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Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone

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CZCW Coastal Tour August 2013, week 3, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. I know, I know. What the heck am I doing in the Zone? I'm a big name in Mexico... well, big enough... but truth be told, I like variety. Working against someone other than luchadores once in a while. They respect us here. Luchas, I mean. That's why I'm not one of those Professionals. The Luchas in the zone, they stick together. Team Lucha. And it got me into the biggest angle the Zone has ever done, so... it's all good. Take tonight, for example. We open up with Fox Mask challenging Toddy Powell to an Extreme Title match (D). Then, we go into Tidal Booking. What Tidal Booking is, is you take two tag teams. Fight them in two singles matches. And unless one team won both singles matches, they do a tag team match for the titles. The first match is Freddie Datsun vs... me! We get out there, and I'm estatic to see that the chemsitry we seem to have during tag matches is still there for singles matches. On the downside, we just set the bar for the show impossibly high... but, oh well (C+). Hey, did I mention... I win? I do. Awwww, yeah. Teddy badmouths Fox backstage (D), and we move in phase two, as Phoenix takes on Gumble. It's every bit as good as our match, but they just don't seem to work well together... part of me wants to do this again and switch opponents... (C+). Fox cuts a promo on Powell, and we go into the tag match. After the singles matches, it's a bit of a letown and goes abit too long, but goes slowly as we're looking after our partners. Datsin gets his pin back, getting Phoenix to go down for him to keep their titles (C). We get a hype video for the main event (D) to get this to feel important, and out comes the main event. It's... yeah, we set the bar to high, and got hit with some bad chemistry, so it wasn't... horrid for a main event but it was... not Fox's best, and ended with major interference from Gumble and Freddie and ended with Teddy getting the title down from the center of the ring (D+). Hey, we should, like... move the ring around the cetner of the stagne or somethingm a a new commigc match,,, Show raintL (D+) I'll... redo this thing whe Im feeling better Thing I caduht omthin om mg lst flght,,, On the next costal zone: Has the booker recovered from his severe cold enough to figure out what the hell those last two paragraphs were about? Never book on DayQuil, Tylenol and Ambien, people...
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CZCW Coastal Tour August 2013, week 4, Sunday West Texas, Midsouth USA Christopher "Acid II" Bain. I could be working anywhere, right? Anywhere in the world. Acid is known world-wide... and he trained me, so I must bee good, right? So... why is it the Zone is where I call ome? Steady paychecks... or at least, they used to be. Now we've got... seems like half the roster, making twice as much as me, or more. I'm starting to be thankful for the days I get used, and everyone else is starting to feel that way, too. Well, I'm thankful tonight, because I get to provide the opening match before we get into this whole 'professional' soap-opera thing Peers has going. You'd think he'd save a storyline for, y'know, television, or something? But no, they're here for... well, no apparent reason, it seems. It's not like we're going to get rich off of just two territories, right? Eh, whatever. I show up, and Remus and I go through our match. Twenty minutes and I tap out at the end. Big whoop. Given that it's in fron tof a Texas crowd that really only comes to Zone shows for the big names, I think we do okay (D+). Of course, the friggin' hype video for The Professioals gets a bigger pop than we do (C-). Next match is an Xtreme Title match, with Powell defensing against Insane Machine... and that's something to watch, even if it does have Andrews doing the run-in to protect his teammate as the ending (C). Match after that beats it, as Andrews and Lauren meet again... this time with Machine running in to get revenge on Andrews, but costing Lauren the title (C+). Big arguement, everything breaks down, there's yelling, there's shoves, and we wind up with a tag match of a main event... yes, a main event booked five minutes before it goes on, who books this crap (C-)? But, I gotta hand it ot them... for a no-build tag match, it's one of the better matches I can remember seeing; Andrews and Powell win, of course, cheating their arses off... and it helps that Lauren and Machine aren't exactly on the same page... but it's a great match all the same (B-). And that was the show. Yeah, simple, straightfoward, no frills. We seem to be doing that a lot lately. I show up, work, get paid, go home. I really, really need to start looking for more contracts... I don't even think I'll wind up in the 'everyone gets paid' battle royal this month... Summary: Rod Remus def. Acid II (D+) Xtreme Title: Powell (c) def. Insane Machine (C) CZCW Title: Andrews (c) def. Lauren the Lion (C+) Andrews & Powell def. Machine & Lauren (B-) Show rating: C+ On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Redemption!
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Liking the new style and I'm so glad that you are now writing the Summary! It really helps. :) I was quite skeptic of how things would turn out when you hit Cult and signed a bunch of new talent but things are looking well.. It's all good in the Coastal Zone. ^^
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[QUOTE=FINisher;541482]Liking the new style and I'm so glad that you are now writing the Summary! It really helps. :) I was quite skeptic of how things would turn out when you hit Cult and signed a bunch of new talent but things are looking well.. It's all good in the Coastal Zone. ^^[/QUOTE] Same here. And it looks like you are getting some really good event grades as well. YAY!
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CZCW Redemption September 2013, week 1, Wednesday Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA "The Grand Avatar" William Peers. It's been an interesting couple months. The good news is, cost-cutting is begining to show results; last month we only lost just over a hundred thousand; that's twenty-five thousand we saved by going with Tidal Booking for shows. A little more tweaking, and we might... ... who'm I kidding? We're in trouble. Maybe not immediate trouble... but if we keep to how we've been doing, we've got ten months before we're in debt. Which means, we've got three options. We can keep doing what we've been doing, and hope things get better. We can decide to burn money in the hopes of expanding our popularity enough to get a pay-per-view deal and hope that keeps us afloat. Or, we can basicly commit suicide... schedule a month of shows in West Texas, and cancel each one the day of the shows. The popularity hit should drop us back down to Regional. We'll... save that plan for the last minute. C'mon, it's me... of course I've got a last-minute plan. Probably won't work, but I have one. In the meantime... I'll see if I can convince Cliff to spend more money... Which might very well be needed after this show. See, I've got this wacky idea to start spreading the Zone nation-wide... but it's going to require a bit of cash to pull off. I'm just not sure if I can pull it off fast enough to keep from going in the dumpster... and knowing Cliff, I'll be weeks away from success and he'll give me a goal that makes it impossible... But that's the future. As Jim would say, don't concern yourself with the future, the Force is in the present. Tonight is CZCW Redemption, and I've cooked up something that shoudl shake things up a bit. We start with a surprisingly good tag match, as Fox Force Five defeat Team America in fifteen minutes (C). The crowd is hot tonight... that's good. Let's hope we don't burn them out with the longest no-match period in Zone history, as The Professionals and the former title-holders comes out and argue about tonight. Pee-Wee provides straws to draw, and several title matches are made before the final four-on-four match ("It'll make it more of an endurance trial that way," Andrews says. Powell will defend agaisnt Dragon; Remus and Lauren get Gumble and Datsun; and Pheonix gets Andrews (D+, D+, C). The Xtreme Match is first, and these two live up to my hopes for what they can do; they're a great blend of experience and skill, and I think perhaps everyone is a bit surprised by the ending; no run-ins, no disqualifications, and a new champion when it's over (C+). Backstage, Lauren and Remus talk about how they're both upset they don't get rematches for their singles titles, but tonight is about redemption, about taking the titles back, and they'll sort out who gets what later (D). The tag match lives up to the bar the Xtreme Match set for them, going just a bit longer and, again, ends with new champions (C+). Out next is Andrews, ranting about how his teammates couldn't hold up their end of the deal, but promised to put that 'old, beaten-down relic' Phoenix on the canvas so hard he can't take part in the final match (C+). It's the longest match so far, and this time Andrews lives up to his word and puts Phoenix down, and Phoenix limps to his corner after the match (C+). Then, the obligatory Main Event Hype Video (D+), and we're onto the last match. We haven't done a four-on-four match for a while here. Should be fun. The dynamic we've set up is rather nice, too... the Professionals are a bit upset that their leader is mad at them, but he's the only one who won his title match. On the other hand, the Zoners are upset at playing title-swap, and Phoenix is hurt, but they're mostly united. We go nearly a half-hour, everyone getting their time in the spotlight, including a bit where Phoenix and Dragon do some Team Lucha double-team moves and Remus gets to beat on Powell for a bit, and Andrews basicly owning anyone he's in the ring with. In the end, it comes down to a brawl on the outside while Remus tries to roll up Andrews, only to take an elbow to the throat and, while he tries to get his breath back, getting rolled up with his tights pulled as Andrews wins another one (C+). Heh. Four great matches, and the audience considers it a bit of a sub-standard show (C). I just can't win. Now... to talk to Cliff about spending some cash... Summary: Fox Force Five def. Team America (C) Xtreme Title: Dragon del Arco Iris Jr def. Teddy Powell (c) (C+) Tag Titles: Lauren the Lion & Rod Remus def. Steve Gumble & Freddie Datsun (c) (C+) CZCW Title: Aaron Andrews (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix (C+) The Professionals def Team Zone (C+) Show rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: Peers' plan revealed! Will Cliff be upset at the cost... and will it manage to work? Will the roster become even more upset at not being used?
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September 2013, week 1/2 Cliff Anderson. So, first off, some idiot booked the wrong arena for Redemption, and we blew a quarter-million dollars. Second, Peers wants to spend even more money... hell, he's done okay so far, I guess... but this is a big gamble. A gamble with my money, I should point out. But as much as I think this is a bad idea... yes, we just lost a quarter-million dollars, but we've still got... five, six times as much in the bank as we did when I brought him in? I ask him about his plan, and decide to go with it. The Coastal Tour is now assigned to the Midwest; it'll be an hour-long show using Tidal Booking to minimize costs while putting on the best hour of wrestling possible. Mondays become CZCW Homefront days, rotating between the Southwest and Midsouth. Our first midwest show starts with Island Boy Apollo challenging Steve Gumble to a gauntlet match (D). Gumble then tears through Simon Ice (D-) and Brimstone (D+) before Apollo badmouths him a bit (E-). Gumble defeats Brooke Tyler (C-), and then cuts a promo of his own against Apollo (E+). Then we finish out with the match, which... isn't as good as I expected it to be, for some reason (D). Of course, Gumble wins. Not the blow-away show I was expecting, but still good (D). It's a small crowd... not even a hundred people. The next show... and for starters, two shows a week is just insane... the next show is much better, a sell-out in the Grissom. Pity the best we have to show them is a "Keep the talent happy" show. We open with a segment to set up the main event, and what a main event... Masked Patriot vs Barry Kingman. Seriously. (D). Our first match has the poor team of Capitao Brasil and Velvet Suarez defeat Marc Speed and Kirk Jameson (D). I understand wanting to keep the Team Lucha people together, but we know they don't work together as a team... but, to get people interested, we announce next week's main event... Andrews vs Powell (C-). Okay, technically, a good match, but we're they're teammates... what's Peers thinking? The next match is another snoozer, as Mercutio Sleep defeats Harrison Hash (D). Between th evet and the talented rookie, they should od better than that, but they have zero chemistry together... Sleep needs to find someone he can have good matches with, other than Lauren. The new Xtreme Champion comes out to make an open challenge (D+), and out to accept the challenge is... Whippy? The two actually put on the match of the night... and it's a decent match on top of that, so I'm not saying this in the old-school-Zone style of "It sucked, but it was the match of the night!". Thet two go nearly half an hour but have good chemistry, and you felt like the title was really up fro grabs there a few times before Dragon got the pinfall to retain (C-). We may have to rememebr that if we can get Whippy a bit more dedicated to working here. Patriot cuts a promo on Barry (D), and we're into the main event of these two facing off for... for... n t doing rnough to make themseves noiced during he plotlinr.tentions are boiliniing and it leads to,,, a mathc, Nt a great atcm but a matc that goes a long time an d didens;t suckm giving Jingman the whin over Patriot afer half an hour (D+), The abien are kicking in and I try to finisht the summary. The shw rats a D+, so it doesn't hurt us -- we'd prefer to row to the point w get paid mroe for tickets, honestly and I should lgo tou as I am drug-lagged right now.
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[quote=infinitywpi;542584]Patriot cuts a promo on Barry (D), and we're into the main event of these two facing off for... for... n t doing rnough to make themseves noiced during he [U]plotlinr.tentions are boiliniing[/U] and it leads to,,, a mathc, [U]Nt a great atcm but a matc [/U]that goes a long time [U]an d didens;t suckm[/U] giving Jingman the [U]whin over Patriot afer[/U] half an hour (D+), The abien are kicking in and I try to finisht the summary. The shw rats a D+, so it doesn't hurt us -- we'd prefer to row to the point w get paid mroe for tickets, honestly and I should lgo tou as I am drug-lagged right now.[/quote] Dude.. seriously. :D :p Get well soon.
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CZCW Coastal Tour September 2013, week 2, Sunday Some podunk bar, Midwest USA Mercutio Sleep. Me again. I know, I know. Who is this schmuck, that he gets another writeup so soon? Well, I'm here because... because of those jackass 'professionals'. Because my last name is Sleep... and yes, it's my real last name, Mercutio is made up but Sleep is real... they spiked my drink at the last show with sleeping medicine. I can see why people get addicted to that stuff. You don't feel anything at all for a little bit, and then you stand up out of your chair and *wham*, your arms and legs are a half-second behind your brain. And you sit down to see if it wears off, and all of a sudden you're foggy and nothing's moving the way it's supposed to and... god forbid you try to type... and it's best if you go lie down. I'm told I was supposed to freak out at what was happening, but truth be told... it's kinda fun. Relaxing. And I got a good nigght's sleep out of it, too. I don't know if it was to keep me away from them... okay, I might have mentioned 'a vengance like you have never seen'... but Peers asigned me to the Midwest tour this week. I think he's just taking advantage of the fact nobody there knows me... y'know, kinda like Texas. That, or he's punishing me for threatening vengance by making me work all night. Tonight's tour show is pretty much the same as last week's... a challenge to run the gauntlet, a couple of short matches, promo, longer match, promo, main event. Only this week, it's starring me, so I'm not expecting much of a reaction. Although I've got Dylan working with me all day to set things up. I do the segment with Brooke challenging me to run the gauntler (D-), then pin Simon Ice (E) and Brimstone (E+)... as a side note, Simon? Still showing ring rust. He's been with us almost a year now, hasn't he? Brooke cuts a promo while I get some rest (E+), then I get another match against Velvet (E+) and I'm tired as hell, but cut a "come get me" promo on Brooke (E). Then, our match as the main event, and it sucks about as much as anything else, and I make sure I hit my mark and get myself DQed for repeated closed fists (E+). The show, as a whole, sucks... but it's still better than indy stuff in the area, so it gets our name out (E+). I half-jokingly, half-due-to-oxygen-deprevation suggest we do just two matches next time and let me go for a half-hour... I think he knows I was joking. I'm getting another good night's sleep tonight. But man, I'm gonna pay for this in the morning... On the next Coastal Zone: The Homefront marches on and returns to the Southwest, and a huge title match is made... not for a big show, but for the next week! (On a side note: I do not encourage or condone the use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes. But hooboy, those things are goooood... if you actually have the eight hours of uninterrupted sleep after you take one. Someone or something wakes you up early, you feel like crap...)
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CZCW Homefront September 2013, week 3, Monday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Jonathon 'Fox Mask' Sasune. It seems like a money hole to me. I mean... the last time we did this, it was a huge push into the Mid-South, and it was getting ready for cult status... but we were losing, what, ten grand a month? We were set for years. Now... I know Cliff isn't exactly public with our finances, but there's a difference between 'happy fun Cliff' and 'will bite your head off for putting a penny in the Salvation Army kettle Cliff'. And we seem to have jumped from 'major storyline' to 'no storyline whatsoever'. Not too sure how I feel about that, either. Consistency is key, right? The fans should know somewhat what they're going to get when they buy a ticket. On the other hand... a tournament without much story behind it is old-school Zone, so I can't argue much with that, right? The pre-match, as-people-are-sitting match is just a little tag thing as Panda Mask II and Whippy the Clown defeat J4 (D-)... I feel kinda bad for J4, that is, Jackpot Jordan and Jared Johnson. They could be big, huge... but they're in a tag team to gai nexperience, but they don't seem to get anywhere. Kinda defines most of the undercard, really. The show itself starts with the announcement of the tournament, and the four opening matches (D). Crowd's hot... should be a fun night. All the matches go fast, to fit them all in. In the opener, I pin Jimmy Foxx (C). Insane Machine and Teddy Powell show us up by putting on a great follow-up match (C). Phoenix, that old geezer (I say it with all possible love) then puts on just as good a match, losing to Masked Patriot (C+). And then Jimmy Force, my older brother from another mother, loses to Freddie Datsun... and to his own finisher, no less (D+). We four winners get a moment to hype up our matches; me against Datsun (C-) and Powell agaisnt Patriot (C-). Powell and Patriot are up next, and it's a decent match, but... they lose something, maybe it has to do with fatigue setting in, but it's not as good as their previous matches (C). Then me and Freddie, and it's an improvment for both of us... we seem to be heading towards a nice average here (C). I get a brief moment of rest while we announce that the Tag Titles get defended next week, as well as the CZCW title (D), and it's onto the finals. It's a letdown, frankly... I could say it's not our fault, but it is. It's the third match of the night for both of us, and we... get sloppy. We bow a superplex spot. And I see this ugly bump on Patriot's knee where it's not supposed to be. Pee-Wee checks on him while I grab my breath, and Patriot manages to get to his feet, favoring his good leg. I go for a quick Foxtrot kick to the face and pin him (D+). At least the crowd gets the main event we promised them last week -- Andrews defends the title agaisnt Powell. Doesn't say a word about me, just ignoring me, but still goes out there and has a match and proceeds to make the rest of us... well, most of us... look bad (C+). I should feel happy... it's another good show (C), and I've got a title match next week. But for some reason, I'm not. It's almost like... I don't know. Just a bad feeling, I guess. Like the floating kneecap Patriot suffered is the least of our worried. I've started to pay way too much attention to my gut feelings these last few years... On the next Coastal Zone: Can we trust Fox's gut? Is bad news coming down the pike? Will Patriot use his two months on the injured list to catch up on his favorite TiVo'd shows? And why does the news tiker say he's out for 26 days, when our own medical expert say he's out for two months? That's... 56 days, isn't it?
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And now, something I haven't done in a long time... a 'live' post! That's right, I'm out of pre-done shows, so we'll just wing it with this one. CZCW Coastal Tour September 2013, week 3, Sunday Somewhere in the Midwest again First-Person Omniscient Narrative. (Ask your English teacher, kids.) We decide to mix things up from the last two Coastal Tours and do things a bit differently. Tonight will be a mini-tournament between four people. Two singles matches, and then a final singles match between the two winners... with whoever defeated their first-round opponent faster having an advantage: They get pinned on a four-count, not a three-count. (D-) In our first match, Mercutio Sleep defeats Brimstone... again... this one goes on a bit too long (Twelve and a half minutes) and isn't as good as their last match (E), but it's a win for Sleep so he cuts a promo on whoever wins the next match (D-). The second match is far better, as George Wolfe manages to draw out his defeat by thirteen and a half minutes to Insane Machine (D). Machine then cuts a counter-promo on Sleep (E+), and we move into the main event, which is almost good enough to be considered a 'bad' Homefront match, ending with a Termination Kick and a four-count (D+). All in all, a much better show than we were expecting to give the Midwest (D). We keep this up, and we should be able to consider the Midwest one of our main territories in no time... if, you know, no time is about a year and a half of weekly shows...
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CZCW Homefront September 2013, week 4, Monday West Texas, Midsouth USA Aaron Andrews. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. I said I was out of here as soon as another offer came along. Well... I'm not stupid. I changed my mind to 'as soon as another offer comes along'. Yes, RIPW and MAW both made me offers. I'm still here. I thought about it a bit, and as much as this place is beneath me... they may me multiple times a month. Who else runs weekly shows? So Peers had me set up to face that Fox kid tonight, just in case I did decide to jump ship. Like I'd job to that never-was, even if I was leaving the company. Did I just give away the ending for tonight? Too bad. Anyone with a brain could figure it out anyway. The show opens with Fox in the ring, talking like he's got a chance, and I come out to remind him that, no, he's got no chance (C-). The first match... it blows, and I reconsider being part of this company. SWF never put on matches this ba... oh, who's in it? That kid who calls himself Justin Sensitive did the j-o-b to the little brother of that guy who was smart enough to get out of here earlier (E). I decide to wake people up with a quick promo (D). That wakes up the talent; the next match is much better. Well, maybe not 'much'. It's got that Sleep kid and the guy who used to wear a panda mask on his head. I think the kid wins, I couldn't 'bear' to watch. Get it? (D-) After that is another match, with four tag teams fighting over the titles; the champs are there as are my 'comrades' Datsun and Gumble. The other teams are Island Boy and Speedball, and the flip-floppers Acid and Phoenix. It's not a bad match, really. Actually, it's... decent. With that much talent, there should be. The champs retain... not like they deserve to, but with two other teams to run distraction, I can buy the true talent not winning (C-). Another of the flip-floppers, Dragon of something or other, makes an open challenge for his 'Xtreme' title... see, it's smelled with an X, that makes it cool (D-). Out comes Kirk Jameson to take the challenge, and they have a decent little ladder match... not bad for indy crap, really, with Dragon retaining his title (C-). Then, Fox Mask goes out there and talks about... I dunno, traditions, or something silly like that (D). I start ot head out for my match, and Peers grabs me by the shoulder and whispers something to me. "Anyone can win. If I say they can. But the legends? They could make others look good." I shake my head and go have my match. I try to make the kid look better... really, I did! But after such a... mediocre night, even I couldn't get this crowd interested in a match with someone who is nowhere near my level, and they all know I'm going to win, so it's hard to build drama then (C-). And that's the show. It's not good, it's certainly to a name-building show, but at least it didn't totally suck like the first two matches (C-). And now I get to enjoy my paycheck and another week of watching people on the Internet talk about what company I'm going to work for next and how they wish they could be bookers or even get near a ring without looking like fat, uneducated slobs... Show results: Jonnie Perez def. Justin Sensitive (E) Mercutio Sleep def. Harrison hash (D-) Tag Titles: Lauren & Remus (c) def. Datsun & Gumble, Team Lucha (Acid & Phoenix), Apollo & Speed (C-) Xtreme Title: Dragon del Arco Iris Jr (c) def. Kirk Jameson (C-) CZCW Title: Aaron Andrews (c) def. Fox Mask (C-) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: Two more shows until Showdown at Sundown, and we don't have a card set? Sounds like we're back to business as normal...
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Merry Zonemas! CZCW Coastal Tour September 2013, week 4, Sunday Still stuck in the Midwest, as usual "Flying" Jimmy Foxx. The rumors are true. I've taken a developmental deal with RIPW, so I'll be ending my time in the Zone. So I've volunteered to work the Coastal Tour this week, see what I can do with some of the kids before I go. I mean... I feel like I should. Under other circumstances, I'd stay. My heart is in the Zzone. But the rest of my body... ... I'm slowing down. I'm only thirty-three years old, and dammit, I can feel myself starting to slow down. Insane Freakin' Machine is five years older than me and still going strong, Jim Force is almost forty, and I'm the one slowing down. It's not ****ing fair. So yeah, I signed with RIPW when they made me an offer. I want... before I reach the point where I need painkillers to get out of bed in the morning, I want to be able to say I reached the big time. The Zone... the Zone's taken five years to get where they are. I don't know if I can afford to wait another five years, and I don't know if I'll be more than a jobber with the rate we bring in new names. RIPW, I'll have a shot to prove myself, to be working for SWF. I know, I know, it's just cult like the Zone. But it's a big Cult, with the chance to head up anytime now. And it's... it's SWF. No matter how far they fall, they're SWF. To be a part of that... I can't afford to pass that up. The Zone doesn't need me, anyway... I'm not P-Dawg, the biggest name in the company jumping ship. I've never been a huge star here. But maybe I can help some of the stars of the future. So, yeah, I volunteered for this. I volunteered to get jobbed the hell out for a night, to spend an hour working and losing. And y'know what? I don't think I stopped smiling once. I lost to Velvet (D-), I lost to Brimstone (E+), I lost to Brooke (D), and I lost to Acid (D). And I enjoyed every bit of it. At the end of the night, Peers shook my hand, and reminded me that we had two more shows this week... and that he wanted to send me off with a bang. On the next Coastal Zone: Homefront sees a surprise challenge acceptance, and a savage beating as we decide to actually build towards Showdown at Sundown... two days away from it.
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CZCW Business Meeting October 2013, week 1, Monday In attendance: Cliff Anderson, "Queen" Emily, William Peers, Dylan Sidle. Meeting length: Three hours. Subject: Popularity The Coastal Tour dedication to the Midwest is having its expected gains. We expect it to take quite some time before that region is nearly as strong in their support of the Zone as the Southwest and Midsouth; at least another year. Homefront is doing an excellent job of keeping the Midwest and Southwest stable at least, rowing slowly at best. Peers finds it funny that we are more popular in Japan than we are in New England or the Tri-State Area; Cliff does not see what is funny about that. Subject: Finances Cliff is very upset about the mistake of booking the wrong arena for Redemption; this mistake is responsible for making this our worst month ever, financially. However, even without that mistake, this would still be our worth month due to the cost of the Coastal Zone / Homefront combination. Added to this, merchandise is a black hole since our size growth; where it had been averaging ten grand in profit a month, it now averages twenty grand against us. Cliff makes an arguement that the 'two shows a week' theory of business is killing us; Peers insists that the only way to return to profitability is to burn through our savings to establish a popularity base. To that end, he proposes holding one show in the Midsouth, and the rest of the year be held in the Southwest in an attempt to boost our popularity 'to the next level' there. "Cliff... when I came on board, you had less than two hundred thousand dollars. I made this a million-dollar company. I know, it didn't stay that way... but remember how I did it? I burned our money. It was scary, financially, yes. But it worked. And I'll make you a deal. I have... an escape plan. If we drop, below a hundred thousand dollars, we'll implement the plan. It will be... public relations suicide. We'll probably never get a chance to be this big again... but we'll survive, we'll shrink, but we'll be profitable again. And you can have your precious thousands... whereas if this works, I can give you... tends, hundreds of thousands..." Cliff acquiesses, but insists that merchandising be cut. Subject: Roster With Flying Jimmy Foxx leaving, there is no feeling that he needs to be replaced. The roster is slightly ovversized from the addition of The Professionals, and can absorb this loss without much impact. There is also some debate about Simon Ice, who seems to be perpetually rusty; he will be given matches on every Coastal Tour for the rest of the year. If he is still rusty after that, he will be cut. Subject: State of the Company The ride upwards is an unsteady one; care must be taken to make sure we don't go off-course and crash on the way.
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CZCW Homefront October 2013, week 1, Monday West Texas, Midsouth USA "Eagle" Lora Washington. It's never fun when your tag-team partner leaves the company; when he's the stronger part of the team, it's even less fun. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. Worried about becoming lost in the shuffle. The last time I had a singles match was... well, do you remember? I don't. But at least I'm getting some sort of mini-storyline out of Jimmy's leaving. The show tonight begins with Teddy Powell calling Dragon del Arco Isis out and accepting his open challenge. Dragon points out that he defeated Powell already; Powell states that it was in a normal match, not an Xtreme match... and tonight, he'll take the ladder and climb to take that title back (D). The opening match sees Insane Machine defeat Capitao Brasil Jr with a Termination Kick, a good match that sets a nice mood for the rest of the night (C-). I'm up next, me and Jimmy. We go out to face Datsun and Gumble, and... y'know, we're capable of more than this, but I think part of the fan reaction was, near the end, I refused to tag in and let Jimmy get beaten as I walk away. Gumble kicks Foxx in the head and gets the pinfall (D+). Afterwards, Foxx slinks off after me as the Professionals challenge the tag champs to a match at Showdown at Sundown (C-). Next match, a four corners match. Justin Sensitive, Jonnie Perez, Rod Remus, and Barry Kingman. Which of these four is not like the others? If you said Barry Kingman, you were right, but what's surprising is just how... bleh, this match is. I don't know why (D-). I don't see much of the ending, I'm getting read backstage where Foxx comes up to me and asks what that was about. I go off on him for leaving, slap him, and tell him I'm not letting him leave with a win... I'll see him Wednesday (D-). The sub-main is an interesting choice, a title match between Aaron Andrews and Lauren the Lion. Yeah, this is playing second fiddle to the ladder match. Don't know if I agree with that, but I'm not the booker. It's an excellent match, these two work great together, and it's a bit shorter than the ones they've had in the past. Not too surprising that Andrews wins; after all, a match with no build-up (C+)? Remus comes out to help his partner, and the two accept The Professionals' challenge (D+). The main event is the Xtreme ladder match between Dragon and Powell. I've got great hopes, but it doesn't quite live up to the title match before it, and I wonder at why they're ordered like this... but it's a big notch in Dragon's belt that he gets the win here (C). And then I start to understand, as Andrews comes out, and asks Dragon if that open challenge is still open... and talks about a title unification match for Showdown at Sundown. Dragon asks if it will be normal rules or ladder rules, and Andrews says, "We'll figure that out eventually." (C+) It's a decent show, but the last two matches... re-arrange those, and it would be better (C-). I think we've been making too many sacrifices lately in the name of storyline... but hey, I'm getting a moment in the spotlight now, so I won't complain. Too much. On the next Coastal Zone: Showdown at Sundown 2013!
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CZCW Showdown at Sundown 2013 October 2013, week 1, Thursday Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA Chris "Insane Machine" Perkins. Am I even booked tonight? Hell if I know. Better not be. I'm working in Japan. I'm... still in shock over something. You know I work overseas from time to time... WLW helped make my career, INSPIRE gives me extra spending cash lately, but everyone wants to make a stab at working for BHOTWG. They pretty much define 'global', especially since PGHW fell from grace a while back. And now, BHOTWG has fallen as well. The most influential companies in the world now are WLW, TCW, and 5SSW. Puro's influence is down from 3/4th to 2/3rds... and that's if you consider WLW puro. It's... well, it's a blend. It's like the Japanese Zone. Or we're the American World Level. I honestly don't know how the show went over live; I was given a hand-burned DVD when I got back to the States so I could keep up with things. Not half bad... production needs some work, we're still using those hand-held DV cameras so it looks a little amature, but cameras are expensive. The show opens up with what I suspect is a pre-taped promo from Andrews, bragging about how he's owned the Zone since he got here, and now he's going to solidify his hold on things here. It's a good promo, not his best work, but the man seems imapable of cutting a bad promo, and the heel heat coming off the crowd is a good sign (C+). First match is a tag match... I don't know why J4 is still with us, unless they simply can't find work elsewhere. But this time they get the win over the team of Acid and Velvet, who still dont' work well together but keep getting put in tag matches (D-). Then we move on to the 'building the rest of the show' portion of the show, as Eagle Washington tries to cut a promo telling us how upset she is at Foxx leaving. She has quite a way to go before her promos could be considered 'decent', regretfully (E+). Then, backstage, we get... what is this? Island Boy Apollo spills coffee on Barry Kingman, gets his ass kicked, and toldd to be in the ring later? Seriously, spilled coffee? (E+) Then a tag match between Speedball and Sleep against Hash and Force... which is surprisingly good. If I didn't know better, I'd think Speedball and Sleep had been working together for a while. They get the win... and maybe a team could be just what Sleep needs to get some of that 'oomph' he needs (D+). Backstage, Foxx attacks Eagle... it's a bit awkward, as they do their best nto to make it look misogynistic, but it doesn't really come off that way (E+), and then we go right to the Kingman/Apollo match. Barry's capable of so much more than this, but even he can't get a good match out of Apollo, although he does get the win (D). Foxx comes out to cut a promo about how Eagle is the reason he's leaving the Zone, he can't put up with her anymore, and I'm not sure if this is supposed to turn... either of them, really... (D). Then we go to the back and Dragon talks about how much he's willing to sacrifice to unify the Xtreme and CZCW Titles, to the point where this won't be an Xtreme match... no ladder, nothing special, just two of the best in the Zone with everything on the line (D+). The Foxx/Eagle match is next, and Eagle winds up getting the win, but... it's a toss-up between this and the opening tag match for the worst match on the card so far (D-). Doesn't bode well for Eagle's future career. Out come the tag champs to cut a promo on the Professionals, and we're finally going to kick this thing into high gear (D+). The tag match is great, as expected. The Professionals have the upper hand for most of the match, to the point where Lauren ets herself disqualified after kicking Freddie in the nuts (C). Then, finally, the main event... no final hype video? Odd. Either this is a subtle indication of how Andrews' title reign is against all the traditions of the Zone, or someone forgot to schedule one. Anyway, this is a really good match from both sides; we expect as much from Andrews, but Dragon really steps things up here and it's definately one of the better main events we've had; shame about the rest of the show. Naturally, as with most title unification matches, there's a non-unification ending with Andrews winning by count-out after ditching Dragon over the turnbuckle after an attempted high-risk manuver (C+). This is one of those shows that will be judged by the last two matches, which is a good thing... the second tag match was decent enough, but the other three matches really weren't worthy of big Zone shows... but those last two matches were good enough to keep the show from sucking (C). On the next Coastal Zone: Change in plans. Since Coastal Tour is more important, we switch it back to the Southwest/Midsouth, and Homefront shifts to the Midwest. We also stop telling you what happens at Homefront unless it's something important.
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CZCW Coastal Tour October 2013, week 1, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Dragon del Arco Iris Jr. Peers pulled me aside the other day, asked me how I was feeling about my match with Andrews. I told him I enjoyed it, but didn't think anyone bought me as a challenger to him. He told me he had a plan to fix that, and to be ready. Well, I guess tonight was the start of the first steps of that plan. The Zone has alyways enjoyed pushing Team Lucha in some way, shape, or form... and it looks like I'm the latest recipient of that. Tonight's show opened with Andrews in the ring, claiming victory, and that it was a load of crap he didn't hold both titles. I came down to tell him that, if he wants to be damn sure the titles get unified, then there's a solution. November's show is being called The Long Dark Night... so let's cap off the Night with a unification ladder match. Andrews considers for a moment, and accepts, but reminds me that there's two contendership matches tonight, and we have title defenses next week... he's sure he'll retain his, but am I so sure about keeping mine (C)? First match of the night is the Xtreme contendership match, Jonnie Perez vs Brooke Tyler. My god... stuff like this would never fly south of the border. It's a terrible match, ad the cheer when Jonnie wins is obviously one of relief that the match is over (E). Jonnie then calls me out, and we bicker over his chances... his being a former Xtreme champion, and me caling his matches horrible (D). The next match is a tag match as the new team of Most Spectacular (Marc Speed and Mercutio Sleep... it's an initial thing) defeat Team Lucha (Acid and Brasil) in a quite decent match... Speedball and Sleep may have just found their ticket to a big push, getting the win here and looking good while doing it (C-). We follow that with the CZCW Title Contendership, Barry Kingman vs Insane Machine, and this should be a much better match than the last one. And it is... much better. I was expecting Kingman to get the win, but I was wrong; one Termination Kick ends it, and Machine finds himself with the contendership (C). Out comes Andrews to belittle him, and Machine manages to give just as good as he gets on the mic, leaving Andrews steaming and the crowd doing a minor 'Machine' chant (C). The next match is really just filler, but it's good filler; Fox Force Five gets a title match agaisnt Lauren and Remus. Remus was looking a bit slow, but everyone puts in their usual effort and get a perfectly innoffensive match, ending with the champs retaining after Force taps out ot the Remus Clutch (C-). Then, we go on to the main event: Myself and Ultimate Phoenix against Andrews and Powell. It's a classic Zone match; nearly a half-hour long and we never let up on the action, ending with me getting a Dragon Driver on Andrews for the win and to set myself up as a strong contender (C+). It's a good show; the main kinda overshadows the rest, and some people coomplained that the Machine/Kingman match should have been on later in the card, but it comes off generally well (C-). I'm kinda honored, actually... it sounds like I'm getting a sustained, month-long push. I just hope it ends with me keeping the Xtreme Title somehow... honestly, I don't think anyone else can hold it and be putting on good matches right now... it doesn't help that freakin' Andrews is spreading rumors about me backstage. Just because I dress up in a dragon does not mean I'm a furry... and if he doesn't shut up about it, I'm going to stiff the hell out of him in the ring... On the next Coastal Zone: Perez vs Dragon and Machine vs Andrews.
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CZCW Coastal Tour October 2013, week 2, Sunday Grissom Arena, Southwest USA Ultimate Phoenix. As the head of Team Lucha, the Zone puts a lot of trust in me to watch over the other 'imports, as the Professionals have started calling us. That involves training Velvet, keeping Acid's ego in check, and right now, getting Dragon ready for the wildest push he's ever gotten here. It's an interesting job... I don't even wrestle as much as I used to, which might be good... I'm getting old, you know. The kids don't say anything about it, but I am. Someday soon, I'll have to make the decision all old luchadores face... to retire gracefully, or to pass on the mask to someone else. Today, however, is not the day for that decision. Today is the day to deal with all the other problems in my life. The show tonight opens with Most Spectacular calling themselves the new greatest tag team in the Zone... besides the champs, that is. Out come Datsun and Gumble to debate th eissue, and of course words are said, punches are thrown, and a match is made for later tonight (D+). The opening match has two of my kids, Acid and Brasil, with a match against J4, which... well, okay, the kids do their best. But J4... It's sad. Those two have so much raw potential, but they've... they've stopped trying. They've realized they're not getting anywhere, and they're calling it in. You know who's winning as soon as they show up in the ring (E+). Jonnie Perez comes out to try to make people believe he could beat Dragon (D), and Dragon comes out with the ladder for the title match. Dragon is one of my favorite Team Lucha members in the history of the Zone... I've yet to see him have a bad match with anyone, and this is no exception, as he actually puts together a great match with plenty of great spots, including a couple I haven't seen before... and I've seen a lot, let me tell you. Dragon retains, no surprises there, but hey... knowing who wins doesn't mean it won't be a good match (C). Dragon cuts a promo against Andrews afterwards, and I find myself wondering how Peers is booking this (C-). I'm up next; I'm tagging with Velvet in a title match against Lauren and Remus. Again, knowing who's going to win doesn't mean it won't be a good match, and while we don't beat the last match... we hold our own. Velvet's learning so fast, I think she's got potential to be big someday... especially with Lauren as a role model. Lauren's got to be the biggest inter-gender female wrestler in history so far. We lose, yes... Velvet taps out to Lauren's figure four... but the crowd was into it (C-). We make the next match look bad by comparison; it's the MS/Professionals match. The Professionals win, but they win after 'stealing' the pin from each other a few times (D+)... and I realize, as they argue after the match, it's part of a plan. They'll face each other at Long Dark Night, which takes out two of Andrews' three support people, meaning he'll have less people who could run in for the title unification match (C-). The main event is the Andrews vs Machine title match; Insane Machine always impresses me. How he keeps going at his age, I'll never know, but he does. And he turns out good matches wherever he goes, putting on a great clinic with Andrews before doing the job (C). It's another decent show... not on the level we need to really get more people coming to our shows, but I blame that on the MS/Professionals match (C-). I don't think anyone expected Dragon/Perez to be that good. On the next Coastal Zone: Dragon/Andrews kicks into high gear as the Zone gets ready to say goodbye to an old standby... again.
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