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Anyone going to stick with 2007 for awhile longer?

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I will be for at least a couple of months. I'm really into the game I'm playing at the minute and until I get bored of it I'll be sticking with 07. Plus, it's a good chance to pay off my credit card bil then I can afford to buy 08 when I'm ready :D
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It depends on when I can get 2k8. If I can get it when it comes out then I'll probably alternate for a while then hand off to 2k8. If not, then I'll stick with my game in 2k7 for a while. It's going well, and radically different from the world of 2k8, so it's still got my interest.
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Not I. I'm going to jump into 08 and get the full version as soon as I get back from my family reunion in Maine. I'd grab it now if I could but since I'll be away for release day I'll grab it as soon as I can. However I do hope someone will mod the 2007 data for play in TEW 08. There's a bunch of backstory in the new data I'm not exactly crazy about.
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I haven't had the chance to play the TEW08 demo too much as of yet, but I think it will be the first edition of the TEW series I don't buy within 48 hours of release. This is MOSTLY due to financial issues, but after spending an hour or two browsing through the new C-Verse data for 08 I have to say I'm pretty dissapointed with the face of the C-Verse. Even though they were my favorite promotion, I was expecting DAVE to go under (though part of me was clinging to a hope that would just have slipped more financially and be desperately trying to rebuild) but a lot of the new changes just seem ridiculous to me. Tully Arthurs/Tom Angelus as a 'Joker'-faced heel called Leper Messiah? Raul Darkness fired and Jay Darkness becoming some ridiculous cross between Austin Powers and Robbie Retro? Bulldozer Brandon Smith debuting as The Masked Patriot? No thanks.
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[QUOTE=falling_star;433054] Raul Darkness fired and Jay Darkness becoming some ridiculous cross between Austin Powers and Robbie Retro? [/QUOTE] You know, repackaging Jay Darkness was my baby. But even so I have to say LOL. The Robbie Retro part is so true.
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I think even disregarding how many people will just buy TEW08 because it is the newest installment in a game that we're all clearly obsessed with, I know that I personally will be buying it as soon as it comes out for the simple reason that TEW07 doesn't run for beans on my computer (I have evil Vista, the TEW07 killer). I'm debating running a separate database with the '07 data though, just simply because I loved that database, and I think running an '07 game with the '08 engine (with the numerous changes) would be amazing.
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I'm keeping 07 on my computer, as I love my game and seeing how it's going - but I'd hit something of an impass anyway, at Cult with no real way of growing beyond heading out on tour worldwide until i'm poular enough to get TV shows in more than individual regions (except Mexico, for some reason). I may return on the odd occasion to skip through a month, but I suspect for the most part I'll be all about 08.
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I'll most likely stick with 2007 just because I have not played the game in a while and right now jumping to 2008 would be a waste of money for me. why buy 08 if 07 has been sitting around for months. of course I still have 05 active on my computer
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Guest The Aussie
I'll stick with 07 until I can scrape up the money for 08. That may be a while because I have around 300 dollars in tickets fines to pay off
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I was going to stick 07 but then I realized that 34$ was only 22€ so I figured I just don't go to the bar every day to watch the European Championship and spend ridiculous amounts of money on beer. Now I've discovered a web-stream for the games and can play 08 at the same time. Life is good, sometimes.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, for me, the cost factor is making me wait. Which really isn't a lot, I admit, but there's other things I need to/want to spend money on first. That being said, I also have an '07 diary I'm reviving. I'm still early in it, so it'll be a while yet. But I do plan on researching to see if I can, at some point, logically make the jump to '08. Story-wise, as well as game-wise. May be doable, may not. We'll see. But as for actually writing, I can see it now. I can actually hear Lorna Midnight telling it in my head. "January 1. 2008. The day our world changed..."
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