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I just went over some of my legends which retired and i noticed that all my best fighters have stats at 100% in every category!!! Appart from carisma and the physical stats, all the rest is 100% for all my best fighters. Which kind of sucks. I am thinking of taking away all the training in the teams to make fighters less "awesome";)
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There seems to be some issues with the camps from what I can see. They seem to be split pretty much down national lines, with European fighters going to Euro Team Thunder or Andrayev, etc. Should be less constricted by nationality, IMO. After all, Sokoudjou is from Cameroon and yet went to the US to train with Team Quest, and Sakuraba has trained with either BTT or Chute Boxe before, I forget which. But yes, the camps seem to boost some fighters skills to levels uncamped fighters can't keep up with. The May 11 patch is supposed to have fixed that?
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;427750]The go to camps based on where they are based, not where they are from. I am not sure if the new patch fixes the problems as i just installed it. Maybe it does, not 100% sure yet[/QUOTE] I seem to remember this being a problem that was solved with a patch. However, the patch wont take any extra skills off, so the 100 percenters will stay that way.
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