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Huge game out, forgot to tell people.....lol

Capelli King

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I calculated that if i opened 4 more companies (maximum possible is 6, i have 2) i will be a top 10 citizen!!!!:eek: Also do not forget dudes, election day tomorrow!!! I want that we wipe the floor with the opposition, make them look weak and useless!
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Ok so I started a Paper a couple days ago(Sunday I believe) and posted write ups for each wrestling show(Impact, SD, ECW, RAW) and so far the most viewed is the TNA Impact 5/29 Edition with 7 views beating out One Night Stand and Smackdown which had 5. So for your number one paper on the Wrestling biz.. check out Wrestling Results, Inc.
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;432562]Ok so I started a Paper a couple days ago(Sunday I believe) and posted write ups for each wrestling show(Impact, SD, ECW, RAW) and so far the most viewed is the TNA Impact 5/29 Edition with 7 views beating out One Night Stand and Smackdown which had 5. So for your number one paper on the Wrestling biz.. check out Wrestling Results, Inc.[/QUOTE] Will do. Am about to enter my daily ritual, after all.
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yeah .. I've already done my Training then the site went down so I can't finish my satanic rituals.. err... I mean Daily rituals.. Also, Later today I will be posting a new post in the paper reviewing the new Weezer and Disturbed CD's. If it gets good views I will keep it up and take requests as to what CD's to review.
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One thing you guys should consider is maybe making a wrestling promotion based on UGP members and the TEW08 simulator:eek: I think that will get on fine, you will have an expanding roster as the party grows, and i think that will be MUCH more popular than the TNA and WWE news as that they can get from any site. This will be based on real people so i think it will do pretty well. I can make a forum just about that and you can have the rosters, events and so on there. Anyone able to take on the mission?:)
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I'd be willing to help run it ... just not the whole thing as I don't have that much experience in doing the whole thing.. I could just be a booker for now and then maybe step into a more serious role. Alright here is an update.. I am gonna see if I got enough money to buy TEW08 tomorrow.. If I do I will start running an e-fed entirely based off TEW08. I will update tomorrow with info on what is gonna happen
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For this to work, we need to see if we have enough people interested in it. Basically it will be an e-fed with a live audience:D As we can post what is going on in the Greece media. I can setup a seperate forum in the Greece HQ. I already have the game myself and would not mind running it, but i would prefer someone which has experience in doing such things to take control of the game. Since we have TEW08 as the simulator i suggest making characters with Stats. Maybe a person can choose their stats before they start (have some minimum pool for adding to the stats) and from there on it will be the bookers job in bringing the card to life. We can then do regular roleplays and based on the quality of the roleplays you can basically run the card.
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Now that is a problem:eek:2 options #1 you can work your way to earning a moving ticket and come over #2 you can invite someone, then spend the gold you get from inviting someone to get local USD, then with the USD buy a moving ticket [B]reaperoa@gmail.com [/B]has now been invited
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[quote=Capelli King;436348]Now that is a problem:eek:2 options #1 you can work your way to earning a moving ticket and come over #2 you can invite someone, then spend the gold you get from inviting someone to get local USD, then with the USD buy a moving ticket [B]reaperoa@gmail.com [/B]has now been invited[/quote] or I could invite another of my own e-mail addresses and just "forget" about the first account.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;436409]you cant forget about the first account, your IP address has been fixed so now you are pretty much stuck[/QUOTE] If he's on AOL he wouldn't have a fixed IP address. That would be his only chance one would assume.
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[quote=Capelli King;436638]Jmack, i cannot add you to my friend list, this could mean there is som ebug with your citizen, try sending me a request. Last time this happened the guy was screwed as i could not offer him a job or give him aid.:([/quote] ok I wondered why I all of a sudden lost my job and it wouldn't let me train for the army Edit: it says that you are my friend
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