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Ok hello fellow TEWer's and Adam, The one change left that I have not yet seen but would like to is regarding disciplining workers. Lets take my case of mr. RVD he has been late of 15 times now. I mostly sit him out a week. Thats where my trouble comes in, he is often late the week before a big PPV. So if I suspend him, he misses the ppv and the big match. So anyway my idea was see how alot of other things are now on a sliding scale, maybe disciplining works can be too. If worker X is late for the third time in a month I may want to suspend him for two weeks. But if Worker ZZ gets caught selling dope I may want him got six weeks. Also if you could choice the start date of the D.Action. Just my two cents, great game adam
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I thought the update on personalities explained that, depending on the worker, discipline could now actually make them straighten up and fly right... or even make them just misbehave more to spite you. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is taken care of.
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