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ok my king of the ring ppv is coming up. and before hand, i wanna know what the set will be like. Like will it be in brackets? or i just make the matces myself? and another question, well i need help deciding. Big show is feuding with kane. and i wanna make a stable with him that will be unstoppable, then have DX reform and take down taht stable. the game im doing is based in year 2001. any ideas on how i should build up the story and which characters to put in the stable?
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the king of the ring title is just assigned to a match. It works the same way a normal title does. You don't do brackets or anything. You can, but the wrestlers will get tired by the nights end. A stable with big show? Well what i do is the monster stable. Bring in a good manager and some big guys, bam, instant stable.
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yeah i was thinking a monster stable too. I was thinking Austin, just have him in the group cuz he'll be the guy who kicks ass all the time with no remorse. Austin is heel and wwf champion, and i was thinking right now to put austin and mcmahon into the group. Mcmahon, Show, Austin, what about the dudleyz?
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If it were me booking this, I'd leave Austin out, and have a stable with Show, Kane, Lesnar (was he around in '01...that was the year I sorta drifted out of wrestling for a while), see if you can't bring in Vader, Mark Henry and yeah, maybe the Dudleys. Again, if it were me, I'd leave Austin out of the stable and have him be the one-man wrecking crew that battles this stable. The stable could be managed by a guy like Heyman in a heel role, and if the heels are built up propperly, could feed Austin for months of challenges.
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[QUOTE=CJ_S;421741]The stable could be managed by a guy like Heyman in a heel role, and if the heels are built up propperly, could feed Austin for months of challenges.[/QUOTE] If it's even remotely possible to get him, this stable demands Kevin Nash as its manager. He's always been a better talker than a wrestler, and if you put him in a "monster" stable he can play to his strengths without overshadowing his client as would usually be the case. Kane making a surprise heel turn to join Show against DX is an obvious choice, and Vader's another good one. For established tag teams the APA seems a better choice than the Dudleys. Test and Albert are two other obvious guys who could be used, and maybe Bull Buchanan. Austin should be kept away at all costs. If he's introduced to the stable then it'll be all about him and not the guys who could actually benefit from being a part of it.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;421753] Austin should be kept away at all costs. If he's introduced to the stable then it'll be all about him and not the guys who could actually benefit from being a part of it.[/QUOTE] Exactly, where as if you had these guys going *against* Austin, they could all benefit by being made to look like worthy challengers against him, whereas, if they were going against DX, my logic would suggest that HHHBK would just burry them straight back down to OVW.
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