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WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"

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Thanks guys for the comments. cmdrsam, that's a big bit of acclaim right there. Is Chi-Town that bad?? The reason I ask is of course one day I want to go to the States, spend 7-8 weeks just driving around, going on a whim... Wouldn't mind 66ing it up Chi-Town that's all. Noneck, no problems at all mate. It goes without saying I have no qualms using any of the ideas. Good luck with it and thanks for the feedback.
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Guest cmdrsam
Its the traffic that kills me. Once I'm there and settled in. Go for a walk along Navy Pier. I'm fine, senses go on overload with the sights and the smells. But I cant stand the way people drive there. I drove truck for 7 years, been in NY, Atlanta, Washington DC all in rush hour traffic. And I always hated driving in Chicago. But thats me, I don't want to deter your experience. Let me know when your coming and I could give you some advise possibly on where to go.
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I have read this whole thread and this is an amazing diary. I'm especialy excited for the push you have in store for Y2J, The Macho Man vs Holloywood Hogan, and Raven. Kudos to you my friend for such an awesome diary! P.S have fun with your road trip!
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Quick Picks 'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka v [B]Raven[/B] [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] v 'The Cat' Ernest Miller Non Title Match: WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero v [B]'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] WCW Cruiserweight World Series - The Battle for a Shot at the Cruiserweight Championship: Juventud Guerrera v [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] (1 win) v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Kidman (1 win) v Rey Mysterio Jr (2 wins) v Psicosis WCW Television Championship: [B]Stevie Ray (c)[/B] v 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus v 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v Disco Inferno The Giant v [B]Scott Hall[/B] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]Sting (c)[/B] v 'Flash' Scott Norton
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;452464]Its the traffic that kills me. Once I'm there and settled in. Go for a walk along Navy Pier. I'm fine, senses go on overload with the sights and the smells. But I cant stand the way people drive there. I drove truck for 7 years, been in NY, Atlanta, Washington DC all in rush hour traffic. And I always hated driving in Chicago. But thats me, I don't want to deter your experience. Let me know when your coming and I could give you some advise possibly on where to go.[/QUOTE] Bummer about the traffic... it's actually the history of certain places that makes me want to go there, as strange as that sounds. For instance, Seattle for the grunge scene and Jimi, Memphis for you know who, Chi-town for Al Capone... that sort of stuff you can't get in a very young nation like Australia. [QUOTE=Sarcasm;452473]I have read this whole thread and this is an amazing diary. I'm especialy excited for the push you have in store for Y2J, The Macho Man vs Holloywood Hogan, and Raven. Kudos to you my friend for such an awesome diary! P.S have fun with your road trip![/QUOTE] Thanks mate, I appreciate a lot. I think people will really, really, really enjoy what I have in store for one of those aforementioned, without giving too much away right now ;-) PS: Road trip is many years away, but it's cool to dream :D Europe was once a pipeline dream, but I eventually got there ;)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder21.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][B]WCW Thunder Live from the MCI Center, Washington, DC Attendence: 15,000[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The fireworks pound through the MCI Center, as we look at Lodi holding up a "Raven for President" stop sign, as we pan back to the commentary table, where the names 'Iron' Mike Tenay, 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes and 'Living Legend' Larry Zbysko flash up underneath the aforementioned gentlemen. "Welcome to another exciting Thursday Thunder, I'm 'Iron' Mike Tenay, and with me as always on TBS is Dusty Rhodes and Larry Zbysko. Tonight, Sting will put his WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line against the hard nosed international superstar Scott 'Flash' Norton of the New World Order, as this epic battle between right and wrong continues!" "If you weeeeeeel Mike, we are live and in kulah here in our nationszzzz capital. Not only dat Mike, I'm looking forward to Chris Benoit going one on one with Eddie Guewewo, should be a great night by gawd!" "As long as the New World Odour stay out of it, Dusty." "Guys, I've also been told that next week, as Monday Nitro comes to you live from Knoxville, Tennessee, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan will go face to face in a one on one televised debate for the leadership of the New World Order. But enough of that, we're live on the Superstation TBS!" We cut backstage where 'The Master of The Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, and Bret 'Hitman' Hart enter the dressing room of the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Sting, who is hanging his title up on a shelf behind him as he empties his luggage in preparation with his match up against Norton tonight. "Yo, Stinger!" Sting turns around, and looks emotionless. He reaches for the bat to point it at Diamond Dallas and Bret Hart. "Don't worry about that, jack," DDP continues, "We're just here bro to let you know that tonight we'll take care of the nWo should they try and interfere. Right, Bret?" "I can tell you something Sting, the Excellence of Execution won't let anyone, anyone get screwed over tonight. That's a promise." "Come on, Bret, what a night this will be!" Diamond Dallas Page and Bret Hart smile as they leave Sting to his own devices, Sting for his part stays motionless. We cut backstage, and see 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan entering the MCI Center, hauling his luggage in. He's got that stupid fluffy white and black chick costume on over his shoulders. "I didn't expect him to be here guys, he's not on any of my papers?" "If you weeeeeel, dis can't be good." "What's the weasal want now?" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka v Raven[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Raven merely skips over the guardrail, as La Parka comes down to the ring with his steel chair, and performs a quick ditty for the crowd. Raven throws clotheslines him from behind to start this bout off. The crowd reacted badly to that of course, but Raven was smiling and enjoying it. La Parka fought valiantly, and started to startle Raven with a series of quick paced drop kicks from the luchadore. He then set up his steel chair in the corner turnbuckle, as referee Mickey Jay went down accidentally following a misdirected shoulder block from Raven. La Parka then sent Raven head first into the steel chair! But as Raven's blood ran down his forehead, he began to smile. La Parka began to dance, but as he started to do the Jailhouse Rock, Raven gave him the blues with a low blow. La Parka was sent into the ropes, came back... EVENFLOW DDT! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Raven[/CENTER] After the match, Raven put his hand to his forehead and got a handful of blood. He smiled, and took the microphone from David Penzer. "This is my own blood, Bret. The fluid that gives me life. Look at it ooze out of me Bret. Look at it? My life being taken from my very eyes. Still, I enjoy it. Does that worry you? Do you feel faint? How do you feel knowing I enjoy bleeding myself? Does it worry you that I want to make you bleed at SuperBrawl? It should, you see, my heart is black, it makes me happy to see my blood ooze. Is your blood pure Bret? Can you live without it? Would that worry you? It should. So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Quoth the Raven - NEVERMORE!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v 'The Cat' Ernest Miller[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] After Also Sprach Zarathusta brought the 'Nature Boy' down the ramp in a blue sequined robe, he was greeted by 'The Cat' who had a microphone. "Whoa whoa whoa chump, old man, you don't want none of this. I'm a former World Karate Champion. So I'm going to be generous, and give you five seconds to leave this ring before I whoop your ass... One...Two...Three....Four...Five..." he turned around, BOOM! A clothesline from Ric Flair and this one is underway. Ernest Miller was scrambling from the outset, it was a sheer rookie mistake. You don't give a legend like Ric Flair an opening, and it was an opening he never gave up, winning comfortably with the Figure Four Leglock. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Ric Flair[/CENTER] After the match, 'Naitch' took the microphone from David Penzer. "WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You see Ernest, to be the man, you have to beat the man. And even though I've been around a long time, and even though I know half the female audience here on first name basis pal,... WOOOOOOOOO.... Space Mountain is still the ride with the longest ride in the park, pal. The fact of the matter is pal, I'm still the dirtiest player in the game. But...WOOOOO... one thing I am not, is the next big thing. So without further adieu, out of Calgary...Alberta.... Canada, ladies and gentlemen.... RABID WOLVERINE, CHRIS BENOIT!" [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Non Title Match WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero v 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Guerrero came into the ring, and as Benoit and Flair embraced, he picked Flair up by the hair and dragged him out of the ring. Benoit was infuriated and chased Eddie who hit him with a drop toe hold, and ended up firing Benoit over the top rope into the waiting arms of Flair. As both men got up, Eddie rebounded across the ring over the top rope with a corkscrew plancha on both men! This one was going to be fast and furious, and indeed it was. It just continued to build, and build. The booking committee sat back in the dressing room with one concern, would this frenetic pace burn the crowd out? Could they remain interested for Sting later in the evening? I won't go blow for blow here, that's Pay-Per-View type writing, although this was a PPV quality match up. Eddie Guerrero went to the top, after gaining some ascendency, looking for the Frog Splash, Flair got up to the apron and put him slightly off balance, but Guerrero then smashed Flair back down to the floor with a hard right fist, so he then flew.... but Benoit rolled to the side, Guerrero hit the mat hat, but Benoit immediately rolled back and applied the Crippler Crossface! AMAZING! Guerrero, as fantastic as he is just had to tap to save himself. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Chris Benoit[/CENTER] [QUOTE][u]The Stinger[/u] This was played to the music of [I]Down in a Hole[/I] by Alice in Chains, from their 1992 album Dirt. Alice in Chains in a way reminds me of wrestling's recent death spate, with the sad demise of Layne Stanley. [CENTER][I]When a man's heart is full of deceit It burns up, dies and a dark shadow falls over his soul When the ashes of a great man has arisen occurs A wrong that must be righted We look to the skies for a vindicator[/I][/center] You..." He begins to laugh sadistically... "Just signed your own death warrant. WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" .... "STINGER SPLASH! My god guys, Bagwell's on his last legs here..." "Speaking of legs, that humanoid is being contorted." "Scorpion Deathlock! He's tapping, it's over! Sting wins again!" .... "You... You're a DEAD MAN!" .... "Sting has escaped the cage! Hogan is down! Hogan is down! Is this the beginning of the end?" .... [center] [SIZE="5"]Sting - Promises, Threats, Consequences, Results[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Cruiserweight World Series First Man to Four Wins Faces Eddie Guerrero for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship Kidman (1 win) v Ultimo Dragon (1 win) v Juventud Guerrera v Rey Mysterio Jr (2 wins) v Psicosis v Chavo Guerrero Jr[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Don't burn them out...don't burn them out, I couldn't help it. Let's put another barn burner. Let's heat this sizzler up. Washington DC has never been so up in arms since April 14, 1865. Yes, I 'm speaking about you Mr Booth. Hmmm? Before they went out, we spoke about lowering the tempo a little, just to keep them in the arena. And while there were a couple of slow spots, there was still enough to drive the crowd nuts. Ultimo Dragon went to the top ropes, and hit a stunning hurricanrana on Rey...1...2....Thr...No, roll through from Rey...1...2....Thr..No, roll through from Dragon, 1...2....THRE..NO! Roll through from Rey..1...2...3!!! What an ending, Dragon had him! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Rey Mysterio (3 wins)[/CENTER] Backstage, 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan is in a dressing room alone with the Outsiders. It's clear why he is here, as unscheduled as it is. "Brothers, dudes, Monday Night shapes as one of the most important nights in professional wrestling. As I rode my Harley Davidson on that congested I-495, and the sun glistened off the chain around my gold chest brothers, I looked up and knew that it's my god given right to lead professional wrestling into the new millenium. I've slammed Andre, I've beaten that painted up freak Warrior, I should have had Sting but things went against me. Brothers, Randy Savage wants to change things. But what's to change, dudes? The nWo is running wild, Scott Hall brother has a World Heavyweight Championship match at SuperBrawl, dude you can claim that back as the nWo World Heavyweight Championship. Big Kev, man people are talking about you like there's no tomrrow, dude. What I'm saying brothers, is that Hulk Hogan laid the foundations, I got those sweathogs out there to come and watch me night in night out. I built this god damn sporting mecca. And Savage wants to take the credit, just like always riding on the Hulkster's coat tails, brothers. Can you trust him to keep the flame burning bright? Can you? I'm counting on you, after all the nWo is for life, it's not nWo for a joke." "Yo, I speak for me and Kev, let's hear what you both have to say on Monday Nitro." "Scott, Scott. It's quite clear the answer. Hollywood, for all your blabbering, just flash the cheque book, and you'll know the answer man." Kev storms off, even Scott Hall looks surprised at Nash's forthrightness at demanding more money! "Brother, you're still with me right dude?" "Yo, Hogan, tonight I've got 7 foot and 500 pounds to worry about." "7 foot?" "Yeah, and I'm not talking about down there." "Down where?" "You know where. I've got that big goof Giantosaurus, tonight. I'm going to show him why it's one more for the good guys." [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Television Championship Stevie Ray (c) v 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus v 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v Disco Inferno[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] How do we take the heat out of the crowd? Easy, throw these blokes in together. Very slowed paced match, Disco looked good out there and was starting to get on top of the match, but stupidly he did the Disco jive, allowing 'Hacksaw' to get back on his feet and clothesline him. HO! USA! USA! USA! USA! BANG! From behind with the referee distracted, slapjack! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Stevie Ray [I]NN..NN...NEW WORLD ORDER... N....W.....O TTT...TTTT....TOOO SWEEEEEEEEETTT FF...FFF...FOR LIFE N....W....O[/I][/CENTER] Here comes the first Outsider of the New World Order, Scott Hall. He chews on his toothpick before flicking it in the camera lense, as he takes the microphone from David Penzer. "Hey...Hey Yo. You may have heard about now, we're going around taking a little survey. How many of you are here to see that lame Stinger and the WCW?" The crowd cheer unanamously. It seems this is WCW country! "Ok...Ok... Well how many of you are here to see the too sweet NWO?" The crowd are raucous in their lack of approval. "Ok..Ok... Survey says, one more for the good guys. Yo, if it's not the big goofus himself. Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum.." BANG! The Giant didn't like being teased, I guess? [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][B]Scott Hall v The Giant[/B][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Has Scott Hall met his match? Has he mouthed off once too often? Early on, it looked like he knocked back about 40 Budweisers such was his lack of ability to get to his feet. The Giant was stalking him, pounding him down with clubbing blows, and using high knees into the sternum of the smaller Hall. Hall scrambled to the floor, but everytime he came back in it was the same old message. Hall then began to walk out, claiming to referee Mickey Jay he was having some chest pains. "How low is this? That's apparently the reason 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash no-showed Starrcade against the Giant." "If you weeeeeel, it's wather convenient if you ask me Prafesssaaaa..." [CENTER][I]A wrong that must be righted We look to the skies for a vindicator[/I][/CENTER] The lights went out, and a spotlight dropped onto Sting descending from the rafters! He got to the floor, and that a cloud of smoke surrounded him. What was that about? It seemed to be a fake, but it sure allowed the Giant time to grab Hall by the hair and haul him back into the ring! Even in spirit, the Stinger is working over Scott Hall. Hall was scavenging, on hands and knees, but no matter where he went there was no exit. Finally The Giant charged into the corner, but Hall moved. Hall very quickly went to the top, a position he seemed very uncomfortable from, and hit a flying clothesline. Hall used hit and run measures to keep the big man down. Finally the big man stormed back up, and looked to chokeslam Hall, but Hall ducked the right hand, turned around, and hit a sick inverted DDT! That's a new move from Hall! The Giant is out! Is that the move that can win him a World Heavyweight Championship? Just what the hell was that? [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Scott Hall[/CENTER] Backstage, Konnan and Chris Jericho sit in the nWo dressing room. "Yo Yo Yo... Let me speak on this. Are you ready to be get bawdy bawdy and..." Chris Jericho looks non plussed. "You're supposed to say rawdy rawdy, holmes." "I would never....EVVVVERRRRR say something stupid like that. Who are you trying to be? Mr T? Thunderlips? I don't get it man. Look, there's something about you, but I guess it's nWo for life so..." "Thunderlips bro? I'm Konnan, Mexico's biggest superstar holmes." "Mexico's biggest superstar? Well, if that's the case, I'm Chris Benoit..." "Chris Benoit?" "Yes." "Well what makes you think you're Chris Benoit." "Because." "Holmes, I don't get it." "Okay." "Why would you want to be Chris Benoit?" "Because." "I thought you disliked Benoit?" "I am Benoit." "What?" "Yes." "Holmes, you're beginning to annoy me." Konnan is getting frustrated, but Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell comes into the room. "Guys, guys, what's going on? God, I'm good..." Bagwell says as he looks into a mirror. "But seriously guys, what's going on? Konnan?" "He says he's Chris Benoit, holmes..." "Chris Benoit?" "Yes." "That vanilla midget?" "Yes." "The one with the missing teeth?" "Yes." "Oh... HAHA! K-dawg, don't you get it? It's uncharismatic Chris Benoit, bro." Bagwell snaps his fingers. "Snap out of it dude, soon you'll look as ugly as the Berzerker or worse some other no hoper like the Pegasus Kid." "I would never....EVVVVVERRRRRR let myself get that uncharismatic for real, guys... Oh look, I'm Ric Flair, my best friend is Chris Benoit.... GRRRRR!" Konnan and Bagwell begin to laugh, as Scott Norton steps out, looking very intense. Norton just smashes his right fist into his open palm, as he storms out. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW World Heavyweight Championship Sting v Scott 'Flash' Norton[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] This is Scott Norton's big opportunity. He's reverred somewhat in New Japan as one of that promotion's biggest overseas draws. They seem to like their American superstars rough and tough over there, let's not forget the careers the likes of Bruiser Brody, Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen, Hulk Hogan, Terry Funk and Andre the Giant had in the Orient. So this was his big opportunity in North America to rise to the ranks he had assumed over there. But this would be no easy match. He was up against the legendary Stinger, he is of course a third time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, and one of the true lynchpins fighting against the rebellious nWo, of which Norton is housed in their stable. Norton came to deblitate Sting. It's Norton's game plan, use his power. Lots of shoulder blocks, lots of intense slams. Sting was wrought with pain. But pain is never enough to put away a demi-god like Sting, and soon enough the spirit of the little Stinger's pounded through the veins of the Champion. And that was enough to come back, and launch a series of Stinger Splashes, into a Scorpion Death Drop. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Sting[/CENTER] After the match, 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan, 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Curt Hennig, 'Ravishing' Rick Rude, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho, and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell headed down to ringside, and proceeded to take Sting apart, Hogan, Nash and Hall laughed as Sting's power was being torn apart. [CENTER][I]Self High Five![/I][/CENTER] Here comes 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page!!! Diamond Cutter on Hennig! One for Rude! Jericho tossed over the top, one for Bagwell! BUT NO! A big boot from Nash! Hall picks up Page... OUTSIDERS EDGE! Hogan begins spraypainted nWo on the back of Sting "4 life", as 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff comes down to ringside with a shirt, which he passes to Kevin Nash. He rips at the 'Union of the Diamond Cutters' shirt and places over his chest an nWo shirt. Will this offer ever go away?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/nitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Quick Picks[/B] 'Total Package' Lex Luger v The Giant Raven v 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes The Faces of Fear v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Curt Hennig Yuji Nagata v Bill Goldberg WCW Television Championship: Stevie Ray (c) v Scott Steiner * WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Eddie Guerrero (c) v Ultimo Dragon 'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka v Disco Inferno 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit Brian Adams v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v Scott Hall * Due to the amazing finish on Thunder, the WCW Executive Committee has moved to compensate the Ultimo Dragon by granting an exemption to face Guerrero on Nitro, and still remains in the World Series.
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Good work on Thunder, it was very enjoyable. 'Total Package' Lex Luger v [B]The Giant [/B] [B]Raven[/B] v 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes The Faces of Fear v [B]Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Curt Hennig[/B] Yuji Nagata v [B]Bill Goldberg [/B] [I]Spear, Jackhammer, call the morgue[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]Stevie Ray[/B] (c) v Scott Steiner [I]I'd like Steiner to win the belt, but I'm not sure it will happen on free TV.[/I] * WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] (c) v Ultimo Dragon [B] 'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka[/B] v Disco Inferno [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] v 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit Brian Adams v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] [I]oooooooo Yeeeeeaaaaah[/I] 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v [B]Scott Hall[/B] [I]If Hall wins it won't be clean[/I]
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:) Nice giving John Wilkes Booth a shout out. Next will we see an Aaron Burr vs. Alexander Hamilton Cage Match (or in old WCW, Presidency on a Pole) 'Total Package' Lex Luger v [B]The Giant[/B] [B]Raven [/B]v 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes The Faces of Fear v [B]Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Curt Hennig [/B] Yuji Nagata v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] WCW Television Championship: Stevie Ray (c) v [B]Scott Steiner[/B] * WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] (c) v Ultimo Dragon 'The Chairman of WCW' [B]La Parka[/B] v Disco Inferno [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho [/B]v 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit Brian Adams v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v [B]Scott Hall[/B]
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How did I miss this diary? I don't know if you remember me T but I did the "Can TNA survive an ECW talent raid diary a while back...." Anyways, I've only read the first show and the backstory, but this is probably the best written diary I've ever seen on here. The fact that your still going with WCW is great too. I'm a huge WCW fan. I'm actually getting ready to start a Monday Night Wars diary with a friend of mine for the same time period. Of course it won't be as detailed as yours but hopefully it will be ok.:) Keep up the GREAT work bro.
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;453804]Good work on Thunder, it was very enjoyable. [/QUOTE] Thanks mate, appreciate the continued support as always. [QUOTE=Astil;453885]:) Nice giving John Wilkes Booth a shout out. Next will we see an Aaron Burr vs. Alexander Hamilton Cage Match (or in old WCW, Presidency on a Pole) [/QUOTE] Heh, thanks mate. Yeah I read a book on the assassination and his hiding out from the manhunt, wow chilling stuff. I've seen the pics of the other dudes being hung, I was actually nearly sick for some reason, never seen that before but I found it pretty rough. Heh, just like Judy Bagwell on a pole? I think the AWA did it best - turkey on a pole match. [QUOTE=mikeyg32118;454154]How did I miss this diary? I don't know if you remember me T but I did the "Can TNA survive an ECW talent raid diary a while back...." Anyways, I've only read the first show and the backstory, but this is probably the best written diary I've ever seen on here. The fact that your still going with WCW is great too. I'm a huge WCW fan. I'm actually getting ready to start a Monday Night Wars diary with a friend of mine for the same time period. Of course it won't be as detailed as yours but hopefully it will be ok.:) Keep up the GREAT work bro.[/QUOTE] Hey, thanks mate, I'm over the moon with that acclaim. I'm having a lot of fun with this, it's good fun putting together some 'dreams' and seeing it turn out ok. Welcome back, haven't seen you around for a while. Yes, I do recall your diary, IIRC you ran a number one contender's tournament in it?? I thoroughly look forward to it. Any new WCW stuff is worth reading, in my book. Knowing the creativity and enthusiasm you put into TNA I think it would definitely go on my must read list.
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I have to say Tris...over the past few days I've actually had the chance to go through everyshow you have written. Damn, man. Great stuff. EVery story makes sense and flows well... Anyways, here is a quick feeling for what I think. First off the writing and storytelling is second to NONE man and you should be proud of that. Anyways.... Jericho is NWO? Brilliant! Even playing the ****iest guy on Nitro sometimes Jericho still didn't go full fledged NWO member. Good idea, and the stuff with him trying to take the spotlight already is great. Someimtes I find it hard to follow his segments with the rest of the NWO members, its all good. Then again, the stuff I'm having trouble following...is stuff I'm supposed to. For instance the last show with Jericho saying...I'm Benoit...lol good stuff man. The Benoit/Flair union is a perfect way to get Benoit over more quickly than before. I'm not liking Stevie Ray as TV champ, but thats just because I don't like Stevie Ray. I don't see it lasting long especially when it seems that his matches are complete borefest:) It's good to see your pretty much keeping things in divisions though. Kanyon, Wrath etc...all vowing for TV title. Makes things a bit more organized. Nothing to say about the Goldberg thing as well...Your doing the Goldberg thing;) Macho vs Hogan is going good at the moment. This is a re-creation of real life with some changes, and I like it. Hogan vs Macho man definatley drew money. But we all know Macho Man has no chance at taking the Original NWO from Hogan. I also like that your hinting at a Cruiserweight vs Hogan thing in the future. It has been hinted at and discussed, but at the same time your not throwing it down our throats. Raven vs Bret Hart? Awkward combination, but a good way to get Raven's face out there as a real contender. I also don't like the US Title being changed hands and then vacated. Although, I know your booking WCW like and that is exactly the stuff that happens. A matter of fact are you booking that identicle? LOL. The only guys who I am not seeing a TON of yet that I'm surprised is Lugar and Giant. I know they have been a part of your shows, but not like the ULTIMATE FACES they were pushed as. Lugar I can do without, The Giant will need to play a big part later. And of course...BRET HART. You are actually pushing the guy like he is the greatest ever. Which he is;) Make him into a star in WCW instead of letting him fall through the cracks like reality. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! I will continue reading!
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MikeyG's PICKS! [B][COLOR="Black"]'Total Package' Lex Luger[/COLOR][/B] v The Giant Kinda funny I spoke about not enough Lex and Giant before I noticed they were facing each other here. I'm going to with Lex just because of Exposure, then again you might be doing the HUGE GIANT push...guess we'll see! [B]Raven[/B] v 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes Obviously another match to get Raven over. While Rhodes is his biggest match yet I think Raven's youth will definatley get him the win. Plus he needs momentum against DDP. The Faces of Fear v [B]Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Curt Hennig[/B] Obviously Faces of Fear have nothing going on. It's great that WCW's roster is so deep you don't have to make nearly anyone look bad most the time. Yuji Nagata v[B] Bill Goldberg[/B] Goldberg! Nuff said. WCW Television Championship: [B]Stevie Ray (c)[/B] v Scott Steiner This to me is the biggest toss up of the night. I'm going with Ray just because he is the champ and not for long. Also, Steiner is still mostly Tag hear. * WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero (c[/B]) v Ultimo Dragon Guerrero retains because well...what sense would it make for Ultimo to win while still being part of the World series? LOL. Plus, Eddie is pretty dominant at this point and needs some momentum after his recent loss to Benoit. [B]'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka[/B] v Disco Inferno I'm going with La Parka because well...I like La Parka;) [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] v 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit Did I say Steiner/Ray was a toss up? This is actually a HUGE MATCH. I'm going to Jericho with help from the NWO. He is building momentum, but so is Benoit. I say take these two to PPV! Brian Adams v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] Umm, no explanation needed... 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v [B]Scott Hall[/B] Hall wins as it wouldn't make much sense to put Flair over the guy vowing for the title. Then again I guess STing could get involve. Still going with HALL to build him up as a possible guy to take the title from Sting.
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[SIZE="6"][CENTER][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/nitro.jpg[/IMG] WCW Monday Nitro Live from the Thompson-Boiling Arena, Knoxville, Tennessee Attendence: 25,020[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] The fireworks go off inside the Thompson-Boiling Arena, in Knoxville, Tennessee, as we pan around the audience to see signs of contempt for the nWo and support for Sting, Goldberg, Ric Flair and all the usual suspects. We pan back to the announce table, where the following names pop up oddly under the seated stooges, Tony Schiavone, Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and 'Living Legend' Larry Zbysko, as we kick off another Monday Night War here in the deep south of the US of A. "Where were you when we lost our beloved President all those years ago in Dallas, Texas? Where were you when Neil Armstrong uttered those words that are etched into our minds? Where were you when Ric Flair won his first NWA World Heavyweight Championship? Remember where you are tonight, because tonight 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan square off in a televised debate for the leadership of the New World Order. Not only that, but the legendary 'Nature Boy' himself will face off with the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, Scott Hall. And what a battle that shapes up to be, you have the man who laid the foundations for this company against the man who threatens to destroy it. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Knoxville, Tennessee, and another exciting edition of Monday Nitro. I'm Tony Schiavone, and with me for this historic night is Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and 'Living Legend' Larry Zbysko. Also tonight, it has been announced by the WCW Executive Committee, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho of the New World Order will face off against the 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit in what is anticipated to a match of the year candidate, and it's live here, it's exclusive, you won't find this action anywhere else." "The humanoids are selevating Tony, for tonight Savage and Hogan, it all comes down to tonight Tony. For the battle of the New World Order.." "Odour.." "Right here on Monday Nitro. These hameneggers won't know what hit them and their trailers." "Aside from all that Tony, Bobby, as has been announced, I'm looking forward to seeing Chris Benoit versus Chris Jericho. As much of a fleabag charleton that Chris Jericho is, this spells an absolute epic on Monday Nitro!" "Also tonight, first up guys, as confirmed earlier tonight on WCW.com by the WCW Executive Committee, and also on 'Mean' Gene's hotline, 'Total Package' Lex Luger will face off against the Giant..." "Oh my, look at the size of that humanoid, here he comes now.." [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'Total Package' Lex Luger v The Giant[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two of the major cornerstones of World Championship Wrestling, Lex Luger and the Giant step into the ring one on one. Early on, Luger was copping a horrible hiding from the Giant, who just used his amazing size and power to overcome the legendary two time WCW World Heavyweight Champion. The situation was appearing futile for Luger, but as he is wont to do, he started to get a surge, as he overcame a sleeper hold from the big man, and battled his way out. He then started to use some chain wrestling to move the big man around. Luger began flexing, and started hitting bionic elbows. Just as it appeared the Giant was struggling (by struggling, I mean down to one knee), and Luger began posing for the Torture Rack, (as if, how could he rack him??), the Great Muta came from underneath the ring apron, while Masahiro Chono distracted referee Scott Dickenson to administer green myst to his eyes. Luger went down, and turned around... CHOKESLAM! The Giant had recovered, 1...2...3. The Giant had no idea what had happened, till he saw Luger's eyes, and immediately he went to the rope to threaten nWo Japan to the back. Chono, Muta and Tenzan looked very happy with themselves. [CENTER][B]Your Winner: [/B] Via pinfall, the Giant[/CENTER] We cut backstage to the nWo dressing room, where 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are talking. "Yo, do you think he'll come?" "Well Scott, unless he wants to feel the bang he'll know where his bread is buttered. I mean the offer is ASTRONIMICAL! And I know his wife likes the sweeter side of life, if you know what I mean." "Imagine it bro, Diamond Dallas Page in the nW..." Just then, Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell walks onto the scene, clearly frustrated. "Whoa whoa, what's up with you man?" "You listen up, and you listen good! I'll have none of that trailer park trash coming into the nWo. You talk about him like he's a demigod, well he'll find out at SuperBrawl why I'm Buff, and I'm the Stuff. Keep up the talk, and I'll let you boys know personally too.." Buff storms off, as Nash and Hall looked dumbfounded. "I think he's feeling a bit tense." "Where?" "Down there." "Down where?" "You know where." [SIZE="6"][CENTER][B]Ravens Rules Raven v 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes [/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] What the hell are the WCW Executive Committee doing sanctioning this match? Don't they realise they're feeding a legend to the lions? The Flock was ever present here, and with a trolley full of weaponry, the legendary Rhodes stood no chance. And after putting on a crimson mask, he felt his head numbed and dazzled by an Evenflow DDT. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Raven[/CENTER] After the match, Lodi ran back into the ring with a Stop Sign, and Raven put on the ground. He then proceeded to drop Dusty Rhodes again onto it head first with the Evenflow DDT. As David Penzer came into the ring to announce the result, Raven snatched the microphone from him and slumped into the bottom turnbuckle. "What about me? What about Raven? What about that glory boy Dusty Rhodes? You try to steal my thunder? You try to fight a war you have no place being in? Let me declare this once and for all, this war is not with you old man. It's with Bret Hart. The so called Hitman. A true Hitman would have come out, don't you think? Can't you see it? That's Bret Hart for you. He is a coward. He is not a man of the people at all. And for all the blame he puts on...them, you know, up north, he's just the same. He hides behind veils just like Rey Mysterio Jr hides behind masks. When are you going to let the blood shed end Bret? When is enough enough? Who do you want me to beat next? Mike Tenay? Doug Dillenger? A member from the crowd? Will that make you man up? So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Quoth the Raven, nevermo.." Just then, Bret Hart's music hit, and in sivvies, denim blue jeans and a black WCW shirt with his trade mark black leather jacket, the legend came out under the NitroTron. "So it is written, Raven? So it is written? I'll tell you what is written Raven. A contract. Between you and me, at SuperBrawl. That's when you'll find out about the truth and the lies Raven. That's when you'll find out whether it's myth, legend, or fact. I can tell you it's the latter, but your clouded mind can't see that. You are getting into a war you can't win, Raven. You're about to find out why I am the Excellence of Execution, the best there is, the best there was... and the best... there ever will be!" "Talk is cheap Hart, just like you. It's just another veil of lies. You are nothing. You claim your reputation off the back of your father, who was also nothing. But his name has been painted in mythology as something it's clearly not. You're a fake." Just then, Bret Hart began running down to the ring, and the two men began going toe to toe in the centre of the ring. Rights, lefts, rights, lefts, it was carnage! Finally Tennessee's finest got into the ring along with WCW security to stop the two men from ruining the build up to SuperBrawl! [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]The Faces of Fear v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Curt Hennig[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The Faces of Fear are a rough and tough tag team of bullies. They will pulverise you, hurt you, all for fun. But Barbarian got foot tripped by the ever innocent looking 'Ravishing' Rick Rude, allowing Curt Hennig to hit the Hennig-Plex for the win. [CENTER][B]Your Winners: [/B] Buff Bagwell and Curt Hennig[/CENTER] Backstage, the Outsider, Scott Hall ran into J-J Dillon. "Hey..Hey Yo.." "Scott, Scott, what can I do for you?" "Yo, I don't need this, alright." "Need what, Scott? Is something the matter?" "Tonight, I have to go one on one with 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair. I am the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, I need to be kept with gas in the tank for that freak in the rafters." "Scott, there's nothing I can do about, but to wish you the best of luck. May the best man win." Scott Hall looks bewildered, as JJ walks off, smiling, with his connections to Ric Flair he knows who he considers the best man to be. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Yugi Nagata v Bill Goldberg[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Realistically, we all knew what was about to happen here. Spear! Jackhammer! Splat! [CENTER][B]Your Winner: [/B] Via pinfall, Goldberg [I] NN...NNN...NEW WORLD ORDER... N...W....O FF...FF...FOR LIFE[/I][/CENTER] Well, if it's not the walking catchphrase himself. "Yo Yo, let me speak on this. ORA LE! ARIBA LA RASA! Knoxville Tennessee is about to get bawdy bawdy and..." RAWDY RAWDY "Ohhh yeah, that's enough. Bill Goldberg, that was impressive. But while you have all the support going into SuperBrawl, your world is about to come tumbling down around you, courtesy of the greatest Mexican superstar alive today, playa. ORA LE! ARIBA LA RASA!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Television Championship Stevie Ray (c) v Scott Steiner[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Scott Steiner was all over Stevie Ray early on, these two have a lot of history against one another in the tag division. For some reason though, Steiner thought it would be a good idea to head to the outside, but as he did, Wrath came on down to the ring. "What's the meaning of this?" "This humanoid is jacked." "There's obviously significant issues with Stevie Ray and Wrath... What the?" Wrath just threw Scott Steiner into the steel steps, and got Stevie Ray disqualified. "Wait a minute? THat means... that means, the belt stays with Stevie Ray? Wrath is smiling, it's as if he deliberately wants to face Stevie Ray at SuperBrawl. Look at Stevie Ray! He is beside himself in fear!" [CENTER][B]Your Winner: [/B] Via disqualification, Scott Steiner, but STILL WCW Television Champion, Stevie Ray[/CENTER] "Of course fans, don't forget to stay tuned to Nitro, because later tonight, live and exclusive here on WCW Monday Nitro we will have 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan to debate the leadership of the New World Order.." "Odour..." "But up next, what a match up for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. Eddie Guerrero will defend the coveted belt against Ultimo Dragon from Japan! Don't go away!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship Eddie Guerrero (c) v Ultimo Dragon[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] What a great match up, a dream come true. I won't even pretend to give you play-by-play here, this one was just so fast paced. When Eddie Guerrero is the slower more deliberate competitor in a match up, you know it's intense and fast. This one was not contained to the ring, thanks to the use of plachas and moonsaults. One could thank their lucky stars there were no injuries given the spots put on there. Ultimo Dragon showed he deserved to be granted this once off opportunity by the WCW Executive Committee, and appeared to be gaining the upper hand. But Eddie reached into his tights and pulled out a pair of brass knucks, placed them on the ground and laid down. When the referee turned around, he started abmonishing Ultimo Dragon. This gave Eddie the chance to get to his feet, come from behind and lock Ultimo Dragon by surprise into the DRAGON SLEEPER! He had it locked good, the arms were waving... this one is over. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, and STILL WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Eddie Gurerrero[/CENTER] [quote] The following vignette helps piece together the start of Sting's demise courtesy of Scott Hall and the New World Order, and why this is so personal. It is accompanied by [I]Would[/I] by Alice in Chains. "What the hell..? What's with this?" "I have no ide... Wait a minute.." "Hey... You people, you know who I am. But you don't know why I'm here. Where is Billionaire Ted? Where is the Nacho Man? That punk can't even get in the building. Me? I go wherever I want, whenever I want! And where oh where is Skeme Gene? Because I got a scoop for you. When that Ken Doll look-a-like, when that weather man wannabe comes out here later tonight, I got a challenge for him, for Billionaire Ted, for the NACHO MAN and for anybody else in uhhh...W cee dubbya..hic hic... Hey, you want to go to war? You want a war? You're going to get one." ------ We cut backstage in 1996 to 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair, the 'Enforcer' Arn Anderson, 'Total Package' Lex Luger alongside Woman and Miss Elizabeth, in their dressing room ready to be interviewed by 'Iron' Mike Tenay. "We are now just minutes away from the War Games, and decision time is here, Ric Flair, which member of the Four Horsemen has been chosen to replace the departed Sting in the War-Games match up against the New World Order?" "TONIGHT! WE ARE IN THE HOUSE! THE HORSEMEN! BUILT! STING OR NO STING! It's Luger! It's Double A! And it's the NATURE BOY! The Horsemen have stepped aside! Do ya hear that Gene? Ya hear it? That's the ambulance coming down the highway! They get the Outsiders. Ya hear it? That's the medics wheeling in the carts! VERY SHORTLY! VERY SHORTLY! The Horsemen kick ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" "Fact is Luger you lost a friend, we lost a partner, WCW lost an icon," ironically the iconic Arn Anderson says. "But the fact of the matter is, if you want something done right in this life you're a horsemen once we're just going to do it by ourselves. Sting or no Sting!" "LEX! LEX!" It's the familiar voice of Sting. "Oh no pal," Flair ambles. "Oh yeah come on pal," Anderson challenges. "Come on in pal get some of this." "Wait a second, wait a second," Luger interrupts. "Wait one second." "You done it again brother," Flair chimes in. "I've been waiting six days for this," Luger says. "I got to hear this but you better make this short and sweet!" "All I gotta.. I'll make it real short and sweet. All I got to say is it was NOT ME on Monday night IT WASN'T ME LEX!" "Well I'll tell you what," Luger responds. "We got a War Games right now, I saw you I looked you right in the FACE before you CHEAP SHOTTED ME, and Stinger, I know it was you, I can't believe you, and I DON'T believe you." "If you can't believe me then so be it, I'll see you in a while." "I hope you do." "LUGER! YOU'RE A LEAN! MEAN! WRESTLING MACHINE! Tonight! We walk the AISLE!" ----- "Hold on, hold on..." "The Stinger is here, let's hear what he has to say." "I want a chance to explain something that happened last Monday night at Nitro. Last Monday night I was on an airpline flying from LA to Atlanta, when I got to Atlanta I tuned into TV to Nitro. And I thought I was watching a rerun. It was a very convincing film." "Why won't he look at the camera?" "Often imitated but never duplicated! And what else did I see? I saw people, I saw wrestlers, I saw commentators and I saw best friends DOUBT the Stinger! That's right, doubting the Stinger. So I heard Lex Luger say, I know where he lives I know where he works out I'm GONNA GO GET HIM! So I said to myself I'll just go into seclusion. I'll wait and see what happens on Saturday Night, and I tuned into Saturday Night, and what did I see? I saw more of the same, more... doubt. Which brings me to Fall Brawl. I knew I had to get to Fall Brawl to get face to face with the Total Package to let him know that it wasn't me. And what I got out of that was, no Sting, I DON'T BELIEVE YOU STING! Well I got to say is, I have been mediator, I have been baby-sitter, for Lex Luger, I've given him the benefit of the doubt about a thousand times in the last twelve months. And I've carried the WCW banner, and I have given my blood, my sweat and my tears for WCW. So for all of those fans out there and all those wrestlers and people that never doubted Stinger, I stand by YOU! As you stand by me! BUT! BUT for all the people, all of the commentators, all of the wrestlers, and all of the best friends who did doubt me, you can stick it! From now on I consider myself a free agent. But that doesn't mean you won't see the Stinger from time to time, I'm gonna pop in when you least expect it." [SIZE="4"][B][I]Time heals no wounds A crow never FORGETS![/I][/B][/SIZE] [/quote] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka v Disco Inferno[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Hey, it's time for the Chairman! Here he is! And to start things off, a dance off! A disco jive from Disco, and the hips waving on the steel chair by the Chairman. But Disco blindsided La Parka and this one was under way. I wouldn't call it pretty, it was fairly scrappy, La Parka seemed infatuated with the steel chair which caused referee Mickey Jay to pull it from his grasp and throw it out of the ring, the distraction allowed Disco Inferno to come from behind and hit the Chartbuster. La Parka has left the building. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Disco Inferno[/CENTER] That music can only mean one thing, it's time for the Rabid Wolverine. What a match this should be. Wait a second, that's not Chris Benoit, that's Chris Jericho! He's wearing Benoit's attire, and what the...? He has a tooth missing? No! No he has one of his teeth painted black to look like it's missing. This is sick. Jericho talks into the camera as he approaches the ring "I've got Prince Nackamackie's skirt, Syxx's red hankie, pity Benoit's got nothing to take not even a tooth!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] An epic encounter. This one lived up to all the hype. This was always going to be the show stealer, and so it proved. Even the likes of Dave Melzter would have to say WCW just put on a spectacular match up here. This rivalry is starting to catch light, and the crowd were captivated. It almost looked as though Jericho got some broken ribs courtesy of the hard slaps across the chest from the knife edge blows from Benoit. And in return, Jericho flew around and took his opponent down whenever possible. As time wore on, and both men sweated it out like they were in a seedy sauna, Jericho raked the eyes of Benoit, he then took advantage with a body slam. LIONTAMER! He's turning him over... he's over! He's got him in! Benoit struggling, he grabs at Jericho's right foot, and with that throws him off balance... and rolls him over... CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! Ding..ding...ding... "Wait a second guys, what just happened there? The bell just rang." "I have no idea Tony, let's listen to what David Penzer has to say." "He's conferring with Charles Robinson, do we have a disqualification?" "Ladies and gentlemen, this match has reached a time limit expiry, and therefore is declared a draw!" [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] No result due to time limit expiry[/CENTER] Post match, as Benoit jaws with Charles Robinson, Chris Jericho snatched the microphone from David Penzer. "That will never....EEEVVVVERRRRR happen again Chris Benoit. Never. Not on my time, pal. And to prove how confident I am, I'm laying down a challenge to you. At SuperBrawl, you and me, no time limits. What do you say?" Benoit nods, as he grins for once. Jericho drops the microphone and turns to leave the ring, but then turns back and clotheslines Benoit! "Once again, I'm one step ahead of you you toothless hick! See you at SuperBrawl jack@$$!" [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]'Macho Man' Randy Savage v Brian Adams[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Can anyone explain why we had this match? I mean I get the premise, Savage is in doubt in the nWo and big bad dumb Brian Adams is here to teach him a lesson. Woe-was-me, there went three minutes of my life... [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Randy Savage [I]NN...NN....NEW WORLD ORDER Well I'll stand up next to a mountain Chop it down with the edge of my hand Well I'll stand up next to a mountain Chop it down with the edge of my hand[/I][/CENTER] Well, defaming the legend himself, here comes the Air Guitar hero, 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan. The WCW Production team are setting up two nWo podiums in the centre of the ring. Coming to the ring is 'Play it again Sam' 'Mean' Gene Okerlund to conduct this ceremony. "Alright guys, tonight in this very ring, in Knoxville, Tennessee, we have the debate for the leadership of the New World Order, and I'd like to invite to give the opening address to 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan." "Mean Gene brother, it's like this. The New World Order is an evolution of professional wrestling, brother. And when you have an evolution, you need an icon to lead the cause. Just like Fidel and Che, the New World Order has a leader of which they can be proud of, brother. You see brother, over here you have a man who has ridden my coat tails for over a decade. And unlike the likes of Scott Hall, this man has never broken free. Inside his mad mind is the green rage of jealousy, brother. And it's like I've said a thousand times before, what's not to be jealous of? You see, this is the house Hollywood built. If it wasn't for me, all those pathetic losers would not be in here watching wrestling tonight. The millions around the world watching would instead be getting fat eating Pizza watching reruns of Mary Tyler Moore, dude. You see, Hollywood Hulk Hogan transcends professional wrestling brother, he is the god of wrestling, he is the man who made wrestling, and the nWo is for life dude. Savage, whether you like it or not, you took an oath for life brother. It's about time you started living up to your word." "Alright, I invite now Randy Savage to respond to that address." "Ooooh yeah! Hollywood Hulk Hogan! You talk about the New World Order being an evolution? You always speak about slamming Andre the Giant, but the truth of the matter is the best match that night involved me. And so it goes down and down and down on every card, brother. When Hollywood Hulk Hogan was getting the plaudits, the man setting it all up biding his time was Macho Man oooh yeah, dig it. And what did Hollywood Hulk Hogan do to thank him? Oooh yeah he tried to crush the madness. He tried to silence his biggest enemy. The one man who could bring him down was the Macho Man, ooooh yeah. But you can't silence madness, dig it. After a while the madness rages on, and reality becomes transparent. You talk about the New World Order being an evolution Hogan, but the more things change the more things stay the same. Just like back then, just like now, you have your mideons doing battle for you. But OOOOOH YEAH, there's going to be an uprising Hogan... Remember back to Bash at the Beach 1996, you said this was an evolution Hogan. OOOOH YEAH, the nWo is indeed about to evolve." "Brother, is that right?" "Oooooh, yeah!" "I don't believe you..." "You better dig it, Hogan!" Hogan throws the podium over, and storms over to face up to Savage nose to nose, left, right, left, right, pandamonium! Hogan throws Savage out of the ring and follows him out. He picks up Savage, and attempts to whip him into the steel steps, but Savage reverses it. CRASH! Savage rips off Hogan's belt... SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Savage picks up Hogan and tries to head butt him into the steel guardrail, but Hogan blocks it and instead Savage's head crashes hard onto the guardrail. Hogan now rolls Savage back into the ring. He puts his hand to his ear, the crowd boos. Hogan into the ropes... Big Leg Dr...NO! Savage rolled out of the way! Hogan went down hard. Savage kicks him to the jaw! Savage goes to the top... Flying El.. NO! Hogan moved! Both men are out in the centre of the ring as security come to ringside to ensure we have no more chaos here! [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v Scott Hall[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] An epic encounter in terms of name value, you have the true paragon of WCW. The most experienced man on the roster. He has been crowned World Heavyweight Champion that many times that frankly the number of championships is disputed. And on the other hand you have the man who began the evolution against WCW via the Outsiders and the nWo, Scott Hall. The very man who turned lives upside down, including Flairs, and including his best pal Sting. This was a blood thirsty type intensity. There would be carnage, and it happened right here in Knoxville. You wouldn't call this a technical display of excellence, these two were too bitter for that. What you did get though was an electric tension. Ric Flair, the massively over babyface against the hated heel Hall. Hall had the smirky grin rubbed off his face as his own worst fears began to play out, as Flair took control. As he had done so many times in big time main events, Flair ran the show. And indeed after a brief flurry from Hall, he regained ascendency and looked to finish him off via the figure four. He turned him over... ITS ON! FIGURE FOUR! Hall is begging off like Flair does! Eric Bischoff walks down to ringside, and began to distract Nick Patrick. Wait a second, coming from the other side is Kevin Nash, with a pipe! He smacks into the rib cage of Flair from behind, who releases Hall. Nash picks him up, and drives him down with the JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB! Nash scats, as Hall covers. What a tragedy...1....2......why this way...3. [CENTER][B]Your Winner: [/B] Via pinfall, Scott Hall[/CENTER] As Scott Hall got back up with the assistance of Kevin Nash, the two Outsiders continued to pummel the Nature Boy. But here comes Sting, dropping from the rafters! The Outsiders dodge a bullet as they scramble out of the ring. As Flair gets back up, he embraces Sting, but then rips a microphone off David Penzer. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Pal, is that all you got? WOOOOO!!! TONIGHT! TONIGHT! TONIGHT! HALL, you weasaled your way out! I had you you low life son-of-a-*****. YOU! I hate you! You! Kevin Nash, didn't your mother ever tell you about the NATURE BOY? WOOOOOOOOO!!! She should have told you three things. Firstly I kissed all the girls and made them cry, including mamma Nash if I remember right she was a sweet country gal with plastic teeth. Secondly, she would have told you how long she had to wait in line to ride Space Mountain... and WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Thirdly, she would have told you to be the man, you've got to BEAT THE MAN! Well Kevin Nash! TONIGHT! You did NOT beat the man! You had your chance to finish off the dirtiest player in the game, but you couldn't DO IT! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! So I'm going to give you another chance, at superBrawl PAL! If you've got a pair, you'll step in and dance with me one on one. What do you say?" Nash nods his head as Bischoff tries to get him to rethink, while he walks from the ring, causing Flair to smile. Wow, Flair and Nash at SuperBrawl!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder21.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Quick Picks[/B] Cruiserweight Contendership World Series: Juventud Guerrera v Ultimo Dragon (1 win) v Kidman (1 win) v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Psicosis v Rey Mysterio Jr (3 wins) Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v Lodi 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith v 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page WCW Television Championship: Stevie Ray (c) v 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash Scott Hall v Scott Steiner
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[I]And of course, following Thunder will be SuperBrawl, so here's the card, there is still one more match to be announced ;-)[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.pwwew.net/ppv/wcw/suprbrwl.gif[/IMG] [I]Live from the Minute Maid Park, Houston, Texas Live and exclusive to Pay-Per-View[/I][/CENTER] Ravens Rules: Bret 'Hitman' Hart v Raven 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash WCW Television Championship: Stevie Ray (c)* v Wrath [SIZE="1"]*Dependent on if Stevie Ray defeats Alex Wright on Thunder[/SIZE] 'Macho Man' Randy Savage v 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan Bill Goldberg v Konnan nWo Japan - Masahiro Chono, The Great Muta and Hiroyoshi Tenzan v 'Total Package' Lex Luger 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit WCW United States Championship: Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v 'The Master of The Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Sting v Scott Hall
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Great diary, tristram, easily one of the best I've ever seen. The writing is top class, and I just love how you're handling all the talent at your disposal, especially Raven, Jericho, Hitman and Savage. Great work, and looking forward to reading this for a long time yet :) My picks: [B]Thunder[/B] Cruiserweight Contendership World Series: Juventud Guerrera v [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] (1 win) v Kidman (1 win) v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Psicosis v Rey Mysterio Jr (3 wins) [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v Lodi 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page [/B] WCW Television Championship: [B]Stevie Ray (c)[/B] v 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] [B]Scott Hall[/B] v Scott Steiner [CENTER][IMG]http://www.pwwew.net/ppv/wcw/suprbrwl.gif[/IMG] [I]Live from the Minute Maid Park, Houston, Texas Live and exclusive to Pay-Per-View[/I][/CENTER] Ravens Rules: Bret 'Hitman' Hart v [B]Raven[/B] [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] v 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash WCW Television Championship: [B]Stevie Ray (c)*[/B] v Wrath [SIZE="1"]*Dependent on if Stevie Ray defeats Alex Wright on Thunder[/SIZE] 'Macho Man' Randy Savage v [B]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan[/B] [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v Konnan nWo Japan - [B]Masahiro Chono, The Great Muta and Hiroyoshi Tenzan[/B] v 'Total Package' Lex Luger [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] v 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit WCW United States Championship: Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v [B]'The Master of The Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]Sting[/B] v Scott Hall
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[QUOTE=tristram;458920] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.pwwew.net/ppv/wcw/suprbrwl.gif[/IMG] [I]Live from the Minute Maid Park, Houston, Texas Live and exclusive to Pay-Per-View[/I][/CENTER][/quote] Anachronism alert- Minute Maid Park didn't exist until 2000, and back then it was called "Enron Field." Any large event would either have taken place at the Astrodome or the Compaq Center, the arena where the Houston Rockets played at the time. Ravens Rules: [B]Bret 'Hitman' Hart[/B] v Raven Raven over Hart? No way. 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] I'm a Nash mark from way back. WCW Television Championship: [B]Stevie Ray[/B] (c)* v Wrath [SIZE="1"]*Dependent on if Stevie Ray defeats Alex Wright on Thunder[/SIZE] Who cares? 'Macho Man' Randy Savage v [B]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan[/B] Savage should always be Hogan's personal jobber. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v Konnan I'm sure this will be the match of the night. IN CRAZY WORLD. nWo Japan - [B]Masahiro Chono, The Great Muta and Hiroyoshi Tenzan[/B] v 'Total Package' Lex Luger Oh good, three international talents wrestle themselves while a steroided-up loser tries to take off his shirt. 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] The real winners are the fans. Jericho can get over with his personality, but Benoit needs to win matches like these for anyone to care about him. WCW United States Championship: Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v [B]'The Master of The Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] The idea of Bagwell with a major singles title is terrifying. WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]Sting[/B] v Scott Hall Sting will mow through Hall and be on to the next NWO challenger in no time.
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[quote]Anachronism alert- Minute Maid Park didn't exist until 2000, and back then it was called "Enron Field." Any large event would either have taken place at the Astrodome or the Compaq Center, the arena where the Houston Rockets played at the time.[/quote] Heh, thanks for the heads up. Kinda hard relying on data in TEW from down under. I'll note it on the card as merely being Houston Texas ;) [quote]Great diary, tristram, easily one of the best I've ever seen. The writing is top class, and I just love how you're handling all the talent at your disposal, especially Raven, Jericho, Hitman and Savage. Great work, and looking forward to reading this for a long time yet [/quote] Thanks mate, I very much appreciate the support.
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Ravens Rules: Bret 'Hitman' Hart v [B]Raven[/B] [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] v 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash WCW Television Championship: [B]Stevie Ray (c)* [/B]v Wrath *Dependent on if Stevie Ray defeats Alex Wright on Thunder 'Macho Man' Randy Savage v [B]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan[/B] [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v Konnan nWo Japan - [B]Masahiro Chono[/B], The Great Muta and Hiroyoshi Tenzan v 'Total Package' Lex Luger [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho [/B]v 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit 'mm really up in the air about this one, I have a gut feeling there will be some interfereance WCW United States Championship: Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v [B]'The Master of The Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Sting v [B]Scott Hall[/B] No I don't really think it will happen, but a man can dream can't he
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[B]Thunder[/B] Cruiserweight Contendership World Series: Juventud Guerrera v [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] (1 win) v Kidman (1 win) v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Psicosis v Rey Mysterio Jr (3 wins) Dragon takes the victory because I don't think Rey is gonna do a sweep, and Dragon is my second favorite of the bunch. [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v Lodi Um, Bret Hart vs. Lodi...Nuff Said... 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page [/B] Unless something special happens here I DO NOT see Bulldog going over DDP. Like I said though, UNLESS SOMETHING HAPPENS. WCW Television Championship: [B]Stevie Ray (c)[/B] v 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright Unfortunatley I see Stevie Ray retaining....then again...I don't like Alex Wright either. 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] Ah, Big Kevin picking on the little guys again? Sexy for the victory. [B]Scott Hall[/B] v Scott Steiner This one is acutally a good main event. I'm going with Hall because he is going for the title at the Pay Per View and the momentum he needs to build would be a good reason for a win. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.pwwew.net/ppv/wcw/suprbrwl.gif[/IMG] [I]Live from the Minute Maid Park, Houston, Texas Live and exclusive to Pay-Per-View[/I][/CENTER] Ravens Rules: [B]Bret 'Hitman' [/B]Hart v Raven Bret isn't just the best in normal matches? I say Hart puts Raven's small push to a crashing hault during this match;) 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] I'm a fan of Big Sexy, what can I say. Plus, Big Kev has more friends at the pay per view then Flair. WCW Television Championship: Stevie Ray (c)* v [B]Wrath[/B] [SIZE="1"]*Dependent on if Stevie Ray defeats Alex Wright on Thunder[/SIZE] Am I incredibly impressed with Wrath? No...however, I have a great dislike for Stevie Ray. Have Wrath take the title...PLEASE! 'Macho Man' Randy Savage v [B]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan[/B] The Biggest Icon in Wrestling...:) [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v Konnan Umm, no explanation needed. nWo Japan - Masahiro Chono, The Great Muta and Hiroyoshi Tenzanv 'Total Package' Lex Luger This is a nice bonus match. However, I don't see the NWO pulling this one off. No matter how many people are on their team. [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] v 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit I know your loving the Jericho push, so I'll go with Jericho on this one. WCW United States Championship: Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v [B]'The Master of The Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] I see big things in DDP's future so he takes the win. WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]Sting[/B] v Scott Hall Sting retains...Sorry Chico.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder21.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][B]WCW Thunder Live from the Pepsi Arena, Denver, Colorado Attendence: 15,000[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [quote] At the top of tonight's show, we immediately to a video recap of the intense rivalry simmering between 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan and 'Macho Man' Randy Savage for the leadership of the nWo. The video is played the song [I]Evolution[/I] by Pearl Jam. --- Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing by with 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan. "Alright guys, I thank you. I'm standing here with the lynchpin of the nWo, Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Hollywood, Bret the Hitman Hart made a challenge to you for a match at Souled Out, what do you have to say about that?" "Well you know something Mean Gene, brother, it's like I've said time and time again. When I get on my custom made Harley Davidson and drive off into the sunset, and see my gold chain glisten around my powerful chest after a hard days working out at my private gym, I'm often reminded of the immense wealth I have amassed. Bret Hart calls himself the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be, brother. But when it all boils down to it, professional wrestling is about the greenback, dude. And when you consider my bank account, it's quite obvious who the real icon of professional wrestling is, brother. And it's only rightful that I headline yet another Pay-Per-View, when I take down that wannabe little Hulkamaniac Sting, as I lay my 24 inch pythons around his throat until the blood runs out of his body and he's forced to look up at the lights, as the referee counts...1....2....3, brother. So to answer Bret Hart, there is no way in hell dude that you can walk into my yard and start demanding matches with me. Watcha gonna do... WATCHA GONNA DO..." Meanwhile, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage walked past the interview position after his match with Rey Mysterio Jr, and from the opposite side came Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. "Well Hulk, it's funny. You were a coward up there, and you're a coward here. It's just as I thought, why step into the ring with the Excellence of Execution without a good dental plan. So I guess Macho Man, since this guy here is too much of a coward to fight his own fight, it's going to be me and you at Souled Out. How do you feel about getting in the ring with the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be?" "OOOOOOOOH YEAH. Hogan! What have you done? How did you get me into this one... ANSWER ME?" "Brother, I... Dude, you know me..." "OOOOH YEAH I know you Hogan, I know you as well as anybody, ooh yeah I know you ain't no doubting that. And I know how you manipulate Hogan, but I'll take this one on, you've screwed me ooh yeah out of another World Title shot, that's ok with the Macho Man dig it, because I'd love to destroy this man who tried to embarrass me on Nitro... OOOH YEAH!" "Bret Hart, WATCHA GONNA DO, WATC..." "OOOOH YEAH, Hulk Hogan, I want you to shut your mouth, I think we need to talk backstage a bit more about this ooh yeah." The two nWo ites move off, clearly with Savage angry as hell with Hogan. Hart grins, as we move away from the scene. ---- We cut straight backstage, where a heated argument is going on between two powerhouses of the New World Order, 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan and 'Macho Man' Randy Savage, with the ever sexy Liz towing along in the background in a sheer black dress hugging tight to her body. "Brother, I've told you time and time again.." "OOOOH Yeah, I don't care what you have to say anymore, dig it. Oooh you need to prove to me you are nWo for life, not Hollywood Hogan for life..." "Brother, I can't morph out of my body, whatcha want me to do, dude?" "You just don't get it do you? We are supposed to be one for all, all for one ooh yeah, but the only one you seem keen on supporting is yourself Hogan. I shoulda known ooh yeah, a leopard never changes his spots, once a manipulative son of a ***** always a cat. Oooh yeah!" With that, Savage storms out, with Hogan looking bemused by it all. ---- avage raced back after Hart, but Hollywood Hulk Hogan came down the aisle to aid his nWo team-mate. Hart was ambushed into a corner.... Just as the two looked set to destroy him, Savage started chest bumping Hogan. Our cameras got up and close and personal.. "Whatcha gonna do brother? Finish him off..." "It's all about you isn't it? Oooh yeah! I wanted to do it myself. But brother you have to interrupt?" "Brother, I'm tired of your antics Savage..." Just then as Savage headed to the back, Hogan picked up a steel chair. Who was he going to take out? NO ONE! Just as he looked to make his mind up, he vanished to back as STING STARTED DESCENDING FROM THE RAFTERS! "What an end! What does this mean for the nWo?" --- "Alright guys, tonight in this very ring, in Knoxville, Tennessee, we have the debate for the leadership of the New World Order, and I'd like to invite to give the opening address to 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan." "Mean Gene brother, it's like this. The New World Order is an evolution of professional wrestling, brother. And when you have an evolution, you need an icon to lead the cause. Just like Fidel and Che, the New World Order has a leader of which they can be proud of, brother. You see brother, over here you have a man who has ridden my coat tails for over a decade. And unlike the likes of Scott Hall, this man has never broken free. Inside his mad mind is the green rage of jealousy, brother. And it's like I've said a thousand times before, what's not to be jealous of? You see, this is the house Hollywood built. If it wasn't for me, all those pathetic losers would not be in here watching wrestling tonight. The millions around the world watching would instead be getting fat eating Pizza watching reruns of Mary Tyler Moore, dude. You see, Hollywood Hulk Hogan transcends professional wrestling brother, he is the god of wrestling, he is the man who made wrestling, and the nWo is for life dude. Savage, whether you like it or not, you took an oath for life brother. It's about time you started living up to your word." "Alright, I invite now Randy Savage to respond to that address." "Ooooh yeah! Hollywood Hulk Hogan! You talk about the New World Order being an evolution? You always speak about slamming Andre the Giant, but the truth of the matter is the best match that night involved me. And so it goes down and down and down on every card, brother. When Hollywood Hulk Hogan was getting the plaudits, the man setting it all up biding his time was Macho Man oooh yeah, dig it. And what did Hollywood Hulk Hogan do to thank him? Oooh yeah he tried to crush the madness. He tried to silence his biggest enemy. The one man who could bring him down was the Macho Man, ooooh yeah. But you can't silence madness, dig it. After a while the madness rages on, and reality becomes transparent. You talk about the New World Order being an evolution Hogan, but the more things change the more things stay the same. Just like back then, just like now, you have your mideons doing battle for you. But OOOOOH YEAH, there's going to be an uprising Hogan... Remember back to Bash at the Beach 1996, you said this was an evolution Hogan. OOOOH YEAH, the nWo is indeed about to evolve." "Brother, is that right?" "Oooooh, yeah!" "I don't believe you..." "You better dig it, Hogan!" Hogan throws the podium over, and storms over to face up to Savage nose to nose, left, right, left, right, pandamonium! Hogan throws Savage out of the ring and follows him out. He picks up Savage, and attempts to whip him into the steel steps, but Savage reverses it. CRASH! Savage rips off Hogan's belt... SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Savage picks up Hogan and tries to head butt him into the steel guardrail, but Hogan blocks it and instead Savage's head crashes hard onto the guardrail. Hogan now rolls Savage back into the ring. He puts his hand to his ear, the crowd boos. Hogan into the ropes... Big Leg Dr...NO! Savage rolled out of the way! Hogan went down hard. Savage kicks him to the jaw! Savage goes to the top... Flying El.. NO! Hogan moved! Both men are out in the centre of the ring as security come to ringside to ensure we have no more chaos here! [SIZE="4"][I]A leapord never changes his spots. Can Savage conquer the madness? Or can Hogan relinquish the ego? Find out at SuperBrawl[/I][/SIZE][/quote] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Crusierweight World Series Ultimo Dragon (1 win) v Kidman (1 win) v Rey Mysterio Jr (3 wins) v Psicosis v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Juventud Guerrera[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] What a way to kick off Thunder, in true classic WCW style. The very best of the world's cruiserweights yes-sir-ee right here on the SuperStation, here in the rockie mountain high city of Denver. And speaking of going up high, what about the high flyers we have on display here? I love it when a Mexican heads to the top turnbuckle and planchas a group of wrestlers on the outside. It's a time fabled spot here in the cruiserweight division but it never ceases to amaze me the death defying risks they are taking to heat the crowds up and make their mark in the greatest organisation alive today. Chavo has been on a real slide here in this series, but he appeared to be really coming home strong here. At the end of the match we had three combatants in the centre of the ring, courtesy of a plancha clearout, with Rey Mysterio Jr, Juventud Guerrera and Chavo Guerrero Jr. The desperation was inherent on the faces of Juventud and Chavo as they wanted to keep the series alive, but also get on the scoring board themselves. Juvi went for a JUVI DRIVER! And got it! Chavo was down! But as Juvi turned around he was taken down by a SPRINGBOARD HURRICANRANA! 1....2....Kidman is too late...3! Here is your winner, Rey Mysterio Jr, we DO have a Cruiserweight Title match at SuperBrawl after all! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and winner of the Cruiserweight World Series for the Number One Contendership to the WCW Cruiserewight Championship, Rey Mysterio Jr![/CENTER] Post match, Eddie Guerrero walked down the aisle with the WCW Cruiserweight Championship laced over his left shoulder. He pointed to the name plate which read Eddie Guerrero. Rey imitated the shape of a belt around his waist, declaring his intent on taking away this coveted title at SuperBrawl! After the break, 'Play it Again Sam' 'Mean' Gene Okerlund came to the bottom of the ramp towards the ring area. "Alright, my special guest tonight is a man who goes one on one with the 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit at SuperBrawl. Ladies and gentlemen, of the New World Order, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho!" [CENTER]NN...NN...NEW WORLD ORDER... FF...FF...FFFORRR LIFE[/CENTER] And here comes Jericho, holding a plastic fake tooth and Prince Iuakea's skirt, or as he calls him, Prince Nackamackie. "Chris Jericho, at SuperBrawl you have to face a man you could not defeat at Nitro.." "Whoa whoa whoa. Sam, a little respect." "Sam?" "Oh come on Gene, you're a wringer for Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca in that little outfit of yours. You know..." Jericho puts on a Bogart impersonation, "Here's looking at you, kid! Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she has to walk it into mine. Play it once Gene, I mean Sam, for old times sakes." "I never knew my white jacket was of such concern to you." "It really isn't Gene, you're just a pathetic little man trying to run a pathetic little hot line with pathetic little scoops. Well here's a scoop you missed Gene, at SuperBrawl, Chris Benoit will never...EEEEVVVVERRRRR beat me, Chris Jericho, the man of 1004 holds." "1004 holds?" "You want me to go through them? Armdrag. Armbar. The Moss Covered, Three-Handled Family Gredunzel. Armbar. The Saskatchewan Spinning Nerve Hold. Armbar. The Shooting Star Staple Superpress. Armbar. The smile and scare 'em with no teeth submission, oh wait, how did this one get on here? That's a move made famous by the Canadian Ghoulash himself, Chris Benoit." "Didn't you mention arm bar over again?" "Hey, I never...EVVVERRRR heard you quiz Dean Malenko like that, Sa.. I mean Gene. Let me tell you and all the other a$$clowns out there a little scoop, Chris Benoit, after I'm finished with you and your prized dental jaw, you will never...EVVVVERRRR be the same again. For I am the Ayotollah of Rock n Roll'a, and I am your paragon of good virtue. Play it once again, Sam. HA!" With that Jericho turns around and walks to the back, amusing only himself (and all the professed Jericholics out there! ;-) ) [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Lodi v Bret 'Hitman' Hart[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Well well well, complete with the stop sign, it's Lodi. To start the match off as Hart circled the ring, Lodi held up the stop sign, and then proceeded to flip the middle digit at Hart. Hart laughed it off, he's too much of a consummate professional to be unnerved by that. Lodi tried to take it to Hart, but it was all fairly futile. Rather than get involved, Raven sat back behind the guardrail, almost using Lodi as a sacrificial lamb to get some scouting on the Calgary legend. Hart won fairly quickly courtesy of the Sharpshooter. [CENTER] [B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Bret Hart[/CENTER] Post match, as Hart left the ring, the cameras panned to Raven who was laughing at what he had just seen. Raven then looked at Lodi who was in sheer pain grabbing his leg, but still Raven laughed. Was he laughing in disdain of Hart, or was he begging for a show of pain at SuperBrawl? [CENTER][I]NN...NNN....NEW WORLD ORDER... N...W....O FF...FF...FOR LIFE TTTTTOOOO SWWWWEEEEETTT![/I][/CENTER] Well, here comes 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash, and he's got an nWo shirt draped over his right shoulder, he climbs into the ring, stepping over the top rope before taking a microphone from David Penzer. "Big Sexy in da HOUUUUUSSSSSEEE!" "Guys, he's not scheduled to be here, what's going on?" "Denver, Colorado is definitely nWo country. You hear that Diamond Dallas Page? It's nWo country. It's where you belong, up here in the Colarado mountain side in your private chalet up at Aspen. You know you want to, right? You can go from the snowy Rockies, to the Grand Canyon, hell, take the private learjet to Las Vegas and spend a week on the strip. With the sort of money you'll get from us, don't you think it's the right thing to do? After all the pain you've put yourself through... I mean, Page, we've seen the ribs being taped up, we've seen the brutality you've put yourself through for this company, I ask you, what has the company done for you? You're still living down there in Atlanta, again, nice little town, but with what we're offering that could be... well, one of many bases for you. And frankly Page, you deserve it. These fans don't deserve you Dallas." The crowd boo in unison. "So I know you've got a little match up next, so I'm going to make this real short and sweet. Your life likes diamonds Page, can you keep her on your WCW contract? Further to that Page, you know what you need to do. At SuperBrawl, when Buff comes to the ring, he touches your chest, you fall down, Buff goes... RRRROOOOAAARRRRR.... puts his pinky finger on you, 1..2...3... And then you put on the nWo shirt. It's that simple. All that money, Page. All that money. So what I'm going to do for you, just for you to have a bit of a think about it, here's an nWo shirt. It's your size too, I'm just going to leave it here on this turnbuckle, and let you wrestle your little WCW match. Wink wink, nudge nudge." "What on earth is he talking about? Surely it won't happen." "Page is assss dubbya cee dubbya as dey come Prafesssaaa, he won't go to the dark side." Nash leaves the shirt on the turnbuckle, before walking to the back. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page v 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two veterans, you know, old Davey Boy hasn't had much of a run here in WCW. I wonder if Bischoff is back there politicking Mark Daniels on the basis that Davey Boy came and went once before. Either way, it was important to serve up a dominant performance from DDP, who knocked the nWo shirt to the ring area floor in disgust. The match was ended courtesy of the Diamond Cutter. [CENTER] [B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Diamond Dallas Page[/CENTER] After the match, Diamond Dallas Page was handed the microphone by David Penzer. "Yo... Big Kev, is that your answer? The fact I deliberately pushed your tacky shirt to the ring area floor? Well let me spell it out for you, I will NOT lie down for Buff Bagwell, I will defeat him. You know why? Because I'm World Championship Wrestling through and through. And why not? Because I can tell you that by the end of this year, the nWo will not be an evolution of professional wrestling, it will be a bygone. You see Nash, you have here Sting, Bret Hart, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Ric Flair, Rey Mysterio Jr, Booker T, The Steiner Brothers, Bill Goldberg... and you have Diamond Dallas Page. We are loyal to this company, we are loyal to these fans! I don't care if you bust my ribs, they've been broken before and I'm sure they'll be broken again. But you'll never break my desire to break you and the nWo down. Oh, and a little message to your little amigo, Buff Bagwell, bro, at SuperBrawl, you won't know where it's come from, you won't know how I did it, but you will...FEEL...THE.....BANG!" [CENTER][I]Self High Fi...[/I] [I]NN..NNN..NEW WORLD ORDER.. N...W...O FF...FFFOOORRR LIFE[/I][/CENTER] Diamond Dallas's [I]Smells Like Teen Spirit[/I] is interrupted by none other than that arrogant son-of-a-biatch Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell, who comes out in his black nWo top hat, and poses for the crowd from underneath the ring entrance logo. "Ahaha... Feel the bang? Just like your lady will after SuperBrawl? You're old lady goes for winners Page, just like me. That belt was stolen away from me, but it won't happen again. And you know why? Because I'm Buff, and I'm rough and tough...oh, and I'm the stuff! God, I'm good!" [QUOTE][U]Video[/U] The first clip comes to us from the first Nitro post Souled Out Hall: "At last year's World War III, we crowned a number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship. That man, was me. I didn't get a title shot at Starrcade, and I didn't get one at Souled Out, but you know what guys, I'm getting one at Superbrawl, cos you know why? I have a contract that says so. Survey says, one more for the good guys!" ---- Sting stands eye to eye with Scott Hall. "I just want you to know, chico, that at SuperBrawl... it's going to be all over for you, pal. You see, I've already got a contingency in place. It's like I said back in 1996, you know who I am, but you don't know what I'm doing here. Now I say, you don't what that is, and how it's going to be executed. What I'm saying to you Sting is perhaps you might want to just think about not coming to SuperBrawl, just leave the belt in the ring, and fly away again. Because you're going up against Scott Hall this time, the true Outsider. I am the man who started all this mess for you Sting, and I'm the man whose going to end it for you too. And when it's all said and done, survey says... one more for the good guys." --- Post match, Scott Hall raced down to ringside to cut short the celebrations. But Sting noticed him, and picked him up his patented black baseball bat. He pointed it at Hall who still advanced, Sting, without fear dropped the bat to the side and the two men stood nose to nose, toe to toe as Nitro went off the air. [CENTER][SIZE="4"]A solitary warrior defends the pride of tradition against the true destroyer of tradition[/SIZE][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Television Championship Stevie Ray (c) v 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Germany's finest here in a true international show down here on Thunder. But it wasn't much of a show down in essence, as while Alex Wright used his pace around the ring well, he soon got caught out, and got hit with the 110th Street Slam for the win. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Stevie Ray[/CENTER] Backstage, 'Mean' Gene is with Konnan. "Alright guys, I'm standing by with Konnan of the New World Order, who at SuperBrawl has challenged Goldberg, claiming he is the man to kill off his unbeaten steak." "Ora Le! ARIBA LA RASA! Gene Okerlund, I want you to feel this beanie.." Gene looks shocked and then rubs it.. "That's enough! You know Gene, people have said to me you're no chance against Goldberg at SuperBrawl. No chance, Gene? I am Mexico's greatest superstar, amigo. I'm the best from the south of the border. I'm an international superstar celebrity Gene. And it's about time I started getting some more respect here in WCW. And that all starts when I end Goldberg's streak, Gene. At Superbrawl, it's going to get bawdy bawdy and rawdy rawdy. Oh yeah, that's a fact." Konnan gives the nWo sign before walking off the set. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The giant-killer himself is in the ring against one of the smartest wrestlers going around today. And Kev was made to look a little ring rusty by one of Ric Flair's greatest allies. Dean Malenko is half the size of Kevin Nash dripping wet, but he is methodical, and is a great in ring strategist. He was calculated in working over Kevin, trying to get the big man off his feet. And he succeeded, he then went for the Texas Cloverleaf, but Kev's legs were too long for it to be executed and he kicked off Malenko. Despite Malenko's best intentions, Kevin Nash started using his superior height and strength to his advantage. To slow him down, Malenko would go to the outside, but everytime he came back in he found the big bad dog waiting. And eventually, just like every trailer on the Rockies, he got put into the Jackknife... Powerbomb style. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Kevin Nash[/CENTER] "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Underneath the ring entrance stood 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair himself, in a red sequined robe. "BY GOD! TONIGHT! Ric Flair is back in Horsemen country here in DENVER COLORADO! TONIGHT! I'm a city where I kissed all the girls and made them cry. You know what I'm talking about baby, yeah you were there on the 1994 tour, I remember you. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You see Kevin Nash! Back then Space Mountain had the longest line in the park! TONIGHT! TONIGHT! in DENVER COLORADO, Space Mountain still has the longest line in the park. And TONIGHT! You showed me nothing. Nothing that says to me that you are not going to be YET ANOTHER, WOOOOOOO YET ANOTHER who says RIC FLAIR, NATURE BOY, I can beat you! And like I always said, to be the man... YOU GOT TO BEAT THE MAN! Kevin Nash! Diamonds are forever, and so is Ric Flair, and at SuperBrawl! AT SUPERBRAWL! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You're going to find out why they still call me the dirtiest player...WOOOOOO in the game! BY GOD RIC FLAIR IS GOING TO KICK A$$$$$$$!!!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Scott Hall v Scott Steiner[/B][/SIZE] [I]NN...NNN...NEW WORLD ORDER... N...W...O....[/I][/CENTER] "Well there he is, the number one contender to Sting's WCW World Heavyweight Championship, and they will lock horns this Sunday night live and exclusive to Pay-Per-View at SuperBrawl. Call your local provider now!" But his opponent tonight is the very experienced Scott Steiner, one half of the great tag team exponents, the Steiner Brothers. And he is in his red wrestling outfit, and he is out here with his manager 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. Keeping Hall company though is Eric Bischoff. Scott Steiner has a very imposing look, and a lot of physique and power to his game. Often Rick Steiner has been the one in their tag team wins to get in there and get dirty and get some sort of momentum before Scott's unparalleled power comes in to hit home. Of late Scott has started to even look bigger and bigger and bigger. One can only hope it's as a result of stopping eating Pizza Hutt and instead eating Subway. Maybe he also has Aides? (Cheap SouthPark rip off). So it became very apparent early on that Scott Hall was not going to get an easy warm up match before SuperBrawl. He was going to have to take some heavy blows, fall prey to some scintilliating suplexes by the suplex master, and cough it all up until an opportunity presented itself for the Outsiders Edge. And that's largely the philosophy that went along with this match. Inevitably Steiner had the crowd pumped, but then Hall slipped in the inevitable, a devious low blow not cited by Mickey Jay. With Steiner slumped over, Hall was able to send him shoulder first into the ring post. Hall then turned him around, and kicked him to the guts. Steiner stumbled forward... OUTSIDERS EDGE! What a move, it really does come from nowhere, and that is what Sting will have to face up against at SuperBrawl! You never quite have this man beat! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Scott Hall[/CENTER]
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Another great show. Are we really going to see the end of the NWO for good as DDP mentioned? I highly doubt it. :) Anyways, great stuff as always. I did pretty good with my picks as well however I was sorta surprised to put an end to the Cruiserweight Open thing so quickly. Then again, I guess you just wanted to get it ready for the pay per view so it makes perfectly good sense. I'm just sitting here waiting for the Pay Per View NOW:) Keep up the good work man.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.pwwew.net/ppv/wcw/suprbrwl.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][B]WCW/nWo SuperBrawl 1998 Live from the Compaq Center*, Houston Texas Attendence: 19,000[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] * Thanks lazorbreak ;) With the echo of fireworks going off in the background... "Tonight, two mortal enemies will square off for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, but only will walk out with dignity and the coveted title. Houston, Texas welcomes you to SuperBrawl VIII as Sting defends his WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Scott Hall. Two men will enter but only one will exit the real Heavyweight Champion of the World. Tonight, Sting and Hall will battle for the most coveted title in our great sport. Hello everybody, I'm Tony Schiavone and with me live on Pay-Per-View, 'Iron' Mike Tenay and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan. Also tonight, the epic battle between World Championship Wrestling and the New World Order goes into overdrive, Mike." "Thanks Tony, tonight Scott Hall gets his first Pay-Per-View opportunity against Sting to take the WCW World Heavyweight Championship home to the New World Order." Mike Tenay proclaims. "People should not forget just how talented a wrestler Scott Hall is, evident recently by his defeated of pound for pound one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, Eddie Guerrero." "Tony, Mike, if you think that's big, just think of those humanoids 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan and 'Macho Man' Randy Savage. These two men have been going against one another for the best part of fifteen years all over the world, and tonight in Houston, Texas, live here on SuperBrawl VIII, it all explodes. It has to, this can't keep going on or it will send both men to an early grave." [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW World Cruiserweight Championship [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/EddyGuerrero2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Rey_Mysterio.jpg[/IMG] Eddie Guerrero (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] And what a way to start off SuperBrawl! The two best cruiserweights from around the world, the sly and manipulative Eddie Guerrero against the swift footed high flying Rey Mysterio Jr. These two have been at each other's throats for well on twelve months now, and it was no surprise to see these guys give WCW a barnburner to start off SuperBrawl. This was fluid, it was quick, while Eddie tried to use some semblence of psychology Rey was very keen to spot up with a number of aerial assaults, including a magnificient asai moonsault delivered to Eddie on the outside. But a match cannot be won on the outside, and it seemed apparent that Eddie was able to maintain momentum control here. He was hellbent, using any tactics necessary, in stopping Rey from gaining uncontrollable ascendency. When Rey went for a springboard frogsplash, Eddie raised the knees. He then began trying to tear at Rey's mask, infuriating him. He then took the little Mexican and sent him careering into the ropes, Rey tried for a tilterwhirl hurricanrana but Eddie countered into a backbreaker. With Rey in a world of pain, Eddie methodically went to the top. He went for the Frog Splash, but Rey rolled out of the way. Rey raced to the ropes and went for a Springboard Hurricanrana, but Eddie countered into a DDT. Almost in Guerrero like tribute, he picked Rey up and dropped him with a Gory Bomb. He slowly went to the top rope... FROG SPLASH! 1.....2....3! Eddie retains. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Eddie Guerrero[/CENTER] We cut backstage where Disco Inferno accidentally bumps into the WCW Television Champion, Stevie Ray. Stevie has the belt slumped over his right shoulder. "Fruit booty, suckas gots to know what the hell you doin here..." "Fruit booty? Suckas?" "You heard me yak." "Well it's very simple... homey. You see, I hope you win tonight." "Oh?" "I hope you wipe the floor with Wrath." "Yeah?" "Yeah. You see, this contract here guarantees me a shot at the WCW Television Championship on Monday Nitro, tomorrow night! And I can't think of anyone I'd love to beat than you. You see, if you win I will definitely keep the hits coming from the disco jukebox. You see Stevie Ray, I don't sweat you. But the entire wrestling world deserves to see some Monday Night Fever!" Just then Stevie Ray clenched his fist, but before he could swing at Disco, Wrath walked into the scene and stepped in front. He snarled, and Stevie backed down. We go to the interview area now where 'Mean' Gene Okerlund, this time in a black tuxedo, looking like the Penguin, is standing by with Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell, who is intently posing. "Alright fans, I'm here with Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell. Tonight you get a shot at the WCW United States Championship, going one on one with Diamond Dallas Page. But some have questioned whether you're in it for the gold, or to get a shot at Kimberly Page." "Ahahaha.. Both. You see, I swing both ways in this regard, Gene. I like a little gold, and I like a little... ahem, you know. And so does Kim. Not the hootch, I mean she likes me. And why not? You see Diamond Dallas Page, tonight when I beat you and get back my nWo United States Championship, and you get consigned to being known as a paper chump and little else, and you see that tight little toosh of your wife's walking off with the better man, ahahaha... you will find out why I am rough, I'm tough... and Kim will god damn find out why I am the stuff. God! I'm good!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Ravens Rules [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Raven.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BretHart6.jpg[/IMG] Raven v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two massive contrasts, but Bret Hart has made a career out of taking all types of wrestlers and stealing the show. Been there, done that is Bret's motto. But even this was a bit different for Bret Hart. Here you had the cynical maniacal Raven, and at the start of the match he slumped in the corner almost pleading for Hart to kick him. Hart dutifully obliged, showing his experience, when you have an opportunity to beat down a man you take it. This is WCW after all. Raven rolled to the outside, and began smiling at Hart, before complaining to Reese at ringside that Hart was a coward kicking a man while he is down. Hart started to look a little bat rattled, before smiling it off. Raven dared him to come outside, and eventually Hart, who was riled up followed him out. Bad, bad mistake. Almost a rookie mistake from the massively experienced Hitman. You go outside v Raven, it's like going into long grass against a venomous grass snake and hoping for the best. Hart was sent head first into the ringside ring post, before being thrown into the crowd. The Flock slapped Raven on the back as he took Hart up through the crowd, brawling intent with the Hitman. As they neared the back, he threw Bret Hart head first into the door, and they almost ended up out in the concessions! Raven then took Hart and ran his head into the stair railing, before hauling him back by the hair and throwing him hard onto the concrete floor near ringside. Raven got back in, and looked for an Evenflow DDT, but Hart pushed him off and then irish whipped Raven into the steel guardrails! This was no wrestling technicians school, but this would be as damn painful as being forced into submission into the dungeon. After finally getting Raven back into the ring, it was toe for toe. Raven was really showing some amazing potential. To go up against a ring veteran like Hart, and hold the ascendency for as long as he was it was showing he is a capable wrestler on the way up. But the way up is a long and winding road, that leads to destruction at times. And despite Raven's best intentions, Hart eventually turned the tide. He went back to being methodical, with a driving elbow from the second rope, followed by a headbutt to the mid section. He's lining him up, turning him over! He's over! SHARPSHOOTER! Raven is smiling. Referee Charles Dickenson is asking him whether he wants to give up, but Raven shakes his head, and smiles. He is deadset smiling! He is enjoying this. And the Bret Hart presses back into the hold to further pressurise the back, the more Raven seems to enjoy it. He was still enjoying it. Wait a second, has he passed out? The referee is checking on his arm, it drops down. He's calling for the bell. Raven is still smiling! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Bret Hart[/CENTER] Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund stands by with 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair, who is in his blue sequined robe, looking extremely pumped. "Alright guys, I'm back here with 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair, as he looks to take on 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash of the nW.." "MEAN WOOOOOOO BY GOD GENE! TONIGHT! TONIGHT! Did somebody tell me, Nature Boy, Ric Flair, that we were in HOUSTON TEXAS! WOOOOOOOOO!!! Do you know how much this robe cost me?" "Well... I have no idea?" "MEAN WOOOOOO BY GOD GENE! Of course you don't! Because I've been doing this for 26 years Gene! TWENTY SIX YEARS! It takes twenty six years to become the styling, profiling, limousing riding, jet flying, wheeling dealing, kiss stealing son of a gun I am! WOOOOOOOOOO! And with that comes perks. But also with that comes responsibilities. Responsiblities of honour, guts, fortitude. Kevin Nash! Something you're very short of! MEAN WOOOOO BY GOD GENE! I wish you could wear a robe just like this! But at $15,000 a pop my good man, it's only a dream... Or is it?" Just then, two beautiful blondes come from the side of the side and put a blue sequined robe around Gene Okerlund. He spins around and on the back it reads Mean WOOO Gene. "Oh yeah, you like that don't you Gene? And so you should! You should be dressed in class my good man! And likewise, WCW should be at the top of the professional wrestling ladder. TONIGHT! TONIGHT! TONIGHT! I walk the aisle Gene, I walk the aisle and Kevin Nash! You find out why WCW is STILL at the top of the pile... WOOOOOOOOO... despite all the short cuts, despite that son of a ***** Eric Bischoff, WCW still is at the top. Because brother it's like I've said time and time again as we go down the road one more time, diamonds are forever, and brother so is integrity, so is WCW. Learn to live with it! Learn to love it! Because it's the best thing going today. You like that don't ya Gene?" "Why, it's very nice Ric..." "Of course it's NICE! You're talking to the Nature Boy pal! The shoes I wore in here tonight cost more than your house, pal! And that's what you have to face up to Kevin Nash! You picked a fight with the Nature Boy! I've been with dogs as bad as you before brother, and no matter how bad they hurt me they never finished the job. They never finished the job! Kevin Nash! Read what you want to read, listen to what you want to hear. But understand this as a fact brother, as we walk the aisle tonight, to be the man... you've got to BEAT ...WOOOO...THE MAN!" With that, Flair struts and walks off. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/KevinNash4.jpg[/IMG] 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two of the hottest talents in professional wrestling today. And what a statement that is for Ric Flair, after all these years there's still few who are better than the Nature Boy! But perhaps, just perhaps Kevin Nash is just that. He is a giant of a man, powerful as all heck. But Flair is the dirtiest player in the game, and he would not lie down without a fight. As often as Nash started taking control, Flair would beg off and get out of harm's way, showing why he is the dirtiest player in the game. And then, after all a while he started laying ascendency to the match by running the big man around. Out came the fabled knee drop to the head! Nash was flummoxed. WOOOOO!!! It's time, he wraps around, but Nash's extra long legs kick Flair away and he gets chest first into the turnbuckle. Nash slowly and methodically stalks Flair into the corner and stretches his huge boot into the throat of the legendary Flair. Flair begs off, but Nash will have none of it. He sends Flair into the ropes, big boot! As Nash starts to pull down his straps, Flair hits him with a low blow! Schoolboy roll up.....1.....2....THR...NO! Both men come back to their feet, right from Nash, Flair ducks, he goes for a neckbreaker but Nash thrusts him off, Nash whips Flair into the ropes, side walk slam. Flair's back is arched he is in agony. Nash picks Flair up and whips him into the corner, Flair with all the momentum stumbles out of the ring and then somehow finds himself up on the top turnbuckle! Nash picks him up and dumps him in the centre of the ring. Flair gets back up, and falls face first! Nash pulls down the other strap, uh-oh, this can't be good... JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Kevin Nash[/CENTER] "Fans we understand there is something happening backstage, we are getting our cameras there... Oh my..." It's 'Macho Man' Randy Savage in the back hallways of the Compaq Center, his eyes are enraged, as he looks at Miss Elizabeth. "OOOOH YEAH! Dig it, you listen to me, and you listen good. You keep your hands out of my business. You get keep your nose out of my business. You so much as come near me tonight, I'll snap you in half myself. OOOOH YEAH!" At the back of the arena, we see 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan dragging his luggage into the arena, flanked by Eric Bischoff. "Brother, tonight I'm going to teach Randy Savage the final lesson." "The final lesson?" "You heard me Eric, he's going to wish he never messed with the icon of professional wrestling, dude. He's going to find out some tough love that the nWo is for life. He took an oath brother, and tonight, he'll find out just how wild things are. Bischoff, Savage needs to ask himself only one question, watcha gonna do when Hollywood runs wild... ON YOOOUUUUUUUU!!!" Bischoff looks shocked, as Hogan keeps walking, pumped towards the nWo dressing room. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Television Championship [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/StevieRayWCWTag.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BryanClarke.jpg[/IMG] Stevie Ray (c) v Wrath[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Did you guys actually pay for this on Pay-Per-View? Here, I demand you, take your money back. Two slow, big raging dinosaurs here. Nothing to see. Except if you're a fan of mistimed big blows. This feud has really simmered, but won't lead to much I wouldn't think in terms of career advancements. This must be going down in one of the worst ideas pulled out of the A-hole of one Mark Daniels. But the match had to go on, and for once, Wrath lost out, courtesy of Stevie Ray hitting a set of brass knucks to skull of Wrath, without referee Mickey Jay noticing. The good thing about this match, it was over quick. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Stevie Ray[/CENTER] "What a great match! Another great match here in WCW." Shut up Tony, please. "Wait a second, is that... Is that...?" "Liz?" "Yeah that's the hamenegger Miss Elizabeth alright. I thought he told her to keep out of here?" "She's sitting in the audience for crying out loud." "Oh, she's crying alright. She looks most upset. Someone must have stolen her make up kit..." [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/HulkHogan3.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/RandySavage4.jpg[/IMG] 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] I get the feeling these two will just never, ever like one another again. Both men wearing the fabled colours of the nWo, are we seeing the beginning of the end for this evolution of professional wrestling? Hopefully, are we seeing the end of a career long feud? This one started way back in the 80s, and STILL goes on today. In fairness, they've carried it fairly well with a lot of twists and turns, and if it still sells tickets, and it keeps Hogan out of the main event then I suppose it's all good. This was a slow bout, both men were weary about locking up. And when they did, every blow was cheap. The savage rivarly here is as intense as it has been long. And when the feud hasn't been on over their careers, it's simmered. It's the ultimate love-hate relationship, bordering on psychological distress and torment. And by that I don't mean the fans. Hogan and Savage were only too happy to take it outside to brawl around the ring area, moving one plastic hip quickly against the other was hard work, but tonight there were reasonably committed. Must be a big pay day in there somewhere? Oh... that's right. Liz weapt as Hogan tore her ex husband assunder, beating him mercilessly on the outside with the clubbing right blows. Those moves were fashionable in 1988. Not sure about 1998. Hogan seemed to be enjoying himself as he ran riot on Savage, but then he did something he shouldn't have done. He started paint brushing Savage. And it began to infuriate him. Suddenly, the flying saucer eyes were back. Savage was ... HULKING UP? Yes, well, Savaging up? I don't know... But he was doing something. Hogan began to beg off, but Savage kicked him to the jaw and sent the big orange M&M back onto his back. Savage then ripped off Hogan's belt and whipped him mercilessly. Good times. The big orange M&M began turning red around the rib cage. Hogan into the ropes, clothesline from the mad one. Savage then gave Hogan the nWo signal in his eyes, as a sign of indignity. Hogan was looking mad, but every time he tried to come back, Savage just got more and more bent out of shape. Savage worked Hogan over savagely in the corner with a series of hard closed fists blows, to the point where Charles Robinson interjected. This gve Hogan his chance to come back, and he clotheslined Savage hard from behind. Hogan put his saggy right hand to his old right ear, and the crowd booed. He then posed, and got booed. "HOGAN SUCKS! HOGAN SUCKS! HOGAN SUCKS!" No it doesn't. It's a natural hair supplement. Ohhhh, Hogan, not Regain. My bad. Well then yes he does. Hogan to the ropes, big stinky leg dr... NO! Savage rolled out of the way. Hogan is grabbing at his plastic hip. Savage grabs his leather belt again and wails away before Robinson this time shows sheer bravery to rip it off him. Savage is not happy with the referee, allowing Hogan to roll him up...1...2....NO! Savage back to his feet, clothesline down goes Hogan. Hogan back up, body slam from Savage. He rips at the eyes of Hogan, and now at the nostrils. I feel like we're back at the Boston Gardens with George 'The Animal' Steele. Come on Savage, go eat some turnbuckle! Hogan brought back to his feet, and nailed with a right hand. Back up he comes, into the turnbuckle, and Savage wails away with some hard right hands. nWo sign, and now a neckbreaker! Hogan down hard. Savage signals to the crowd, and looks out at Miss Elizabeth, who is near in agony she's tearing up so bad. He demands she head back to the back, and finally security begin to escort her out. Up to the top... FLYING EL.. NO! He waited too long and Hogan moved. Hogan slowly back to his feet, he rolls out of the ring. Hogan begins walking to the back, but Savage races out, grabs him by the little hair he has and hauls him back into the ring. Hogan into the ropes, kick to the gut, another powerful vertical suplex from Savage on the big man! Savage races to the top now.... FLYING ELBOW SMASH! 1....2.....3! God no? Hogan jobbed clean? [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Randy Savage[/CENTER] Well, here's the gestapo music, and here comes the stormtrooper himself. He headbutts a locker room door in, and now walks out flanked by security. He gets to the bottom of the ramp, breathes a world of fire and then pumps his left and right arms with upper thrusts. GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! You'd almost swear that was an authentic chant, without it being piped in *heh*. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Goldberg.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Konnan.jpg[/IMG] Bill Goldberg v Konnan[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Well, what did Mexico's 'greatest' superstar have to offer? Well, he did take a good spear. And a nice jackhammer. And a good splat. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Bill Goldberg[/CENTER] Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing by with 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho of the New World Order. "Alright, I'm here with 'Lionheart' Chris Jer.." "Gunter glieben glauchen globen! Oh my god Gene! It's uncanny! You've morphed. You are now... no longer Play it again Sam, but now you are... the Penguin! Let me tell you something, I hope to god I never...EVVVERRRRR end up in your shape fat little Alfred Hitchc*ck. And yes you are right Gene, you are here with the Lionheart. Yourself, a true Jericholic and all the Jerichohics out there are bowing in adulation. And as you should. You see, World Championship Wrestling is... well, dead. Monday Night is Jericho. The nWo is Jericho. And Chris Benoit, you are a toothless ho bag! Tonight Chris Benoit, you find out who the greatest Canadian wrestler of all time is. And his name is Chris. But I can you tell you it will never...EVVVERRRR be Chris Benoit. You are aobut to go up against the man of 1004 holds. Get out your pagers and beep your friends because tonight, a true wrestling rock and rolla ayatollah, a true paragon of good virtue, your hero of Jericholics, anonymous or otherwise, takes one step closer to becoming the greatest wrestler in the world of professional wrestling. Which I might add begins and ends with the nWo. You see tonight, I help Scott Hall, tonight I finish off the good work of my good buddy Big Sexy the Blond Thriller Kevin Nash's great work on that old flea bag Flair, by announcing to the wrestling world that the world is over. You hear that Gene? The war is over! The white flag is going up. It's like I said to you at the start, WCW will never....EVVVERRRR recover, and neither will you Chris Benoit. Jericho is downright excellence, and you Gene, are nothing but a bottom feeding Penguin, so hit the bricks junior and enjoy the Ayotollah of Rock ... and roll-a!" [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Handicap Match [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/LexLuger4.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Hiroyoshi_Tenzan3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thGreat_Muta2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/MasahiroChono.jpg[/IMG] 'Total Package' Lex Luger v nWo Japan[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] 'Total Package' Lex Luger is many things, including a two time World Heavyweight Champion, but we were about to find out if he was truly capable of being three top class athletes. Great Muta has been hot worldwide, including here in the states, for over a decade. Masahiro Chono and Hiroyoshi Tenzan are two of the best from a great wrestling country. Luger was given his all, and at one stage was really starting to turn the tide and gain some momentum. But he knew he had to end this quickly, he got Tenzan up, TORTURE RACK! But Chono kicked him in the guts, TORTURE RACK for him! He's wailing, surely he's tapping, but Tenzan is distracting referee Mickey Jay. And from behind...GREEN MIST from Muta! Luger drops to the mat clutching at his eyes, MUTA LOCK! MUTA LOCK! Luger is tapping, what a fatal mistake taking them all on! [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via submission, nWo Japan[/CENTER] We cut back to the Outsiders dressing room, where the true Outsider Scott Hall sits deep in thought on a dressing room bench. In walks 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash. "Hey..." Hall just looks up, solemnly. "Bro, I just want to say, tonight... Scott Hall gets to show why he's the true Outsider. Why he's the true evolutionist. The man who set the scene to change the world of professional wrestling. You digging me bro? Tonight, this is ... your house. Tonight, after you win the title, things will be ... tooooo sweeeeet." "Yo, and what if I don't win? I mean, Sting is Sting man.." "Don't worry about Sting, just concentrate on doing your own thing. Sting ain't half the man you are. He struggles down there." "Down where?" "You know where." [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChrisBenoit4.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChrisJericho2.jpg[/IMG] 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Tonight, a true wrestling epic. These guys went to a time limit draw earlier this week, and since that point magazines, internet forums have been all over this. Some are claiming this to be the battle of the next WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Thankfully, they are starting to get their due, they are now not just known as pound for pound the best of the best, but they are becoming known as simply the best of the best. Knowing what was at stake, knowing that their wrestling careers could change from this very moment forward, the two men were slow and methodical in planning their opponents downfall. It became a scientific textbook match of quick roll ups, decisive submission innovative holds, and quick side to side in ring wrestling. It was as if neither man wanted to make a mistake, but slowly wanted to wear the other down. This was even, this was open and neither man could gain the upper hand. The crowd were eating it up. And why shouldn't they be? You come to a professional wrestling event, you hope to see a five star masterclass. It's like going to the baseball a long long time ago and hoping to see Babe Ruth slam a homer. It was like going to a concert and hoping Elvis Presley would the sweet notes that took you back to the green green grass of home. There is something to be said when you come to perfection. When you come to a show and see the best possible entertainment. This is WCW. This is Jericho/Benoit. After 24 minutes of agonising blow for blow action, Jericho seemed to have siezed the advantage, after a quick double underhook facebuster, he very quickly put Benoit into the LionTamer! LIONTAMER! And it's on sweet as a nut! Benoit is grimaccing. The pain is intense. But somehow he gets his right hand to the rope. Jericho is forced to release, he argues with the referee, which allows Benoit to go for a quick roll up...1...2....thr...NO! Both men back to their feet, Benoit ducks a right hand, GERMAN SUPLEX! And again! Oh my, again! Jericho went down hard on his head there! Benoit shakes off the pain in his knees as he stumbles forward to the turnbuckle. Slowly he climbs to the top. Jericho's eyes are glazed, Benoit leaps.... DIVING HEADBUTT!!! He connected! Benoit takes his time, but eventually he rolls over... CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! Jericho eventually taps! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Chris Benoit[/CENTER] As Benoit's weary arm is held aloft, we cut back to the dressing room of Diamond Dallas Page. 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair enters the dressing room, limping from his previous show down with Kevin Nash. "Yo... Ric, thanks for stopping by. What's up..." "What's up? What's up? WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! BY GOD! I'll tell you what's up Dallas. TONIGHT! In this very arena, by god you get to show to be the man you got to beat... the man. And that man...WOOOOOOO is you Diamond Dallas Page. You see our boy Chris Benoit out there? He just bled his way to victory. And tonight, you are going to have to do the same. BUT IN HONOUR FOR WCW! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Diamonds are forever, and so is DDP!" Flair sticks his right hand out, and Page shakes it. "Yo, I can assure you Flair, tonight I will not let anyone down. Rest assured tonight, I'll make sure nobody forgets who I am, oh..and Bagwell will...FEEL...THE....BBBB...BBB ...BANG!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW United States Championship [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/DiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BuffBagwell4.jpg[/IMG] 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] At Souled Out, Buff Bagwell thought he'd stolen dignity from Diamond Dallas Page. He thought he'd stolen the WCW United States Championship. Thankfully, justice was done and a coward as big as Bagwell did not get to hold a belt as prestigious as the United States strap. Bagwell took it to Page, focussing intently on the wrapped up ribs. Page for what it was worth was suffering immeasurably as Bagwell continued to pound away with kicks, and a well executed back breaker to continue the leverage on the spinal muscles, continuing to separate the verterbrae. Page was in a world of pain. But finally, Page started to get back on his feet, and slowly but surely he started using his experience to take control of Bagwell. Bagwell was shocked, but slowed the pace back in his favour when he exited to the floor. Page followed him, but Bagwell had ambushed him by whipping him into the ring post. Bagwell took him back in, and signalled that it was time for the Buff Blockbuster. He went up, but Page stepped, Bagwell landed on his feet...DIAMOND CUTTER! Page is right, you never know when it's coming, but BANG! 1...2....3! We have a new United States Champion! What a disaster of a night this is turning into for the nWo, except of course for Kevin Nash. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Diamond Dallas Page[/CENTER] Scott Hall waited apprehensively, as thunder echoed around the arena, he almost spat out his toothpick in sheer fear. [CENTER][I]When a man's heart is full of deceit It burns up, dies and a dark shadow falls over his soul When the ashes of a great man has arisen occurs A wrong that must be righted We look to the skies for a vindicator Someone to throw fears into the black hearts of the same men who created him Against the army of shadows comes a dark warrior The prevailor of good With a morsel of silence and a motion of justice This.... Is.... Sting![/I][/CENTER] Here he is! He's defending from the rafters! He points the bat at Scott Hall, before finally dropping the cloak and WCW World Heavyweight Championship to the dubious referee, Nick Patrick. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW World Heavyweight Championship [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Sting.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottHall9.jpg[/IMG] Sting (c) v Scott Hall[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The culmination of a wonderful tale. In 1996, Scott Hall shocked the wrestling world by turning up unannounced on a Monday Nitro. At the Bash at the Beach 1996, along with Kevin Nash, they introduced their partner to start the nWo - none other than Hollywood Hogan. In the biggest shock to hit the sport in a decade, they'd turned the world's biggest babyface into a main event heel for the first time in his illustrious career. Gone was all the sentiment, in now was an evolution. Everything was turned upside down, and with it was the career of Sting. The seed of distrust was firmly planted in the organisation due to some dubious tactics including a duplicate Stinger, who misled WCW into believing the real Sting was a coward. But Sting never has been, and probably never will be a betrayor of WCW. And despite all his anguish, when the war starting to get unwinnable, he stepped back into the frey. Initially he targetted his aggression at Hogan, winning back the title at Starrcade, but he has now set his sights on perhaps a man who his just as infamous to Sting as Hogan was, Scott Hall, the man who started the trail of destruction that leads Sting to being the untrusting destroyer he now is. And thus, Scott Hall probably knew that while it could be his night of nights, and the night he catapulted his career from shock value stunner, into catastrophic superstar that he would have to go up against a man who hated him as much as anyone could hate anyone. Sting knew back then he'd been duped by Hall, and it was a nice change of pace though to see WCW work on a storyline for two years. They held off on the big pay day till now. There was no slow circle to start off with, these ripped and teared. Why? For that exact hatred. For the change to either exact revenge, or claim wrestling superiorty. You see, on top of all this, the battlelines between the nWo and WCW would be forever changed by the events of tonight. If Sting won, undoubtedly it had been WCW's night and th efocus of the war changed once more to a faction that would be suffering with it's own identity and lack of success. If Hall won, all that had gone before them would be forgotten. All of Sting's hard work would be out the window. [I]There is tomorrow[/I] And indeed there wasn't. Neither man asked for a quarter, nor was one given. This was sheer bloodshed. Torture. It was a sheer assimation of pain, of anguish, of carnage. Brutality struck in this match, there was little technical latitude here. The crowd were firmly behind Sting, their saviour, their solitary warrior. Scott Hall was fighting for his life against the crowd driven warlord of virtue. But he kept fighting, and miraculously against all the odds began to hold sway. To the point he had gained ascendency, and hit... THE OUTSIDERS EDGE! 1...2...NO! Sting kicked him off, and sat up! As Hall looked to the fans shocked, Sting stood up without feeling. There was no emotion, he barely looked troubled by the Outsiders Edge. Sting turned around and copped a kick to the guts. Into the corner...STINGER SPLASH! And again...STINGER SPLASH! The crowd was going nuts... WOOOOOOOO!!! Sting chanted euphorically in ecstasy as he beat on his chest...and again...STINGER SPLASH! Hall was stumbling.... SCORPION DEATH DROP! WOOOOOOO!!! Is it time? It's always time, man... SCORPION DEATH LOCK! The crowd were on their feet. Hall was shaking his head, and then he nodded! It was too much! Even with everything at stake from the belt to wrestling supremacy to fame, it was too much! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, and STILL WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Sting[/CENTER] Wait a second, here comes Norton, here comes Hennig, here comes Adams, here comes Nash. Sting kicks away Norton, clothesline Hennig, but Adams grabs his arm and now Nash grabs him and clotheslines him. What is the meaning of this? They couldn't get the job done in the ring, and now this... [I][CENTER]SELF HIGH FIVE![/CENTER][/I] YES! Here comes Diamond Dallas Page! Down to the ring, Norton clears the ring, Adams clears the ring, Hennig runs in fear. Nash cowers onto his knees, get him Page! Get him! Wh..Wh..What????!!! WHAT THE HELL? He Diamond Cut Sting?!!! WHAT? NO! STOP THIS! And again! What the hell? The ring was filling with debris. Page ripped off his Union of the Diamond Cutters shirt... [I][CENTER]n....W....o[/CENTER][/I] What a sham! Why? Why? He's embracing with the nWo in the centre of the ring, as Hogan, Bagwell, Bischoff and Jericho come out from the back smiling like cheshire cats, content they'd pulled a massive one over WCW. Diamond Dallas Page - you can go straight to hell!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/nitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Quick Tips[/B] Non Title Match: 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon v nWo United States Champion 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero and Psicosis v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr Perry Saturn v 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus WCW Television Championship: Stevie Ray (c) v Disco Inferno v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko Bret 'Hitman' Hart v Konnan The Great Muta v 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit Bill Goldberg v Kidman 'Macho Man' Randy Savage v 'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka WCW World Heavyweight Championship Rematch: Sting (c) v Scott Hall
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