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APW - A Country Designed Purely to Kill You.

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Just so you're aware, I'm now trying to make the characters come across more, as well as filling you in more on how the crowd are reacting to certain events. These are the areas I've seen talked about a lot in the DOTM nominations thread, so I figure they're important points for me to develop. Please feed back :) [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/website15.png[/img] [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/diary15.png[/img] Quick Picks: 1. Cole Taylor vs. Motty Kuroda 2. Dingo Devine vs. Inferno 3. Harry Simonson vs. The Brisbane Devil 4. Triple S vs. The New Zealand Pit Bull (APW Australian title) 5. Swoop McCarthy vs. Blake Belushi
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1. [B]Cole Taylor[/B] vs. Motty Kuroda 2. [B]Dingo Devine [/B]vs. Inferno 3. Harry Simonson vs. [B]The Brisbane Devil[/B] 4. Triple S vs. [B]The New Zealand Pit Bull [/B](APW Australian title) 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Blake Belushi feedback has been PMed and I told you to switch those two matches hehe.
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Good show. Boo getting the win over Triple S surprised me. I had a feeling Stantz might be turning. As "Ravishing Rick" he's a pretty effective heel. Quick picks: 1. [B]Cole Taylor[/B] vs. Motty Kuroda - Cole probably has the better long term potential 2. Dingo Devine vs. Inferno - maybe a double count out 3. Harry Simonson vs. [B]The Brisbane Devil[/B] - Power Trip's reign of terror continues 4. Triple S vs. [B]The New Zealand Pit Bull [/B](APW Australian title) - as above 5. Swoop McCarthy vs. [B]Blake Belushi[/b] - I'll take a chance and say Belushi by DQ after a Stantz run in
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[QUOTE=edenborn;476113]Good show. Boo getting the win over Triple S surprised me. I had a feeling Stantz might be turning. As "Ravishing Rick" he's a pretty effective heel.[/QUOTE] That's interesting - Boo getting the win was at odds with everything he stands for. Think how long SQ worked as a heel manager for David Peterson. Some habits just don't die ;)
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I really like the Power Trip stable I think you're doing some great things there! As you'll see below I think this PPV cements them. Loved the Blonds vs. Demolition! ;) 1. [b]Cole Taylor[/b] vs. Motty Kuroda 2. Dingo Devine vs. [b]Inferno[/b] 3. Harry Simonson vs. [b]The Brisbane Devil[/b] 4. Triple S vs. [b]The New Zealand Pit Bull (APW Australian title)[/b] 5. [b]Swoop McCarthy[/b] vs. Blake Belushi
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Whoa...spearchucker's I can't believe the blondes actually said that? I am burning my Melbourne Blondes T-shirt that I made....that part disgusted me, and also when and if you pull the trigger on breaking them up make sure you bury Stantz, take whats left of his populaity and send the racist bastard to ASAW. :angryfaceagain: LOVE the way your going with Boo and SQ and I mark for Dingo (but then again who don't i mark for?) Great Main Event and closing angle. It's a real shame that Mac and Hawke pulled out such a stinker or else the show could have been really REALLY good (game wise), but thems the breaks. [B]Quick Picks[/B] 1. [B]Cole Taylor[/B] vs. Motty Kuroda Why? you guessed it...I'm a cole taylor mark. Well more of an afro mark but you get the idea. 2. [B]Dingo Devine[/B] vs. Inferno Sorry boss im goin with the Dingo 3. Harry Simonson vs. [B]The Brisbane Devil[/B] I don't think he SHOULD win...but knowing your love for them i think he will. Plus makes sense to keep him strong for now especially as a new champ 4. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. The New Zealand Pit Bull (APW Australian title) Tough Call but I'm gonna go with Triple S here. Power Trip have too much power as it is. 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Blake Belushi SWOOOOOOOOOOOOP! Nuff said
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Finally read through the whole thing and it is very entertaining with an excellent presentation. Definitely seems that Nathan McKenzie has flamed out after starting strong. I am assuming that he has a high menace stat, so I would suggest making angles for him that utilize that to help bump his overness, and keep him out of the main event matches until or unless he can get his skills up.
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1. [B]Cole Taylor [/B]vs. Motty Kuroda [I]Cole is taking this one to continue on his slow but graduall rise to the top[/I] 2. [B]Dingo Devine[/B] vs. Inferno [I]Even after giving Inferno a make over I am going with Devine, due to the fact that I am a huge mark of his[/I] 3. [B]Harry Simonson[/B] vs. The Brisbane Devil [I]Simonson needs to get some wins together here but won't and then will show up in a few weeks with a partner to be the new challengers[/I] 4. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. The New Zealand Pit Bull (APW Australian title) [I]TripS is the man and I am sure HBS and RICH FairS will be helping win this match with the stroke they have in the back[/I] 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Blake Belushi [I]Swoop gets the cheap win due to the heel turn of Stantz causing the huge fued we have been convinced is brewing amugnst the Blonde Duo...[/I] Hope to see another write up soon...
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Sorry Machine, been a busy week. I've started the update now, so I will have it with you as soon as possible. (once I get back from the pub) There is a new format coming for the TV shows - it's basically the old one but shrunken down a bit so that I don't get burned out doing it. Hopefully it consists of the same quality. Don't worry about Big Mac, Dragonmack - I am merely trying to keep his ego in check as if he continued the way he was going he would have become unmanageable!
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TEEVEE [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/tv1.png[/img] [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/website16.png[/img] Quick picks: 1. Boo Smithson vs. Samoan Demolition 2. The Rising Sons vs. The Melbourne Blondes 3. Lanny Williams vs. Dingo Devine 4. Triple S vs. Harry Simonson (APW Australian Title) 5. Swoop McCarthy vs. Nathan Mackenzie (APW Commonwealth Title) I would really appreciate any comments about the new format - remember the full writeup with larger pictures will return for PPVs and big events, but doing it smaller like this works for the smaller shows I think. Still, 0.00 rating :eek:
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Huh. I have to ask: how are you getting such good grades on angles and interviews and promos? I assume we have to be playing the same venue... the tiniest bar in the West, if I remember right. Whenever I do ANYTHING except a match... and mostly I've used Swoop, who's just about the only one with semi-decent mike talents, my grade is never above an E and the game tells me that the crowd hates it and would rather just see in-ring action. I'm talking, of course, about your first few months.
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[QUOTE=CraigInTwinCities;478274]Huh. I have to ask: how are you getting such good grades on angles and interviews and promos? [/QUOTE] I used the editor to change the match ratio just a bit. I saw it as such a waste of good talent it would be really dumb for them not to use it that way. It means I'm not playing APW strictly how it's meant to be played - but I think (and hope) it's more entertaining this way. Marcel - thank you - I will run the next one with a dark blue and see what people prefer :)
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1. Boo Smithson vs. [B]Samoan Demolition[/B] 2. The Rising Sons vs. [B]The Melbourne Blondes[/B] 3. [B]Lanny Williams [/B]vs. Dingo Devine 4. Triple S vs. [B]Harry Simonson[/B] (APW Australian Title) 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Nathan Mackenzie (APW Commonwealth Title)
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1. Boo Smithson vs. [B]Samoan Demolition[/B] 2. [B]The Rising Sons[/B] vs. The Melbourne Blondes 3. [B]Lanny Williams[/B] vs. Dingo Devine 4. Triple S vs. [B]Harry Simonson [/B](APW Australian Title) 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Nathan Mackenzie (APW Commonwealth Title) PS agree with Fromage on the darker blue (sorry I didn't spot it earlier think its the size difference)
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1. Boo Smithson vs. [B]Samoan Demolition[/B] 2. The Rising Sons vs. [B]The Melbourne Blondes[/B] 3. Lanny Williams vs. [B]Dingo Devine[/B] 4. Triple S vs. [B]Harry Simonson [/B](APW Australian Title) 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy [/B]vs. Nathan Mackenzie (APW Commonwealth Title) [I]Not sure on the Blondes. I'll go with them to somehow get a win even if they're not on the same page.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;478243]Still, 0.00 rating :eek:[/quote]Gotta start somewhere. Onward and upward, I say. Quick picks: 1. [b]Boo Smithson[/b] vs. Samoan Demolition - I admit it, I'm a Boo Smithson mark 2. [b]The Rising Sons[/b] vs. The Melbourne Blondes - They've got T-shirts and everything 3. [b]Lanny Williams[/b] vs. Dingo Devine - Old School! 4. Triple S vs. [b]Harry Simonson[/b] (APW Australian Title) - Really not sure about this one, but I'm picking the Hitman 5. [b]Swoop McCarthy[/b] vs. Nathan Mackenzie (APW Commonwealth Title) - Swoop, there it is. [QUOTE=CraigInTwinCities;478274]I have to ask: how are you getting such good grades on angles and interviews and promos?[/QUOTE]The default match/angle ratio for APW is 90/10 for events and 80/20 for TV. At 90/10 your fans will hate just about any angle you feed them, but at 80/20 you can get respectable segment grades. So if you don't change the ratios, you can successfully run angles on your TV show to promote your more match intensive non-televised events (which will eventually become PPV events when you're big enough to attract a PPV carrier.)
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[QUOTE=edenborn;478342]The default match/angle ratio for APW is 90/10 for events and 80/20 for TV. At 90/10 your fans will hate just about any angle you feed them, but at 80/20 you can get respectable segment grades. So if you don't change the ratios, you can successfully run angles on your TV show to promote your more match intensive non-televised events (which will eventually become PPV events when you're big enough to attract a PPV carrier.)[/QUOTE] Hmm, true, but you seemed to get good grades for Swoop promos right out of the gate... That's what had be scratching my head. :)
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Quick picks: 1. [B]Boo Smithson[/B] vs. Samoan Demolition I smell shenanigans here and as a huge mark of the man, i don't want to believe your just feeding him to the wolves 2. [B]The Rising Sons [/B]vs. The Melbourne Blondes The perennial job team just got t-shirts =) i personally will be buying one of each size and wearing it while waving a rising sons poster because I want them to destroy the racists!!! 3. Lanny Williams vs. [B]Dingo Devine[/B] Building him up, and...you guessed it...MARK! 4. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Harry Simonson (APW Australian Title) This was a difficult one to call. I can see it going either way and both men could use the victory with a loss not really hurting either...but im gonna go with TripS 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Nathan Mackenzie (APW Commonwealth Title) Not yet Mac...Not yet! SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!! p.s love the new layout bro
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