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TCW just signed away my best stars! (Slight Rant)

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First time poster, long time reader. I've been playing my first game for a while now, as a created fed which combines hardcore main event action with low-level cruiser spotfests. We also have a small womens division. We started off as cult (I billed the fed as being owned from the outset by my user-created character, a "former disgruntled SWF management employee" who opened the fed with his own money and a huge advertising blitz), but due to my constant fiddling with the product settings we shrank to small. As a result our TV show bombed and our PPV deal fell through in a matter of weeks. As my familiarity with the game improved, so did our popularity slightly. We are currently at regional (Great lakes and Tri-state are at D popularity). Even so, when contract negotiations came up we lost a few of our big names. No problem I thought, as we have twice the roster we should have anyway. Theres always a B plan in place. One thing though, is that one of my B plans was to have Henry Lee(C) v. Freddie Datsun v. Jungle Jack (A guaranteed B- to B+) in one of our big shows coming up at the end of october. Then TCW shot up in popularity, and signed Freddie and Double-J on written contracts. So now i'm stuck with Plan C. Henry Lee v. An unpushed Dallas Mcwade (Dean left us at contract negotiations...). Grrr. Absolutely Superb game by the way, i'm just really annoyed at being talent raided!
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That happens a lot especially if TCW yo-yo's I've seen them hit international go on a signing spree. Fall to cult and let go of a lot of people, then hit international again and sign totally different guys and back and forth a few times. It becomes a real pain.
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If you are regional or cult level, and have established stars, then it is a fact of life that they will be nabbed whenever one of the big boys jumps a level. Dealing with stars leaving or being signed away and constantly having to groom another set of stars is practically a central theme in my diary game. :D
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