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WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"

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[QUOTE=keefmoon;641369]Alright buddy, glad to see you back on here and this diary is back with us again. Great return show as expected, I'd forgotten how good you are at capturing the feel of the era. And I'm really loving the whole Horsemen thing, so well done and you just know they are going to make a huge splash very soon. Great to have you back mate.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate. Thanks for reading the show as always. [QUOTE=G-Prime;641507]Welcome back mate, good show. (Although comparing Scott Norton to Bohemian Rhapsody is blasphemy ;))[/QUOTE] Well, I had to have a dose of wrestle fudge in there somewhere :p [URL="http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/v2/play.php?id=130950"]News is spreading fast..... Vince McMahon responds to the news[/URL]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/greatamericanbash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]NB: Tonight's broadcast marks a slightly different direction for the diary. With limited time, I've decided to shorten a lot of my match write ups, trying to keep it to a brief narrative and very much moving away from the blow blow description of the important moments. The important spots though I will keep. And of course, the spotlight mega matches will continue to have a lot of focus. To compensate, I am introducing the 'celeb-o-meter', which is a celeb head rating out of 5 of how I would rate each match. Tonight's celeb is inspired by Britney Spears... Its fairly bad what Britney's been up to, but imagine how much worse it would be if she was caught in Rhea Pearlman's body? [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] At the start of the Pay-Per-View broadcast, a video is played hyping several elements to tonight's show, including: [LIST] [*]Bret Hart and Sting - the natural evolution of the ultimate babyface tag team to take on the original tormentors of WCW tradition, the Outsiders [*]The ultimate little man in the business, taking on the deceitful brooder of the nWo plan itself, Diamond Dallas Page [*]And tonight, for the United States Championship, we look at how Eddie Guerrero was stripped of the Cruiserweight Championship and suspended by the WCW Board of Directors and how he has taken it out on 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit. It all comes to a head tonight, as Guerrero steps foot in the ring for the first time since that tumultuous match with Rey Mysterio Jr. [/LIST] The pyros burst out all over the arena, before we pan in on Tony Schiavone, Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and 'The Professor' Mike Tenay who are your commentators. "Welcome fans, tonight, history is in the making. Tonight, live from Baltimore, WCW returns to its roots with the traditional homecoming Pay-Per-View, the Great American Bash. With me as always, 'Professor' Mike Tenay..." "Thank you Tony, the history that surrounds this event is unparalleled. Such great events in the history of this night include Dusty Rhodes, 'The American Dream' himself and our broadcast colleague defeating Tully Blanchard inside a steel cage for the NWA Television Championship, the amazing War Games spectacular, Sting defeating Ric Flair for the World Heavyweight Championship and last year's spectacular where 'Macho Man' Randy Savage defeated his long time rival Diamond Dallas Page. Fans, tonight is all about history." "These hamennegers know all about history Mike," Heenan interrupts, "But let me ask you something? Have they ever seen a Canadian superstar squashed for real inside the squared circle? Tonight it rains moose-jaw kibble as the Giant looks to take out all his pent up anger on the World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho!" "Alright guys, we're going now backstage, where our broadcast colleague 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing by with Bret 'The Hitman' Hart....." ................... We cut to the Great American Bash Control Centre interview area, where 'Mean' Gene Okerlund stands by with the former World Wrestling Federation Champion. Hart looks jittery, as he grabs at his white wrist band and adjusts it, and hovers his balance from foot to foot as Okerlund talks to him. "Alright Tony, I thank you. And that is right, here with me now is Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. Tonight Bret you will tag with Sting to take on the Outsiders. Many fans over the years have long dreamed of yourself and the Stinger being together in the ring, and tonight its for a common cause. How do you feel about tagging with Sting?" "You know Gene, I have heard it all this past week. I have heard the Sting fans and the Hitman fans unite. And I have heard some within the nWo organisation question whether a super team like myself and Sting can combine that well. Some question whether I can trust anyone after what has happened to me in the past..." Just then, Sting walks onto the set. He drops the bat, and puts his right fist into a clenched position. Hart clenches his, and the two men punch fists. "The past is the past Gene, tonight, the Outsiders find out the truth behind the Excellence of Execution. Tonight, Hall and Nash find out why corruption doesn't pay. They will find out you can't screw the Hitman twice. Tonight they find out why Sting and I are the dream team everyone has been waiting for, why we are the best there is... the best there was... the best there ever will be!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Television Championship 'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c) v Masahiro Chono[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Tonight two complete and utter contrasts go head to head in a heated feud. Chono, the man with the most devastating kick to the head in the business, capable of ending a man's career versus Angle, a green rookie who has risen up the charts off the back of winning gold at Atlanta. It was a slow paced, physical match, with Angle seemingly aloof trying to avoid the various martial arts kicks as best as he could. Finally, the Great Muta got up on the apron and blew out his green myst, but Angle ducked and it caught Chono flush. Angle rolled over Chono for the pinfall. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Kurt Angle retains the WCW Television Championship[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG] Backstage, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage enters the arena with his beautiful wife, Miss Elizabeth. He holds on tight to her arm as he looks around every corner... "HOGAN? OOH YEAH! You're here somewhere..." he utters, randomly, psychotically... ..... Backstage, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper enters the lair of the 7 foot tall goliath, creatively named the Giant. There is a large fist hole in the fibro wall behind him, leaving Roddy to gulp. "Wow! Boy, you look fired up!" The Giant looks up, and his eyes are full of intensity. "Maybe you should though leave all that energy for Chris Jericho tonight..." The Giant gets up, and stands over the veteran. "Don't worry Roddy," he says as he slams his right fist into the palm of his left hand, "I'm going to destroy Jericho for the myth that he is. Tonight, I payback the nWo for all their sins, and take back to WCW what is ours...." The Giant snarls, as we fade out. [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]West Hollywood Blondes (Lodi and Lenny Lane) and Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright) v 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith, Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart and Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr)[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] An 8 man tag, and the only classic luchadore in sight is Lizmark Jr. At least, I don't class La Parka as your classic luchadore because for freakin sakes, he's the Chairman of WCW and a dance exponent legend! I think La Parka deserves his own category - part time jobber, part time legend. But tonight, La Parka went against the grain. Tonight was the stuff of legends. Admittedly, Davey Boy Smith's power was the major contributing factor, as well as Neidhart's intensity, but the ever present La Parka was on the winning side after a shortish bout ended with Alex Wright falling prey to the Running Powerslam. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, Davey Boy Smith, Jim Neidhart, Los Vengadores[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1-1-1.jpg[/IMG] We cut to a more detailed look at the Eddie Guerrero versus Chris Benoit situation. [LIST] [*]Starting with the match whereby Eddie Guerrero attempted to demask Rey Mysterio Jr [*]The following night on Nitro, the Cruiserweigtht Championship was stripped off Eddie Guerrero and he was duly suspended [*]Guerrero began watching Benoit from the crowd, taunting him [*]Guerrero claimed to have some inside knowledge on Chris Benoit, that he would reveal when he defeated him at the Great American Bash [*]And tonight's match, is for the United States Championship after Eric Bischoff granted Eddie Guerrero a shot at Benoit [/LIST] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]WCW United States Championship 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v Eddie Guerrero[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] I would say one of the matches of the year. I don't know where Eddie's been in between his bouts, but it hasn't been sun tanning at the beach. He was looking a little mild one could say, but don't let Hulk Hogan know that because that's grounds to job to a slow count. How to describe this one? Well, to put it mildly it really lifted this crowd off its feet. One would have to be concerned that it would burn them out too much, but Guerrero and Benoit are both beginning to grasp the art of psychology and its uses to advance a storyline but not at the detriment of the entire card. I wouldn't say it was a brutal match, it probably lacked the high end intensity, but it undulated between some very fast spots particularly from Eddie Guerrero, and an ever growing variety of technical spots from Chris Benoit. After both men started to tire, Benoit managed to raise his knees to a Guerrero Frog Splash, and roll over on the withering Guerrero to apply the Crippler Crossface for a great win. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Chris Benoit wins and retains the WCW United States Championship[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG] Post match, with Chris Benoit gasping for air, Eddie Guerrero tried to gain some semblence of revenge. He quickly clotheslined Benoit as he grabbed the Championship, and then slid down to the floor grabbing Benoit by the legs and beginning to hook him around the ring post. Before though he could execute a figure four around the ringpost, Benoit's fellow horseman, 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko raced into the ringside area, and Eddie Guerrero beat a hasty retreat through the crowd. From whence they come...? Malenko then helped Benoit to his feet, and held his arm aloft, as the two friends embraced in the centre of the ring. Guerrero from inside the crowd looked back, clutching at his neck from the Crippler Crossface, looking on in despise at Dean Malenko. .... We cut backstage, where in the Great American Bash Control Centre 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing by with the Outsiders, 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. "Alright, I'm back here with these two manipulative, cowar..." "Hey! HEY!" Nash screams. "Do you know who you are talking to? You see Gene, this is WCW. Where the big boys play. But we ain't here to play. And you, little man, I'd watch what you've got to say. Otherwise I will Jackknife you down there.." "Down where?" Scott Hall asks. "You know where. Let us talk about tonight, Gene. Tonight we face Bret Hart and Sting. Two men who have vowed to put a dent into the nWo. Well, vow away boys. Look who you're dealing with here. We don't follow rules, we don't follow the WCW protocols or the corporate policies. We're revolutionising professional wrestling, and if we've got to go through you to complete the campaign, so be it... Scott,..." "Hey... Hey Yo," Hall chimes in. "You two boys have been flapping your gums a lot about our presence here in WCW. Well, I say quit your flapping. It's time to stand up, and walk the walk. You see, one of my mottos has always been... don't sing it... BRING IT! And tonight, you'll find out why we're the two men WCW and it's core establishment fears, chico..." Hall flicks his tooth pick in the face of Okerlund as the Outsiders menacingly storm off the set. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW World Tag Team Championships Harlem Heat (c) v The Extreme Innovators (Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon)[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two teams that gel exceptionally well. Harlem Heat have a long history together, and Kanyon and Saturn compliment each other very well. Both innovate all the time, they're both highly unorthodox. And it's this unorthodoxy that sometimes pushes their claims further in the tag arena. Teams very rarely understand how to combat this. But Harlem Heat are a veteran team, and tonight, it showed. They used every last trick in the book, and ended it when Perry Saturn's vision was blurred by a hard rake to the eyes by Booker T, leaving him helpless to the ax kick to the back of the head. Kanyon tried to cut it off, but after a match of numerous near falls Stevie Ray's presence stopped Kanyon from having any impeding affect on distorting the result. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your Winners, Harlem Heat, and still WCW Tag Team Champions[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG] Backstage, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho is dragging his luggage into the arena in preparation for his main event showdown with the Giant. As he rounds one corner, Pipeline Feva are practicising their surfing techniques, and clearly get in his way. Jericho grabs the surfing board that Karagias was using, and turfs it to the side. He grins cynically as he continues to walk on, before bumping into the 'Enforcer' Arn Anderson. Anderson folds his arms, and pushes his glasses down to peer at Jericho. "What do you want, old man?" "What I want Chris, what I want as a Horsemen, I always get. Sometimes you have to be fearful of what these people ask for Chris, because that often comes with consequences. The Giant may not be a Horseman, but boy, he's going to do the Horsemen all a massive favour tonight." "Do you know who you're talking to? You're talking to the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, your paragon of good virtue, the ayatollah of rock n rollaaaaaaa.... Lionheart!" "Oh I know who I'm talking to boy... listen," Anderson extends his right hand, and almost instinctively yet reluctantly Jericho begins shaking it, Anderson tightens his grip and pulls Jericho closer to the bridge of his nose, "Congratulations on a great career, champ. Tonight... it's all over!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Lumberjack Match The Outsiders v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and Sting[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] A dream combination against the vaunted enemy. The match though is slightly crowded and convoluted with the presence of lumberjacks from both sides of this divisive war. I guess the impact of the lumberjacks in such a tense environment keeps both teams honest, but I think this match is probably good enough to go without gimmicks. In my estimation, for the record I thought the WCW lumberjacks were better, I would say the nWo lumberjacks were rather lethargic. Rather surprising, and they kept copping a nasty glare from 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash who expected, and demanded, Bret Hart and Sting be roughed up in transit outside the ring. Bret Hart and Sting tagged quite well. They were rather slick, and methodical in their work. Early on they withstood a big barrage particularly from the ever present physical menace in Nash, who then used the slightly more rangy but still extremely strong Hall in whimpering down Hart and Sting. However Sting and Hart's experience basically negated a lot of that impact with a series of good tags, using the ring well to keep the quick tags rolling. However, eventually Nash was able to cut the ring off, and for a good four or five minutes Bret Hart was cornered. Eventually, with the crowd getting rabid as the Outsiders looked to take all sorts of shortcuts, Hart was able to beat a hasty retreat to the corner to tag in Sting. However referee Nick Patrick did not register the tag, and returned Hart to the ring. Hall tried to keep control, but Hart gutsed it out and regained his composure before finally getting a tag into Sting. Sting carried on the comeback as the Outsiders appeared to be fading. They tried to retreat to the outside, but the WCW lumberjacks effectively got them back in quickly giving the Outsiders no time to regain their composure. Hart turned to turn to Davey Boy and Jim Neidhart, as Sting went toe to toe with Hall in the centre of the ring. Eventually the stronger Hall gained control and irish whipped Sting back into the corner. By way of accident, Sting copped Bret Hart with an elbow to the head. Hart looked around and was flummoxed to see Sting had deliverd the blow. Without seeing the incident correctly and knowing it was accidental, Hart slapped Sting straight across the mouth, before leaving the ringside area. Sting looked around in shock, and was taken by surprise as Hall hoisted him up for the Outsiders Edge. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] The Outsiders[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG] A video is playing looking at the situation looming between 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair, Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Eric Bischoff; [LIST] [*]We look at Ric Flair's triumphant return to the head of the Four Horsemen [*]We look at Eric Bischoff attempting to cut off the Horsemen and Flair's amazingly emotional terse response [*]We look at Flair's various promos and his hatred for Bischoff, and his desire to get him one on one [*]We see Bischoff's refusal, and instead his selection of Buff Bagwell as the nWo opponent for Flair here at the Great American Bash [*]We look at some of the interactions between Flair and Bagwell, the confident and overly arrogant Bagwell and Flair who clearly is preoccupied with Bischoff to the point of potentially losing focus on the task at hand [/LIST] We cut to the Great American Bash Control Centre where 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing by with 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair. Flair is in a blue sequined robe, and is swivelling around anxiously. "Ric Flair, tonight you take on Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell. Clearly in the eyes of many it seems your mind is rather on Eric Bischoff, does this make Buff Bagwell a more dangerous proposition than ever before?" "MEAN BY GOD GENE! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Did somebody tell me the Horsemen would be having a party in BALTIMORE MARYLAAAAAND!? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Could it be that the greatest WCW World Heavyweight Champion of them all, slick Ric himself is here in Baltimore?! You know Gene, you may think that I have my eye on a greater prize than Buff Bagwell. But brother, I know what I need to do. I need to beat Bagwell to a pulp to send a message to Eric Bischoff. You see Bischoff, you low down son of a [BEEP] coward, you cheat, you fraud... you can't keep sending out boys to do a man's job. At the end of the day pal, if you want to fire me, if you want to out me, if you want to ruin the Horsemen, you need to go for the man himself. You see Bischoff, to be the man... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... you've gotta beat the man! And I am... THE man! Buff Bagwell, tonight boy, you find out what your mother loved. You find out why Space Mountain still has the longest line in the park, pal. You find out why they call slick Ric the dirtiest player in the game. Tonight, you find out that... Diamonds are forever... and so is RIC FLAIR!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Tonight, when you walk that aisle, we go to ... SCHOOL! You're going one on one with a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheelin dealing son of a gun... You're going one on one... with a legend. Tonight Bagwell, ... you go to school! Bagwell, you won't be the first man sent into the dirty work, and you won't be the last. But you'll return down the aisle.... just like the rest of them... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] One severely limited wrestler against one ageing wrestler. Should be a classic...? I often wonder how Bagwell's career would have turned out if he didn't sign over to the nWo a couple of years ago, my suspicion is it would have gone down the toilet. Sometimes you shouldn't mess with progress.... This wasn't a particularly long bout, it was more a case of Bagwell trying a few cheap shots early on, but ultimately being taken to school by Flair who dominated, ending it with a crisp figure four leg lock. I always think Flair's best work involves a face flop, a roll over the top rope, a few low blows, some chest slapping, and some strutting, but here he was preoccupied with owning Bagwell so much that the best of Flair wasn't really evident. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Ric Flair[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1-1.jpg[/IMG] Backstage, Kimberly Page is talking to one of the Nitro Girls, when Rey Mysterio pops up behind her. "What do you want?" She asks, as she folds her arms dismissively. "I'd say you... But I don't want none of the leftovers..." She looks gobsmacked, offended. "Listen honey, you wouldn't get a..." "No you listen Kim, and listen real good. Tonight, your husband Diamond Dallas Page is going to go down. He's going to go down nice and hard...." Rey begins to walk away, before turning back... "Just like you are known to do..!" .... 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair rounds the gorilla position and starts strutting, as our cameras zoom in on him... "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Bischoff... PAL! To be the man, you've gotta beat the man, pal. And I'm right here. I'm coming after ya, pal!" [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page v Rey Mysterio Jr[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Rey has moved enormously up the mainstream ratings over the past 12-18 months off the back of some excellent feuds with the likes of Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho. The diminutive latino superstar often plays the classic 'David' in the David V Goliath story, and despite the same story being told most nights he lights it up like few others. Diamond Dallas Page would go down in history as one of the most blandest wrestlers on the planet in terms of movesets, in terms of physiques he's not a wrestling legend as such. But through it all, DDP understands crowds, he understands psychology, he understands how to put a match together to make anything believable. He could have you believe that it'd be impossible for him to beat a man like the Giant, and then plant him for the pinfall and have you eat it out of the palm of his hand. That was the main reason I liked this particular match. It was 14 minutes of a lot of different changes in tempo. DDP gave Rey short 'octane' spaces to light it up, but used the mat to keep the smaller man down to drive him out of the match. This forced the pro-Rey crowd to really get heated and get in behind him, and Rey time and time again would mount a mini comeback, only to be thwarted by the experienced Page. Diamond Dallas started to gain some real ascendency, and there appeared no way out, as DDP sent Rey into the ropes, Rey dove between his legs, came back but DDP swivelled around and caught Rey for the Diamond Cu.. No, Rey slipped out of the predicament. DDP was off balance and Rey went to the ropes quickly and launched off the middle rope with a springboard ax kick to the back of the head. DDP got up groggy, and Rey sprang about from the middle rope, but was caught. DDP went to get Rey in the grip for the Diamond Cutter, but Rey wriggled out, hit the ropes and hit a stunning drop kick straight to DDP's head on return. Rey quickly walked to the ropes, but sold a prestanding knee injury as he slowly climbed up... He launched an audacious moonsault, but DDP raised his knees. Rey clutched at his ribs as DDP got up having been playing possum, DDP went for it again, but Rey grabbed him by the hair and pulled him through for an inside cradle. DDP tried valiantly, but Rey had it locked in perfectly, and he got the pinfall! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner Rey Mysterio Jr[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG] We caught some replays of the ending to the match, before we caught the elongated entrance of Bill Goldberg. While Goldberg was prancing around, I went and took a leak... I don't suspect I missed much. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]'Macho Man' Randy Savage v Bill Goldberg[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Savage has of course claimed that Bill Goldberg is as untrustworthy as Hogan himself. In fact, Savage believes that Goldberg is the second coming of Hogan. Indeed, there a number of similar traits in that Hogan and Goldberg are both probably the most over faces of their generations, interspersed from a number of dominant victories. Goldberg strutted into the ring and spat, yummy. He indicated to go straight for the spear, but Savage was too wiley and Goldberg backed out of it. This set the tone that Goldberg would have to be at his innovative best to take down Savage. Savage was using all the tricks of the madness textbook, the rake to the eyes, the crippling low blow, the back rake, all designed to slow down Goldberg. Methodically he began working over Goldberg's lower back. The attack was relentless, a lot of short sharp holds designed to stretch the back and abdomen area. It was classic old school wrestling. He then went to work on the shoulders of Goldberg. You could see Goldberg clench up in agony as the meat was starting to tear from the bones around the shoulders. The plan was extremely well thought out, you could see Savage's mind actively haunt Goldberg. Goldberg's only point of return was quick sharp take downs. Knowing his back and shoulder joints were crippled, he attempted to make use of his ankle lock manouver that he has gradually brought into his game. But everytime he went to the well Savage was able to break the hold by reaching the ropes. Savage only made the torment worse for Goldberg when he took him outside. Goldberg tried to keep control of the situation but the rookie mistake in following a dangerous man like Savage outside left him exposed. Savage repeatedly whipped Goldberg into the steel guardrails and used the steel ring post as to wrap his right arm around it. Back into the ring they went and Savage took Goldberg down with a couple of high vertical suplexes. The experienced man showed amazing power to lift up the well built rookie and plant him with authority. He twirled his finger to the crowd and went to the top rope. After twirling his fingers once more, he started to fly, but Goldberg moved out of the way at the last second and Savage caught the mat flush. Savage's eyes were wide open in despair, as Goldberg groggily got to his feet. Savage withered in pain before slowly getting up, without realising where Goldberg was. Goldberg went for the spear, but his lower back just gave way. Savage began to smile as Goldberg slumped to his knee beside him, but as Savage taunted a little too long, Goldberg innovated, and took Savage from behind in a dragon sleeper! Savage was caught well and truly, and with fear in his eyes as the oxygen began to cut out he waved his arms frantically to submit. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Bill Goldberg[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG] After watching a stunned Randy Savage roll out of the ring and shake the cobwebs, he is passed down the aisle by the one, the only... ooh good golly gosh, Michael Buffer. The big cheeses at the commentary table briefly talk up Goldberg's god like courage, like he's your Venus, he's your fire, your desire, before they cut to Michael Buble, I mean Michael Buffer. "Ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, we are going to witness the ultimate showdown between power and grace, for the Heavyweight.. Championship of the World! Are you ready? Wrestling fans... Are you reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddyyy? For the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world, from the pride of Maryland, Baltimore, ladies and gentlemen, leeeetttttttttss get REAAAAAAAAAADY TO RUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW World Heavyweight Championship 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) the Giant[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Early on, the two wrestlers shadow circled the ring before finally tying it up in the centre. Jericho reluctantly released from the collar and elbow hook up and went straight to the outside, and started complaining to referee Charles Robinson of a hair pull. As Robinson chastised the Giant, Jericho came back into the ring from behind a distracted Giant and pearl harboured his head. Jericho was extremely physical, punching the head of Giant relentlessly. He pleaded with Charles Robinson that the wailing fists were infact open handed, not closed hand punches. Robinson would have none of it, as he argued with Jericho. The Giant got up and snarled, and as Robinson moved out of the way Jericho raced in and copped a massive big boot straight to the head, before roaring to the crowd and showing off his gigantic right hand. For the next several minutes we watched a Tom and Jerry type presentation. The cat constantly chasing the mouse who would just escape in the nick of time. You could see the anguish on Jericho's face, you could see the desperation in wondering what the hell he'd got himself into. After 8 minutes of pummeling, and various outside breaks from Jericho to regain his composure, he attempted to leave the ringside area, again complaining of a hair pull. But as he walked towards the back, Ric Flair and Chris Benoit walked down the ramp and stopped his egress. Benoit grabbed Jericho by the head and rolled him back into the ring, into the waiting grip of the Giant. Jericho looked devastated and upset at the Horsemen's interference, but he managed to regain his composure eventually and in intermittent periods began to get in some offence of his own. He kept breaking the Giant's momentum by getting to the outside, and then started to speed up the tempo of the match by dancing around the ring. The Giant held a position of centrality in the ring, as Jericho refused to allow himself to be caught in the corners. It was almost like pantomime daring the Giant to come outside of his comfort zone, and when eventually he did, Jericho was able to spring off the ropes and use the velocity generated to start to make the big man stumble. Finally after four big collisions in the centre of the ring, the big man dropped to one knee. This represented the first time in nearly ten minutes since the start of the bout that he had dropped. Usually Jericho would be conceited and would be celebrating this achievement. But he knew already the strength of the Giant first hand and was not willing to give up his advantage. He kept the big man down, kept working on the big redwood tree trunks so that the big man would struggle with his balance, the all important balance, when he eventually did regain ascendency. Jericho took the Giant down one more time with a well planted DDT delivered from a springboard position. Jericho this time did celebrate. He felt the match was over, how wrong he was. The Giant merely rose, slowly, methodically, with his right palm open. Jericho turned around and went straight into it, but he quickly raked the right eye of the Giant. The Giant went to one knee as Jericho pointed to Chris Benoit at ringside, distracting Charles Robinson. Jericho went to the opposite corner and undid the top turnbuckle pad. The Giant slowly got up, bewildered, and Jericho led him to the corner, and thrust his big head into the exposed turnbuckle. The Giant was cut open, and blood began to pour. It was impossible for him to see, and Jericho began spot attacking him so that the Giant had no ability to defend himself. Charles Robinson told the Giant he was going to call the match off, but the Giant thrust Robinson to the ground. Robinson went down like a bag of cement. Jericho ran to the outside and grabbed a steel chair. He came back into the ring and went to smash it over the head of the Giant, but the Giant saw him this time and caught him... CHOKESLAM! Down Jericho went. The Giant covered, but as the crowd counted to infinity, Robinson was out. He slowly came to, and began counting slowly....1............2...........thrr...NO! Jericho got his shoulder up. The Giant began to argue with Charles Robinson who threatened to throw this out for a disqualification, Jericho raced to the opposite side of the ring and hit a drop kick to the back of the Giant's right knee. With the Giant buckling, Jericho dropped to the mat and pulled out something from his tights and put it on his right hand. He dropped a clenched fist from behind to the middrift of the Giant who squeeled and dropped to the mat. With the Giant clutching for air from the devastation to the groin, Jericho covered...1.......2....... NO! The Giant got his arm up. Jericho could not believe it. The match ensued backwards and forth for another five minutes before the defining sequence of events occured. With Jericho again pointing out Benoit and Flair, he again grabbed a steel chair. He wedged it between the top and middle turnbuckle. Finally, as Robinson turned around Jericho clipped him ... accidentally of course... from behind, and Robinson's head hit the mat hard. With Robinson out again, Jericho grabbed the vision impaired Giant by the head and rammed his head into the steel chair. The Giant slumped to one knee, and Jericho swung hard and true over the head of the Giant. The Giant stumbled back up again, as Jericho placed the chair in the middle of the ring. He went to the top rope... and BULLDOGGED the Giant into the chair head first! Referee Mickey Jay ran into the ring as Jericho covered...1....2....3! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and still WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/rhea-1-1-1.jpg[/IMG] As the Giant lay dazed in the middle of the ring, Jericho looked up in bewilderment as he grabbed angrily the World Heavyweight Championship from the referee. He thrust it up high and true, as Benoit and Flair shook their head at the tactics used by Chris Jericho. Before the broadcast ended, we cut straight to the carlot, where Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and Sting were embroiled in a massive fist fight, before Baltimore Police began assembling and dismantling the rabid pair who were out to end each other then and there!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis (c) v Juventud Guerrera Hector Garza v Curry Man WCW Television Championship: 'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c) v Yuji Nagata 'The Total Package' Lex Luger v Scott 'Flash' Norton Chavo Guerrero Jr v 'K-Dawg' Konnan WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v Raven Bill Goldberg v 'Lord' Steven Regal WCW World Heavyweight Championship Rematch: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v The Giant
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WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] v Juventud Guerrera Hector Garza v [B]Curry Man[/B] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v Yuji Nagata 'The Total Package' Lex Luger v [B]Scott 'Flash' Norton[/B] [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] v 'K-Dawg' Konnan WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Raven [B]Bill Goldberg [/B]v 'Lord' Steven Regal WCW World Heavyweight Championship Rematch: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v [B]The Giant[/B]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/theschavionereport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Hello fans, and welcome to the greatest wrestling report on the face of the planet, the Schiavone Report, exclusive here to wcw.com and officially Boomer Sooner free! This is of course the official report that deals only with the nitty gritty issues that are affecting our great fans, I will not stoop to the level of others and use this as a promotional tool. Firstly, a big congratulations must be sent to my great colleagues Mark Madden and Jeremy Borash for their outstanding internet broadcast on wcw.com, which is also the exclusive home of the Ryder Report. Also, how right was 'Mean' Gene Okerlund with the WCW Hotline? Fans who shelled out a minimum charge of $4.99 were informed in the past week that tensions had risen between the Dancing Fools, West Hollywood Blondes and of course Davey Boy and Neidhart and Los Vengadores. What ensued was a truly great spectacle at the Great American Bash. Cudos to you, Gene, I'd like to toast you and ensure that fans are getting your valuable insider knowledge for such a criminally low price. Next on the agenda, our great fans from Kansas City and Indianapolis, I want to send out a special mention to you guys who have the chance of being at a WCW house show in the next week. Tickets through your local ticketing agents, check your local guides, but boy, I can't wait to be back in those great cities. We always love being back in the great state of Kansas, so get on down to the arena and see your favourite wrestler be it Doc Dean, Ciclope or Super Calo who are scheduled to appear. Perhaps if you are lucky you may even get to see legends of this sport like the next big thing, Wrath. At the beginning of our broadcast last night, 'Professor' Mike Tenay spoke of some of the amazing history of the Great American Bash. What a joy it was to hear Mike talk about some of the great moments, including Wargames and of course one of my personal favourite moments where Dusty Rhodes, my broadcast colleague, took on Tully Blanchard of the Four Horsemen for the NWA Television Championship. You know, the Four Horsemen you see in front of you today are far different from the scally wags of yesteryear. While some things never change like the all night partying and Ric Flair, the degree to which a Horsemen would go to destroy a mans career for his title was unparalleled. The only things that matches it nowadays is the nWo itself, the very embodiment of which the Horsemen are trying to take down. Speaking of 1998, is everybody out there loving the music scene? I know the WCW Board of Directors are considering some musical performances down the track and it's given me as the Leader of Broadcast to sample a lot of good music. One thing I don't like at the moment, and I personally think will die a very quick death, is Green Day. Good Riddance is not a good song from where I'm sitting. Meanwhile, from what's hot right now I predict huge futures for Shawn Mullins, Jennifer Paige and Billie. One band I think that would really funk out for WCW would be Aqua. 1998 is indeed a year of great hits. Well fans, I hope that's given you a massive insight into the world of professional wrestling. I look forward to hearing your emails at [email]WEdonotreply@wcw.com[/email] . Yours Truly, TS[/QUOTE] ....
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WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis [/B](c) v Juventud Guerrera Hector Garza v [B]Curry Man[/B] WCW Television Championship: 'Your Olympic Hero' [B]Kurt Angle[/B] (c) v Yuji Nagata 'The Total Package'[B] Lex Luger[/B] v Scott 'Flash' Norton Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan[/B] WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine'[B] Chris Benoit [/B](c) v Raven [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v 'Lord' Steven Regal WCW World Heavyweight Championship Rematch: 'Lionheart' [B]Chris Jericho[/B] (c) v The Giant
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Never thought a dynasty on here would remind me of my middle school dances much like an Aqua reference! Kudos. I don't mind the write ups the way they were posted last show, I enjoyed every bit of it. WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis[/B] (c) v Juventud Guerrera Hector Garza v [B]Curry Man[/B] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v Yuji Nagata [B]'The Total Package' Lex Luger[/B] v Scott 'Flash' Norton Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan[/B] WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Raven [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v 'Lord' Steven Regal WCW World Heavyweight Championship Rematch: [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] (c) v The Giant
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I just gotta say . . . I LOVE this diary. If WcW was half this good (lets face it folks, we all watched it for the star-power alone), the WWE wouldnt be around today to tell the story. Glad to see ya back dude. =] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] v Juventud Guerrera - Tough call here. Hector Garza v [B]Curry Man[/B] - YES WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v Yuji Nagata [B]'The Total Package' Lex Luger[/B] v Scott 'Flash' Norton Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan[/B] WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Raven - Though I personally would love to see Raven win the title. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v 'Lord' Steven Regal - . . . and Regal to beat Goldberg lol WCW World Heavyweight Championship Rematch: [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] (c) v The Giant
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WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] v Juventud Guerrera Hector Garza v [B]Curry Man[/B] [I]He's hot! He's spicy! He tastes great![/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v Yuji Nagata [I]Oh, it's true! It's true![/I] 'The Total Package' Lex Luger v [B]Scott 'Flash' Norton[/B] [I]Surprise win![/I] Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan[/B] WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Raven [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v 'Lord' Steven Regal WCW World Heavyweight Championship Rematch: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v [B]The Giant[/B] [I]By DQ or countout. With Jericho keeping the belt.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Tonight's Celeb-O-Meter is to commemorate a man who has put us under the pump as far flu vaccinations, covering our mouths, making sure we use soap etc etc... He's a man who has truly brought the world's health to a steaming pile of ... well. Tonight, I give you the Celeb-O-Meter Rating as: [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][/QUOTE] At the top of the show, we cut to the entrance to the arena, where 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, the Outsiders of the nWo, exit their limousine and move towards the entrance. They look extremely angry for some reason, despite last night claiming a big win over a disjointed Sting and Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. A kid comes up to Scott Hall and asks for an autograph, but Hall sneers and moves on with Nash into the arena. .... We cut next to Bret 'The Hitman' Hart's dressing room. He is sitting on a wooden bench in his black leather jacket. He tilts his head to the side to crack out the pains in his neck from last night. He shakes his head in disbelief at what happened last night. ..... As we pan out around a sold arena, the commentators Tony Schiavone, Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and 'Iron' Mike Tenay discuss last night's calamity filled night for the team of Sting and Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. As we pan out around the arena we can see the solitary warrior himself Sting sitting in the rafters, peering out over the arena with his bat in hand, ready to pounce. The commentators summise that perhaps now the nWo is not Sting's solitary focus and claim that the dissension in the WCW camp caused last night may be the final nail in the WCW coffin. "And what about last night's World Heavyweight Championship match?" Tony Schiavone asks. "Well Tony, last night you had 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho stand his ground and barely... barely get up over the Giant to retain the Championship," Tenay explains. "The circumstances surrounding that win have caused much debate in the WCW ranks, and as such earlier today the WCW Board of Directors met for an extraordinary board meeting and have instigated the rematch clause ... right here, tonight! The Giant will get another shot at Chris Jericho." .... With that said, the clapping of the hooves is heard around the arena, and the Four Horsemen make their way down to ringside. The Richmond Coliseum crowd are euphorically behind the Horsemen. Their history is long and distinguished, having filled this particular part of the world with many great, and also many dubious memories. Two of the forefathers, 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson and 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair lead down the new generation of Horsemen in WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit, Bill Goldberg and 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko. Once in the ring, Goldberg takes a microphone from David Penzer as Flair shouts to the arena's crowd. "I made a promise, Randy Savage, pal, you would be next! But last night, you inflicted damage on me. You really put my lower back in for a world of hurt. It was probably the most pain I have endured in my entire wrestling career, actually, probably my entire sporting career. But despite it all, the WCW Board of Directors have pencilled me in for action tonight against 'Lord' Steven Regal, and frankly, this is Horsemen territory! So Regal... YOU'RE NEXT!" Goldberg passes the microphone to Ric Flair, who embraces Goldberg and slaps him on the back. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Did somebody tell me that the Four Horsemen would be having a party in Richmond, VIRGGINNNIAAAA?!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Is it true? Eric Bischoff! Eric Bischoff! You low down coward! You said to me kill the Horsemen! Kill the Horsemen? You want me to kill the Horsemen in a town like Richmond? Pal, this town is Horsemen country! So I've got a question for you, Eric. You want to fire me? Fine, fire me, I'm already fired... but pal, don't send a boy to do a man's work. If you want me so bad, pal, I'm right here. I'm right here. Right here, WOOOOOOO...." Flair rips off his Armani jacket and drops it to the mat, struts, and then proceeds to give it an elbow drop... "I'm RIGHT HERE! In Richmond! On Nitro! One on one pal, how about it? Or are you going to keep running? Well I'll tell you what Eric, you can run as far and wide as you like pal, but sooner or later, you will meet your maker. I will get you... and I can tell you, it won't be the Horsemen I will kill! Of all the snakes I've encountered like Jim Herd, you pal are the worst. You are a low life, you are a coward, you are a cheat. This is the house... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... the Horsemen built, so if you are man, walk the aisle... But just remember, diamonds are forever, and like diamonds, the Horsemen will never die! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" As the Horsemen embrace in the ring and start dispersing to the back, we cut to the back where Eric Bischoff is in his office, he gulps knowing that sooner or later, he will indeed have to face up to his arch enemy. .... [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Psicosis (c) v Juventud Guerrera[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] One of the titles that wasn't on offer last night was the Cruiserweight title. Yet here it is on Nitro. A very quick paced opening match, perhaps losing some of the finer points as sometimes these high spot matches do, but highly entertaining none the less. Juventud put it to Psicosis, but Psicosis the innovator amongst the cruisers was able to over balance Juvi as he aimed for the Juvi Driver and instead hit the Juvi Driver on Juventud for the victory. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Psicosis who is still WCW Cruiserweight Champion[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-2.png[/IMG][/QUOTE] As the Horsemen wind the corner back towards their dressing room, another kid is backstage looking for an autograph. 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko splits off from the group and duly obliges... but... WHAM! Just as Malenko completes his name, he cops a stiff forearm to the back of the head and hits the concrete hard. As our cameras shuffle around to get clarity, we can see the face of Eddie Guerrero smiling. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Curry Man v Hector Garza[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] He's hot, he's spicey, tastes great! This was another fairly quickly paced match, which Curry Man managed to grab an upset victory with the Spice Rack. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Curry Man[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-2.png[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund stands by with Harlem Heat. "Well I thank you guys. Remember, on my hotline tonight information regarding a major superstar who is in negotiations with WCW. Now, my attention now is with Harlem Heat, the WCW World Tag Team Champions. After holding firm last night against the talented team of Kanyon and Saturn, the Extreme Innovators, you have an important announcement to make. Booker?" "Sucka, last night we proved for once and for all who the greatest tag team of all time is. We've gone through them all sucka... Steiners, those fruit booties from the nWo, there's nothing left for us to achieve. There's no one left for us to..." Just then, 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart walk onto the scene with Matilda in tow. "What's this old chum?" Davey Boy asks. "Are you saying by grace that there is no competition? Did you hear that old boy, Jim?" Neidhart grabs his goattee and begins laughing manaically. "Yeah baby!" "That's what I thought, Jim. Excuse me manners Booker T, but you two have yet to go through... us. So old boys, I think there is something left to prove... if you're brave enough. Come on Matilda, time for a brush..." Davey Boy and Neidhart walk off, with Davey Boy almost insanely talking to the Bulldog. Harlem Heat sneer as they walk off. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Television Championship 'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c) v Yuji Nagata[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Another of the nWo Japan-ites here. Angle has gone through the lot of them lately. And it continued tonight in a short, sharp match, ending the match with his Olympic Slam. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner and still WCW Television Champion, Kurt Angle[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][/QUOTE] We cut backstage where the Dancing Fools, Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright are in their dressing room, looking furious. "Unt not happy last night. Zey cost us unt it vill not happen again," Wright says. "Not happy? They killed the groove. It was murder on the dance floor Alex. Those two were too busy... loving each other," Disco says with a cringe, "Unt you know you right. They should have been loving us..." "Yes that's righ... NO! NO! NO! Alex, you really need to sharpen up on your English..!" Disco shakes his head and walks off, leaving Alex Wright dumbfounded. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Scott 'Flash' Norton v 'Total Package' Lex Luger[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Norton come down to ringside with Brian Adams who caused a constant distraction, but still, even with Norton's power he lacked the finesse to get away Luger. Luger ended up clotheslining Adams out of the ring and putting Norton up for the Torture Rack. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Lex Luger[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][/QUOTE] Post match, as Norton and Adams rolled out of the ring and walked to the back, they were ambushed from behind! Hall and Nash clocked them with powerful clotheslines, and then sent them into the unforgiving steel guardrails. As they attempted to crawl away, Hall took a microphone. "Hey...Hey Yo. Last night, you two, you were our insurance. You were supposed to manhandle Sting and Bret Hart. You were supposed to be one of us. But last night, like it seems forever, you underperformed.... Kev..." "Big Sexy in da houuuusssssseeee! You see boys, the nWo was never meant to be a pensioners club, it was never meant to be a freebies club. The nWo is the elite. We've had a lot of problems lately, Hogan's gone A-WOL, Savage... well, he did what Savage does best. Yet when I look around the nWo dressing room, despite it all, I still look at Hennig, I look at Konnan, I look at Bagwell, I look at Page and Jericho and I see success in their eyes. I see pride. I see dedication to the cause. You two chumps? I see free-loaders. So as of now... you are OUT of the New World Order! The nWo is for life boys, but only if you're up to it..." "And if you chicos try to jump us, we'll knock you down so low, down there..." "Down where, Scott?" "You know where, Kev." .... Backstage, in the Steiners dressing room, they are laughing. "Rick, man did you see those two goofs get pasted last night?" "Oh yeah man, those dogs went down cheaper than a $2..." Just then, Kanyon and Saturn walk into their dressing room. "Who better dan Kanyon?" Kanyon asks. "Whats this I hear of you two punks criticising us?" "You heard us," Rick Steiner says as he jaws up to Kanyon. "Watch your step fellas, you don't want to feel the extreme innovation of this. The answer, there's nothing better.." "Oh yeah?" Steiner says as he flexes his right bicep. "Every lady knows there's nothing finer than a Steiner." "We're not ladies, boys, we prefer to settle the score in the ring," Saturn says. "So quit the talking, we're open to any challenge anytime...." .... Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund has standing by with him 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, with his extremely beautiful wife Kimberly. "Alright guys, I have wi..." "No! No! No you listen here Gene, you shut your mouth, and you listen up," Page interrupts. "Last night, that little punk Mysterio, he was supposed to feel the ....BANG! Last night it was all supposed to be jacked up! Jacked up! I've just heard what Kev and Scott have had to do, and bro, I feel I let you boys down too. You see, last night was supposed to be symbolic. Every man remembers when Kev and Scott lawn darted Rey Mysterio Jr into the side of a production truck. It's when people sat up and said this is for real... this is getting REAL jacked up! It was the symbol of the revolution. But,.... BUT! As bad as I feel about last night, I can tell you one person who I think should feel worse than me. You see, last night, someone took on Bill Goldberg... at their own will. Madness. Randy Savage, madness. Randy, the more things change, the more things remain the same. You're still the same stupid son of a [BEEP]... And while we have the situation with Scott Norton and Brian Adams, I'd like to remind you that all this anarchy within my team, the nWo, started when you had a power craving. When you went nuts. THAT's when things got REAL jacked up. So I sat back last night and laughed looking at you... and to think, you nearly got him too. Just remember pal, I've still got your number, and I've still got one of these bad boys in the locker for you. What am I talking about? Bada-bing...Bada-bang...BADA-BOOM!" [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Chavo Guerrero Jr v 'K-Dawg' Konnan[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] A latino extravaganza and a chance for Konnan to prove his worth to the nWo. You could see there was an extra steel of intensity in his eye tonight, and he largely held control over Chavo. But Chavo began mounting a fast paced comeback, and headed to the top rope for the Tornado DDT, bjut just before he could fly, Curt Hennig raced to ringside and tapped him off balance.. Chavo slipped and fell into the arms of Konnan, who bodyslammed him and put him into the Tequila Sunrise. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Konnan[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][/QUOTE] As Konnan and Curt Hennig give themselves the nWo sign, little Rey Mysterio Jr runs down to ringside, and as the crowd pops for him, the nWo pair realise what is coming and race out of the ring. Rey stays in the ring to check over Chavo, but also keeps a vengeful eye on Konnan and Hennig. A graphic comes up on the screen to announce that tonight, on Pipers Den will be Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B]WCW United States Championship 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v Raven[/B][/SIZE] This was the best match of the night, I thought. It was lovingly given longer to develop than most of the other shorter matches on Nitro. Ravens ability to get outside the ring and use the elements always makes him a very dangerous customer, and Benoit took some savage blows to the head. But it seemed whenever Raven would take advantage of the carnage on the outside, Benoit would find a way at the penultimate moment to turn the tide and stop Raven's momentum. After some crisp chest slaps, Benoit started to get control, and when Raven attempted to get out of the ring to get air back into his lungs, he was blocked by Billy Kidman who jumped up on the apron and slapped his former mentor straight across the jaw. The go home sequence was a series of multiple German Suplexes, followed by the Diving Headbutt, followed by the Crippler Crossface. Raven passed out in the move... smiling. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and still WCW United States Champion, Chris Benoit[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-2.png[/IMG][/QUOTE] The talking heads recapped Kidman's interference, and how it cost Raven dearly in this match, taking away his ability to cheat and scrap on the outside and ultimately levelling the playing field. .... As we come back from the break, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart's theme music is playing through the arena, and in the ring sitting on one of two stools is the fiery Scotsman himself, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. Hart gives his pair of sunglasses to a lucky kid at ringside, before taking a microphone and seating up next to Piper. "Aha.. Great to have you here, Bret," Piper says. "Gosh, we go back a long way, don't we? Infact, you may be one of the few guys who was genuinely good enough to beat me. Do you remember Bret? An epic! An absolute epic!" Bret grins, before focussing on Piper again. "Now Bret, I want to take you back to last night. The Great American Bash. And the shot heard all around the world. Of course, I speak of Sting's accidental elbow to your head, which angered you so much that you left your team-mate to his own devices..." "Accidental? Nothing was accidental last night Roddy. Nothing. We agreed to go to the ring and leave it all out there. We agreed that last night, collectively we would be the Excellence of Execution. Do you know what that means, Roddy? It means we have ultimate control over our actions. Which means we take responsibility for our actions, and we accept the consequences. I've heard it all, accidental, non intentional... and I don't believe any of it. You see Roddy, as I sit here, all I can think is that Sting started to get pretentious about me behind here in the WCW, about me assuming his mantle... You see, there used to be one top dog here in the WCW, and it was Sti..." Just then, the crowd starts popping big time as Sting drops to the ring from the rafters. He disengages from his connections, and walks into the ring. His bat is down at his side, before he raises it in the direction of Bret Hart to get him to back off a bit. "Well well well, look what the Rowdy Pied Piper brought to the ring? Sting, I've got to ask you, last night, did you intend to elbow Bret Hart to the head?" Sting stands there emotionless, you can see it in his eyes that he did not. But he does not say the words, merely he drops the bat and walks out of the ring, and towards the back. "Well I guess that answers it," Piper adds. "Quite cle..." "It answers nothing! He's got a mouth, doesn't he?" "Bret... Bret... Come on Bret... It's not meant to be like this..." "Like what? Like what? I won't tolerate being screwed Roddy, not by Sting, not by those up north, not by nobody..." Hart drops the microphone and storms his way to the back. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Bill Goldberg v 'Lord' Steven Regal[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Steven Regal was wrestling quite stiff tonight, almost dangerously. That on top of Bill Goldberg having a chronic lower back problem started to make this a genuine contest. Goldberg looked frustrated, and Regal was grinning. Even the talking heads were a little confused. Goldberg looked to use the spear after a short period of domination but he pulled out just before contact. Regal laughed and laughed a clubbing blow to his lower back. Regal started to take control of the match, but at one point he stopped to bow to the audience, and Goldberg found his way back to his feet. Regal came charging in with an elbow to the head, but Goldberg ducked it, went behind Regal and put on the Dragon Sleeper once more! Regal had no choice but to submit. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Bill Goldberg[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-1.png[/IMG][/QUOTE] [I]The following announcement - has been paid for the New World Order[/I] A black and white montage video segment highlights Eric Bischoff kicking a boxing bag in karate attire in a closed off gym. The shots are quite strong from Bischoff who has a lot of experience in martial arts. "You want me Flair?" Bischoff kicks the bag once more. "Well do ya, punk?" He says as he kicks once more. The bag shakes as he talks towards the camera. "I'll tell you what Flair, you talk about cowards? Look at me, I'm half your weight dripping wet. You want to ruin your career by being beaten by me, Ric? Go ahead, make my day. Would a coward beat on a poor defenseless man... with a black belt... like me? Come on Ric, we all know who the true coward is.... And it's not me and that's just toooooo sweeeeeeet!" [I]The preceeding announcement has been paid for by the New World Order[/I] [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW World Heavyweight Championship 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v The Giant[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] You could see Jericho looking around in fear as the Giant stalked his way to the ring. You could see Jerichos' mind ticking over time about how to get out of this conundrum. The Giant started thumping on Jericho, but Jericho still held his own using the perimeter of the ring to drag the Giant around and try and tire him out. But the Giant's physicality is unparalleled, and soon the hit was on... an nWo hit. Nash, Hall, Konnan, Bagwell, DDP, Vincent were out in quick force to attack the Giant, and cause the disqualification. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner by disqualification, the Giant, but still WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/porkypig_72dpi236x300pxl256c-2-1-2.png[/IMG][/QUOTE] As 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho picks up a steel chair, with Hall and Nash and Bagwell and Page holding the big man prone, 'Total Package' Lex Luger runs into the run and the nWo disperses in double time! Jericho in particular looks aggrieved at Luger's presence.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Chavo Guerrero Jr v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko Dancing Fools ('Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright and Disco Inferno) v Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) The Outsiders v Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis (c) v Billy Kidman WCW Television Championship: 'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c) v 'The Cat' Ernest Miller Hector Garza v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v Sting and 'Total Package' Lex Luger
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[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;648248]WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] v Juventud Guerrera Hector Garza v [B]Curry Man[/B] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v Yuji Nagata 'The Total Package' Lex Luger v [B]Scott 'Flash' Norton[/B] [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] v 'K-Dawg' Konnan WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Raven [B]Bill Goldberg [/B]v 'Lord' Steven Regal WCW World Heavyweight Championship Rematch: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v [B]The Giant[/B][/QUOTE] Thanks heaps for the tips mate [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;648610]WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis [/B](c) v Juventud Guerrera Hector Garza v [B]Curry Man[/B] WCW Television Championship: 'Your Olympic Hero' [B]Kurt Angle[/B] (c) v Yuji Nagata 'The Total Package'[B] Lex Luger[/B] v Scott 'Flash' Norton Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan[/B] WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine'[B] Chris Benoit [/B](c) v Raven [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v 'Lord' Steven Regal WCW World Heavyweight Championship Rematch: 'Lionheart' [B]Chris Jericho[/B] (c) v The Giant[/QUOTE] Ditto, appreciate it. [QUOTE=randomfreeze;648625]Never thought a dynasty on here would remind me of my middle school dances much like an Aqua reference! Kudos. I don't mind the write ups the way they were posted last show, I enjoyed every bit of it. WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis[/B] (c) v Juventud Guerrera Hector Garza v [B]Curry Man[/B] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v Yuji Nagata [B]'The Total Package' Lex Luger[/B] v Scott 'Flash' Norton Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan[/B] WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Raven [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v 'Lord' Steven Regal WCW World Heavyweight Championship Rematch: [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] (c) v The Giant[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback too... Aqua, remember, Dr Jones and Barbie Girl... memories, I know how you feel brother. [QUOTE=JudgeJuryExecutioner;648659]I just gotta say . . . I LOVE this diary. If WcW was half this good (lets face it folks, we all watched it for the star-power alone), the WWE wouldnt be around today to tell the story. Glad to see ya back dude. =] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] v Juventud Guerrera - Tough call here. Hector Garza v [B]Curry Man[/B] - YES WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v Yuji Nagata [B]'The Total Package' Lex Luger[/B] v Scott 'Flash' Norton Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan[/B] WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Raven - Though I personally would love to see Raven win the title. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v 'Lord' Steven Regal - . . . and Regal to beat Goldberg lol WCW World Heavyweight Championship Rematch: [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] (c) v The Giant[/QUOTE] Thanks mate, I think you'll like where I go with Raven towards the end of 1998 moreso, but I am trying to make him more revelant than just that Flock dude ;) Thanks for the support and feedback and tips. [QUOTE=angeldelayette;649137]WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] v Juventud Guerrera Hector Garza v [B]Curry Man[/B] [I]He's hot! He's spicy! He tastes great![/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v Yuji Nagata [I]Oh, it's true! It's true![/I] 'The Total Package' Lex Luger v [B]Scott 'Flash' Norton[/B] [I]Surprise win![/I] Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan[/B] WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Raven [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v 'Lord' Steven Regal WCW World Heavyweight Championship Rematch: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v [B]The Giant[/B] [I]By DQ or countout. With Jericho keeping the belt.[/I][/QUOTE] Hey thanks heaps for your support, and of course the tips. You guys giving feedback and tips makes it all worthwhile. I'm trying to get my writing mojo back, at the moment I'm still incredibly busy but I really do like the story and where its going so I'm glad to see its giving enjoyment to others. Cheers!
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[QUOTE=tristram;649430] Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] [B]Dancing Fools ('Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright and Disco Inferno)[/B] v Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) [B]The Outsiders[/B] v Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis [/B](c) v Billy Kidman WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle[/B] (c) v 'The Cat' Ernest Miller Hector Garza v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] v Sting and 'Total Package' Lex Luger[/QUOTE] Still loving it, Tristram. I've got to stop lurking and start posting and, as they say, there's no time like the present. :)
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[B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko Dancing Fools ('Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright and Disco Inferno) v [B]Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr)[/B] [B]The Outsiders[/B] v Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] v Billy Kidman WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle[/B] (c) v 'The Cat' Ernest Miller Hector Garza v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] [B] Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho [/B]v Sting and 'Total Package' Lex Luger
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Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] [I]The Iceman Cometh[/I] Dancing Fools ('Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright and Disco Inferno) v [B]Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr)[/B] [I]Dancing Fools are possibly getting a push but I say go Chairman![/I] [B]The Outsiders[/B] v Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) [I]Is there any doubt?[/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] v Billy Kidman [I]Psicosis continues the winning ways.[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v 'The Cat' Ernest Miller [I]Ernest Miller becomes the first black member of the Dancing Fools![/I] Hector Garza v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] [I]Just got his DVD set in the mail today![/I] [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] v Sting and 'Total Package' Lex Luger [I]All hail the Canadian Connection! The one true Dungeon of Doom![/I]
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Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] Dancing Fools ('Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright and Disco Inferno) v [B]Los Vengadores[/B] ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) [B]The Outsiders[/B] v Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis [/B](c) v Billy Kidman WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle[/B] (c) v 'The Cat' Ernest Miller Hector Garza v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] v Sting and 'Total Package' Lex Luger
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Today's Celeb-O-Meter takes a look into 'today in history'. An interesting piece of history today was when five lads were arrested for conspiracy at a certain hotel complex in Washington DC. Turns out they were doing a bit of... investigating. And who found them out??? [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] [I]The following announcement has been paid for by the New World Order[/I] A grainy black and white clip comes to us from the office of Eric Bischoff. "You know who you're messing with, Flair?" Bischoff asks. Scott Hall walks in, "Chico, you don't want none of this..." Back to Bischoff who is beaming behind his desk. "I'm the payroll... I'm the accountant... I'm the """"booker""""... I'm the.... Boss." The nWo is seen in another clip laughing in support of Bischoff. "You know what that means Flair? I'm in charge. And here's my little exercise in frustration... The figure four... PAL! Consider it... BANNED! God I love this job!" [I]The preceding announcement has been made by the New World Order[/I] Backstage, 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair is watching on a monitor. He shakes his head in disgust, and turns the corner looking for Bischoff's office, but he is jumped immediately by Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell, Curt Hennig and 'K-Dawg' Konnan of the New World Order. They begin pumelling him, but before they can really inflict any damage they hear footsteps and beat a hasty retreat. The saviour, Bill Goldberg! Eric Bischoff is around the corner, and looks down at Flair who is dusting himself off. "Well Ric, looks you tripped over? Are you alright?" Goldberg walks forward and shoulders up and over the top of Bischoff, with a big goofy smile on his face. "What do you want?" Bischoff asks. "Oh, I want nothing, Eric. I just have a question for you..." "Oh let me guess, who's next?" Bischoff says cynically. "No... where's Hogan?" Bischoff seethes as Goldberg and Flair walk off laughing. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Chavo Guerrero Jr v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] A slow, methodical Malenko type match. But despite it being slow, it was still intruiging and offered up a couple of quick high spots from Chavo. The crowd was enjoying it, but just as Malenko looked to be taking control, Eddie Guerrero came down the aisle and pulled Malenko out of the ring. Referee Charles Robinson called for the bell as Eddie Guerrero irish whipped Malenko into the steel steps at ringside. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner via disqualification Dean Malenko[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Eddie Guerrero jumped into the ring and offered his right hand to his nephew with a great big smile on his face. Chavo shook his head in disgust and started pushing Eddie away. "What's the matter esse?" Eddie asked. "You don't get it do you," Chavo responded. "This was a great match, and you ruined it." Chavo shook his head and left the ring, helping Malenko to the back. Eddie looked bemused as we cut away. .... Backstage, Kimberly walks out of the Nitro Girls dressing room and sees 'Macho Man' Randy Savage doing some push ups in a general communal area. "Randy..." She calls out. Savage keeps pushing, ignoring her. "Where are your manners, jerk?" "YEAH, where did I leave them?" "I'll tell you what, tonight... in your match against Hector Garza, you have a special guest referee. D...D....P...." Savage looks angered, as Kimberly leaves him to fume. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Los Vengadores ('Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) v Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright)[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] La Parka is somewhat the new cult figure poster child within WCW. Fans dig him. With reason. The chair shtick is sweet. But tonight they were just slightly off their game, and the Dancing Fools were amping for revenge and duly got it when Disco hit the Chartbuster on Lizmark for the victory. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, Dancing Fools[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, Lodi and Lenny Lane, the West Hollywood Blondes, holding each other's hands and chewing gum are watching the match on a small monitor in the hallowed halls of this arena. [I]The following announcement has been paid for by the New World Order[/I] We cut to a black and white grainy video of the Outsiders at a casino. The Outsiders chips are high... "Number 7 chico," Hall shouts outs. All the chips are placed forward. It lands on number 6... "Table wins," is the call. Scott Hall gets up, and looks angrily at the table attendant. "Hey...Hey Yo," Hall shouts out. "Do you know who I am...?" Nash gets in his way and pushes Hall to back away. "I'm just sick and tired of it Kev, we get hustled here, just like those punks Norton and Adams..." "Don't worry about them dawg, we'll take them down, soon enough..." "Down where?" Hall asks. "You know where. Besides, how much did we lose? $30,000? Who cares, we're in the nWo... we have more mansions than Flair has robes. We have more sports cars than Alex Wright has Rammstein albums... we have more diamonds than Lenny Lane has bite marks on his p.." "Whoa, whoa... Chico, I know where you are going... And I don't like it..." "Don't worry Scott, all I'm saying is, we're in the nWo, Norton and Adams, they aren't. We have the life... they don't..." [I]The preceding announcement has been paid for by the New World Order[/I] [QUOTE][B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v The Outsiders[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] I always considered it a bad sign as a competitor if you were already in the ring before the cameras were... And indeed in this case it was. A job-a-thon... [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, the Outsiders[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] After the match, as 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash Jack-knifed Karagias for good measure and good times, Scott Hall snatched the microphone from David Penzer's grasp. "Hey...Hey Yo. Ya gotta agree that being in Fort Lauderdale in the summer is just TOOOO...." The crowd chants [I]Sweeeeeeeeet[/I] "Now you've probably heard by now that right in nWo central we got a little survey going on. And it's real real simple. You're either with us... or you're against us. So.. how many people here in Fort Lauderdale came to see WCW..." There is a reasonable pop from the crowd. "Yeah yeah... Now. How many people in here at Fort Lauderdale came here to see the..." The crowd chants [I]n....W....o![/I] "Don't worry about a thing, nWo is here to stay!" Hall passes the microphone to Nash. "BIG SEXY IN DA HOOOOOUUUUSSSSSSSEEE! Scott Norton, Brian Adams... You guys broke some basic rules. Some basic rules of survival. You never dawg out your brothers man. Never. You never let down your own blood. And this is what the nWo is. Its a family, a family of revolution. You guys were like brothers to us, but you let us down. You failed to maximise our advantage at the Great American Bash. Yeah, we still won, we still got the job done, because that's the nWo way. But now, its just like Scott just said, you're either with us, or you're against us. Oh, but we get to make the decision. So as of now, you guys... you're on the hitlist. Because when you're in the nWo, its for...." The crowd chant again [I]life![/I] Nash slams the microphone to the crowd, as the Outsiders make their way to the back and we cut to a commercial break. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Psicosis (c) v Billy Kidman[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] This was undoubtedly the match of the night. It was thrills and spills as Billy Kidman lit up the arena. Some argue that sometimes cruiserweight wrestling is just a gigantic spot fest, but the carnage on offer here was brilliant. Inside and outside the ring, fluent and fast. As time ticked by, the crowd became further and further engrossed. It was not sloppy, it was accurate, and the match was ended with a long go home run with many counter-moves that ended with Psicosis hitting a float-over DDT with Kidman's head hitting the mat perfectly. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner and STILL WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Psicosis[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, Bill Goldberg can see a black bandana in the distance, and begins chasing like crazy towards where it is. The bandana rounds a corner and so does Goldb..CRACK! Straight into a steel chair! It was a set up. The bandana wearer was DDP, and Hennig and Konnan were waiting. The nWo are sending some very clear signals tonight. In the ring, the competitors for the next match are already in there. Ernest 'The Cat' Miller grabs a microphone. The crowd begins to boo... "Sit down fat boy! I am a three time world karate champion! But I'm also a nice guy. So you, Kurt Angle... I'm going to turn around and give you five seconds to turn around and leave this ring, otherwise somebody's gonna have to call my momma because I'm gonna whoop your [BEEP]... 1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... fi.." BANG! They never leave, they never seem to take his advice, do they? [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Television Championship 'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle v 'The Cat' Ernest Miller[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Miller is a bit full of himself, and tonight he served only as a mouthpiece and whooping boy for Angle. It was a great display by Angle albeit against average opposition. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner and STILL WCW Television Champion, Kurt Angle[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] Backstage, the absolutely gorgeous Miss Elizabeth is walking with her man 'Macho Man' Randy Savage up towards the gorilla position. Around the corner watching is Kimberly Page, who utters something that rhymes with witch as Miss Elizabeth leads her husband towards the ring. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]'Macho Man' Randy Savage v Hector Garza With Special Guest Referee: 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] DDP used every cheap trick in the book (not the band, the wrestling tactics) to shortcut Savage. Slow counts, pretend sand in the eyes, extreme admonishing of Savage while Garza regained himself. All to no avail though, Savage gave Garza a first hand wrestling exhibition. Finally, as slow as it was, Page had to count to three after Savage executed three flying elbow drops in a row on the poor defenceless Garza. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Randy Savage[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] After the match, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage began getting in the face of 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page. Savage had that wild out of control look in his eye, and he pulled back his fist, but before he released, Page pointed to his referees shirt. Savage turned away, and then clotheslined Page anyway! Page flew over the top rope to the floor, as Savage received a massive pop from the crowd. We cut to 'Total Package' Lex Luger who was walking towards the gorilla position backstage, as the three wise heads at commentary talked up a pivotal main event up next. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][CENTER][B]'Total Package' Lex Luger and Sting v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] The tensions were clear cut, Hart tried to give Sting an opportunity to explain himself, but as is Sting's way he said nothing, letting the innocence of his defenseless response and empty eyes tell the story exactly as it was. Sting is no coward, he's no traitor, and Bret Hart is out of control. Sting's partner tonight was his long time friend Lex Luger. His best pal, a man who took homage to Jericho's treatment of the Giant at the Great American Bash and Monday Nitro, clearly feeling aggrieved that the Giant was denied a genuine opportunity to bring the Championship back to WCW. Luger has spoken on numerous websites about his angst that the belt belongs to the nWo, and about how he saw similarities in the actions laid on the Giant as he saw in 1997 against himself when he had a brief five day reign as Champion. This was just an out and out brawl. If you wanted to see a wrestling exhibition you were going to be disappointed. It was just a match where there was some anger, so many reasons for retribution and vindication, a match full of vengeance. Closed fists, eye rakes, back rakes, the whole gambit was on offer particularly from Hart and Jericho. Is this a sign that Hart is perhaps turning heel? Are some of the rumours true that he will go nWo? God, lets hope not. Although, to be fair there would be some humour in the fact he'd basically be taking Hogan's spot. After 9 minutes of in ring carnage, the action spilled over to the outside, and despite Mickey Jay imploring the wrestlers to get back in the ring, his ten count would not affect them in any way shape of form and he had no option but to call an end to this match. Despite the lack of actual technical wrestling on display, no fan left this arena disappointed with what they saw. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] No result, double count out[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/gump-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] As the fighting ensued, the clicking of hooves was heard on the PA system, and walking out under the Turner-Tron was 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson. "You know, Eric Bischoff, you've made your announcement, and some have accused me of having a touch of alzheimers but I've not forgotten to make a couple of my own. At the Bash at the Beach... Bret Hart, you will go one on one with... Sting! And you Chris Jericho, I haven't forgotten you... No alzheimers here pal, you will face... LEX LUGER!" The commentators make out that its some sort of meritorious life changing announcement as we fade to black.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Curry Man and Silver King v The Steiner Brothers West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis (c) v Juventud Guerrera 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon v 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux WCW Television Championship: 'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c) v Masahiro Chono Bill Goldberg v Hiriyoshi Tenzan Yuji Nagata v 'Total Package' Lex Luger WCW World Tag Team Championships: Harlem Heat (c) v 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart Raven v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v Scott Hall
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;649436]Still loving it, Tristram. I've got to stop lurking and start posting and, as they say, there's no time like the present. :)[/QUOTE] Cheers mate, appreciate the vote of confidence. Glad to still have you reading mate. [QUOTE=MattitudeV2;649453][B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko Dancing Fools ('Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright and Disco Inferno) v [B]Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr)[/B] [B]The Outsiders[/B] v Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] v Billy Kidman WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle[/B] (c) v 'The Cat' Ernest Miller Hector Garza v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] [B] Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho [/B]v Sting and 'Total Package' Lex Luger[/QUOTE] Thanks a lot for the tips as always. [QUOTE=angeldelayette;649459]Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] [I]The Iceman Cometh[/I] Dancing Fools ('Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright and Disco Inferno) v [B]Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr)[/B] [I]Dancing Fools are possibly getting a push but I say go Chairman![/I] [B]The Outsiders[/B] v Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) [I]Is there any doubt?[/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] v Billy Kidman [I]Psicosis continues the winning ways.[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v 'The Cat' Ernest Miller [I]Ernest Miller becomes the first black member of the Dancing Fools![/I] Hector Garza v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] [I]Just got his DVD set in the mail today![/I] [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] v Sting and 'Total Package' Lex Luger [I]All hail the Canadian Connection! The one true Dungeon of Doom![/I][/QUOTE] Heh, I can see you're a Chairman fan like myself. Again, thanks for the tips mate. [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;649461]Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] Dancing Fools ('Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright and Disco Inferno) v [B]Los Vengadores[/B] ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) [B]The Outsiders[/B] v Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis [/B](c) v Billy Kidman WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle[/B] (c) v 'The Cat' Ernest Miller Hector Garza v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] v Sting and 'Total Package' Lex Luger[/QUOTE] Mate, thanks again for your tips. Gotta say, I haven't been on much in the last few days but when I get on I go and have a read of your diary. Got a load of catching up to do, but its quality all the way. Cheers.
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Just catching up on the previous Nitro, awesome show. I thought I'd ask if the Goldberg/Regal match was a nod to the real match they had around this time? I had forgotten about Regal "shooting" or whatever it was on Goldberg and using a bunch of stiff moves and submissions on him...but your match writeup reminded me of it. Anyways, just wanted to ask before I finished reading the show because I know I'd forget, haha.
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Yeah mate, it was a subtle tip of the hat in acknowledgement to that moment when Regal allegedly worked stiff against Goldberg. In my opinion, it was one of the matches that helped make Goldberg because it took him beyond the 25 second squash. Thanks so much for the comments, really appreciate it. Its great getting feedback, it helps keep the buzz alive.
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Curry Man and Silver King v [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) v [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis[/B] (c) v Juventud Guerrera '[B]The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon [/B]v 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle[/B] (c) v Masahiro Chono [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v Hiriyoshi Tenzan Yuji Nagata v [B]'Total Package' Lex Luger[/B] WCW World Tag Team Championships: [B]Harlem Heat[/B] (c) v 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart [B]Raven [/B]v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] (c) v Scott Hall
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Tonight's Celeb-O-Meter looks at the grandiose world of 'hour-long-broadways'. You would remember the classics, Flair/Steamboat, Flair/Race et al, those matches that just kept you absorbed forever and a day. You'd argue if they were really doing anything when you look at the modern day cruiserweights, but they told you so much more and kept you just as enthralled by letting you know by their actions exactly what every blow meant. Looking at stamina, tonight's celeb-o-meter looks at the world of entertainment. Music... muzac, whatever you want to call it these days. Tonight, we look at a performer who has just started a 58 show tour of Australia, fresh off doing 81 in Europe. 58 in Australia is a massive, massive, massive number. Skippy the Bush-Kangaroo and Celeb-O-Meter tonight tells you its just you and your hand tonight, as we salute... [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG] P!nk, the original speaker of the mindeth [/QUOTE] As we look out over a packed arena in Jacksonville, Florida, before we go to our usual cut of the three wise heads at the commentary table, we instead cut to a sordid video detailing the dark tension between 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and the leader of the nWo, Eric Bischoff. The video outlines; [LIST] [*]The reintroduction of the Four Horsemen and Flair's infamous speech after Bischoff tried to cut them off [*]Flair daring Bischoff to fire him, when he's already been fired [*]Flair offering a challenge to Bischoff, but Bischoff refusing and sending in Buff Bagwell instead [*]Flair defeating Buff Bagwell and heading towards Bischoff again [*]Bischoff's ordered ambush on Flair from last week [*]The video ends with the following words "Tradition v Corporate Corruption" [/LIST] ________________ Backstage, Kimberly Page runs into Miss Elizabeth in the ladies dressing room. She stands behind her intimidating her as Miss Elizabeth uses the dressing room mirror to apply some last minute make-up. "Liz," Kim says in a caniving tone. "How lovely to see you." "What do you want?" "Oh no pretty girl, you just keep your lips closed like always. You're here to wear fashionable dresses not talk. You'll learn your place quick around here, Liz." Liz goes to talk back, but Kimberly gets in her face and puts a finger over her mouth. "I'm not here for you, I'm here for your ... husband. Not like that, I have a message that you can deliver to him." She pulls out an envelope that was hanging out the back of her jeans seductively. "It's a letter of suspension, for one week. You see, last week he struck a referee, and as we all know, that's a no-no... Oh, without any pay, how will you find the money to buy those dresses?" She says cynically before walking off. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]The Steiner Brothers v Curry Man and Silver King[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] He's Hot! He's Spicey! Tastes Great! But sadly for Curry Man, this inexperienced new superstar was working against a very experienced tag team, and despite a few entertaining spots from both Curry Man and Silver King, the power game and the ability to cut off the ring so exceptionally well meant the Steiners prevailed when Rick hit the Bulldog from the top rope on Silver King. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, the Steiner Brothers[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, as 'Macho Man' Randy Savage opens the contents of the letter, he bangs his hand in disgust into a locker room door. "OOH YEAH, he wants to stop me? He thinks he can stop me? Page! PAGE! You've been trying for over 12 months, the madness still rolls on, rules or no rules... OOH YEAH!" [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] A great opportunity indeed for the West Hollywood Blondes to show they more than just an intimate tag team, but a good tag team. They were up against two of the best cruiserweights going around, and unfortunately for the Blondes the ability of Rey and Chavo to light up the ring was too much for them. Chavo ended this one with the Tornado DDT on Lenny Lane for the win. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, we cut to 'Macho Man' Randy Savage who is busy hurling books across his room in disgust. 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson walks into the dressing room, and with those wild wide eyes, Savage confronts him. "Relax Randy, relax," Arn confers. "Relax? OOH YEAH, this is the madness, man. First Hogan screwed me for a decade, I get rid of him, and now this? NOW THIS?" Anderson smiles before taking the letter from Savage's hands. "Forget the letter Randy, I have something better for you. I just got off the phone with the WCW Board of Directors, at the Bash at the Beach... you will go one on with... Diamond Dallas Page..." Savage's look of despair turns to a look of vengeance, as we fade out. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Psicosis (c) v Juventud Guerrera[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Psicosis keeps on having the matches of the night. Its not just because the cruiserweight action is quick, because for full execution and appreciation beyond being seen as a spot monkey you have to be able to engage the crowd and make things logical, and Psicosis is bringing that skill into his wrestling. Juventud of course is just an amazing athlete, and back and forth this one went in and out of the ring. Some of the planchas executed by Juventud defied logic. Finally, after an outstanding match, Psicosis ended it with an innovative Dragon Suplex after Juventud had had numerous near fall opportunities not converted. Fantastic match. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and STILL WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Psicosis[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund stands by with 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit. Benoit looks uncomfortably into the camera, and balances from leg to leg to maintain his composure in the unhappiest of elements for him - the interview centre. This makes for an awkward segment. "Alright guys, I'm back here with the WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit, and tonight, in Jacksonville Florida, you risk it all. You see tonight, you will face Scott Hall. But I believe you have something to add to the match..." Benoit wipes down his chin, before walking forward menacingly to the camera. "To be a great Horsemen, you have to go above and beyond the call of duty. Its tradition to not only say you're the best, but be the best. Tonight is all aboooooooooot respect. Tonight, Scott Hall, tonight will be no normal match. Tonight, I will put my title on the line in a.... ladders match. Tonight Scott Hall, it's... all..... abooooooooooooooooooot.... RESPECT!" Benoit storms off the set. Well I'm not sure about you, but I can't see any Oscar nominations coming up for Chris in the near future. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][CENTER][B]'Cutback' Lash Le Roux v 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Poor Lash Le Roux, one might say that becoming a Pipeline Feva-head has ultimately led to him becoming 1998's version of SD Jones. The good thing for Lash and Evan Karagias is time is on their side and they have a load of wrestling skills to utilise down the line. Tonight was never going to be his night though, Chris Kanyon is in good form, and he chose this match as a match to showcase two new innovative suplexes. Ultimately it was a showcase, finished off by the Flatliner. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Chris Kanyon[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, in the nWo dressing room, 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page is pacing angrily backwards and forth. "How ... how the hell does THAT happen? That's jacked up...!" Bischoff is in the dressing room too, and shakes his head in disgust. "Don't worry Dallas, I assure you, the master plan will get rid of Arn Anderson. That much I can assure you. You on the other hand, bring that intensity to the Bash at the Beach, because while no one likes to face Savage's insanity, you have the perfect opportunity to give him the diamond cutter..." Page starts thinking about that, and has a look of 'yeah maybe it's ok after all' as we fade out. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Television Championship 'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c) v Masahiro Chono[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] A match of revenge here, these two have had an intense feud of late. Chono has gained a reputation for ripping heads of with his amazing stiff kicks to the head, and Kurt Angle was really the first man to really stop his maiming spree. This was Chono's great chance to wound Angle and get payback, and his title back. Chono on several occassions appeared ready to wipe the floor with Angle, but everytime he looked ready to rip the kick to the head out, Angle found a way out of it. It was amazing to see how alert Angle was, he really had scouted his opponent extremely well. Finally, after taking a hell of a pounding, Chono went to the well once too often and Angle amazingly caught the boot, drove him to the ground and executed a mind blowingly painful Ankle Lock. Chono tapped out immediately, much to the shock of the commentators. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Kurt Angle[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Our next footage is of various wrestling pundits being interviewed by wcw.com "I can honestly say, I haven't even seen him around," Dave Melzer responds to a question. "Where Hogan is at is anyone's guess..." ... "I haven't heard any significant rumour murmurs from Connecticut," Bill Ryder states. ... "Usually by now Hogan would have shown up in a film somewhere, but I haven't heard a thing," Mark Madden adds. ____________ [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Bill Goldberg v Hiriyoshi Tenzan[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Not a good night to be Tenzan. Although Goldberg was still clearly inconvenienced by his back injury, he was still able to end Tenzan with his new Dragon Sleeper. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Bill Goldberg[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, surrounded by beautiful women, 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair reclines on a leather chair. He has a flute of champagne in one hand, as 'Mean' Gene Okerlund walks in. "WOOOOOOOOOOO MEAN BY GOD GENE! What on earth brings you into the pad of slick Ric himself?" "Well, Ric, I thank you for the champa..." "WOOOOOOOO, by god I'm sorry Gene, you're practically like family. Here, grab a flute.." "A flute?" "Yes, a flute my boy. They call it a flute. When you're a Horsemen brother you drink from the right type of glass," he says as he takes a sip. "Hmmmm, it just accentuates the taste. Now, what can I do for you Mean BY GOD Gene? Do you want one of these honies?" "Well...uhhh... I ... I don't know..." "Oh come on Gene, how long have I known you. 6...12... months?" "More like 20 or 25 years year, Ric..." "Well that's right Gene, you're practically family now. And when you're family brother, you drink from the same table as slick Ric. You're like an honourary Horsemen Gene. Is that what you come in here for? One of these beauties?" "UHh... not quite. I was wondering if I could talk to you about Eric Bischoff's dismissive video of you as a viable challenger to him on Thunder last week..." "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Eric Bischoff! A low-life! A coward! A cheat! A fraud! He's dismissive of the Nature Boy? Well let me tell you something Gene, Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park brother, but it still has the longest line every night of the week. There's something I've been saying for over 20 years Gene, and it's this... Diamonds are forever, and so is Ric Flair. And in that time Gene, I've had to fight off Wahoo McDaniels, Sting, even my good pal Arn Anderson. I've been fired, I've had some creep tell me I needed to change my name and wear an earing. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! But through it all, I've walked the talk, and indeed Ric Flair, slick Ric! The limousine riding, jet flying, styling profiling, wheeling dealing son of a gun... kissed the girls and made them all cry... WOOOOOOOOOO... through it all, Ric Flair has been forever Gene. So do I worry about what Eric Bischoff has to say? Brother, it wouldn't matter if Eric Bischoff was Joe Namath himself, I've had more World Heavyweight Championships than he's had ... flutes of champagne brother. So Eric Bischoff, he needs to man up, and walk the aisle, and find out why they call me the dirtiest player in the game brother... Eric Bischoff, it's time to walk the talk... Candy, Candy, how about you knock off for the night, and show Gene a good time..." "But, but Ric, I still have work to do..." "Oh brother, I'll tell you what, you're family, so tonight, slick Ric... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... The Nature Boy, he'll take care of things for you!" [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Yuji Nagata v 'Total Package' Lex Luger[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Yuji Nagata... a fair trip across the Pacific Ocean to be mercilessly dumped in the Torture Rack. Why fly these guys in for this purpose? Why is NJPW allowing this to happen? All it sold was Luger's strength, which has already been sold 5055956856598505 times. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Lex Luger[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] As Luger celebrated for the fans, the usual nWo music played through the arena. Stepping out from under the Titan-Tron was the WCW World Heavyweight Champion himself, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho. He looked particularly aggrieved as the fans heaped a pile of abuse on him. "Shut... the hell... Up! You fans are beginning to get on my nerves," Jericho commented. "I do you all the priviledge of letting you into the arena to see MY SHOW, Monday Night Jericho, and this is how you repay me? It seems to me we have a number of ungrateful infidels here in WCW at the moment. People who put their nose into business that frankly does not concern them... Which brings me to you, Lex Luger. Impressive win. Whose up next week? Doc Dean? Joey Maggs? Mike Enos? Super Calo? Ciclope? My mum, your mum, everyone's mum? Let me ask you, why did you get involved in helping out the Giant? Was it an overbearing sense of loyalty to the Giant? A man who has already been an nWo lynchpin. A man who has no allegiances. Or was it as I suspect, because you wanted a moron like Arn Anderson to make a snap decision and decide... right place, right time... you've got yourself a World Heavyweight Championship shot. Now, we all know what happened last time that occured. You won... and lost, within a week. You see Lex Luger, you aren't fit to be wearing my Championship, on my show. These Jerichoholics even know it. You see Lex, a true Champion is someone who can defend the Championship. You Sir, you failed. You don't pass the standard test. You are a ... loser. You are a .... jerk. You are a ... weasal. I have nothing but complete and utter contempt for you Luger, and after I'm finished with you in San Diego at the Bash at the Beach, you will never... EEEEEVVVVEEEEEEERRRRR again challenge for my Championship..." Luger takes the ring microphone from David Penzer. "Jericho, you do a lot of talking pal. But when the talking's all said and done, you're going to go one on one with the greatest human specimen on the face of this planet," Luger begins to pose, and Jericho's eyes widen as he sees the amazing shape Luger is in. The three wise heads at ringside, begin to comment on Luger's physique and the advantage this gives him, as we shape to a commercial break. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Tag Team Championships Harlem Heat (c) v British Connection ('Lord' Steven Regal and 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay)[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] A tough test here for Harlem Heat, as the team of extreme physicality put a bit of a hit on Harlem Heat. I'm beginning to wonder about Regal's actions against Goldberg, because here in a similar vain he seems to be wrestling very stiff. Stevie Ray in particular doesn't look too happy about it and has glanced a couple of times eerily at referee Nick Patrick. The match was more a power slugfest, nothing too clinical to it, but despite the British Isles team trying to roughhouse Harlem Heat, the experienced duo got out with the win after Booker hit the Harlem Hangover on Regal for the win. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, and STILL WCW Tag Team Champions, Harlem Heat[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] We cut to a video featuring Raven [LIST] [*]Raven talks of how he is from the Bowery, and had no family love [*]Of how he is a loner [*]Of how the only enjoyment he used to get was from pain inflicted upon him [*]He says the world forgot about him [*]The world lamented him and left him to fend for himself [*]"What about me? What about Raven?" [*]-----Quoth the Raven - Nevermore ------------ [/LIST] [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v Raven[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] A big chance for Raven to push himself up the charts here in WCW. Buff was his usual condescending arrogant self, and he really seemed to be ripping into Raven about his sob story. Buff arrogantly kept paintbrushing Raven, who merely went back to the corner and shrugged it off, sitting on the bottom turnbuckle. Bagwell came back and kicked him to the head, which turned Raven's frown into a smile. It seemed the more pain Bagwell intended to inflict on Raven, the more he enjoyed it. After 8 minutes of a slow power style match, Raven got the win with the Evenflow DDT. Even though that is when he hit it, he refused to pin Bagwell, daring him to give him more satisfaction through pain. But Bagwell was planted perfectly and wasn't going anywhere, so eventually Raven had to accept the pinning predicament. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Raven[/SIZE][/center] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, Scott Hall watched the conclusion of the match. "Yo, I can't believe we lost another one..." "Scott, go easy," 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash says from his seat. "Buff's a good kid, he's trying out there. It was Norton and Adams who weren't... You have to stay focussed, tonight bro, you're taking the United States Championship down here..." Scott Hall looks too intense to even go along with Nash's shtick, and instead keeps focussed on the monitor in front of him. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW United States Championship Ladder Match 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v Scott Hall[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The ultimate battle between the Four Horsemen and the nWo, right here on cable on Nitro. This is Scott Hall's great opportunity for individual fame and fortune, a parasitic type selfish greed he so desperately craves. Deep down all professional wrestlers are after that acclaim, but Hall more than most will stop at nothing to achieve it. That makes him a dangerous prospect from a very much in form Chris Benoit. This match was one of the better matches on recent Nitros. They were truly going toe for toe, hell for leather. The Championship was at stake, and neither man was going to leave an iota of energy behind them to win it. The ladder was used not only as a climbing device but very much as a weapon, with no liberties to when and how it was used. This was a Pay-Per-View quality match on paper, and one very much so by way of execution. After 14 minutes, both men staggered to the ladder set up in the middle of the ring. As Scott 'Flash' Norton jumped on one apron to distract referee Charles Robinson, Brian Adams jumped up on the other side and hit a steel chair shot over the head of Scott Hall. The ladder was set up in front of Benoit, he had an easy climb to the top. But instead of taking it, he slumped to his knees and told Charles Robinson that he would wait for Hall. Finally Hall got up, Benoit went to offer his hand as the official sign of reopening the match, but Hall spat in his face. Benoit turned away, but smiled manaically. Both men began climbing the steel ladder slowly, slowly, slowly, getting towards the top, exchanging limp punches. As they got further to the top, both men hung on their balance by a thread. Finally, Benoit was able to connect with a great right hand, Hall stumbled, lost balance and flew over to the top steel cable ring rope, hitting it chest first and rebounding back into the ring. Benoit was so close, Hall tried to get some momentum to push him off, but he was near lifeless, and Benoit was able to extract the Championship from the clutches above him and the vultures below. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and STILL WCW United States Champion, Chris Benoit[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/pink-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] As Benoit descends, holding aloft the belt, we can see the faces of two warriors who have absolutely given it their all. Hall is barely starting to move, and is in absolute agony, while Benoit clutches at his ribs and exhalts huge deep breaths as we fade out....
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