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Dude... [QUOTE]#98: Retirements The use of retirements has been redone to make for a more realistic experience. In the past there were only retirements for wrestlers, and these could cause unwanted side-effects (like the aforementioned giving up of positions of power). TEW08 now has the more realistic set-up of having two separate types of retirements - active and full. Active retirements are when a wrestler decides to call time on his in-ring career. However, the game recognises that this does not necessarily mean that he is done with the business, and so he can continue to work in other roles. Full retirements are when a worker decides to leave the business entirely. As this is now a separate part of the game, the AI can handle it in a superior manner, leading to things like the inheritance of promotions (as mentioned earlier in the journal). __________________[/QUOTE] Last journal entry.
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That quote doesn't really answer his question on whether age causes retirement or whether other factors could cause retirement, nor does it answer whether a person could come back out of retirement. The thing with the age would be good, like how Brock Lesnar and The Rock left the buisness to persue other carreers. Could throw and interesting spanner in the works here and there.
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[QUOTE=Carl1000000;429806]The thing with the age would be good, like how Brock Lesnar and The Rock left the buisness to persue other carreers. Could throw and interesting spanner in the works here and there.[/QUOTE] They would be on hiatus then.
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Retirement from active competition is age-related (the age depends on circumstance and stuff, obviously. There's no set retirement age, although it tends to be lower for women as in '07 (and reality)). Serious injuries can also mean someone retires early, as in previous games. Not sure about retiring straight from active competition to leaving the business. Have to ask Adam on that one.
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It does seem lower for women in 07, I personally don't agree with that being implemented in the game... But, as far as this discussion, I think it would be great for people to be able to un-retire. Like Terry Funk did 100 times, and in 07 and in previous versions, a person could retire from the ring, and you could still book them to wrestle here and now. So, I'm thinking the new retirement features take care of that.
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[QUOTE=thedraem41;430070]It does seem lower for women in 07, I personally don't agree with that being implemented in the game... But, as far as this discussion, I think it would be great for people to be able to un-retire. Like Terry Funk did 100 times, and in 07 and in previous versions, a person could retire from the ring, and you could still book them to wrestle here and now. So, I'm thinking the new retirement features take care of that.[/QUOTE] From reading it... My impression is that after they retire from "In Ring" action, they can still be a legitimate part of the company. It runs hand in hand with things such as Promotional owner's sticking around, or family taking over. Also, seems to be talking about "non-wrestling" positions. After they retire, they might decide to become a manager, or road agent, or something along those lines. I'm thinking if you want them to "Un-retire", it's back to the only way you could do that before, and that was to go into the in game editor, change that, and go from there (ussually ends up in another retirement). I'm hoping that the new "Potential" might help out with that... far as keeping a wrestler from retireing too "early"...
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