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Favourite New Promotion

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So, TEW2k8 now boasts five new promotions. Which do you, the player prefer? The Hardcore Revivalists of Pittbsurgh Steel Wrestling? The Traditional yet sunny land of FREEDOM Carribean Wrestling? The Trailblazing Fair Dinkum of a billabong that is Australian Pro Wrestling?* Or the new companies of Europe, Sports-Entertainment based Euripean Wrestling All-Stars or Traditional Ultimate European Wrestling?
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;431841]So, TEW2k8 now boasts five new promotions. Which do you, the player prefer? The Hardcore Revivalists of Pittbsurgh Steel Wrestling? The Traditional yet sunny land of FREEDOM Carribean Wrestling? The Trailblazing Fair Dinkum of a billabong that is Australian Pro Wrestling?* Or the new companies of Europe, Sports-Entertainment based Euripean Wrestling All-Stars or Traditional Ultimate European Wrestling?[/QUOTE] For me, I'll probably try 3 of those. FCW then EWA and finally APW I'm not big on the traditional pure or hardcore styles, so those 2 promotions don't jump out and grab me as fun.
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As a life long Pittsburgh sports fan, I was immediately drawn to the fact that PSW's colors (black & gold) match those of the team sports in the city (Steelers, Penguins, Pirates). Black & gold are the city's flag colors as well. I'm not sure if the mad-genius Brits who develop and design this game did that on purpose, or if it was purely coincidental, but I believe I have my promotion. :D
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I too am all over FREEDOM. I think it is the promotion that can bring a nice influx of lucha into US without it seeming like it was done just to bolster the roster which I always felt for some reason when it was done by me elsewhere. It is def going to be one of my first games probably along side a rebirth of XDW. Pittsburgh hasn't grown on me yet but if does I won't be surprised. Australia has some of the cooler new workers that I have glanced through so playing down under is a must for me as well. As for Europe I miss UCR and probably will wait to mess with Europe out of spite.
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;431867]I hate FCW's name, but I love the roster, thus it is my favorite. I also like Australia's company just because I love reading about new people.[/QUOTE] It could be worse, they could be called Caribbean Charisma Championship Combat :p As for me, it's still gotta be WLW. You just can't beat it. Especially now, with KOBE as Ultimate Champion Of Everything.
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