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Pic Pack

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I personally prefer the second one, I think putting the name on is also a good idea as some of the more obscure workers would be easy to identify, however it also means taking them into another company and repackaging them as a new gimmick, name etc would mean that the pic had the wrong name on... Not that it's a huge deal. I think both look really good though I'd use either quite happily
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;429779]no offence but i hate seeing new pic pac backgrounds so there is already so much work been done the majority will always stick with KYKY[/QUOTE] Never, one of these days my 3000+ cut pack will catch on, I just hope I alive to see it. :D
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;429779]no offence but i hate seeing new pic pac backgrounds so there is already so much work been done the majority will always stick with KYKY[/QUOTE] so what? We do it cause we want to. Cause we want something different. Personally, I got sick of the kyky background after TEW 04 and wanted something new. People can use whatever they want. Some prefer the cage background, some prefer mine, some prefer kyky, some prefer the other arena bg.. People have choice now.
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[QUOTE=EkmO;429807]You think i should scrap the idea then? :([/QUOTE] All I can say is if you really want to do this you have to like playing in photoshop type programs and have to be ready to spend a lot of time because a small pic pack is worthless if you ask me, but I don't do diaries they may dissagree.
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[QUOTE=bobinc;429819]All I can say is if you really want to do this you have to like playing in photoshop type programs and have to be ready to spend a lot of time because a small pic pack is worthless if you ask me, but I don't do diaries they may dissagree.[/QUOTE] Id love doing it, As i play ROH and other indys so yeah, I wouldnt just do WWE. Which version do you profer?
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