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Exactly what makes for a good announcer? I ask, because I have an announcer whose entertainment skills read A*/A*/B+/A*, but in almost every match it says his performance is not up to scratch. He has F- psychology, which I know at one point was rumoured to be an Announcing skill, but seems to have been separated now. Anyone?
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[QUOTE=James Casey;430438]Exactly what makes for a good announcer? I ask, because I have an announcer whose entertainment skills read A*/A*/B+/A*, but in almost every match it says his performance is not up to scratch. He has F- psychology, which I know at one point was rumoured to be an Announcing skill, but seems to have been separated now. Anyone?[/QUOTE] those skills don't matter. Those are for color commentators. Announcers need to have high "ANNOUNCING" skills. Announcing is one stat.
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Yes announcing is the stat that matters but if his anouncer has A* in announcing why is he still getting the msg about the announcing quality not up to the standards of the match?I had the same problem and I've been wondering.And if it is respect how can you rise it??
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;430447]those skills don't matter. Those are for color commentators. Announcers need to have high "ANNOUNCING" skills. Announcing is one stat.[/QUOTE] It's Announcing and Respect. [QUOTE=paphos;430599]Yes announcing is the stat that matters but if his anouncer has A* in announcing why is he still getting the msg about the announcing quality not up to the standards of the match?I had the same problem and I've been wondering.And if it is respect how can you rise it??[/QUOTE] Workrate.
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[QUOTE=paphos;430599]Yes announcing is the stat that matters but if his anouncer has A* in announcing why is he still getting the msg about the announcing quality not up to the standards of the match?I had the same problem and I've been wondering.And if it is respect how can you rise it??[/QUOTE] Was the match also a an A* affair? It is possible that internally the match quality was rated by the game at, say 98% whereas the announcing quality [taking both announcing and respect into consideration] stood at 96% and hence the game told you that the announcing quality wasn't upto the standards of the match. In this situation you can't really do anything and since this would hardly affect the results of your show I wouldn't be too bothered by it if I were in your place ...
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[QUOTE=ritwik;430642]Was the match also a an A* affair? It is possible that internally the match quality was rated by the game at, say 98% whereas the announcing quality [taking both announcing and respect into consideration] stood at 96% and hence the game told you that the announcing quality wasn't upto the standards of the match. In this situation you can't really do anything and since this would hardly affect the results of your show I wouldn't be too bothered by it if I were in your place ...[/QUOTE] I don't think thats it.I had the same message with some B and B+ matches...
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No, he was getting those messages on C+ and higher matches (maybe even lower, but I don't think so). As suggested, his Respect stat is awful - high E or so, I think. But he started at F- when he signed, so I'm hoping if I ever continue the game that I'll be able to bring in similarly talented guys and get them the respect they're due. If I had him working alongside a less talented but more respected colleague (like JR/Michael Cole sort of thing), would his respect be likely to rise any quicker? And would he have less of an effect on the ratings? I have Rob Miskovsky available for big shows, but he could slot into a full-time position if that'd work...
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