, you need to know something. When they say that I'm the dirtiest player in the game, it's not a gimmick! It's the TRUTH! And you Eddie Guerrero, I get it, you want Benoit's title? You want..WOOOOOOO... to get in the ring with this madman? You know what we said before Guerrero? We knew that there was more chance of my career ending tonight at the hands of Chris Benoit, then at the hands of Eric Bischoff. And why did we carry on? For these Horsemen fans! WOOOOOOOOOOO!! You see, Atlanta Georgia is indeed home of revolutions, but the first revolution was the rising from the Apocalypse of the Four Horsemen. So come on pal! Lay one on my chin! Come on! I dare ya! Hit me Guerrero, WOOOOOOOOOOO, hit me pal! Come on! But one word of warning pal, make it good. Make it last. Because it's like we always say, you injure one of ours, we send two of yours to the morgue. And pal, you and Regal look like good targets..." Just then, 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff flashed up on the Turner Tron again. "Very good Ric, very good. More ammunition for the Executive Committee. Make no bones about it Ric, whether it's directly through me, or through utter contemptious demolition from the nWo itself... you will be out of WCW. I guarantee it! As for you Eddie Guerrero, you are indeed still suspended... but there's something about you that reminds me a little of myself, so as for your reward, at the Great American Bash... YOU have a shot at Chris Benoit for the WCW United States Championship. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, FLAIR? WOO indeed!"
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Quick Picks[/B] Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v Wrath 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux v Bill Goldberg WCW Television Championship: Masahiro Chono v Lizmark Jr Handicap Cage Match: The Giant v Scott 'Flash' Norton and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell WCW Cruiserweight Championship Final Match: Psicosis v Ultimo Dragon Billy Kidman v Disco Inferno The Steiner Brothers v 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart v Harlem Heat Kurt Angle v Raven 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit and 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v The British Connection ('Lord' Steven Regal and 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay)
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;555936]WCW Television Championship: [B]Masahiro Chono [/B](c) v Kurt Angle I just can't see Kurt beating the master of the STF right now.... maybe in a few years but this should be a 5* quality match WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match: Juventud Guerrera v [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] I can see it being either of the two but Dragon has the momentum I think but we'll see. its pretty much a toss up Raven v Billy Kidman in a no contest. WCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match: Psicosis v [B]Curry Man[/B] he's hot he's spicy and tastes great he's CURRY MAN! you can't go wrong with that! Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) v B[B]ret 'The Hitman' Hart and Sting[/B] again Los Vengadores are no match for The Hitman and Sting WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair in a no contest.[/QUOTE] Thanks once again for your insightful tips mate :D
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