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What's everyone take on this? For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about Spygate is an "American Football Scandal" involving the Patriots filming signs from other teams play signals in an attempt to get an advantage. Personally I'm sick of hearing of it. I hate the Pats, can't stand them, but no one can take away what they did this season, and believe me I want to. And now you have Joey Porter saying there should be an astrict next to their name, give me a break. Even if they were taping every team they played (and I don't think they were.) It's very hard for me to think that was the deciding factor in the games. And now we have a former Pat saying that Bellicheck was letting people on the IR practice...for the love of God just let it end already.
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For any action that puts the faith of the fans in jeopardy, there should be a massive penalty. What the Pats did was an illegal move, and surely DID give them a massive advantage. If you think they only taped the Jets, that would be silly... To go that far against a team they could beat with their eyes closed and to not against others is inexplicable. The Pats got off easy... Period... They should have lost their true first pick, not nearly-garbage pick #31... They should have been fined massively... If people have more info to embarrass the team, let them spill it. The Pats deserve it, and they SHOULD have this smeared in their face for years to come. It's what comes with getting caught cheating...
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Everyone cheats so I'm sick of hearing about this. Look at Shawn Merriman, the dude was caught red handed using steroids then is still thought of as one of the best, look at Pac Man Jones, if they were going to take any action they would have come down hard on the Patriots already but they won't just like everything else. And also, does everyone think no other team or coach has thought of this idea and that the Pats are the only ones?
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;428087] The Pats got off easy... Period... They should have lost their true first pick, not nearly-garbage pick #31... They should have been fined massively...[/QUOTE] Now this I do agree with, I think it was crap that they lost their 31st pick and not the 7th or whatever it was, hell I think they should've lost their first day of picks all together. But I also think that bringing up the same thing over and over again is hurting pro football more than it is the Pats. Just let it die and move on, they were caught, they got punished (weather it was severe enough is irrelevant.) Now we just need to move on and play football. And why is it that suddenly some Senator thinks he needs to get involved, surely the government has more to do than worry about a team that cheats in pro football talk about your tax dollars hard at work.
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