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Readers of Mark Cuban Does DaVE...

Readers of Mark Cuban Does DaVE...  

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  1. 1. Readers of Mark Cuban Does DaVE...

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So lets say, just for fun, that the fairly long-running "Mark Cuban Does DaVE!" dynasty was considering making a comeback for TEW2008. If this happened, which of the following would you prefer to see? OPTION ONE: CONTINUE THE DYNASTY AS IS. This would mean that I would essentially import the old database and continue the old plotlines - Tyler would continue as champion, Peak would still be on the loose, the Cult of the Gray Dragon would still be rising, the tag division would still suck, the roster wouldn't change *much* but particularly appealing changes within the C-Verse might be ported over to what would be a still mostly 2007 based DaVE-Verse played on the 2008 game. The advantages would mostly be continuity - the plotlines I'd been developing when I went on hiatus would have the opportunity to return. OPTION TWO: FLASH THE DYNASTY FORWARD 9 MONTHS. This would mean that I would do my best to craft the dynasty to fit with DaVE as they appear in the next C-Verse (and note: I have absolutely no idea what shape DaVE will be in). If they're rich and they've signed Sean McFly, well, I'll work that into the storyline. If they're nearly broke and they've lost the entire main event scene, I'll work that in too. This would have the advantage of allowing Mark Cuban Does DaVE! to continue to contribute to the developing C-Verse mythology in real time and would stretch my brain in terms of making the new database fit with my vision of DaVE, but would have the disadvantage of some disconnection - for example, I've pushed Black Eagle (Plague) very aggressively in my version of DaVE. In real life, he doesn't wrestle for DaVE and he's never been pushed, so I'd have to do some creative modification to make for continuity. There would be limitations, for example, Eddie Peak will NOT be allowed to leave DaVE in my game even if he's signed with someone else in the C-Verse, Vin Tanner/Travis Century/etc will still be gone, The Cult of the Gray Dragon will still exist, etc. But, for example, if Eric Tyler has retired, he's retired. In OPTION TWO, the events of the intervening nine months would be revealed incrementally in retroactive posts, "Lost" style. OPTION THREE: YOU WAITED TOO LONG, BASTARD. SLAM THE DOOR ON THE WAY OUT. Thanks for all feedback, sorry about the disappearing act.
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Guest Bolton
I go with Option 2. Let's see if old champion Eric Tyler's still wrestling or in a wheel-chair shall we? :cool: Or maybe Big Smack Scott goes to DaVE after being fired from SWF due to him having ticked off daddy's boy Eric Eisen. His shoot promos are [B]BRUTAL[/B] and he gets booed out of the arena [I]every single time he steps through[/I]. Still doesn't stop him from achieving his destiny as a inductee of the Hall of Immortals though. Poxy, come Mark Cuban Does DaVE II, you've got a reader in me. :)
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As one of the most compelling C-verse dynasties ever I want to say continue on with it. All the time lost though with life coming ahead of your beautiful works (HOW DARE YOU LET LIFE GET IN THE WAY!) - I say neither! I say start a new. With DAVE or with any other federation of your choosing. You can still encompass some storylines (Grey Dragon, Wrath of God, Great White Shark) that personally you have already defined as not only personal angles and storylines but in my view and MOST I think have completely turned into C-verse lore. I never used Jack until he became God's Wrath and if I ever use Peak he is the bloodthirsty Great White Shark and can be nothing else. So I say begin anew and start fresh and maybe gain a few newbies as readers if by chance they don't know that not to long ago one eccentric billionaire named Mark Cuban took over DAVE and brought chaos and happiness to all. .. Just my opinion. :)
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Hmm...well so much for me dropping hints as to a possible return like you mentioned. :rolleyes: Part of me wants to say A. The other part wants to see you tell the tale of waking up from a alcohol induced coma to explain the past 9 months that you have missed. I think that would be classic. Having Peak visit you in the hospital and torment you in your dreams..
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I say flash forward or start a new 'Mark Cuban does DaVE' with DaVE 2k8. As someone who never had the time to get through th old Mark Cuban, anything that makes grasping the backstory easier is okay by me. Of course, anything that brings back MCdD is good by me.
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Hmmmm... Both options are tempting.. As much as i'd love to see it return as it is, the 9 months later would clear the boards as it were, and allow you a fresh start. Another option would be a marvel style reboot of the series, retelling it from the beginning. But maybe wait until '08 is in your hands and see what changes were made before making the decision
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[QUOTE=Clarity;429222]Hmmmm... Both options are tempting.. Another option would be a marvel style reboot of the series, retelling it from the beginning. But maybe wait until '08 is in your hands and see what changes were made before making the decision[/QUOTE] Blast! Clarity beat me to it... Now, according to itjustsomerandomguy over at youtube, "the first rule rule of a reboot is to never talk about it; just be vague and hope everyone goes along with it", but I'll mention it here. With all the new options TEW2008 are bringing to the table (a whopping 100 of them!), we'll all have a new set of rules to play by (not ENTIRELY new, but you all get the idea), and I just think it best to do a "reboot", basically starting over from the beginning except starting with TEW2008. Incidentally, I was planning to do the same thing with Jim Force. Then again, what do I know? :p In any event, whatever you choose, I'll be reading, and I'm pretty sure I won't be the only one. Good luck!
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To be honest, I'd prefer the flash forward, just because the new possibilities will be good. However, you should incorporate your title histories, gimmicks and universe into the data. If you just start afresh, it wont be the same.
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I believe Adam has said in the past (I may be wrong) that Giedroyc's Wrath character was a particular favourite, so I wouldn't be surprised. As a latecomer, I'd love you to carry on as you were - perhaps if there'd been a clear narrative break (a firing, a long-running storyline ending, etc.) at your last show, it'd be easier to stomach a jump forward, but at the very least I'd like to see a decent backstory with a nod to the 'missing' nine months. Besides, you have to update us on Steve Flash!
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(For my part, I think I've worked out a subject for my first diary... I had a "SWF 2017" diary planned a few months back, about a much-diminished SWF trying to get by with a roster of mostly second-tier guys and entertainers with limited in-ring ability, but then I had some computer problems around 3 shows in, and then NoNeck's SWF 2011 diary happened, so I don't think I'll be going back to that. I have to wait on the 2008 demo, which can't come fast enough -- I'm stuck at home this weekend with a cold, why can't they release the thing just a couple days earlier? -- to see what rosters look like. But...)
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;431318]Oh, it's plenty ****ing feasible. I'm [I]mad[/I] now. It'll be flash forward. I'm already working on a custom database.[/QUOTE] Wanna slot HaLF into there too 'pox? If Hagan needs a place to recoup and rebound... Chihuahua, Mexico is a great place if you don't mind the minis. :D
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In a lot of ways, I think the scenario as laid out in 2k8 benefits Mark Cuban does DaVE. It provides a ready made story as to why Cuban came in: instead of closing down, DaVE was bought out by Cuban. what happens next?
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