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Combine Original Databases

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Is anyone interested in making an original database? I currently have 25 workers done, I will have about 100+ workers, and 3 promotions (1 a future promotion) done when I am finished. I was planning on just making it an add on for the original c-verse but I was just curious if there is anyone out there in the same boat as me that would be interested in making an original database. Maybe if we could get 5-6 people to make 2-4 feds each we could make something descent size.
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Im a little confused on what you're asking. do you want this to be an add on to the Cverse or are you trying to get people to help you with a fictional database? If it's the latter I'd be inclined to help. I've never made a mod before it would be cool to get my feet wet.
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I am really interested. I started one of my own, but gave up due to laziness. I have 22 promotions and around 10 workers, but I have everything planned out for it pretty much. So I would like to continue this or do whatever. If you want any help, just ask me ;)
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easy enough for a base I guess. Got any background info I should know about, or what type of feds I should be making? I'm in the process of making a Global SE federation is why I ask, but obviously if we were to have 1o global feds and no local ones it would be a bit unbalanced
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I have... __________________________ 1 American Global Promotion 1 American National Promotion 1 American Cult Promotion 3 American Regional Promotions 1 American Small Promotion 1 American Local Promotion __________________________ 1 Canadian Cult Promotion 1 Canadian Small Promotion __________________________ 3 Japanese National Promotions who will be involved in the National Battle Of Japan 1 Japanese Small Promotion __________________________ 1 British Cult Promotion 1 British Small Promotion __________________________ 1 Mexican Cult Promotion 1 Mexican Small Promotion __________________________ 1 European Small Promotion __________________________ 1 Australian Cult Promotion 1 Australian Small Promotion __________________________ As you can tell, my mod isn't going to be large by any means. Maybe 700-800 workers. Note: There is 1 small promotion in each part of the game world, which are all under 1 umbrealla company - Independant Wrestling Organization (IWO).
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[QUOTE=W3LSHY;428329]I have... __________________________ 1 American Global Promotion 1 American National Promotion 1 American Cult Promotion 3 American Regional Promotions 1 American Small Promotion 1 American Local Promotion __________________________ 1 Canadian Cult Promotion 1 Canadian Small Promotion __________________________ 3 Japanese National Promotions who will be involved in the National Battle Of Japan 1 Japanese Small Promotion __________________________ 1 British Cult Promotion 1 British Small Promotion __________________________ 1 Mexican Cult Promotion 1 Mexican Small Promotion __________________________ 1 European Small Promotion __________________________ 1 Australian Cult Promotion 1 Australian Small Promotion __________________________ As you can tell, my mod isn't going to be large by any means. Maybe 700-800 workers. Note: There is 1 small promotion in each part of the game world, which are all under 1 umbrealla company - Independant Wrestling Organization (IWO).[/QUOTE] When you say this, you just have the promotions made out right? Not workers for each?
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I haven't created the workers yet, but I know how many will be on each roster, how much % popularity range will be needed to be a main eventer in each promotion and such. I am currently working on workers for the global american promotion.
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  • 1 month later...
[QUOTE=sabataged;428092]Is anyone interested in making an original database? I currently have 25 workers done, I will have about 100+ workers, and 3 promotions (1 a future promotion) done when I am finished. I was planning on just making it an add on for the original c-verse but I was just curious if there is anyone out there in the same boat as me that would be interested in making an original database. Maybe if we could get 5-6 people to make 2-4 feds each we could make something descent size.[/QUOTE] Here is the thing. People take this task on and start it all the time. It never pans out the way as planned and blows up in everyones face. I tried this but due to having real life stuff that had become more important and takes up more time I was unable to do anything more than put together about 40-50 workers. Now I don't know if your all aware of the Mod that sebsplex has been working on for just about under a year. He is doing all of the renders(I must add a wonderful job at that since he is amazing, and the whole world will look great due to the consistency that he has been able to maintain.) and creating the logo's and everything from what I can tell all on his own. He has taken everyones creations and thrown them into one MOD. Link to his MOD [url][/url] I have been in touch with Sebs during his whole process and going back sometime before he began work on this. He is a great guy from what I can tell and is putting a whole lot into this MOD for everyone involved. I know right now he is not taking submissions for new workers but I would imagine for his future release he would be willing to take on everyone's creations. I would suggest that you all group together and maybe go look at his default player submission form and copy it make a new thread in the MOD selection and have it named GDS Future worker thread. That way he can pick and chose the people to add to the world for his updates out of a well orginized thread. I don't even know if he would be interested in doing this but maybe we could ask I am pretty sure he wouldn't mind though. If you are interested I will ask him to start up a second thread in the 08 Mod section for GDS future workers/promotions. Let me know what you think because rather than having 10 different groups of people putting out so many alternative cverse worlds we could put together one by having a guy who has proved he will get this done. Face it most will get burnt out with the downting task of creating a who world with the graphics to the player creations to the balancing of the game world(PS Only one guy has done it and he has been working on since TEW 2004). BTW this is no way a slam on any person trying to complete their own, rather a suggestion as to help you get what you wont while helping out the whole community.
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