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MAW: Tradition Continues

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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]MAW[/COLOR]: Tradition Continues Act 1: Welcome to the Stanley Hall.[/B][/CENTER] [B]Time: 11:50pm Location: Somewhere in the Mid-Atlantic Area.[/B] [B][I]Dusty Streets[/I][/B] hated waiting. He hated waiting in the Carolina’s even more. He could have sworn it was seventy degrees this morning, but that December night was borderline freezing. He prayed that this wasn’t some practical joke by his associate. He probably wouldn’t be able to handle it. Lord knew the media needed another “Wrestler Snaps” story to just gobble up. Thankfully, the legendary [B][I]Rip Chord [/I][/B]made his presence felt. The aging veteren of the ring was all smiles as he greeted the old man, who couldn’t help smiling back. “You made it. I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show.” “Rip, I’ve been out here for ten minutes.” “What are you complaining for, it’s a beautiful night.” “I guess.” Rip chuckled, thick voice reverberating across the empty parking lot. “So have you been thinking about my offer?” The prodigal son of the Streets clan took a deep breath. “If I’m going to be booking this little… project of yours, I need to be given free reign. I need to hire who I want, and fire who I want. I need complete creative control…” “Yeah, yeah, yeah…” Rip blew him off. “We’ll talk about all that later. Come inside. I want to show you the building.” Dusty Streets coughed, and grabbed his bags. “Where are we anyway?” Rip turned to his new partner in crime, a twinkle in the old mans eye. “I’m glad you asked Big Dust... Welcome to the Stanley Hall.” Sometimes a simple phrase makes all the difference.
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To: Dusty Streets From: Rip Chord Hey Dust, here’s the official roster of workers and their specific place in the company. Remember this is a development program. These kids aren’t going to be Sean McFly good overnight. [B][COLOR="Red"]Antonio[/COLOR][/B] – [I]The kids getting there, and he’s got his heart in the business. In a year or two he’ll be a real main event attraction. He’s gotten really good at melding styles together. He’s a little rough around the edges right now, but a little time will do him some good.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Curtis Jenkins[/COLOR][/B] – [I]He’s a good kid, but he’s pretty one dimensional right now. I’ve just given him some of the basics. You know. When in doubt grab a hold. He’s on the lower rung at the moment, and probably is going to stay there until he gets much better.[/I] [COLOR="blue"][B]DC Rayne[/B][/COLOR] – He’s one half of on tag team champs. He’s got some potential to be a good technician in ring wise, but it’s going to be some time before he’s good enough to hold any other kind of gold. [B][COLOR="blue"]Des Davids [/COLOR][/B]– [I]He’s an absolute animal in the ring Dust. I mean it. He’s probably the most athletically gifted member of the roster. Now if only we could get a little more psychology out of him. As it stand, he just plows his way into everyone one minded. He’s got the fans behind him though.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Eddie Howard [/COLOR][/B]– [I]I’ve heard rumors that Sam’s been looking at this guy. He’s really got a good look to him. He’s like a new age Powerhouse Patterson. Except not so crazy. He’s another kid who could be main eventing for us in a year or two, if he doesn’t move on to greener pastures first.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Erik Strong [/COLOR][/B]– [I]He’s having a little trouble getting out of his partners shadow, but the kids ok. He really needs help with his mic skills though. He’s good worker in the ring, but he’s not going to be selling out tickets.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Flash Savage[/COLOR][/B] – [I]Theres an underdog babyface somewhere in there. For now he works as one half of our best heel team, the Canadian blondes. He’s the smallest guy on the roster, so I’m not sure if he’s ever going to get a chance outside of us (you know how Eisen and Sam like their muscleheads.) He’s actually not a bad talent, and should he improve his pshycology, he could be fantastic.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Huey Cannonball[/COLOR][/B] – [I]He’s actually part three of my big heel tag team. He’s not a member of the official team, but he does a lot of runnins for them. He’s alright, but he’s not going to be moving up the card any time soon.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR][/B] – [I]the biggest face in the company right now. He’s mostly a high flyer. He’s going to have to work on his professionalism, as he’s had to have sit down talks with me already about his conduct. Otherwise, he has a bright future ahead of him.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Max Mayhem[/COLOR][/B] – [I]He needs the most help out of all of these kids. He’s got some interesting high flying spots, but he doesn’t have the basic skills nessicary to have a good match, so he doesn’t have a lot to offer right now.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Oscar Golden[/COLOR][/B] – [I]He’s probably the most experienced of the blondes. And the closest to actually becoming something great I’d imagine. He needs some work in the psychology department, but he’s got a good look to him.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Ricky Douglas[/COLOR][/B] – [I]A good, solid kid, who could use a bit more seasoning. He’s kind of bland at the moment, so I’ve got him working as Parkers Right hand man.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Ryan Turner [/COLOR][/B]– [I]Well he’s got charisma to spare, that’s for sure. But I’ve been having attitude problems with him as of late, and he doesn’t seem to want to become any better. Keep and eye on him, and see if you can turn him around.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Stan “The Man” Manna [/COLOR][/B]– [I]between him and Turner, Manna’s the better worker. He’s not very safe to work with at the moment (He opened up DC hardway last year), so he needs to work on performance skills.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Steven Parker[/COLOR][/B] – [I]He’s probably the best worker we have right now. He’s young, he’s ****y, he meshes styles pretty well. He probably could have gotten a call up by now, but he likes it around here. So far he’s been a swell champion.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]The Mean Machine [/COLOR][/B]– Jeans as solid as a rock in there. He doesn’t look like a stud or anything, and he doesn’t quite have the charisma to be a part of Eisen’s boys up north, but he’s been the… parden the pun, ‘firm’ foundation for MAW since its inception. He’s the kind of guy who is willing to put the right people over. There are a few guys on the indy scene who could use some help as well. I’ll send you their contact information. As you can see, we’re a little heel heavy, so the more faces to even out the roster the better I think. Anyway, I’ll see you later in the week. - Rip
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I like this so far. Sure, you've not done a whole lot, but what you've done is nice work. Just for info, who's Dusty Streets (other than a terrible pun)? As for guys to sign up, Ace Youngblood, Gentleman Jim King and The Trademark are all good signings. Ota would be a good one for the training aspect, and whilst he's a lousy face I'd love to see someone do something Dermot O'Logical.
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[quote=1PWfan;424495]I like this so far. Sure, you've not done a whole lot, but what you've done is nice work. Just for info, who's Dusty Streets (other than a terrible pun)? As for guys to sign up, Ace Youngblood, Gentleman Jim King and The Trademark are all good signings. Ota would be a good one for the training aspect, and whilst he's a lousy face I'd love to see someone do something Dermot O'Logical.[/quote] I agree with you on who to sign, Ace and King are brilliant workers when given a chance. And Dusty Streets was a worker created in the 75 C-Verse, as the son (I think the older one) of Rocky Streets, booker of SWF at the time.
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[B]Time: 8:33pm Location: Rip Chord’s personal office...[/B] Rip Chord greeted Dusty with a pleasant demeanor, though he was a little on the cross side today. Jay’s driving tests were coming up, and Rip was more frustrated with his sons' declining studies than with the slightly grumpy face Dusty was giving him. He cleared his throat and indicated at the 'warm' liquid caffeine. "Coffee?" “I’m good Rip, thanks.” “Alright, let’s get right to it. Here are the only guidelines I need to set. First and foremost, I’ve made an investment in this company. This boat can’t be going under, understand? The promotion can’t be in debt by the next time the investors start snoopin’ around next year.” Streets gave Chord a nod. “Next up, I don’t want any of these kids on something. You think they’re taking pain killers, anything like that, terminate their contract and get them some help. MAW can’t become a part of the problem with this industry.” Streets shrugged. Rip frowned. “And lastly, I don’t want any lazy, good for nothing marks coming in here thinking that they’re owed something. This is a training facility, not a ‘look, I can do a wristlock’ hangout. You know as well as I do, this isn’t ballet. I don’t want you hiring any kid who doesn’t have any athletic ability.” Dusty yawned and took a cup of coffee. “Sounds alright to me.” Rip glared at his fellow veteren. “Glad we’re on the same page. Now, for our first event…” Dusty cracked his knuckles and took out a pencil and a sheet of paper. “The Rip Chord Invitational…”
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[CENTER]"From Pro Wrestling Hits" [B][SIZE="5"]The Rip Chord Invitational[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] In Mid Atlantic Wrestling's short history, two events have stood out from the rest; their anniversary show, "Where It All Begins Again", which in 2006 mixed a celebration of their first year in business with one of the highest quality wrestling events of any promotion, and their annual tournament, The Rip Chord Invitational. The first, held last January, really helped establish the company as a real force to be reckoned with. The selection of MAW wrestlers who have entered this year represents the cream of the crop from the promotion, and the brackets prove to be very interesting. [B]The Mean Machine vs. Roderick Remus[/B] [I][B]The Mean Machine[/B] is the most dangerous man in MAW. A former Champion, The Machine knows what it takes to reach the top of the mountain. [B]Roderick Remus [/B]is a new comer to MAW, but is already a two year veteren in the sport, and has been scoring wins on the American independent scene. Can Remus score the major upset? Or will The Machine only be two wins away from winning his first ever RCI tournament?[/I] [B]Frankie Perez vs. Antonio[/B] [I]The first of our two invitees this year, [B]Frankie Perez [/B]has been one of the most talked about talents in CZCW. He faces the highly capable [B]Antonio[/B], who is looking to avenge his string of high profile losses recently. Can Antonio break the curse and break into the MAW main event? Or will “Mr. Perfection” prove himself to the MAW fans.[/I] [B]Des Davids vs. Ricky Douglas[/B] [I][B]Des Davids[/B] is the most athletically gifted competitor in MAW history. At 6”5, and bordering 270lbs, the animal has not been pinned nor been made to submit in his Five months as a MAW competitor. He faces one half of the A* Alliance, [B]Ricky Douglas[/B], whose connections to MAW Supergroup ‘the Firm’ are undeniable. Can Davids Push through the competition and Sack all who stand in his way? Or will “Straight A” Ricky Douglas dismiss the hype?[/I] [B]Erik Strong vs. Wael Hossem[/B] [I]High flyer [B]Erik Strong [/B]rounds out the tournament quarterfinals. Erik has something to prove in this tournament, as he looks for his first singles victory. The man he faces however, is a well known technician from the land of the pyramids. [B]Wael Hossem [/B]has come to MAW representing INSPIRE, and is looking to win the RCI to boost his international standing. Can Strong shake off the critics and prove that he is more than just Mainstream Hernandez’ partner? Or will the Egyptian Submission Machine lock his spot in the semi finals.[/I] [B]Mainstream Hernandez vs. "The Future" Steven Parker{c}[/B] [I]And one of the most highly anticipated events in MAW history, [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] finally gets his hands at the man who stole his title opportunity in October. [B]Steven Parker [/B]has been ducking Hernandez since winning the belt in July. This match has been brewing for months now, and MAW fans are ready. Will Hernandez walk out of the Stanley Hall with gold around his waist? Or is the Future to much to handle?[/I] [I]And also, the return of [B]Dusty Streets[/B]! What does the legend want with MAW?[/I] All these questions and more answered at MAW’s big New Year celebration, MAW The Rip Chord Invitational! Be there, if you dare. [QUOTE]Quick Picks [B]The RCI First Round Matchups.[/B] The Mean Machine vs. Roderick Remus Frankie Perez vs. Antonio Des Davids vs. Ricky Douglas Wale Hossem vs. Erik Strong [B]MAW Championship[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs. Steven Parker [/QUOTE]
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[B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Roderick Remus [I]The Mean Machine is a franchise player for MAW, and one of the best on the roster. Double R could go over here to pull off the upset, but given that he needs a lot of work I wouldn't think so.[/I] [B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Antonio [I]P-Dawg isn't a great fit for MAW, imo, but he's damn good and a great guy for the invitational. He could go all the way to the win, whilst Antonio is good, but in need of work.[/I] [B]Des Davids[/B] vs. Ricky Douglas [I]Des is a potential MAW champ, down the line. Plus, you need a face to go over here to even things out in the semi's[/I] [B]Wael Hossem[/B] vs. Erik Strong [I]Hossam is outrageously good at technical wrestling. Strong's okay but could do with some development, and wouldn't suffer from a loss here[/I] Semi-Finals (based on first round predictions, obviously). The Mean Machine vs. [B]Frankie Perez[/B] [I]I'm going with an upset from P-Dawg here. Having an outsider in the final would be a good way to get the RCI over in a big way (even if that's not how it works in terms of game engine, it's still true), and P-Dawg is the more talented of the two outsiders[/I] [B]Des Davids[/B] vs. Wael Hossam [I]Like I said before, Davids is a big name for MAW.[/I] And the finals: P-Dawg vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] [I]Having an outsider in the final is one thing: having him win is quite another. Davids isn't as good as Perez, but he's home grown and more of an MAW-type worker. He takes it, and can use this as a springboard to feud with Mean Machine and The Firm[/I] MAW Championship Mainstream Hernandez vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] [I]He's your champ. Title changes on the first show aren't a good idea, and Parker's probably your best all-round worker anyway[/I]
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Great looking card man. MAW is my favorite Cverse promotion so it wil be fun to see where u take them. The RCI First Round Matchups. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Roderick Remus Machine is a solid vet who will be around the main event for awhile. Frankie Perez vs. [B]Antonio[/B] I've always loved his underworld gimmick it would be awesome if u could do something with it. [B]Des Davids[/B] vs. Ricky Douglas Des seems to be a reader favorite, I don't know why, but he is. [B] Wale Hossem[/B] vs. Erik Strong Because we need 1 upset. I have Des beating The Mean Machine in the finals. MAW Championship Mainstream Hernandez vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] But the fued has only just begun
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]The Rip Chord Invitational '07[/SIZE][/B] [I][B]January Week 4[/B][/I] The Stanley Hall: 57 fans[/CENTER] The show opens with the legendary Rip Chord in the ring, welcoming MAW fans to their new year showcase; [B]Chord:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]All right, all right. Settle down. Don't get your tights in a knot people. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the second annual Rip Chord Invitational. A night dedicated to... well to me. These athletes tonight are fighting for the ultimate prize. My respect! Haha. You know I couldn't resist. Well, you payed good money for this folks. Are you ready for som 'rasslin'? I can't hear you! Stanley hall, are you ready for some 'Rasslin!?![/COLOR] [B]C[/B] [I]- Solid pop for Rip, though not as hot as he used to be. The folks around here know him too well to really remember his sick, bada** heel routine. That said, he has gotten the crowd a little excited for tonight and that's what the company needed[/I] [B]Chord:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]And now, introducing our new color commentator. Dusty Streets![/COLOR] Dusty Streets suprisingly appears from the curtain, arms raised. He slaps hands with some of the fans before joining an overly excited Marv Ernest, who is selling this like the coming of Sam Strong. [B]D[/B] [I]- Sadly, it seems that Dusty has become a fading memory for the fans, as they were very respectful, but hardly excited. [/I] [B]The Mean Machine defeated Roderick Remus in 9:56 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. The Mean Machine Advances in the RCI Tournament[/B] Really good opener. Remus showed performance skills not seen on the independants. Remus really earned his MAW contract. He bumped like a madman, really selling his thrill seeker gimmick, while the Machine really worked his magic. He even attempted to go to the top rope for a moment, really boosting his flying skills, but Remus caught him with a hurricanrana. The finish occured when Remus had a weakened Jean staggared. Remus went for a high cross body. But the Machine, ever the strategist, rolled through and set Remus up with the Mood swing. [B]D+[/B] [B]Frankie Perez defeated Antonio in 9:37 by pinfall with a Perfect Parity. Frankie Perez advances in the RCI Tournament[/B] Another excellent matchup. Antonio is definitly improving in performance skills. But it wasn't enough to stop Perez, who looked really good in his MAW debut. The finish occured when Perez reversed a DDT attempt into a Perfect Parity to win the match and advance in the tournament. [B]D+[/B] [B]Des Davids defeated Ricky Douglas in 4:40 by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack. Des Davids advances in the RCI Tournament[/B] It's safe to say Douglas and Davids have pretty good chemistry. This was on par with (if not better than) the matches prior. The difference, is that they packed all of there emotion into five minutes. Davids performance in this match really improved, and Ricky came off strong all things considered. The finish came in a flash. Ricky had just shot him off to the ropes, when Davids hit a resounding Quarterback Sack, sending Douglas ragdolling across the ring. It really got the Quarterback Sack over as an instant finisher, and put over Davids as a serious threat. [B]D+[/B] [B]Wael Hossam defeated Erik Strong in 8:24 by pinfall. Wael Hossam advances in the RCI Tournament[/B] International superstar Wael Hossam worked a really basic match with Strong, basically showing him the ropes. Erik hung with him, and the commentators really put over the fact that he was trying to get out of his partners shadow. Sadly, Wael was just to much the technical master for young Strong. The finish came when Wael countered out of a suplex attempt, and twisted Erik into a pretzel-of-a-pinning predicament. [B]D+[/B] Steven Parker takes the time to come from the back and hype his title match; [B]Parker[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]Shut your mouths you hicks. Greatness is talking. Hernandez, you've been a thorn in my side since july. You might be a phenomenal talent. But I'm the future of this business. And I will be MAW Champion... Forever[/COLOR] [B]E+ [/B] [I]- Less than stellar promo from the champion, but the fans have been having trouble accepting him as champion ever since he and The Machine pulled that Championship switcheroo to keep the title of Hernandez. Still, it serves its purpose.[/I] [B]Frankie Perez defeated The Mean Machine in 14:31 by count out. Frankie Perez advances in the RCI Tournament[/B] What could have been an excellent match, that was tainted a little by the finish. Frankie Perez might be a wonderful worker in CZCW, but even he can learn a thing or two from the Machine, gaining both in technical prowess as well as in performance skills. The finish came when both men were brawling on the outside of the ring. Perkins began the ten count. Both men fought to get back into the ring, but it was Perez who would kick the Machine off the apron and reenter the ring in time. [B]D[/B] [B]Des Davids defeated Wael Hossam in 12:49 by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack. Des Davids advances in the RCI Tournament[/B]What a match. Match of the night thus far. Wael Hossam and Des Davids have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. Wael is a fabulous worker and he's sure to show up again. The finish of the match came when Davids slipped out of a Hossam Egyptian Suplex (Cross-arm German Suplex) and exploded from the corner with a Quarterback Sack. [B]C-[/B] Mainstream Hernandez is out to hype the Title match that is up next. [B]Hernandez:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steven Parker can ramble on about how he's the future of the business. And maybe he's right. Maybe he is the future. But Steven, we're not five years down the road. We're right here, in Maryland, in the here and now. And I'm coming for you Parker. You called me Phenomenal before. You don't know how right you are![/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [I]- A slightly better reception for Hernandez, though the people still aren't quite as hype to him as they are to Chord[/I]. [B]Mainstream Hernandez drew with Steven Parker in 30:00 when the time limit expired. During the match we also had Persephone run in and attack Mainstream Hernandez. Steven Parker makes defence number 1 of his Mid Atlantic Championship title. [/B] An absolutely fantastic match, that showcased both mens in ring ablilty. The audience was standing on their feet by the end of it, simply an outstanding showing for both men. Persephone's debut was a nice touch, as she posed as a Parker fan only to distract Hernandez long enough for Parker to hit the Future Shock, one of the many false finishes of the match. The true finish came after Hernandez, who had just taken a DDT, hit a Superkick out of nowhere. Neither man was able to pin the other before the thirty minute time limit, ending the match in a draw. [B]C[/B] A tired, battared Hernandez crawls to the mic as Parker is helped out of the ring by Persephone. [B]Hernandez:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]PARKER!!! Parker... This isn't over man... Parker... You. Me. Five more minutes.[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] Parker is handed a mic: [B]Parker:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]You... had your chance Hernandez. And... you blew it. I'm still the Champion. I... I dont need to prove myself... to these people. I don't need to prove myself to this glamorous woman. And I don't need to prove myself to you. [/COLOR] [B]E[/B] [I]- Both promos left much to be desired, but at least the fans know this fued isn't over.[/I] The Announcers are given a moment to hype the main event. [B]Marv[/B]: [COLOR="Blue"]It's been a night of action here partner, but now we get to the main evenr.[/COLOR] [B]Dusty:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Partner? I'm here two hours and you're already calling me partner? We don't even know each other Earnest.[/COLOR] [B]Marv: [/B] [COLOR="blue"]I just meant that tonight has been an amazing night as far as MAW is concerned.[/COLOR] [B]Dusty[/B]: [COLOR="red"]It's been more than amazing Marv, it's been spectacular. The talent here is out of this world good.[/COLOR] Marv: [COLOR="blue"]Well not for nothing Dust, the main event is up next, The unstoppable Des David takes on perfection itself in Frankie Perez! Who will be the RCI Champion?[/COLOR] [B]F+[/B] [I]- Nobody seems to care about Marv or Dusty. Sad.[/I] [B]Des Davids defeated Frankie Perez in 20:27 by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack. Des Davids wins the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge title.[/B] Not quite as good as the MAW Championship match that went on before, but still a good solid match. The only problem seemed to be selling on both sides. Davids doesn't really know how to sell a submission, not creating much hype when h was stuck in the P-Clutch the first time. The finish came when Perez tried a second time, and Davids reveresed it into a modified small package for the one, two, three, and the tounrnament title. [B]C-[/B] The match is over, and Des Davids is celebrating. Frankie Perez walks over and offers his hand as a sign of respect, and the two competitors shake hands. Why they needed a minute for that spot we'll never know. [B]F+[/B] Rip appears, all smiles, holding the RCI Trophy. [B]Rip:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]I'd like to present Davids this trophy, as well as this certificate. I'm trying something new here, so sue me. This is a new tradition in the making. The winner of the annual Rip Chord Invitational tournament not only gets the cup. But now he gets a certificate that acts as an instant title shot. Whenever Davids wants a title shot, all he has to do is cash in that certificate, and presto! A new contender is crowned. Congratulations to you Davids for your victory, and good luck with your championship match![/COLOR] [B]E[/B] Davids, holds both trophy and certifacate in the air. The show ends with Davids celebrating. [B]F+[/B] [B]Overall D+[/B] [I]- A very solid first effort as far as shows go. Parker and Hernandez really impressed tonight, as did Davids and Perez. Perez will be getting a call back for future dates, if only because he and The Mean Machine have unfinished business. And Rob Perkins did an admirable job as ref tonight. We'll be using him more often as well.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Notes from the Mid Atlantic[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] - The MAW Rip Chord Invitational impressed many at Pro Wrestling Hits. The popular wrestling magazine gave MAW the distinction of being a small promotion now. - Dusty Streets, the man who many believe is running MAW, was said to be "satisfied" with the winter spectacular, but not extatic. He was stated to be looking for better ratings as far as the fans were concerned. - The Mean Machine was said to be furious with the way Frankie Perez conducted himself during their match: [B][I]“When I was a coming up in the business, we didn’t just accept a count out victory like that. What this kid has done is nothing short of cowardice. A match should won and lost in the ring! This Frankie Perez doesn’t deserve any of the accolades people on the Internet give him. What kind of man is he?”[/I][/B] - While Perez was not available for comment, it was learned that he will appear on the next MAW event, All Or Nothing. It is believed that he will accept The Mean Machines offer for a re-match. - One half of the MAW Tag Team Champions was noticeably absent backstage during the Rip Chord Invitational. Eddie Howard had car troubles the night of the event, and wasn’t able to catch a ride in time to be there. He was not scheduled to participate in the tournament, and seeing as how he had a legitimate travel issue, no disciplinary action will be taken.
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[CENTER]"From Pro Wrestling Hits" [B][SIZE="5"]All Or Nothing[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] On the heels of their first show of 2007, MAW looks to expand on their recent growth in the wrestling industry by displaying their next event; All Or Nothing. The event looks to be an exciting night of action, and may even rival the RCI in terms of show quality. The show shaps up as follows: [B]The Rock City Stars vs. The Natural Storm[/B] [B]The Natural Storm [/B]won their titles back in August, and don't look ready to give up their titles just yet. Led by the beautiful [B]Nichole Kiss[/B], the team of [B]Eddie Howard [/B]and [B]DC Rayne [/B]will be facing the hard rocking duo of [B]Ryan Turner [/B]and [B]Stan 'The Man' Manna[/B], whose charisma has connected with the fans, but whose in ring success has much to be desired. Can [B]The Rock City Stars [/B]cause a major upset. Or will the Storm keep brewing in MAW? [B]Roderick Remus vs. Huey Cannonball[/B] Youngster [B]Roderick Remus[/B] made an immediate impression on the MAW fansby taking the Mean Machine on, and even getting several near falls. [B]Huey Cannonball[/B] is also a youngster looking to make his mark in MAW, and whose alliance with former MAW Tag Team Champions the Canadian Blondes may help insure his victory. Will Roderick Remus continue to impress? Or does the "Amazing" one have what it takes to represent the Canadian Blondes in singles competition? [B]Call To Action vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] [B]Call To Action[/B] is perhaps the most popular Tag Team in MAW today. Sporting a high flying arsenal and a generally fan friendly demenor, they have won the hearts of the Mid Atlantic. Recently though the team seems a bit divided, with [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]seemingly more interested in the heavyweight title picture. Meanwhile [B]The Canadian Blondes [/B]have been bringing their own... unique brand of sexy to the area for some time. [B]Flash Savage [/B]and [B]Oscar Golden [/B]are no strangers to gold, and beating perenial Maineventer Mainstream Hernandez and a solid talent like Erik Strong will shoot them back into the Tag Title Picture. Will Mainstream Hernandez and [B]Erik Strong [/B]remain focused and become #1 Contenders? Or will the Canadian Blondes be headed back to one more title match against long time rivals, the Natural Storm. [B]The Mean Machine vs. Frankie Perez[/B] This match has been brewing since the Rip Chord Invitational. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] is seething from the count out loss to [B]Frankie Perez[/B], and seeks vindication. Meanwhile, Perez, who recently signed a deal with NOTBPW, has come in to not only shut up the man who he believes he defeated at the RCI, but also put himself into position to go up north with the MAW title around his waist. Will Perez acheive Mid Atlantic Perfection? Or will the Mean Machine have his revenge? Also, [B]Des Davids [/B]reveals his intentions towards the MAW Championship. Will we also have Des Davids vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B]? Or can Parker slither his way out of another title defense. All these things and more. Things are bound to get hot in MAW when you go in, [B][I]All Or Nothing[/I][/B]! [QUOTE] Quick Picks [I][B]Non-Title[/B][/I]The Rock City Stars vs. The Natural Storm Roderick Remus vs. Huey Cannonball Call to Action vs. The Canadian Blondes The Mean Machine vs. Frankie Perez[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]All Or Nothing[/SIZE][/B] [B][I]Febuary Week 4[/I][/B] The Stanley Hall: 58 fans[/CENTER] Steven Parker is in the ring with a microphone. [B]Parker:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Ladies and gentleman, allow me to introduce to you, the most beautiful woman from God's country... that's Canada for you redneck twits down here. My... personal secretary, Persephone Dawn! [/COLOR](Persephone joins her man in the ring. They make out, much to the disgust of the fans.) [COLOR="red"]This is what being the future is about. I get the girl. I get the money. And I get the gold. And Hernandez, I hope you have fun with your "partner" back in the tag ranks. Because as far as I'm concerned, you're done. And you know what? I'll say it. Congratulations Des Davids! You won a chance at greatness. At the Future of wrestling. I'm looking forward to it. But not tonight. I'm slated to face an incredibly skilled opponent, and I can't put the title on the line tonight. So bring out my patsy... I mean my opponent![/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [I]- Serves several purposes. Keeps the Parker/Hernandez fued warm, sparks the potential Davids/Parker fued, and officially introduced Persephone as Parkers new manager.[/I] [B]Steven Parker defeated Velocidad in 1:44 by pinfall with a Future Shock. [/B]A real farce of a match, though for what it was it was rather exciting. Poor Velocidad stepped into the ring when he was blindsided by the champion. He fought back with daring, even showing flashes of rumble skills, and almost had a two count! But the end result was obvious. A Future Shock later and the Match was over. Parker didn't even have the nerve to put the title up against the poor kid. [B]D+[/B] Before Parker and Persephone can leave, the familiar tunes of the remixed Boston College Anthem play, with the fans in the audience chanting 'Quarterback Sack' along with the music. Des Davids comes out in wrestling gear and a smile on his face. [B]Davids:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Nice try Parker. But I believe this here trophy says I get a title shot when, and where I want it. And I'm afraid that I want it right...[/COLOR] Generic Rock music plays, and Ricky Douglas is out to the ring with a frown on his face. [B]Douglas:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Look big man. You and I have unfinished business. I want you, one on one tonight. [/COLOR] [B]Davids:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Didn't I beat your ass last month Jabroni? I've got business with the champion tonight...[/COLOR] [B]Douglas:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Don't tell me you're not man enough to face me again.[/COLOR] [B]Davids:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]You calling me a Coward?[/COLOR] [B]Douglas:[/B] [COLOR="red"]I'm saying...[/COLOR] [B]Davids:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]You know what? It doesn't matter what you're saying. You want another but woopin'? Hell, who am I to turn down the chance to kick your boring tail up and down the Stanley hall...[/COLOR] [B]Parker:[/B] ([I]Quickly sneaking out of the ring[/I]) [COLOR="red"] That's an excellent idea. In fact. I'm going to go run it by Rip, and see what he thinks. Seeing as you two had such a barn stormer last month. Douglas/Davids II! I like it. I'll go do that! [/COLOR] [B]E[/B] [I]- Fun little segment, that holds off the eventual Parker/Davids match for another month or so, as well as giving us an excuse to utilize good chemistry.[/I] [B]The Parliment defeated Max Mayhem and Bob Casey in 4:32 when Harry Wilson defeated Max Mayhem by pinfall. [/B] The Parliment is a new team featuring British workers Curtis Jenkins and Harry Wilson. Wilson had been brought in a month ago with the express purpose of boosting our tag ranks, and they've done just that, with Jenkins really stepping it up performance wise. The match its self was slow and plodding. But both Jenkins and Wilson showed a unique chemistry, and the team certainly has legs. Wilson won the match with a rollup. [B]E+[/B] [B][I]Internet Extra:[/I][/B]The Mean Machine stands in front of the locker room, taping his fists. [B]Machine:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Perez. I know you think you're something special. Trust me. You're not. In fact, you aren't even in my league. Tonight, I'm going to hurt you. I'm going to break you. I'm going to beat you. And there isn't a thing you can do about it.[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] [I]- Decent enough reaction, though The Mean Machine isn't exactly the territory popping promo giver that Hernandez usually is.[/I] [B]Roderick Remus defeated Huey Cannonball in 12:48 by submission with a Remus Clutch.[/B] A really dissapointing match. Neither man really connected in the ring, and there were far to many blown spots. Huey is just not ready for matches past ten minutes, and Remus isn't good enough to carry him through just yet. He did finally manage to end the tragedy with a Remus Clutch, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Easily the worst match of the card. [B]E[/B] [B]Natural Storm defeated The Rock City Stars in 7:32 when Eddie Howard defeated Rockin' Ryan Turner by pinfall with The Natural Selection. [/B]A slightly better match than expected, if only because Rip kept both teams tight and to the point. The Rock City Stars came out like a house of fire with Ryan hitting a few rumble bases spots he didn't have before. Manna's Performance and technical skills improved, and he was even able to knock D.C. off the rope after the later attempted a rare top rope maneuver. But the two failed to keep the momentum on their side. While D.C. ran interference, Howard Debued his new finisher, a sit-out Domination Powerbomb he's calling the Natural Selection. [B]D[/B] [B]Des Davids defeated Ricky Douglas in 14:42 by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack. [/B] An excellent back and forth battle, and their chemistry shown through here as well. This match was a little better then their RCI encounter. Douglas looked like Davids equal in this match, and several times wrapped the big man into a tight submission hold. A Quarterback Sack out of nowhere ended the match however, and secured Davids titleshot. [B]D+[/B] Des Davids is celebrating his victory in the ring, when suddenly Antonio runs in and attacks, catching Davids off guard and hitting a quick Italian DDT. The crowd is none to happy. [B]F+[/B] [B][I]Internet extra:[/I][/B]Call To Action are seen in their locker room, getting ready for their match with The Canadian Blondes. Erik Strong looks particularly pensive. [B]Strong:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hey, Hernandez[/COLOR]. [B]Hernandez: [/B] [COLOR="royalblue"]Yeah dude? W'as up?[/COLOR] [B]Strong:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]I just wanted to make sure you had your head on straight. We win this match we get a tag team title shot.[/COLOR] [B]Hernandez: [/B] [COLOR="royalblue"]Of course I've got my head on straight bro. We're going to kick some serious butt tonight![/COLOR] [B]Strong:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]I'm just saying. I know you've been having better luck with the whole singles thing. I'm just saying, don't wig out on me or anything you know.[/COLOR] [B]Hernandez:[/B] [COLOR="royalblue"]E-man! Bro, I got this. Trust me, I've got my head on straight. Tonight Call to Action is one step closer to MAW Tag Team Gold![/COLOR] Hernandez slaps Strong in the arm and heads to the arena, with Strong following him, not completely convinced. [B]E[/B] [B]The Canadian Blondes defeated Call To Action in 14:35 when Oscar Golden defeated Erik Strong by pinfall with a Golden Shower.[/B] A solid tag team affair, though the match preceeding it was a little better. Hernandez was clearly the star of the match. Selling like a madman through out the blondes arsenal, and really giving this match focus. Oscar Golden got tired running after him so much. it's likely he isn't much used to going past ten minutes. In the end, even though he got the hot tag, Strong was distracted by Savage and Hernandez on the outside, and that allowed Golden to finish the match with a Golden Shower. [B]D[/B] [I][B]Internet Extra:[/B][/I]The locker room of the Firm. [B]Parker:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]I love it when a plan comes together! Ain't that right babe?[/COLOR] [B]Persephone:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]You know it![/COLOR] [B]Parker:[/B] ([I]Noticing Ricky Douglas with bandaged ribs[/I]) [COLOR="red"]Nice job out their Douglas![/COLOR] [B]Douglas:[/B] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Parker, I lost.[/COLOR] [B]Parker:[/B] [COLOR="red"]I know! Look at you, always thinking of the Firm. You're a real team player Douglas. A real team player. [/COLOR]([I]To The Mean Machine[/I]) [COLOR="red"]Hey, Double M. You've got this match in hand right?[/COLOR] [B]Machine:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Perez is going to wish he never left the southwest. He's never getting a title shot, not as long as I'm around.[/COLOR] [B]Parker:[/B] [COLOR="red"]That's just what I wanted to here man! I'm rooting for you. All the way.[/COLOR] [B]Machine:[/B] [COLOR="darkred"]...Of course, it's been a while since I wore gold...[/COLOR] [B]Parker:[/B] [COLOR="red"]What was that?[/COLOR] [B]Machine:[/B] [COLOR="darkred"]Don't worry about it. I've got everything covered... Champ.[/COLOR] The Machine is eerily smiling on his way out of the locker room, with a disturbed Parker looking on. [B]E+[/B] [I]- Parker stepped it up performance wise in this segment. Perhaps this stable isn't quite so... 'Firm' (had to be done.)[/I] [B]Frankie Perez defeated The Mean Machine in 24:37 by pinfall with a Perfect Parity. During the match we also had Steven Parker run in and attack Frankie Perez.[/B] An excellent way to close the show. Perez and the Machine really took the show up a notch. The only blemish against this match was that there just wasn't enough long term selling. The Machine would work on Perez's legs, then five minutes later Perez would be running across the ring with no problems. A minor greivance however, as this was a really solid match. During the closing moments, Parker tried to interfere; knocking Perez loopy with a beltshot after Jay Fair had been knocked down. But Perez soldiered on, kicking out of the Machines pin attempt, then countering a Mood Swing into a Perfect Parity for the win. [B]C-[/B] Perez couldn't really celebrate his win however. The Firm entered the ring and took it to him. After Persephone laid out a chair, Parker hoisted the Californian onto his shoulders and hit a Future Shock onto the chair. The show ends with the Four members of the Firm standing tall. F+ [B]Overall D+[/B] [I]- Not quite as good a show as the RCI, but good enough to boost our prescence in the area. Remus, despite the hype, disappointed us in his second match. He's still a work in progress. They all are really. As far as the referee situation is concerned, Jay Fair and Rob Perkins will alternate until we feel Perkins is adaquete enough to take over the position (in other words, we wont be renewing Jay's contract, but we don't want to out and out fire him either.) Heres hoping things pick up in March.[/I]
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