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Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone

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Where sometimes, we really do have a plan: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Four shows to build up to the last big show of the year. We actually have three full matches and a partial match set for the show that need building up to. Last time we got a 'best show ever' it was a fluke based on the main event... this time, we're goingg to try and manufacture the show. Yeah, we'll find a way to screw this up. CZCW Coastal Tour November 2009, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Fox Mask ranting about Kirk Jameson. He -made- Jameson, teaming with him back in the day, teaching him. Now it's time to teach him another lesson... in respect (D-) OPENING MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Jackpot Jordan in eight minutes via DQ qhen Rod Remus attacks him (E). Remus continues the attack afterwards (E-) Hype video for Stevie vs Lauren (D-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. Speedball & Cougar in twelve minutes via pinfall (D-) Rod Remus cuts a hate-filled promo about Island Boy and all the 'new guys'. He hasn't gotten his shot yet -- why should they be bringing in -more- people? (E) MAIN EVENT Fox Mask def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-one minutes via Foxhunter (D+) Show Rating: D Granted, focusing on the undercard may not be our best bet here... As part of their expansion, MAW was making offers to Kirk and Remmy. I guess they wanted to be the East Coastal Zone? CZCW Coastal Tour November 2009, week 2, Sunday Snake Pit, Southwestern USA We open with Donnie J, upset, Genio Verde, insulting, etc, etc, yadda yadda, match tonight (D) Hype video covering Apollo/Remus (E) Hype Video recapping the Lauren/Kirk wars (becuase we forgot to hype the Laura/Stevie match instead) (D-) OPENING MATCH Genio Verde def. Donnie J in twenty minutes via pinfall (D+) Hype for Fox vs Kirk (D-) Lauren cuts a promo against Stevie, telling him to watch closely tonight (D+) MAIN EVENT Jungle Lauren def. Teddy Powell in twenty minutes via submission (C) Show Rating: C- Wow. Lauren and Teddy delivered more than I was expecting. Works for me! Next time on the Coastal Zone: We continue our build; will we remember to hype the right matches? And have we just given up on hyping the tag match?
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Where we'd gotten a lower-carder more heat than our tag champs: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! No news is good news... so there's a lot off good news this week... that is to say, a whole lot of nothing... CZCW Coastal Tour November 2009, week 3, Sunday Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Jackpot Jordon def. Rod Remus in five minutes after interference from Island Boy Apollo (E) SECOND MATCH Extraordinario Jr def. Ace Younggblood in ten minutes via pinfall (E-) After the match, Remmy Skye comes out and says he likes Extraordinario's style... and offers him a chance to team up for the tag titles at Christmas Chaos (D-) THIRD MATCH Kirk Jameson draws Jungle Lauren in a double DQ when Fox Mask and Stevie Greyson get involved at ten minutes (D+) Kirk cuts a promo on Fox (D-) and Lauren cuts a promo on Stevie (C-). MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Stevie Greyson (c) def. Fox Mask in fifteen minutes after Kirk distracts Fox (D-) Show Rating: D- So, I have to think... if Kirk/Lauren is stronger than Stevie/Fox... which will be the main event, Kirk/Fox or Lauren/Stevie? Decisions, decisions... SHOCKING NEWS! Mark Tuesday, week 4, November 2009 on your calendars as the day that SWF fell to Cult size! They were in British Columbia for Non-Stop Action and pulled a C+ show. The big news? The blame for this show can be blamed on an E+ match, featuring former Zoner James Prudence over Andre Jones. That's our Jimmy. :) Wonder if they'll release anyone we could use... CZCW Coastal Tour November 2009, week 4, Sunday Snake Pit, Southwest USA We get a hype interview from Extraordinario and Remmy. (E+) Rod Remus verbally tears into Apollo (E) OPENING MATCH: 6-Man Tag Air Force One & Rod Remus def. Extraordinario & Skye & Apollo in twelve minutes when Remus chokes out Apollo (D-) Hype interviews and promos from: Fox (D-), Kirk (D), Stevie (D), and Lauren (D+). MAIN EVENT: Tag Fox Mask & Jungle Lauren def. Stevie Greyson & Kirk Jameson in twenty-six minutes after Fox uses the ropes for leverage to pin Kirk (C-) Show Rating: D+. Annnnd Peter Michaels (who?) has been kicked out of SWF's head booker position. Hrm... that would be an interesting turn for this dynasty, wouldn't it? Taking over SWF and hiring most of the Zone? On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Christmas Chaos! No Cage this year...
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Welcome to CZCW Christmas Chaos! December 2009, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Battle Royal Teddy Powell def. Ace, CLM, Donnie, Ota, Genio, Moose, Speedball, Cougar, and Phoenix in twenty-two minutes (D) Stevie hypes the main event, saying he's got Lauren scouted now -- he doesn't need to choke her, he knows how to pin her (D) SECOND MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Rod Remus via sneaky roll-up in ten minutes (E). Apollo choked. Kirk rants towards Fox Mask, saying respect isn't beaten out of people, it's earned. And tonight, he earns his (D-). THIRD MATCH: Tag Titles Extraordinario & Skye def. Air Force One (c) in fifteen minutes, Skye Driver on Foxx (D+) Jungle Lauren tells us that it's time for a changing of the guard... and the Zone is ready for a woman champion, more than that, it's ready for the greatest champion it's ever had (C-) FOURTH MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson (c) def. Fox Mask in twenty minutes as the repetitive booking penalty hits us and hits us hard, despite all our attempts to have this be a good enough match to not have it matter (E) Obligatory main event hype video (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Jungle Lauren def. Stevie Greyson (c) in twenty-four minutes via finisher (C) Show Rating: C-
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Where the fun never starts! Welcome to the Coastal Zone... using this opening line in three different dynasties! We think! Normally, the half-week between a big show and our weekly show has not much news. With the drop of SWF, however, things are different. TCW has grabbed up Eddie Peak and Johnny Bloodstone, while SWF is attempting to change their fortunes by giving the book to... The Masked Mauler. Meanwhile, in our own neck of the woods, apparently a friendship had formed between Flying Jimmy Foxx and American Flash. Not quite the Odd Couple (that award goes to Big Problem and Ace Youngblood), but still odd. And we had no plans at all in store for the rest of the year. Or next year. Hrm. We were also down a midcarder, sort of... Extraordinario Jr was touring with WLW now, which meant he'd be unavailable for our Sunday shows. And we were hoping to make him our Great Lucha Hope, too. Well, we'd have to have a reason for him to lose the tag titles soon... CZCW Coastal Tour December 2009, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Air Force One def. Marc y Mark (Marc Speed and Mark Smart) in ten minutes (E+) Air Force One then announced they want a rematch for the tag titles. (E) SECOND MATCH Stevie Greyson def. Remmy Skye in seventeen minutes via pinfall after Air Force One distracted the new tag champ (D+) MAIN EVENT Genio Verde def. Teddy Powell in ninteen minutes via Brain Drain (D+) Genio then makes his case for a title shot against Jungle Lauren (D+) Show Rating: D Oh, c'mon, one little sub-par match and the show drops to a D? Ah, well, that's what we get... At SWF Christmas Clash, Citizen X defeated James Prudence for the SWF Shooting Star Title. It was the worst match of the night, getting an E-. In continuing "Japanese Have Bad Necks" news, Eien Myamoto just broke his. Pity, he's only twenty-three. CZCW Coastal Tour December 2009, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Greyson & Ota def. Extra Skye (c) via DQ in thirteen minutes when Air Force One runs in with chairs, hitting everythign in sight (D+) Ultimate Phoenix is out, demanding a title shot. Kirk Jameson comes out and says this may ot be the title he had in mind... but if he wants a shot, he's got one (D) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson (c) def. Ultimate PHoenix in sixteen minutes (D+) Kirk then makes an open challenge for Revolution for anyone to face him. (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Jungle Lauren (c) def. Island Boy Apollo in an extended ten-minute squash (D) Lauren then cuts a promo on Genio Verde, telling him he's welcome to come for her title, but she's going to defend it like a mother lion with her cubs. Yeah, we're stretching for jungle-related stuff now. (C-) Show rating: D Well, we seem to have hit a wall with our shows only getting Ds... perhaps it's time to take a short break, hit the Mid-South, and begin our push towards a higher popularity level in the Southwest again sometime later. On the next Coastal Zone: The end of 2009, and you know what that means...
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Celebrating nearly two years simmed: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! SWF has lost their TV slots in Canada, Mexico, the UK, and Japan. The house of cards is begining to fall. CZCW Coastal Tour December 2009, week 3, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Ace & Apollo def. Air Force One in nine minutes after Extra Skye interferes (E+) Air Force One cuts a promo on Extra Skye, calling them cowards (E+) SECOND MATCH Fox Mask def. Donnie J in fourteen minutes (D-) Extra Skye responds to AF1's promo, saying if they were cowards, then Air Force One wouldn't have a title shot at Revolution... provided, fo course, they keep the title tonight (D-) Backstage, Genio and Lauren are face to face... then discuss how they're supposed to work together to win the tag titles tonight. Yeah, they don't think they can, either. (D) MAIN EVENT: Tag Lauren & Verde def. Extra Skye (c) in eighteen minutes via DQ when Air Force One interferes (D). Show Rating: D. Like nobody saw that ending coming. And there goes SWF's USA timeslot. That leaves them without a TV show, anywhere. CZCW Coastal Tour December 2009, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midswouth USA OPENING MATCH Remmy Skye def. Snap Dragon in fifteen minutes via DQ when he was attacked by Flying JImmy Foxx (D+) Genio Verde cuts a promo on Lauren, telling her the jungle schtick is getting old; it's time to let a real genius take over (D) Air Force One hypes their title rematch (E) Lauren cuts a response promo on Genio (D+) MAIN EVENT: Tag Genio & Stevie Grayson def. Lauren & Teddy Powell in twenty-seven minutes, Genio flash roll-up on Lauren (D+) Show Rating: D+ Next time, on the Coastal Zone: 2009 Year In Review, followed by CZCW Revolution 2010!
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Where we have no idea how we failed that: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Yeah, Cliff was mad at us. Apparently, we'd failed to keep ourselves from falling below 19th in the promotion rankings. We were 16/17th for most of the year, and suddenly dropped to 20th in the last week or so... AAA, 4C, and FCW had recently overtaken us. Damn FCW. We knew they were going to be trouble. Cliff, however, didn't seem that upset... yet. AWARDS TIME! Zoners in the Top 100 Wrestlers: Former Zoners Jungle Jack is #52. Card of the Year: WLW Urban Decay (Monday), October Match of the Year: Eisaku Kunomasu def. Nobuatsu Tatsuko, PGHW No Escape Tour (Wednesday), March Most Improved Promotion: TCW (second win) Promotion of the Year: TCW Female of the YEar; Sensational Ogiwara (second win) Veteran of the Year: Christian Faith Youth of the YEar: Emerald Angel (second win) Wrestler of the Year: Bryan Vessey (second win) CZCW Revolution 2010! January 2010, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with a blistering promo from Lauren about how nobody will take the title from her (C-) OPENING MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Masked Cougar in ten minutes via pinfall (E-) We get dueling promos between Extra Skye (E+) and Air Force One (E) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Extra Skye (c) def. Air Force One in fifteen minutes via pinfall (D+) Genio is interviewed about the main event (D+) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Elimination Match Kirk Jameson (c) def. Teddy Powell, Ultimate Phoenix, Donnie J, Steview Grayson, and Fumihiro Ota in thwenty-nine minutes, mainly by staying alive long enough to dump the last other person in the ring (D+) Kirk Celebrates (D-) and then we get the obligatory Main Event Hype Video (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Jungle Lauren (c) def. Genio Verde in twenty-nine minutes via pinfall (C) Show Rating: D+
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Preparing the next step in Zone evolution: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! It's cleaning time! Among those no longer with the Zone: Mark Smart, Rex Reeves, American Flash, California Love Machine, and Broken-Neck Japanese Guy We Never Bothered Learning The Name Of. We've added a couple newcomers, and we'll probably use them in this show so as not to have to use their names here, although we could have and used up less space than this. PSW had dumped Alex Braunn and had a booking position open. We decided to pass... the Zone didn't exactly mesh well with the PSW style of wrestling. We also had Clifff give us a new goal, although he wasn't too upset we failed the last major one. He didn't want us to go into debt. Well, we -were- losing money every month (Except November, which had a five-figure profit somehow), but not enough to worry about going into debt in the next year. PRoblem was, the goal was for two years. Eh, we wouldn't worry about it until next year at least. CZCW Coastal Tour January 2010, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: CZCW Title Jungle Lauren (c) def. Masked Patriot in twelve minutes via submission (D+) Lauren then tells us she's arranged a special main event for tonight... the winner will get a title shot against her in March at Uprising. (D-) SECOND MATCH Raphael def. Marc Speed in twelve minutes via pinfall (E) We announce an Xtreme Title Match for next week between Kirk Jameson and Remmy Skye, and then do a hype video for it (E+). MAIN EVENT: #1 Contendership Fumihiro Ota def. Donnie J in ninteen minutes via Ninja Strike (D-) Ota then tells Lauren to beware the ninja, wich doesn't go over well. (E+) Show Rating: D- Hrm. Perhaps this isn't the best feud to try and take us to Cult on. Maybe the next show will be better... I mean, Ota doesn't -suck-. He just... hasn't been used well lately. We can fix that. MOSC has hit Regional size. That'll probably knock us down a level on the popularity lists... CZCW Coastal Tour January 2010, week 2, Sunday Colorado SPrings Bar, Midsouth USA We open with dueling promos from Kirk and Remmy, setting up the main event (D, E+) OPENING MATCH Fumihiro Ota def. Stevie Grayson in eighteen minutes via flash pinfall (D-) Hype video for Ora vs Lauren (E) followed by Ota doing a interview where he tals up his experience and Lauren's lack of (E+) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson (c) def. Remmy Skye in twenty-three minutes (D+) Show rating: D+ Well, that's a bit better. It looks like our goal is to build to that main event while not really focusing on it. How? I dunno. Just book casual? On the next Coastal Zone: Yeah, people are getting upset they're not being used. So let's use 'em.
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Making semi-obscure Star Wars jokes since... last post! Welcome to the Coastal ZOne! MHW was recruiting insane amounts of luchadores. Lucky for us, luchas weren't turning out good performances for us, so we weren't too keen on trying to bring in any more... yet. We just realized we should check something... AAA put on a D+ show this month. There's a chance we could have beaten that, we've had two D+ shows so far. Let's go for a C- and get the definite regional win... CZCW Coastal Tour January 2010, week 3, Sunday Colorado SPrings Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Fumihiro Ota and Genio Verde in the ring, arguing over who should have a match with Lauren first, Lauren comes out and says neither one of them really deserves a match, Teddy Powell comes out, and stuff happens, and we wind up with a tag match tonight (D) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson (c) def. Remmy Skye, Fox Mask, and Masked Patriot in twenty-two minutes (D+) Lauren cuts a promo on Ota, saying that if she pins him tonight, his title shot is forfeit (D+) MAIN EVENT: Tag Ota & Verde def. Lauren & Teddy in eighteen minutes via Ninja Strike on Powell (D) Show Rating: D D'oh. Yeah, we gotta keep Ota out of the main event, even in tag matches. And after the title match, I think we're dumping the poor guy. He's too old to go anymore. Turns out Masked Cougar and Marc Speed don't like each other much. Well... too bad. Holy crap, we've got at least a half-dozen people who're uphappy we're not using them. Time for a 'screw the rating' show... This is gonna suck, but we need it for morale purposes. CZCW Coastal Tour January 2010, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Donnie J def. Jackpot Jordan in a squash (D-) Phoenix makes an open challenge to anyone who wants to hang in the main event. He's accepted by Snap Dragon (E) SECOND MATCH Teddy Powell squashes Jeremiah Moose (E+) Hype for Lauren vs Ota (E) THIRD MATCH Rod Remus rolls up Marc Speed in thirteen minutes (E+) More Ota/Lauren hype (E+) MAIN EVENT Snap Dragon def. Ultimate Phoenix in twelve mnutes with a flash rollup (D) Show rating: D-. Hey, it didn't totally suck! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: CZCW Vendetta: Where We Don't Believe In Cards! Also, a look at our biggest competition / threat right now: AAA!
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(Going down? We're actually growing... just not as fast as some of the competition. But if you want more Fox, pay attention to the next few months of shows...) Welcome to CZCW Vendetta 2010! ... but first, a look at the people we just beat for the first time in a regional battle: AAA. Angel Athletic Association is the USA's Women's Promotion. They tend to beat us unless they have an off month, like they did last month; this month, they got a C-, so we'll have to work at beating them. They also do something we wish we could do: Sell out a 2,000 arena. We're... working on it. AAA is currently rated the 17th promotion in the world. We're at 20. The only ones between us are 4C and FCW. Their Main Eventers are Cat Quine, Wanda Fish, Suzuke Katayana, and Joanne Rodriguez. None are under the age of 30; in theory, if we just wait them out they'll be forced to deal with their main eventers retiring. ... yeah, not the best business plan, is it? But we don't want to bring in women hand-over-fist; we've got Lauren, any more will make her not so unique. And now, on with the show. CZCW Vendetta February 2010, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: 6-Man Tag Donnie J, Teddy Powell, & Stevie Grayson def. Ace Youngblood, Raphael, and ISland Boy Apollo in fourteen minutes (D-) Lauren announces she's decided who gets tonight's title shot... Genio Verde (D+) SECOND MATCH: Tag Air Force One def. The Masks (Cougar & Patriot) in thirteen minutes via pinfall (D-) Ota rants about not being included on tonight's card (E+) THIRD MATCH: Tag Titles Extra Skye (c) def. Moose and... oops. Kirk Jameson, in ten minutes. That was supposed to be Jackpot Jordan. (D) Lauren tells Ota not to worry; she'll still have the title when it comes to his turn for a shot. (D+) FOURTH MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Marc 'Speedball' Speed def. Kirk Jameson (c), Fox Mask, Ultimate Phoenix, and Rod Remus in twenty-one minutes (D+) Hype for Lauren v Ota and Lauren v Genio (E+, D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Jungle Lauren (c) def. Genio Verde in twenty-six minutes via DQ when Fumihiro Ota runs in and clocks her in the face with the belt (C-) Show rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: The build to Uprising begins in earnest. With a new Xtreme Champion, what else can we put on the show?
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Where we're freakin' psychic! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Just announcing their retirement: AAA Main Eventer Suzue Katayama. I hate to say 'We told you so', but... CZCW Coastal Tour February 2010, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Donnie J def. Raphael in seven minutesvia Death On Miami Beach (D-) Backstage, Fox and Remmy run into each other, and Fox shows a lack of respect to Remmy... who counters by saying, "Well, one of us has a title... and it ain't you, dude." (D) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One def. Extra Skye (c) in twelve minutes when Fox Mask interferes (D) Remmy declares a Vendetta against Fox... even tho that was the -last- show's name (D-) Hype for Ota vs Lauren (D-) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Title Speedball (c) def. Fox Mask in eighteen minutes when Remmy distracts Fox (D-) Show rating: D- Okay, not our best showing recently... but we could have done worse. We need to include more Lauren, we think. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2010, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Fox and Remmy backstage, arguing with each other. Apparently, if they work together tonight, their match at Uprising will be a title match... but can they work together? (E+) We announce the Xtreme Title Match for Uprising: Speedball vs Extraordinario Jr (E-) as well as the Tag Title match: Air Force One vs Rod Remus and Masked Patriot (E) OPENING MATCH: Tag DonnieJ & Teddy Powell def. Genio Verde & Ultimate Phoenix in nineteen minutes (D+) Lauren hypes her match with Ota (C-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Jungle Lauren def. Fox Mask and Remmy Skye in twenty-three minutes via finisher on Fox Mask after he and Skye turn on each other (C) Show Rating: C- Wow... that was a surprise 'hell of a main event' for us... almost on the level of Fox & Kirk vs Lauren & Jack... but not quite. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Two weeks left until Uprising. We've got four matches made, two of which have no build at all... we'll have to go hard-sell for those two.
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Where booking at two in the morning is dangerous! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Tho to be fair, we haven't accidently had a title change hands during a jobber match yet, so it's not as dangerous as it used to be. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2010, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Teddy Powell def. Island Boy Apollo in nine minutes (D-) Hype for the Xtreme match at Uprising (E) SECOND MATCH: Tag Remus & Patriot def. Jordan & Moose in six minutes (E-) All four people off their game, wow... Afterwards, Air Force One does the run-in on the challengers (E) Remmy Sky cuts a promo on Fox, telling him to lighten up (D-) THIRD MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Ultimate Phoenix in nine minutes via pinfall (D-) Lauren cuts a promo on Ota (D+) MAIN EVENT: TagLauren & Skye draw Ota & Fox due to twenty minute time limit (D+) Shor Rating: D Okay, okay, yeah, some of those matches sucked... that's our fault, really... CZCW Coastal Tour February 2010, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA (which we have, officially, burned out now) OPENING MATCH: Tag Extra Skye def. Fox Mask & Speedball in ten minutes (D+) Air Force One cuts a promo on Remus & Patriot (D-) Fox cuts a promo on Remmy (E+) Remmy responds (D-) SECOND MATCH: Triple Threat Teddy Powell def. Steview Grayson and Masked Cougar in twelve minutes (D) Ota hypes his title match (E+) Lauren does the same (D) MAIN EVENT: Six-Man Tag Ota, Remus, & Patriod def. Lauren & Air Force One in fifteen minutes via flash rollup on Lauren by Ota (D) Show Rating: D Annnnd that about wraps it up for the hype. We actually hurt the Lauren/Ota hype... we had it up to a D, but it wass at D- now, same as Skye/Fox. It was going to be a toss-up as to which match was better... but we had to make a decision. Hrm. Didn't see that coming... Joe Sexy is retiring at the age of 38. Not winning a match for two months at the end of 2009 and SWF going down the tubes might've had something to do with it. On the next Coastal Zone: Uprising 2010!
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Welcome to CZCW Uprising 2010! March 2010, week 1, Wednesday New MExico Armory, Midsouth USA We open with our four big main eventers, upset they don't have a spot on the show, deciding to set up a tag match for later on (D-) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Lucha Extraordinario Jr def. Marc Speed (c) in twelve minutes via DQ (D) We get a wierd segment with MAsked PAtriot asking Remmy Skye for tag team advice (... that was supposed to be Remus, not Remmy) (E) SECOND MATCH: Tag Title Ladder Air Force One (c) def. Remus & Patriot in fourteen minutes (D) Jungle Lauren cuts a long promo on Ota (D) THIRD MATCH: Tag Stevie Grayson & Ultimate Phoenix draw Teddy Powell & Genio Verde in nineteen minutes via double count-out for an around-the-arena brawl (D+) Ota taunts Lauren. Poorly. (E+) FOURTH MATCH Fox Mask def. Remmy Skye in twenty-four minutes via Skye being declared unable to continue (C-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Jungle Lauren(c) def. Fumihiro Ota in nineteen minutes via finisher (C) Show Rating: C- Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We try to work on the undercard's momentum as we setup our big summer feud. Take a guess. No, really.
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Where we're finding the every-other-month thing working out well... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Seriously, it is. We're not sure why someone would do a weekly hour show and do monthly events... you don't get enough build for all your matches. That being said, it's time to set up Welcome to the Coastal Zone... the hell with Spring Break Bash, it'll be another seat-of-the-pants show probably. CZCW Coastal Tour March 2010, week 1, Sunday The Piper Casino, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: CZCW Title Rematch Lauren the Lion (c) def. Fumihiro Ota in fifteen minutes via pinfall (C-) Out come Fox, challenging for a title shot... and Stevie is right behind him... and yes, eventually, Lauren decides they'll have a contendership right now (D-) MAIN EVENT: #1 Contendership Fox Mask def. Stevie Greyson in twenty-three minutes via Foxhunter (D+) Lauren comes out to do the whole contract signing / trash talking / etc thing, setting up a match for.... Spring Break Bash. Yeah, we're allowed to change our minds. (D) Show rating: D. Hrm. Mayhapes the two long angles weren't the best way for us to go. But we had a main event set up. That would work for us. And it turns out even without a lot of build, Ota can turn out a C- match with Lauren. We'd have to use that again in a couple months to eat up time. CZCW Coastal Tour March 2010, week 2, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Southwest USA We open with Donnie J upset that he's been passed over for a title shot yet again. Fox comes out to tell him to shut up and show respect. Donnie says that if Fox wants respect, he's got to earn it by putting his shot on the line tonight. (D-) OPENING MATCH: CZCW Titles Air Force One (c) def. J4 (Jackpot JOrdan and Jared Johnson) in nine minutes (E+) Air Force One then offers a title shot to Extra Skye at Spring Break Bash (E+) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Title Speedball def. Masked Cougar in thirteen minutes via submission (E) Speedball then offers a title sot to Remym Skye for the Xtreme Title (E) Fox hypes his title shot, telling Lauren to watch... first Stevie, now Donnie, by the time he wins the title, there won't be anyone to challenge him (D) MAIN EVENT: Contendership Fox Mask def. Donnie J in eighteen minutes via finisher (D-) Show Rating: D- ... bwah? Oh, well. On the next Coastal Zone: The build continues, and... y'know... stuff happens.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;476565] AAA is currently rated the 17th promotion in the world. We're at 20. The only ones between us are 4C and FCW. Their Main Eventers are Cat Quine, Wanda Fish, Suzuke Katayana, and Joanne Rodriguez. None are under the age of 30; in theory, if we just wait them out they'll be forced to deal with their main eventers retiring. ... yeah, not the best business plan, is it? But we don't want to bring in women hand-over-fist; we've got Lauren, any more will make her not so unique. [/QUOTE] It works... but it's [SIZE="4"][B]VERY[/B][/SIZE] expensive.
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Where we love our jobbers and would never rotate them out for cheaper guys... especially since Cliff wants guys with D- selling, charisma, and resilience, and those guys don't come cheap... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW Coastal Tour March 2010, week 3, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Extra Skye def. Remus & Patriot in eight minutes (D-) Afterwards, Extra Skye deliver a promo accepting the tag title match (D-) ... and then Remmy shocks his partner by also accepting the Xtreme Title match (D-) SECOND MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Genio Verde in fifteen minutes via pinfall (D... oh, yeah, they don't click. Forgot.) Lauren cuts a long promo on Fox Mask, telling him not to bother talking about respect... 'cause she ain't gonna show any (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Lauren the Lion (c) def. Stevie Grayson in twenty-two minutes (D+) Show rating: D Okay, apparently if we want to grow in the Midwest, we need be knocking balls out of the park for our last two matches. Now, how to do that without greatly overusing some of the people we have? CZCW Coastal Tour March 2010, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Title Speedball (c) def. Ace Youngblood in a short squash (E+) Speedball then cuts a promo on Remmy Skye (E), followed by a hype video for the match (E-) Fox cuts a promo on Lauren, telling her not to get involved in his match tonight. (D-) SECOND MATCH Fox Mask def. Teddy Powell in twenty-two minutes using the ropes for leverage, despite Lauren comingg dwon to ringside to scout/distract (D-... did we know these two don't click?) Lauren then cuts a promo on Fox, telling him it doesn't matter if he won... he didn't do it well. (D+) Hype for the tag match (E-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Lauren the ion (c) def. Donnie J in eighteen minutes via DQ when Fox attacks (D) Show rating: D. Geeze, nothing over a D. We figured the first match woudl suck, but those other two... well, that does it. Donnie's outa here... We have a jump from SWF to TCW: Valiant, a waaaaay back former member of the Zone. Yeah, nobody's sure what he was doing here all those years ago. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Spring Break Bash!
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Welcome to CZCW Spring Break Bash 2010! April 2010, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Remmy Skye def. Speedball (c) in sixteen minutes with help from Extraordinario Jr (D) Backstage, Fox tells us it's time for him to regain his championship (D-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. Extra Skye in fifteen minutes when Marc Speed gets his revenge, attacking Skye when the ref's back is turned (D+) Afterwards, Skye and Extraordinario argue over who stupid it was to take both title matches (E+) Backstage, Lauren taunts Fox, saying he'll never get the title (D) THIRD MATCH: Six-Way Something-Or-Other Teddy Powell def. Stevie Grayson, Kirk Jameson, Ultimte Phoenix, Genio Verde, and Donnie J in twenty-seven minutes (D) Obligatory hype video (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask def. Lauren the Lion (c) via DQ when he nearly has the win but gets low-blowed for the DQ (C+!!!) Show Rating: C-! On the next Coastal Zone: Can we beat that? Oh, we better hope we can...
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Where if one match is good, two matches is better! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! C- for a big show is good... and AAA did a D+ show this month, so that just won us the regional war in the Southwest this month! Honestly, tho, we weren't expecting a C+. Maybe a C. Wonder if that beat the Jungle Rulers vs Fox & Kirk match for Best Zone Match Ever... Nope, it did not. Musta been close, tho. So, if you can't smell us building up to a rematch for Welcome to the Coastal Zone (It is, after all, our biggest show of the year), then you can't smell nuthin'. CZCW Coastal Tour April 2010, week 1, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA Fox complains about how he should be holding the title now... and he wants another match (D) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Remmy Sky (c) def. Genio Verde in eighteen minutes (D) Lauren tells Fox he doesn't deserve another match (D-) MAIN EVENT: Tag Fox & Teddy ddef. Lauren & Stevie in twenty-six minutes, Fox pins Lauren (C-) Show rating: D+ There, that'll get us some much-needed popularity in the Midsouth... getting us up into D- range, actually! CZCW Coastal Tour April 2010, week 2, Sunday New Mexico Armory, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Ultimate Phoenix def. Remmy Skye (c) in seventeen minutes when Extraordinario Jr shows up and knocks his tag team partner off the ladder (C-) Extra then cuts a promo on Remmy, blaming him for not having the tag titles, sayingg that if he (Extra) can't have a title, then neither can Remmy (E+) Fox challenges Lauren to another tag match. Switch partners. He'll still beat her and prove he deserves another title shot (D-) In another part of backstage, Lauren accepts (D) MAIN EVENT: Tag Lauren & Teddy def. Fox & Stevie in twenty-four minutes, Lauren pulls the tights on Fox (D) Show Rating: D. And yet, a high enough D to raise our popularity. I give up trying to figure out the math on that. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Extra Skye explodes! And will Lauren grant Fox's title rematch? And what's in store for the new Xtreme champion? And didn't we have a set of tag titles here somewhere?
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Where it's late and I don't want to think up a teaser: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Donnie J? Gone. He wasn't turning in good matches with our 'top tier' anymore. CZCW Coastal Tour April 2010, week 3, Sunday New Mexico Armory, Midsouth USA We open with Lauren saying she's refusing to give Fox a rematch, and wants a new challenger. out comes Genio Verde to pick up the gauntlet (D) OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. Ace & Apollo in eight minutes (E) In a pretaped interview, Extraordinario explains why he turned on Skye and challenges him to a match at Welcome to the Coastal Zone (D-) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Ultimate Phoenix (c) def. Masked Patriot in fourteen minutes (D) Lauren cuts a short promo, telling Fox to watch closely tonight... it's the closest he'll get to a title match (D+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Lauren the Lion (c) def. Genio Verde in seventeen minutes via finisher, despite Fox Mask's interference (D+) Fox finally hits Lauren from behind with the title, and then runs off with it (D-) Show rating: D And then with one more show to go, let's see what we can do to spice things up... CZCW Coastal Tour April 2010, week 4, Sunday New Mexico Armory, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Stevie Greyson def. Island Boy Apollo in seven minutes (E+) Extraordinario Jr taped promo plays (E+) SECOND MATCH Genio Verde def. Masked Cougar in eight minutes (E+) Remmy Skye pretaped response plays (E) THIRD MATCH: Tag J4 fed. Ace Youngblood & Raphael in eight minutes (E) Fox Mask cuts a promo on Lauren (D-) MAIN EVENT: Stolen CZCW Title Fox Mask def. Teddy Powell in nineteen minutes via finisher (D-) Show rating: D- Yeah, people were complaining about not being used/getting wins. I'd rather use a show to make 'em happy than a big show. On the next Coastal Zone: Welcome to the Coastal Zone!
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Welcome to the Coastal Zone 2010! May 2010, week 1, Wednesday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. J4 in nine minutes (D-) Extraordinario shows up in person to tell su that tonight, Skye Falls, and tonight, he begins his rise to the top of the Zone (D-) SECOND MATCH: Lucha Remmy Skye def. Extraordinario Jr in fourteen minutes via pinfall (C-) Lauren demands Fox show up tonight and give back her title... not in a match, but simply return it to it's rightful owner (D+) THIRD MATCH: Stevie Grayson's Gauntlet Stevie def. Speedball in six minutes (D-) Stevei def. Rod Remus in six minutes (D-) Stevie def. Fumihiro Ota in thirteen minutes (D+) Kirk Jameson def. Stevie in ten minutes via flash pinfall (D-) Fox shows up in the ring with the belt, and tells Lauren he's here to give it back... and then hangs it from a cable that suspends it above the ring. "You want it back? Here it is. Come get it!" (D+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Ladder Fox Mask (c) def. Lauren the Lioness in thirty-two minutes (C) Show rating: C- Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Fox has the title... does that mean all is right with the Zone? Hrm...
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Where it cannot be said that we don't enjoy using our fallback peeps: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We completed our goal of growing in popularity in America. Our new goal: Don't drop below #20 in the world. Normally, I'd say "No problem." But we failed last time we had this goal, so maybe not. But still, Cliff wasn't upset with us at all when we failed, so... who cares? Stevie Grayson was upset at hoe many losses he had, and wouldn't renegotiate with me. Well... that's certainly not going to get him any wins. And geeze, I just gave him three wins at the last show! CZCW Coastal Tour May 2010, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: CZCW Title Fox Mask(c) def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in eight minutes via finisher (D) Out comes Lauren, demanding a rematch. Out comes Remmy, saying they've got some unfinished business from Uprising. Fox tells them to fight it out amongst themselves (D+) SECOND MATCH Genio Verde def. Stevie Greyson in fifteen minutes via submission (D-) Interviews from Lauren and Remmy about how they deserve the title shot more, and from Fox about how he doesn't care who gets it... he'd prefer neither (D-, D, D-) MAIN EVENT: #1 Contendership Remmy Skye no contests Lauren the Lion in ninteen minutes when Fox runs in and blasts both of them with the belt (D-) Show rating: D+ .... whoa. The man who drove SWF to Cult status, Peter Michaels... has just been hired by TCW. Does this mean they're going to go down the tubes as well, or was Michaels really working for them the whole time??? Meanwhile, we had to re-sign Queen Emily, who was already one of our highest-paid workers... and wanted more. But, well, she had great chemistry with Cliff, and that was definately helping us out, so... we'd pay it. For now. Next time, though, if she wanted more, we'd have to find a new color commentator. Along those lines... we had promised Teddy a title run? Hrm. Oh, well. We were looking to bring in more people anyway... Marc Speed is shedding the SUper Junior style, going for more of a Technician look. That might actually help him with us. Also, we had some commraderie among the Xtreme Division as Ultimate Phoenix was saying good things about Remmy Skye. We'd have to keep that in mind, as it was high praise from the veteran luchadore. CZCW Coastal Tour MAy 2010, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. J4in eight minutes (D-) Backstage, Remmy and Lauren reveal to Fox that they've gotten the word from Cliff and Emily that Surf Slam will have a triple-threat match for the CZCW Title. Fox replies that tonight, then, he'll go find a partner, and we'll have a tag match... survivors can go on to the title shot (D) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Title Ultimate Phoenix (c) def. Ace Youngblood in seven minutes via pinfall (E+) Backstage, Remmy and Lauren assure each other that they won't let Fox play mind games -- they're going to make sure they don't turn on each other tonight (D) And also backstage, Fox Mask makes his pitch for partnership... to the man Remmy Skye refused to show respect to, Extraordinario Jr (D-) THIRD MATCH Masked Patriot def. Stevie Greyson in seven minutes via Patriot Slam (E+) MAIN EVENT: Tag Fox MAsk & Extraordinario Jr def. Remmy Skye & Lauren the Lion with Extraordinatio rolls up Skye at ninteen minutes (C-) Show rating: D On the next Coastal Zone: We're putting on good main events. Will we stop jobbing out that primadonna Stevie and put on a good sub-main, too?
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Hold a grudge? Us? Nah. Welcome to the Coastal Zone... or are you? Three new names signed on with the Zone... not main-event-level talent to replace the soon-to-depart Teddy and Stevie, but we're oping Lauren, Remmy, and Fox will be ready to step into their shoes and carry us for a while. We'll use them eventually. CZCW Coastal Tour May 2010, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Jeremiah Moose def. Rephael in five minutes via finisher (F... yes, I know I should do these as dark matches.) Fox Mask cuts a promo on his opponents, telling them that last week's tag was nothing... this week, they both need to find partners, too. (E) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Contendership Genio Verde def. Fumihiro Ota, Kirk Jameson, Rod Remus, Masked Cougar, and Mark Speed in eighteen minutes (D-) We announce Genio vs Phoenix (E+), and then Genio cuts a promo on Poenix, about how it's time for the old dogs to show these kids some new tricks (D+) MAIN EVENT: Three-Way Tag Skye & Cougar def. Lauren & Teddy and Fox & Extraordinario in eighteen minutes, Skye pins Extraordinario (D) Show Rating: D Hrm. Slow week. CZCW Coastal Tour May 2010, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with a promo from Remmy on his title shot (E+) OPENING MATCH Remmy Skye def. Stevie Grayson in twelve minutes via finisher (D) Hype video for the Xtreme match coming up (E) SECOND MATCH Genio Verde def. Fumihiro OTa in twelve minutes via finisher (D) Genio then cuts a promo on Phoenix, saying it's time for a real luchadore to hold the title (D+) Lauren hypes up Surf Slam's main event (D-) MAIN EVENT Lauren the Lion def. Teddy Powell in sixteen minutes via submission (D) Show rating: D The month started out well... guess we hoped for a bit much. Next time we do a huge push in the Southwest, hopefully we'll do better. At least we're not Hikari Kudo... he just lost BHOTWG's book. And for good reason... they just pulled an SWF, falling to Cult size! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: CZCW Surf Slam 2010!
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