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who is your favorite fihter???

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I'm really liking Yamada. He isn't as hyped as Fezzik, but he seems just as unbeatable in Light Heavyweight as Fezzik is at heavyweight. Another fighter I like is Kimie Igarashi. She's one of the fighters that comes in a few months after the start of the game. I grabbed her basically to give a few of my other women an easy win and she's now 5-1, and that loss came in a match against the Womens Champion. So, instead of being a pushover, she became a legitimate contender for the title. I'll probably give her another shot in a few months.
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Tough call for me. For male fighters it'd have to be a tie between two. -Buddy Garner who, while boring as paint drying, is an absolute beast in the ring/cage and dominated my GAMMA Middleweight division for close to four years. -John Rivero who not only has a kick ass render but was the figure head of my GAMMA Light-Heavyweight Division amassing a record very close to what Garner accomplished. Female fighter again would be a tie. -Leslie Myers, i have no idea what appeals to me about her but there is something there that makes me push her to the top. -Umeka Fujiwara, who is just a crazy good fighter with the potential to take down anyone, in my WEFF game she took down Jenny DeNeuve with very little trouble.
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Wow good lists so far. I have to agree with Dead jester on his women's comments. I'd also add Kimie Igarashi, Park Seong, Vicki Summers and Karin Curtis to my list for the women (outside of the ones I personally made. Will repost their images here soon). As for the men, Gilchrist, Spyrou, Jason Dalhist (or however his name is spelled), Adam White, and Lukas Melberg have been nothing but money for my promotion right now. All of the mentioned fighters listed above give me great matches and have done well holding onto their titles.
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[QUOTE=ProphetX;425087]Wow good lists so far. I have to agree with Dead jester on his women's comments. I'd also add Kimie Igarashi, Park Seong, Vicki Summers and Karin Curtis to my list for the women (outside of the ones I personally made. Will repost their images here soon). As for the men, Gilchrist, Spyrou, Jason Dalhist (or however his name is spelled), Adam White, and Lukas Melberg have been nothing but money for my promotion right now. All of the mentioned fighters listed above give me great matches and have done well holding onto their titles.[/QUOTE] I let Melberg go because he was losing constantly in my promotion. Then he joined Alpha, beat everybody and took the title. His stats are now 10fold better than when I had him signed. Bugger. I still don't like him. He's good but BOOOOORING.
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