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Gimmick mod?

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I collected a bunch of gimmicks for TEW07, edited and rebalanced them and added new ones as well. Everyone is more than welcome to use them. You should note, though, that if you overwrite the existing gimmick file with mine, it'll mess up the gimmicks that are currently assigned to workers. If anyone wants to use the gimmicks for a mod they're working on, again, you're more than welcome. Although I'd be happy to be credited in that case ;) EDIT: I tweaked the gimmicks for TEW08 which basically only meant adding a few race restrictions. Also, if you have any suggestions or corrections, let's hear them...
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[quote=xpostxscript;433778]heres another one if ur interested... over 1000 gimmicks downloaded this somewhere when i had tew07, forget where but i added some new ones tho... Enjoy [URL]http://beyond-the-ring.com/TEW/gimmick.tw8[/URL][/quote] Most likely mine from my gimmicks/storylines/angles/injuries pack...
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