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TEW 2008 ReapeR's Title Belt RendeRs

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I don't know how long the "wait" is, but when you have some time I would love to see you do some belts for Rapid Pro Wrestling. Specificly:


RPW World

RPW Double Action (Tag Team)

RPW Mid Atlantic/Television/East Coast (or whatever you would think would make a good idea for a midcard singles title)


No real hurry, though I am thinking of doing a RPW '97 diary sometime down the road.

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I don't know how long the "wait" is, but when you have some time I would love to see you do some belts for Rapid Pro Wrestling. Specificly:


RPW World

RPW Double Action (Tag Team)

RPW Mid Atlantic/Television/East Coast (or whatever you would think would make a good idea for a midcard singles title)


No real hurry, though I am thinking of doing a RPW '97 diary sometime down the road.


Right now the "wait" is indefinite. ReapeR is not taking requests.

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Could use some help on this one. I just upgraded to TEW 08 and decided after seeing this thread and how far the graphics have come to give it a try myself using PSP photoX2 (still learning how to use it, only have had it for a few weeks) to create a belt for a custom promotion, APW (yes I know there is a different APW in this version of the game, but oh well)


Not sure if I like it, but here's where I'm at so far....


pic removed and updated below, still available here http://iplxha.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p50IvLVc4tW2mNIFdVnUPYwNVtXu3h1Tx_YMKx8D3lT1DS9Omf7WRM8e79xZLitWQahZ5udZW0XCNfrGHZYKsOA/my_APW_World_HWT_Titlesmall.jpg


as you can see I'm having issues with the text. anyone know how to better use PSP to get less distorted text while still geting it rounded? Any Ideas for what to add to the title?


also question for reaper and payne... I'm looking for good clipart to use and searched for about two hours. All I was able to find are templates of entire belts that I can't break up easilt. any place you can point me with stuff that's ready to use?



I solved the text issue. how do you do strikethrough in these forums? anyway I updatedthe pic.


also when you get back to doing requests, I'd like an alterred version of 2 belts on the main page. first, a silver version of the awa u.s, title that's posted above the real world titles and on a blue strap similar to the ese king of network strap and with lettering still colored as as. second a world tag team champions version of the TCW hard hitting title with the letters TCW removed so I can add my logo (it's brawl text in case you'd find it easier to add yourself)





here are the updated pics and a link to the full size image






and here it is full sized, http://iplxha.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pw8INAeiBTKfayPe-UwteF9z6ZBKRVcBtIKS4TH836tlnNIMxjODm11dxrm-px8-wpnYykDsVzwpCK5QC3pgD7A/my_APW_World_HWT_TitleFInished1.jpg

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Could use some help on this one. I just upgraded to TEW 08 and decided after seeing this thread and how far the graphics have come to give it a try myself using PSP photoX2 (still learning how to use it, only have had it for a few weeks) to create a belt for a custom promotion, APW (yes I know there is a different APW in this version of the game, but oh well)


Not sure if I like it, but here's where I'm at so far....


pic removed and updated below, still available here http://iplxha.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p50IvLVc4tW2mNIFdVnUPYwNVtXu3h1Tx_YMKx8D3lT1DS9Omf7WRM8e79xZLitWQahZ5udZW0XCNfrGHZYKsOA/my_APW_World_HWT_Titlesmall.jpg


as you can see I'm having issues with the text. anyone know how to better use PSP to get less distorted text while still geting it rounded? Any Ideas for what to add to the title?


also question for reaper and payne... I'm looking for good clipart to use and searched for about two hours. All I was able to find are templates of entire belts that I can't break up easilt. any place you can point me with stuff that's ready to use?



I solved the text issue. how do you do strikethrough in these forums? anyway I updatedthe pic.


also when you get back to doing requests, I'd like an alterred version of 2 belts on the main page. first, a silver version of the awa u.s, title that's posted above the real world titles and on a blue strap similar to the ese king of network strap and with lettering still colored as as. second a world tag team champions version of the TCW hard hitting title with the letters TCW removed so I can add my logo (it's brawl text in case you'd find it easier to add yourself)





here are the updated pics and a link to the full size image






and here it is full sized, http://iplxha.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pw8INAeiBTKfayPe-UwteF9z6ZBKRVcBtIKS4TH836tlnNIMxjODm11dxrm-px8-wpnYykDsVzwpCK5QC3pgD7A/my_APW_World_HWT_TitleFInished1.jpg



WOW!!! That is damn good! Probably the best "first effort" I've ever seen. I know nothing about the program you use, so I can't really help you there. I'm sure it's like any other though, just keep trying different textures, colors, gradients and bevels.


What to put on the title itself??? Well, that's always the million dollar question, now isn't it? lol With my titles, I usually come up with my designs simply by trying different patterns and pics. Sometimes just rotating or flipping an image changes everything.


Searching for images/pics is the hardest part of all, I think. I'll spend hours searching for certain pics. Usually find pics that I just save for later during those searches. Most of my pics are just googled, I don't really have web sites I go to all the time. Maybe try fotosearch or istockphoto.com

You'll still have to alter the pics how you want them, but that's been the best I can come up with.


Save everything. Save the .psd before you flatten or merge the image, this way, it's easier to go back and make changes or use previous items.


Maybe have the title fill up the backgroud from top to bottom. Also, for TEW you might want to create the belt without the strap part that would go around the back. If that makes any sense. All in all, keep up the efforts. It's always nice to have another belt renderer working on these.


Good luck and I hope this is helpful.



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I actually did resize (not posted though), it's not quite top to bottom, but it's close. However for some reason TEW can't recognize it and just loads a different title picture. any ideas why? It's the same size and format?


and thanks for the feedback. once I started I got a little addicted to finishing it. probably spent 15-20 hrs on it, i'm sure it won't take as long for other titles though now that I know how the features work. I just followed basically the same steps as in the video link posted earlier in the thread. just had to adapt for my software.

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I actually did resize (not posted though), it's not quite top to bottom, but it's close. However for some reason TEW can't recognize it and just loads a different title picture. any ideas why? It's the same size and format?


and thanks for the feedback. once I started I got a little addicted to finishing it. probably spent 15-20 hrs on it, i'm sure it won't take as long for other titles though now that I know how the features work. I just followed basically the same steps as in the video link posted earlier in the thread. just had to adapt for my software.


I know that for the worker renders there is a limit to how long the file name can be. I believe it's 25, although I could easily be wrong. Might want to try shortening the name of the file and see if it shows up. Excellent work, by the way.

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My request may be a bit greedy, but I can't help but to request it. I have an EWR diary going on another forum for an iDOM fed, XFC, and I would LOVE to have a full render for my XFC titles. (Credit would of course be given)




Something like this?


First is the XFC World Championship, which I want to be modeled (if possible) after the UFC titles.




The second is the XFC Heritage title which I want to be modeled after the K-1 title.




Our logo is identical to the UFC logo.




The font used is Sofachrome.


Thank you very much if you take my project. :)


Your first one.


XFC World Championship

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/XFCWorld.jpg based on http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/UFCChampion_small.jpg

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I actually did resize (not posted though), it's not quite top to bottom, but it's close. However for some reason TEW can't recognize it and just loads a different title picture. any ideas why? It's the same size and format?


and thanks for the feedback. once I started I got a little addicted to finishing it. probably spent 15-20 hrs on it, i'm sure it won't take as long for other titles though now that I know how the features work. I just followed basically the same steps as in the video link posted earlier in the thread. just had to adapt for my software.


Yep, that's how it starts. Pretty soon you'll be down to renders in about an hour or two.


I usuall gradient each layer seperately. i.e., the plate gets a "metallic" gradient then I add the words on top, usually with another gradient, if I think it needs it.


Can't wait to see what else you can come up with that I can steal... I mean borrow. :D


Like was said before this, shorten the name of the file, and it should work in the game.


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Here you go...



MAW World Heavyweight Championship



And because I know some of you like to see some of the detail that goes into these...









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My request may be a bit greedy, but I can't help but to request it. I have an EWR diary going on another forum for an iDOM fed, XFC, and I would LOVE to have a full render for my XFC titles. (Credit would of course be given)




Something like this?


First is the XFC World Championship, which I want to be modeled (if possible) after the UFC titles.




The second is the XFC Heritage title which I want to be modeled after the K-1 title.




Our logo is identical to the UFC logo.




The font used is Sofachrome.


Thank you very much if you take my project. :)



And your last one...


XFC Heritage Championship


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ReapeR, you're a star (and I figured it'd be easier to gaffertape some extra logos on an existing belt :p).


Look for it to appear in the next... week or so.


Glad you liked it. Even though most, to include yourself, would have been happy with me just slapping the MAW logo onto it, I just had to tweak it some to make it an original. Hence the logo in the background and on the side plates.


Gaffertape works wonders. It's almost as good as duct tape. :D



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I would like to see a more traditional looking world title belt for USPW. My company is going through a change and I want something classy and non cartoonish.


Also another television title for USPW


Generic Television Title


Thanks alot ReapeR.


I just did the USPW World title a few posts up, let me know if that works for you. If not, I'll see if I can come up with a more "Traditional" one.


I'll start on the TV title in the mean time.







USPW Television Championship


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A couple quick belt request.


First, a NOTBPW International and International Tag Team belt. I'd like them to look old-school and kinda classy, but anything would be appreciated.


Second, I'd like a military themed belt for my USPW game, where I've worked Bubba Lee West into a main eventer. I'm having him bring in his own custom belt when he wins it off of Erik Strong at Stars, Stripes, and Slams. If possible, I'd like this belt to be based off of the Medal of Valor (picture included).



Any help would be appreciated, and much thanks in advance.


Here's Bubba's title...


USPW Championship


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I just did the USPW World title a few posts up, let me know if that works for you. If not, I'll see if I can come up with a more "Traditional" one.


I'll start on the TV title in the mean time.







USPW Television Championship



Fantastic! And the world title is beautiful. Thank you Reaper.

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