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Huge game out, forgot to tell people.....lol

Capelli King

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[QUOTE=jamck;436692]ok I wondered why I all of a sudden lost my job and it wouldn't let me train for the army Edit: it says that you are my friend[/QUOTE] Try contacting the admin, i tried to offer a job to you today, seems that it still does not work for some reason:( By the way, today are the party elections!!! You know who to be voting for................Capelli King of course!!!;)
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Anyone else recieve email alerts about private messeges but not actually have any messeges when you check your inbox? I'm not sure if I'm missing messeges or if it's a problem with the notification system, or something else entirely.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;437843]It is their damn system. I send you dudes quite a few messages, but i see most do not get through for some reason.[/QUOTE] That's interesting. I get the same thing. I've reached skill level 3 by the way, so I should have a place in the next level company.
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You should, which sphere do you work in? If it is Weapons, Food then it is me, and you will need to get to level 4 as i upgraded recently:p However if you are level 3 in military and one other skill then you can upgrade to Elite Status (look at the elite status applications) appart from a 200GDR boost, we will make sure your wellness hits 100 as quickly as possible;)
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;441129]You should, which sphere do you work in? If it is Weapons, Food then it is me, and you will need to get to level 4 as i upgraded recently:p However if you are level 3 in military and one other skill then you can upgrade to Elite Status (look at the elite status applications) appart from a 200GDR boost, we will make sure your wellness hits 100 as quickly as possible;)[/QUOTE] It's in gifts. I'm having the problem again where I can't send out PMS, as it tells me I'm writing the security code wrong. :rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;442077]That seems unusual, if i send individual messages it usually works fine[/QUOTE] I'll try it again later. Bit of a problem with Tharkas gifts today, despite improving skill the company didn't have enough to pay me my 3.5 GRD a day. A move to Turkey may be on the horizon.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;443954]i think he has cash, maybe it is a bug, or possibly he did not notice that he ran out, PM him and tell him about it[/QUOTE] OK cheers. I'll have a look at things now. My wellness is pretty low compared to previous days so I might wait it out a while.
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[email]mizmarkcrow@hotmail.com[/email]. But I think the game already sent me something. At least that's what it told me. Let me check and get back to you. Just a confirmation that I exist, that's all I got. I needed to know that. I forgot my existence, you know. Common occurance. So yeah, invite requested.
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[QUOTE=Bluescreen;444690]Joining the underdog sounds like fun, count me in as well. [email]bluescreenodeath08@yahoo.com[/email][/QUOTE] Invite sent. [QUOTE=mizzou24;444692]i will try it [email]mizzou_calvin_24@hotmail.com[/email][/QUOTE] Invite sent.
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