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[HYPE] The Ultimate WW--Diary TEW '08

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Let me know if anyone wants to participate when TEW 08 comes out. Here's the concept: I am Vince McMahon. I will hire 3 head writers that will be assigned to Raw, Smackdown, and ECW. I will hire 2-8 (depending on those interested) writer's assistants that will be assigned to Raw, Smackdown, and ECW. Those hired will be the creative teams for the respective brands. Here is how I envision it working: With input from the creative team, I will make final judgement of who is hired/fired/ and switches brands. I will set deadlines for each show. It will be up to the creative team to put together the show's. Who ever I hired as a head writer will have the following duties: I will PM a list of things I want to see (ie: Who get's pushed, if someone should win a title, etc) and give you a deadline to produce a show. The headwriter will then communicate with his team and book the show. The head writer will then PM me the show. Now, it will be up to the creative team to book the show. You will decide who wins, how they win. You will be responsible for turning wrestler's how ever you see fit. Basically, you have complete control of the show, except for the fews things that I will demand. I will then post the writeups. So, anyone interested???
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I would be willing to participate as one of the writers but definately not a head writeras I am not creative enough to be in control but I always have a few ideas so being a assistant writer would be great for me. [QUOTE]So you get all the credit for our work? Why would someone just not start there own diary if they wanted to book the shows?[/QUOTE] I'm sure everyone would geet credit where credit is due. Maybe he would post something like an internet rumours page where it says who all the creative team are hign on. He may even go out of his way to mention us if we came up with a great storyline just as a little congratulations. Also this IMO would be alot better then trading files back and forth over email which is why I am going to try this. And then is you still don't like the idea then he never said you had to join so if you don't have anything nice to post don't post it. Anyway great innovative idea and I will be willing to join as an assistant writer.
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yeah I think it sounds pretty fun myself. I to am on board for whatever you need really. Like Chris I have a few ideas every now and then. But I figure even if I have nothing off the top of my head then the rest of the team will
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[QUOTE=W3LSHY;427180]So you get all the credit for our work? Why would someone just not start there own diary if they wanted to book the shows?[/QUOTE] No, quite the contrary. The creative team gets all the credit. My sole role in the diary would be like Vince Mcmahon. I will make some vague demands (ie: I want to see MVP win the WWE Heavyweight Title or I want you to turn Lance Cade.), and it would be the creative team's responibilty to follow through with my demands, in anyway they see fit. The creative team for each show would put together the shows. It would be the head writers responsibilty to write the show together and send it to me. I only plan on making a few demands, so it's up to the creative team to push and turn whoever they feel like. If you wanna give a mega-push to Elijah Burke, feel free to do it. I am only here to run the shows that you send me. Post your shows, where you will get credit. And to make things fun, I will hire/fire/promote people at my will. So if you are on Raw, be careful about pushing Jeff Hardy, because I can't tolerate drug use. Now, I won't totally screw over the creative team, but if something comes up I will have to act accordingly.
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You know what? This sounds like a pretty great idea. I'd love to get involved in something like this, it's rather low-maintenance for each member of the team, and my biggest problem with doing a diary is most of the time I've got two or three storylines I love writing, and another five or six that are just filler. However, the wrestling world today barely interests me, RAW, SmackDown and ECW are all kind of bland, TNA is just insane and pure Russo. However, if things pick up by the time T-Zone/1RC/Whatever is released, things pick up, I'll be totally into this.
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One reson I would like to do this is because is will be low maintenance for us. One thing that puts me off of writing a TEW diary is writing all the promos for everyone and full match writeups so I have just stayed clear of writing a TEW diary upto this point but with the workload spread out between all the people I could really get into it.
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