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Technically it would work, there are some problems with doing that though You would have to deal with injuries in the game, drug tests, fighters joining and leaving camps, a fighter might leave your promotion and you won't be able to sign him back on I've seen guys post play by plays but in my game I can't copy/paste, I'm not sure how they do it.
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I had an e-fed going on for 3 months using the WMMA engine. I went through 29 PPV events. One week ago i stopped it though as there seemed to be MUCH too little interest. In theory i still have all the data, the history and fights all stored. I even have a forum ready, but i will need to setup the sections again as i deleted eveything recently. What was most dissapointing is the support from these forums. Not even one person took part. I had at one point up to 20 active fighters on the roster and i could get 10-12 of the players back if there is enough interest in continuing it. If you go to these forums [url]http://z3.invisionfree.com/Big_Biz/[/url] in the section called GAMMA i have all the data stored to get an idea on how we ran the promotion. Naturally there are allot of problems. One is the activity factor, there was very little interest in MMA in general (that could be because most the people i know are not too into it and those forums are not too connected to MMA or sports in general) Injuries is a Huge problem also, as is Drug abuse, as that could mean a fighter is out for 2 weeks with nothing to do but train and communicate. It would be nice if we could somehow edit injuries and so on. But overal it was very fun if we can get someone else to take on the task.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;423010]I had an e-fed going on for 3 months using the WMMA engine. I went through 29 PPV events. One week ago i stopped it though as there seemed to be MUCH too little interest.[/QUOTE] You should advertise on all the MMA sim leagues.
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[QUOTE=ProphetX;422677]Just curious but is it possible with this game engine? I've been in front of this game now for hours on end when I get home from work and want to spread the love to some of my co-workers :)[/QUOTE]I did this with Total Extreme Wrestling (and it's EWR predecessor) for a few years, and never really could get it to work. With the game's injuries, angles, etc, I could never really recreate what we would do in the e-fed. If you can pull it off, bravo. I never could.
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As i said if everyone will have some character, then there is a problem with the injuries and drug abuse subjects. Beyond that however the e-fed went very well. If everyone will be allowed to have more than one character (lets say 3) then the fact that one fighter is injured is not a huge problem. There is another problem though with this simulator. We started it off and everything went well, then came momment X when people started to get what to do:D and now the game is somewhat too easy and predictable.
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