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Nick Hogan Update


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[QUOTE]Shortly after he was put in a cell at Pinellas County Jail, Nick Bollea started complaining about the accommodations to his parents in telephone conversations, often breaking into tears. Nick told his mother Linda, "I have to get out of here. I can't deal with this for eight months." Linda responds, "Don't cry, baby." "They put me in a crazy ward," he says. "It's so much worse than you could ever imagine. This is like a state prison. I'm all by myself." Bollea says his cell is half the size of his bathroom at home, and he repeatedly complains about there being no windows. That kind of arrangement is made for all juveniles who are sentenced as adults to spend time in the jail or are awaiting trial to face felony charges. Hulk Hogan told Nick to "man up" and deal with life behind bars. Nick also took a few shots at his attorney, Kevin Hayslett, saying that if knew he was going to be in a windowless cell by himself, he would rather have gone to trial. If Bollea would have gone to trial and been found guilty, he would have faced up to 5 year sentence.[/QUOTE] I find it rather funny Nick is acting like such a panzy. Seriously did he think they were gonna serve him milk and cookies with a big comfy recliner in prison. He committed a crime and should serve his time. Just cuz his name is Hogan doesnt mean he should get special treatment. Hope his dad told him not to drop the soap.
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I'd be funny if Nick was being assaulted in the shower by two rapists, then all of sudden we'd hear "I AM A REAL AMERICAN~!", Hulk Hogan would come out, no sell the rapists "offense", do one of those meeting of the minds, "YOU!", big boots and leg drops and leave. Then again, I might be watching too much wrestling >_>
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Yeah his friend is pretty much tube fed the rest of his life. But one of the funnier things I've read about this whole incident is that Hulk said it was god's fault the kid got hurt. Nick is a pansy, if he cries cuz he has to stay in a cell that is half his bathroom size.. then he's really gonna cry when he gets anal at the end of the month. :eek:
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From a purely humanistic stand point I feel bad for the kid. I have never been to Jail (and never plan on it. hah) but I can def. see how it would heavily affect your state of mind. He's probably going through a form of psychological trauma being in there (which is pretty common in the first stages of imprisonment it seems). So, just as one human to the other... I feel bad for the kid since he is quite young and is probably spiraling downward into a depression of sorts due to the mental trauma. However, He did cause his friend to end up in terrible shape and it was seemingly all due to drunk (and reckless) driving. So, He deserves to spend time in Jail to pay his debt to society. I could see him ending up getting out early at some point, however, I still believe it's best that he is in there. Hopefully something will ease his pain enough that he's able to make it during this stint. If I was him, I would rather be in seclusion instead of being around others. That way you know you're safe from others messing with you... in any way.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;427592]I have a fetish what can I say? I just don't like kids that have pretty much everything handed to them. Also, that's what goes on in prisons isn't it?[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa251/Rjrevilla/Drop_the_Soap-Its_a_trap.jpg[/IMG]
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Guest Ransik
Blame for this goes on both Nick and his parents. I've seen maybe a dozen or so episodes of Hogan Knows Best and it's quite clear those kids do what ever the hell they want... when they want with no real reprecussions from Hulk and Linda. I remember Nick taking one of his cars... he owned cars more expensive than the building I LIVE in BEFORE he even had a license... he took the car for a spin and when Hulk found out... all he did was tell him not to do it again. Brooke blew thousands of dollars on clothes... Hulk tells her not to do it again. Maybe if those kids got their butts kicked once in a while they might have some common sense. I'm sorry... but I don't feel sorry for Nick.
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[QUOTE=ultimatenoob;428960]A typical reponse - violence is the answer! American by any chance? Just being stereotypical![/QUOTE] Turning threads/YouTube comment sections into international debates and spectacles of irrelevant claims of cultural/social superiority is a stereotypical Canadian/British thing, isn't it? Spoiled rotten rich kids benefit from tastes of real life, ala ass-kickings.
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;428990]Turning threads/YouTube comment sections into international debates and spectacles of irrelevant claims of cultural/social superiority is a stereotypical Canadian/British thing, isn't it? Spoiled rotten rich kids benefit from tastes of real life, ala ass-kickings.[/QUOTE] Congradulations... You've won the internet.
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Guest Ransik
Hate to tell ya ultimatenoob... the new-age parenting of "stick em in the corner" and "say no sternly" hardly ever works and kids raised like that tend to grow up to be pricks. Add mommy and daddy in control of millions of dollars... you get a spoiled lil prick. I'm not talking about whipping them with a belt or giving them a black eye... but if they had been slapped upside the head or spanked as kids... or hell EVER punished in a proper form Nick probably wouldn't be in jail and Brooke might not be a clueless ditz who posts blogs every day only to delete them 2 minutes later. I just refuse to feel bad for the entire Hogan family because the way they were brought up was not the fault of society. As for the "typical American" crap... if I had a kid who at 18 was drinking underage and racing in a car and that happened... I'd be there for moral support, but would make it abundantly clear they screwed up and they're gonna deal with everything done to them and whining would just make it worse for them. So I'm sorry the Hogans raised their kids to be irresponsible little sociopaths, maybe if they had tried raising them with values BEFORE the cameras were on them 24/7 they might've gotten through to them.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;429098]Hate to tell ya ultimatenoob... the new-age parenting of "stick em in the corner" and "say no sternly" hardly ever works and kids raised like that tend to grow up to be pricks. Add mommy and daddy in control of millions of dollars... you get a spoiled lil prick. I'm not talking about whipping them with a belt or giving them a black eye... but if they had been slapped upside the head or spanked as kids... or hell EVER punished in a proper form Nick probably wouldn't be in jail and Brooke might not be a clueless ditz who posts blogs every day only to delete them 2 minutes later.[/QUOTE] The 50's are dead. Saying no sternly does nothing to kids nowadays, I know, because I'm surrounded by the 24/7 and have been since the age of 3. (My mom babysits at home) Growing up my mom used real disipline, if I misbehaved, I got slapped upside the head. Thats not being a violent American (Hell up until two weeks ago, she wasnt even American.) But it worked. And I'm a perfectly normal, adult. I'm not damaged emotionally because mommy slapped me. But honestly, most people on threads or on Youtube who bash a parent for disiplining their kids, often do not have kids themselves.
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;428990]Turning threads/YouTube comment sections into international debates and spectacles of irrelevant claims of cultural/social superiority is a stereotypical Canadian/British thing, isn't it? Spoiled rotten rich kids benefit from tastes of real life, ala ass-kickings.[/QUOTE] The only stereo-type in this situation is the spolied rich kid, which is global.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;429098]I'm not talking about whipping them with a belt or giving them a black eye... but if they had been slapped upside the head or spanked as kids... or hell EVER punished in a proper form Nick probably wouldn't be in jail and Brooke might not be a clueless ditz who posts blogs every day only to delete them 2 minutes later.[/QUOTE] I have to come out and say this. It's neither "new age" or misguided to not slap/smack your kids. I never was smacked; I never will raise a hand to my child and I pray to god he never does so to his. There are other means of discipline and, for those of us who do not believe in violence, they are the right way forward. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=ultimatenoob;429287]I thought by ass-whoppings you meant by beating them senseless. My mistake. And the American comment, that was just to wind everyone up. =][/QUOTE] Indeed! :D All's well. [QUOTE=Nevermore;429369]I have to come out and say this. It's neither "new age" or misguided to not slap/smack your kids. I never was smacked; I never will raise a hand to my child and I pray to god he never does so to his. There are other means of discipline and, for those of us who do not believe in violence, they are the right way forward. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] The key is to raise kids so you don't ever have to. However, as power corrupts people, so does privilege. Of course it's fine to give kids what they want if not inconveniencing, but if one is not careful, they can begin to believe they're "untouchable". If consequences are easily avoidable or weak, no (good) lesson will be learned. The Hogan kids are a prime example... What I meant by "ass-kicking" was a forced realized in general. It doesn't necessarily have to be a physical blow nor mental. Jail time, the knowledge that your actions have hurt those you know, etc. are exactly what someone like Nick needs. Had he been eased into jail-time through one of those Hollywood jails that are basically spas, nothing would be gained. I'm not denying physical pain is a great deterrent, but as Nev said it's best when not imposed upon someone. :D
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